The Catholic Church in Japan
• Tht CATHOLIC CHURCHin JAPAN The CATHOLIC Here, with all of its colorful pagentry, its HUllCHin JAPAN bloody martyrdoms, its heart-breaking failures and its propitious successes, is the history of the fust Christian Missionaries in Japan. Johannes Laures, the well-known Jesuit au thority on the Catholic Mission in Japan, has here re-created in all of its splendor the long, bitter and bloody battle of this first Christian Church. From its beginnings to its present eminence Father Laures has traced this. hitherto confusing history, pausing now and again to create for the reader the personality of a great Christian leader or a notable Japanese daimyo. This work, scholarly without being dull, fast reading without being light, is a history of the History greatest importance to all tho_se interested in Japan. More, it is the inspiring story of the triumph of the Christian faith. by Charles E. TuttleCo .. Publishtrs .," ..,, "'z a: 0 Ianm d, JiUfRcgMn t a/.r , f<•.m,,;,,/iufc., ta. tft f,'d,sc ltf,f/«,, ',t lrtdw(l'r,a _;,�rvrw"1 ..1• 1 R,I Oildat, ' �V m .. , ... c�. 1„n„ Cllf•,iu,,w ,, ,., : """'"""'n.t,,,r 1-iub u.tSv-,e / vd ,,.(.,(enrnb• U, CnlJ i;, fo, Rt l,nr -,.,n,tNS,U cf'iomI r. 1 6f Sem,n„ 'm I ri Xf� 1rtodOrt ID!t:S oppeta, .. t, ,., ------' . ,.,, Th� O�tho:tilc Chürch i!n Jap1arr .., The Catholic Church in Japan A Short History by Johannes Laures, S. J. CHARLES E. TUTTLE COMPANY Rutland, Vermont Tokyo, Japan Saint Frands Preacbing to the Japanese an imaginary portrait Published by the Charles E.
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