OUR REF: SAT121- Land south of Road, – Local Plan Part 2– 29/01/2018 YOUR REF: DATE: 29th January 2018

Planning Policy, West and Chester Borough Council, 4 Civic Way, , CH65 0BE

Sent via e-mail only to: [email protected]

Cheshire West and Chester Local Plan (Part Two) Land Allocations and Detailed Policies Publication Draft Representations in respect of the Land west of Ravensholme, Tattenhall

Dear Sir / Madam,

I write in response to Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Local Plan (Part Two) Publication Draft consultation specifically in relation to the Site at the land west of Ravensholme, Tattenhall. We are currently acting as Agent for planning application reference 17/04645/OUT, which is seeking outline planning permission for 30 no. dwellings at the Site, an illustrative masterplan for the application is included at Enclosure 1 of this letter. The remainder of this representation relates specifically to this Site.

Site Allocation

As shown on Local Plan Part Two Map Changes 167 and 196, the Site subject to the outline planning application is now largely included within the settlement boundary of Tattenhall village and allocated for a future residential use respectively.

Policy R2 and R2.A outline the parameters of the allocation, namely that the Site will provide ‘up to 30 no. dwellings’ and must accord with the relevant development management policies, as well as outlining site specific requirements to be included in forthcoming proposals.

From the outset it should be noted that we strongly support the inclusion of this Site both within the settlement boundaries, and the allocation of this Site for a future residential use. It is very clear from the evidence base that the identification of this Site to meet the shortfall of housing land over the plan period in Tattenhall is robust. The allocation of the Site for residential development will ensure that development occurs in a sustainable location, in accordance with the minimum development targets as set out in Local Plan Part One Policy STRAT8.

During the preparation of the Local Plan Part Two it became apparent that there was a shortfall of housing land identified in Tattenhall in order to meet the development target as set out in Local Plan Part One Policy STRAT8.

This is set out clearly in the report to the Local Plan Working Group (LPWG), July 2017 (see Enclosure 2) which shows a deficit in the amount of housing land available in Tattenhall of 43 dwellings at Table 1.

Tattenhall benefits from a Neighbourhood Plan (NP), Tattenhall NP, which was made on 4th June 2014, however this is a policy only plan that provides policy guidance for future development but does not include allocations for future development. As such in order to address the shortfall of housing land in the NP area the LPWG have assessed potential sites fully taking into account the NP policies. NP Policy 1 relates to the housing growth of the village and outline two key principles:

. any new housing development is to be restricted to no more than 30 dwellings to ensure the character of the village is preserved; and . only allow residential development either within, or directly adjacent to, the development boundaries of the village.

As set out in the Land Allocations Background Paper 2017 at paragraphs 2.61-2.80, a full assessment was undertaken of all suitable and available sites in Tattenhall to meet the identified shortfall. The assessment considered eight sites in total: the three sites that had been subject to the co-joined appeal inquiry (including the allocated Site); and five sites put forward through ‘call for sites’ exercises. Two small sites were discounted due to their small size, in addition by virtue of the policies in place these could come forward through development management process in due course. In the first instance it is therefore clear that the Local Planning Authority (LPA) assessed all potentially available and deliverable Sites adjacent to the village.

Appendix A.2 of the Land Allocations Background Paper 2017 provides thorough site assessments of the identified sites in relation to Local Plan Part One policies, Neighbourhood Plan policies, and importantly deliverability. It is clear from the site assessments contained in the Land Allocations Background Paper that the LPA have fully taken into account the policies of the Tattenhall NP when identifying sites, as well as assessing them in accordance with Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) Paragraph: 013 Reference ID: 12-013-2070728.

Furthermore, it is clear that all suitable alternative options were assessed alongside the final site allocation, in accordance with PPG Paragraph: 016 Reference ID: 12-016-20140306.

The conclusion of this robust site assessment exercise, as set out in paragraph 2.77 of the Land Allocations Background Paper 2017 are categoric in that the land west of Ravenholme was the most suitable Site identified for residential development to meet the development needs of Tattenhall over the plan period. We strongly support these conclusions and the subsequent allocation of the Site for development.

Allocation Site Boundary

The Site boundary for allocation R2.A as proposed on Map Changes 167 and 196, are not considered to be reflective of the land take that would be required to deliver the development required by the accompanying policy. Policy R2 and R2.A include the following elements in the Site specific requirements:

. Up to 30 new dwellings; . Be of a design and layout that is sensitive to its local context;

. Provide high quality landscaping throughout the development, especially along the western edge of the development; . Include walking and cycling routes that connect with the existing network; . Retain the ‘country lane’ feel to Chester Road through low density development proposals; and . Enhance the wildlife corridor along Mill Brook, which is to include a continuation of the existing footpath.

These requirements are in addition to the housing mix requirements as set out in emerging Policy DM20, which suggests house types such as bungalows, and the infrastructure required to service the development.

It is understood that in outlining the Site the LPA have estimated the land take based on the capacity of the larger field to accommodate 68 no. dwellings as part of previous applications.

The current outline planning application is based upon a scheme that takes account of all of these emerging policy requirements, as well as site constraints that have become apparent throughout the site masterplanning. The illustrative masterplan is included at Enclosure 1 of this representation letter, and provides a more representative land take in response to the policy requirements and site constraints, as it takes account of:

. an 8 metre stand-off from Mill Brook in order to retain and enhance the Mill Brook wildlife corridor; . the sewer and associated easement that crosses the Site in two places as shown on the illustrative masterplan; . a need for an appropriate stand off from the dwellings at Grackle Croft and Ravensholme Lane, to ensure no detrimental impact on the existing residents; . provision of an appropriate amount of useable on-site open space; . areas of structural landscaping at the Site entrance to create the ‘country lane’ feel that is integral to the scheme and provides a gateway to the village; . provision of a safe access on to Chester Road, in a location that achieves the required visibility splays; . a need to provide safe vehicular and pedestrian infrastructure throughout the scheme; . provision of a mix of dwellings, which includes bungalows and their associated increased land take; and . a need to sustainably drain the surface water run-off from the Site, which at this early stage comprises of a surface water attenuation pond in the south-east corner of the Site.

Ecology, drainage, highways and landscaping reports that underpin the illustrative masterplan have been submitted as part of the outline planning application and are available on the Council’s application search facility1.

Therefore, whilst we are in full support of the principle of the allocation, the allocated land must be extended to ensure that the proposed development can be suitably accommodated.

1 https://pa.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/online- applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=OYFNZ6TEH7700

Test for Policy R2

As set out above the principle of the site allocation is wholly supported. There are some elements of the site specific requirements in Policy R2 which we consider to be reiterations of other policies set out in the Local Plan Part Two Publication Draft namely:

. criteria 2, requires ecological surveys to support any future planning applications at the identified sites, which is also required in Policy DM44 which requires sites that are likely to have an impact on statutory and non-statutory sites be accompanied by an ecological assessment; and . criteria 4, requires the design and layout to be of a high quality to reflect the local character and surroundings, which is also a requirement of Policy DM3.

To ensure no undue repetition in accordance with PPG Paragraph: 010 Reference ID: 12-010-20140306 it is recommended that these criteria be removed.


Policy allocation R2.A is considered to be the result of a thorough and robust site assessment, undertaken in accordance with the Tattenhall NP and Local Plan Part One, and is fully supported.

In order to ensure that the allocation can accommodated the allocated amount of development the boundaries of the allocation will have to be extended. The current outline planning application includes an illustrative masterplan which provides a more realistic land take, and should form the basis for the settlement boundary shown on Map Change 167, and residential land allocation shown on Map Change 196.

In addition, the policy text of Policy R2 should be amended to ensure that there is no undue repetition in the policy requirements for the Site.

I trust that these comments will be taken into account as the Council progresses with the Local Plan Part Two. I would like to be kept informed of the progress of the Local Plan Part Two, and reserve the opportunity to take part in the Inquiry should it be deemed necessary. Should you require any clarification on any points made in this letter please do not hesitate to contact me as per the details provided below.

Yours sincerely

Hayley Knight BA (Hons) MPlan MRTPI Associate M: 07989 327 331 E: [email protected]

60mph 30mph

Enclosure 1



7 3 5 8 1 9 2 10 6



14 17 13 12 18 19 11


S e w e r E a s e m e n t

25 S e w e r E a s e m e n t n e m e s a E r e w e S


23 26 27

N 22 28


21 30 0m 25m 50m P R I V A T E D R I V E Scale: 1:500

Revision Notes:

CLIENT Barratt Manchester Ltd.

PROJECT NAME Proposed Residential Development at

Tattenhall Gateway - Land off Chester Road, Tattenhall.

DRAWING NAME Proposed Indicative Site Layout

SCALE DRAWN BY DATE DRAWING NUMBER REVISION 1:500 @ A1 JRM 23:10:17 17/118/P01 - 213 Preston Road, Whittle-le-Woods, Chorley, Lancashire, PR6 7PS Telephone: 01257 261555 Fax: 01257 267224 Website: www.lmparchitects.co.uk /03$UFKLWHFWXUDO&RQVXOWDQWVLVWKHWUDGLQJQDPHRI/DZVRQ0DUJHULVRQ3UDFWLFH/WG5HJLVWHUHGLQ(QJODQGDQG:DOHV1R‹ Enclosure 2 CHESHIRE WEST AND CHESTER



Date of report: 24 July 2017 Report of: Senior Manager – Planning and Strategic Transport Cabinet Cllr Brian Clarke – Cabinet Member for Economic Development Member: and Infrastructure

Local Plan (Part Two) Land Allocations and Detailed Polices – Site Allocations and Settlement Boundaries

1.0 What is the report about?

1.1 This report provides information on the Local Plan (Part Two) publication stage housing, employment, waste and minerals site allocations and settlement boundaries. It sets out the recommended approach to these policies and explains how the comments received through the preferred approach consultation have been taken into account.

2.0 What decision is required by the Local Plan Working Group?

2.1 That the Local Plan Working Group:

• Endorses the Land Allocations Background Paper; the Council’s response to the Part Two preferred approach consultation comments; and the proposed land allocations and policy approach, as set out in the appendices to this report;

• Considers the approach to be taken to Land East of Ince Park in relation to the inclusion of a criteria based policy, to address comments raised through the preferred approach consultation.

3.0 How does the decision contribute to the Council’s corporate priorities?

3.1 The Local Plan (Part Two) Land Allocations and Detailed Policies, together with the Local Plan (Part One) Strategic Policies, will become a key corporate strategy that will help to deliver a range of Council priorities.

4.0 Background

4.1 Consultation on the Local Plan (Part Two) Land Allocations and Detailed Policies Preferred Approach, and the supporting evidence base, took place between 12 August and 23 September 2016. Draft settlement boundaries and employment land allocations were identified in the written statement and on the accompanying policies map, and informed by a range of supporting evidence base reports, including a draft Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA), land allocations background paper and Sustainability Appraisal.

4.2 A report was presented to Local Plan Working Group on 27 February 2017 which provided information on the Council’s approach to housing and employment land allocations; setting out how the HELAA had been updated in response to consultation; and where Members endorsed the proposed approach and general principles for identifying land allocations, as follows:

• Screen out Green Belt sites at an early stage; • Allocate sufficient sites to meet the residual Local Plan (Part One) requirements for each spatial area; • Only allocate greenfield land where needed to meet the requirements of the Local Plan (Part One).

4.3 In line with national guidance, the Local Plan (Part Two) should have regard to made neighbourhood plans and avoid duplicating policies contained within them. Allocations will not be considered appropriate on sites that are designated Protected Local Green Space in ‘made’ Neighbourhood Development Plans.

4.4 This report sets out the recommended approach to housing, employment, waste, minerals and retail land allocations, and proposed settlement boundaries for the main settlement areas and key service centres, for inclusion in the Local Plan (Part Two).

5.0 Housing

5.1 Local Plan (Part One) policies STRAT 2 to 8 set out the requirement for the plan to deliver a total of at least 22,000 new homes over the period 2010 to 2030, with 5,200 in Chester, 4,800 in Ellesmere Port, 4,300 in , 3,500 in and 4,200 in the rural area (including 2,300 in the identified Key Service Centres).

5.2 The Council has published its Annual Housing Land Monitor for the period up to 31 March 2017, and taking into account past completions and future supply with planning permission, Table 1 overleaf summarises the housing land requirement over the remaining plan period. Table 1: Housing land requirements (dwellings) April 2017

Spatial Net Net housing Remaini Housing Supply in Housing area housing completions ng net commit- strategic land require- (2010-2017) housing ments site/ NP supply ment require- as at 1 allocations (supply 2010 to ment April (without minus 2030 (2017- 2017 planning require- 2030) permission) ment) Chester 5200 2,403 2,,797 1,693 1,269 + 165 Ellesmere 4,800 1,053 3,747 3,980 0 + 233 Port Northwich 4,300 1,716 2,584 2,142 200 - 242 Winsford 3,500 594 2,906 1,887 2,237 + 1,218 Cuddington 200 147 53 51 0 - 2 & Sandiway Farndon 200 106 94 146 0 + 52 250 138 112 102 0 - 10 300 144 156 261 0 +105 200 134 66 64 49 +47 Malpas 200 136 64 217 0 +153 & 200 181 19 91 10 +82 Parkgate 300 180 120 112 10 +2 200 177 23 17 0 - 6 Tattenhall 250 124 126 83 0 - 43 Rural Area 1,900 1,217 683 1,447 0 + 764 Total 22,000 8,450 13,550 12,293 3,775 + 2,518

5.3 There are 5 settlements where the past level of completions and extant planning permissions do not meet minimum requirements, namely; Northwich, Tattenhall, Frodsham, Cuddington and Sandiway; and Tarvin.

5.4 A full assessment of the range of suitable, available and achievable sites is set out in the ‘Land Allocations Background Paper’ which is attached to this report at Appendix A. The recommended housing site allocation policies for inclusion in the publication plan and site allocations for inclusion on the accompanying policies map are set out in Appendix B, both of which are summarised in the following paragraphs.


5.5 The housing requirement for Chester will be met and exceeded through the delivery of developable extant housing permissions; the strategic site at Wrexham Road; and the additional supply brought forward on sites that will be included on the Council’s forthcoming Brownfield Register.

Ellesmere Port

5.6 The housing requirement for Ellesmere Port will be met and exceeded through the delivery of developable extant housing permissions; the strategic site at Ledsham Road; and the additional supply brought forward on sites that will be included on the Council’s forthcoming Brownfield Register.


5.7 The housing requirement for Northwich will be met and exceeded through the delivery of developable extant housing permissions; the key site at Urban Village; the additional supply brought forward on sites that will be included on the Council’s forthcoming Brownfield Register; and the following land allocations to be included in the Local Plan (Part Two):

A. Briar Lane garage court (WEC/0006) is a brownfield site within the urban area that could deliver at least 10 dwellings B. Land at Winnington Business Park, Winnington Lane (WIC/0050) is a brownfield site within close proximity to the redevelopment of Winnington Urban Village. A planning application for a mixed use development is currently being considered by the Council. The site could deliver at least of 100 dwellings C. Castleleigh Centre, David Street (WIC/0058) is a vacant brownfield site within the urban area. The site could provide a suitable location within an existing residential area for the provision of supported / specialist living accommodation in accordance with relevant policies in the Local Plan (Part One) and Local Plan (Part Two) preferred approach, or in the region of 20 dwellings D. Land at Hargreaves Road (WIR/0034 and WIR/0035) a mixed use brownfield and greenfield site adjacent to an existing residential area. The site has been subject to planning applications for a range of residential use types including market housing and extra care housing. The site could deliver at least 235 dwellings


5.8 The housing requirement for Winsford will be met through the delivery of the housing land allocations set out in the made Winsford Neighbourhood Plan; additional sites identified that could come forward for mixed use; the strategic site at the Station Quarter; and the additional supply brought forward on sites that will be included on the Council’s forthcoming Brownfield Register.

Key Service Centres

5.9 The housing requirement for the key service centres of Farndon, Helsby, Kelsall, Malpas, Neston (including Parkgate), and Tarporley can be met through the current level of planning permissions recorded in the latest housing land monitor, and additional supply identified in made neighbourhood plans. Tattenhall

5.10 The housing requirement for Tattenhall will be met through the delivery of small sites within the village which could come forward during the plan period, in accordance with existing policies; sites that will be included on the Council’s forthcoming Brownfield Register; and the following land allocations to be included in the Local Plan (Part Two):

A. Land west of Ravensholme, Chester Road (TAT/0042) for up to 30 dwellings B. Land to rear of 68-84 Castlefields (TAT/0089) for up to 30 dwellings


5.11 There is an identified residual requirement, after consideration of extant planning permissions, of 10 dwellings. Since the base date of the latest monitoring exercise planning permission for 14 dwellings has been granted which means that the Local Plan (Part One) requirement for Frodsham can be met, and exceeded through extant permissions, and as such the Local Plan (Part Two) will not seek to allocate specific sites for residential development.

Cuddington and Sandiway, and Tarvin

5.12 There is a small residual requirement for both Cuddington and Sandiway (2 dwellings), and Tarvin (6 dwellings). As set out in the Land Allocations Paper methodology land allocations will not be identified for key service centres that have a residual housing land requirement of less than 10 dwellings. It is expected that this small residual requirement will be met through small infill and redevelopment sites, neighbourhood planning, community land trusts and exception sites where there is a demonstrated need.

Local Service Centres

5.13 The Local Plan does not set a specific level or requirement for each Local Service Centre and as such the Local Plan (Part Two) will not seek to allocate specific sites for residential development.


5.14 The sites identified as recommended allocations account for at least 425 dwellings and provide for a range and choice of employment sites across the borough, in line with Local Plan (Part One) against a residual housing requirement of 285 dwellings.

5.15 In addition, flexibility in the level of sustainable housing development that can be delivered in the borough will be provided through windfall sites, particularly on previously developed land within settlements in line with the over-arching strategy of the Local Plan (Part One); regeneration areas as identified in the Local Plan (Part Two) that promote mixed use redevelopment opportunities that support the inclusion of new dwellings; neighbourhood plan allocations; rural exception sites for affordable housing and the delivery of sites identified on the Council’s Brownfield Land Register.

6.0 Employment

6.1 Local Plan (Part One) policies STRAT 2 to 8 set out the requirement for the plan to deliver a total of at least 365 ha employment land (including at least 30 ha in Northwich, 35 ha in Winsford and 10 ha in the rural area). Taking into account past completions and future supply with planning permission, Table 2 below summarises the employment land requirement over the remaining plan period:

Table 2: Employment land requirements (hectares) April 2017

Source Employment Land (ha) Completions, 2010-2017 113 Planning commitments (employment 95 use) as at 1st April 2017 Neighbourhood Plan allocations 44 Total 252 Local Plan (Part One) requirement 365 2010- 2030 Residual requirement for Local Plan, 113 2017-2030

6.2 A full assessment of the range of suitable, available and achievable sites is set out in the ‘Land Allocations Background Paper’ which is attached to this report at Appendix A.

6.3. The Local Plan (Part Two) preferred approach contained a number of draft employment allocations, identified under policies CH2, EP2 to EP6, N2, W2 and R3. These have been considered as part of the assessment process, the results of which are recorded in the ‘Land Allocations Background Paper’. A summary of the comments received through the preferred approach consultation and the Council’s recommended response is attached at Appendix C, and the recommended employment site allocation policies for inclusion in the publication plan and site allocations for inclusion on the accompanying policies map are set out in Appendix D, both of which are summarised in the following paragraphs.


6.4 The following employment land allocations for Chester, are recommended to be included in the Local Plan (Part Two):

A. Chester Business Park: (DOH/0020, DOH/0021) 3 ha B. Chester Business Quarter: (BOU/0045a) 2.3 ha C. Chester Business Quarter: Enterprise Centre (HOO/0017) 0.7 ha D. Chester Business Quarter: Hoole Lane Boughton (BOU/0046) 0.4 ha E. Garden Lane Car Park, Chester (CHC/0030) 0.2 ha F. Chester Business Park and Chester West/Sealand Industrial Estates: Chester West Sovereign Way (BLA/0084) 0.7 ha G. Bumpers Lane (BLA/0056) H. Land off New Crane Street, Chester (GAQ/0012) 0.4 ha

6.5 The HELAA identifies that the land at Bumpers Lane, Chester (BLA/0056, 25 ha) is constrained due to ground conditions. A further review of this site has been undertaken through the Land Allocations Paper due to the size/scale of the site and the limited employment land supply in Chester. Future development is also dependent on the Chester Western Relief Road and the policy therefore supports employment development in connection with the route of the relief road, subject to additional site specific assessments and mitigation measures being undertaken. However, the Council is not reliant on the site to meet the borough wide employment requirements established the Local Plan (Part One).

Ellesmere Port

6.6 The following employment land allocations for Ellesmere Port, are recommended to be included in the Local Plan (Part Two):

A. Land at Encirc (ELT/0030) 35 ha B. New Bridge Road area, Stanlow (Former Cabot Carbon EPT/0030; Land at Newport Business Park EPT/0105; Rushtons EPT/0028; Cloister Way 1 EPT/0109; Dutton Green ELT/0031) 28 ha C. Former Booston Oil Depot (part of Port Wirral) North Road, Ellesmere Port (NET/0019) 4.6 ha D. Hooton Park area (Hooton Park NET/0009; Hooton Park Plot 2 NET/0023) 27 ha E. Cheshire Oaks 5C West, Longlooms Lane, and land at Lloyd Drive, Ellesmere Port (WHI/0012) 1.7 ha F. Former Gulf Oil Refinery, Poole Hall Road (ROS/0015) 4 ha G. Ince Caravan Site, Station Road, Ince, Ellesmere Port (ELT/0029) 5.5 ha H. Land off Stanney Mill Lane (north), Ellesmere Port (EPT/0108) 0.5 ha

6.7 The New Bridge Road area, Stanlow is identified as a key site in Part One. Sites in this area are recommended as employment land allocations to meet the borough wide requirement as they are available to the market in the short-medium term, offer land for new speculative development/inward investment (some of which have enterprise zone status) and occupy a prominent location alongside the M53 corridor.

6.8 Elsewhere within Stanlow, the re-use of vacant land would be considered under policy EP4 Stanlow Special Policy area. There is the potential for additional employment opportunities in the medium-long term, however sites within this area are not recommended as separate employment allocations due to the proximity to the operational area of the oil refinery. The redevelopment of any vacant, under-used or derelict land will be encouraged, subject to any security/hazardous restrictions and the criteria listed in the policy to minimise environmental impacts.

6.9 The Land to the East of Ince Park is a retained greenfield allocation in the Ellesmere Port and Neston Local Plan for 'oil and chemical related uses' or the expansion needs of a specific employer. The site has been reassessed through the HELAA and Land Allocations Paper and it is not recommended as an employment allocation through the Local Plan (Part Two) as further assessments are required for the site. This is in relation to the scale/type of development proposed in the context of surrounding development and the potential for significant landscape harm. It is considered that this is a long term development opportunity beyond the plan period, subject to further detailed assessment of constraints and the potential mitigation measures. The preferred approach recognises that the site is uniquely positioned close to the Manchester Ship Canal and infrastructure being delivered as part of the Protos scheme.

6.10 Alternatively, Members may wish to consider whether a criteria based policy should be included within the plan, to allow for restricted and specific employment uses if these come forward in the plan period. This would be restricted to meet the needs of a specific end user or single inward investor, with locational requirements (i.e. an energy-intensive development) that could not be accommodated on allocated employment land elsewhere in in the Borough (including vacant and underused sites within existing employment areas).


6.11 The following employment land allocations for Northwich, are recommended to be included in the Local Plan (Part Two):

A. Land at Chapel Street, Wincham, Northwich (Thor 16 Specialities UK) (MAR/0039) 16 ha B. Winnington Business Park, Winnington Ave, Northwich (WIC/0050) 6.15 ha C. Land at Lostock Works House, Works Lane (WIR/0027) 1.7 ha D. Land on Denton Drive Industrial Estate (WIC/0044) 0.6 ha E. Land on Gadbrook Employment Park, (part WIR/0016) 3.1 ha F. Land to the south of A556, Rudheath, Northwich (south west Gadbrook Park) (DAM/0058) 19 ha

6.12 An additional policy is included for land within and adjacent to Gadbrook Park to ensure that future development is only taken forward as part of a comprehensively planned approach where any transport impacts (including cumulative impacts with the existing business park and surrounding developments) can be adequately mitigated.


6.14 The Winsford Neighbourhood Plan allocates 35 ha employment land for use classes B1, B2 and B8 across 3 sites and it is not the intention to duplicate these in the Local Plan (Part Two). The saved employment allocations from the predecessor Vale Royal Borough Local Plan have been reviewed and where there continues to be a reasonable prospect of employment development they are recommended to be retained as employment allocations, as follows:

A. Land west of Road One (South Road) (part WIW/0027) 9.3 ha B. Land on Woodford Park Industrial Estate (WOV/0041) 1.5 ha

Rural area

6.15 In line with Local Plan (Part One), sites within or adjacent to key service centres have been assessed. The following employment land allocations for the rural area are recommended to be included in the Local Plan (Part Two):

A. Extension to Monument Farm Industrial Estate, Churton Road, Farndon (FAR/0034) 1.36 ha B. Former BICC Helsby/adjacent Mere's Edge (GOW/0056) 3.5 ha C. Land to the west of Oak, Tattenhall (TAT/0055) 2.25 ha D. Oaklands Office Park, Phase 3, Hooton (WIT/0049) 1.17 ha

6.16 The scale, layout and design of these developments should be carefully considered and in keeping with the landscape character and setting of the surrounding areas. Therefore appropriate mitigation criteria have been included in the draft allocation policies for each site.


6.17 The sites identified as recommended allocations account for 174 ha and provide for a range and choice of employment sites across the borough, in line with Local Plan (Part One). The potential level of employment provision exceeds the requirement of at least 365ha, however the sites identified provide for a range and choice of employment sites borough wide, in line with Local Plan (Part One). Furthermore, the net developable area and resultant employment floorspace will vary according to site specific characteristics and the mix/type of employment uses proposed.

6.18 It is anticipated that additional employment land could come forward through regeneration schemes on vacant/ previously developed land (for example in Stanlow, Ellesmere Port or at Winnington Works, Northwich), or delivered on mixed-use sites identified in neighbourhood plans.

7.0 Town centre uses

7.1 The Cheshire Retail Study 2016 recommended that no additional allocations are required over and above those identified through the Local Plan (Part One). Since the retail study was completed, Northgate in Chester has been granted planning permission and the first phase of Barons Quay in Northwich has been completed, which the second phase anticipated to complete in autumn 2017.

7.2 In line with Part One policy ECON2, the Local Plan (Part Two) preferred approach did not contain any retail land allocations, and it is proposed to carry this approach forward into the Part Two publication plan. A more detailed justification for this approach is set out in the ‘Land Allocations Background Paper’ which is attached to this report at Appendix A.

8.0 Waste

8.1 The Local Plan (Part Two) preferred approach included draft policy DM54 which explored the potential for replacement Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC) at Chester, Frodsham and Tattenhall. The main comments received through the preferred approach consultation requested rewording the policy to reflect a re-use provision at Bumpers Lane; that options are being explored for replacement facilities for Tattenhall and Frodsham; with Wimbolds , Council depot at Milton Green, Mill Lane (Frodsham) (or adjoining land), Weaver Industrial Estate (or adjoining land) and land within the Bolesworth Estate, all suggested as potential locations for additional HWRCs.

8.2 The Council’s contract for managing its HWRCs has recently been extended until 2023. The revised contract involves retaining the existing network of seven HWRCs across the borough, with service improvements and changes to opening hours to reflect patterns of usage. Planning permission has been granted for expansion of the current site on Bumpers Lane to incorporate a new ‘pay as you throw’ Trade Waste Recycling Centre. The new site, once operational, will meet the needs of the Chester catchment area and therefore there is no need to identify any additional site for a Chester HWRC.

8.3 A site search has been carried out, informed by responses to the consultation and discussion with the Council’s Waste Management Service, which has not been able to identify any suitable sites for in Frodsham and Tattenhall, that are either not located in the Green Belt, or with a willing landowner. It is proposed, instead to include a criteria based policy to provide a framework for the consideration of any future planning applications. Officers in the planning team will continue to work with colleagues in waste management services to identify future options for both facilities. The methodology for identifying and assessing sites and the justification for this approach are set out in the ‘Land Allocations Background Paper’, which is attached to this report at Appendix A.

8.4 A summary of the consultation comments received and the Council’s recommended response is attached at Appendix E and the revised draft policy for inclusion in the publication plan and site allocations for inclusion on the accompanying policies map are set out in Appendix F.

9.0 Minerals

9.1 The Local Plan (Part Two) preferred approach included draft policies DM55 to DM57 and DM59 to DM61 which provided additional guidance on future sand and gravel working, Minerals Safeguarding Areas, proposals for minerals working, salt and brine working, industrial sand proposals and minerals infrastructure.

9.2 The main comments received through consultation requested the inclusion of references to the viability of minerals extraction; clarification on minerals liaison committees; the identification of buffer zones for mineral safeguarding areas; the identification of a preferred area for silica sand; the design and mitigation of minerals development; and that the safeguarding of wharves is not enforceable.

9.3 In response, text has been added to refer to the viability of minerals extraction and include references to site liaison committees in the explanation; land at Rudheath Lodge has been allocated for silica sand extraction; and the approach to the identification of additional buffer zones and safeguarding of minerals infrastructure has been clarified. A more detailed justification for the approach to the site allocations and preferred areas is set out in the ‘Land Allocations Background Paper’ which is attached to this report at Appendix A.

9.4 A summary of the consultation comments received and the Council’s recommended response is attached at Appendix G and the amended draft policies for inclusion in the publication plan and site allocations for inclusion on the accompanying policies map are set out in Appendix H.

10.0 Settlement boundaries

10.1 The Local Plan (Part Two) preferred approach was accompanied by a policies map which included draft settlement boundaries for the main settlement areas of Chester, Ellesmere Port, Winsford and Northwich, and the ten key service centres for the rural area, as identified in Local Plan policy STRAT 8. Comments in response were received through the public consultation, the majority suggesting where the draft settlement boundaries should be amended to incorporate various sites and land, being promoted for development.

10.2 The approach to defining the settlement boundaries for local service centres, for the publication plan, was approved at Local Plan Working Group on 27 January 2017.

10.3 In considering the approach for the main settlement area and key service centre boundaries, the following methodology has been applied based on the strategic approach set out in the Part One plan and any Neighbourhood Development Plans.

10.4 Settlement boundaries have been defined tightly around the built form of settlements, informed by defined features such as walls, fences, hedgerows, roads, canals and woodland. They follow the existing Green Belt boundary where applicable; and include housing and employment land allocations; existing commitments; the curtilages of buildings which closely relate to the character of the built form and have enclosing features such as hedgerows and fences; and recreational or amenity space at the edge of settlements, safeguarding their use and maintaining their contribution to the wider landscape setting.

10.5 Areas that have been excluded from the settlement boundaries are: isolated or sporadic developments which are physically or visually detached from the settlement area (including farm buildings or agricultural buildings); curtilages of properties which have the capacity to extend the built form of the settlement (this includes large residential gardens); and unimplemented rural exception sites, or sites granted permission for bespoke development contrary planning policy.

10.6 A summary of the consultation comments received in relation to the draft settlement boundaries and the Council’s recommended response is attached at Appendix I and the amended settlement boundaries for inclusion on the accompanying policies map are set out in Appendix J.


11.1 Officers have been in regular contact with counterparts at to discuss whether land in Cheshire West needs to be allocated to meet Middlewich’s development needs. Cheshire East has confirmed that no additional sites for employment development are needed for Middlewich. Middlewich’s requirement for employment land, identified in the Cheshire East’s Local Plan Strategy (expected to be adopted later this month), has been met and exceeded by allocations in that Plan. In relation to meeting housing needs there is a stated requirement for 1,950 dwellings.

11.2 As at 31st March 2016 Cheshire East needed to make provision for a further 297 homes to be developed through the second part of its Local Plan (Site Allocations and Development Policies Document (SADPD) when completions since 2010 (the start of the Cheshire East Local Plan period), commitments and existing Local Plan Strategy allocations are taken into account. Cheshire East also add in a level of flexibility in supply (50 homes) to ensure the overall housing requirement for the town is met. This increases the number of homes that they still need to plan for to 347. Cheshire East officers are currently updating housing land supply information to a base date of 31st March 2017. They have advised that the remaining housing to be provided for at Middlewich through the SADPD is likely to reduce because of further commitments during 2016/17. Figures are expected to be published over the summer.

11.3 Two sites in Cheshire West were put forward for development to meet needs in Middlewich and have been assessed by Cheshire West and Chester Officers. The land at Cheshire Fresh for employment uses has been identified as having potential for significant landscape harm and would lead to loss of greenfield land and countryside. As noted already, there is no need to allocate this land for employment development in the context of Middlewich’s requirements.

11.4 Land at Centurion Way was submitted for residential development but site assessment work identified there would be substantial harm to the setting of a listed building with potential harm to a Scheduled Ancient Monument. With this in mind and taking into account that Cheshire East will be assessing other site options within and around the Town to meet the remaining housing requirement for the town there is, at present, no case to allocate this site. Officers will continue to work closely with Cheshire East to consider the outcome of Cheshire East’s site assessment work.

12.0 Officer’s recommendation

12.1 That the Local Plan Working Group:

• Endorses the Land Allocations Background Paper; the Council’s response to the Part Two preferred approach consultation comments; and the proposed land allocations and policy approach, as set out in the appendices to this report;

• Considers the approach to be taken to Land East of Ince Park in relation to the inclusion of a criteria based policy, to address comments raised through the preferred approach consultation.

13.0 Reasons for the recommendation

13.1 To enable the Local Plan (Part Two) to progress towards adoption.

14.0 What will it cost?

14.1 Resources to deliver the Local Plan (Part Two) Land Allocations and Detailed Policies Plan will be met from within the existing Planning Policy revenue budget.

15.0 What are the legal aspects?

15.1. The preparation of the Local Plan must follow a number of legal and procedural requirements including Duty to Co-operate, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment, and comply with a number of legal and procedural requirements and be based on an up-to-date evidence base in order to be found sound.

16.0 What risks are there and how can they be reduced?

16.1. The main risks identified are that the Local Plan fails to meet the legal and ‘soundness’ requirements for plan-making.

16.2 The Council must only submit a plan that it considers is completely sound. All issues must be resolved at the time of submission and it will not be possible to submit a plan where most or nearly all of the outstanding issues have been resolved, without the risk that an inspector will find it is not legally compliant or sound.

17.0 What is the impact of the decision on equality and diversity issues?

17.1. The Local Plan (Part Two) has the potential to impact on all aspects of equality and diversity and this will be assessed through the Sustainability Appraisal process.

18.0 Are there any other options?

18.1. There are no other options at this stage.

For further information:

Officer: Gill Smith – Planning Policy Manager – Planning Policy Tel No: 01244 973140 Email: [email protected]

Officer: David Butler – Principal Planning Officer – Planning Policy Tel No: 01244 973201 Email: [email protected]

Background documents:

Local Plan (Part One) Strategic Policies

Local Plan (Part Two) Land Allocations and Detailed Policies Preferred Approach 2016

Documents are available for inspection at: http://consult.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/portal/cwc_ldf/adopted_cwac_lp/lp_1_adopted ?tab=files http://consult.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/portal/cwc_ldf/cw_lp_part_two/pref_app?tab=fi les


Appendix A – Local Plan (Part Two) Land Allocations Background Paper (2017)

Appendix B – Housing allocations – policy approach and site allocations

Appendix C – Employment allocations – response to preferred approach consultation comments

Appendix D – Employment allocations – revised policy approach and site allocations

Appendix E – Waste – response to preferred approach consultation comments

Appendix F – Waste – revised policy approach

Appendix G – Minerals policy – response to preferred approach consultation comments

Appendix H – Minerals policy – revised policy approach and site allocations

Appendix I – Settlement boundaries – response to preferred approach consultation comments

Appendix J – Settlement boundaries – revised settlement boundaries