That -Sp.ring Suit and ·Overcoa ' . Bamboo ud Bead Por~ien, Bt :a: 8 feet. Ntnt delip, hudaome eft~ •1.16 each. ' fold w.lii lillie are Some of the Many Good 8arsains ·we're Offen~ Tin Weet. Screen~t 6t ft. high;-12 difleren' delaipl, haDcltomel7 pabatecl, ...00 each. JapaDese JardiDere~~, t~itMUOn'e importation; allei~e~~ and ll&yletat COlt of maDafac&ure. An all Wool G. <!*.*t Suit, .9.00, A Dress Suit, Black Ohevoit, ...00. An All Wool BllGt DJa& OhmO$ Suit, tlO.oo. A very fine Blue Di~i<>nal Dreu Suit, te.oo. A Gray Klxed ll:eltoa sz;GYeJWAt, 16'00, Some more expensive ones A large assortment of eeparate Knee Pante. We hue the exolualve agency UU.· --year for oae of &he ftoett L&wu Kower1 made-Uie lf you Ute. 1 _ ' · Shirt Waleta in abundance, from 250 up. "Haatler," which il the lightest running, quietest ouH~Dc, doubluatehet maching on the muket Boy11' Lone hD Bdlt., good, ~J low in prices, some at •6.00 Note &he pri~e: 12 in. cutler, $3.00; 1•1n. cutter, t.!J.IIO; 16 in. cutter. •4.00; 1R in. cutter, •uo. The Children'• depariment is fully up to the atandard of the others; all the Our Furnishing Department contalne alJ the latest novelUel U4 ....~l"'.''1 Every Mower guaranteed. · · 1 latest deeigns in p.,....aod cloth& . goode in the market. There iJI Do ritk iD buring. from us, as we par&Dtlee 1 •••• A Good All Wool Butt for $UO. goode, and give you your money ~kif you are not pleMed with your pu~!llu.;: Order your Refrigerators now. STURTEVANT'S BARGAIN·' . NORTH MAIN AND ANN STREETS, SOUTH NORWALK. M81jonlc Sulldlo•• Norwalk, H~mle Ltu'*:ber, wbl&lt alllr; Miss Flor- fUI CAKE ANO SHEKELS ENDEAVOR liS .U BJI()AD Rl PRETTY DANCERS noe Biltz, dotted Swill, blue ribbon: • ME·TH061ST PASTORS. --....!.J • Jll~s Emma Ssopr, wbi&e silk, hello- • Tile Wtrwa!ll t111loa au&nt;Ealaed1tr lloo -- ... rlear.. l• ,« IHJ••r. u tb Place. ~. , PIOfi!Wtl NlWE1.L'8 "'~AL tfolle velvet trlqim.. p, Miel LllliaD KOR1rAI.IL • BU'TIIT!! HOLD AM "' a.. •• :n-•1 API'OII!IIT' fba , AT THI NEW J!XBIBITlOM AND ltt!tEPTUJN. iMPf, mode a.llk,lloe utmliD"-;.• l• IXP,Ift'!cCE 5~A~ m~r!~ ;-'~ YOill EAin' ()OJ!ii't:IIUCI!. ~~ :r:~~ allk, white lalll!, dcavo.- ~ftiWd la tbe lltoad .................. ....., ... hllli Me•bort lbf 'ott .. People'• Vn· er chapel, lAIIt n'-'tt. , :I'he ao- ..... .._.. v.. &ll•r- Be~••te•lruld· F.,a.. 8. lldnlnlo. "La11'*:ber, k., Hobo ... lllliinf s•••~b8rM• ~.Aauu, aarorea en · ~~ tea.maa, 0~ .......n ·•••.n.,. hlol ...._ Plclle4 oommodatlooeweie eotboely •*..eecl, ••• -......, '"• BI'Goklra !fort Olo r.... Os•llorln• .ir 'l'llelr ..,14!114 ~ Jtl Sbarpe, Goorl{e Wren, C. !f. Jew~n aod Vp lletoap ,...,,., ..,, J!arnell •on•r In nnd mao7 people wero obliged &o stand '"'"'• a... 8. .. B•naoa Traaarerreo-u• , ·~· Matle •all. \V. Q. ROOgate, Othor W•re-l'utor ~bblaa .. II Barber · The meeti114f opened witb I brief pral!e Broo•lr•, ..... C. & Prn lo flq Harbur All our "sell&rs" bear H~ Tbe DiD~ anoual. eabtbitloo aod r~f From Stamford, Hie Lillie Robi~. Lu& eveDID&, io &be lecture room or l!Crvice, led by a choir of twelve voioe~ , Tbe annual-ion of tbe New \'o rk dorf'e stamp, and we are golq to ception of W. Gilbert Newell'• oa-1a li&llt liiilred silk, beliotft)(Ml trimminp; the Norwalk tllptia& cbureh, th& Btpllet with Kisll May Q, Smith, o( So!l~h Nor· East confPMn~ crune to a clO!Ml J 06Wr> danctnc Willi held ID 'ltl118iC Ball, IUC Mi• Anna Pantoa, blue tlgured lillt, Youoe PtlOPte's union held an "exper•• walk, at tl_te piano. n~v. William D. day at t~e N08traud Avenue M etl 1 odl~~ siggliJe our Spring Opening by • ;_ . oigbt. Tbe opealac feature of the e,..­ trimmed with old blue ve.lvet· Mill Ida ence eooial:' &lid il Ia eare .lo 118y tbat tbt Uo&rt, of W1ltoo, who was to have rood the church, 10 Brooklyn. Bishop fowler an· He~dorf Festival. ~on iag waa a •817 pre,&y execulion of a SIOttler, pink ailk, dCitted ' cbilfoo; oext time a llimllu atJ~~olr le &~veo by th11 IICJ'ipture and offer prayer, Willi unable~ nounood the putoralllllilignrnentll, which tailoc'a bonlplpe by tb: Ji&tle \all lrom Met18f11 J . c. Robhlaon, George Bllll, wide-awake, •liOroue youaa:eoolety, she be preeeet OD aeoount of lllcko-. s4 Include the following: · ~. a.a ~011, Sarah 810De, F. w. Sob•eDIOD, R. H. Bal'l'ill, Tbeo> room will not con&alll thOle who will Rev. T. K. Nohlo took hill pWOil on the . ~ow York dlfttrl t, J . W. Bencb , pre· Nl!l\ie Kupler,l'lora EJdy, Belle Kt>m · dore. 8~•ena P~rcy 8woi'dt aad o. G. Willb to be ~t. Tbe fun llepn wltea ~Qie, ~!11« for the ~eM~on Pro- tldrng eldor.- Bethei, C. A . Kue.ul; pioekl and JIIDDie .Kopler, wbo came Waterbury. ' Mils Laura Fn~~:ier ~pped up &o ·lhe lit- nrbl :uiii. llbe ~ydi& A.~· ~ Bridgeport, Frl'llt churcb,. Jceoph Hnll· SATURDAY, APRI~ '. 7,. on tbe t&age entirely tiiiAIIIIOWICI!CI nod From Green's Farms, i'tlfs~~et~ Edca tie &ablt, upoa wblcb etood a small wood tary or tho U nion, read the nunutes ot DWl; Orne~ church, E. A. Noble; New­ · WE SHALL OPEN IN OUR . afterward the aa111e lhde 0111!11 dan!ll'd Sherwood, cream cotol'N cubmere,yel· cblllt, wl&h a.ema!lslil in the to11 (tbe the iMt meeting, which wero accepted tl.trl church, S .•~. Sanlls; Summerflr•ld, ' 4 tbt! Sooklh' caprfoe. 'nMty were prettily low Yelvel and wbi&lt cbllfon Uimmlnae· IOCII$J'a U..Ure box), aud aafoldaog a &llti ordered OQ file. ehe then eaUed &be w. s. Maus&ip ; ' Waaljingwp fl'rk. R. Attlred .-: cottumllll or dltfereot colordl Flo Sherwood, pink, &lid while do&ted pa~ i'll4 tbeJollowiDc ''Gbronldee;'' roU, whh the toUowing l'll!lult: Sou.t.b A. Curtis; CIUIIian, 1• . W,' IIomllll; Dliu· tarlatan with ailver spanglee. The n · SwiM overdl'lllll!. trimmed wi~h llwane' J. Obroaiclel, ~.,cer H. 'No• ill Nor"·alk Congregational, :!0; Norwo.lk hury, I. SimmOn.': D~ri•u , J . i\l. Car- rious d1ffioall movemeotll of the dances down· Hettie Sherwood while eurab· ptooell off ·sime, •·~ Beajamla . 17; 13rond River, 17; ruU; East Norwalk, A. J. Smith: F~u; . • • • lbe way o bra '""~' and Kaaa: ' '\' t rt ,.._ · • 6· 8 tb N t r ••• · • (' • were yoerformed in the most finished B. Preston Sh~rwood . Grover relgntrl lo bie etead 111 the • E8 p ';""'~~aonao, , •lll . · or- on, r., nam~r , •eorgetown, U. !.. etyie, winning f&p&urous applao!e. The •· rom New c aoaao, Miea J ORephine lt'Cond y~r of bioi rei~en_. being _the rourth walk Bap.hst, 4; '\ rlton OongregattonQJ, Taylor; fll'(lenw1 cb~ 11. M: Atla!Wj ; Uiglllapd lli11g was d~ocold by )lidS \'<lra MarLin bright red elllt wiLb YeiYI.'t and 7ear or Edovard ths B•Kh Prllllt, there I. Oreetiog~~ were rece1ved frnm abe street, W. E. Jt>ft'nee; Li«Jhfiold, G. C. Departmenn~~· Wood, in Hi.,hlandds gtub, and woo lit t ' L' It K' •roee a 1{111111 pule In the land, aod tbe Ororgetown lletbodiat and the Ridge- Spencerj Long BIU, Saomrl Gurney· Hosiery 1 e1•- .. & r mm1 Dlf . rl'lln --·· was over ali me faoe ot tbe nation • · · · • · · ' her deaened prei811. Miee Julia Lock from Newark, N.J., Mille B~i e Win· 110 thal &he people did cry for moQ~y· flel1l Kethod~t 110Cfelttl8. The tl'llllllurer, lliaeus, .R. S. Putnc!; New Caoa~o, t.he most complete assortment of Hermsdorf Hosiery we have ever shown. Plain, Dropstitch uil wood eave tbe Bkirt dance with' grace ten, white Shaogbai ell&. wbl~ 1aoe a!l4 the treuury In the hou8') oCtile I..ord 0. Walter Aakeo, '~a.~ unable to be pmr A. V. Brower; New ~tlford, H .. 8 ... StJU ; Boot Patterns, aod shall present to every-'purchaser of these goods a valuable · and a&lhty. Tbe Spanish dance, as (l('r MiltS Mira P~rry, pllin white China llillt, dad lac!i tor She panic waxed 110re ID aU cut and George Qwntard read hi!! re(J(lrt, Newtown and SayVJiie, W. T. Li tlt>l'rt; formed b7 MisH'i! Alyae aud Jean OrPI(· 'bbo. t · · the Ia · Then. Mark of th8 houae of hlch showed a Rllrplue in thP tre811ury Norwalk, A. ft. Wyatt; Hedding and rr n nmm1oga. Scephaaus etood m the temple and 81\id · ory, was hiflhiY creditRble. ~[Iss Effd From Troy, N. Y., Ui•l Orace A, uolO all ihe people, the money Ia not or ttll.88. Oeo.rgt' W. Knapp, pr&ndent Long Ridge, B. C. PiiMmry: Hidg~>· Lllne, a mid~~:et in ovbite, with silver Keech white ailk white watered aillr 11110111b for me tl'MBury of tb~ Lord, and of the llroad Ri'•or 1100lety, gave a bril!f field, T. H. Burch; South Norwalk, A 8. spangles, looked the real 01 iginator or trimmlnJ!S: from 'Ne" Milford Mise &be Hi~eb Prl~t a lao ·did '-'h the l1iswry of the flroad fli,·er chR(lf'l Wid KaVllllagb; Southport, C', Bot! well : HermSdorf Souvenir. her part, in the fairy dr~oce. She wos Fl " d · .. L ' great cooj{fel(atioo,re& &here wu noc the Y .
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