That -Sp.ring Suit and ·Overcoa ' . Bamboo ud Bead Por~ien, Bt :a: 8 feet. Ntnt delip, hudaome eft~ •1.16 each. ' fold w.lii lillie are Some of the Many Good 8arsains ·we're Offen~ Tin Weet. Screen~t 6t ft. high;-12 difleren' delaipl, haDcltomel7 pabatecl, ...00 each. JapaDese JardiDere~~, t~itMUOn'e importation; allei~e~~ and ll&yletat COlt of maDafac&ure. An all Wool G. nal Dreu Suit, te.oo. A Gray Klxed ll:eltoa sz;GYeJWAt, 16'00, Some more expensive ones A large assortment of eeparate Knee Pante. We hue the exolualve agency UU.· --year for oae of &he ftoett L&wu Kower1 made-Uie lf you Ute. 1 _ ' · Shirt Waleta in abundance, from 250 up. "Haatler," which il the lightest running, quietest ouH~Dc, doubluatehet maching on the muket Boy11' Lone hD Bdlt., good, ~J low in prices, some at •6.00 Note &he pri~e: 12 in. cutler, $3.00; 1•1n. cutter, t.!J.IIO; 16 in. cutter. •4.00; 1R in. . cutter, •uo. The Children'• depariment is fully up to the atandard of the others; all the Our Furnishing Department contalne alJ the latest novelUel U4 ....~l"'.''1 Every Mower guaranteed. · · 1 latest deeigns in p.,....aod cloth& . goode in the market. There iJI Do ritk iD buring. from us, as we par&Dtlee 1 •••• A Good All Wool Butt for $UO. goode, and give you your money ~kif you are not pleMed with your pu~!llu.;: Order your Refrigerators now. STURTEVANT'S BARGAIN·' . NORTH MAIN AND ANN STREETS, SOUTH NORWALK. M81jonlc Sulldlo•• Norwalk,

H~mle Ltu'*:ber, wbl< alllr; Miss Flor- fUI CAKE ANO SHEKELS ENDEAVOR liS .U BJI()AD Rl PRETTY DANCERS noe Biltz, dotted Swill, blue ribbon: • ME·TH061ST PASTORS. --....!.J • Jll~s Emma Ssopr, wbi&e silk, hello- • Tile Wtrwa!ll t111loa au&nt;Ealaed1tr lloo -- ... rlear.. l• ,« IHJ••r. u tb Place. ~. , PIOfi!Wtl NlWE1.L'8 "'~AL tfolle velvet trlqim.. p, Miel LllliaD KOR1rAI.IL • BU'TIIT!! HOLD AM "' a.. •• :n-•1 API'OII!IIT' fba , AT THI NEW J!XBIBITlOM AND ltt!tEPTUJN. iMPf, mode a.llk,lloe utmliD"-;.• l• IXP,Ift'!cCE 5~A~ m~r!~ ;-'~ YOill EAin' ()OJ!ii't:IIUCI!. ~~ :r:~~ allk, white lalll!, dcavo.- ~ftiWd la tbe lltoad ...... , ... hllli Me•bort lbf 'ott .. People'• Vn· er chapel, lAIIt n'-'tt. , :I'he ao- ...... _.. v.. &ll•r- Be~••te•lruld· F.,a.. 8. lldnlnlo. "La11'*:ber, k., Hobo ... lllliinf s•••~b8rM• ~.Aauu, aarorea en · ~~ tea.maa, 0~ ...... n ·•••.n.,. hlol ...._ Plclle4 oommodatlooeweie eotboely •*..eecl, ••• -...... , '"• BI'Goklra !fort Olo r.... Os•llorln• .ir 'l'llelr ..,14!114 ~ Jtl Sbarpe, Goorl{e Wren, C. !f. Jew~n aod Vp lletoap ,...,,., ..,, J!arnell •on•r In nnd mao7 people wero obliged &o stand '"'"'• a... 8. .. B•naoa Traaarerreo-u• , ·~· Matle •all. \V. Q. ROOgate, Othor W•re-l'utor ~bblaa .. II Barber · The meeti114f opened witb I brief pral!e Broo•lr•, ..... C. & Prn lo flq Harbur All our "sell&rs" bear H~ Tbe DiD~ anoual. eabtbitloo aod r~f From Stamford, Hie Lillie Robi~. Lu& eveDID&, io &be lecture room or l!Crvice, led by a choir of twelve voioe~ , Tbe annual-ion of tbe New \'o rk dorf'e stamp, and we are golq to ception of W. Gilbert Newell'• oa-1a li&llt liiilred silk, beliotft)(Ml trimminp; the Norwalk tllptia& cbureh, th& Btpllet with Kisll May Q, Smith, o( So!l~h Nor· East confPMn~ crune to a clO!Ml J 06Wr> danctnc Willi held ID 'ltl118iC Ball, IUC Mi• Anna Pantoa, blue tlgured lillt, Youoe PtlOPte's union held an "exper•• walk, at tl_te piano. n~v. William D. day at t~e N08traud Avenue M etl 1 odl~~ siggliJe our Spring Opening by • ;_ . oigbt. Tbe opealac feature of the e,..­ trimmed with old blue ve.lvet· Mill Ida ence eooial:' &lid il Ia eare .lo 118y tbat tbt Uo&rt, of W1ltoo, who was to have rood the church, 10 Brooklyn. Bishop fowler an· He~dorf Festival. ~on iag waa a •817 pre,&y execulion of a SIOttler, pink ailk, dCitted ' cbilfoo; oext time a llimllu atJ~~olr le &~veo by th11 IICJ'ipture and offer prayer, Willi unable~ nounood the putoralllllilignrnentll, which tailoc'a bonlplpe by tb: Ji&tle \all lrom Met18f11 J . c. Robhlaon, George Bllll, wide-awake, •liOroue youaa:eoolety, she be preeeet OD aeoount of lllcko-. s4 Include the following: · ~. a.a ~011, Sarah 810De, F. w. Sob•eDIOD, R. H. Bal'l'ill, Tbeo> room will not con&alll thOle who will Rev. T. K. Nohlo took hill pWOil on the . ~ow York dlfttrl t, J . W. Bencb , pre· Nl!l\ie Kupler,l'lora EJdy, Belle Kt>m · dore. 8~•ena P~rcy 8woi'dt aad o. G. Willb to be ~t. Tbe fun llepn wltea ~Qie, ~!11« for the ~eM~on Pro- tldrng eldor.- Bethei, C. A . Kue.ul; pioekl and JIIDDie .Kopler, wbo came Waterbury. ' Mils Laura Fn~~:ier ~pped up &o ·lhe lit- nrbl :uiii. llbe ~ydi& A.~· ~ Bridgeport, Frl'llt churcb,. Jceoph Hnll· SATURDAY, APRI~ '. 7,. on tbe t&age entirely tiiiAIIIIOWICI!CI nod From Green's Farms, i'tlfs~~et~ Edca tie &ablt, upoa wblcb etood a small wood tary or tho U nion, read the nunutes ot DWl; Orne~ church, E. A. Noble; New­ · WE SHALL OPEN IN OUR . afterward the aa111e lhde 0111!11 dan!ll'd Sherwood, cream cotol'N cubmere,yel· cblllt, wl&h a.ema!lslil in the to11 (tbe the iMt meeting, which wero accepted tl.trl church, S .•~. Sanlls; Summerflr•ld, ' 4 tbt! Sooklh' caprfoe. 'nMty were prettily low Yelvel and wbi< cbllfon Uimmlnae· IOCII$J'a U..Ure box), aud aafoldaog a &llti ordered OQ file. ehe then eaUed &be w. s. Maus&ip ; ' Waaljingwp fl'rk. R. Attlred .-: cottumllll or dltfereot colordl Flo Sherwood, pink, &lid while do&ted pa~ i'll4 tbeJollowiDc ''Gbronldee;'' roU, whh the toUowing l'll!lult: Sou.t.b A. Curtis; CIUIIian, 1• . W,' IIomllll; Dliu· tarlatan with ailver spanglee. The n · SwiM overdl'lllll!. trimmed wi~h llwane' J. Obroaiclel, ~.,cer H. 'No• ill Nor"·alk Congregational, :!0; hury, I. SimmOn.': D~ri•u , J . i\l. Car- rious d1ffioall movemeotll of the dances down· Hettie Sherwood while eurab· ptooell off ·sime, •·~ Beajamla . 17; 13rond River, 17; ruU; East Norwalk, A. J. Smith: F~u; . • • • lbe way o bra '""~' and Kaaa: ' '\' t rt ,.._ · • 6· 8 tb N t r ••• · • (' • were yoerformed in the most finished B. Preston Sh~rwood . . Grover relgntrl lo bie etead 111 the • E8 p ';""'~~aonao, , •lll . · or- on, r., nam~r , •eorgetown, U. !.. etyie, winning f&p&urous applao!e. The •· rom New c aoaao, Miea J ORephine lt'Cond y~r of bioi rei~en_. being _the rourth walk Bap.hst, 4; '\ rlton OongregattonQJ, Taylor; fll'(lenw1 cb~ 11. M: Atla!Wj ; Uiglllapd lli11g was d~ocold by )lidS \'ft'nee; Li«Jhfiold, G. C. Departmenn~~· Wood, in Hi.,hlandds gtub, and woo lit t ' L' It K' •roee a 1{111111 pule In the land, aod tbe Ororgetown lletbodiat and the Ridge- Spencerj Long BIU, Saomrl Gurney· Hosiery 1 e1•- .. & r mm1 Dlf . rl'lln --·· was over ali me faoe ot tbe nation • · · · • · · ' her deaened prei811. Miee Julia Lock from Newark, N.J., Mille B~i e Win· 110 thal &he people did cry for moQ~y· flel1l Kethod~t 110Cfelttl8. The tl'llllllurer, lliaeus, .R. S. Putnc!; New Caoa~o, t.he most complete assortment of Hermsdorf Hosiery we have ever shown. Plain, Dropstitch uil wood eave tbe Bkirt dance with' grace ten, white Shaogbai ell&. wbl~ 1aoe a!l4 the treuury In the hou8') oCtile I..ord 0. Walter Aakeo, '~a.~ unable to be pmr A. V. Brower; New ~tlford, H .. 8 ... StJU ; Boot Patterns, aod shall present to every-'purchaser of these goods a valuable · and a&lhty. Tbe Spanish dance, as (l('r MiltS Mira P~rry, pllin white China llillt, dad lac!i tor She panic waxed 110re ID aU cut and George Qwntard read hi!! re(J(lrt, Newtown and SayVJiie, W. T. Li tlt>l'rt; formed b7 MisH'i! Alyae aud Jean OrPI(· 'bbo. t · · the Ia · Then. Mark of th8 houae of hlch showed a Rllrplue in thP tre811ury Norwalk, A. ft. Wyatt; Hedding and rr n nmm1oga. Scephaaus etood m the temple and 81\id · ory, was hiflhiY creditRble. ~[Iss Effd From Troy, N. Y., Ui•l Orace A, uolO all ihe people, the money Ia not or ttll.88. Oeo.rgt' W. Knapp, pr&ndent Long Ridge, B. C. PiiMmry: Hidg~>· Lllne, a mid~~:et in ovbite, with silver Keech white ailk white watered aillr 11110111b for me tl'MBury of tb~ Lord, and of the llroad Ri'•or 1100lety, gave a bril!f field, T. H. Burch; South Norwalk, A 8. , looked the real 01 iginator or trimmlnJ!S: from 'Ne" Milford Mise &be Hi~eb Prl~t a lao ·did '-'h the l1iswry of the flroad fli,·er chR(lf'l Wid KaVllllagb; Southport, C', Bot! well : HermSdorf Souvenir. her part, in the fairy dr~oce. She wos Fl " d · .. L ' great cooj{fel(atioo,re& &here wu noc the Y . 1'. s. C. E. The report of the Stamford D. G. Downt' ~" Stepnev J We sugaest that you attend the sale as early as possible on Saturday, as tbe number of orence nou 1e, re 11 1"'• "'"1 It> 1ace eooqb, To.. n appomted &bey Cbarles ' - ' · ' ~ perfectly at eaae. and danc..ol ovith ekill trimmioJIS; from N'oroton, J . Bo•ard and ll&l'f and Emma to &0 w~ amoug ioo~out committee wu ~d by the B. Merwm; Strutford, F . J . Shat:l, ~l· souvenirs is limited, ·

CharlEs M. ~!~~eee~;~~:~:Oo!;Pr::~!·::o~~: ~~~~;o:~d ~:o71ter~Vilto n , ~~eil'dftdM;.~e:o~h:;~~~~0 t:'~.~= l~~!, ~~~:';:;t~;t~;:i;;u~~~::i~f~o~~ :~:::~~~~n~ =t ~f ~~\ uni.~;~ her. The· Chautauqua e•111are ovn~ exe The floor dJ.l'\tCI ,, •as w 1.1 Ward thbemd,alccordl.~ !-fli t<> t he• • adblhty mer, Jr., of \he tempei'IUIN! COD!Ulittee. eno.t eudo"·ment. F. M . North, <'urn~ SPECIAL PRICES' FI R I NE w·EEK ·-· b w a N II d ... .,__ . . . t eJ " Vt'reu It oto t 1· ~ 11110 B 0 1 ar .. Tl I . I nrt d' n. di f th "' ,. k cu..,.. Y • · ewe an ouL.vide labor, even iubor for ML.'OI! Clara U1k'8 was tak.. n •rck nnd late or the SandsScreet Memon al church. LatliC's' French Lisle H o~o. Richilieu Ribbed, worth 50c pr. , nt this sale you may have 3 pr. Newell and · Mi st~ Collie Smith, .o\.. L. !'lear Cbarl~ Rogen A L ' Stewan our banda. Then said Irene the Scribe, WIU! unable to eing the otfertor)· BOlo. Brooklyn, was appointetl pree idin~t eider Steward and Mi88 Caroline Phillips, w r' Stur"'es A p Kbe~ ..~ t' w' les ·~··· Lhed peoptle, oo, th mtnd~l~1 ·t~mf~D , While thf> ooll•ctlon WIIR belog tAken , a the Urooldyn Nortb district . H i~ \'a- for ,.1.00. • . \ · ' . • , . . • · · ema an &l'l'a , a 30 wor.. 1 tgeo •Y or • 1 • , , . n .. Geor~ee Fryer and Mill Bfli§•e Ne,.~ll. [)rcJer, T. It S~vetl" , Ft!IOII Underhill, ahellela, fllr Jhe work wu gNat wh•oh m•·oting of the I'Xetl!~••· !'orlt!'l!!tlOO .:~te;, pulpit Will be tilled by I\UV, D. A. Ladies' !fino ~i l k PlatE~d Hose, worth 76c, at 49c pr. exemplified tho Amsterdam, a new F'rank Coet!ter, GAOrge Sharpt>, VoetOr tbewomeodid~r. Sof&cametopW18 washe ld , aoditwasvo~togh· P f.'i to\\. Jourdoo. Rev. Charles S. Wiug, a Men's Half Hose,' full regular made, Hermsdorf Dye, good value at l!rc pr., but offered dance tbill year, and did It io a manuer ••• L " • d J tb R r h· oetbe eecoo~ Subblltb art~>r the lll'llt Lhat tho kmpor nc~> comnlllll'tl for CUI'J'CDt former SouLh Norwalk pl\tllor , iH pre;;id- n · n~ rr., an · 8 ro •e11 · e ree Jreoe stood &n tbe synarugue and &atd . · . · special at this sale for 1 2~c pr., or 70c oox. that called forth hearty applause. ment8 were served durin& the intermle· UDto the people, "Who is willing 1., eXJ>e!lliCfl, Re' '· Oel'llld H. llenrd ~· as mg elder or the Brooklyn South dtstrict. :\len's Half Hose. Fast Black, High Spliced Heel, 21ic pr. Tbc introductory number oo tile re· eion. at tableespread a& cbe rl'.u of Lbe wort, to deny hlml!elf for the houae of unable to be present, and rhc,;onlM'Cralloo Re\·. U. E BLI,fnee gOO!! from tho Soutlo ceptiooprognmme was a wult z. E.:cel- hllll behind a ICI'fleri of palms. Beuoic hiaOod ?" And the peoplr. botb small mll('ting wu led b7 Andrew\'. Heath. k llltllllodi , Tuberuacle. Het. C. M. !'egg got'5 )1e n ' t~ li,rench Lisle Hose, Richilieu Rib, 3!lc pr., or 3 pr. for ei.O{I. rey we W86 oor.erer aD •• U! o wllliDg sud "Tim will we do for the . . hammer's orchetltn, of Bridgeport, cieot corps or wait• f11 everylhio~~; was hoUJe ~f our God ., Th n th pen 1 the Hrood ftl\·ur IIOC~<'tY t ~oded u n'(.'OI'" F,ast :-forovalk to Sag I:Jarhor, L. l. Misses' Full Regular made Black: Hose, worth 25c pr., at 16c pr. wbrch occupied the at&ge and rorm.,d a l!erved 10 8 pleasing manner. A most cried unto che Lord, and :he Lo~d hefr: lion to their gu('tltl', at which light ro- H..v. Olho F. B~.rt~oolnw , .""n·in·lnl\' o_f :\J i~ses · R1bbed Black Hose, Double Knees. 25c quality, at 22c pr. tun•ful IM!ttlng to me e~oe or varying pleasaoL evening wu speDI by all io 11• them aod pve unto them &l'C • lrdln~~; to fl'Cflbmenlll l\'Pre SC\"ed. A ver.•· pretty lllr. ami Mrs. \\ lih:un Tllli!J <>n, of tbrs ~f it~ l 1•11 er. son-m-In":' or Mr. und Yrs .. ,\ lfrt'.l their appreciation. Among thc!IM' par· pifst recollection' of lhr clOIK' of the we ·~II not buy at, and the shekl'ls ,..11.1 w~ Mf'f' t Agam. Platt, of Nor w11ik , to the F, !Hurth THEN I RWALK 8I ST I NSTORE, ticipating were: . •e gt•e toto tbe trPasury or the Lord ------churrh , New Ua\•eu. He\'. t{rnntlnll J . Mi8111!11 Pearl Gregory, white silk, pearl dancmg c ll\88 term. Aod &he Lord 11eo& unto them labOr even !40CIAI. ASD l'llRSO~Aih NortJ1 relll&iDB prlll!idiog e der of th~ more than tht

' StJlet, Lone, Sack and Frock Coata,in all gradel ofObniotl, Wo,.. ' .. -.doll to the muufaeture of Uoifbrm& of all liibd" G. A. R. A FURNITURE. STOCK Jci' Saturd~y April 7 o:r f At their Ware Roams146;and 48 Main St., Norwalk. Fine Pants and Spring Overcoats. . . 1peclaa1 DeW a.... aber we make a of Children'• Clothing in ali tbe and la&et$ deeipt1 in . .. Special Sale pf,Ivens and Corn PI Chairr, _. Deedl to 10 ou& of &own for their Children't goode. Anything that II Wllh· ~ii!MI~• wtll bt ...S. •• Jbon notice. 1>on1t fail to eee our a&ook of Neekwear, Fumi&biap A. Dickerman & Son,At$9,-Sio;$12, $14, !fl6. COMPANY. 84 WASHiNGTON STREET, SOUTH NORWALK~ CONN. Marked down from $12, •14,:$18, $20. SOUTB NORW ALL . . ; . .

HighC~~t ,;(all in Lea.vtning Powcr.-l..atcst U. S. Gov't Report.' EAR BUTCHERS, LISTEN. Knowlntr the lpten~elntertl!L everrlblo~r Dert&lnlng 111 the l'eopt"'" M&rket ''"" tor you anti with w)oat Jny_&nd •lfolllf•tloo yon will rellll thl•1ro you/ D~M., l biUiteD to Inform you' lb&tnn Holld&y, Marcb :Mih,every btl! for lllock. •opp IM. In f• rt, All elalm• rnr an1tbliaod everytht• wbt.~or, •ratnet tbo People'• Mar~et, W.M Pt~l JolJijo), IW ctmlo Oil tbt liar. Voq llnlllil ~r.oordl•lly lorlted t.o ron11 et~ Ia \!CIIIltoeo{for· ~P'"""''' lu HIIMnlij 1111: I'*'' b•n-110• alii Aflrll w.. Alld t.o eveJYillli ••C•r~''"' heap, wl~• on tfuri: llav c•n "Dfl doel paJ every blll*lfalalt buihi • ,.,,. w 1J cb""' tully lab otr our bate and d'l bllll----· Toanr en~qlrftrllo'~'tt;rt or our 61lC'Ct! ... W6 ~"' '""' tKthlh, 16 OUOCi!l to :~~~'tl'.;~.!;1~:1•&1 l y (' tJ I,)~ ''"orl t, Ll\mbtl. \ 'Ml, I'Mk, ole. HRI611, Flrtua Han- .. ~· ' 't~ E. J. WADHAms·:1Proprtetor. · -~

- The Nortralt B..doa ~tore, I• abo•• PEOPLE'S IAilET. FilE DELIVERY, PEOPLE'S MARKET' all ot.ben Ia qaalltJ, q111111Utr aDd llJII"t 18 North-Kala lit., Bo. Norwalk. \ll Wall et., Norwalk below all L then Ia Pli!""· Telephone call, l!t-8. I BatWaction lf\W1Ult<.'fld. 1 relepbone e&ll, 1!7-3.

'l'nT Three columnA of local DeWt will be Oeorp H. Cammiap, who wu arreet· OTD THE BITER. pulled him from the machine. Latar ho THE EVDING SE N1u1EL __ fouodoo&L-,~. od pa,.. ·or Tllr.. S•s.· edf.weuulncoowa,IOIMtreMiDfruD' --- grabbedNelsonRogen~ nnd bit him on •m -~ n~ ~ H laDd - Cedar ••_wi antt In ..., th81eg. flhortly ~lor Utili. the d~ at· l.um8 OOLDIJI,-.sJ&oraDCl~. Willi. Uo<~Ay. of Anna C. aori I rvr•v !Ill . o-··Jlfo~alk. ., u.. n.,. 'M·It"" HRrold Olrnt•··" an tried belon1o.tlce A• ood hM ed f !f8 ..... ""' .._. "" . FURNITURE. •~~~.r'l'o'!:~:t.=.'fc:a"l: - DI'J goo& canoot be IIIIUnlfactured tin. Aaturdl)'. ; . Boward Sberw ~ov rom him doWII. A colored rnnn whll WIUI --' __ ' ' -·- for the low prices at wblcb tbq will be , ---- . worlr Otbom a•enue to 32 VanZ,ndt a Yenor. pru!fiing clubbed the 1log ofT. 'The Bnl· 1 IJOV~II Jtoaw.u.a naa AU... aold tbl~ wHII at tha Norwalk Doltoo - They re •• ' apiD, do..., the lin. Charla Ailthorpe_, or RIYereide ml\1 will prooo.hly he shot. 28 So. Main Street, So. Norwalk. Bar :'1- MM. FB..L'fK E. [>AK"'N, . • All gOods sold at hard time prices. Bo.r !13-Qorner &lynenueand Bonwn ttreet. sceak, J()o. ;at10ulder ataall, 8c .. at 0815 Tbe comiD& annual oonveatioD of tbe for tho com ina mmmer. f'ollowlog Ia the Item referred to, u 1t Boll 16-Col'l181' Sooth Kala &ad Monroe IDIIrltel. Epwonh Laague c1 tbla diltrlct, which appealed in TnE Scsn:rEL: ·-.• • .DAVID STOW. . llllwta. &11'11. ~fu Meamerdied at her bomeoa lnclodee Weetebeet.Heooo&y, New Yon llu. D. L. H.nford Is coodned to her , ~fiM Alice Part10o1 entertained a party ------,~------~·-.• ~-.--• Boa a-&lectrle Lllhtel&tlon. 1 North Taylornenue,yeewrday. Tbe luo· ci•J• and a ...,..,..,...100 of ..,.,..._....,.....,_ ___.,_·t, .....__ .. ·aa her home en Maple • a•enue, ' ofT Ndfrie ndR, at ·her bome11 oo f Flrwttboee a•enuepreMot. nox :J~ ·.()orner or Water anU8tnt street Ie plendid collation to her llUI!Itll. 'fbe Vatu~ of Oatil dPpeoda considerably upon the Weight or the g ralo,(or th~< lOc Ito, 3 ft, 2~c. Napthalin, for in. &J. te Thom1111 Vtliage CUP. fro.m the de- •-·• "·at tha ".' or-'L o-•~a ··-. n••t to VaJJZaodt ••enue, ahoYI' ().t)C)rn ave- . . . -:- -- d n!IISQil tbat tbe H18ltt of Ught Oat~ ruake up R rnuch greawt J•tniJQrllon of tbe )EVENING SENTINEL , .._. ~ "" waoa ...... ~ ! Tho mptdtty With wluch croup o:vrl· ' ' With every oo piece of Adam's 1 ruuonof the Cwnt7 CommiMiOt~ei'M , lw Sal0 'd nue. . 0111 t:Alli! (Qr inst.Rnt trootment; an•l J;l"t ITII'" than heavy Oalll, a bushel or ?a~ o f the wetght of Z4 Ibe; will have gonl' o• r unlilllellt T111!11d11y in th<' Atf. ~· aJ. --- W, •. Fletcher, nprnenliolt the Dr11d fpw bou~ bolds are pre(Jftred for tt;a fifty per oeot. or hn•h, wh1lu a bush~l wetgbmg 4D Iboo , '"''" have only .~ ) J"f'r c~nt . •'"~~~"~~' Gum we give you a 2fic 00 1 COUPON perior Cl'l!trt (leorge \V, Benne&t, boutld over wo 1e1 , Smllh ~:ompa11y , confectionery ~its •. An ·~mi!""hlo ~me~~:~ men engaged, Jftlterday, panEDK ,~V,. cebo Children Cry for Orden left at Solman's livery stable will r ecetve prompt al :rhe ,.,...... ,,..,.,, eadquarters Loun~biii'J, Natb&'o. yeant In thl' sta_te_ pri!IOD_. ;:e~r;:~:~: . the tumoul on ~. 1 M. Pltcher'eCastorla. Manuel T. H atc'h ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;~ -On11 Rood Hardman upright piaoo, -llyou •ant to •JoY a &ood laa~~;b - - - Chllu C ~ -FOR- = .17~ . J . W. Studwl!ll. •o and- die nd·beaded cboir boJ io RoberlJIOD &: Carr ba•e !Jeaun ~,,.,.. · ry Or lllala&are AlaADao fer To-•en•"· " · tb d I' 1 be led m the ren Sun Rt-lllao 8e\e llillb , •• I Low '1'1d @ n •• opera&loo of copploa ... perform· Che Joll1 farJIH'I'II, at Che Alhei!A'OID t.o- t~Oilll OlJ e a ( It on &0 • erec. I Pitcher's Casto ria F'JlP11 "' Hlt &t JIJ:RI ed 00 ElpnMman Georp CrofuC,JI!t- monow al1hl. reu of BeDI'J Wood~ 1"!'81deoce on • rHalPr in RA'f'. Fl•lur, Oraio. a; lefdny, at lhe Brid&ei)Ort b011pi&al. lie The remain~~ or &Ln. Mary E. Lock- Pla ~ant avenue.:_ - l'ew York Berald Weather rune-. remain in ahoul tbf! utne coodltfon u wood, motfler of Cbarle5 Seymour Lock· lfr. and Jfn. Horace F tft ll er , who were gnltrlainmtnls. 10 Th• weather boo when tlf'lt wnt to the hoepltlll. woo 1, who died in Wawrbury, wert marrif1la hort Aj!;O, were tWrenaJed Wbm llclhy ... ._, alt·k, '"'" ga« brr 11 10 10 prom!~• ~n 1rr· 1 r~ • t d1,11.1 1a n1c181 1n,118d y ·g~':e;!~ 1~.. =~ncll~~~ec:' ~~ brought to Norwalk, ye&terday. Tbe laet oighl bJ Bttecher'N IJrum C0'1'f', rot Whrn abo .... • Cluld. abiHrk•lf<,r C.WOO.. HOYT'S THEATRE, Mrs. Genevieve Stebbins . I eleartnr tbla AC!emooo nr !onfrht. Tomorro" - Rnunrl t !P.. .tr, IOe. a pound. at HayI'll' f11neml waa held this altemoonfrom Mr. South Norwallr. Wll.., 81,. ~>-<-•m• ;lit.._ ""• dunK to CMforia OSt; IIJ(Hf1' O!H.1', 81 8 WII,L Gt n : US s t It pr01111- t.o '- l>"rtlr eloud,, r,.lr and warket. l.ockwood'• residenoe 1111 F.... c aYmue. A •urpi'Ue party ... tendered to lltn. Wh"" ah• h... t'hllv. T. K. Noble omciated The huriel .IIUIt A., nn IIAitlt After Aprtl tkb . 1\t. ,,...,. • • •v - """' .... _ __. in e11ea tlnl _ _ _ Set ~· DO" on ..le,ot Pl10l•~<:,7()<, e1 .00. Sor,.alk. nolll ,.,. plrurleyiRICDig.!!!:_ __ undrrwnr. No. 2mWuhiDgt0Diirfet aheDI&btreportaYery bl':l'PJMD. The Real•&atebrolterGeonte i'l. tlrf!!!WY nmmets an perators ~-~...... -~---- · 1-.!11 GRAND CONCERT A cake of toil t aoap gino away tv propeller \'ulcaa baa oot arrt... .t at bft' IIllo II. PU'IOIII, of Broohide Farm, l•S - • - - - ··very Clllltl>mcr Saturdar April 14th, lit fir; t;m~ly.''an~ ~: ~~ . 'h Wo· dock, IIICI Ia 'IOC eltptettwl hl'ft Ullllll chetr foar·Je&r-olda to tbe l''arm Phys·lc·tan for Women'. A'l' T""'. thr N. Y.O. Co., new tnn, Tlnna• an man • Butkllog,.. aiD l lrwet, •tbepleooaUoaet. 'l'bflthD made ""' not re- Straw Sewing Machine. nr. Ia I Jlod tlml to Ptlllt, Rniloli11g. W1 hlngton trl'et. on i'rillaJ Mening of tb~ weell, •hen Tbe OJMer ~c. L. RlaleJ, ~ bac &he performanre of tbf1 - ~will fir, plcMM &o tat,k with anyooe cain Rlthoy, and the Vllldau Cblef, .,. tam •bowf'd remarlrabl41 agllicy """'' r.o Aa1'BVR c . wii•Eu:K, Butler MRS OR II A GUilfORD ~ bd' E' l Compllny D •Ill bOt drill f'rld•J ooght, IDWrfttted In thll Woman I ('eatrlll .... rl•f!llal Rt'td It !Joumto'tl dock dariDI aad &l•• promite that they will entu ltrtoel, SI\I'•Aik. . r. hr • • n. . ot 0 1St DIS CODa the battalion drill at Stamford Monday l"iatioD, f1f anyone 11Miriftc II) hPrf'lln'" a , .. _ ni&hL. -fth w-hh a ....,.0 of IOO bu· tile ll&t of 1oc:a1 record break e r~~ . - - ~------• Can be WDAIIIttd •• ber .. tn•·•· .., of lhLI I tiQn ..... ~- ~-. OIRl.... r bamloetm&ld, &Dd DO""' for Dlllbtrnuntlng .. areplardtill. mf' m f1!PUJZII ' lltlaofoy~.... C'•ptalo IUIIey •14 tbla A ~Mid four_.!_MMI olcf. '"1"''•o(Jl~. 342 afOld 8t., arfd IIPIJ rt . "uonn., The rfOfWDIII 8oltoa ICOn "Ill he taor~~lnathat be would re-In In por1 R___t!Rtlo.LL r!WijT, --- Hl.. urtland --'lace. all~- fMII)I0a.m . 10 7 p.m. tmJ •l•tf'd' ·, &U'b l'lur~rlllk. ~'rhlsti AIJrll IJI, Watch < ~~~ "JJ"O·!.:·j; ~~-·~ his o GRAND CONCERT. ITJ NEW YORK pace'. > Philharmonic .Club, -1 tJJ'I Ogu TU& At! Jf'ltl! OF Till ~ CHAUTAUQUA UNION