PHLF News Publication
Pinsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation 1 Station Square, Suite 450 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 -L134 Address Correction Requested PususHpo FoR THE MEMBERs oF THE PrrrsnuncH HrsroRy ¡¿ LnNoueRKs FouNDATToN No. 149 March 1998 Priorities This Year In, this issue: 0n December 5, 1997, the Board. of Trrutees of the Pittsburgh History & I-and.marþ,s Found,ation approued, awork plan outlining 4 major prograrn prioritíes in the rww year. Local Main Streets Arthur P Ziegler, Jr., presid,ent of lnn"d.marlæ, informnd. m,etrubers andfrinnds about the 1998 worh plan on January B during an author's receptionfor Rirhard. Moe, presid,ent of the Natipnal Thutfor Hi"stori,c Presentation. (Please see thc artirle on page 3 10 of this ksun.) Arth'ur reported that l'øndmnrks has a sound,finanrial bo,se dun to the sale of Station Squnre in 1994 that resuhed Membership Contributions ín the creation of an endowment for hßtori.c preseruation. "Based, upon our end,owmcnt this year," Arthur said,, "we haae a work- and Donations Help ing bud'get of 82,000,000. An qddítínml 81,000,000 will be wed to o,ugm,ent the Preseruation Inan Fund,, so more loans can be Landmarks Fulfill Its extend'ed in our historic nnighborhoods." He emphasized. that mnmbership contributíons and charita.ble gifts rcw are being used, Mission n1997 solely to support speciftr projects in the community and are rn longer allocq,ted, tofund, operating et(penses. "We will inaest in preseruation programs for the Pittsburgh region," said, Arthur. L2 Inndmarlæ' program priorities for I99B include the following: Stadiums to Date Neighborhood Preservation .
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