OUR REF: SAT121- Land south of Chester Road, Tattenhall – Local Plan Part 2– 29/01/2018 YOUR REF: DATE: 29th January 2018 Planning Policy, Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council, 4 Civic Way, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0BE Sent via e-mail only to: [email protected] Cheshire West and Chester Local Plan (Part Two) Land Allocations and Detailed Policies Publication Draft Representations in respect of the Land west of Ravensholme, Tattenhall Dear Sir / Madam, I write in response to Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Local Plan (Part Two) Publication Draft consultation specifically in relation to the Site at the land west of Ravensholme, Tattenhall. We are currently acting as Agent for planning application reference 17/04645/OUT, which is seeking outline planning permission for 30 no. dwellings at the Site, an illustrative masterplan for the application is included at Enclosure 1 of this letter. The remainder of this representation relates specifically to this Site. Site Allocation As shown on Local Plan Part Two Map Changes 167 and 196, the Site subject to the outline planning application is now largely included within the settlement boundary of Tattenhall village and allocated for a future residential use respectively. Policy R2 and R2.A outline the parameters of the allocation, namely that the Site will provide ‘up to 30 no. dwellings’ and must accord with the relevant development management policies, as well as outlining site specific requirements to be included in forthcoming proposals. From the outset it should be noted that we strongly support the inclusion of this Site both within the settlement boundaries, and the allocation of this Site for a future residential use. It is very clear from the evidence base that the identification of this Site to meet the shortfall of housing land over the plan period in Tattenhall is robust. The allocation of the Site for residential development will ensure that development occurs in a sustainable location, in accordance with the minimum development targets as set out in Local Plan Part One Policy STRAT8. During the preparation of the Local Plan Part Two it became apparent that there was a shortfall of housing land identified in Tattenhall in order to meet the development target as set out in Local Plan Part One Policy STRAT8. This is set out clearly in the report to the Local Plan Working Group (LPWG), July 2017 (see Enclosure 2) which shows a deficit in the amount of housing land available in Tattenhall of 43 dwellings at Table 1. Tattenhall benefits from a Neighbourhood Plan (NP), Tattenhall NP, which was made on 4th June 2014, however this is a policy only plan that provides policy guidance for future development but does not include allocations for future development. As such in order to address the shortfall of housing land in the NP area the LPWG have assessed potential sites fully taking into account the NP policies. NP Policy 1 relates to the housing growth of the village and outline two key principles: . any new housing development is to be restricted to no more than 30 dwellings to ensure the character of the village is preserved; and . only allow residential development either within, or directly adjacent to, the development boundaries of the village. As set out in the Land Allocations Background Paper 2017 at paragraphs 2.61-2.80, a full assessment was undertaken of all suitable and available sites in Tattenhall to meet the identified shortfall. The assessment considered eight sites in total: the three sites that had been subject to the co-joined appeal inquiry (including the allocated Site); and five sites put forward through ‘call for sites’ exercises. Two small sites were discounted due to their small size, in addition by virtue of the policies in place these could come forward through development management process in due course. In the first instance it is therefore clear that the Local Planning Authority (LPA) assessed all potentially available and deliverable Sites adjacent to the village. Appendix A.2 of the Land Allocations Background Paper 2017 provides thorough site assessments of the identified sites in relation to Local Plan Part One policies, Neighbourhood Plan policies, and importantly deliverability. It is clear from the site assessments contained in the Land Allocations Background Paper that the LPA have fully taken into account the policies of the Tattenhall NP when identifying sites, as well as assessing them in accordance with Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) Paragraph: 013 Reference ID: 12-013-2070728. Furthermore, it is clear that all suitable alternative options were assessed alongside the final site allocation, in accordance with PPG Paragraph: 016 Reference ID: 12-016-20140306. The conclusion of this robust site assessment exercise, as set out in paragraph 2.77 of the Land Allocations Background Paper 2017 are categoric in that the land west of Ravenholme was the most suitable Site identified for residential development to meet the development needs of Tattenhall over the plan period. We strongly support these conclusions and the subsequent allocation of the Site for development. Allocation Site Boundary The Site boundary for allocation R2.A as proposed on Map Changes 167 and 196, are not considered to be reflective of the land take that would be required to deliver the development required by the accompanying policy. Policy R2 and R2.A include the following elements in the Site specific requirements: . Up to 30 new dwellings; . Be of a design and layout that is sensitive to its local context; . Provide high quality landscaping throughout the development, especially along the western edge of the development; . Include walking and cycling routes that connect with the existing network; . Retain the ‘country lane’ feel to Chester Road through low density development proposals; and . Enhance the wildlife corridor along Mill Brook, which is to include a continuation of the existing footpath. These requirements are in addition to the housing mix requirements as set out in emerging Policy DM20, which suggests house types such as bungalows, and the infrastructure required to service the development. It is understood that in outlining the Site the LPA have estimated the land take based on the capacity of the larger field to accommodate 68 no. dwellings as part of previous applications. The current outline planning application is based upon a scheme that takes account of all of these emerging policy requirements, as well as site constraints that have become apparent throughout the site masterplanning. The illustrative masterplan is included at Enclosure 1 of this representation letter, and provides a more representative land take in response to the policy requirements and site constraints, as it takes account of: . an 8 metre stand-off from Mill Brook in order to retain and enhance the Mill Brook wildlife corridor; . the sewer and associated easement that crosses the Site in two places as shown on the illustrative masterplan; . a need for an appropriate stand off from the dwellings at Grackle Croft and Ravensholme Lane, to ensure no detrimental impact on the existing residents; . provision of an appropriate amount of useable on-site open space; . areas of structural landscaping at the Site entrance to create the ‘country lane’ feel that is integral to the scheme and provides a gateway to the village; . provision of a safe access on to Chester Road, in a location that achieves the required visibility splays; . a need to provide safe vehicular and pedestrian infrastructure throughout the scheme; . provision of a mix of dwellings, which includes bungalows and their associated increased land take; and . a need to sustainably drain the surface water run-off from the Site, which at this early stage comprises of a surface water attenuation pond in the south-east corner of the Site. Ecology, drainage, highways and landscaping reports that underpin the illustrative masterplan have been submitted as part of the outline planning application and are available on the Council’s application search facility1. Therefore, whilst we are in full support of the principle of the allocation, the allocated land must be extended to ensure that the proposed development can be suitably accommodated. 1 https://pa.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/online- applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=OYFNZ6TEH7700 Test for Policy R2 As set out above the principle of the site allocation is wholly supported. There are some elements of the site specific requirements in Policy R2 which we consider to be reiterations of other policies set out in the Local Plan Part Two Publication Draft namely: . criteria 2, requires ecological surveys to support any future planning applications at the identified sites, which is also required in Policy DM44 which requires sites that are likely to have an impact on statutory and non-statutory sites be accompanied by an ecological assessment; and . criteria 4, requires the design and layout to be of a high quality to reflect the local character and surroundings, which is also a requirement of Policy DM3. To ensure no undue repetition in accordance with PPG Paragraph: 010 Reference ID: 12-010-20140306 it is recommended that these criteria be removed. Conclusion Policy allocation R2.A is considered to be the result of a thorough and robust site assessment, undertaken in accordance with the Tattenhall NP and Local Plan Part One, and is fully supported. In order to ensure that the allocation can accommodated the allocated amount of development the boundaries of the allocation will have to be extended. The current outline planning application includes an illustrative masterplan which provides a more realistic land take, and should form the basis for the settlement boundary shown on Map Change 167, and residential land allocation shown on Map Change 196. In addition, the policy text of Policy R2 should be amended to ensure that there is no undue repetition in the policy requirements for the Site.
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