Holistic Approaches to Societal Change: Why do You Think You/We can Make Improvements In Society? 11th International Conference on Innovation & Management ICIM 2014 November 18, 2014 Prof. Donald Huisingh Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee
[email protected] SKYPE; huisinghdon Outline of this presentation What are the roles • Of history in guiding us to sustainable futures? • Of crises? • Of good examples? • Of alternative paradigms? • Of creativity? • Of ethical/spiritual values? • How can we integrate these elements into holistic and integrated approaches to achieve equitable, post-fossil carbon societies, which are truly sustainable?? Janus, the Roman God of gates and doors, beginnings and endings “Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed” Jared Diamond focused upon "societal” collapses due to environmental, climate change, hostile neighbors and trade partners in assessing their responses or lack of responses to Survival or Collapse.” He hoped we would learn from history! What can we learn from history? What can we learn from history? What can we learn? What can we learn from history? What can we learn? Can we learn? What are The Roles of Crises to Motivate People to Change; What Roles have Crises had as Motivators for Making Changes? • Carson’s “Silent Spring” – pesticides-(1962) • Ozone layer thinning- halogenated substances- (1974 -1985) • Bhopal – (1984) • Colburn’s “Our Stolen Future”- endocrine disrupters-(1995) • Three Mile Island (1979) Chernobyl