ANNUAL REPORT 2018-19 J3TI)Q \Jill D :Q~L1&I~ W{~Jfr~ (PM-SYM) ~T1~1Fdt1 Cbl'i~Llu Cfj ~ Qffi 'Ll\I111 F3iotep'): ~D G"M Cpi Anen~
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ANNUAL REPORT 2018-19 J3TI)q \Jill d :q~l1&i~ W{~JfR~ (PM-SYM) ~t1~1fdt1 Cbl'i~llu cfj ~ qffi 'll\i111 f3Iotep'): ~d G"m cPI anen~. dotcP1: cPI 'HQOII '81Cbl~ Incentives to Employers @ National Child Labour Project o Mainstreaming of Children National Career Service Connecting Talent withdrawn from work directly in regular schools (5-I yrs); bridge with Opportunities education in NCLP STCs (9-14 yrs) Register on NCS o Withdrawal of adolescent in portal to avail all benefits hazardous appropriate occupations Download 'ncs' App 0 Awareness11enerat1on and 0 CPindia_NCS 0 § NallonalcareerServlce · tracking of child anti adole~"-nt, , Toll Free Number: 1800-425·1514 A,/n :'=.IBbour ~.... ~· -'14 ? . ' ,., ~~ ~w~· () OL.abourMinlstry 0 /L.abourMinlstry () Otndla_NCS 0 ONatfonaltaroatServlco O @LabourMinistry G /LabourMinistry @) @Ministryoflabour@Employment @LabourMinistry Ministry of Labour & Employment Government of India Annual Report 2018-19 CHAPTER-1 HIGHLIGHTS OF IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES Introduction essential for ec onomic grow th and development and for the dignity of the labour force of the 1.1 Work is part of ev eryone’s daily life and is country. crucial to one’s dignity, w ell-being and development as a human being. Economic New Initiatives / Important Activities development means not only creation of jobs but also w orking conditions in w hich one can w ork in Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan (PM- freedom, safety and dignity. Ministry of Labour & SYM ): Employment, one of the oldest and important Ministries of the Government of India, is 1.3 Government of India has introduced a functioning to ensure that it remains focus sed on pens ion sc heme f or unorganised w orkers in the improving life and dignity of labour f orce of the name of Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan country by protecting & s afeguarding the interest (PM-SYM) to ensure old age protection for of workers, promotion of their w elfare and Unorganised Workers. Enrollment under the th prov iding s ocial security to the labour force both scheme has started sinc e 15 February, 2019. in Organized and Unorganized Sectors by enac tment and implementation of various Labour Law s , w hic h regulate the terms and conditions of service and employment of w orkers. The State Governments are also competent to enact legislations, as labour is a subject in the Conc urrent List under the Constitution of India. 1.2 Under the dy namic leadership of Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the Ministry of Labour and Employment has taken s everal initiatives, legislative as w ell as administrative, 1.4 The unorganised w orkers mostly engaged to provide decent w orking conditions , improved quality of life of w orkers, commitment to free India as home based w orkers, street vendors, mid-day meal w orkers, head loaders, brick kiln w orkers, from Child Labour, employ ment generation and simplification of Labour Law s for eas e of doing cobblers, rag pickers, domestic w orkers, w asher men, ricks haw pullers, landless labourers, ow n business . Under the able leaders hip of Shri Santosh Kumar Gangw ar, Hon’ble Minister of account workers, agricultural workers, cons truction w orkers, beedi w orkers , handloom State (Independent Charge) for Labour and Employment, the Ministry has taken initiatives for w orkers, leather w orkers, audio- visual w orkers and those engaged in similar other oc cupations, creating institutional mec hanis m to ensure and realize w age security and social security to the w hos e monthly income is Rs 15,000/ per month or less are eligible to enroll under PY-SYM subject labour force of the country. The endeavour of the Minis try is to create a climate of trust that is to f ollow ing conditions: 1 Mini stry of Labour & Employment Should belong to the entry age group pens ion, if the subs criber dies, the of 18-40 years; spouse of the beneficiary shall be entitled to receive 50% of the pension Should not be c overed under New received by the beneficiary as family Pens ion Sc heme (NPS), Employ ees’ pension. Family pension is applicable State Ins uranc e Corporation (ESIC) only to spouse. scheme or Employees’ Provident Fund Organis ation (EPFO); (iii) If a beneficiary has given regular contribution and died due to any c ause Should not be an income tax payee. (before age of 60 years), his/ her spouse will be entitled to join and 1.5 PM-SYM is a voluntary and contributory continue the scheme subs equently by pension scheme on a 50:50 basis w here payment of regular contribution or exit pres cribed age-s pec if ic contribution s hall be the scheme as per provisions of exit made by the beneficiary and the matching and w ithdraw al. contribution by the Central Government as per the scheme guidelines. For example, if a person 1.7 The subscriber’s contributions to PM-SYM enters the scheme at an age of 29 years, he is is through ‘auto-debit’ f ac ility from his / her required to contribute Rs 100/ - per month till the savings bank account/ Jan- Dhan account and it age of 60 years. An equal amount of Rs 100/- ranges from Rs 55/- to Rs 200/- per month w ill be contributed by the Central Government. depending at the entry age of the subscriber. The subscriber is required to contribute the prescribed contribution amount from the age of joining PM- SYM till the age of 60 years. Launch of PM-SYM scheme by Shri Manohar Lal Khattar, Hon’ble CM of Hary ana at Panc hkula. 1.6 A subscriber w ould receive the follow ing benef its: 1.8 The Scheme is being implemented through LIC and Common Services Centres-SPV. LIC is (i) Minimum A ss ured Pens ion: Eac h the Pension Fund Manager and responsible for subsc riber under the PM-SY M, shall Pens ion pay out. CSC - SPV is responsible for rec eive minimum ass ured pension of enrolling the beneficiaries through its approx. Rs 3000/- per month after attaining the 3 lakh CSCs across the c ountry. Under the age of 60 years. scheme, contribution amount for the f irst month (ii) Family Pension: During the receipt of is being paid in c ash. 2 Annual Report 2018-19 1.9 Considering the hardships and erratic nature (v) After the death of pensioner as w ell as of employability of these workers, the exit his/her spouse, the entire c orpus w ill provisions of the scheme have been kept flexible. be c redited back to the f und. Exit provis ions are as under: 1.10 If a subscriber has not paid the (i) In c ase a s ubscriber exits the sc heme contribution continuously he/she w ill be allow ed w ithin a period of les s than 10 years, to regularize the contribution by pay ing entire the beneficiary’s share of contribution outs tanding dues, along w ith penalty charges , if only w ill be returned to him with savings any, decided by the Government. bank interest rate. (ii) If s ubscriber exits after a period of 10 years or more but before superannuation age i.e. 60 years of age, the beneficiary’s share of contribution along w ith acc umulated interes t as actually earned by fund or at the savings bank interes t rate, w hichev er is higher w ill be returned. (iii) If a beneficiary has given regular contributions and died due to any caus e, his / her spouse w ill be entitled to c ontinue the sc heme s ubsequently 1.11 To address any grievances related to by payment of regular contribution or the scheme, subscriber can contact at customer exit by receiving the beneficiary’s c are number 1800 267 6888 which w ill be contribution along w ith acc umulated available on 24*7 basis. interest as actually earned by fund or st at the savings bank interest rate 1.12 As on 31 Marc h, 2019, around 27 lakh w hichever, is higher. beneficiaries hav e subscribed to the Scheme. Hary ana has registered the highest number of (iv) If a beneficiary has given regular benef iciaries, follow ed by Maharas htra, Uttar contributions and become permanently Pradesh and Gujarat. disabled due to any cause before the Labour Reforms: superannuation age, i.e. 60 years, and unable to continue to contribute under 1.13 Ministry of Labour & Employment the sc heme, his/ her spous e w ill be (MoLE) has taken a number of initiativ es f or entitled to continue the scheme bringing transparency and accountability in subsequently by pay ment of regular enforcement of labour law s w ith the objective of contribution or exit the scheme by strengthening the safety, security, health and receiving the beneficiary’s contribution social security for every w orker and bringing ease w ith interest as actually earned by fund of complianc e for running an establishment to or at the sav ings bank interest rate cataly ze c reation/ generation of employ ment w hichever, is higher. opportunities. These initiatives include governance reforms through use of e-governance 3 Mini stry of Labour & Employment meas ures and legislative reforms by s implify ing, 1. The Employees’ Compensation Act, 1923 amalgamating and rationalizing the existing labour law s into f our Labour Codes. 2. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 1.14 Labour Codes: As per the 3. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 recommendations of the 2 nd National Commiss ion on Labour, the Ministry has taken 4.