Construction of a Copper Bioreporter Screening, characterization and genetic improvement of copper-sensitive bacteria Puria Motamed Fath This thesis comprises 30 ECTS credits and is a compulsory part in the Master of Science With a Major in Industrial Biotechnology, 120 ECTS credits No. 9/2009 Construction of a Copper Bioreporter-Screening, characterization and genetic improvement of copper-sensitive bacteria Puria Motamed Fath,
[email protected] Master thesis Subject Category: Technology University College of Borås School of Engineering SE-501 90 BORÅS Telephone +46 033 435 4640 Examiner: Dr. Elisabeth Feuk-lagerstedt Supervisor, name: Dr. Saman Hosseinkhani Supervisor, address: Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University Tehran, Iran Date: 2009-12-14 Keywords: Copper Bioreporter, Luciferase assay, COP operon, pGL3, E. Coli BL-21 ii Dedicated to my parents to whom I owe and feel the deepest gratitude iii Acknowledgment I would like to express my best appreciation to my supervisor Dr. S. Hosseinkhani for technical supports, and my examiner Dr. E. Feuk-lagerstedt for her kind attention, also I want to thank Mr. A. Emamzadeh, Miss. M. Nazari, and other students of Biochemistry laboratory of Tarbiat Modares University for their kind corporations. iv Abstract In the nature, lots of organism applies different kinds of lights such as flourescence or luminescence for some purposes such as defense or hunting. Firefly luciferase and Bacterial luciferase are the most famous ones which have been used to design Biosensors or Bioreporters in recent decades. Their applications are so extensive from detecting pollutions in the environment to medical and treatment usages.