
B'.' I ___ , f d o f i n r iKonrlrrBtrr Sn^ning 9 ^ntUt TUESDAY, ICABCH IMO A r a r a t s Dr Uy Nst Prass Rtm U s W dR tlw r v a t tha Manth at FMNmnry. ISM ** ------• ^ 0 . a T titSit Btatota Mamorlal Lodge, Mb. 8$, Knighta aUas; and Jamm H. Torranoa, aoa a t Pythlaa, wig b w tU next mast­ To Be Cradnated | Local Youths o f Mr. and Mrs. Andraw U Tor- Partly dandy and aaneh a a tttr Accord Plans ranof of IM Baat Mlddlo Tum- About Town ing Wadaasdsjr, J^ril 9, st 9 o’clock tala tMa aftarnaan aad onMhqn la tbrtr Caatb^haU on Oolway dUm . a aanlor In tba Slaetiloal 9,877 HKMua BMitlay. j K t M ^ o ( tM zAtiaiunFBiFr iwupninn i i ? r a u i fair aad nmeh eoUar tanlghl and at knight will ba TeohaolQgjr alaaa. 2 On Honor Lists Mimhar ak tha AndR m Here Praised Lawnmowors Sharpened aoOtoUr Mdiool, wiU B« O apMk- conferred J iy Memorial Lodga’a 17m Oonnoctlcut Baglaaaring ■nrami ad CbeMMIene •r at Um ir m Udc at th« BucKuml- rank a t i^ a t that tima. Inatltuta ban born aatabUobad by HaauhaMmr— A City o f Village Charm OakUnd Club tomorrow «v «n m ( at Saws Filed K Favorable Comments Maintain High Average the Connecticut State Department T o’clock. Hes Culotta of Oak atreet, of Education to provide education­ weir known local barber, has re­ Precision Work by New Machinery Heard on Meeting In Studies at Engineer^ al opportunlUea for the dtlaens of VOL. LXIX, NO. 151 (deoaiaeC Advertlatag on rege 17) MANCHESTER, CONN h WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29. 1950 (TWENTY-EIGHT P A G E S — IN TWO SE(?nONS) PRICE POUR CENTB Mcmbora of lojm l O rdo, Klng'a turned to hla ahop after an ab- Oomwctlcut Ita oouraea ara or- Keys Made Small Appliances Repaired Bai^twih arc rtmladcd at dona* aence from iUneoa. On School Dispute ing Institute gaalaed to provide high aebool and tton day at the Klng'a DaughUra' T Home on New Britain avenue, Mother Caprini Mothers Circle' vocnttonal-technieal aebpol grad­ Hartford, niuraday. Member are will meet tomorrow evening With Comment heard today wa# com­ Three Manchester students at uates with the necessary technical Where Embassy Plane Crashed loqoeoted.to leave their donations Mrs. Wesley Orvk of 132 Bljisell plimentary of the efforts of the Connecticut Engineering Insti­ training required to obtain em­ WOODLAND ployment and advancement as at the boiiw of Mra Jenn)^ Holfa, Street. Thursday evening ' the Cbarlea 8. House, chairman of the tute in Hartford have made the Senators Moving tectinlclans in the Selde of elec­ SUPER SERVICE STATION Study on Exhaustion 900 Bhat Center aticet^ Sacred Heart Circle will meet Board o f Education and Wilbur T. Honor List for the first semester, with Mra. John B Shea o f 340 trical, mechanical and tool en­ Little, chairman of the Cltlaensf indicating that they have main­ gineering. EDWARD 8. BARNEY, Prop. TbOi IfancheiilerReglatered Main atreet CUmmIttee on Schoola to meet and tained an average of eighty or bet­ 1120 Bamside Ave., East Hartford T«l. 8-8S61 Huraaa Aaaodation will entertain ter In their atudiea. To Force Seeing St. Mary’a Guild will meet In arrive at an acceptable dectalon tbe'membera of district two at the The three Manchester youths Sooth Methodist church at T:30 the Guild room Thursday morning on the school building program. Of Jobless Benefits who have attained this honor are: a. m. April 4. SUnley Harbison at eleven o'clock. The members Letters have gone out to key George W. England, aon of Mr. tan about welfare work in win bring their own aandwlchea. figurea in the recent referendum PIASTI-LINER and Mra. George J. England of and tea, coffee and deaae|;f will dispute, signed by House as fol­ Of Secret Files Pnaito lUeo. be served by the hoateeaed, Mrs. lows: 254 Spruce street, a flrat-year stu­ "W e all seem to agree that our dent In the Mechanical Technology ■nie Boaril of Deacons of the Joseph Johnston and Mrs. Earl schools are facing a critical situa­ cleas; William Kloppenburg, Jr., NOTICE Sergeant at Arms Sent p j n u |q Q i a r t Discloses Many Idle Covenant- OongregaUonal church Medieown. tion but BO far we haven't been son of Mr. and Mrs. William Klop­ win meet this evening with Rev. able to find a solution to the prob­ penburg of 91 Cooper street, a COLUMBIA INSURANCE Out With Summons!* ' Cad Helgerson. at the parsonage, The local Chapter of Hadassah Frederlek K. Clapp will meet this evening at 8 o'clock lem which will meet with general senior In the EHectrical Technology 4T ^>ruee atreet. approval. COMPANY OF Directing Three Highj M o Y C S State Labor Department in Temple Beth ShoTom. A Him, w iw oppncOTiwi House Votes Seen Her? "Serving Israel's Youth.” will de­ " I am sure that there muet be Mra. John E. Clapp of 14 Haynes Government Officials i Survey Shows 42 Per pict Hadsssah's Child Welfare and some common ground upon which street and her son, Roy, left Brad­ MAKES FAISE TEETH Fit According to our records, Mr. Willidm E. Vocational Education program in the divergent viewpoints esn agree ley Field, Windsor Locks, last night To Produce Employe For Cold W ar Cent of 1949 E*« Fratiuenllv customera en route to I j u .Vegas, Nevada, Goodchild, Jr., formerly an Agent at Manches- Heavy Slash Israel. A social hour will follow if we can just let oiir tempers for th » llf« of your ptatas Files for Red Inquiry caS and ask “PINEHURST and members and friends are urged cool, forget any pride of stand where Mra. Clapp hopes to have HALE'S er^ Hartford County, Connecticut, for the Co­ haustees Have Failed ARE YOU OPEN WED­ to attend. already taken and in a spirit of the honor of pinning the wings on cooperation and understanding her son, Frederick R. Clapp, who Foreign Ministers of In Aid Plan To Find W ork; Hartt NESDAY AFTERNOON.” lumbia Insurance Company of New York did BaUetin! meet to start afresh to find a aat- has been undergoing rigoroue gun­ Headquarters 12 Atlantic Pact Na­ And it’s no wonder there's Manchester Chapter, No. 17 Dis­ ------tiM «o o d Wuhington, March 29.— ford Ranks Well in abled American Veterans, will tafactory solution. nery training at the A ir Force Base ■omili CO 4 fm r or loM rr. not report that he had issued any of the follow*, coafn^on about this with "In this spirit I am asking you, there. He will be graduated ind FOR 96 6od bothm fmmpnntr — Senate officera today tions to Meet in Lon That Only 4.1 Pet meet at the Silver Lane Communi­ a ftw boon 0T06f6«96eM ing numbered policies which according to our Reptiblirans Press Ad­ aaau stores open all day ty House tonight for a short bus­ other members o f the Board of Di­ receive his commisaion as a lieu­ ______.otta aod tero soait. mt served the arst of three aub- ____ Jof. Talk flMy.BoIoy tba coMocccboo- don, Bevin Reveals Cent Exhaust Benefits Wadnesday others closed in iness meeting followed by movies rectors, the Board of Education, tenant. records were forwarded to him. vantage Won in $250,- the General Manager, the School Enlisting as an aviation cadet poenaa demanding from top the afternoon. Here at and a social time with refreah- government officials the loy­ This la the wreckage of an A ir Force plane, naolgned to the U. R. Embaasy at Ottawa, Oinada, which 000,000 Cut in For- Building Committee, the Chairman In March, 1949, at the local re­ •■y Is a»4N ar TIMaw M m Ttsia 9MMse% London. March 30— (N)— The ments. Fire Policies from Number 395851 to 395875 crashed near Cornwall, Ont., after taking off from nn Ottawa airport for WaMhington. AmhaaMdor Hartford, March 29.— (/n Pinehnrst, everyone gets an of the Citizens Committee and cruiting station, he has maintained T m m Is n , edorfsM. handMS m rM aed soar alty records which President foreign minietera of the 12 Atlan­ eign Economic Funds other citizen who have shown a a 94 per cent scholaatic average. ^tas.C aa be laMoVad isnfwdkacdaoa. UaMi Laureaco Stelnhardt and four others were killed. (N B A telephoto). — A state Labor departmont afternoon off during the Donna Betko, daughter of Mr. Mf, '’Newleeeee«aenwNa inclusive and from Number 510231 to T ruA an has ddcUned to turn tic pact nations will meet in Lon­ and Mrs. Louis Betko of Horton particular Interest In and concern He received primary training at aurvey today ahoNed that 4S week BUT OUR STORE IS SOLO ON A over to a Senate committee. don May 8 to chart new western road, was one of the intermediate for the problem to meet with me Goodfellow Air Force Base, San 510275 inclusive Washington, March 29,—(47— per cent of tha 46,880 work- OPEN ALL DAY EVERY Angelo, Texas. Joseph Duke, sergeant-at- moves in the cold war and present piano pupils of Frederic E. Wer­ at High School Hall next Monday, ,OR 1 2 I Repubileana clamoring for deep era who exhausted unemploy* WEDNESDAY. April 3 at 8 p. m. for a diacuoalon The Columbia Insurance Company of New arma, served his first subpoe­ Fleets Routed ner who played in the recital Sun­ Russia with a greater, unified Rival Reorganization slashes in government spending ment compensation beneflta day afternoon In the South Meth­ of the Impasae which has arisen. na on Harry B. MitchelL ham. Jr.. Wolf, Silver Arrow; Rob­ York cannot now locate these policies. Should strength. I today pressed an advantage won n 1949 have failed to find odist chapel. Inadvertently, her " I hope that you will accept this ert Churllla, W olf Badge; Bob chairman of the Civil Service name' was omitted In yesterday's Invitation in the sp^rit in which It Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin By Warships In a 8250,000,000 cut In the 1951 work. The report, completed 8R m us youR Cats; John Bycra and Stuart Ba- any of them be in the hands of the public, the commisaion, at the CapitoL announcing the date (ff Uie meet­ Herald. Is extended and plan to attend." raw; Michael Clementino, W olf Plans Will Compete foreign economic aid program. after a three-month study of holders thereof, for their own as well as the Mitchell had come to the Cap­ ing last night, said he foresaw a Republican economy strength PROCrSRLG/IM BlE Badge. long peace it the Atlantic alliance those who hava axhauatad Jobtaaa Mrs. Alfred E. Schlnimel of 36 Next month's Pack Meeting to itol on business. Qiinese Nationalists As­ I won Its first real test yesterday pay beneflta, showed that mUy M Company's protection, are requested to com­ grew firmer and the eastern world Oertrade Naumen. IS-yeer-oM Phelps road, head teachCr at Cen­ be held April 28 at St. Marys Par­ Ranges, Refrigerators (tMdbrii when the House tentatively lopped per cent had been able to find COUPONS Cub Pack No. 27 could be held a# its ally. sert Most of 100 Conway Serve* Notice I ter church nursery school, will r ffl • 1 I e - a quarter billion dollars from Eu- atndeat at Bryn MAwr, Pn., collega Jobs. The remaining 10,890 work- ish House will depict The Country Prescription PharmSey municate with the Columbia Insurance Com­ Washington, March 29.— " I think the day is not far dla- speak at the meeting of Center Washers and All ropean recoveryThe funds. vote la sought hy poSco throughoet the era w e n classed aa being off tha church Mothers Club tomorrow Fair. This will be an interesting (ffV-Balked by President tent," said Bevin, "when the Armed Junks Sunk Republicans Intend N ew s iidbits Holds an Exhibit meeting and it is hoped that as 901'Main St.— Tel. 5321 pany of New York at 55 Fifth Ave., New York was 165 to 168. eeet tollewtng her dtaeppeereece. labor market and not aoakinff ■ Thnan coupons ."hit the town** evening at 8:15 in the Federation Other Appliances Truman after asking politely, growth of this power... .will cre­ To Draft Own Pro-1 This reduced the administra­ The girl vanished while on her work. lasb Wednesday, and they were room. Her subject will be "W hy many parents and relatives of the Taipei, Formosa, March 29—(>P) Culled From (/P) Wires 3, N. Y. a Senate committee today set ate a sttuation where there will be tion's Marshall plan program tor way to her home In Hantsburg, Bowles Releases Borvey brought in to na In such oiim- Nursery School?" A t a pack meeting held at St. Cubs, as possible, will attend. no alternative but to negotiate, to — Chinese Nationalists said today gram on State Setup western from $2,050,000, Pa. (NBA telephoto). The FaderaUy-flnanoed survey, beca over the week end that Marys Parish House recently. Cub coh out to force him to turn over aetUe once and for all this prob­ Scouts of Pack 27 displayed a Ths JW .HAL€ their warships routed two fleets General Electric Company has 000 to 82,700,000,000 in new au­ prepared by Labor Oommiaaloiiai wa had to order out another Winnera In the team-of-four club secret loyalty files. It sent the lem that cursed the world for thorizations. 909 easel of P. A O. products. championship In Tinker hall last wide variety of anapahots taken of nearly 100 well-armed Commu­ Hartford, March 29.— (fl*) taken steps to sue Maey’s In at­ John J. Egan, waa raleaasd today Read Herald Advs. Senate’s sergeant at arms ao long.” tempt to halt price cutting on elec­ The three coupons are worth night were Mr. and Mra. Louis by the boys themselves. Each Den nist JimVs south of Shanghai, sink­ — Rival plans for reorganiz­ Still to Come Under Fire by Governor Bowlaa. It a h M ^ out with a summons direct­ His words were taken to mean trical appliances . . . Slight earth­ Murray Seen that Hartford ranked very weU hi jM t 9Se . . . netter use them Krebs and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest had Ita own display mounted on TELEVISION he thought the Soviet union, fac­ ing most of them. ing the state government— Still to come under fire were aid maw. Ungerer. Winners in the Friday cardboard or in albums. ing three high government Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek quake shakes Long Island north to Korea ami (Thins, and requests that only-4.1 par oent o f Ite t ^ ing this comMned western strength one labeled “Democratic” and shore and southern Connecticut at working force covered under thq night duplicate aeaaion were, T7;e movie "The Little League” officiala to produce employe files would have no alternative but to shouted a fiery denunciation of in­ (or funds to launch President Tru­ Good Choice Iveayanow with coupon ooate 9:43 a. m. today . . . New York law had exhausted Jobless pay North-South, Mr. and Mra. Unger­ was "shown and greatly enjoyed by TELEVISION for ite Oommuniam investigation. negotiate with the west on prob­ ternational (Communism. In hia the other “Republican”— will man’s "Point Four" program of yea ealy tSc. With oonpon yon “Since 1907 By Reid second speech in two days, the Na­ City's rainmakers are foiled by beneflta. It ranked next to Nor­ er, 109; Mrs. J. R. Debone and Mrs. the and their parents. But there seemed imall chance lems dividing the world. be competing in the General technical assistance to underdevel­ gat 9 huge packages of Oxydol F. Schoenleber, 87',4: Mr. and Mrs. While games were played by the We repair and install all they would comply after Mr. Tru­ tionalist president called upon weather again . . . American offi­ oped areas of the world. walk, which had only g per cant o4 Assembly before its current cials label as "entirely prematura" fer 44o end a large Crisco with Krebs, 87. Ea.st-West, Mr. and Cubs, Cub Master Clinton Hend­ makes of radios and tele­ It’s Been AUCTION O f Course” man from Key west, Fla., refused Meetteg OtOed bg Acheaoa .. 's youth "to assume a holy All are parts of the administra­ Brickef .Lauds Truman exhaust eea. eanpna easts only 75c. We have Mrs. Leo Flaherty, 99; Mrs. H. D. rickson held a separate meeting to make the files public. The meeting of the 13 foreign mission of crushing the Commu­ special session comes to a Winston Churchill's suggestion In proportion to covered employ­ vision sets. that German aoldiers be permitted tion's 83,372,450,000—less 8250,- Selection for Atomic Tide and Dos In the giant slse Puter, and Mrs. Robert Lathrop, with the parents to ask for volun­ Three OStotels NeaMd ministera, who make up the coun­ nist traitors, driving out the Rus­ close. ment, however, Bridgeport WM HOUSEHOLD FURNIStlINGS to serve with Allied armies. 000,000, now—program of all for­ aad plenty of all sizes o f Ivory 94; W. E. Diefenderfen and Arthur teers to replace Den Mothers and Anihorized Dealer For Secretary o f State Acheaon, A t­ cil of the year-old Atlantic pact, sian aggressors, restoring the Notice that Repubileana, in con­ eign economic aid during the 13 Energy Gimmissibn highest, with 14 per aaat at Itl Soap. Make Wednesday your Allen, 89. LEGION HALL—MANCHESTER. CONN. was called by U. 8. Secretary of CSiinese republic and rescuing our trol of the House, plan to draft A 82,000,000,000 increase In gov- total working force having 'OMr Committeemen whose boys are torney General McGrath and Har­ ernmeat fuads for farm price sup- months starting July 1. P. A O. day and bring your RCA. MOTOROLA, GENERAL State Dean Acheaon, chairman of compatriots on the mainland." their own reorganisation plan has hauated pay benaflta. graduating from Cubs to ScouU. (On Leonard St., which runs o ff Alain S i, oppoelte State Arm ory) ry MitchelL chairman of the (3vll porU is recommended for second lu .w . forlegn aid cut _ was----—' only Washington, March 80 — (4^— euupouB to nuehurst. Tim following advancements ELECTRIC, ADMIRAL To Prove You Can’t Match a Servioa eonunlaaion, were named Use counclL at Briteln’s sugges­ Hunt Down Red Troops been served by House Majority The Bridgeport ana bad the lara' time to Senate by its Agriculture J * " ’*'*’ *^ Q-O P- economy wer^made: David Willlama, Wolf TRAV-LER, EMERSON WED. EVE., MARCH 29,1950 at 7 P. M. la subpoenas Issued by a Senate tion. Nationalist warplanes hunted Leader George C. Conway (R., TTiomoa B. Murray, a New York eat total number of axhauateag down remnants of the crack Red committee . . . Gen. DWight D. I /?r-_ Silver Arrow, Bear Badge and Foreign Rslationa subcommittee Along with this meeting Bevin Guilford). Before whacking 8350.000,000 of Democrat, was described by a Re­ 0,380 followed by Waterbury Wltl Harvard B e e t s ...... 27c 5 ROOMS FROM P A R T Y M OVING:— Home grand comb, oil and annotmeed that he, Acheaon and troops who Invaded Hainan island Elsenhower Is called before sena­ Gold Badge; Raymond Brown, gae range, kitchen act. studio couch, walnut dresser and ward­ sad put in the hands of Joseph Conway's asaertlon that “ the tors to discuss defense needs and Europe's Marahatl plan aid, the publican today as "sxacUy tha 0,080 and Hartford with 5.500. Clam Bisque ...... 40c Wolf, Gold and Silver Arrow and o A U T O Duke, the sergeant at arms, for France’s foreign Minister Robert Monday. The NationalisU aaid Republican party wlU compile a The report ahow^-tbat W 8hi robe, divan, rugs, dinette set, china cabinet, tea wagon, lamps, yesterday they shattered an inva­ Senator Elmer Thomas (D., Okla.) House administered a 152 to 187 tepe of man” needed on the Atomic Pig’s Feet Cutlets ____48e Bear, Gold Arrow; Arthur Benton, Ol V STORES serviee. Schuman would bold a separate •oiind la|dslatlva .program for re- 19,100 workars atlil unamploj^ Custom F steads, Crosley epnaole radio, ete. sion force of more than 4,000. oaya ha-, understands President defeat to a G.O.P.-backed drive to ^ e r g y Oommisslon. Lam b T o n g u e s...... 55c W olf Badge; Nicholas Infante,- Tel. 7980 Tba subcomanittos. tavoatlgatlng Big 'niree oonfersnee; jeniaauon" was niade in a ra- Tivm an wants hearing opened to reduce it by $500,000,000. The atetament was mads by 8,820 wen drawing 859 Main S t Thps, the AQantic pact machine Seml-officl41 diapatchea said Pig’s Feet ...... ja r 28c Wolf, Gold Arrow; Edward Felt- Girls* blcyde, porch and lawn chairs, lawnmowcr. etc. Some glaos, charges hy Bsnator McCarthy (R- idio broadcast last night He spoke public. Far From Agreement Senator Bricker (R., Ohio) In Mur­ beneflte" In January 1800. '* ' FRI 6 IDHRE begins to roll into high gear. Bevin Nationalist warahlips engaged china, brio-a-brac, restaurant diahes, etc. New 54" cabinet sink, Wla) of Bovlst asplonage acUvittss more than 70 heavily armed Red ■oon after e public hearing on the Chicago taieviaion maker tells ray’s presence during hia 15-min­ M an Bxhnnattoaa h f Maa told Commons there was a growing reorganlMtion program endorsed Aa the House continued with Visit our Meat Dept. Venetian new end table, new medicine cabinet. ^ Unktd to the State departmenL jimka under the guns of shore public ndt to expMt any more Mg the foreign aid bill today, Repub­ ute appearance before the Joint Slightly m on men than womao desire among the Allied nation# by Democratic Gov. Chester demanded the full loyalty files batteries at Nanhwel, 33 miles slashes In prices of seta . . . Coun­ lican strateglata still were far Senate-House Atomic committee, exhausted beneflte In 1946 tho rw Wednesday for Lamb Pat­ EVERVBODV’S GOING — EVERYBODY’S GOING to deal with economic and political Bowles came to a close before a The committee la conaidering Mur­ port said. Three ojit of a ra ri ROBERT M. REID & SONS, Auctioneers Master Model for 1950 reaching back to Jan. 1, 1940, tor southeast of Shanghai. National- cil of State Chambers of Commerce from agreement on the larger ties, freshly chopped Chuck problems as well as with mutual legislative committee. 291 MAIN ST, PHONE S19S RAYMOND REID, PHONE 718S about 90 persons. Tha fUi I sought lat gunfire reportedly silenced sev­ accuse House Appropriations com­ ray's nomination to the AEC. four of the 88,080 men exhauateei defense. - > question of how to make aubatan- Tha engineer - buainesaman • in­ or tenderknived Steaks. MANCHESTER, CONN; eral batteries and sank most of the Assembly In Beress mittee of making hasty and "piti­ Blinds ventor was named by President TESTIMONIAL BANQUET (Osettausi SB page Six) Fiaaaoe Mtalstera Meet Junka. The General Assembly was in fully weak” attempt at money­ (UoaUnued on Page rwelva) (OMttaMd ea Pago Ywalea) ' In line with this the finance Later in the day the warships recess today, with the next hear­ saving ... British motorcar makers Truman last weak to fill out tha In honor of ministers of the 13 nations meet aighted more than 30 (tommuniat ing slated for tomorrow on bills believe American mans produc­ unexpired term of David E. Llllen- W hers today to discuss arrangement# Junka farther south and in a run­ proposing the establishment of tion methods will bring new Brit- thal, who left the commlaaion Feb­ Plane’s Crash tor financing the defense of the A l­ ning battle sank 17, the dispatches adjudication boarda" within ex­ gaa turbine automobile into ruary 15. WILLIAM S. DAVIS lied western world. sMd. ecutive departments of the gov­ general use In 10 years. Czechs Expel Murray handed the committee a brief atatement of his qualifies- Chairman, RepubIleaB Town Committee A ir headquarters said National ernment. The boards would act Constant pounding of proflt-tek- “ Since 1907 By Reid Military chiefs of staff of the 12 tlona. Hs answered several ques- Being Probed naUons yesterday in The Hagjc, iat planes spotted two groups of somewhat like courts in deciding lag ^alea slowly forces stock mar­ Flashes! leL 49*8 SATURDAY. APRIL 15. 19.50— « P. M. It’s Been O f Course more than 200 men each who had ket lower . . . Frank J. Starael, Last AP Man tlona and then heard Bricker AUCTION Holland, adopte4 unanimously an cases arising under department say: (Italal I at tko (f ) W in ) riNMU MANUMCTUlINO CO. STATE ARMORY— MANCHESTER integrated plan assigning respon- fought inland from the Hainan rules and regulattona. general manager of The Asaoclat-1 ------island beachea. The planes at­ " I am very favoraMy impressed At Manehaatar Groan ADVANCE NOTICE stbiliUea to each nation for the Governor Bowies and other with Mr. Murray’s experience and Top Safety Officer of tacked. A third and smaller group American" correspondent •" of A STnlRefuK P lo Renew Prem " ...... CONTRIBUTION $2.00 PER PERSON defense of the whole alliance. Democratic leaders have declared qualifications. He ta exactly the lacreaaed Aid Sought COMMUNITY FARM AUCTION fought back with anti-aircraft that they will back the reorganiza­ Prague ia ‘'ehoeklng affront to an Air Force B^ins In< The defense ministers of the Credentials of Polo- type o f man needed at this time In Waahington, Mureh 8K— (8) -• fire. tion program submitted by the organisation which has been the Sponsored by Republican Actlvltlea Committee member naUons are to meet in The Remnants of the Red invading thia field.” Senator Oonnally (D-Tex) repart) FARM ERS! T A K E IN V E N TO R Y ! Then eeR your surplus ma­ vestigation of Accident Hague Saturday to study reports Commission on the Organization foremost accurate and objective wetzky, American Head Senator Hickentooper (Iow a) Limited Number of Tickets Still Available chinery at this sale. W e want eervlceable equipment which you force could be seeking to Join Com­ of the State Government appoint­ reporter of news” in CzechoslO' ed aa argent reqaaat for Inratnael munist guerrillas. aid to help Far EMtern oonatifm MEVK are willing to sell for the high dollar without reserve. Remssyvllle, OnL, March 29— (Ooettaoed oe Page Six) ed during the Leglalature’a regu- vakla and rest of world. (Gonttniied on Page Twaira) For Reseivatlona Call 2-9711, 9541, 9829 or 5998 Landing to Aid Gnerrillaa Prague, Czechoslovakia, March realat Comnwahnn waa plaoed Mb MON., APR. 10, '50 at Janies Prentice Farm (R)— ^T7»e U. S. A ir Foree!a top l u 1949 session. Bowles says he 26—( ^ —The Czechoslovak govern­ Hcketa WUI Be DeUveted The Nationalists said their land­ wants the program adopted aub- fore, aennlore today hy Saerataijj MOUNTAIN ROAD (OFF MANCHESTER ROAD) safety officer began an Investlga- ment today ordered the expulolon ing ona week ago at CHitentiao, atanUally as the commission rec­ o f State Acheeen aad Ambnaan^n GI.ASTONBURr. CONN. tlon today into the explosion and of tha last American correspond­ EVERYBODY’S GOING — EVERYBODY’S GOING 150 miles south of Shanghai In ommended it, although he haa ih- PhlUp Jeaaop. Oonnally tuaaa* a Last year's sale her* was'a huge success. We had a “ Mile Long crash o f the U. S. embassy plane Chinese Reds Priority Given ent of The Associated Press re­ Tito Regime In which American Ambassador CTieklang province, was made to dicated willingness to compromise toranl atatement after Hw ttft BINGO Midway of Machinery." so get your entries In early. Contact Mr. deliver ammunition, medical atio- maining In this country. diplomnta diarnaard tha w aft! Laurence A. Stelnhardt and four on some details. Prentice at once! Phone Manchester 4681, pliea and communications equip­ It refused to renew the press EVERY WEDNESDAY- 8 P. M. others were killed yesterday. Shift Stand Won’t Accept Revlsloa Plan To New Bomb Gains Votes ■Ituatlon for more than twn heitit FOR FULL DETAILS, CALL MR. PREN'nCE, OR Maj. Gen. Victor E. Bertrandias, ment to guerrillas. credentials of Nathan Polowetaky, with the Senate Foreign Belntta t Yesterday’s public hearing was which expire on March 31. Polo- director of fiylng safety tor the The landing force o f 400 regulars committee. Oonnally ta commute# devoted to the commission's plan wetzky, who has been the lone TINKER HALL ROBERT M. REID & SON, Auctioneers A ir Force, took n leading role in was met by a force of 3,000 guer- ehalrmna. Agree to Eva«iation of rillaa, the Nationalists said. The for revising the state's 132-year- Development Now Put American Associated Press corre­ Supported in Its Fight 291 Main SL, Phone 8198 Raymond R. Reid, riione 748S the inquiry started by Canadian s e e PLAYING STARTS PROMPTLY AT 8 guerrilla commander was identified old constituUon—a plan v^ich spondent here since (Thief-of Bu­ MANCHESTER, CONN. j^ lc e and Rojral Canadian Air Teen-Aged Feud Brings Death 1,600 Foreign Nation aa Gen. Li Wei-C3iang. G.O.P. leaders have said they First by Order of reau Richard Kaslschke was ex­ Against Cominform by AND YOU DON’T STAY LATE Force officera shortly after the won't accept. Ruae^vtlle, Ark., March 88;^ tragedy. als from Shanghai The report said the miaslon was Atomic Energy Group pelled last January, was given un­ 93.2 Per Cent on Lists (4V—A long-atendlng fond he- accomplished, indicating the regu­ The commission haa recom­ til April 8 to leave Czechoalovakte. Sole Survivor Chief Witness mended that a new constitution tween rival toea-aged aewapaM The chief witness is the. sole sur lars had withdrawn. "Unobjective Reporting" Reason be aubmitted aa "one package" to South Hadley, Mass., March, 20 Belgrade, Tugosla-vla, March 29 carriers resulted today In thf vivor of the crash, M /Sgt Owynne Bulletin! Chiang, in a speech commemor­ Bedrtch Runge, deputy press death of one o f them wtth a shah A. Long of Vannoy, N. C., who par- ating the death of 7f young men the voters In the state elections —UP)— Development of the hydro­ chief of the foreign ministry, gave —(/P)-^Tbe independent Oommu- Hong Kong, March 29—(>P) next fall. The commlaalon'a plan gun chargeSliT'the face. ShatM “SINCE 1907 B Y R E ID achuted from the fiamlng plane slain in Canton 40 yeara ago dur­ gen bomb has been given top pri "Unobjective reporting" as the nlat ngim e o f Premier Mqnball —A China Navigattoa Com­ would by-psat the amending pro­ Ony Hickman said Pat Bawerh i r S B E E N O F CO U R SE Just before it Mew up and plowed ing an uprising against the Manchu ority by the Atomic Energy com- reason for the expulsion. Tito waa supported tn Its fight pany official said tonight no cedure bet up in the present con- 14, thot Wayne Vothren, 16 frant 2-4541 AUCTION WHsrtver you livo—whatever Into a snow-covered, field near agreement haa been reaMMid te„ dynasty, said international Com­ miasion. Further expulsions of the to)v agalnat the Russian-led Oomln- J otltution which normally takes i a few feet away when they met ed here. aead A ONC ship to evacuate munism was trying to destroy Buniner T. Pike, acting chair­ remaining western correspondanU form by 93.3 per cent of the Yugo­ the size of your family, kitchen minimum of five years. slav voten in Sunday's general n street In a realdential ■eelto^ Antiques — Fine Furnishings — Grand Piano Suffering from shock and leg torelga natloeals from Shang- S,(X)0 years of Chinese ctilture. man of the commission, made the here were forecast last weak by In­ here after echool' yaktorday Mlaiv or budget—be sure to Me the injuriea, Sergeant Long told tnves- haL E. O. Price, manager of, Mainland Chinese, he said, suf­ Conway was Joined by Senator disclosure In a Mount Holyoke col formation Minister Vaclav Ko- election, It wa# officially announc noon. Young Vothren tSai this JUST PICK BP YOUR PHONE At American Legion HaH, Manchester, Conn. tigatora last night that all aboard BntterSeld aad Swire, British^ fer from famine, hunger and "ruth Charles 8. House, o f Mancheater, lege address last night, pecky who told Parliament that ed today. • —' morning. The Bowara hey wd| new Frigidoire Refrigerators N IW Impreved Meter-MIssF the plane strapped on parachutes leader of the Republican minority Although he did not specifically The official Yugoslav, nerwa • Dial 2-4641>-Wc*U be glad to call for your prescrip­ (On Leonard St., which runs o ff Mata S t, opposite State Arm ory) shipiitag compeey which op- less Russian oppression worse than the foreign press corps had bean held withont chnrga. for 1950. See' the complete after the right engine caught fire, eretea CNC^ oeM It wonid co­ that o f the Manchu autocracy.” in the Democratlc-oontrolled Sto- mention the hydrogen bomb. Pike virtually eliminated since the Com­ agency Tanjug nported that .9,059, • • • tion and deliver it carefully compounded. N IW shelves ere ell-olumU but that the other pasaengera "got SALE'.—SATURDAY. APRIL 1, 1959 at 10^9 A. M. line of sizes from 4 to 17 cu. ft. operate with Araeilcaa spon- Charges Betrayal by Reds ate, in aoaerting that their party said: munists took over the government 118 o f the 9,746,000 who voted Widow and Son Faond Shot num end rust-proof panicky and would not bail out.” V I . aored evacuation, plana bat no He accused Red. Leaders .Mao "will not kill reorganization." "W e are doing some reshuffling in 1048. supported supported the unop­ Cbloago, Marsh 89—(P>—A «Y - . Mrs. “A” Mn. “B’\ EXimirnON:—FRmAY, EVBNINO MARCH 81. S-19 —see all the reasons why your Newsmen have not been permitted posed People’s Front ticket. MANCHESTER DRUG N IW split shelf ellews room / anaagemento have been made. Tse-Tung and Chu Teh Of betray­ QaeaUona Demociete’ Sincerity of'th e projects and the personnel TTie fate of other western oorra- year-eld widow and her aon w ^ to question him at the hospital House questioned the sincerity in the whole atomic energy pro­ ■pondante will be known later this Moat Oppoaltien In Croatia > 70t MAIM SnuaBT^OHNSON BLOCK . Ilila sale features many unuaual and important items, pur- No. 1 choice |s America’s No. 1 for largo, bulky Homs ing the Cljlna republic and "auhj found shot to death today and ^ where he la confined. Baa Franclaco, March 29—(P)— gram in order to bring the utinoat weak. The Foreign ministry has The biggest show o f opposition ------M. MOBBB, Bog. “ chaaed by us from various homes and eatetca including tha Refrigerator, FRIGIDAIREI JscU ng.the‘ Chinese people to o f Democrats In making public Iloe CapL John Ryan eald ha had Among the four other vlcUnu President George L. KUUon .said statements that they were whole­ weight to bear on the apecltte summoned Dana Adams Schmidt, appannUy waa In (Tathollo Croa­ home o f the late Mra. Horace B. Cheney, Manchester, Conn. In N IW swing-dSwn sholf fer was Alan C. Harrington, 29, aon grave crisis end natlonsl humUia- been given n letter readhig *T JnM A Tide of butler, cheese, smell Hems today hla American President tion unprecedented in our history. heartedly for the Organisation weapons development work whijh New York Times correspondent, to tia, where tome dlatricta recorded shot and kUad BU at SsSS a. as." iiddltlon.several conaigned lota from reliable sources. N IW ■eM-enfl-white“target” of JuUan Harrington, the U. lines had received a report that "Four hundred million of our commiaalon’a plan. U)e president haa recently directed appear at 11 a. m. tomorrow, and more than 30 per cent againat the Mra. MoUla Moalml was tawM lelcli end trim N IW ell-percelain Twin Hy- Minister to Ottawa. us to puraue.” Fron the Cheney Hasaei Small French -cheat of .drawers (4' Sabetage Bamora mseauBted CSitnese Commimlst officials have compatriots have been subjected "From what I hear from mem- the representative of Agence nalm e. ■lata by a ballet In the cheat ta d e a r H-Bomb Meant Nevertheleaa, the election high, S3" wide), inlaid tulipwood knd bronxe Dora decoration N IW Seper-Sterege design dnrtets thot stack up Preliminary investlgetiona tend­ agreed to evaeuaUon o f 1,900 for­ France Press, the semi-official her eeeand fleer ftat at 1S8S West Hia reference to the specific •bowed stronger popular support Domestic Wisdom with desk compartment. Hepplewhlte console table. EngUsh arm wMi feRifengHi deer en lerger ed to dlaeount early mmors that eign natloanls firqm Shanghai. (Osatiaoad on Page Twelve) (OMttaaoS am Vaga Six) Frenth news agency, an hour earl- OUoago nveana. PoUee limweiWata. N IW ell-percelein Meet vrork which tha president directed chair. Mahogany table-desk, line carving, ball and <9aw feet. the plane may have been sebo- The group inclndsa about 400 laf. o f Ttto’a regime than did the last h e ^ n eonreh tor her aeih Irvi Sterege Trey the commisaion to pursue made it John a Higgins, United Prku eneral elecUon in 1948. In that MRS. ~**A”, with her automatic, laun­ Gold leaf mirror. Other furniture. Few oil palntinga. Several taga—A «-«a n ta a company, gava thaaa flguraa Ita aetlen taHawnl tlie Nn^|r^ dto 15 Itsma including chataa daeorated by Mr. Vekw ood. die." Mora then 900 etddanta atruck Snoda, arithmatlc aad civics ih- "llM ra already la one reactor un 0®*f®nlced Used T ires ...... 49e and up K E M P S , h e . shallow draft vessels to enter tomoMIea have killed ntora Araati- 927,290 paraona kU14d by autoa etolen to withdraw from tee hdanR He said the rest of the pss.«en their achoola yeaterday, ell tor tha ■tnietor, had been given the choice der construction In Idaho," ha said. from 1907, when the toU waa only M IO milea weat a f Bonoluln. Fim a a teadljr nMvtita westi Grand piano, Aaoliaa Duo-Art Shanghai harbor to ferry passen­ of resigning or gatBng fired. They Scat CoTcn for AU Makes of Can $5.95 up gers declared they would atay with same reason — In protest against 'T h e building of another should cana than all tha U. 8. wars from 099, through last year when there Mdhogaay ease. No. 1 ^ 2 1 0 9 (player attachment removed), gers to the Gordon. marched out of class. '4 tha plane in hopes the pilot would diaraiaaal or demotion of teach wa. ■tart in tho a ^ e area about as I the RavoluOon through World War were 81,000 fataliUea. Hamadan Oriental rug, 5* 2" x 19’ 9". 3 very Sne Mahogany bed­ KUllon said that if the Gordon Tfoaswj Bahuiee be able to land it safely, despite This la the way the strikes Laetonia, Columbiana county - ■oon ■■ the froat gets out of tba | He predicted the 1,000,00 mark room aets (ima with twin beds). M ai^ bedroom sat with twin " Dependable Service le needed, it probably would con­ shaped up: between 75 to 100 pupUa shied 'ground. A third one looking for­ ■ iliu the pilot's orders to ball out. would be reached within tha naxt Waahingtom March beds. Capehart-Famsworth comb, radio and racord player (modtl- Sergeant Long .tried to push them tinue to Honolulu and discharge YoricvUle, near SteuhenvlUe - away from afternoon classes after ward eventually to a power plant The Induatrial accident toll la 29-r(Ph- year or two. - ^ The poaiUen o f thr. TraaiHO^ CAMPBELL B I018). Bendix elec, waoher. Other ttema . .Truckmen—Lunch. out o f the door, he said, but when passengers before returning to the 190 pupils aUlked out>bf achuoL the School board voted against ra- tor Naval veaael propuWon la In almost aa great. Tha menacea wera atraaaad yaa- In the past four decadoa, Chruick- March 37: WE GIVE GREEN STABIPS they refused hs Jumped alone from OrleaL hituriy railing agelnst tha school blring Curtis H. Allison, acting the advanced design ataga where Ms Offktal Wesi Kecelved board’s demotion o f 8upt PhiUp ■upartntendent, Prindpel W. H. construction, Mao In Idaho, may be terday at New York’s 80th an­ ahank adttod. induatrial aeMdanta MM hiidgat raaeipte. 88S7.( ROBERT M. REID A SON, Auctioneers 700 fast. Jdlled 790,500 American workara. 818J5: cxpandituiea. A o n s a m ir Tbs body o f ths 57-yasr-old In Washington, Stats 4spart- SceUL Bailey end four other faculty mam started before thia year la out, nual Safety expoalUon. 9§ BBgBLL STREET TEL. 5167 291 Main St., Pheaa 8198____ Raymead R. ReM, Phaas 7488 763 M A IN S T R E E T T E L . S6S6 n lw ree Given LaM yaaria toil wa# 19JM10. 898.838.49: eikh, balanea, ft MANoniBTntrn^. Btetnhsrdt U s clothing still aniold- mt^t ofneisls saM they h ^ no of- (Dwitiect Net Beeawed bars. "A fourth amploytng different 564.788.88; ouatonM n ed ift SheronvUla, in Cincinnati area— Damonatrationa' backed up the John Crulckahank. ehieC en- Tba dead of an tMa country's wars total 863,000, ha said. month, 888,886118.71, lea raasTwoi * (OeatlwNS e« VSfo Tire) 90 Of the high KhoclM 800 stu- walkouts. *4>taHsffai am Page ginoe'r of the United Btatea Guar-'

/ f ' ' W im s f m !'»w 1 11,1 I

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHICSIKR. CONN.. WEUNESDAY. MARCH 2 9 , 1960 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1869 p A o v T B m : . o f their namaa. aatd tha two pro* after-hls'iotura la Washington. temlly art to b* paid by Qallup aaatlona art includad la a tlat o f There wUl be a vacaacy on tin Ticfcfitfi for Ptayoff Tilt •ervlca and civic orgoniutionA Midwest Gets VbteUpsets have their etna “washed away.” expected edminletration changas, comailBBioa April 18 when Lawia, On Sale at the Araory They wlU arrange to fly BiUy an d, many of which will be announoad Strauaa laavaa to roat on hit farm family to the Indian celebration. EASTWOOD Billy spoke In City Hall audi­ 6.000 Attend torium. The 3,800 seats were from Mr. Tniman'a winter tVhlte in VlrglnlA Gold Weather In • letter to the ‘Yolka of Gal- i H. BmSri P. MeMarrax Boston Revival May Housa shortly. Secretary o f the Army Gordon : For the convenience o f local Schools Plan K. Parker riaire Trrrar filed. The overfiow heard hla voice lup," Mrs. Shearrow wrote "th e ' through loudspeaker* In two i\car- | | «y Flfure for Veors Gray la resigning to take over the baakstball fkna, tickste for to­ Last EkiglUh language doesn’t contain^ presidency of tne University of night's Eastern League playoR "Oialn “ Border- At Portland by churches. Lawton, who has been with the enough words to express our feel-1 Gather For Five Hour* Picked budget bureau for IB years. Is now North Carolina and White House Fresh Batch of Frigid game between .Manchester and Legality of Special Ref* ii^s.” Lightning” Line” Upset 1740 Record offleiala say Mr. Truman wants The crowd started gathering assistant dirsater. Lika Paca, ho fas Meriden In Meriden will be on ;=s S:3S - S:M 1:U - S:1S Tramaii to Sue* Face to suoeaad him. Air from Hudson Bay •ale tonight frdm B to • at the erendum for Mansfield ThroDg to Hear Evan* five hours before the meeting. a lawyer as well aa an accountant. Deputy Police Chief Clarence F. 3 Other Impending vacancies in­ Ha baa been a kay figure In the Pushes luto Dakotas j armory, box office In Meri­ coed^Preaeot Pirector clude tha undsrsecretaryship of Also Questioned Priority Given BUN.f HEV .TO THE CITT” Evangelist Billy Graham gelifit Split Among Hofacker, who made the 6,000 ••- operations of the bureau for many den opens at 6;18. The game timate, said “ I've never teen any­ the Army. Tracy Voorhees is starts at 8:M. M a n c h e s i e r Three Auditoriums x « 7 fl« ., M r A . I#—OP)— years. leaving not later than June 30. B y The Associated Press Mansfield. March 29— Resi­ To Oimax Four-Day thing like It.” Other changes under eoneldera. 'Meanwhile Cornelius Vanderbilt To New Bomb After a second meeting here to­ Days! kutkoriUttv* White Houm aoure- The midwest, raked by atrnng dent* o f this area find themaelvea D a t e B o o k Hon would sift Secretary of the A ir Whitney ditclosed yesterday he __ w Crusade With Huge Portland, Me.. March 29—(4») — night, Graham goes to Watervllle FREE PARKING im w Mid today that ftadorlck J. Force SynUngton to the long va­ has submitted his resignation aa winda, anew and rain atorma 'hla today without any accepted achooi Curly-halred Billy Graham drew on Thursday and Houlton Friday. our Mala 8 t lot beeMe An Items Listed SubJeeO cant ebairinenship of the National Plane’s Crash (Coatlaued frum Page One) Outdoor Meeting Awtoa, 4h>jrearM>ld forenim ent undaraecretary of commerce, cf- wask, ahivared In freesing and be­ building plan foUowlng the longest W M B w u r i Toatfht 6.000 peraons to a revival meeting the store . . . drive In To Prior Bala ;arMr offlc«r,.haa b«en picked by Security Resources board and Rubber Flrnia Aah Tariff oft alreet. factive May 1. low xsro weather today. and largest town meeting In the techniques and aiming at some­ Highland Park P. T. A. Minstrel here last night. The throng had Pra«ldint~lYuman as hia next di- mors Tlioniss K. Flnletter into tbs ORIcial Papers Take Up Time A freah batch of cold air from Being Probed town’s hlatory. Boston, March 29— (P)— Swing­ Highland Park school, 8 p. m to be split among three audi­ sacretaryshlp of the Air Force. what different results 1* also in a Kuala Lumpur—((T) — Leading 'setor o t the budyet. W'hils the president It making tha Hudaon bay country puaaed fairly advanced stage of design ing along New England's sawdust Also League o f Women Voters, toriums. Flnletter. former BCA chief In Along with thla. the legality of a Even the late, great Billy Sun­ rubber goods manufacturers lii OPEN TIIUR8. 9-B . .. A nattvs a t WashlafUai and a hla daily trips to tha beach for a into the Dakotaa and Mlnnasc’ a and la expected to be built north STAT[ trail today. Evangelist Billy Gra­ unit discussion. Home o f Mrs. C. London, w-as the author o f the (Conttnned Png* Ona) •pecial referandum acbeduled to day didn’t do ao well mimerically. Malaya and Singapore have warned OPEN FRI. and veteran o f nearly SO years V Fed- twim in the gulf and a sunbath and apread ovar the north-central from o f the General Electric comptuiy^ i n ham planned on outdoor revival M. Sterling, 16 Oval lane, 8 p. m. "Flnletter report" on natfonsl sir on the sands, hla aides said he ia solve the local school buUdIng ques- Less then 3,000 turned out for hia the government that several hun­ SAT., 9 to 8:30 irfi aervlce, Lawtoa will.teticceed region. Temperaturea drepped to main plant near Schefisetady, N. here that may beat an attendance > Saturday, April 1 devoting a good part of his day •ring, was dragged from the ahat- Uon. ga proposed at last night’s one-night stand here In 1027, con­ dred more workers may have to be Sudget Director Frank I^ce, Jr., policy. below sero in the river vgiiey Y. record set on Boston (Jommon way Old Time Musical at Bolton to work on official papers and on tered tail section of the plane. meeting at the Rawley armory, has temporary news reporta aald. in Arfcanaan, when the latter is . May Detev AEC fltolee o f the north and porttona of North alto been challenged. O n ter Community Hall, 8 p. m. thrown out of work if "ateps are adminlatrstlon strategy. Tha crash occured a few min­ A reactor was described by Pike back In 1740. not taken to restrict the Importa­ dwsen aa acCr«tar>- of the Anny, The president may delay the i Dakota. The below zero readings T h e 31-year-old gospel preacher Prrdiela Possible Disaster "You can look for news to utes after Steinhardt and hla During Tueeday’z four-hour ees- as an “experimental machine whose Friday, April 14 The dynamic Graham, opening a tion of such goods from ex-enemy base sources reported. naming of a new chairman of the | In North Dakota wars the first in la returning April 19 frdm a 20- I pop around here regularly for the p .Vy left Rockcllffe airport at Ot­ slon It waa voted 872 to 480 to re- operation will give the scientific Benefit performance of St. month's tour, of New England, The officials, declintnf the usd Atem lc Energy commission Until 10 days. day soul-aaving tour that will take countries.” next few days,” one advisor said. tawa on a business trip to New Bclnd the action o f' the Bpeclal and engineering people experience John’s Second Annual Minstrel spoke of the deva.stating threata SAVINCS The cold air extended over the town meeUmr o f M «t:h 14 which from which they can devise im­ him into 14 ciUea from Portland, Show, Hollister auditorium. The first "rough work" hat entire midwest and head for the Ydrk. oC atomic and H-bomb warfare laat started on a presidential speech approved a 1311,000 schobl expan­ provements eventually leading the Me., to Hartford, Conn. Saturday, April 18 middle and north Atlantic regioi.s: Steinhardt. veteran diplomat on night and predicted that "God may Was NOW Yea the lid’* o ff on hun­ making campaign aimed to sion program for Mansfield, W s way to useful power.” CUmax of Cniaade Testimonial dinner to William boUi aides of the Ipan Curtain snd bring dlaaater in two or three Notice Casual spring seat upholstered dred* of prices in all de­ strengthen the hand of Secretary The chilly weather waa felt in leaving the town minus a school The climax of a four-day t'ru- S. Davis, chairman of the Repub­ parte of the lower Ohio valley and wealthy lawyer and director of years. of State Acheton on foreign poli­ construction plan. aade will be a great outdoor re­ lican Town Committee, State "So now,” he cried, "now is the oc(tesionaI chairs ...... $10.95 $16.95 partment* of Keith'* 4 numeroua corporations, had been Audience Oiaappointed cy. In aectlona of Kansas and Miaaouri. It was also proposed at the vival April 23 at either Fenway Armory. time to repent your sins and get Notice is hereby given of the tioom. Price* slashed 20%, The freezing temperaturea In ne ambassador to Canada aince 1948. 2-Pc. Kroehler channeled arm Presidential aides said Mr. Tru­ meeting to put the five plans de­ Tokyo, Marcli 29--i;Y^— Five park or Boston Common. Thurettey and Friday. April 20-21 right with God.” termination of the partnership 30%. ,40% and 50% . . . midwest were expected to remain He began hie diplomatic career If the boyish president of North­ Co-Wed Spring Show, at Hollis­ known as "ROBERT M. REID A suite, tapestry., fringed hnse . .259.50 man is "gr.vvely concerned" about signed to remedy qrowded condl- dancing glrla in Tokyo's “new look Nearly 600. the Press Herald es­ 128.75 moat IfcmH one-of- and the offset abroad of criticism of for at least anotheh 24 hours. in 1933 and served aa chief of uons n r the town's five schools as western e e h o o 1 8, Minneapolis, ter street school. timated. accepted the evangelist's SON.8. heretofore existing be­ (Hair Price) iiu t/ tm The mercury also was expected diplomatic missions In Sweden, ■trip ^ o w ” simultaneously "lost” all sold as is. It’s first Corne­ Acheson and the State department recommended by the local Public their brassieres. H ie next night Minn., picks the. big ball park .Monday, Tuesday, April 24, 38 invitation to come forward and tween RAYMONTl R REID and from Senate Repubileana, includ­ to drop ovbr most of ths north­ Peru, Russia, Turkay and Czeebo- GORDON N. REID. RAYMOND Kroehler roclter-recliner chair. School Building Commission to they played to a packed house. there'wiU be aeatlng space for Twenty-fifth Anniversary Con­ ll rst served! tIE imtllT DAYS? ing Senator McCarthy of Wiscon­ eastern part of tha country tonigni ■lovakia at orltical periods before, referendum. R. REID will henceforth conduct But fans were disappointed. Po­ 38,000 listeners. cert of ^ethoven Glee Club. Higll locks in position, in tapestry .... 79.50 49.95 but the cold air moderated as it during and after the war. an auctioneering buaineas under sin. ^ Beferenduffl "M ay Be Illegal” lice warned that accidents don’t But if Boston Common is select­ School hall. McCarthy’s charges that the de­ moved eoutheaatward. Clear and The others who died were; pi--0U»Kim »jk6m usts\ ed a throng of from 80,000 to 100,- the trade name of "ROBERT M. Streit slumber chair and an IN.TSESE SHADY ? Howeveb before this action was happen twice In the same five Friday. April 28 partment la overrun with Commu- cool w'eather.vvaa reported through­ Capt. Thomas G. Archibald, .31, -■m m m iMBa memKrl Annual Masonic Ball, Masonic REID Sc aON," and GORDON N. carried First Selectman Clinton placet. 000 may hear the one-time eouth- ottoman, 3-way adjusting back .. 99.50 79.95 (^fAYTEDH.S nlata and Communist sympathizers out the Rockies and the P.'iclflo of Union Springs, Ala., pilot of the Beebe presented the opinion of the em farm boy expound the old-time Temple. WANTED REID will henceforth conduct an BKDOING DKl-^AHTMF.NT precipitated an Investigation by. a northwest. Skies were sunny nnd plane and assistant air attache at town's attorney, Alva T. Loiselle, religion. Also Square Dance Benefit by auctioneering business under the Grand Rapids Chesterfield sofa in Senate Foreign Relations subconi- the weather was warm In (he the Ottawa- embassy. o f WtUlmantlc, that a referendum On an autumn week 210 years the Cancer Society, State Armory. 4 to 6 trade name of "GORDON N. brocatcllc, fringed: trade-in for Was 1 mlttse. southwest. Lt. Col. Wayne E. Trueblood, to settle the question "may be Ule- ago another inspired evangellat, Sunday, April SO REID. AUerriONEER" and "TH E $98: scarcely looks u sed ...... 98.00 49.00 NOW Mr. Truman yisterday refused Skies were mostly clear over 38, Kansas City, Kas., attached to gal."’ the Rev. George Whitefieid at­ Manchester Choral Society ROOM RENT GORDON REID MPA;4Y." ■ Studio couch with 3 pillows . $59.50 $49.95 ^ flatly to turn over confidential loy­ most of the country and winds nad the RX^.A.F. aa an exchange offi­ According to Mr. Beebe, Mr. NOW PLAYING tracted 20,000 to Boston Common. Spring Concert. Second Congre­ All claims against the partner­ Solid mahogany fallback chair in alty files of the accused for com- cer. 2 Adult 8, 2 Children diminished aa the storm moved ter Loiselle based hU opinion on the The moment they naet Many probably traveled long dis­ gational church, 8 p. m. ship may be presented to Attor­ Colonial tapestry cover ...... 99.50 39.95 Super-Foam rubber pillow. •mlttee Inspection. And. White Into Canada. Some light anow fell Lt. Marcel (Mark) Belafiger, ‘4. grounds that the laws of referen­ tances for the town of Boston in ney Jay E. Rubinow, 843 Main "There’s no gift like the BnlcLgt House advisors say, he defies the they knew they shouldn’t Call 1 (IjO.ss Than Half) Tlcduw ^^ in the Great Lakes region. There New Bedford, Mass., an exchange dum in the general statutes by have! 1740 had an estimated 18,000 In- Street, Manchester, Connecticut. gift of sleep.’’ ...... committee to try to serve s sub­ officer attached to the R.C.A.F. which Mansfield it governed, 10.50 8.95 were showers in some parts of the habltanta. Dated at Manchester, CJonncctl- Decorators occasional chairs in poena on him. makes no provision for a referen­ Swimming Cat ------south Atlantic statea. Among those who listened en­ G. PALLEIN cut, this 28th day of March A.D., rod, green, gray, chartreuse covers .T I..50 24.95 Steel folding rollaway cot with DDT Ends Sicily’s Malaria dum concerning the construction thralled to the young Church of Te Work ea Otwsua Again of buildings. 1930 innerspring mattre.ss included . 29.95 26.75 Safiety On the Mov e England preather—friend of John Dives for Fish Gordon N. Reid, Lounge chairs, choice of 3 styles Agrigenlo, Clclly This-isl-uid The proposed referendum has Tel. 2-1172 Fashion cue: HlOH!... A^stsrs/ Bridti Sk0m and Charles Wesley who Raymond R. Reid. Full size metal bed ...... 14.95 Berwyn, M d„, March 29— ‘/Pt — once plagued by malaria, has set been scheduled to be held Aplrl 28 and 6 different covers ...... 59.00 34.88 8.95 in blue. Step right into line with the Peoria, 111.—(JP)— Bob Johnson la Methodism—was Benjamin Frank- 1 11 lira. Pearle Smith Wilson. 88, a heavy duty apecialiat in the mov­ a record of 12 months without a from 8 a. m. to 8 p, m. However, Springfield, III. — (/Pi — There’! Fringed Law.son love seat Double-deck maple bunk beds wi h spirit of the fashion season... in footwear one cat near here that not only helped take the cenaua hereabouts ing buslneaa. For 48 years he has new case of the disease. Dr. Gius- a special town meeting to hear re­ Effect of Peaching Recalled in gray tone-on-tone cover ...... 09.95 guard rail and ladder...... 69.95 49.9$ that "sparkles” in latest style, reaches in 1B30 and 1930 and will do it been moving pianos, hollers and enne Ferrara, Island health di­ ports of the legality o f such • 'r e f­ Long after he had left his Bos­ swims but gets his daily food at 59.95 new heights in expertly crafted details, again thla year. "1 Just couldn't other outsise equipment. Yet he rector, gave the DE>T spraying erendum will be held at the Howley ton home for Philadelphia the same time. Red genuine cowhide lounge chair 198.50 Simmons Deepslcep boxspring. 1\1 The cat dives into Lake Spiring- 149.50 1 sett a new record for smooth, easy* pass thla one up.” she said. "You never hah had an accident or an program, atarted three years ago, armory April 11 at 8 p. m. lin recalled the effect of W hlt^ Discontinued tick ...... 39.60 29.95 meet ao many nice people.’* . injury. credit for the victory. field after it spots a fish in the ^Pc. nationally advertised going comfort. See these smart, Before the April 11 meeting At­ field's preaching on his boyish Cotton felt mattress with ACA 1 1 torney Loiselle is expected to pre­ mind—and pocket. water which is way over its head Kroehler houclc fringed suits . . 219.50 179.50 flatterino patterns eswl The thrifty Ben had a pocketful and comes up with a meal. striped tick full or twin size .. 22.60 sent a written opinion on the Kroehler 2-cushion cre.scent 16.95 question. of copper, silver and gold coins. 5-Drawer maple chests; 30’’ wide, Widths la flisaa One of the principal speakera Though he had "resolved” wat styled sofa, Kelly green houclc . 229.50 179.50 THELMA SITTER SSSXiSZSX. JERRY WALD BRETAIGNE ) 43" high, 17" deep, smooth finish AA to D V«SM Up te t from among tha more than 20 the silver-tongued Whitefieid 1 29.95 22.50 1 ______PLU S! BOD CAMERON IN “ BRIMSTONE” "should get nothing from me the 3-Pc. Kroehler suite in govern­ 1 ^ who epoke last night waa Mrs. ment standard mohair in gray, Edna Oameau. Sha spoke for the SUNDAY: “BARRICADE” PLUS: “GUILTY RY8TANDER” oratory shamed him. _ Out of this world Citizens Committee for Better "H e finished so admirably, and aqua 5-yenr guarantee .... .”<59.50 298.00 Franklin said, “ that I empty’d my Schools in Mansfield, representing Lawson 3-cu.shion .sofa in multi­ residents In the west section of - pocket wholly into the collecUon 0«0 fo r a man HUG DKPAHTMKNT Msnsfield. dlah, gold and all." color chenille, fringed, a fine ENDS TONIGHT • "12 O’CLOCK HIGH” • “PRISON WARDEN” Whitefieid also came from the custom made creation ...... 219.00 119.00 OsIIe ter Bemdadteg Acttea south—Georgia— to bring ^ s to n e of the worlds Was NOW Celling for the rescinding ac­ 1 "the great awakening.” And he Kroehler channeled 'Tuxedo sec­ Alexander-Smith 9 x 12 wool rugs $69.50 $49.00 tion she said, “ it la very easy for ONE was even younger than Oospeler tional sofa, burgundy bouele . . 2G9.50 the people who live in the Btorrs 134.75 9 X 12 Reversible Deltox ENTm E Graham—only 28. . (Half Price) WEHBNER’S section o f town, where the March Haa Outstripped WWtefleld fiber ruga* ...... 19.95 14.95 14 meeting wae held, to attend WEEK But in the past five years. Dr. Man’s lounge chair. 8 X 10 Reversible Deltox SHOE STORE ^ night town meetings, but It is diffi­ Billy has far outstripped White- Button back, blue tapestry .... 79.95 39.95 fiber rugs* ...... 17.95 cult, and often Impossible, fo r peo­ STARTS TOMORROW field In professed conversions. 12.95 825 MAIN STREET ^ ple In the outlying districts te get The handsome, six-foot-two Blonde occasional arm chairs in 6x12 Reversible Deltox there. evangelist figures he had preached tapestry or plastic covers...... 24.95 . 19.'95 fiber rugs* ...... 17.60 More Lsaghs—More Fun to more peraons face to face in 9.95 "M sny of the people in the out- 6 x 9 Reversible Deltox lylng areas,” she continued, "would Wkh tee tame wMteeiW pwiplo who America during that Ume than Kroehler man’s lounge cliair any other preacher. fiber rugs* ...... 12.95 l^ e to have a chance to vote on *• «• yon snete a eoed fie in modern tapestry c o v e r...... 79.50 49.50 9.95 IF YOU’RE FOND OF DOING the school queatlon. We feel that He claims that each year he has 9 X 12 or 8,3 X 10.6 size seen between 7,000 and 10.000 2-Pc. Victorian suite, solid mahog­ THINGS THE EASY W A Y . . . JUST such a request should not be denied Deltox wool and fiber rugs* . 33.95 to anyone.” This waa followed by a "Dear Ruth" "come to Christ” through his min. any carved frame, tapestry cover 364.50 2 89.50 24.95 STEP INTO ONE OF THESE JiANT- istratlons. The high apoU were 4.6 X 7,6 Wool and fiber request that tha entire problem be T-Cushion lounge chair, custom ZEN GIRDLES OR PANTY- put to referendum. Loe Angeles last fall and Boston Deltox* ...... •...... 16.95 ■9.95 GIRDLES! A t the March 14 meeting it was during: January. built, fringed, tone-on-tone Bom in CJharlotte, N. C-, *discontinued 1949 patteriiB, stock;k limited. y ' dscided by the 780 voters present cover in green or r e d ...... 124.00 62.00 waa converted at 17 and atarted 9 X 12 Rug pads ...... 12.95 ? I ' to accept plsn one as presented by to preach soon after. He served a 7.95 the School B u llin g commission. Queen Anne barrel chair in gold pastorate In Tampa, Fla., While at 18” X 27’’ Broadloom samples, This plan provided for a two- figured tapestry cover ...... 69.95 59.95 tending Bible school there. OWN THE $4.50 values ...... pull up the Talon . .. and you’re room addition to the Buchanan 1.95 A graduate of Wheaton college A fewTactory irregular and set with a better figure, immediately. school and an addition, of nine Wheaton. Rl.. he served during Jantzens are powered to do a mar­ cloasrooms, auditorium • cafeteria, hia undergraduate days aa paatot dis(:qntjnued pattern 9 x 12 rugs $10 to $30 OFF! velous job of smoothing you ..down kitchen and teachera’ room to the o f the Western Springs. Rl., vll iO l I Storre school. The town was also PRECISION WATCH fore and aft, firming the Iiipline, giv­ lage church. authorized to Issue bonds, not ex­ In those years he also had his $ 3 7 - 5 o ing you the line.3 you need for new ceeding $380,000 for the work. first taste of radio broadcasting— Other PropOsale MlSC'Kl.l.AN’ l'OUS Spring fashions. from Chicago stations— which to Was NOW I f put to referendum, other pises interested him he eventually set to be voted on are: up a station at Northwestern Cherry Colonial hutch cabinet . $129.00 Was NOW Plan two. Construction o f a new $99.95 schools. ™ — A. Very Thin Culver...... $49.75 five room school on the west side Solid rock maple butterfly Folding play yard and pad .... $16.96 $12.95 He succeeded the late W. B. , 110.00 o f town and a seven room additl.m Riley, founder and first president B. Very Thin Groom ...... $49.75 table and 4 arrow-back chairs . 89.50 Large size steel wagon with at Btorrs; plan Three, erection pf a of the 47-year-old Institution In ball(X)n rubber tires, for new three-room school In the south­ Mengel Jr. dining room table 1948. C. Very Thin B r id e ...... $49.75 and 4 chairs, silver gray oak . . 133.50 89.50 youngsters from 4 to 8 ...... 9.95 6.98 west sacUon of town and addi­ J - *HUW •>». student Body of 1,200 tions to tha Storrs and Rsynolda 9-Pc. Mahogany.dining suite; New England made tricycle for Northwestern Is made up of D. Very Thin Ladies’ G ru en...... $39.75 seboola; Plan Pour, providaa for three schools— seminary, college credenza buffet, breakfront 3 to 6 year c h ild ...... 13.60 9.95 additions .Reynolds and Storrs and Bible InsUtute. It haa a stu­ aa recommended in Plan Three, E. Very Thin Ladies’ G ruen...... $33.75 chink, Duncan Phyfe table and Famous name bathinette ...... 11.96 8.95 dent body o f about 1,200 from 42 449.50 and Plan Five, construction of a states and 13 foreign countries. set 6 Chippendale ch a irs...... 349.50 Pedal-drive service or stake school building on 'the west side Co-Hit "Flying Saucer' They represent 22 denominations. 5-Pc. chrome set for your truck auto for 5-year qlds to o f town, a thros-room addition to Active in the "Youth for Christ’ . 69.95 49.00 sit in and ride ...... 22.50 . 14.95 the Storra school and a two-room movement, young Dr. Graham set addition at Buchanan ochool. BOTASY’ Iricti IncluJt ftJt'Ol fo< Deluxe ball bearing Taylor Tot up the BrlUsh Youth for Christ Partial list only, many other dining'room values! The School Building commlsaion during a six-months evangelistic BBAND with package-carrying handle .. 12.96 10.95 la composed o f . three membSrs tour In Britain In 1946-47. elected by the townspeople, tivo Although ordained a Baptist 34-Pc. Cannon ensemble; sheets appointed by tha Board of Selact- ROLLER SKATING minister, Billy Graham’s cam pillow cases, towels, etc...... 22.50 9.95 man and two named by the Board paigns arc undenominational. He Bedroom Maple tavern style coffee tables 13.50 7.95 o f Education. Open* Sun.t April 2nd at 7:30 p, m. bases his sermons strictly upon the Bible and he says he Is always Maple luggage bench, or serving careful to avoid saying anything tray base ...... 5.95 2.95 SHOLES LAKESIDE CASINO TOPCOATS Was NOW Glinese Reds that might give offense tb those JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1900 Twin beds and chest in blonde Brass base marble foot boudoir __, YOUR SOUTH COVENTRY other faiths or religions. African avodire ...... $183.50 lamps with decorated shades .. 6.95 3.49' The modest Dr. Billy, whose Tailored by DAROFF 988 8IAIN 8T.. MANCHESTER $91.75 FAVORITl Shift Stand Skating Sunday and Fiiday Nightb campaigns oldtimers think arc HARTUXIRD, AT MAIN aad PRATT ST. 3-Pc. blonde wood bedroom set; Boudoir chairs, two-tone covers 19.95 16.95 nud^ng BlUy Sundaiy’s records, dresaer, bed and c h e s t...... 395.00 CO.\T IN Caetee available at low rates for daaeea, receptions, meeUage, InCabardiM 147.50 Blonde lamp tables with glass top 11.95 6.95 OMMaaad I m « Pag* Oa*) says: aaavlea. Phone Leo, WlUlmantlc 21S8-WS or write In for “I prayed years ago not to be a Period type. 3-Pc. mahogany — reservatlona. orCotmrt 3-Drawer maple dropltd desk with PURE ficial word that arraageaMnte great preacher, but a great soul bedroom, large dresser, full open bookshelf top ...... 64.60 3 2 25 winner." liava bean made for the «vacua< Tbm '« an air te iImm umunal size bed and chest on chest .... 439.50 298.00 (Half Price) WOOL tlon. “Beteny" Brand $00 Ibpceatt^ 3-Pc. modem American walnut set: Pottery base tall table lamps .. 17.60 4.95 Represeatatlvea of tjM American fretb, (ay, dakouir, and yomw bed, dresser and chest ....^.. 219.50 G.^BARDINE Prssldant Unas aad.qf foreign gov- Mother Is Held as tb* taswa iUcU. And tasra* 189.50 3-Way Emerson radios, portable, emmsnt which recognize the Chi­ m ar fat teaaMBs aiia y teateaa 3-Pc. Sheraton mahogany suite; AC or DC, plastic c a s e...... 28.96 1 9.95 nese Communists hav* been nego­ PsrkiBt lu Baby’s Death af w«ar>ba*kad by an aM*m>ea poster bed, chest-on-chest and tiating in Shanglial for the remov- that ibay want dale am of ityla. A Ken Whitmore For 500 CeaM ia aad fed ilie exclmiva •dresser and mirror ...... 329.50 179.50 's Cars Akron, O., March 29.—(/P)— An 6-Pc. Hollywood group; Holly­ contemporary classic attractive, 19-year-old woman ....piieo imtt. IB Mcn ■■ nen- wood bed, upholstered headboard, KITCHEN waa held under guard in City hos' ia i arrqy ef aMwb, riylaa and double dresser, mirror and you’ ll wear for many NOW pital today, charged with drown celert wall ba tery ateeb mu* m i - bedside table ...... 291.95 219.00 Was ing her baby. priied if yau caa redu. E«pa> :/ ■ Self starting electric clock to a season. Beautifully 3-Pc. Hepplewhite mahogany Police Capt. John F. Struaenskl dally ai tUs attradiva pdet. 4.95 said the woman, Mrs. Angelo Roae hang on kitchen wall, ivory . . . $2.97 tailored from collar to suite; dresser, chest-on-chest Du Fala, had admitted holding and bed ...... 189.50 Flatiron with heat control. the 11-day-old Infant, Thomas, 139.00 vhem. The magnificent complete with cord ...... 8.95 2.49 face downward In hia bath water a v k m t C Dresser and poster bed in light 209.50 Automatic pop-up 2-slice toasters 15.95 9.95 ' Skmner rayon satin lining ia completely piped, yesterday. tone Vermont rock maple .... 169.50 The police captain said he had 3-Pc. solid rock maple suite; 2-Door steel kitijion storage cabi­ a neat glors pocket. Spring colors. Sizes 7 to IS. not been able to determine a mo­ nets in white enmnel, B shelve* 18.95 tive for the a c t A pajrchiatriat chest, dresser, low post bed’ . . . . 149.50 119.00 waa called In to examine the wom­ Double Folding steel ironing boards with W — ------. , . 3-Pc. solid maple b^room suite; an laet nlitet but he reported ahw dresser, chest and b e d ...... 119.00 88.00 steam-conditioned steel tops .. 6.95 Escluuvely at waa too agitated for Immediate S&H Green questioning. . See Your Sgleaman or Fhmw 4195 Police said the woman’s hu6K -Stomps Open Fri., Sat. Evenings by Appointment band, Thomas R. Du Fala, a rub- ' ber company worker, reportMf be GIVEN WITH CASH MANCHL^^.T* ^ found her crying hysterically 0 J “W O F M i ^ T fR M S when be came home. He mailed SALES TERMS the child to • hoapital, -but efforts a l l DAlTTHtJitSDAY to revive It -tetled. ' TO FIT -The baby waa the oou|)le’a only VOUR child. A first degraa murder liw s rge waa plfioed against th« NEEDS ^ liftar Cbroner C. I. ■ Vtl.^. ,i,,„y ii.y »|W"



Bums, chairman of Auxiliary community ser\’lct, Mra. Oe,>rgc troit advanced toward $1,000,000. posits monty from Ita regular plan premfuma for Chryaltr strik­ jeMade South Coveutry M. Maiaon of Andover, Mra. Rsy. Strike Talks The union, after first calling It reveaua Into A penaton fund as ers at a total of $300,000. It ia "a step in the right direction,’’ each worker reachea retirement the second tima elnce the strike Mrs. Pauliae Little mond If Ppiul*>' ■*'0 Mrs. Loum age. Wininianlie Bx- Pboae taUWI Bteullet charged that C h r^ sr'a proposal began that the union haa taken free InTrandfer Remaining quaatioM In Gover­ Will Continue waa a "fancy bookkasplng tranaae- WeoM Ceet F ^ r Ofiats Hour over such paymanta. tlon" and not a pension trust Reuther said the plan would cost Delivery Service George H e r a c y Robertson nor’s Fact Finding Commission on Bducatlon quastloanairs were fund. Chrysler only four cents an hojr. m' Going 4o New- school girls’ basketball team will diecuised by local oommtttsc Mon­ CJiryaler and CIO Union Chrysler Vice President Herman "Mr. Rsuthsr egn put any pries Spaniel Givei^ Aid officially bring to a close the lirst day night. A further atudy of U Wecklar and Labor Relations tag ha wranta to on our offer," Our frae dtlivcrjr ^^■rkf 'N. J., Inttead of Still Apparently Far Conder said, "but we think ‘he Borvict la avulluhlc season of girls' butkeiball In ths these questions Is to be made be­ Director Robert W. Conder claim­ In Getting Keys history of ths school when they tween now and the next meeting Apart Toflay ed the propoaat had been "dfllber. beneflta we offer compare favor­ to fou for all pour MARCH ON EASTER EVENT! iHontloiiy TexM* Post play two games this week. Coach the evening of April 17. At that I ately misrepresented" by Walter ably with those offered elsewhere Bo«Nla at anp tlma William B. McArthur reports. time a sub-cemmlttaa will be Reuther, UAW president. In the industry." Longmont, COlo., March 20— anti for any qaan- ^ Owiriiln. March M—(if)—John Detroit, March After Chrysler said its offer would pay The first game at WlUlmantlc formed to outline tha flndlnga of 1 "It waa a fortrlght offer," they —Mr. and Mrs. John Hafnter walk­ ^ Otaaaao, (ormar af«nt in chaff* State Armory Thursday evening the local committee and Ita dia- 04 daya of a etrike which haa seen penaiona of |100 a month, inol-jd- ed out of their house, then dis­ titv. Juai call PINK I said In a statement, "to put aside ing social aecurity, to each of the PHARMACY and 3ir the r«4aral nuraav n( Invtkl- win he with St. Mary's Paroohlal tUbutlon thereafter. aettlemeni hopes ride up and down. now,'Ip a depositor asperate from covered they had left both house . gatlon for Connecticut, haa an­ school of WlUlmantlc. Friday aft­ 88,000 hourly rate workers .vho and car keys Inside. AU doors and pour ordtr will ha A penny saved is a penny earned - and we at Burton's can really S-T-B-E-T-C-H your Eoster money! ernoon the two teams will play at Chrysler Corp. and the CIO United Chrysler, entirely epart from conv reaches the age of 60 and has 20 nounced that he la being trana- Auto Workers were. apparently I pany funds, 830,(^.000 out of windows wert locked. dalivarad immtdi* m red to< Newark, N. J, Nathan Hale Community Center years’ service. But Malsle their pet spaniel, waa In South Coventry at 8:80 p. m. atm far apart today. I which to provide penslona for per­ The strike, which baa idlad 00,- . atalp. ' Oteaaon made the announeement I Ellington | sona reaching the retirement age Inaide. Excitedly, she kept leaping We've combed the market; taken our hands out of our pocket; used the red pencil, to bring you some laat night at a teatimenia) dinner Coach McArthiir expects two N<>gotlatlons were continuing (2 OQO supplier plant .workers be­ up on the back door. Finally, she tough games for the locals as ths p. m. e.a.t.l In the stubborn dis­ during the five-year term of th# sides the Chrysler etrikers. now a - h m given him by tha cunneotl- opposing team Is one of the lead­ The County meeting of Woman'a contract" tripped the latch. The Hafnera «ut Chlefa of Poiioe AlHeclatlon, pute as 140,000 V oi'kera remained haa bocome the costliest In history went back In for their keys, ing in fastem Oonnectlmit and Is auba will be held in iaUngt«m idle. (Tonder aalB (Chrysler would de- to ths city of Detroit. The A ir truly outstanding values. So put away the mop, tie up the dog, hustle Junior off to school and hurry, It had bean announced prevlaualy or rubber and plasties are being at Oteaaon area to take eharge currently undefeated. Congregational church on Monday I poelt 830.000,000 In a bank. Then, Detroit's Wslfare department u / i t a n ’ For the following local girls OMag Bark io Original lleniand he said, as each employe became No. 2 Firemen untangle S tha FBI oftioa at Houaton. Tax. these games will be the last toe April 10, time to bo announood. Th# union, announced yesterday reported yesterday that direct re- - Oleaaon aaid the tranafar to I eligible to retire, sufficient money llsf payments already had totaled Conditioned Mawark waa made at hla requeat them on the Robertson school team Mrs. Douglas Johnson uriU ba guaat, that It was going back to Its J would be withdrawn and put Into a Why Burn Brueh? 84 Lf-; scurry, scamper down to Burton's Thursday, 9:00 sharp — All Soles Final* as they are scheduled to graduate original demand of 10 cents an more than 8700,000 and would go becauaa of a paraonal and family B{ caker, trust fund to provide him with a above 11,000,000 even if the walk­ C! Mtuatlon. In June: Bva DletU, Helene Shlr- Hostesses are the hospitality hour—fix cents for pensions and pension for life. DavU, CalU.—(A>) — Wortliles# Shac, Norms Barry, Betty Hawkes, out should end immediately. brushland ought to be burned over PINE tr Meaa T b n 400 AtlemI committee and officers asstatad by four cents for health and welfare "The money would always be on Its cost has topped that of Uie CoKU4/. ; More than 400 frianda and law Shirley Bray, Ann Bloodgood and Mrs. William Roas, Mrs. Mshion beneflta. in this state for a number of rea- Judith Kaches. Returning for an­ Chspman and Mrs. Ira Egglestm. hand niul could not be used for any 113-day General Motors strike of sona, aaya Dr. George H. Hart of PHARMACY anforcement oiliOiala paid tribute This came after Chrysler de­ purpuHs other than to flnanca tne 1040-46, Welfare Supt. Daniel J. to the former FBI chief here. other year of basketball will be The Father and Son banqust will fended its 880.000,000 pension fund the College of Agriculture here. 664 Centar St. TeL 2-9814 Doris West, Mary Ann Moreau, cost of penaiona," Conder said. Ryan said, because a greater num- Callfornla’a growing population Bpeakera included: Marilyn Forbes, Patricia Jurgen- be held In the Ellington Congrega­ proposal, an offer the UAW had He railed the syatem a "modi­ t William J. Roach, of Walerbury, tional church aoclal rooms Tuesday denounce as nn.sound. bq|- of Chrysler workers live In makes It necessary to tias mors Executive commlttaa member of sen, Roberta Kalber, Marls Jack- fied version" of the Bethlehem Detroit. land, he says, and llveatock faed son. Csrol Altshuler and Marion April 18. The Ladles' Benevolent Meanwhile the strike's cost In JERSEY GOWKS tht International Chlefa'of Police; Society can serve HO men and Steel Corp. plan of funding pen­ Yesterday^ the UAW policy board Increases after burning brush M e n N. Wlllla, Connecticut direc­ Bate*, scorer. public welfare to the city of De­ sions. Bethlehem, Conder said Je- voted to pay hospital and surgical Lar Coventry' Democrstlc Women boys. Only 40 rsservatlons ars I whether the land ia aeeded or not Reafl Herald Adva. tor of the FBI, who aucceeded now available. Men without eona A''/ . Gleaaon; Maj. Leo F. Carroll, rep- hsvc been Invited to attend a con­ vention of all federated clubs and may be assigned a boy by applying reaenting the State police; John C. to Mr. James Winans. Tickets Kelley, liquor control commlaalon- msmbsrs-at-lsrge of Connectl"ut er; U. B, Attorney Adrian W. Ma­ Federation of Democratic Women's may be obtained from John Lans. 2 “ her; Common Plaaa Court Judge Clubs within Tolland county. Ths The speaker will be Robert Steele Raymond J. Devlin; Judge of Pro­ gathering Is scheduled for Thurs­ of Hartford. IXTRA-WIDI bate Jamaa A. Shanlay. and Chief day at p.m. at Andover Town Rev. Ralph E. Beets, pastor of A dream come true . . . non run tricot Henra P. a a rk of tha New Ha­ Hall. Mra. Margaret Hurley, for- Broad Brook Congregational PRISCILLAS jersey gowna; they tub, they dry In a sand­ ven Police department. ,mer State Senator of Wimmaiitlc. church will be guest speaker at man's wink and no Ironing neededi Lartah- State Police Commlaaloner Fid- will be speaker. the E 111 n g ton Congregational ly laced neckline . . , soft molding lines. ward J. Hickey waa the toastmas­ Dr. and Mra. William L. HIggiiw church Thursday night at 7:80 nt « aa.2 .9 t 2 *57 S lue 34-40 and colora nlle, pink, blue. Also ter. were entertained Sunday at the the special Lenten service. come In sixes 42-48 for .3.S0. home of his datighter Mre. LeKoy Miss Ruth B. Charter and Miss & C. Brown and family at Rocky I'unlco Sikes assistant lecturer of Full width 90 inches—«o. Lattiiiiorc oii_Way Hill, Newington. Dr. Higgins vho Flllington Grange has been appoint­ sida’ 45x90'. Fabbla-dot T n passed his eighty-third birthday ed to take orders for the book" recently was honored during a din­ "The Orange, Friend of the Far­ mercarixed cotton marqui- Back From Abroad ner. ' mer." written by Charles M. Gard­ Mttal lillowy 7 ' ntfRatl Postmaster and Mrs. Herman F. ner, former High Priest of De- Karachi, Pakistan, March 39— LeDoyt are observing their twenty- metar of the National Grange. A Invitation to Spring*$ (P)—Owen Lattinore, on hla way sixth wedding anniversary today. present of a book Mdll' be given back to Washington to answer The couple were entertained dur­ to each Grange member who se­ Chineee Milan charges by Senator McCarthy (R- ing a family dinner gathering of cures five new membere for the Wls.) that he is the top Soviet spy ten guests Sunday evening at the fall class of candidates for Elling­ in tha , is expected to home of Mr. and Mra. Herman Le­ ton Orange. Othsr Granges do leave here later today for London. Doyt likewise. Latlmore arrived late last night Auxiliary to Green-Chobot Poat Frederick W. Areha of Mapla STRAW BAGS AL, voted Monday night to spnn- straet is cenfinsd to his home with CELANESB from Kabul. Afghanistan, where aor a visit of the moMte unit of at infected leg caused by a fail at ' he was studying how best United th. State Tuberculosis Commission his home a few weeks ago. •RAYON PAIRS Nations technied assistance can In Coventry. This chest X-Ray Choir rehearsal will ba held help that country. He was accom­ unit is expected here in mid-sum­ Thursday night at the church panied by the other three members mer. Committee in charge of ar­ lecture room following the T.,eiiten $ Reg. 2.00 of the U. N, commission. rangements Includsa Mrs. Ralph M. service. Pr. I You’ll' carry theea roomy bags jauntily Shaarar, claorer, batter with spring In your step, ’cause they’re fresh aa a dewy morning and light aa the n i wearing than ordhsory ray- proverbial feather! Handsomely lined In onl Double stitched side rayon taffeta and finished-with exquisite detail. Your choice of these lovely colors; 824-828 hems. 41x81 In. Eggshell. Natural, toaat, kelly, red, turf, naY-y, black, Exclusive with Burton *« sand, malte. copen, pink, lilac, chartreuse. Main St. Phone 5161 Buy several at this low, low price to set .-el off your new things. Manchester Special Purchase Cruise-Tone NON-RUN PANTIES SALII MACnCAL, GRITTY Sale Ends Saturday! PLASTIC CURTAINS suns Special Purchases.' 28 ALL-STIIL BLINDS DRESSES SALE ENDS Heg. L59 Dreiterier 59 25 TO 36^' Widths MOTHERS! 3 DAYS. ONLY SATURDAY Very Special Prices in 2 for loo e Beautiful, now, allanf platMc fahriiil Reg. 8.49 39“ Reg. 3.98 Just Arrived Spring Window Fashions a Fada, diit-niiitluiili naa-InflaniiiiaWal' Values to 50.00 a A damp cloth kaapt tham Immaculirtal Spring loveliness starts beneath, .your opportun­ NEW SHIPMENT OF I Save over 30% on top- We caught these suit makers with • No wailiifig, I'onlnf, tlrgfchtnBl buaineaa shattered—wclitl weatljer ity to own exquisite lingene, with rows of closely Sudssble and lovable are these color PRE-EASTER quality blindsi Steel slots re­ shirred nylon net inserted between fine lace on fast, perfect fitting dresses. These They’re woven in a run re.«i.stant fabric—stLSoft- 8o «mooth f-1 had slowed sales to a walk and they dre.sses aVc in spring patterna on light —PLUS an elasticized top. .HollywtKni and band brief. oBeg.'OOc Cottage Sets ...... 80c ect sist rust, corrosionl ivory en­ craved cash! Thursday's your chance both top and bottom and a dainty nylon net ruffle to find Just about every important SPRING COATS pastel or navy grcundsl Buy two and Won’t wrinkle, or ride up and they wasli liqautifully. Sizes amel won’t chip or crockl style—and juat about every big-news at the hem line. This multifilament crepe slip wear right now and all summer too! FOR GIRLS Sixes 12-20. 5, 6, 7, 8. White only. 1 0 Dap DeBverj color to keep it company. comes in white. Sizes 32-40.

SALE! Afternoon Sheer ODDS ’N ENDS ODDS ’N ENDS 4 9 .9 5 AIRLINI PMUAM RADIO NYLONS SKIRTS BLOUSES SLAAM SUITS, COATS T tr m s j^ T ^ M Comola power on4 fona ia a mart (able radial Ka 7* ipoakar. AM-FM Valuea to 8.98 First quality nylon hose which just Values to 5.98 oniennot buik-in. Ton# ai'rived in time for your EaBter and TOPPERS eeittrol. Walnut ploitic ahopping. In beautiful new Spring Not all colors—not all sizes, but Only a few and out they must go! shades of dawn, taupe and viaa. still plenty of styles that we’ve They are marked way l>elow cost Sizes 81/2-10'i. been selling for 5.98 all .season. to clear them. Broken sizes, styles SPRING’S NEWEST STYLES and colors.

FABRICS and COLORS 15.95 AIRLINI FLABTIC RADIO S r Regularly 24.75 $ mote M/TCHING S a v e »4 h Compare to quality •MiP won morw imwi a UMBRELLA fiellina at $30 Straamlinad cabkiat af mo. 1 0 9 .9 5 AIRLINI RADIO btaww plattk. Claar- BOUCl^ SETS 20 N IW 3 nS9 I I P 9 HONO toned ipaokar, Built-in CLEARANCE . 9 nnmfwma mpir nowi Just the Ideal thing to dress up little sister and little brother. C a v e J4.98 "»«"'arlT29.98 $ O r letam 9 li . Compare to quality $SD eem Mlling at $85 I

25 Maw baiRdy fw y«jr hgqiaa, aaw iMaiilfia plaaw M Valuea to 5.98 for Mia anHra feaiBy naw at lawatf prka far Radia 2 9 .9 5 9 0 RTAMJ 3 -WAY RAM O I - t W aak tala aniyi RkM onad A M radia. Fhona chanaat Imagine 16 rib umbrellas for only PRICES GO BACK UP IMMEDIATELY 7 i, 3314 and 45 rjun. lacardt dutamatkaNy. Larga 2.98 and just in time for April ixhe 27 “ showers. In a lovely aasortment • in. ipaokar. Tana contralj bvitt-in antanna. AMi- It’8 the best dam glove value in America! Imagine an IdO^e all of plaid—woven d esi^ s—^^stripes hoaany vanaar cabinat. (Albwnt ihawn net Mckided.) nylon airing glove. So sm art..so timely for Easter. They and solids. Handles made of Lu- Frgt THIS SALE... SO HURRY.. i TAK8 wash like magic and dry in a'jiffy! Sizes ainall, medium,;Iarge; » i*. ; . . top loAo onywhaia cite—domestic and imported colors white, pink, chamois, Spring beige and navy. an AC4>C or battery, woods. IffiE O f t h e s e BIG SAVINGS! lid tufw aa or. otn l-'V ' Va^.i*a-a Al-Yiwmincf .a'l — — i'''V I. MAMViHJSSTISK BVIENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESUAt. MARCH Z». 1960 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1950 PAGE SEVEN 1

••one package'’ propoaai waa de­ tempt by the Renate and the caae how the FBI wo.-kn and put "addi­ pert of them. These Republicans I will Tie "Tile "Pathway o f ' fended by iU chairman, Carter W. Senatorg Moving fought out in the enurta. tional ahackles” on tbe P'B^I. said there was no intention to take j Annual Breakfast Life.’’ I Mr. Partridge la at pres­ articles and William Hahn, Mil- and to tbe building of a n’orld reportedly opposed the governnant the Interest of good government. and othera abatalnsd from voting. Khama haa returned to Bech- Atkina. tatw^kM Ut: CaMMlttea In Waetsa 2. Would break conddeace with any such action, , ent agency secretory of the Phoe­ ton Albom and John Burke are Chrlatian community. Banning Move AUTO GLASS Senator HIckenloopsr (R-Iowal,| Rockville To Organize Mra. LorraliM Juhnaon presided : hs Houae of Commons gave a rit- j He waa educated in Hartford pub­ Burpee Women'# Relief Corps i nominating committee was chosen: wife, who la expecting their baoy ' will have trrdw'lilc next week what Church Unit Mrs. Leland Hunt, chairman; Mrs. Wins Support liamentary debate on the action. In July In the capital of Scrowe. probanaion la concerned, by a gan- Of Secret Files I to do. He took off for an arma | 3. Would place the lives of some tee membera will be able to pass 1 The annual Palm Sunday Com­ lic echoola and is a graduate, of will receive an official visit from eral imiaion, than bjr piece-#eal on the validity of the McCarthy! munion breakfast for men will be Trinity College. Hartford, wheie Ckmrt Session Department Preaideht Mra. Lillian Frederick Wood. Mrs. Clifford Ths caae haa caused a atorm of con­ He also haa been permitted to conference et The Hague, leavinf* FBI iainrnianta in Jeopardy. Simpson, Mrs. Robert Wilson, Mrs. trovert^’ in Britain. n tb e r evidence for a propc-sed For C0I4 War amendment." |benator Green-iD„ R. I.i In tern-' chargee unless they can look at i ■ervad Sunday matnlng, April 2, he starred in football and track. Buckmister and h*)* *taiff aa well fdanMnaed from Page Gael 4. Might reaiil in an Injustloe the records themselves. I as Past Department Presidents, Women from Protestant I Benjsmin Jones, Mrs. Wtllism Majority of 118 Voles The debate opened with Ijibnrite lawsuit against hia uncle. Tschc- Lawrence Howard, veteran' Hart­ , porary command. The cohimlltee to Innocent Individuals. at seven o’clock for the twenty- He was an officer during World On April 6tli ford lawyer, and othera contended, now la in roceaa. Senator Brewster IR-Me) 'aid SccreUrics and Treasurers. Mrs. Brennan, Mrs. Carl Guatafaun, Given Labor Govern* Fenner Brookway charging that ktdl Khama, who opposed hia des­ ffMi m e* o***> are in the State department. *he .•i. Would warn persona whose thiid consecutive year by the War 1 and was employed by the diurches Here to Form I They will report at thp orgonln- ignation as chief by the tnlie. on the other hand, that votera Tlie committee'a deoialon might the president’s refusal of the file | Case, Lockwood end Bralnard Buckmister is a member of the "color bias ia the real issue behind Civil Service L.oyalty board .ind names appear in FBI reports and Men’s club at tha South Method­ Rockville (kirps. There will be a New Council tlonal meeting and tea at the ment onf DeciHion the decision to refuse to yecogiiisc When hia mission Is conipleted )>r 1^ flnancUl wid military com- ahould have an opportunity to j take the form of a recommertdH- some might dee the country. "is based on a lack of confidence ! Company from 1919 to 1929, a t aeparate what they might conaider tbe FBI. tlon to the Seimtc for a contempt in Congress. ' Superior Court at Rock* turkey dinner at 6:15 p. m. at South Methodist church on World Reretsc Kliaina aa chief of the I* to leave his homrjand for tlie ■Mtata. ist church. adUch time be entered tbe employ Wesleyan hall with an entertain­ F'ellowship Day, Friday. May 8 at next five years. rtlii>ttiT-*~ cam t in the the good and bad in the propoead The aubpaanaa would require *.hr I citation for one or more ol the 6. Might be an invltatio'fi to "The courts must determine of the Phoenix Company. He has Woman representing the Prot­ London, March 29 oD — The Bamangwato In Bohcuanaland. ! officials iiivolveil. as a prelude to > hlackmall llie peiaoita involveil. It was in 1926 that a group of ville Announces Its ment and meeting. two o’clock. Rev. Dorothy Pease Is d o t IWI-dwaa new caaatltutlon, parantoal praaenca of Acheaoii, Mc­ whether such a rafusal ia Justified men from South church attandod always token an active part In MM-Wrek tiervice estant churches met >'«sterday af­ Labor government last night won Patrick Oordon-Walker, com­ “It ahoiildn't be ali or nothing."' a court decision on tlic president'i- 7. Might diacloae "highly re­ under the constitution," he di-, in rharge of arranging the pro­ monwealth relations secretary, Enls (tet Tasked MU on forelfn policy to be held Grath and Mitchell — with fl)c a Communion breakfaat at the civic affaire. He is a member Opening There will be a combined Lenten ternoon at the Emanuel Lutheran gram, and Mrs. Robert Wilson In its biggest support since re-eirrtinn laid Frank H. Francia. of Hartford, authority to withhold the files. stricted Infui'iuatloii vital to *hc dared. ‘The power of the exe.;u- of the Rotary club, an officer in church to make plana (or organ­ said the decision to refute Seri'tae Toton, England (41 The water aUM tin Labor (ovemment has nioa - before the inquiry gin— While the romryhiii made atroaic decla.a- The five member committee took be subject to misinterpretation or Mr. Truman cited precedents rot men of tbe k>M| church. tation Workabop, and chairman of Albert W. Jackson, with .linging Council of Churches and will be a Bamangiaatoa. a while Irfimlon typist, the former ed out thirteen eels. Tliey ate FamlHire Inpe Speakars at the hearing ttsik ___ _ ^ , Richardaon. a lawyer and a Repub- distortion. held on Thuraday, April 6, at 10 Federated Church was being re­ them for supper. d w a that tbey did not beiteve conflicting viewpoints on whether * y*Meiday xficr Presi- I llcan- to "arrange for a eomplete j hia refusal to open the ftlea. Tyd- The breakfast thla year prom­ tbe Wetheradeld Board of Educa­ of appropriate hymns. member of the Connecticut Coun­ Despite the' fact some Laborites Ruth W’llllams. He said It waa In ww waa either imminent nr n> Republican critics said the presi­ Ings and other Democrats said tion. a. m., with ^udge John M. CTonley Maundy Thursday, April 6. the cil of Oiurch Women, decorated, Its congregation wor­ It would be possible, aa the Organ-1 *? * , ami detailed review as soon-a.s pos­ ises to be one of the best to date shipped with the Baptists for •vlUbIc. izatlon commission •^ommenued. : * *^'*'*1* • sible” of the cases cited by McCar- dent was operating on the assump­ they have no doubt the courts wi;i | in that Iriving E. Partridge, well- All men are Invited to attend. preaiding. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper The purpose ot the Council Is to tion that the committee would three weeks. Then the ^ptlsts re­ TlaM oa Side of Riniia to get from the state Supreme I Im i^rtaiit cic- Uiy. I uphold the president’s authority In known Chrlatian layman of Hart­ Resen-ations may be made at the The following accuaed will be will be administered. unite church women in their alts- court a ruling whether the new ' *** loyslty make public the FBI records, or such caseA ford, Will be the speaker. Hia church office, telephone 8334. District Deputy Night glance to their LonI and Saviour. decorated their church and attend­ Churchiil warned, howe\-er. th«t "This rcvlefc will Include reports ' preaented: Oorge F. Robertoon, District Deputy Night will be ob­ ed services In the Federated constitution could be aubmItteU cli- pvograni ia the preservation of ,ili of loyalty Investigations made by Frederick J. Rempp. Jr., William Jeans Christ, through a program flaw waa on the aide of Ruaeia files In connection tlicrewllli In served this evening at 8 o’clock At church when the job waa being mt nrfod BriUin to work for an rertly to the votera next fall. ! the FBI. and files of the State de­ W. (Soyette, Gottfried Bona. Zlg- looking to their integration in the strictest confidence." mund Moranaki, Leo O. Gobln and the Elks Home. Mrs.Esther Bcl- total life and work of the church done. — taSaraU ndinr with the 3o/ Vale L. iw partment and Civil Service Coni- 1 grod-of the New London Emblem Double Green Stamps C iven With Cash Sales Thursday j faculty -- George D. Braden. John Nowhere In hia letter did Mr. mission relating to these ca.sos, ns ' RukHell L. Gobin, Philip G. Patroa, Truman any flatly the committee wel as all olher ovkieiicc of dl.s- Ardene Lanraater, Felix Roman, Club, No. 116, will be present at the , "WeaUm civiilaaUon it a thing P. Frank and Vern Counlryniu-i - could nut look at the files, a step meeting. moat ba aaved,” Bevin aald. said they could find nothing In the < loyslly nisde nvailahlc to the Loy­ Don’t Gamble With Health! Leo J. Beauday, Emeat A. Haddad. 30-80 Club present constitution barring such i '*V*"**^!# m'U't Je alty Review Board, iiirUidlng, of ; Joseph M. Sullivan. Armand O *Tk» only way to do It li to hold Riopel. Harry N. Perklna, William The 80-50 Club of the Rockville a method of adoption, and ex- , 'f h'" rhargea are to :,c ! course, any evidene produced be- : Baptist church will meet this eve­ the secret of the aat merely the western world — fore your siihcommlf ter," Mr. Tru- Flechaig, Joneph Gajowaki. Ik.' ■ ia the key to its aalvatlon — pressed confidence a case could be . ••improved. Your health la too ning at the Game room of the brought before the court to ohtsiii . reiaoiia Mr Triiiiiaii gave | iii.in wrote, i.dding: In complianre with the provlaion but the eaatem world aa well: To important! See your of Section 291 of the Practice church. An Amateur night will be baU the two together to develop a ruling. ' ''®* bpenipg the recorour prescription must "Now the president Is saying that The case of John D. Oillen of 27 meet this evening at 8 o’clock st Baris that the Big Three minla- "rather hasty" technique. This brought protests by Re­ he skllllnlly compounded . . . with fresh, Bradford road, Cranston, R. I., Chief support for the new con­ publicans that Mr. Truman was the five senators on the siilHom- the North. Coventry Community U rs—Bevin. AchOaon and Schu- potent rliemirals. The wide u>.e of our charged with gross and wilful mtS' House at which time Dr. J. D. ■lan—already had exchanged stitution came from spokesmen taking the McCarthy Comnmn‘.it mitiee ai-en’t as competent to .sec conduct with a motor vehicle so as prrscripllon serviie Is your gunrantee Winn. Animal Disease Laboratory alawpolnta by letter. for the (\mnectlcut Federation of inveatlgation imt of the hands of . these flies as 23 ;>er.suna appoint­ to cause death, which was sehed Spoolallst at the Unlveratty of Con­ . Bevin. in his Commons speech, Labor (AFLI, the State CIO and the Senate and turning it over to ed by the president.” at fair prices. Uled to be tried Tuesday in the necticut, Villi speak on "The 1980 pointed up one issue which will the tXinnectlciit League of Womert clerks. Tydings told reporters he thinks Rockville City CXiurt, was contln Respiratory Disease Vaccination voters. ieabtlesa take a top place in the Senator Wherry of Nebraska, •t "s good thing" for the Loyalty Also—since nearly half .vour prescrip­ ued as Attorney Julius Rchatz of Program." Roy E.< Jones of the emincU meeting—tha ipiestlon of Raise Issue oLConimunIsm the G. O. P. floor leader, said the board to review the cases. Hartford, who Is to represent the tions require surgical dreaolngs, let na University of Connecticut will al.so Intematlonal control of atomic Ta'O of Its opponents raised the decision withholding the dies la Senator McMahon iD-Coiinl. a defendant, was unable to appear .speak and there wilt be movies. waapona. Issue of Communism. "shcicklng to the Anieaican peo­ subcommittee member, said the sii|ipl,v you out of our complete stock Clillen was the operator of the ear Ellen O. Berry Auxiliary EEN He said tbe only defense against ple,' would 'thwart and ham- Senate group ought to conduct Its from tbe world's largest suppliers, which was allegi^iy Invoved in an Joseph W. Spencer, former state accident on the WlTbiir Cross High The Ellen O. Beiry Auxiliary of tba hydrogen bomb ia “the most representative from Wesbrook. ma\M inc’cstlgatlon while the Rich •lolinson k Johnson. the U.S,W.V. w(Il meet at the Me- Ifgorous syatcm of international ma.xes a build-up to smear the ef- way In which Mrs. Ruth Chandler in a blanket attack on the new ardsoD board is at work. Rhepardsdri of Waterbury was In irorial building «t 7:80 p. m. to go bHp*ctlon and control.” forts of .Senator McCarthy." to the I^add Funeral Home to pay STAMPS constitution, declared: Wherry suggested Acheson, Mc­ Eight KeaMina U l\rn atsntly killed. Re aald Britain Is still willing to "It's a plot and it smells of the Mr, Truman gqve eight reasons I th':lr respects to their Ist.e mem­ •ttenmt to reach an agreement Grath and Mitchell may turn the Mrs. Bertha Sehlaeftr ber. Mrs. Bertha G. Schlaefer. Kremlin." subpoenas over to the president. why he doesn't want to open the. with Russia on controlling atomic Frames said the knights of Col­ Mrs. Bertha Onimbach Schlae- SMrgy. If Mr. Truman then refused to Dlea. He said public disclosure: umbus opposed the proposed rr- 1. Would tip "criminals, foreign Hag. Sixa fer. 79. widow ot Henry Rchlaefer He said be had suggested to lionor them, Wlierrv said the pres­ of 10 South street died st the vision of the freedom of religion ident ought to be cited for con- agents, subversives and othera" on 29« ALCOHOL Peaceliiiie Record Acbeson during' the past few days section of the constitution. He ob­ WOODBUR 1 RUBBINO COiMNMIND. PllfT BOTTLE a-inm i) Rockville City hoapllsl on Tues­ tbnt the London council meatlng jected speolfically to the elimina­ day following a short illness. She Given Willi Cash Sales 5; ft bo called to discuss this and "oth­ SOAP tion of language aaying that re­ was bom Get. 20. 1870 in Ger­ Is Set bv Sales i*-/" v' 'A/ •sees********** er problems affecting ourselves.” ligious freedom must not be con­ many, a daughter of the late John /■h' strued to "excuse acta of licen­ 4i23« and Roaella Hartwlg Onimbach. Hartford, Marcli 29—(4*) -Presi­ tiousness or to justify practices (Lim it 4) and had lived in thla country for In Bolli. These Slaves Johnton to Attend \ MINERALOIL 10 dent Walter E. Ditmara told stock­ inconsistent with the peace and HALE'S SELF SERVE 10«1. BOTTLE. "WORTHMOlir* (Limitf)...... I V 88 years. She was a member of the D efem e Meeting j safety of the state." The Original In New Enffland Union Congregational church, the holders of the Gray Manufactur­ Amsterdam. The Netherlands. Francis contended that since Friendly Class. Kiowa Ooiincll. De­ ing Co., yesterday that sales so March 29.—(A')—U. 8. Secretory Communism was regarded by gree of Pocahontas. Mayflower R«- far in 1950 are “substantially high­ some as a religion, the deletion of and HEALTH MARKET aC Defease Louis Johnson arrived EASTER bekah Lodge. Burpee Women’s Re- er than for the same period last haxe by plane from America to­ that clause would "throw the door lief Corps, the F.llen O. Berry Aux- open to Communism.” OLIVE TABLETS day to Utond the meeting of the EGG DYES •0* SHE. DB. EDWABO'S (Umitt)...... niary, Spanish War Veterans. She year. defense mihisters of the-12 Atlan­ Professor Braden, who directed Stockholders re-elected all pres­ ALL DAY is survivyd by two sons. Henry tic pact nations. the commission's research on the THURSDAY SPECIALS of Stofford. and Clarence of Rock- ent directors and Ihe board re­ Tbs ministers ere to meet at oonstitutlon, said he saw no ob- 10* vill*: two daugktsra. Mrs. Joseph elected President Ditmars and the TBa Hague Saturday to discuss sn .iection to retaining the present th* revolutlenary n«w HUNLIGIIT Moazer of Fair Haven. Florida, and other company officers. jklH $$•«• latograted defense plan for weat- language dealing with rellginus The company's 1949 annual re­ made f reborn. Mrs. Edward Weber of Rockville; a n Europe. The plan was approved DUZ POWDER two sisters. Mrs. Martha Dutcher port showed sales of 83,116,345, a THURSDA Y (L«UtS) yestorday by chiefs of staff of the i BUTTER L b. 65c LABOE BOX AT SALE SAVBMSI of New York, and Mrs. Pauline peacetime record. 3Sc Mm 10% rflSnai todflfl Tm «A f aambar nauons. 1 j Heffeman of Rockville, also five Net profit, after taxes, was *1Bak to .Rebuild Ramparts’’ I ANACIN 8152,062, equal to 70 centa a share. TREMIER, RED ALASK.A SOTKKYK grandchildren. The funeral win be Van HeusenICG . T.M. • U gggglgie I t ie our task,” Johnson told I Ruth MlUett sawaaocn. ’’to rebuild the ram- ' TABLETS held Thursday at 2 p. m. at the parts that we ail watgh. Already 1 Lb. T in TIN OF 12 Ladd Fimeral Home. Rev. Forrest Tbere's Nothing ‘SIm .v SALMON 71C c£/imy Shi rts fffitnfed N«4 m we are making res! progress in' Musaer, pastor of the Union Con­ Cause of Death ana'pleca talhfl .About Well->lannerrd Roys {I gregational church will officiate. 0 ^ with the toft cellar that linioQ t fuflgid taygra — iv*t c4M'I preparing defense of western Eii- FRE.MIF.R 19* wrinlilg. mpe. Burial will be in Grove p ill ceme­ MAtmii “1 want our thirteen-year-old | tery. The funeral home Is open Not Determined Yau shauld be, lee— for fit is sll tljere Is to a suit.West •Tlipough strength we are striv- son to grow up having good man­ tag to deter aggressors from our BONITA FISH 7 0 7 . 31c 41------C2mm Wednesday afternoon and evening. t Kuppenbeimer, and you bid guodby to fitting ptotw eaaunon frentiars and to dsfend ners, but my husband won't back Pay Reapecta Glastonbury, March 29—(/Pi- M .ll taflffly E n Cnti won*f lems. When you slip into a Kuppenheimet that's your thsss frontiers against atuSk. if It me up. CA-MrBELL’K Members of Kiowa (Council, De­ Coroner Louis W. Schaefer said baoomes ttseeasary. That la the A m u r o l •N tfflfto r ACaiAf Eift gree ef Pocahontas will meet this today that an autopsy had not "When I remind him of little »eflta 4AC C o rre a sice tnd roodcl, you’re surprised st how few Business that brings us here." matters of courtesy his father rtooate Q Q t evening at 7:30 o’clock at the cor­ definitely determined the cauke of C ann a m m o n m t k o J/ipenrer V V is carta*. I U the death of Wilfred J. Kress, 63, Johnson was accompanied by says: 'What are you trying to do, BEANS 2 23C TOOTN PAtTC A li colort. ner of Ellington avenue and Pros­ •djustments are necessary—and these ere no problem st Baaat or Millard Tj-dings (D-Mdi, Three frigrancei. whose body waa found in tbe yard make a alsay out of him ?' A Q c pect street to go to the Ladd Fu­ w rinkiie all to out expert fitters! Choose s Kuppenheima and see chairman of the Senate Armed “Is there anything sissy about PRE.MIER (Run of the Garden) neral Home to pay their respects of his home yesterday. The body Sarvtcss committee. good m anners?” a frustrated Toy* M iep Vafoei la to their deceased member. Mrs. was found lying on the ground CEHOUSEsSON how wonderful it feels to wetr a suit that /Ut. On tba Schlphol airfield near ! mother aaka roe. PLUSH ALL METAL Bertha Schlaafer. beside bia parked automotive. Aamtordam, the American defense There certainly Isn't—and your LIMA BEANS N o. 2 C an 25C Police aaid there were no marks WC GIVE GREEN STAMPS LIQUOR White Elephant Auction of violence on tbe body; aseretory met Queen Juliana and husband should not- only back you ANIMALS COMPACTS The PTA of the Maple street ...e v e r ! Filflp/rof/gii wpn t w|lf f#J iH h «lf* Prince Bernhard who were waiting up in trying to give your son the Schaefer said that he probably i«r alw«7i Itgepi ng«t — wlfhewt Pra-Wrepped fa ecelete lcewt(f«f/F O f t C school will hold a White Elephant will make fur^ter toxicological •torch or ttoyil talsave for Val d’Isere in the advantage o( good manners, but auction this ei^nlng at 7:30 o'clock PVtnch Alps to spend a two week be should be taking over part of LETTUCE H ead 13c BOX 12 coaleiMn tfetlgnecf . . 9 0 SPECIALS testa to determine the cause. Easter holiday. For Fait refcoF at the school auditorium, the pro- Kresa lived alone on hia isolated At last I . . . t shirt that keepr nrat the job of teaching bis son the taol atfa" Choice of cult liiile Each compact complete it’s a Kuppenheimer Johnson gaea the queen the per- special courtesies that are expect­ MOOESS h*m Kitten, luu> Elephant with pull, filtet and ceedx to be used for their work at farm. day through night—without starch! NEW Saaitary Napkiat the school. Mrs. Harold Rchiebe He leaves a brother, Reinhardt The secret: it’s woven in one aanal greeringa of Prealdeat IVu- ed of a man. IM LIIEEM and hitggabic Bm lull aim mirroe LIQUOR DEPT. DAILY aan and a b ^ e t «f fruit that on The boy who la taught at home MMIIB is in charge of transportation of Kress of Hartford. piece. . . hai no lining* or layem Older of the president had been when he is young to seat his CABBAGE i.h . 8c 33* 8:00 A. M.— 11:00 P. M. to wrinkle or work apart. Frel-i placed up in Key West. FIs. mother at the table, to hold open handkerchief-soft, too, around AN INVESTMENT IN GOOD APPEARANCE doora for her, to do the little 43* your neck—thanks to the new thinga his parents ask of him PORT—SHERRY— «roven-in fold line. Fold line can't without grumbling, to speak to POTATOES 10 Lb. Bag 39c — MUSCATEL be folded or ironed wrong. Rival Programs their friends when he comes into the house, to introduce.tbe friends HoGift Full All this—plus m art, low-setting Will Compete he brings home, etc., ia gaining an CaMtr Calagsr Ptpalm faefon*. Wines Qt. 69c Van Heusen "Comfort Contour" ease of manner and a consldera- T m SHflfl TRItMPRE TRRIRI IT collar styling tug-proof pearl tgVfidg'inf Won'# hutf Iff I Uon for otheia that will help him i HEALTH MARKET CIUMRLV buttons. . : g u a ra n ty lah-testcH . I«|fl iMninf mooo morg wi (Coattoued from Page use) •r laMfliiiri PERFRME ICE COLD BEER and MIXERS TUBES (tbries. away from home. ' C LIRHE They’re Easy to Spot 2JeMifal<| 75 t-oo*ct 4 25 0 baia of the Democratic majprt and some of ita racommen- many parents today. 1 Vi MstsUfisl AKh is lela st beU a( feet You can spot Uieir young 1 > duions, but apparently the ^foliti- t I sib Aigsd heel wMb smsiiIms bed. eiMttlsf peifsd oyt who act like hoodlums on | Whiskey el lep. He isesU rtppi*Vf *•( 5es*y isisferaed flew It ty^ think it's smart polltica to sup- BEEF POT ROAST 59c bwt & cbiM’t tsiu l« % ^ buses, wljo never offer an older | Chuck— Not Boned,______fBft tbe recommenoationh publicly peraon a seat, who completely ig- | PLACE YOCR HOUDAT ORDER 1 100% BseJyesr weM, ewNtog a# lasUat lasts «s IrrHsIs wiiUi Up service only. Ik# feat “PoUtically. their stand is nore their parents' friends, who 1 OUR DEPENDABLE Mtnetbing bke this: ‘Let'a back teH their parents off whenever j MARTIN’S V, V. O. 4 Se(M tesMisr lewad la, caaalef mauMeJ I* asr aw* lesti, they feel like it, who are Insolent ' ExquI sMsdsq ceiraci fit ia aech atas. tbe entire rearganintion report to their teachers. sh Eye | | Dobson IMPORTED aad proposals—let the Republicans HAMBURG Gold J Sihtr Typtt Stanoiinary I Sieasd cad fillsr, sNsrlsf ssihlss isslttcssy sad Mvisq There la nothing sissy about | Hair Brush Jsr ts hady es foal hib lb* gissad. kill It, then we won't have to act good manners. And most boys to- ' $ S OB any controversial measures. We 4S AssortBd i hk»4hm ^ y could use a lot nioiw training | Im aeclate $0 httMtm.... A Scotch Fifth $ Hsasiid tss*f-II*t*f la vaata sad qsertar sets as e aeddtse OBB always blame the Republicans in manners than they are getting PORK ROAST NBEDUES I gift kaa ..... M aad iawTsf KAU-StIN-IKS baidbif Ihelt ibsp*.. daring tbe campaign this faU.'" 36-abccia and 24*cnve- at home. From Young Tender Pork. Ladist ttyle bnieh lopet. Orchid detign on ^ 7 FtaiM* ibssk esd fatsasil, amalaf caned ed iea 4c de- X "Wise I t Belated" If you can't convince your lius- WiththH vftep Ibe aimdes ef tta child's leader feat Democratic State Cbainnan John I . with Ora-ton bristlci box, alao thceu and POPTLAR BRANDS AT 5 K O W O X w - steiiat. In • I ^bis fact arty other way. ' OUPON . tet in hiciie handle. cnvelopea. $ UaMecebed tapcfdtcsglh Bsisg, swsrtsg bsfcr wacr. $ 1 ^ M. B ^ y , in a stoUnient c ^ - j-o-, might try inviting a group of (Limit i) LOWEST huOES ALWAYS *23* bro^CMt by C ^ -, the worse mannered of ywr son'fc > 9 Catdcvsa mIcct*** berMhida castelsist csrdavsa fbcN. your son'i TENDER LAMB afwriaf laager (rscr. with nylen relnferced keel ead tee wijr and House, said tbe Repubii- 1 contemporaries over for an after­ Our Spring 1 decision "not to MU” rmirgani- noon when your husband is to be N i "ARaail*" lea aad bed which adds 10% Is 11% la wear rae "very wise if belated, a t home-—and let them take over LIVER 29c ONE WEEK ONLY - STARTS THURSDAY Ihc sricsief bw(V . wbaie rbacf fccaiya bardatl wear. Thbre's smartneis afoot for students who sport belated dieoovery by Re- the place. One Day Special •kcBce tlAMUSt 11 KAU-STtN-tKS have Memlcrc vena, daubicr esd fiatag Gordon SkootsoxI Of fine mercerized cotton,' . leadera that good huuring 4cm awl nnrsr a* Tbeyu convince him of the im­ .liaaiag w ia444*t. which distisclM baaeby I s a ^ ebeoaifed esd inuact succasi style with nylon ninlorcyd heel,ond tee, they’re > 4 poUUcA that good acbooM portance of good manners—even baHar fiWisg qiMMist. long-weortng, ond ore woih-foif. Their colors, m) poUtics, and now that if you can't. When you make your meat pur­ Unusual Money Saving Sale Of IIKAU-STDI-IKS eddies labbsr b*sh, wilbsst ssO bdcr,bdp striped or ploin, go to the head of any closal MRd government ia good politics. (•AM rights reserved. NE.A ' : M ietter late than never," said icaitsliaa, da sal ceny did sad gievd tsi* d a baaicc. Service, Ine.) chase visit our Fresh Seafood 1$ Fdl wals Nsbad qaadsr lisiag, laca rltv sad lop bsad, ' $1.98 SIZES aMStisg Ifsg wear sad a* dyct la dbeder liylil felewd said that apparently pubUc Bailors See "Flytag nrebBOa" In reorganiaatlon "has Counter — Freshly stocked Thurs­ ■ llsckisgl. ■ ' A FAIfl in.8 liiF 1001 a dwnge e( tactics on tbe Hong Kong, March 14 Rfilbl* bee teat *•*«>• ceaiftd 4s Ibe fed] cassa4 wad t9.—VPh~ day morning. MIT IIIITIT sad cad daw* ead lajaia 4ba 4aat. PgrlQr* gay, yoong, waarabla Yith the Ripubhean party." ^erican seamen telephoned Tha ELASTIC HOSIERY eeads PBm Hesm China Mail that they saw thraa . your, abort hair oiit**ai« I's plan for Nvla- “Mytag flrebafla" when their ship LI6HTWBIGRT—2 WAY STRETCH— Double S i& H Green Stamps Given With iMvaXty rooish atrav braid* Maty, ' aaaatltution,imBtea the entered Hong Kong harbor Moo« Double Green Stomps Sold in SAVE $4.02 ON EACH PAIR vbaat, blaok, bronn, kallyg rad, « y . Tha nawapaper efaeoked with FEATHERWEIGHT, Gash Sale All Day Thursday the Hong Kong ofaaervatory and Given Thursday Singles or in e Thetw claotic HteckiagB originhlly veoffaa, n a tu ra l* various other locdiouU. Their an- - ' ..r , ■ ■■■"iv- 1 Nobody else aaw any flying Pairs. Mold for $10.00 8 pair—«H famoafl $ ■ --A. [flUYbiu^ niflkflfl. (Thifl sale wiU Rot be repeat^ *lOoOTtl2'50-: One Week Only •cohi). SoRW of the boxes are ^ (b tly Pair mm CORK Starts Thursday ahopwtMR to t we gBuaataB d a ^ iH t Otp eaeew iltW " elaflltcMi^ We tMBBM f •V'' STAMPS Vit;L ii ■piiiHiiW! Wi W , iir«Tfrrr.:^T


*l®r McOuDiy htmi«lf never hnd Sion to extend his bus route along | ^aarnllnsara husband. Robert Ooelet, Jr., with ibutrirrftor Five Appointed BIgoumay street and Farmington ■ O W H i l W W B aaaault and battery and malicious HaiiHOii'Wliitney Jump for my Ufa every time I croas •Bjr proof o f any of hli chorfci w n u — laea Top Comedy Hit Zulu Dancer Facet atraeL” Court Cases avenue to the Aetna Life Insur-1 iftiachlef. w itR C — laao e O — i Bolton during any o f the time haa been Plant Managers •nee Co. building. The form er! Wheel and Axle They are accused of "kicking, Official Nanietl izaa Powll aald Immigration officere Centittg l|rrald choking and punching” Photo­ ioday s Kadio wtht •greed ha ahould be deported to THURSDAY, FRIDAY, making them. route from Stafford ended at the ^ WHNB -S4a -i Daria Malir C lU lla Problem on Home william Btanklewics, 32, of 29 WONa - WMAf — •la At (Circle Theater PUKU)tlU» «T rn» grapher Donald Sandusky of the W O N t - l« U Africa, but that British offlclala Florence itreet, pleaded guilty to New Haven Railroad station. ....— etaaeare rkaa W F H A — lus.1 TaL Maaekaatar WM rRINTINO OU., INC Bridgeport, March 28 ~ Boston. March 28—<;l^— A wheel Los Angeles Examiner last Sat­ Hartford, March 29- 0P)~ Wln- w ixx) — izwe refused to pay hla fare because he drunken driving and was finad Lusa told the commission that i SATURDAY SPECIAL II RiMta MrMt. urday. Sandusky photographed ■ "Dear Wife,’’ Paramount’a long- L 6 » AngeleA Match 89 — could not prove he la a British Greek Election Cancelled $150 with $75 remitted when pre­ Herman W. Steinkrans, president commuter service between Staf­ and axle poppet out of the mouth throp H. Whitney, president of the Z H T a n T M n ^ lo w u d Chase will ■•MftMUr. OMi. the two as they were leaving 10:80— awaited sequel to the thoroughly Zombla Cobra •eany PowU, 87- subject. THUMAR rCROOtUN. sented before Judge Wealey C. and genaral managar of the ford and Hartford haa recently de- of nine-months-old Robert Vadney. Whitney Chain company, announc­ be soloists In the "All-time Mual- Democracy and the United Santa Monica hospital. \VDRC News: Gary Moore WONS— Behind the Story. charming "Dear Ruth," arrived to­ year-old Zulu dancar, anaka charm­ So Powll haa sent letters and hla PrM.. TN i a , Oie’l Oryk in iSown Court this morning. Bridgeport Brass company, today creased and that extending hla Jr., when a patrolman turned him j ______ed today the appointment of Hen­ photograph to King Ibn Baud ot f«w iM « OetoMr t. tan. S U tei won that recent election in route in Hartford will enable him Police said Miaa Merrick waa Show. , WDRC— Lum and Abner. day loadad with laughs at the cal" which the BhcecuUve Board er and Are eater who speaka Bkig- Ho was represented by Attorney namsd flve plant managara In line upside down at City hoaplUl yea-! taken to the hoapiUl treated ry J. Van dr Stadt aa general man­ W TH T— Newspaper of the Air. Circle theater. Boasting tha. same Arabia and the queen of the Zulus George C. Leaaner. to better compete tyith operators w n C —BackaUge Wtta. of Center Congregational church $1.00 _ Greece. with a naw company, organisation terday. i for an overdose o f sleeping medi- ager of the Hanaon-Whitney com­ W TIC—Curtain 'nme. stellar cast that did so very much llah and wrltaa in Arable and Ha- of the Belgian Congo. u „ . Henry.W . Hudea, 41. o f 230 o f private cars transporting pas­ H T H T —BandsUnd. will preaent at tha Community Hall 3 guaeet iie Hoi’eeya ■eiifor ei « • Both are now being robbed. plan. « Patrolman Michael de Sisto; cine. pany division. 10:48— to make Its pradecessor a top-fllght braw, would like to go home. But " I hope they recognise me," he *reet el*ee el ManrliMttr. Cone., e» Goldsmith avenue, Newark, N. J„ The new managers and the ^ sengers between the two locali- WKNB—Tiewa; Request Mati­ told newsman. “ - CleM iu— A One mouth bjr MUl ...... I t.uu A charge of failure to regiater Oh, yas, the wheel and axl« were WTK^-Stalla DaUas. .1 .0* Allan V. De Marco, Exeter, N. H.. Hollywood. March 28 — — ed today" that daylight saving ney Chain company in the future. It:t0 — man and Edward Arnold are ss- at the Veterans hoapiUl In New­ tribesman for an American aide The postman didn’t blink an eye. R*faUr Pries llingie C»y ...... Greek people by our Ambansador and license his dog resulted In a $.1 from a plastic toy. W THT—Bandstand. fW eelly, by CirHer ...... I .M and Carl P. Quans, Indianapolis. Johnny Meyer, 43, Howard Hughes' time will start throughout the Hanaon-Whitney Machine com­ WDRC World Tonight. siated by Arleen Whelan, a new­ ington. Mrs. Chaaa will alng Vic­ show. The letter was addressed; "C a fe - in hla campaign apeechea, opened fine for Lniiia Olbrlas, 32, of 7 WON8— Jack Downey's Music "The circua apllt up," said Powll. • guue. del'eerM. Our Tier - . IIXUK party-giving publicity man. Is hon­ country May 6 and continue until pany, a division of Whttney-Han- 11:18— comer to the deligtitfully amusing tor Herbert's "Moonbeama” and the Nelson place. Shop. "I was separated from my mother next door to the liquor etoie (the ^ W m i of Mi«a romtn iriMi the hope that democracy would Sept. 9. son Industries, has been renamed W TH T -T ed Malone. affairs of the Wilkins family. "Serenade" from "The Student' $4.95 to $7.25 Other cases disposed of were eymooning with Patricia Jane Ly- 4:10— and the tribaamen. I travel. I one with tKe bear akin on the CHILD LIFE get ltd chance in Greece, and that don, former wife of Actor Jimmie Acti*c88, Hii8baud as Hanaon-Whitney company a di­ W H A Y —Moonlight Matinee. Edward Aniold again plays hia Prince" In a duet with the tenor wall. I Carriaozo. .N M." The letter I as follows: W'tlliam Hunt, 41', Liisa Let Extend WDRC— New England Notabook. WONS— Golden Gloves Boxing aolotst. Mr. Chase haa aa hla solo, model for artlata. But 1 want to CHILDREN'S SHOES THE AdisUCIATED HKKaS , the change would come m a coali­ Lydon. They were married In Las Opium Found In Bunkers vision of Whitney Chain. H'THT—Bandstand; Newa. role of the Judge, this tlnie en­ waa delivered. The Aetocteieamumwch Pre«» i» eeciu»'»«l> Mansfield, Intoxication, $20; Vic­ Bouts. "The Rangers' Song" from "Rio go home where I don’t have to ur tion of moderate liberal forcea led Vegas Monday night and Johnny To Face Eourl Officers o f the new Whitney W TIC— Lorenzo Jonei. meshed In a political campaign (Patent leather and blue not included). tor Kovis. 36. 31 Union street, fail­ entitled to •.h» u»t of repuoi'cei'on ol Route ill Hartford Hong Kong, March 2$— (Jh— CTialn company are; W TIC—Mindy Carson Slugs. which sees him running for office Rita.’’ The program Includes a ure to pay taxi fare, $5 remitted; tried to keep it secret He didn’t W H A Y —cnieater, the Curious * 1^1 eeoi d^eoetchfe credited to it. ot by*General Plaatirae., Customs officials today seized President, Mr. Whitney; vice 11:88— against hia own son-in-law. Hmd trumpet aolo and a tap dance num­ a aot olheroiee credited m tn'» o«P»> Paul G. Grady, 18, of 41 Olcott have as much luck this time as he Camel. But King Paul and the hurvlv- Santa Monica, Calif.. March 28 opium worth $175,000 from bunk- president, E. A. Hanson; treaaur- WDRC—Public Service Pro­ en. Miss Freeman, aa a politically ber. Music will be supplied by an J and eleo the locei newe oubiieneo n«te drive, speeding. $18 with $6 re­ Hertford. March 29.—i/Pi—An­ did when he married Janet Thom­ W K N B —Request Matinee. as. That marriage remained ae- —(A*)—The city prosecutor's office eta o f tha British ship Shansi. The'jer, Gordon F. Gilmore; aecretary, gram; Sign Off. orchestra compoeed of club mem­ * All righte of republicetioe ol epeciel ing leaders of the Taaldaria dlcta- mitted; Donald .7. Palmer, 18, tonio Lusa o f Stafford Springs has WCCC—News; Request Time. conscious bobby-soxer gives a »u- DREW ARCH $ 1 3 *9 5 3 dieuetche* eere'n ere eleo reeereea cret until Mias 'Thomaa Sled suit has issued a complaint charging ahlp arrived from London via | Park C. Boyd, and assistant to the 11:80— perlfctlve comedy portrayal as Occa bers featuring piano, drums, trum­ torehlp have outmaneuVered the pa.ssing atop sign, $S. been granted an application by 4s4S^ W TIC —Music. the State Public Utilities commis- for divorce last April. actress Lynn Merrick and her B a^kok, president, Charles H. Sweet. Billy DeWolfe. Holden and Mias pet, French horn and two violt la. WOM EN’S SHOES i full eereice el'lhi of N. E. A. iere- election resulta. W T IO -Y ou n g Wldder Brown. W ONS—News. There arc forty people in the cast. W H A Y —Story Queen. ; Caulfield are delightfully up to the K tee. Inc.______With the help of a sell-out on Frequeary Modulation Tickets are available from mem­ WDRC—Old Record Shop. rigorous demands of their parts, 5 PuOliehere itepre«enuti%ee: _rn» the part of Sophocles Venlzclos, Lead liicreasixl WFII.X— 108.7 .MC. j Top radio announcer Harry Vt-n bers of the Executive Committee “ Jul'oe Mitneae dpec'el Agency - Nee 8 :00— WDRC— FM 08.7 .Mf'. j>r they be purchased at the door. the Liberal party leader, the old WDRC— Old Record Shop. .. I Zell haa an htlarlous bit u an PORTO PEDS $ 1 3 *9 5 a Yore, l^h’cego. De'.roU end Boetoa. P. M. emcee of a breakfast program Curtain time la 8 p.m. 111 Card Tournev W H A Y —My Serenade. 6:30—Sereno Gammell; Weath­ AVIATIOM CORPORAriOM BUREAU ur hands In Greece are back in the which Is wonderfully lampooned by The W8CS of United Methodlat M EN’S SHOES UEMHEtt AUDIT W THT—Challenge of the Yukon. er. CTRCIJLATIO.V8. saddle. the cast. church will meet tonight .at the WONS—Mark Trail. 6:45— Concert Hour. church at 8 o’clock. Ba ••#• •• ••• tika yietaia an a Bandii hafora baying a tala- Tbe Reraie Pritifna ■k)mMn». Uc.. I Ambassador AmDauaaoor Henrynonry Gradyurany di-ai- ; Hoar C3ompany Two increased W TIC— When a Girl Marries. WTIC— F.M »6A MC. Directed by Richard Hayd:i and rtaioa aat. You will ba aurpriaed. This offer is made to acquaint those wlin have not auuoiM no Bnincti r«iDon»’o biz (oej n>rtiy advised Klnit Paul to give ^ Hu lead In fiiet place at the week- W K N B —New.i; Request Mati­ WDRC— F.M On the Air I p. ni. to pixKluced by Richard Maibanm. yet bought our footwear. "Dear W ife" Is without a doubt , The (Ineat picture that money can buy. The aet that tylH.*«pnieal urror.oVu;. U0 ^D«»rini jI the npremlerahlp r„„,,„.h ln to General P la .- l!y nee. 11:85 p. m. p)a( k League laat night. Tht flre> 8:18— Same As WDRC. one of the year's top conicdles - - i Firemen Untangle can be demonstrated againat any other aet on the In The MuncUtitei Eten'ng Heruiu. j tiran. But. accurately or not. the a solid ninety mlnutea at enter men now hold a 47 point advan* - ^ WDRC—The Old Record Shop. WFHA -1 market. Kina and the rightlxt elements! tainment. Wedneuday. March 29 tage over Schendel Oilmen. W H A Y -M e e t the Band. M. Entrapped Sea Gull ( laiiiird they had a telegram from I’ lielps' All-stars recorded high W TIC—Portia Face# Life. 6:00—Racing and Spurts. score with 126 followed by the Hot WCCC—Junior Disc ,Jockevi. 6:18— Farm Report: Weather. 12 Inch Table Model $ SAVE <1.00 the Ameriran Slate Department The K.B.I. Files .Shots who tallied 122 markers. 8:80— 6:30—Western Serenade. Rockland, Me., M arch'29—i(Fi— in Washington approving the se­ 6:48— Keyboard Kapers. Baby Strangled (Mahogany Cabinet) 1 8 9 ^ The standings after the tenth sit­ WTHT—Sky King. Firemen think nothing of rescuing For an understanding of why lection o f Venizeloa. ting are aa follows:^' 7:00— Dance Time. ON EACH PAIR OF SHOES YOU BUY WONS—Tom Mix. cata from trees — but a seagull Freaident Truman conaUtently re­ Tbe people of Greece, in their Hose Company Two ...... 2121 WCCC—Newa; Big Brother Bill. 8:00— National Guard. .III High Chair Schendel Oil Service ...... 2074 W TIC—Juat Plain Bill. 8:15—Guest Star. tangled in kite string and tala- 12 Inch Floor Model THIS WEEK-END fuses to open to public view the election, manifeated t^elr desire 8:30 -Marine Band. I-arsen'a Feed and Hardware 2045 W H A Y —Meet the Band. Pasadena. C^llf., March 29—(JP) phone wliea Is something new. loyalty 8leu concerning the indi­ for deliverance from the repres­ Hot Shots 2025 r 8:40— 8:45—Lest We Forget, The guU collided with a runaway- (Mahogany Cabinet) 2 3 9 ^ Out they go like little lambs • - at ' little pricesi W TIC— FM On the ,\lr 8:55 a. m. —Traffic Officer Dan Sheridan was viduals against whom Senator sive dictatorship which ha.s gov­ Vittner's Gardens . 2019 W KNB— Sports; News. kite yesterday. The string put one to 1:00 a. m. walking past emergency hospital Hose Company One 2011 8:48— wing out of commission. Bird and McCarthy haa preferred chargee, erned them since the war. Same As WTIC. yesterday tvheii an ambulance and of why moat Washington ob­ But the elements which have Marcin’a Plumbers 2000 I ^ R C —Curt Massey and Mar­ screamed up to the entrance. kite crashed into the wlrea. 16 Inch Console $ .Mers B arb ers...... 1092 tha Tilton. Television An attendant told Sheridan a R ITE ni servers agree with hla deciaion. It been exploiting Greece for their WNHO—TV Rockland's aerial ladder craw (Mahogany Cabinet) 2 9 9 ^ Biickland ...... 1980 WTIC—Front Page Farrell. baby had been hurt at a certain got the kite and gull off tha wire. la necessary to underitand how own private advantage, and ex­ 4 X X X X .... ____ 1952 Here are the Black Sheep of our family. . . . the W H A Y —Sports. P. M. address. 4 :00— Homemaker's Exchange. After the firemen unwound “ about the F.B.I. works in Its accumula­ ploiting American aid to Greece Phelps’ All-Stars .. 1048 0 :00— "That’s my boy!" Sheridan a mile" of kite string, the bird flew RADIO AND 4:30—Telotunc.s. exclaimed. tion of data on persons on whom aa well, have outwitted the elec­ Nichols’ News Shop 1034 pieces and groups of Watkins Home Furnishings WDRC—News. away. A ir c r a ft...... 5:00—Ted Steele Show. He ru.shed inside and found hla SHOE SHOP 1931 END MARCH WONS—Newa. TELEVISION it compiles fliea. tion returna. The "Old Guard" Hartman's Cigars . 5:30—Teletunea. 11-months-old son, Michael, on an 1870 W TH T—Joe Qirand Show. 5:46— Howdy Doody. CLIFFS The F.B.I., as has been evident lost the election, but it ia atill in which have heen here top long. They came operating table— dead. MAIN ST. JARVIS BLDG. ROOM Coughlin's Service ...... 1889 W H A Y —Newa. 4 6:00— Film Shorts. in those dlscloaurea of its pro­ power, still able to protect its own. Moriarty’a Palntera ...... 1828 W n C —News. Mrs. Sheridan said she had left 465 Hartford Road Comer McKee St. Tel. 2-4304 6 :3 0 -Lucky Pup. the boy alone In hia high ahalr for HEART AHACK OR Take The Self .Service Elevator cedures which have been made in aelRsh Interests, still able to block roaring into our store like lions. . . kings of style 0:10— 6:45—Tcletunes and Program WDRC—Jack Smith Sportscast. a moment. When she returned he varioua cases, doea not weed and reform, still unwilling to bring a Notes. waa hanging by his neck, his head Open Wed. T il 7 P. M.—Thun, and Frl. T il 9 P. M. 0:18— 7:00— Kukla, Fran and Ollie. INDIGESriONr a ifl tha information it obtains. It true democratic peace . to the and quality. . . but out they go like little lambs. . 1VDRC—Jack Zaiman. caught by the food tray. ! TRANK UEAVtmi Moat sttaelu art luitacM Op en Forum 7:30—Showroom. I indisMtlan. Wbtn It itriktA Mk. Btll.«af gathara It ail together, Including country. WONB—Sporti. 7:45—Top Views in Sports. ubicu. Th.7 cooUtu lb* fuuit-uutloa tha marast rumor, * including at little prices! W H A Y — Supper Serenade. 8:00—Aithur Godfrey. audlcintt knoira to Suolark ter Ih. telM M Thla is more than a dlaappoint- I-elter of AppreelaUen huttbum, ■•t.kad tlaUlsr atftiMi. SI#. To The Editor, W TIC—Strictly Sports; Wea­ 6:00— Blind Date. Cook Appointed auionymoua charges and allege- ment to the people of Greece, or ther. The Evening Herald: $75.00 Coffee Table; Butler Tray style, al9 mahogany, 9:30— Inside U.S.A. tiona about any detail of the life more than than a snub to the •:ZO— 1 0 :00—Boxing, In behalf of the General commit­ gold tooled brown leather t o p ...... $64.50 To Meriden Post o f the person being investigated, United States. It ia a continuation tee for the 1950 Red Cross fund WDRC—Record Album. n :00—Wrestling. CLEitRitlG 0:80— Conch—Daily Newsreel and Late mad passes it on to the Loyalty o f that basic Inner weakness, that campaign, I would like to thank $198.00 Sofa; Lawson style, upholstered in blue frieze, $79.00 Nest of 3-Tables; $39.50 (1) Maple Record Album Cabinet; 3 shelves $29.95 Mirrors, Gloss WONS— Jim B ritt Newa. Review Board, which slfta all the basic inner injuatice, in Greece, the citizens of Manchester and two-cushion model, tufted back ...... $98.00 brown leather top, stretcher $118.50 (9 ) 9x12 Axm inster Rugs; hooked, gi'een or blue Meriden, Marqh 39— —Mayor W TH T — Sereno Oammell; Howard E. Houston today an­ reports and charges and rumor Bolton for their generous response b^se, all mahogany ...$39.50 18th Century florals, green or grey tone-on-tone leaf de­ FoniHare Tops, Window which ia far more of a threat to I in making the drive successful, v 8229.00 Sofa; Square-ATm Lawson style, upholstered in Weather. Votes to Reduce Rents nounced the appointment of W il­ ■ad Plito Glus, Aoto Gtaai and Information, and perhaps in­ the future of Greece than even a May I thank you. Mr. Editor, for $32.00 Drop-leaf Lamp signs, beige cai*ved effect. E a c h ...... $84.50 WTIC—WrlghtMlle Folks. liam B. (Took of Pelham, N. Y., to self colored green and red figured tapestry, green fringe 0:45— vestigates even further, in order Communist fifth column. We ac­ ; your cooperation In helping the Table; mahogany, 1-drawer $92.50 (7) 9x12 Axminster Rugs; beige or green carved Greenwich, March 29—i/P' A | the newly created post of director v a la n c e ...... $198.00 WDRC— Lowell Thomas. to reach Ita own conclusion." complished our military miasion ! Red Cross with the educational brass toes ...... $29.93 effects, brown or grey modern plaids, black Victorian floral representative town meeting here | of recreation here. ' and advertising phase of the cam- WONS— Evening Star. White Gloss Co. iv in g last night voted to ,'.educe rents ‘in | Cook Is a native of Meriden but L Tbtaa raw F 3 .I. reports do not in Greece, with Tito's help. Wa or beige hooked design. Each ...... $74.30 I paign. Your assistance has been WTIC—Three Star Extra. 90 houses In two temporary vetcr- j has been director of recreation In 24 Birch St. Maiwhaater I throw out rumor or allegation be- eatabllshed the military condition I greatly appreciated. $92.50 (2) 9x12 Axminster Rugs; rose carved effect or WTHT—Trios afc Twilight. ans housing projects, effective i 7:00— Pelham since 1047. FOR YOUNG HOMEMAKERS I MUSS the aourca o f it might be essential to the preservation and I I realize that the success of the 18th Century floral; Mill Seconds. Each ...... $64.50 April 1. The rental for three bed­ Previously he bad been a coach OpiB Dally 8 A. M. Sa 9 P. M. WDRC— Beulah. ladadhig BatpiBay I campaign depended on the indivld- Hundreds of big thrifty values like these! room houses will be cut from 547.50 •uapect. They do not omit some growth o f democracy in Greece. $143.00 (1 ) 8.6x10.10 Plain WONS—Newa. at Harrison. N. Y „ and waa asso­ 'j ' ual solicitor, who for these past to 542.50 a month, and for two bed- ] ciated with Manhattan college as ' charge against an individual be- And the Greeks took advantage j weeks have been calling on their Uncut Loop Velvet; gi’ey, W TH T—Storyland. Plenty Of Parkinf room houses from 547.50 to 540 a 1 coach of swimming and director I cauae the charge happens to be of that to vote themselves a little friends and neighbors to solicit $398.00 Tliree-Part Section­ mill second ...... $89.50 W H A Y —Symphony Hall. , On Pramiaat month. I of physical training. • •M - I W * J made ky some habitual enemy of democracy. Of that they have funds for the Rjed Cross and ita al Sofa; self colored rose ^nd $127.00 (1 ) 9x12 Plain un­ W n C —Ught-Up Time. You read about it great work. I sincerely thank 7:18— ! that indlvldunl. They do not now been robbed, not by the Com­ each and every one for his and beige figured damask uphol­ cut Loop V elvet; rose $84.50 WONS—Tello-Taat. ; threw out a rumor because it may munists nor by any outsider, but hef whole-hearted support in the stery, trimmed witli rose Watkins Quality Maple $92.50 (1) 9x12 Velvet W-nC—Newa. happen to come from a crackpot. by a dictatorship which, with the campaign. < moss fringe. Spriiig-tlown Rug; forest green can’ed de­ WDRC—Jack.Smith Show. everywhere .To the chairmen of all the 7:S8-« ' Nor doea their rumor and infor- connivance of the King, refuses to seats ...... $198.00 sign ...... $74.50 many divisions in the campaign. I N ot only sound, rugged WONS—Gabriel Heatter. Biatlon and allegation concern it­ be voted out of office. offer my sincere appreciation. $82.50 (1) 9x9 Plain Twist $239.00 Love Seat; Ches­ construction, but long last­ W THT— Lone Ranger, self purely with tha queation of Working with such a capable terfield style, upholstered in Velvet Hug; blue ...... $59.75 w n c —Kostelaneta Conducts. i whether or not some Individual la group was Indeed most gratify­ ing styling as well. Give $119.00 (1 ) 9x10.5 Plain WDRC—CTub -Fmeen. ing. red brocatelle, red fringe val­ I loyal to the United States. In- McCormick Humor you years and years of pride in ownership. TwUt Velvet; blue ...$84.30 7:48— Sincerely. ance, tufted back . .. .$198,00 WDRC— Edward R. Murrow. j volved in tha question of whether Herbert J. McKlnnev. $218.50 (1 ) 12x14.6 Plain The travels of Colonel Robert $229.00 Regency Sofa; up­ WONS—I Love a Mystery, I w aot the individual is a good se- Twist Velvet; blue ..$169.00 w n c —Your Senator from Conn R. McCormick, publiahrr of the •'rear-Jerklng” Rtorirs holstered in gi’een damask BIGELOW'S 1 curity risk are aU kinds of consid- $11,95 (6) 6x9 Plaid Fiber 1:00— TIBE SALE C3iicago Tribune, are aa rich in To The Editor. ’ with boucle trim and fringe •ratlons—whether a man drinks Rugs; rose or burgundy. WDRC—Mr. C:ihameieon. humor aa they are pontiOral in at­ ilany like myself read all the valance; button ^tufted WONS—Dr. Kildare. • r aot, whether he gambles or not, stories and letters concerning the each ...... $8.95 i mosphere. a y m s ...... $198.00 W TH T—Dr. I. Q. whather he has an eye for the school controversy. There were $16.95 (4 ) 8x10 Plaid Fiber WHAY—Rosary. ' It was a rare good joke, for in­ many tear-jerking stories written. 1 girls. Allegations about such $273.00 S ofa ; .Semi-Ches­ w n c —Thla Is Your Life. CARILLON stance, when his private plane Rugs; brown, blue or grey, The one which interested me moat terfield style, upholstered in S:1S— things do not have to be proved landed in Franco Spain carrying waa the letter written by a moth­ each ...... $12.75 green brocatelle with boucle WHAY — American Legion ‘ to be inchtdad In an F.B.I, dossier painted on ita aide the flag of the er who found her child practically $17.95 (4) 9x12 Plaid Fiber Hoover Report. surrounded by buckets st the Lin­ fringe trim, sloping arms, on an individual. Spanish Republic, which Franco Rugs; brown, blue, rose or S:80— ^^^tone coln school to catch the water two .spring-down seat cush­ WDRC—Dr. Christian. So there are two valid reasons defeated, with Hitler and Musso­ leaking into the room. green, each ...... $13.50 lor the Praaident'a de«;lBiea.not to ions ...... $239.00 W H A Y — Music Room. lini's help, instead.of the flag of Why ahould a oonditlon like this $12.95 (5 ) 6x9 Textured F i­ w n C - ^ r a a t QUderaleeve. aeaka these filM pubUc, even Franco Spain. be allowed to go on without some $229.00 S ofa ; Chesterfield ber Rugs; brown, rose or blue. W TH T—Casehqpk of Gregory I though he it cartain to come un­ attention? It la cither dam poor style, upholstered in ^ey Hood. BuSSilhamBiaa Some poor painter back in this management or gross negligence each ...... $9.75 der peUUcal attack for hU refus­ tapestry with boucle fringe WONS—International Airport. country will pay for that mistake. on some one's part. In the tame $17.95 (5) 6x9 Jacquard- al. One la that the F.B.I. itaeU ia and nail trim fringe valance, 8:48— But .Colonel'McCormick is gen­ letter this lady also told of old Woven tone-on-tone Fiber W H A Y —Organ Nocturne. not anzioua to have the American pleated back, spring-down erally funny only when he doea furniture being stacked up against Rugs; rose, green, blue or 8 :88— the walls in another room. A con­ seat cushions ...... $198.00 'iH llE S paopla know what kind of datail W ONS—Nawa. not intend to be. In Paris the oth­ dition like that stircly can Ue grey, each ^...... $13.50 and rumor it collecta. The other 8:00— er day, for instance, he called remedied. $198.00 Sofa; Two-cushion $24.50 (1 ) Full Size King ia that these nunora and allaga- WDRC—Groucho Marx. Makes carpet a news conference and said that Those favoring the elaborate Lawson style, upholstered in Coil Spnng ... .i..... $14.95 W H A T — Moonlight Matinee. 6.00x16 tlons, often completely unfounded he waa going to present, to the acbooU should interest themselvea blue and rose stripe damask, $14.95 (1 ) Full Size Deep WONS—Ladles Fair. and merely the product of some in saving what we already have. blue fringe valance . .$159.00 W TH T—Music by Martin: John­ waiting world, a fresh and origi­ Geo. A. CTalllouet’te. D. C. Sleep Simmons Coil Spring; $ 15.25 News 2 ways one’s malice, or some one’s ability nal McCormick wisecrack. ny Desmond. vMi;mi:\N $73.00 Kneehole Desk; 8- floor sample, as i s ...... $9.95 to manufacture goealp, would in­ W n C —Break the Bank. This iRas the wlaecrack; Hauls In Knapaark of 5foney drawer including file drawer, - $39.50 (1 ) Twin Size Sim­ 9i80— jure many reputations, including " I f the British want to elect a brass handles, in mahog­ mons Deep Sleep Innerspring W TH T—Buzx Adlam’s Playroom many not even invelved directly Tokyo, March 29.—(Ah—Sklppar WONS— Quaen for a Day. gang of tramps to office it ia their Koichi Mlura hauled in the nets any ...... $39.50 Mattress; floor sample $34.50 themselves In any question o f loy- w n c —Mr. District Attorney. Luxurious business, not mine,” on his 21-ton fishing sampan and aUty. $49.30 Kneehole Desk; 9- $49.50 (1 ) Twin Size Sim­ WDRC—Bing Crosby. H e imagine there waa laughter found a knap.sack full o f 1(K) yen drawer. rope edging, in ma­ mons Beautyi:est Innerspring I8rfH»— I f Senator McCarthy Ware win- notes. If no one claims the 500.000 from the newa conference, espe­ hogany ...... $39.50 Mattress; blue stripe; floor W TH T—Lawrence Welk. Bing hia case s|;aiaat tha SUta yen within a year. Mlura may WHAY—News: Moonlight Mat- cially it there were any Chicago keep the $1,400 catcir. s a m p le ...... $38.75 NEW carved Dapartment, the'ra might still be $149.00 Tambour Desk; ma­ • Inae. Tribune correspondents present. $49.50 (2) Twin Size Bar­ •ome need: to make public ail hogany inlaid, brass w n c —Big Story. But from there on. we imagine, clay 504-coil Box Springs, _ 8 WDRC—Bums and Allen. thase Slas in order tq destroy hla fe r r e lls ...... $123.00 Reg. $172.50 the laughter ebbed slightly. There oz. grey ticking, each $34.30 WONS—Newa Commentary. * •UegaUons. For what Senator Mc­ North Methodist Charch $56.00 (2 ) Maple Kneehole effect! was little but a grimace left, by $29.95 (1) Twin Size Kent Carthy has been doing has been W. S. C. S. Desks; 8-drawers, plinth the Ume-lt got back to this coun­ Box S p r in g ...... $22.30 thla: ho has bean making public, try. base, e a c h ...... $4470UR FIREfrONE DEALER' and rcllMre tht thiraty mllUona o f -’ $14.00 (2 ) Maple Wall Rack^; 3 shelves, mirror backs, ijrawey ari i lwr yrtih ‘ €S4 CeniW Stroot ptm'taaik'r u.- \ T E L / 708lii ^aaoh . . . . $6.9a m m u <4 ( iSS8I^Sil5SS g g ;;^ rvv;t5:jsm !i!)^

h - 1 t->' JV1*-vt • • MANCHESTER .EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 19M PAGE M Q inBK MANCHESTER EVEKrNG ^R A LO , MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 29. I960 iT - ______'r ' Bwik Baas Right Way oa tha ..world a t natura to which with fine head of antlen dashed out of the tdfTIUky the campers will be related partic­ through a reeidential area and ara plentlfal and lata All Expense Trip *Mo—A big huek atralgnt atacriNUrthe county line 'Niathan Hale Students ularly during their etay a t Wood- OUR MOTTO County Game Sanctuary. ^ To Washington Professional Show stock and the other on work! ...... — .'.4.4. brotherhood. It I r hoped bo have a On Increase To fo o p Cent .' In Educational Program guest at camp from a foreign The annual civic pilgrimage to Tickets for the atage play, "The country during both the boys' and "Service and SeryiUty" imWIIIIMIIIimiMIEIIIIHIIIIIIIHHIlE^^^^^ Washington by members of the Helreea," second In a rorea of two girls' camps. ______- - a MthiulMtie •udi- • dTMMiUiaUon. cre*Uv« dwic*. art. Story Told Senatora Two Large Dealer* in A la*«* » "« aclenca, and clvlca. Other adult educational classes In schools plays to be presented this season Each camper will have careful a« paranta attanaafl ine apnns ^^ich build ohniacler and throughout Connecticut, and their by the Ctvtc Drama Guild of New and oonsklerata attention, Mr. Reveals How Secret Hartfoi^ Area to Cur COMPLEMENT YOUR MttaTtalninant produced rocantljr j pi^asinj peraonallUca were aleo Daniels said recgntly, and will Iw families and fiienda will take placa fo rk under the aponsorahip of the presented with an opportunity to MANCHESTER BETTER BARBERS Service Cracked Caw One Cent April 1 bv tha NaUuui Hala School puplla. I found; ability to work with a April 14-16. This la a guided tour local Rotary Club, went bn sale to­ grow In the many ways possible ___avantna waa '• group, apprrclarlon of the neoenseB of the trip. Arthur Benson, chairman of the Woodstock. plica of milk to Oonnaetknit con- Robert C. Deniing, Connetilcvit ' crook crooked some crooks who academic ganaea and axarclaea development of polar. courtesy. club's play committee, said “The Open Monday Thru Saturday 8 a. m. • 6 p. m. aumera probably will ba cut*oi|a supervisor of adult education. In Heiress” vrtif be tfreaented at the kad already been crooked and the WITH which the children thorout^ty en and stage presence. The cast of the circular aiiiiounclng this year's cent a quart in April, characters Is as follows: Announc­ Hollister school auditorium on Secret Service ceught up "1th a D a in t y D o t JoFand conaldir play were adapted pilgrimage says: Tuesday evening, April 26, at 6:16. Public Backing batch of crooked money. T"t> larga dealara In tha Hart­ ers, Carolyn Johnson. Marlette _ far atage appearance. No child tiagnon, and Paula Dsiadus; Fair­ "I envy those who make a first The three-act dramatic stage hit, This la a story told by U. E. ford arM, A, C. Pateraan aad tha guided trip to Washington. They recently seen In Manchester In Its Igiew exactly what parUcular ies. Betty MacGregor, Dennlsc Staiid of A. & P, Baughman, chief of the U. 3. Se­ Lincoln dairy, hava announcad aileatlon or anawar he would be Johnson. Rita Hutson. Donna will have new experiences, new In­ movie version, will feature Herbert they'll put the reduction Into af­ /Persona n,j ® i mens toned spirations, will make new fi lends, Voland and an all atar Naw York cret Service, to a Senate Appro- expifcted to anawer on the atage. Startor. Peggy Gustafson, Marilyn New Tork, March 39—Four out Tdvde's im v p a U e m fect on Saturday, Others la tha All children In the group# were and will renew their touch with cast of professional players. priationa subcommittee. It was area Indicatetf they axiuld foilotv Haupt; Elves, Milton Doremus, of every flve persons who have expected to know all the anawera Malcolm MacDiiff, Ralph Barber, those who gave their Uvea • that Tickets are callable from all made public today. euU, and It was axpected that the NYLON HOSIERY to u l the quaetlona. no matter what Earle Ecabert. Louis Gaakell, this nation might live." membera of the Botaiy Cub and at formed an opinion on the anti-trust cut "xiuld become state-wide, a new reduced prlN which brings Towle's fim um im ttans "Recently we arrested some .\ll First Duality wia aaked. Their teachera may H any Dlmlow; The picnickers, ’Phe party will leave on the eve­ case against the Great Atlantic Mexicans," Baughman aaid. "They n ie a Paid ParaNra Drapa wen be proud of their reaponaea. a professional Broadway stage Other Rona'id Gustafson, Donald Haye.s, ning of Friday, April 14, arriving and Pacifle Tea Company. favor had come up from Mexico to Chi­ 'hve reduction will reflect a ; .1 Leniftha MUalcal numbera and draniallca li/ Washington early Saturday presentation to Manchestw at one Francis Hill. Rol>crt Owen, Ivars of the lowest coats In the history the food chain, Elmer Roper, pub-1 cago. They sold marijuana and got eimllar cut, effective April 1, In I DAINTY DOT Short. Medium and Long were Interaperaed to make a well- Josus. Robi-rt Tyler. Hrrmnn morning. All arrangemenU for 11c opinion analyst, reported to- i paid off In counterfeit notea and I rounded program, educational aa of the towm. TOWLE'S the price dealcre pay farm er for Gunther, and Robert Dunn. The mc.ola. hiuics, hotels and other de­ day. ‘ went back to Texas. fluid milk. On that date th e , NYl-ONS arell aa entertaining. children of foreign lands were: tails arc taken care of by the com­ "Among those who aay they SILVER PLUMES "The Mexicana picked up a price will drop by 46 cents a hun­ 45 (iauge. 30 Denier Grade 1 children in a rhythm Marv Ellen Camaratha, Philip mittee In charge of the trip. have read about the case, the hitchhiker. dredweight-equivalent to one bfqd played. "In an Eighteenth 64 Gauge, IB Denier Lamoureux, Sally Lewis. Marparrt Further Information and reser­ (^aiiip Woodstock AAP haa won their gympathlea by 6 Piece Place Setting "The hitchhiker saw thia bag in cent e quart. I 81.19 Pair Cghtury Drawing Room” by Scott Munro, Raymond Roweet and f'a- vations may be obtained through „ , _ a four-to-one margin." Roper said. the back of hla car. He thought It Heavy rains and melting snow conspired. Ma>eh 28. to floo, centa. 81.39 Pair Jfhrdc. Robert McCabe. Sandra "How Lovely la the Evening”, a pleading guilty to murdering hla of the Saugatuck Oongregatlohal "Irephoto). 60 Gauge. IS .Denier tion, New Haven. life. The hitchhiker, eftcr helping The price reduction " ill be the Rnated. Fred Andreoli. Ronald Round. father, who, police said, had a church of Weatport, will be direc­ TOWLE Sterling la second this year. Tlie previous one. Gaakall, Sharon Sterry. Martha long record of wlfe-beatlng and tor of Camp Woodstock, County himself, "went out passing these 8 1 .6 9 Pair Sixth Grade Catholic Mothers thing to halM on—aonwUiing to $10 bills, think It was g o ^ 'mon­ called criminal connections, dis­ In 1949. Tlie Scciol Service ha.i ^ paiiio.s A sod K. local N'allonal on Jsn . 1. followed s reduction In Reuter, Ffancia Gremmo, Jean The entire sixth grade sang drtinkennes. Court offlctala and YMCA camp, this season, It was add to aa time gbea'by. Vnu tributors.” pioiMised stationing two ol iis'tiiia id units, will take pait In the the dcalei-to-l'armer price. Clbroaki, Martin Ooqdatlne, Denise Saiiiiiiv Kave Band police, who have characterized ey," Baughman said. "He went "Lazy Laddie," a Dkranlnn Folk announced today by Abner. C. Bris­ can complete jxior set of out and bought a new suit and Baughman aaid that the Denver agents in Kurope. affair. Qlamann. Carol Sibrinsa, Betty Song, "Eight Bells ' a Sea Chanty, Whorf as a "model boy" said tol, president of the Camp Wood- To Sponsor Pack TO U XE solid' silver gradoall.v, The subenmmiltce before which | T^vo nationally famous dance Rowley, Gall Johnson. Joseph change would enable the youth to things, and he got picked up. As a and Seattle areas were free of JOIN OI R ard "H i. Ho.” a Russian Round. Heads Slagc Show stock tnietees. knowlag the plerea youTl n e ^ result of that, vve caught these counterfeit money until recently Baughman appeared is considering , orchc.stras will occupy the plat- TW IN HEEL and Babat, Judith Larson. John Ur- The singers were: Beverly Klein, a he "rehabilitated’' after ' serving Rev. Daniels la well known In will be available In the pattern how much money to appropriate form, t.’ariiica (’avallrro, kiiowm as UetiiNMl Excriilivt*- <i—Ml- 8 1 .6 9 Pair npvv revue to the stage of the Gorilla Will Have ence. Following graduation from Cheater Clbroaki of 44 Lyndale feiters apparently printed ration )3(h Pair FREE Chnniiel 4 WBZ-TV, Clarke. Richard Snow. James Cook, Sharon Rossi, Rose Ventura, discovered by tlie Secret Service I cured anv Monday or Tueaday (hael L. Wilson. 79. retired New Tnesdny 7:S0 P. 61. Mistretta. Garry SuUlffe. State theater. Hartford, this Sat- | Hartford Seminary he was minis­ street, at a meeting held In 8t. amonted to $146,000 in 1948. $338.- stampa during the wartime OPA York advertising executive waa Charles Dougan. JO-Anne Frar.zino. ter of the Bloomfield Federated James's hall. Famous Orchestras I night ill the armory. Loaal men on ' Matching a word and a picture nrflay and Sunday. The famed Birtiulay Parly 000 in 1940 and $473,474 for the price Control and rationing days. I the committee are Sgt. George killed here yesterday when he fell if.rl Adamson, Nancy Oiimaton, church and it was while he served The following pa<^k committee taachee recognition of the word as Joyce Leavestrom, Dawn Fraher, band* leader will present all of hla first aeven months of the current "1 did n()l' mean to Infer that ] Tabor of rompany A and Sgt. down the stairs' in his Goshen vroll as the meaning. Roberta popufar stage and radio personal­ this church that ha became ac­ was chosen: Chairman. Leo Kwash; fiscal }rear, ending next June 30. *because of OPA we have crimi­ For Guards* Dance I *nhur B.ii-iinr of Headquarters road home. Arthur Schulz. Roxanne Heritage, Chicago. March 20.--(F)—A quainted with the program of the cub master, James Tierney; treas­ Dewey-Richman Jdhns. Susan Then. Charlene Clark,. Robert Orr, Donald Earieson, ities, Including Laura I^cslle, Baughman said counterfeiting nals." he said. “But it is a fact Company. Members of the local Medical Examiner Dr. John F. Ridhard Snow, James Mistretta, charming vocalist, Tony Alamo, birthday party will be held at the Hartford County YMCA. urer, James Gleason; secretary, JEWELERS and SILVERSMITHS “seems to be concentrated In the that In O ikago wc know of a ' giiiiid uiiil. c\t'uil nil invitation to I Kilgus. Jr., said death was caused TEXTILE STORE Robert Pearson. Fred Schnelilerr A "cavalcade of music " "ill fea­ THE Sutllffe. CTyde Hurley. Ger­ romantic tenor, Ernie "fVctl‘. Limxiln Park zoo tomorrow for In planning tha camp program Paul Morlarty: activity chairman, middle west and the Chicago area, group out there, former OPA vUv- \ all their fr ciid' to attend this I by a fiactured neeje. Patrick Mooney, Donald Goehrlr.g, for the boys' camp thia summer, Alfred H. RInguette; awards chair­ 767 M.AIN STREET ture the Second Annual Ball of A. L. SLtKOMR. l*rop. ald Forde, Joseph Trussell, Lucy Donald Cowles, Charles Keeney, Kudi.sill, "The Daffy Drummer,"’ Bushman, the giant gorilla and and New York, as far as the mak­ lators. who are responsible for a ' annual celebration. He had resided In Litchfield for WBce, Arthur Kelly, and Francis (Thubby .Silvers. saxophonist, Chicago's biggest single drawing two emphases will be made—one man, Leo Blanchette. ers are concerned," but "it's going lot of these couaterfeit notes." 169th Infantry to be held Saturday over 23 years. 91.1 MAIN STREET NEAR MAMT1ESTKR SAVINGS BANK Robert Nellson, W'llllam Taylor, .Surviving are his widow, three ^3uay played the woro and picture Judith Anderson, Carol Balkus, IJoyd Roberts, ace trombonist. card. on all over the United States." Baughman aaid Uiat $63,490 In evening, April 22 in the Hartford ! The average nJiilt brain wclchs sons, nine daughters and two ets- matching game. Judith Burkhardt, Alan Cole, Paul The Kayedets. and The Kaye The fl-foot, 2-lnrh. S.’iO-pound He added that the Chicago and apiirloua notca made in foreign •Stale Armory. Headquarters, and ; 49 ounces and the average adult liMiiiimimmiuiiiiiimiiiiiiiimim^^^^^^ B eudlag Game Is Pteyed Choir. A speelal added attractidn Bushman was born 22 .years ago New York eounterfeiteni "have so- countries turned up in this country Headquartera Company, Com- ( female brain weighs 44 ounce* I tera. Donnelly, Salvatore F'elicc, Richard on the bill will be Don Cornell, "Phrasa-O." a reading game, us- Geae, David Golas, Dennis Guay, and has been at the zoo for 20 Ronald Haberern, Terrance How­ "The Nation's Newest Singing years. He cost the zoo g3,.V)0 and groups of words develops fluen­ Discovery." vvho.se recording of cy,and Incraaaes speed In the ard, Carol Johnson. C a r o l e now is regarded by zoo officials aa It Isn't Fair," is one of the na­ "priceless." He has hern described number of words seen at a glance. Koehler, George Markham, Llllion tion's most popular song hits. K x- Odorgeanne McCaughy p l a y e d Materal. David McChnnell, Jo s­ as the moat outstanding single tra added will be Leo De Lyon, animal of any zoo In the world "banker” and Lois West, Joan ephine Pagani, Anthony Peroz* That Versatile Gentleman;" the .^hderson. Dominie Ventura. Neal ziello, Aubtn Raymond. Betty Lou and the moat v’aluable. Some .1,- Carroll Sisters, lovely acrobatic- 000,000 persons visited the zoo q Gottfried and Richard Dzladus Robinson, Barbara Rosendahl. H fU R N lT U H $ dance team, and a host of others. Better Quality at Low, Low Prices y a d for ^ "Phrase-O." Richard Thomaa Russell, Wesley Sargent, Isat year primarily to see Bush­ Daiadus wen. Sammy Kaye will also present hla man. Cynthia Sauter, William Steven­ laugh-provoking novelty attrac­ “Old Fashioned Phonetics son. Lorna Wilson, Joan Winters, Zoo Director R. Marlin Perkins lAMon" was presented in a mod- tion, “So You Want To Lead a has sent out invitations to a se­ Jane Ames, William Aronson, Rob­ Band," with a bandbox of prizes m manner by pupils of Grade n . ert Clarke. Robert Cooper, Bnjce lect group for Bushman's birth­ given to participants at all .per­ day party. UfP*** ably demonstrated Cordner, Mary Lou Coughlin, John * EASTER COATS -n SUITS FOR YOUNG MANCHESTER formances. W lTM lU ty to see emsU differences Donze, David Duncan, Norma Hare, There are late stage shows Since 1908, the Masjid-I-Sulai- A T BENSON’S 7: m: words closely resembling each Jon Harrison, Howard Hastings, John Munro; every Saturday and Sunday start­ man oil field in Iran haa yielded Robert Hubbard, Lorelle Hutton, ing at 10 p. m. •Utera, Donald Hoffman, Janet Barbara Kuhne, Marilyn Luplen, 924 minion barrels of crude oil. 7 C l^agU one, WOllam Vlot, Ru- Marie Maori, Albert Meyers, Wini­ Come in and choose from the largest selection of quality children's apparel in Mffncheater. OiiP .“< «!»■ -rntt. fred Ryan, Robert Segal. Gail . ““***•• Barber, Carol KUi Stratton, Thomae Suslam, David REG. $89.95* GOV. WIN-raROP y KUpatrick. Cynthia Nylin. Toomey, David Turkington, Carl­ efficient staff of experienced salesladies will cheerfully assist you in selerting the coal or suit that Grada IV pupils listened to a Great Furniture Disposal Sale ton Walther, Carl Zinsser. MAHOGANY DESK Meey read Inr their leader, Janet The band membera dressed !a J^ v ell. Kadi child apeUed the We are clearing all furniture stock in order to give us much Beautiful Finish will best suit your individual tastes. We have a wide variety of smart accessories to ctmiplemcnt beginning eound of the last word white with brilliant red Jackets, Repeat Event * .■ sentence of the story, thus and made up of puplla from grades needed mom for our greatly expanded television-radio and your boy’s or girl’s Easter outfiL practicing audio-visual dlsciimlns- six through eight and from the AT Use our convenient tlon, a great aid In learning to Barnard. Washington, and Nathan appliance business. Alteration work has already started. Sale Price $49.95 spell and to read. Their leader Hale schools closed the program LAY-AWAY PLAN waa Janet Flavell; others were: with. "Star," a March, "Hercules,” In order to liquidate our furniture stock quickly we are offer­ A WISE MOTHER KNOWS THAT IT’S THRIFTY TO INVEST IN QUALITY CLOTHES Ouay, Raymond Borat, Joan and “Festival Mar^^.” ing the finest values at the lowest prices ever offered to Man- tA i Tpiybal, Carol Fiacher. June Cer- George Schober, a sixth groder, HARMACS Thomas Morrow, Anton May­ delighted the audience with a aolo ch^ter shoppers. Come in and get your share of the bar­ er, Robert FlUer, Merle Monseglio, on a large base horn, called the REG. $49.95. MAHOGANY Donald Muianer, Barbara Duncan, Sousaphone. Other members of gains. BOOKCASES tr a a n Andreoli. Mark Peterson. the band were: Ronald Larcheve- See how far your money goes In our INVEST IN Gtaee Jones, and Brenda Cole. LVCKYPIRCHASE! Wonderful Buys for ‘ I que, Ida Johnson, Norma .fones, Here is a partial list of furniture bfrgains. Note—-Some with Glasa, Metal Grill Doors Xach made a perfect score. Robert Croaa, Rusi Stevenson, GABARDINE QUALITY • "Waklag The Flowera” I^ula Gagnon, Edward Amback, items are one of a kind-^U subject to prior sale. All sales "Waking The Flowers,” a cor- Robert Kelly, Nancy Weir, Charles SUB-TEEN SHOP Net English game for Grade n Mrun, Carl Groebel, Jack Loef- final— No exchanges— no refunds. Terms: Cash or bud­ Sale Price $32.50 ‘ *Grow-a- Year ” BOYS to 10 YEARS amnhaeised, “It la I,” «nd the cor- ner, Arthur Maclalla, William SLACKS get. Come in and look around ! « 1 teet UM of “than.” Donna Me- H t^iford. David Wichman. Alan Styled in the Grown-up Ixiok Ntfll repreMnted the “Uttle girl; Cole, Ronald Herzey, ^ w ard Wo- (Crease Resistant) Navy Regulation Robert Ooehrlng, the "UtUo boy,' Donald Wlrta, Sylvia Me- GIRLS’ COATS WOOL and GABARDINE Keith Hauamann, a flower, Janice Delaney. Jnhn REG. $169.50 REG. $49.50. UPHOI.STERED 8 ONLY. REG. $49.50 COAT AND HAT MeOQnkcy, the "wind,” and Jean o ^ Pearson. Niel Jones. BiascU, the “rain." GEORGIAN SOFA PLATFORM ROCKERS BIG COMFORTABLE MAPLE R^m M George Schobc?! 8 ^ . 9 8 U.95 to I6.9.V .ahif 1 Year aaonranec of Tbe following children, Marie ^ n a ld Laraon. Ronald SImmona, In Beautiful Rose Cover 3 Only, 1 Bhie, 1 Orqy Mahogany Frame PLATFORM ROCKERS Sizes satisfaction. KtgNnbky, Jean Doty. Alice May- John Moran, and Robert Vinton. dr. Dolorca Lewie, Joan Marks, 3, 4. 5, 6 . SUITS In stock, widths A to ■ Soft all wool coverts in 3 to 6x, with extra Majry Pantaleo, Charlene Schlebel, Sale Price $89^00 Sale $29.95 i t Value $7.95 Sale $29.95 hem in slehves and skirt to assure an extra by “Petlteen” Narrow heel l ^ a e l Clbroaki. John Haskell All wool, half belt, in­ Dgiid Hutson, James Morrow, year’s wear. Detachable white pique collars. prevents slipping Wapping •Tan, Grey, Blue, Brown, Green Robert Moore, Francis Robinson A tiinely savings not to be overlooked. verted pleat, brass but­ and Richard Salmond presented •Sizes 28^40 44 REG. $69.50 ' REG. $4.96. 24 HARDWOOD REG. $59.95 tons, sleeve emblem. ‘T h e Bridge of Avignon.” a French Thursday night the Women’s •Altmtions Free Game, and “As Tomm; Bowling League will hold their UNFINISHED CHAIRS KNEEHOLE DESKS ~ CEDAR. DOUBLE DOOR Solid Wood CoBstniction 14M tol9J5 alking,” an English Fol ^ u a l banquet at DINino's Rea- Bong. Another shipment received! WARDROBE FMdIe Back Style, Smooth Sanded 1 Maple. I Mahogany Virgin Wool Check II A number of Grade I puplla vsith UuranL Village street. East Hart­ Mbklene Forde as the “atore-kee ford. with Mrs. Oressa Barter of Terrific Value! Sale Prite $40.00 Sale Price $2.98 Sale Price $44.50 COAT AND HAT All wool checks or gabardine. a* Snug ankle ft eg,*’ Frances Nylin aa the "mot the Mothers Club team as toast- Fitted and boxy models . t . sir,”- and Thomaa Browm, David Fly front, loose hack. prevents gaping y#seo, Gaytans Cole, Jeannette mistress. It is expected about 60 with contrasting or matching BasMlll, Richard Hamilton, and persons will be present. skirts. Sizes 16 to 14. David Slbrinss as "children,” dem- HOSE REG. $75.00 1 Only. Beg. fWJM REG. $235.00 Sizes 2 dhstrated their ability to go to the TIES LEATHER LOUNGE CHAIRS WHITE KITCHEN 8 PC. MAHOGANY DINETTE. ■k Built in arch store to make purchases within ten "111 ^ awarded a trophy. Also Suite With Drupleaf Extension TaMe tot extra support cents. Each waa able to compute 39c 69c Green Upboletery, S Only CHINA CABINET • Chain and Chlaa Cabinet agactly how much hie list of three Mcond place.' arUeles Should cost. The store- 3 Pr. 81.10 3 for 82.00 SUB-TEEN ktaper checked their anawera. yj*” *;. awards will go to the Sole $49.50 Sale $27.50 Sole $119.50 -Carol Georgettl, Patricia Hllle. ^moth.y Ejdwarda team for high Values to 73c Reg. fl.OO and $1.50 Junior Size 6 to 12 Brenda Baker, Gary Koaak. and team single and Pleasant Valley Charlotte Dziordzi of grade in team for high team triple. ^ LEISURE SUITS TOPPERS ★ Sturdy .VOU SAVE $!••—BB o 7 BEG. E»9.56 sailed giving correct answers as The hlgh^-erage award will go REG. $69.50. 5 PC. SOLID ^ a l Isather t^'m ultiplication wheel waa spun BETTER GRADE UNDERWEAR 2 PC. LAWSON LIVING 2 PC. LAWSON IJVING Fully lined, belted or swagfcr styise, % C . 0 0 lo BeUy VaTri'l"*'’"'^ MAPLE DINETTE SET < by canstraetion W* Maureen Connor, their "teach­ ROOM 8UITB ROOM SUITE 1 4 ^ red or navy, in ail wool sheen eevert. ^ tg a s * * er", Dot Brancatl of SI. Francis will ^Athletic Shirts Eztontlon TaMo aad 4 .Chain ' i Gray Cheaey Cover Tea Tapeetry Cover “Little Buddy Tba definitiona of many land fo*" high Individ- 49e, 3 for 81.45 gad water formattons were given I"** Gavanaugh asVpupUa of grade IV located each "o n the high single without *^a •Shorts (SanforizrrI) . 69r, 3 for 82.05 Sole $39.95 Sole Price $150 Sale Price $140 ell a ' large, colorful map. The mark honor scoring 93. , f Boxer or Gripper Prfesdfrem m u p which Included Philip Reit- The Men's Bowling League Mary Balkua, Robert Sutton •Tee S h irts ...... 69r, 3 for 82.05 Junior Size 8 to 12 schedule for this week la aa fol­ f ' Bandfa Rudaa; Robert Benson d 's : Tonight at 7;15, the Pioneer REG.’ |$9.95 REG. $129.50. 4 PC. SOLID A FEW REAL GOOD BUYS Speciei Purchmo Dq^rae Ogron, Peter Koziski • B riefs___ . 59c, .3 for 81.75 SPORT JACKETS ja i l e r will play J. E . Shepard and INNEB8PRIN6 DfATTRESS IN 9 X 12 SIZE RUGS Corduroys, checks, flannels M u jarie Topping, Andrea Stew VeU pjay Spring Pond! At 9:15 MAPLE BEDROOM S U ltE Azialaetor. WMtoa. Twist other famous makes by COATCR-AFT, 1^ Wayne B ^ u c , Ruth Stedraan p e lic a n and Long Hill will pUy. AC'A TloWng. or F an Size depcading on aim Tl^itlam MePbaraon, FeUx Pagani Thuraday night at 7:15,, Juno'a Hayon Gabardine GASTW’IRTH. JUBILEE and others. SUB-TEEN •Ilf Oarola Deans was lead by g ay Wapping Auto and Farmera FELT HATS $49.50, $69, $79 — '■ ■ MarUn.' H m w are and Dlnap’e. Friday SPORT SHIRTS Solo $19.95 Sale$89.00 Big Redactieaz 3 to 6x, 8 ^ to 1 0 ^ Jamison, Teresa Pan- T 7 to 14 Ckrol Johnson. Roberta g a y Wapping Men’s CTub and m *o2S-M COATS Jane PMa, William Tally, Burnham’s play Spepard Shade. $3.95 $5.00 FITTED e • I* ' • " * ’"'cr t a ia t or other electric eignaU for HATS, AIXIOATOK KAINWKAR . , si ^ J ■ A - . ■ - .1 ' V more than a mtauta for laboratory m . bbeervation. OrdlnarUy -such phe- ARTHU»^RUG ■■ ■ ■ RozMaa fade off t|ia agraea iw t i MM'ffKa ' ”-7ita1i- ' ■ 4- ... OSMNNMH

MANCHESTEB BVfSNING HERALD; 51ANCHE8 TER. CUNN~ WEUNE8 DAT, MANCHESTER EVENING IHERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1950 gtoni via Weiner of Hartford and Mr. Official Placed 1 tlon, NalooB aaid tha closing of Dever Studies V A Closings theea offloaa has caused "a great WUd G««M Try to Land Aron In Um caao. lyM mother told l(Mi9oliiie War Op«ratiiig Room Head at Hospital to Resign Would Regain M lu Johnson it was said, that she Lions to Hold World’s Choice Either On Tough Spot deal of concern among our mem- On Ckdiiey Library Roof had been "told to aay that the Are Opposed bers and other veterana" in the Infant Son baby's father was Jewiata.” Case of Boy areas affaeted. At Standstill Three flocks of wild geese Mlaa Johnson aaid that Miaa Auction Sale Law or Destruction Endlcott. N. T., Marcb 19—t#) - The ending of medical Mrvices were reported flying over Man­ Bailey'f early deoteion to place tbe In Bridgeport was "axtremely dtf- Frank Skobem is vUlagt building VFW State Commander fleult" to understand," said Nsl- chester yesterday afternoon. child for adoption warn the result Bay State Governor inspeoter. He’s alto president of Unwed Mother Seekti of the mother’s lack of funda or Seek to Bolster Welfare oon, “aspeclally when one realiaee R eau iu the Same One flock which numbered Speaker Here Says Prob­ Has Power to Cut Life the Endteott Boys’ oJub, and the Voices Objections on there is a greater veteran popula about 180 tried to land on the Return from means of support. 'That seemed To S«y Farewell tlon In tnat (Bridgeport) arei jU Local Operators library roof in Center Park then to be the only solution," she Fund; Ask DoimtiouM lems of Our Times Priflon Term situation ean fea eonfuainf. Branch Offices but were unsuccessful and flew added. As head of the Boys' club, be than In tha Hartford area." Couple in Action Of Items to Be Sold The Veterans administration r«- ; Awah the Next Drop off in the direction of Glaston­ Mrs. Gertrude Lewis, 60, Miaa Are Driving Mankind endorsed plans to build an addi­ Hertford, March M — iff)— bury. . Bailey’s mother, testified that she Boston, March 29—iJb— Gov cantly announced it would be Hartford, March 29—iAh—A case, would be willing to take care of The newly formed Liona club of To This; His Remarks Paul A. Dover today studied the tion to tha elubbouae. State Commander Thomaa J. Nel­ forced to close several branch Mfr Sm bMD added to Manchester is planning an auction As building Inspector, he re­ son of the Veterans of Foreign omcas beoauoa of a lack of luffl- tiM k u Mo» price "war" that baa In which an unwed Hartford i the child at her four-room flat, case of a 16-yaar-old "model boy" mother seeks to regain a baby , loves her child,” Mrs. for the benefit of their local wel­ ‘The very things that, on the ^ jected the plana on tho ground Wars today voiced hie organiaa- clent funds to operate them. Stekea out bare la tbe peat few sands of worda sent weekly quot-1 sentenced to life for killing his Nelaon aaid that If lack of funds d M K a^rta from varloua aerv- fare fund. All types of furniture, aurface, seem to make limited : they violated toning regulationa. tlon’a oppoaltlon to the cloalng of Ing the official news agency and »n. 1. . B™,klyn oo«pl,. """ household goods, and other items drunkard father. Now, a t Boya’ club president, Veterans administration branch mad# eurtallment necessary, It loe atatiooa today rteealed that the controlled press was "unoh- world government to prevent war ! The governor has tbe power, offices at Bridgeport. New Havon, should be made in the Hartford the operatora are "aitUnc ticht" JecUve reporting.” Runge did not Is before Judge Russell Z. Johnston Kaullso maintained Uiat Miss are being sought from local resi­ he'a asking the vlllags Zoning of the Hartford Probate court for Bailey should not have been ex- dents In an effort to make this auc­ impoarible may be, in actuality, i uith consent of the Executive boerd to reverse the ruling he New London and DanbuiT^ reglomU offlca and not in tha field walCag for aomeoce to make the reply. council, to cut the prison term of made oa building Inspector. • In a letter to Harry T. Wood, re- offices. Beat BWTO. Refular gaa, uaualty No Previous I'omplalnt declaion. pected to decide on an adoption at tion a success. tha very things speeding the world j Francia Whorf. Scituata Boy aold for S4.t centa per rallon, The case Is reported to have no least unlit after ehe bed had her Several members have donated tovtard that destination at expreM ; The foreign ministry has msde precedent in Conner ticut Juris-; child. Scout, or grant a full pardon. Slopped to at moat aUUoni no previous complaint about any the use of their trucks, cars, and train speed," Dr. Vernon Nash, The boy pleared guilty yester­ prudence. | He said the mother "seasonably garages in order to pick up and ■laee Vilday aad that price re- individual story filed by The As­ national vice president of tha day in Plymouth Superior court mafaiad uachaiufcd today. sociated Press from Prague in the In It Miaa Mary Bailey, 30, | objected" to tbe adoption and store the items promptly and effi­ to second degree murder. He ad "war" devetoped when one last three months. claims through counsel that she |'-'•■ln>cd that consequently “ahe ciently. United World FederallaU, told an mltted he fired a bullet into the renounced bia memberahip After being told he would have sui'rendcred her child, born June hasn’t been removed as guardian.' Last week, the club donated over audience of 125 at Hollister school head of bia sleeping father, Ken­ m Mancheatar Retail Gaa to leave by April 8, Polowetzky 16, 1949. to Mr. and Mrs. Hariy I Miss Bailey notified the cuurl I too pounds ot candy to the children auditorium laat night. neth Whorf, 49, laat September. r'a Aaaodatioa and immcdl- pointed oiit that the ministry of of Brooklyn through a ’’vi­ that she was withdrawing consent ' at the Mansfield State Training The meeting waa aponaored by ■m Bepi. 22, it was said. He said he did it "for the good of bia price one cent, dlare- the Interior had granted him a cious and diabolical plan." j I school. They have also been active the Manchester branch of United the family.’’ aa afreement among residence permit valid imtil the Attorney Joseph J. KauU.so, Mr. and Mrs. Mara had taken In helping the recent polio drive. World Federallats. Win study Matter to give 72*hour notice of . middle of September. Miss Bailey’s counsel, maintained the baby June ‘26 and brought it to Many more town needs have been Leadership Often Blind "I will study the matter," the on, Douglaa Dumaa. "Does this mean that my living at a probate bearing thia morning Brooklyn. This, Mr. Kaullao said, Dr. Nash, one of the leading wan "pursuant to arrangemenU i brought to their attention, and it orators of the Federalist move­ governor said, "and prepara a REGAL &t of the AaaociatioB aaid. permit lias been revoked?" Polo- that while hia client signed adop­ IS hoped that through this auction: ment, maintained that,* In every statement on my poatUon." ^ohutbry competition wan enter­ wetzky asked. tion papers the transfer was not made by Dr. Sylvia Weiner." the club can raise enough money The eider Whorf, irregularly ed lafo by other dealera in an ef­ Runge ahruggeervisor at Man­ .spring flowers and yellow candles. ney that the fostei parents had dc-' ly conspicuous.'’ Goiii» to China Kremlin" as definitely as upon and the following day wlU board any one else. Therefore, he pre­ aaid he was prepared to "drop the the Prague bureau of The Associ­ H qiisc Voles chester Memorial hospital. wa.s Miss Jennie "Wind and Mrs. David veloped deep love and attachment* Mr. Faullso claimed "contrlv- steamer for Scotland. Mrs Syraeuae, N. T., March 29—(/ft bottom out of the whole thing by ated Press since Sept. 1. 1949. He Oldwell poured. Mrs. Hollister I for the boy and be 'tcally has be- , ancc. fraud, misrepresentation and San Francisco. Mar^h ’J9-H.P,— dicted, in a personal view, that the honored at a tea given at the hos­ question of whether or not Rus­ Gordon and their infant daughter, —Swollen streams Inundated many aliclng the price to 18 centa. 1 has been in charge of The Associa­ pital Tiie.sday afternoon. Mrs. Hol­ was presented with a gift from the* cone a part of them. , deceit" aa Issues, The State line freighter Otceun Gllean Margaret, bom at ManehM- lowlytng sections of upstate New could alleviate tbe trouble quickly, ted Press bureau since the expul­ Heavy Slash sia would ever Join a limited world lister is resigning after almost 22 hospital and another from the i "If you took the baby away fiom "It is rpgrettabic that innocent sails today with a cargo ot i08 federal government might prove ter Memorial hospital, Monday, York, but coolei temparaturea were because at 18 centa a gallon I sion of Kasiarhke In January. employees Cheer Fund. them, ” he said, "vou d really be 1 people have become entangled and fighter plane auxiliary gasoline March 27, will leave by airplane caa ptill make a small profit be­ years at the hospital. academic. expected to check the spring Trustees and members of the During the lime Mrs. Hollister taking away part of theii lives." , enmeshed in a web of unfortunate lE ks for Nationalist China. "If the Hoover Commission later this spring. flo^s. cause my gas coats ma lesa than 111 Aid Plan He declared that in this case ; circumatances that possibly could ItF destination is Keelung, For­ REGAL FASHIONS FOR MEN ARE otbar dealers. They buy for about hospital staff attended the tea. has been in charge of the operat­ warns us thst we, the richest and While studying for his Masters' Some families were forced to Mrs. Clarence Wickham, chairman ing room the number of operations “the right of the natural parent have been avoided If truth and mosa. most powerful nation on earth, degree at the Hartford Theologirsl leave their homes. At least 14 hlKb- 20 cants a galloa. Tbe last time Mlirravm Seen (Continued from Pnge One) must yield.” I honesty had been followed," he Customs Collector Paul K. Budi a “war” was on I managed of the nursing committee, William In a year has Increased from 656 cannot stand the economic strain of Seminary. Mr. Gordon was offered waya were closed when melting FIRST IN STYLE - - FIRST IN QUALITY TO It waa brought out that a mem- .sairf. Leake said the shipment was not a continued armanjent race." ask­ a part-time pastorate by unani- to outlast other dealera and some tial cute in a pending g29,OUO.OOO,- P. Slover. superintendent. Mias to 2.616 and the number of sur­ not snow and rain sent creeks on a Good Choice Doris Hutchison. Anesthetist, and geons from one to eight. i her of the staff of the attorney Mr- “"d Mrs. Mars were military aid, but a cargo for whicn ed Dr. Nash, “why should we as­ mou- vote of the Talcottvllle rampage yesterday. evaa closed up shop. It could hap- 000 domestic appropriations bill. ! general’s office had been consulted i present at the hearing, but they the Chinese Air Force had paid. peir again, because I can sell my Mrs. Ann Gilbert, Annex super- In a letter to Mrs. Hollister. C. sume that Rusaia will be better church, which he accepted. He 'k m An Oneida, the water rose to 27 MAKE YOU FIRST IN THE EASTER PARADE Two meetings of the House Re­ by Mias Bailey after she sought - had been at a previous one. able to atand It?” formally ordained on December 12, gao'fbr leas than they can buy it" (roBtianed from Page I) publican Policy committee failed . viaor, were in the receiving line Elmore Watkins, president of the Steady Job For 70 Years inches in some streets of tbe city’s Dealera are Safferiag with Mrs. Hollister, Tea. aand- hospital Board of Trustees, ex- I the assistance of the State Child Same Compulsion There 1948, by a group of ministers from east end before It started receding to produce a definite plan oh ac­ Welfare bureau. TIergarten Being Replanted Sydney. Australia— Eighty- "The same compulsions which the Tolland County Association of GMnpaniea suppl3ring the gaa ranking Republican member on the tion. The omnibus money bill Is j wiches and cookies, prepared un­ prciiscd genuine regret at her threc-ycar-old Peter Pitman has early today. Red Cross disaster are not standing any cut in price. committee, previously had said he Miss Dorothy L. Johnson, a bu­ will bring us, in time, to the only Congregational churches. Dr. Rock­ teams. Boy Scouts, police and fire­ for o|)eraUon of more than 40 der tho supervision of Miss Mar- leaving, and gratitude and appre­ reau social worker, testified tha*. BerlinThe city ot Bre­ been in the same job for 70 yean. well Harmon Potter of Hartford, I t is the dealera who are suffering knew of no oppoattion to Murray. ' ; Joric Burr, head dietician at the ciation for her .splendid record of solution, will also be operating men had been prepared to evacu­ Senator McMahon (D„ Conn.), | Federal agencies in the fiscal year Miss Bailey felt she had affixed men shipped 35,000 oak and linden He started with Tooth’s Brewery upon the Russians.” former dean of the seminary, Dean —taallstiig a lower margin of beginning July 1. I hospital, were served from a tea service at the hospital. as a 13-year-old office boy and haa ate residents froi about 400 homes profit A rumor has circulated committee chairman, aaid he would | her signature to the adoption seedling trees to Berlin to replant In his general discussion of the Tertlus Van Dyke, the present In the fiooded eectlon. but police poll aenatora abaent from the hear-1 The policy group called another : ------papers "under extenuating cir­ the once-famed "Tiergartcn" worked on as a clerk. The dlrectofa issue' of federalism. Dr. Nash said dean and other prominent clergy­ that woleaalers may cut their session for Friday and hoped to cumstances." I which was blackened by war and have offered to retire him on a said none were taken out. Power prior, but it has not been con- ing and. If poaaible, aend Murray’a '• House leaders P o l i c C I V u l c that we are engaged in a "des­ men were present and participated service to the area was cut off last SHOWER PROOFED flnbnd nomination to the Senate later in | work out a definite plan then. had little hope of restoring the It was further testified that then denuded by freezing Berlin­ pension, but he wants to stay on perate race between global union in the service. Its Mis.s Bailey had con-sulted Dr. Syl- ers for firewood. the Job. and global destruction.” night to prevent fires. All Mgaa Moved Back the day. The Senate probably j Some of members are calling | $2.'»0,000,000 cut. By a technicality. The young Talcottvllle clergj'- Police CspL William H. Candee BuUdlng Inspector David Cham­ will not act until later thia week, ^ 53.000,000- , they are forced to accept the re- “Peace," he said, is a "by-prod­ man has endeared himself to 'rts or early next week. ! 000 in the omnibuii measure, al- t^e alternative of ('ieoli Airliners uct of responsible government," said the waters of Oneida and bers asado a check at all aUtlons Answering the frequent conten­ church and community, and has Sconondoa creeks had spilled after a complaint was registered Leaving FCr Pilgrimage ^ ' ! potting the surplns-for-cash provl-1 been invited by many churches Murray, 58, la a (/athollc. He la Vienna. Austria, March 29—'/io j tion that world government cannot through a break in a dike. GABARDINE thpt atgna did not conform with ^ ^ t t e ^ ■^PPtopnatlon. bSck Into the bill. come until human nature has a rJ religious organizations in this leaving tomorrow on a pilgrimage Altliough they do not want eith —Two armed secret police now area to tell of his experiences ot aoaliig regulations. Ho issued a to Rome with hia wife and five of ' Represciitive Taber of New -1 changed, the speaker asked why wahtfiig that the signs must be er. Hoit.se loaders probably will ac-' Czech airliners to pre­ it was that, if human nature was three and a half years as a prison­ his 11 ehildren. He plana to be ! York. Top Rcpiibliran financial ad­ er of the Japs In the Jungles of SO feet from the street bne. All away two to three weeks and will . viser in tile house, told newsmen cept the cut in the’hope the Sen- . ^ ,,, . . . to blame for wars, there were wars signs have been moved back by the ate will restore it. further escape flights to the ^ only between nations, anil not be^ Siam, one of thousands of Allied MOST TOPCOATS aaaume hia AEC duties on his re- : he believes ,the omnibus measure I The action adding a billion cash ' west. It was reliably reported hei e dealers and no caurt action was turn, 1 has at least three billion dollars : tween towna and cities and states. prisoners who worked on the In- to European aid funds—as urged i today. | The Federalists’ AtUUide fa -ous "railway of death" from Under the AEC law, Murray of "fat’’ in it. j Bangkok to Burma. He la one of EVERYTHING MaaawMle, there ie little evi­ will be required to resign his dl- With House action on foreign ! by President Truman—came on an : The new order was put into sf- Discussing the federalist atti­ dence tta t local motorists are in amendment s|>onaored Jointly by , f*c( immediately after three planes | tude toward the United Nations, few sun-ivors left to tell the har­ 1(K>% wool, natural shade top­ rectorships of two New York aid unlikely before tomorrow, j Representaive.s Fulton (R-Pa» and left then- regular course.s an^ coats to atart tbe new season nay nud rush to take advanta^ banks—the Bank of New York leaders said they dobut If the big .he said that the aim of the move rowing tale. A former captain of You can buy many things af ‘ the “war." Most dealers report- Cooley (D-NCI. | landed near Miinicli la.st week. It ment was to preserva the United tbe British Army for Sevan yea,'s, other than staple groceries right. Styled right 1 Priced right I and the Fifth Avenue bank—and mone.v bill can be cleared before he was with the famous Argyll •d that due to the bad weather the the Chrysler corporation. He told the House starts Its planned Ena------, applies to local as well as inter- Nations by strengthening it. Da- and meats at Pinehurst. Sizes 36 to 44. past few days, busineas has not Inxlslblr Alley Abolished ! national flights. ocribing the present status and and Southern Highlanders, and it reporters he would do so after ter recess a week away, April 6. power of the U.N„ he asked his waa while he waa In Slam he made Inisraased at all—Jn fact, it has Senate confirmation. Filibuster Threatened ------I It was also reported that all We have a full line of Mowed up. A break one way or an- Monticello, .111.—'/Pi—The cltyj passengers are closely searched for audience to imagine a situation in the decision to enter ministry. He A neat, slightly built man with Republicans already are threat- i which all town go'vemment had is a graduate of St. Andrews Uni­ Westinghouse Light Bulbs, admr is espected within the next gray hair, Murray aaid he had no enlng a filibuster of sorts if the council voted to abolish one of the arms before being allowed to enter | few days. town’s alleys—the little alley that the planes. . been aboUshed in Manchester and versity and the Congregational including the 8-way type. preconceived ideas about his work Democrats try to force (he hill to all responsibility turned over to tb* Theological College in Edinburgh. A shipment of Chinet 8 in atomic energy, but fully real­ a vote before Easier. wa.sn'l there. The alley was shown Chamber of Commerce without $34.50 ized its "great importance to thia The drive to cut foreign spend­ on the original city map but nev­ The life spa:, of the ant is be- j any Increase in the latter’s pow- and 10 in. plates and blue ADAM HATS ' Ciechs Expel country and the world in general." ing opened in double-barrelled er materialized. I tween 10 and 15 years. ' art. munist plot, none other than Sen­ plates, all to sell at 30c a He said he la a Democrat, but fa.Hliion yesterday. Dr. Nash devoted a portion of ator McCarthy of Wisconsin. package, just arrived. REGULARS. LONGS Far Doatar. or far aay oUiar haa never been in politics or held Repre.sentative .Smith fR-Wls) Electric his time to discussion of charges day. the welt-draaaed man topa off Write Busineas Bureau I Last AP Man public office. fired tile first shot with an amend­ now being brought against the His final advice to any business­ We have clothes line and SHORTS hit carefully ehooan outfit wtth on Approval by a majority of the ment to rut the foreign aid bill a world government movement by men who might receive the litera­ Adam H a t Our larga oalaetlaai nine senators on the Joint commit­ either in the reel, or in 100 (Oantinnod front Ftga One) flat half billlnn. It failed by a vote Notice of Relocation former Nazi propagandists, who ture in question was to write to foot lengths. Hollywood aaauree you of a corraet ehotea. tee would aend Murray’s name to of 137 to 15‘2. are now circulating among the the National Better Business. Bu­ *ntpw»ing whether hia preaa creden- the Senate for confirmation. Representative Ca.sp iR - ,SD) businessmen of the country litera­ reau or the National’ Information Napkins, the thick soft 'ttfllaliavo been revoked or ro- Murray is alated to become a then won the two-vote victory on THE HARTFORD COURAM Refrigerators ture charging that the world gov- Service, both reliable sources, for white kind, come in 3 sizes nawad. regular member of the commis- his proposal to reduce the funds emraent Is a "Oommunlst plot." their reports on the validity of the and sell at 39c, 59c and 79c - Ipvly in January tha Ckacb gov- •lon. with Sumner T. Pike contin­ by half that. Answers the Cfiarge literature in question and tbe char­ - $7.50 uing aa acting chairman in place BRANCH OFFICE a package. ’Then we have ■amaMnt enpallod Aaaociatad Preaa The House, with farm bloc mem- j In answer, he cited Catholic cler­ acter of the federalist movement. ordinary napkins which go iBflpHiu Chief Kaaiachka and ona of LiUenthal. Terms of all five bera taking the lead, then went i gymen who are members and wp- Dr. Nash waa Introduced by Sen-* 'leeHuapondont oaeh of tho United commiasionera will expire next ahead to knock from the hill ,o pro- , NOW LOCATED IN - porters of the world government stor CTiartes H. House, vice presi­ at 2 for 25e and a new din­ .M ao, AgeoM Franca Praaae and June so. The president then will vision substituting 51.000,000,000 movement, and claimed that no dent of Connecticut United World ner napkin at 25c package. tlM> London Kemaloy nowapapera name five commiasionera for in government-owned farm sur- THE JARVIS BUILDING one would be likely to accuse Federalist organization, who ob­ Pinehurst sella 10,12 and on tha aama ebargaa aa thoao lev- terms ranging from one to five plu.ses for 51,000.000,000 rash In $199'9® $379'9® years. them of "playing footsie with the served. wryly, that sometimes 15 in. candles in a wide va­ alafl against Polowetsky. European recovery allotments. Commies.” He pointed out that problems of local and state gov­ Thoao oxpuIaionB reduced the New Vacancy April IS Through a parliamentary tie-up 808 MAINIST. ROOM 25 •such national organization as the ernment seemed troublesome riety of colors. Look over AaMHcan staffs of Tha Aaaociated A new vacancy on the commis­ between Case’s amendment and the enough, but who added that the the Diehl dripless candles sion will occur April 15 when General Federation of Women’s 'Bnaa and The Unitad-Press to ona Clubs, the Grange, Klwanls. and atom bomb and then tha hydrogen wl;ich sre made right here nmn aach, raducad the French L^w’ia L. Strauss la due to retire. bomb had made consideration of 100% W O O L -staff of Agence France Preaa to a Thus far, the president haa given the Junior Chamber of Oomroerce in Manchester . . . many I0 0 > W O O L 4848534823484848482332484853485323535323532353532348484823234853532348485323532323482348232348 had all supported the movement. the problem of world government colors and shades in these aingla man and forced the cloalng no public indication aa to who he ^ No Stooping Clear to the Floor And. humorously, he noted that also imperative. eC 'ihe Kemsley oSicea. will name to succeed Strauss, or Winston Sharp, president of the Diehl candles. Bkica then the Czech govern­ who he will name aa chairman. the literature In Question Identi­ fied. as one ot*the Congressional Mancheater branch, opened the GABARDINE ment haa been bringing great Murray, a virtual "unknown" meeting. And we rent Johnson’s SPORT praaauie to bear on Czech em- on Capitol hill, aarved aa neutral supporters of the supposed Oom- Electric Floor Ptdishers at oya of western concemi. Thia trustee for tbe United Mine Work­ AND Sta been etpccially true in the ers welfare fund from April, 1947. the low price of 75c s day. case of tho western nawa agendea. unUi July, 1948, when he quit fol­ All Food Stored At the FoUoering the ouatera of tha lowing a dispute with John L. DOESKIN COATS cotrespondenta in January, the l«wla, UMw president. ChockrfuUof Fjoralgn ministry promiaed it Ha U president of the Metro­ would grant vitaa to replacements politan Engineering Co., of Brook­ TROUSERS Thua far it has granted a replace­ Convenience Level! R A IS m ! lyn, the holder of more than .200 SAVE ment visa only t o t. Tha, United Boys* and Preps*\ ONNAMON- Easy on the eye patents, and a director of the SPICBO Brown, Tan, Blue, Green, Prest. ^ryaler corporation and two New and priced to ^^plrase Vlan AppUenUon Rejected York banka. Gray. Sizes 28 to 42. (m e visa appUcation for an As- See our display — Trade your old one now! RAIfIN YOU. who knows vahM aadlnted Preia corraipondent haa f With A Good when you see it! (Tamal, hagn turned down and nq action T I ^ O A P 2 TAILORS hna been taken on a aecond appll- Dickerson Denies $11.95 NO WAITING _ Stripes, Plaids and (Cor­ cat&m filed in London). SUITS duroys. Runge told Polowetzky that the I TERMS TO SUIT AS LOW AS Make Pinehurst your Foreign ministry had received no He Is Candidate a Used Sewing Machine Naturally, Easter means NEW suit, .and place for meat if you want ^^Ucation for a aecond visa from Clifford’s Boys’ Department has some hon- Beautifully Tailorad Its embassy in London. Wayne R. Dickerson, extcutlve $20 DOWN - 2 YEARS TO PAY -the finest freshly groniid Polowetsky pointed out that ies. Fabrics and colors that make a hit beef at 59c lb. Tho,Aaaociatad Press would be vice president of the Connecticut with the younff fellows, .at. prices that im­ VARIOUS MAKES Wool and Rayon left without an American corre- Ojamber of Commerce, today de­ mediately meet the approval of all parents. We have an old fashion­ noudant in Csechoalovakla if a nied any intention of seeking the Machines Inspected and Adjusted by Our $14.95 mas was not granted before he wai ed meat dept, with meat cut GABARDINES Republican nomination for Con- " w' i ! to order. Every Item we forasd to leave. Runge replied: to oppose Representative A. Also $19.95 urf $2l50 -“That Is not our fault/' A. Rlbicoff. Hartford Democrat. Expert Singer Mechanics sen is guaranteed fresh Creaa* rcaistant. Ton. Blua, Mi said The Aaaociated Prem Reports that Dickerson was In- and of the flnest quality. Gray, Green, Maroon, Brown. emold havt to go through the terested in the nomination have FOR BOYS Good USED Refrigerators Sorry, No Mail or Phone Orders Blzea 28-JK). .“Haemal ptocadure of getting a circulated in connection with the Tweeds and Gabardirtes in sizes 8 to Cloverbloom Foil Wrapped . sdoand man here.” He added: Testimonial Dinner to Town Re- BUTTER...... Ib. «7e will take about six weeks puWlcan Chairman, William S. 1 6 ...... 916.98 to 122.98 TREADLES from $14.50 n visa is granted." Davis, to be held here In the Ar- AMMONIA...... qt. IBe $6.98 f ^ - Asks For Fxamplea mory on April 15. One source In­ $3-00 to $ 0 0 90 (Drop Heads) I? MIowetsky asked Runge to give dicated that Dickerson would an- BABO ...... 2 for 23e "liptes to bear out his charge of nounce hia candidacy at that from $29.50 ' Joetlve reporting" of nawa timo. PORTABLES fit.. in Caachoalovakla. FOR PREPS CHLORAX ...... qL 18e . • candidate and don’t ElMlrlc. through a pile of clip- Intend to be one." he said. "1 Tweeds and. Gabardines, as well as H gal. Sic Aaaoclated F ^ ai atoriei. the new rayon and wool combinatiom ||s picked oQt which reported would not accept the nomination CONSOLE from $49.50 R E ^ Laa;^^: I t t A m and sabotage in the « were offered. After all; 1 am for light weight. Prep sizes 32 to Open Thursday From a Chamber of Commerce man con­ 38 922.98 to 929.98 Electric. FORA\AL WEAR area at fOndno ta Bohamia nected with an organlzaUon that’s 8 Until 6 ^cot prddaietion in that arts, aupposed to be non-political and MEN’S SHOPS aaat iterif baa ad-' non-partisan, and I can’t become ON SALE ONLY AT THE FO R HIRE 907 MAIN STREET WELDON BLDG. coal production was involved in politics." Md tpif hmtdri that ab- For wefldinga and an formal the Dickerson is a resident of Man- funetloas. We fit you right out of ^ ea t« , living at 665 Lydall street. ■teek. Kething to sang away fhr. ■ f- be was sounded out on the matter by Rep. James T. Patter­ s ' Nougatock RembHcaii, dor- SH Q PJi 5S9"541 MAIN ST. Singer Sewing Centerj Ing a racant trip to Washington. •if MAMtSIJMrf AT TSE CENTER ' 832 MAIN S’TREET The United Rtatas bought For Tho$0 **FuU»Moa$uro** F a f^ a . * W 7 17,200,000 1

% '■ A \■ * >' ' '.AL1KV»T^''sr * V • ■• %*1 • -fc ■*' “ ) " MANCHESTER EVENING HERALP. MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29. 1950

M ANCHESm EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CO J^» WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10. 1968 PA0R fW llM l L e d d i^ ts, IW a ’s Saaks Population Local Youth Dwyer Quits Blood Testa Show Driver ■MUB'* • RsdaesS by IS Today Obituary Court Warns said tke ftrai they knew at their Denies Attack eeaaUaat'8 P*«eetiee was whan Gotham Seen Four Injured Ml— Bastrlea Hopklna. of Is Fined S2S Police Force Drunk, Sober at Same Time Local Youth SlalnkardPs Body at Wreckage Scene they gM* htgs standing ever Umm SS4 CMtar atraat, killed a total To Give Veto witb the Iren. or tWrtean krowti aoakea M t- c Milford said a Negro woman ro- Prime Target Deaths On 2 Women alda her homa thia morning. Charged With Breach of W ill Continue InveMtiga* Two apparently identical blood • by the Wilkinson car which waa Housing Aid ported that Tucker had gane t* of Local Victims Tha anakea ware from twelve specimens taken from one Indlvl* ! driving north In the south bound Student Plead* Guilty to the Barrow home. Police rbief •fra. KcMMlk ra n ett ^ iteiovsly Hurt in the to Sftaan Inches In length. Mlaa Peace; Fight Follows live Work After He dual at the same time have been ' ^**lthwalte turned hla car Jerk Raardan said Tuehor had "a Crossing Street Against Suspect in Elertric Iron bad reputatle*." GrBvw Doaa Ntl S«g Hopkiiia aSld that ahe m w at Theater Incident Mra. Dorothy Maria Parratt, 84, Leave* Job Here Service Outer Director •liiliaiM Here leaat two more but was unable j wifa of Kenneth Perrett of IS HemI examined by laboratory tachnl* anally overtaking Wllklason’a car Red Light BMting Surrenders to Tucker Inalstod te effleere, Atom Bomb Attack an to get to them. lock atraat, died at Manchaatar Ma> cUiu, and the results of ona test | and placing tha driver under ar* Will Give Advice on hewover, that he was te Opelika A dUturbance that atarted In morial hospital yesterday foUovr- Chief of Police Herman O. show the man waa drunk at the , Armed Possemen When the woman were attaofced. City (or Many Year* V m McMmta jr«t*r«ajr r^ tt- Dog Warden Lee Fracchla ' ' ‘ ' rest. Tha state policeman told the SUUng that “this court is go­ " I knew I ain't been In a white waa called but before he could the balcony of the State Theater ing a long lllnesa. SchendeJ announced this morning time the sample was taken while court the accused was slumped Applications •I iB BiaM: liiJuriM to (M r local that he has received the written ing to strictly enforce the traffir lady's house,” he said. 'T d like to be of any assistance to Miss ended up In Town Court thla morn­ She waa born In Springfield, the other results prove that the \ over the wheel and smelled strong­ Newark, N. J., March 39—Oft—' Nona o( Um injurod r«- ing when Robert A. Wagner, 19. resignation of Patrolman Edmund regulations concerning the lights Lanett, Ala., March 89—(^ A moot up with who did it aad gave Hopkins, the situation was Maas., daughter of Alexander B. man was not Intoxicated. ly of alcohol. Director Walter Ford, of tha Lieut. Gan. Leslie R. Grove* n n h9 : bomrtUl traotmant, poUoc of 9 South Main street, was fined F. Dwyer. The resignation will in front of the High scheol,” Negro wantH tor queetiening in my name." wall In hand and thirteen and Daisy < Brown l Cole, gnd had become elective April 1, he said. These interesting and contra­ The accused voluntarily gave Vatarana S#rvle« C*nt#r, today thinks an atom bomb attach m sn^as were dead and piled up 12,’i for breach of the peace. Judge dictory facts were revealed In : Mood and urine specimens, Bralth* Judge Wesley C. Gryk In Town the savage beating of two white New York city "won't happen for Juka llalaaka, S4, of M Summer Wesley C. Gryk presided. lived here for tha iaat ten years. Dwyer was appointed a super­ auggtstad that in order to correct Mraot, aad Raglna ObursU. 38, of when the warden arrived. Besides her husband and pafenta, numerary In November of 1937 Town Court this morning when waits continued, and he added that Court this morning offered a 18- women with an etectrir Iron, aiir- many yaera. If et all." Wagner was arrested after a Charles N. Wilkinson. 51. of 35 no alcohol was used to cleanse the and oxpedit# applications (or hou#- Fuirfit'ld County Bui tha wartime head at tho 81 Campflald road, suffered alight It la believed that a snake of fist fight with a 18-year old usher she leaves two daughters, Joan and a regular In March of 1941. year-old student two alternatives readtred to heavily armed poeae- this species escaped from a cir­ Marie and Donna Lynn Perrett. He reportedly will continue In Summer street, Hartford, was pre- j needle in takiitaking the after the lad had pleaded guilty to Ing under the stata aid personal Manhetien (atom bomb) project Injiirlrif In a colU^oo on Broad who works at the theater. In ttlea were mea early today said if war rnmee. New York atroat near the intersection ol rus staged at the Dougherty the Investigation field In New Ha­ sented on a charge of operating a small bottles crossing against a red light. ownsiuhlp plan, vstarans ehr.:k Ke|M)rtt T m iiori presenting the case, Prosectitor Funeral servlcca will be held filled with the blood, and then "I aln'l done iiothingl'' 18-year- would be one of the (Iret target* Woodland street. Tha former suf- lota during the past summer Philip Bayer said that tha ''busi­ Friday at two o'clock at tha ven. He could not be reached for motor vehicle under the Influence Judge Gryk Instructed the stu­ over their applications at the Serv. and possibly laid her eggs near comment today. these bottles were s e a l^ one be­ old -Jack Tucker celled eut te a end tha etteck would (ouch off farad a bruised left shoulder and ness of going to the State Theater, Holmea Funeral Home, 400 Main of intoxicating liquors or drugs. dent, Neal Gray, 16, of 32 Seaman lea Csntar bafora filing thsni. the Hopkins house. The snakes ing given to Bralthwaite and the circle, to either pay a $9 fine or bend of ehout 100 manhunters who Bridgeport. March 39-(p )— "the greetest panic In the history the latter had abrasions of the left sitting in the balcony and abur.Ing street. Rev. Fred R. Edgar, pastor Wilkinson pleaded not guilty other to Wilklnoon. Both men were brown in color with black through hla attorney, Milton Her­ obtain a petition signed by 300 Tbia, Ford oaid, might aavs tha tracked him to the outskirts of this JCerth tremors were reported to­ of ths world." t Mid the patrons has becoms quits seri­ of tha South Methodist church, testified that the bottlea never left applicanta much time and sHurt. day In Fairfield county, the south­ v m Involved were Gaylord spots on their backs. man, of Bridgeport. High school students and stating Alabama mill town of 8,000 near rrigfclealng PMnre Painted ous.” will officiate and burial will be Testifies Wedding their custody until they wer# turn­ AMistance of thia sort is >na U|e Georgia lino. western section of Oonnecticut, ad­ c . Weir. 88, of 810 Woodland ______Was Olvea Warning Case la OontImiMl ed over to testing au^oritlea that “we shaU obey the traffic Groves painted a frighUnIng In East cemetery. laws of the State of CJonnectlcut." of the functions of ths Bervigs ■herlfra Deputy C. H Milford of joining New York's Westchester picture ef a poeelble atom Pombittg street aad Frank Gburski, 38, of — — ” Bayer told the court that Man- Judge Wealey C. Gryk ordered O. R Sleverding, chief chemist Center, Ford etated. county. 88 Campfield road. Patrolman | ^ a ^ Friends mey call at the funer­ Was Not Forecnl the case continued one week at Judge Gryk added that the stu­ CBambere county said the fugitive of New Y’ork last night 'at an ' agcr 'jack Sanson cautioned Wag- of the State DeparGnent of Health, In connection with the poaelblllty ResidtitU ef Bi-ldgtpori. Nor­ Nawton Taggart, who investigated. I Q \ ^ | l L ^ l e r R 8 al home after three o'clock Thurs- Herman's request for a chance to stated his analysla showed tha ac­ dents must learn to obey the traf­ held his hands higli end protested atomic energy week program In I ner and some other youths after dey afternoon. fic lights or face the consequences. that many local vsterane, under his Innocence when bloodhounda walk and Stamford excitedly cnll- The Newark Evening News audl- niada no arrest. s disturbance In the theater on Manila, March 29— OP) —Mrs. produce more witnesses, specifical­ cused waa intoxicated. Harman atate aid, might be ablw to qualify Tha Other Aocideot produced a report from tho Hart­ The atUtude that the law will be sniffed him out. mt newspapers ami imllcs stnllons. toriiipi. Friday, March 24. Aa a result of Gloria Musnl Coronel testified to­ ly those who had examined a blood for home help If they deaire, Ford The tremors, IsaUng s few seconds, He predicted a tremendous m ih Tha other accident occurred on sample of the accused and found ford hospital, where the other spe­ broken regardless of any punitive Alabama state highway patrol­ Aide Resigns the incident Wagner threatened day her Catholic priest husband acUon taken by tha court Is issued the following statement: men closed In end pleaded with occurred about 9:45 a. m. (o. e. t.) of bomb survivors to New Jorusy. Main street where two pedestrians the usher involved and on Monday donned civilian clothes and volun­ Insufficient alcoho' to cause Intoxi­ cimen waa tested, stating that the "Tha Connecticut Hume Owner­ person from which the blood fras wrong, he ssUd. the eeerohers to hand over the There ware no reports of ilnmnge, •They’ll rhonso New York (or wars struck by s ear backing out challenged him to a fiat fight lit ­ F unerab tarily accompanied her to a Justice cation. The court refused to give ship Program, created by tha 1949 of a parking stall. Patrolman taken waa not drunk. Negro without disturbance. but Bome hnueehnidera said doore proatlge puriiosas. And tkey'Jl er meeting the usher in a aoda of the peace for their marriage in full credence to a written labora­ (.legislature enablee moderate in­ were Jarred open. probably dump seven or eight Thsodore jU Fairbanks, who Invea- Mr*. Anloinetle Mas- Mrs. Catherine O’Neill Judge Gryk stated he could not Persuaded to Remahi Calm shop. The usher U George Meron- 1948. tory report of the test. give the hospital report full con­ come femillea both veterans of stem bomba nr one er two hytfro- tigstad. reported that Mias Gene­ Ftineral services for Mrs. Cath­ Wilkinson was arrested on Effective Speech World War 11 and non-vetarans, to Milford said one member of the Iropirtro Leaving for nvirh of 38 Kensington atreet. It wasn’t a shotgun wedding as sideration unless those people who bend, armed with a gun. advanced gen bomba on the city. There will va Hoy, M, of 8 Stephen atreet. Patrolman George C. Dent ar­ erine O'Neill were held this morn­ February 21 at 6:35 p. m. on the buy or build bomea of their own. her husband contends, the 22-year- had tested the blood were present toward the fugitive, but was per be complete destniotlun of the suffered a bruised right thigh and Reason* o f Health rived to end the fight and placed ing at 8:30 from the T. P. Holloran Wilbur Oess Highway after State Under the program one may qual­ Files Off Teeth water front on both the New York five year old Penny Bull, daugh­ old mother said. She denied that to testify, and it was then that (Ua88 Tonight The body of Laurence A. Steinhardt, U. S. ambaseador to Canada, lias under____ -a blanket______(right - center, foregroundi - near wreckage of the eueded te remain calm while Tuck-1 both youths under arrest. The Funeral Home and at B o'clock at Policeman William Bralthwaite ify (or a loan provided the State end sldae.” QrevM ter of Mr. and Mre. Leonard R. her father and relatives persuaded Herman asked for the continu­ U? s r ^ l ^ T N i w ” *" which ha and four othare were killad (our miles aouth ot Ottawa. Canada, March 28. er was placed in e patrol ear and Mrs. Antolntette C. Mastrople- breach of peace against Mcrono- St. James's church. Rev. George the priest at gun point. was forced to the side of the road ance. Housing Authority Isauea a oerttfl- To Aid Squirrel 8014. Bull of 38 Oobum road, received a Hughes w u the celebrant at the The fifth class In Effective cata IndlcaUag that an applicant tail aeetlon (left, beekground) and tha burned wreckage of the fueelage Is at right. There was one survivor of ths crash which oo- driven away. tro, assistant town dark and as­ vich waa withdrawn. Mrs. Coronel Is defendant In a Then "there'll be the groataet acraped leg. Friday nighta youthful groups msM, assisted by Rev. Edgar Far­ Speech, sponsored by the Cham­ la an eligible buyer. As a resident eurred soon after a tahsoff. (AP wirephoto). ______Shorts J. M. Abney bed aald hs panic in the hlatory ef the world,” ■nie driver of the car, Joaeph suit by the priest to annul the Lottie ZIemba, Rockville; Mrs. sistant registrar of vital statis­ at the theater have earned a repu­ rell as deacon and Rev. John Han­ ber of Oommerce, wiU be held to­ citiaen at Oonnecticut a vetaran feared trouble when ha deacribed lx>s Angeles, March 39 ■VP)~, the general oontlnusd. "Some will Halanaki, SO. of 93 Benton atreet, tics has handed her resignation to non as sub-deacon. Miss Jane marriage. She said she became Anna Johnstone, 50 Middle turn­ 5,000 Persons See night In the library of the East. may ba oartlflad oa alMble to hi the 80-men posse aa reatleaa end Walnut W ily weeps no m «^. lire waa backing,out of a parking atall tation for rowdineaa but this Is pregnant as a result of relations pike, west; Miss Nadine Doucette, In thia comscUen the Service flee towards Cnqnectlout, same will Town Clerk Samuel J. Tiirkington the first time an arrestthas been Nsckowskl presided at the organ Side Rec at 7 o’clock. About 35 row low-rate atate funds If he Letter and Dime hot as Hell. ’ beck In the trees et Ccntinela rush up the Hudson — but must whan he aprwrentl.v struck the pe- and was the soloist. with the Rev. Hermogenea Cor­ 108 High atreet. cienter hae prepared a check llet About Town park, eating mita the way Natii.'W effective April 6, She states that made. Future offenders will be Bristol Exhibit persons srs registered in the clas#. nseet (he following roqulremonta tor the preepecUve borrower to Weddings T\iekor, however wee taken te will corns thia way.” destrlsns who were crossing In The bearers were Bernard onel. Discharged today; William Alvin F. Goldberg, Jr., is the In­ I. You are h( head at a famlW. tho e i^ Jail at Opallke, end later intended, back of the car, police said. she Is leaving for reasons of severely dealt with. It waa indi­ follow in preeenting hie eaae to Second CbngregeUonal Merry- Restores Faith cated today. O'Neill, Robert Brown, Earl Swee­ Coronel was parish priest and Oregson, 174 Cooper street; Joan structor and la teaching the pro­ Tha,form 'A(poll ^ lcatlim tor OtrUn* to Montgomery without any unto­ Willy, a squirrel, grew' a set of health. Konarski, Rockville; Susah Bush, Bristol, March 29—OP) — More the eorreepondent. In eo doing It Weda will have a aupper meeting Cominc Marritfs tueka which Jutted up en inch or Mrs. Mastropletro succeeded the ney, Raymond Chartler, John Mc- school t<;acher at Macabebe, Pam- per method of expression In selling cation ot EUglbllty for Benefits of will make the eorreepondent'e ward incident. panga province. 158 1-2 Oak street; Nancy Douno- than 6,(X>0 persons, on# of the larg­ at the church thia evening et 6:80 Hartford, March 39—((D^ A let­ more from hie lower Jaw and Inter­ Meiilul Defects former Miss Margaret Napoli aft­ Cooe and Robert Tierney. to customers. Correctness and ef­ Loen Provlalans of the Housing work eeaier end expedite preceee- ter he received today, containing a Mr. and Mre. Michael Demko of He become the object of e wide­ Interment was In S t James’s Coronel previously testified he rowtz, 66 Birch street. est crowds ever to view such an fectiveness of speech are import­ and follow It with a bualnesa sea- fered with hli nut-cracking dhll- Stndy on Using er the Utter was married, and Act' must be signed and Sled by ing of the borrowere mortgage ep- eion and the showing 6( the film, brief note and a dime, ''restored spread search after the essault on Fleets Routed cemetery where Rev. Edgar Far­ was forced by relatives to submit Birth yesterday: A son to Mr. event In Bristol, thronged the for­ ant In the selling field* and the the head of the (aretly. • 31 Trumbull etreet announce the the two women beeema known. ity. Then the SPCA caught Willy Study Is Urged has been employed in the town and Mrs. Henry Lapolla, 66 Deep- mer ordnance plant on Emmett plication. The Kindled riam t." my faith in human nature," aald approaching marriage of their in a net, (tied off hla teeth A00 mua $800 tor sack metlon, forme, cheek tieta, or aa- downtown restaurant. 68, and her daughUr Sara—Both Birth today: A daughter to Mr. evening for the opening of the lary. dependent. This fneome includes In. Delta Chapter, No. 81, Royal were reported In a critical condl Willy Just oat and drooled. Acres Rye, N. Y„ Mareb 39 -((ft— facilities of tha town clerk'a office and Mrs. Richard Mooney, 14 three-day run of the Bristol ristance may obtain thia informa­ Areh Masons, will observe Ladles' = J h th V T eu f wae une.gne^, l f ;, ;r D ." c S ;r o r & " v i r .t ^ ^ ^ ^ and acres of beautiful, beeutiful Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhowor want* Discloses Idle bave praised the assistant town comes of all membere of the fam* tion at tha Veterane Serrieo Cen­ it obviously came from a man who tion today at a hospital at nearby m Drive G, Silver Lsuie Homes. Products show, oponsored by the night In ths Masonle Temple et 8 and the laU Everett H. Cone. nuts. tlie collegea to undertaka a study clerk'a ability and friendly and (Coatianed (roa Fage O ) lly. #lvee do not count as do- ran out of Losaoffs restaurant West Point, Ga. The Barrows are Hospital Notes Exchange club. ter. o'clock tonight All members and The wedding will take place on of why so many American men co-operative spirit In the discharge About Town pendsnl*. ro r axampla, a eoupla last week without the formality members of a weallhly and prom (OsnSniied from Page 1) to untold suffering and enslave­ During the evening hours lines Use of Cruisers with no children can qualify If their wives are eordlelly Invited to Saturday. April 33, at the South tnsnt family. Ths daughter Is 88. Burglars Bmp Grim Harvest were rejected for military aervlco of her dutlea. of paying for the cu)» of coffee he In World war U because of men­ ment,” Chiang said. He called Patlenta Today ...... 155 of people three abreast stood out­ their income Is under $1800. A cou­ attend. Quarries Club members Methodiat church. Bubhsry Apparsat Mettve were normally tha principal wage Saul M. Bilveratetn, president of Tolland County had half consumed. Dixon, III., Marsh 39—(ift— tal defecU. upon China youth to "wipe out the the Rogers Corporation, which op­ Admitted yesterday: Harry | •< side the building waiting for their As Taxis Ended ple with (wo children can qualify Fractured Bone who are in charge of tha event The note said the dime was "for Ths attack occurred yesterday agmere in their households. The promise dancing, entertainment, Israel Sells Beeee Burglars reaped a grim harvest There were 3,000.000 e f them, traitors” and “drive out the Rus­ erates plastic and paper mills in Munro, 24 Madison street; Sally 1 turn to enter and view the 162 If their Inooma Is under $87(10. one cup of coffee, abandoned In a at ths Barrow's large country pietora wae iSfrerent aa to wom­ sian Imperialists.” Mrs. ' Dance for Deme "TOe reason for the Income-lim­ rtfreshmenta and a good time tor Tel Aviv, Israel (P)— lerael’e homa en a 800-acre farm a mile when they looted Harvey L. Baga- the Columbia unlveralty president Drilling Holes this town and Goodyear, will take Miller, 113 Porter street; booths featuring more than 70 Danvers, Mass., March 39.—(/Ti * Outside Flesh dash for a bus." en, however, with only ana out of The Chinese press here reported Doris Rau, Rockville; Mrs. Stella I it rule is to esaure that, by and alL hardy winter roaea and other flow­ from Lanett. Officers said robNry herdt's parked eutomohlls. They told an alumni meeting last night. See o f the 33,830 exhausteea Hated part in the parley on labor and exhibits of local industries, com­ —The only woman town manager The Istlrr had been mailed In that Chinese reds in one year had Varrlck, Rockville; Chris Fred- mercial institutions, mercantile es­ large no families will be aeoepted ers are (hiding a foretga market. was the apparent motive. There abandoned tha stolen articles, an- He urged that eollsge* Mok in­ as Bitaelpal wage eemera. For New Meiers management relations, tomorrow The Tolland County Democratic In New England has put her foot Seituste. Mssa.. but bora as a re­ pmpriatety. near a PrairiaviAe formation on the cauaee,*end help shipped more than 1,000,000 tons crlckson, Birch Mountain road; tablishments and welfare organ­ if tbslr ineoms* are hlgb enough itoehsater, N. H., March I*—(T) Rev. Dorethy Pease, Mre, Wil­ turn address ”8 Appleton hail. The mlnletry of agriculture ' e- waa M Indloatlen of rape. nneiielal aupport came to theae of rice to Russia from areas south at Storra. His subject will be association's annual dance social down on police cruisers providing to permit them to buy homes hy The mother and daughter were cemetery Police Identified the eliminate them. Leann Fellows. 129 Cooper Hill izations. taxi service for patrolmen. —A truck driver whe drove eight liam Brennan and Mrs. CHayton Brunawlck, Ms.” ported orders for flowers had been tmeieplos'ad workera from a ,va- Employees of the International of tho Yangtze river. Critics blame Rogers Corporation Adaptation has been scheduled for the Princess borrowing from banka or other received from the United States attacked as they llatsnsd to i loot aa 19 burial gowno, aulla and Ne other nation Involvod In the tfaty o f sourcea, with 87 par oant •street. Jeanette S. l^ lttle r Informed miles with a fractured bona pro­ AUiaen are attending the meeting Laseoff was so pleased about it war, he said, had a peroentafe this for the famine which reports of the Rucker Share-of-Produc- Admitted today: John Porter­ private sourcea. The rule la par­ end Great Britain. Initial con' radio. Ths younger woman stag' blankets, owned ^ Bseehardt. a ot tha men and 88 per cent of the Meter Co., Inc., of Elmira, N. Y., ballroom, Rockville, Saturday, Police Arrest 40 Agitators membere of the 15-man depart­ truding through the flesh of his of the Connecticut Council of all that ha tried to givs ths dime salesman tor a Ft. Wayne, Ind., one-fourth as large as this na­ say has struck 50,000,000 Chinese. tion Plan.” After a three months' field. 115 Pearl street; Nancy April 15. according to the As­ ticularly favorable to families ^ th diureh Women In Norwich today. to (he reporter to whom he told aignmente already shipped went fared beaten and bloody to a wenen supported In whole or ip were busy today drilling holes for trial, beginning July 5, which was ment last night that they must toneral auppllae firm. tion's. Gen. Ho Kuo-Kwang, governor Eagicson, 348 Charter Oak atreet: sociation president. Professor V\ In- Rome, March 29—(A>)— Police many children, a group which he* leg wee resting comfortably today the story. by air. neighbor's horns to seek aid. She p u t by their Immediate Camilles. the installation of parking metetrs extended to January 1, 1930, it was walk to and from wrork or find of remote Sikang province where Austin Custer, 25 Trotter street; throp Tilley. The arrangements cleared sitdown strikers from a not received much help on houe. at Frisble Memorial hospital. Bonds or aavings erere the next on four side streets, Blssell, Birch, adopted by the corporation’ for Its their owm means of transporta­ S t Blinbcth% Mothers arcle Nationalist reslstsnoe crumpled, Daniel McKenzie, Andover; Mrs. are in charge of Democratic Towi suburban industrial plant today Ing heretofore. Tufred Tapeeott, 83, made the will meet thia evening et eight at Bwet frequent means of aupport Brainard Place and Pearl atreet. lias arrived in Taipei. Ho escaped more than 250 hourly paid work­ tion. ”8. Tour available net cash Dora Fisher, 3 Academy street; Chairman John Moran assisted by and arve.sted 40 workera as agita­ painful run after ha was unable the homa of Mrs. Lawrence Kra­ bataM o—d by 88 per cent of the The metal standards which hold by plane via Hainan. Gen. Hu ers. She said the only time they will worth la leas than 88000. Thia rule men and lO per cent of the women. the maters were installed today ! .Mrs. Katherine Williams, 105 Ox- a county-wide arrangements com­ tors. The strikers, some 4CW in be allowed to ride in the cruisers to (lag down motorists when he mer at 38 Horton road. Tsung-Nbn, the Nationalist com­ * ford street. mittee. Charlie Todd's orchestra prevents the atate from lending to slipped an the running board and W alfVe reUef. however, was re* and the metera themselves arc ex­ number had occupied the plant all is when they are performing some famtllea able to buy outright from mander, got off the plane at Hain­ Mrs. Jennie Clulow of Walnut Discharged yesterday: Mrs. will play. night. fractured hi* right leg yesterday, 824-R28 Main SL > halved by only 7.8 per cent of the pected to be Installed tomorrow. i an but is expected here soon. tjrpe of police work. savings or able to get along with George B. Keith of Lewis etreet, BNh and 3.4 per cent of the worn* street has received word of the safe low-percentage mortgagee. After dragftng himself into the arrived home yeeUrday. He has Tel. 5161, (Hong Kong dispatches gave arrival in Glasgow, Scotland, of an shhauaiees. this additional picture ot the "4. Your family is not properly vehicle, Tapeeott drove the truck betn spending the winter in S t Manchester I Married women who exbauated Huks Kill Six , China front: her ds'jghter, Etta, and friend heused at present. This does te the hotpiUl. Attendant* failed Petersburg, Pla. The trip home hwieata totaled 18,880. Mr. Egan (Two hundred Communist casu­ Alice Hewitt. Theae two young rmeen that your present hems must to hear the hem, however, and he was mads by automobils. His aon, huloatod thia wasn't too much of alties from Hainan wer# hospital­ women left New Tork City via nscaeearlly be old end run-down waa forced te go to tha heme of hti Warren l, Keith, with Mr*. Keith, h pntdem alnoa "n eu ly aU were In Daring Raids ized at Canton. plane Saturday rt 11:30 a. m. and hut only that the dweUIng does not brother-in-law, Arthur Ficard. drove to St. Petereburg a few ' oupported hy their immediate (am- (The independent IJISph >Klu Yat hoped to reach their destination meet (h# reaaonabl# requirements Picard took him to the hpepital, n ^ k s ago and returned home with near Belfast, Ireland, about noon him. IHa^whlch la u it should be.” Manila, March 39.— Com­ Po said Hsii BhangtPao, described of your family. Small elae and un­ ■■Eliuilj Men” Hardeat Hit munist-led Hukbalahaps In daring aa a high Communist official, was (our time) on Sunday. During their duly high rent are among (aetore Hardest bit In the entire pie- raids on four nearby towns today captured on northwestern Hainan five weeks' stay they plan to visit which can mean your family le Would Change St. Margaret's Circle, Daughters . bora were "elderly men,” the re- killed six persons, wounded 11 and and publicly executed In the capi- relatives and friends in Northern not properly h o u ^ .” of Isabella, will held a food sale J pert aeld. Men over 55 com' kidnapped 18. Ul. Hoihow. Ireland and take in the sights of For the past (our months ths Old Tradition tomorrow in Halc'a store, begin­ prlaed 85 per cent of the exhaua- The raids were made on the (The Natlnnadist Central News Interest. KENNEL SUPPLY SHOP Veterans Service Center ho* been ning at 1 p, m. The membere en­ tees, aad men over 85 exhausted eighth anniversary of the group's agency said scores of persons 995 MAIN STREET furnishing and assisting Ij^al joyed Bingo gamte last night in J thair banefita at a rate five times founding aa an anti-Japanese 'were killed and wounded recently Kent W. Scovllle, son of Mr. PHONE 2-4273 families of veterans of World War Covina, Calif., March 39—(iP>— tha K. of C. Heme. The prises were n and non-veterans with ths Ap- I 00 'great u that of the men in guerrilla movement. in Shanghai whan Red Troops and Mrs. Harold Scovllle of 228 FREE DELIVERY Kermlt Wilson went* to change an canned foods, handkerchiefs and tho 85*44 age group. The Huks made off with guns, fired on demonstrators against pllcaUon tor CertlflcaUon.of Ellgt- vases. Dsllcious cake and . coffee Center street, has been promoted bility for Benefits of Loan Provi­ old White House tradition. He said W the 19,190 persons seeking ammunition, rice, a municipal shllping food to Russia. to the rank of cadet private-first- wae served by Mre. Helen Griffin work, (i,130 were 85 or over, of safe, typewriters and other loot. (Chinese newspapers in Hong sions of the Housing Act. W itt he has sent this telegram to Sena­ class In (Company “D"' of the Ca­ the issuance of some 8,700 certifi­ and her committee. whom 1,880 were 80 or over. Mayor Benigno Lllamxon ot Kong said Nationalist guerrillss det Corps at Bordentown Military tor Knowland (R-Callf.): Oommlssloner Egan indicated Montalban, where all casualties control a T.'S-mlle strip of the SPECIAL cations throughout tha atate at Institute in Bordentown, New the present time. Director Ford ''Respectfully request you Inter­ tha problem will grow worse and occurred, was one of the 13 kid­ esstem Chekiang providence Jersey. cede Mith president and euggest A rummage sale it scheduled for suggested a “posltivs program of coast from Wenchow to Hwang- etated, "Many of these certifica­ tomorrow morning at nine o'clock naped. tions are in the hands of local peo­ rolling of oranges en White House ommaeHng and retraining unem­ Tossing grenades, they hit Mon­ yen. A guerrilla umi was report­ FRESH HORSE MEAT GROUND and FROZEN Lb*. 3 2 c lawn thia Easter Inataad of eggs. in Orange hall. GIGANTIC EASTER ASSORTMENT ployed workers" in the upper age ed pushing north (oward LInhai, Mrs. Hilda Inman of 46 Madi­ ple, and this has Increased the talban and San Mateo in Rizal son street was given a surprise number of requests received by This would be in line yrith govern­ groups. He said steps are already province and Los Banos amt Ca- 170 miles south of Shanghai. stork shower by employees of the Center tor further assistance ment's recommended crop rotation The theme of the sixth and final being taken in that direction. lamba in Laguna province. (Nationalist officials said they Montgomery Ward Company last reUUve to the procedures to be principles end obviously a fair tlrnl midweek Lenten service this eve­ Good Done by Beneflte have smashed a big Communist for all. Also, It will help take ring on formosa. Gen. Wu Shek, evening. Mrs. Inman received A COMPLETE LINE OF CANNED AND DRY DOG FOODS followed in obtaining a loan and ning at 7:80 in Zion Lutheran Governor Bowles, in a statement many beautiful gifts. A delicious eventually becoming a home own­ spotlight off administration's em­ church will be. “The Savior Pic­ SMompanylng the report, said the former assistant chief of the gen­ barrassing egg surplus...... Germans Report eral staff, more than 300 Army of­ buffet luncheon was served and er.” ^ tures the Relationship ef His Be­ SHIRTS survey Indicates that Jobless pay DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR In arranging for the financing Wilson is the owner of a 40-acre ficers and a few newsmen were ar­ enjoyed by the gusata. citrus grove. lievers with Him ss that ef ths benefits have “done a lot of good' of a home, it is necessary that one vine and ths branohes." The final '' (or Connecticut unemployed. He 2,000,000 Missing rested. The information reached STRONGHEART...... 3 cans 23c, case $3.95 HILLS STRAIGHT HORSE MEAT Hong Kong In private dispatchea. goes to one of the approved loan Lenten service will be en Good AN Ihc colert, slylei, poMerm you’d said that "some Improvements” In SNAPPY ...... 3 cans 25c, case $3.95 Per can 19c, case $8.75 correspondents of the State Hous- Moklag It Hard Per Thswisslvea (300,000 east China famine vic­ Friday. oapoci to 6nd only in $3.50 shirta the unemployment eompenaatlon Wiesbaden, Germany, March 39 Public Records ID E A L ...... 2 can* 25c, case $5.75 . ing Authority. These are financial law are needed. tims were reported moving Into HILLS HORSE MEAT AND GRAVY Sydney, Australia—>•>* today. Pedes­ hrosdrtsth. (Ihitak 1% ) White and trians' umbrellaa and raincoats — In his wayward Ufe, ha cauae the Shifts menace Is etlf- To All Dog Owners peetcic. 18-IA Fteed tntorted: *T am a thief. I don’t ling normal farming and travel were speckled with mudstalns af­ i want M y other profession. You outside of large centers. ter the moisture dried. A dust­ We are pleased to announce the organization of the Manchester Kennel C3uh and the Barbar rorlL ltUfik » - ( g > _ A f t - see, crime doss pay." laden atmomhere, caused by gusty March wlad^ had produced ralR- Hill Field Trial Club. The object of these clubs are to stimulate interest in the breeding BBla Uand, a Paris (ndlana Faenpe la Floed tIDI-STITCHID J j 9 B hsr whits C3»«aB Etopbaat Executed drop# ■ot mud. and training of better dogs. Each of these clubs are strictly amateur and will be conduct* ; k oboad wera freed Syracuse, N. T., March 29—(SV- RAYON fLACKS toasUgratlon author- BjMasota, _Fla., March 29—(*>)— Two Indian youtha were sav PiM DenUfya fa it a( ed as such. There will aU breed sanction matches,; held in Manchester, judged MINI SAVI ON OMNADIIRSI a n 'Aatto Chauvlra ^ circus elephant, died at from the beckwaters of Onondaga Tape to gaod iaatot toag wear, paifod Manila. March 29—(F) — Fire by well known judges, as weRas amateur bird dog trials. im I N ^ 5'*® was executed dam as melted anow and ratoi sent $00 Wordigeod quality GrowadfotiNmflThoyhnvo _ for loifori TaNatiid of 40 % wool, 6 0 % at *2»ter quertera of the Rlng- upetate waterways on spring rani' destroyed part of a film studk ®'^***®” ■"'5 Bamupi and pages. The Indians had climbed i early today la svburban Calonean For further information inquire at the Kennel Supply Shop. :a m utual^ SA V inot avarylhinf. . . fop-grodo lotninwtion, tkh louthan Q C royeo.Grey-green,htewn,blue. 11-1S. i w l v rircue for kUlIng flve-ysar- tfoe when a bath tub in which they Injuring three .psTsons. Dam


iW- , / ; Auloninbilct Por Hals 4 Rdtiding— C'aRlraettag 14 Bnlnega OpporlunltlM 32 ArllriN r«r Salt 45 HoaMhoM GsMdt II BiMlllfiifi U e illM s L a W fiM t « l 8 A aOOD D EAL dependa en th* OENEKAL CAKPBNTRT, Aftera. ORDER Southern New England OIRL'8 W H ITE (Thicago aho* rink Fur Hunt 64 ClassiBed tions, aoditlona sad naw eonstiuh- Telephone stock. Magnificent buy roller akataa. Sla* 8 >i. Good con­ B E A U TIF U L 9 x 24 appi* green dealer. If you need a good usad r a i l r o a d oldlng and parking' VERNON CfNTER. Mail kaU^ car see Sollmenc and Flagg, Inc., tion. Dormers.' porebaa and ga­ for nest 10 dave. Joseph McClus- dition. Phone 58$7. twlit rug.'Phqns 8748, facUltiea. 'Space foi email anopa tat, 100’ X $00’, FhOB* $.l|Ti. / Gardens Top Laurels to Win Rec Playoff Title^ 56-52 rage* at reasonaM* pnoaa Worn- Dodge end Plymouth cera. Dodge key. 2-3272. Phone Harry Libby, Hartford 7‘> AdvertitemenU truck*. 634 C ^ te r street. Phone manshlp guaranteed. Free eatt- FOUR OIL, four gas combination matea. R U. Alaanndat. Tal 8391. L0T6 OF . ■. ■ 5101. Open ’tU 9. ROYAL Portable typewriter. Very kitchen rgnge, buff color. Also I K m CLA8.smi;U ADVT. 371A Help Wanied— Frnalt 35 good condition. $86. Phone 2-9984.' 48.000 B.T.U. Coleman pot burn- Several building atta in vai1> U K n . HOIIK-H: fir, automatic draft, pipe, ate. Niimmpr Home* for Kent 67 CCNY Sweeps LFordie Howe MAKE US AN OFFER CAKPENTBR Wbrk. Jobbing of U N LIM ITE D mprehandta* free. PRACTTICALLY new Plymouth ous loeatlena. Prteaa $400 naS vp, Naa^fs Underdogs By 6:30 A. M. lo 6:4S P. M. a ll, kinds. Nsw construction. Used one season. Best offer. (Tail Bob Tedford Sparks 1940 WILLYS COUPE Organlaa heme clubs among yovir car radio, aariai, for 49 and 80. 2-9121. a v a i l a b l e April ISth. 6 Nt4U>KRINU dEU JN Q score. The event was aUged of New York beat Bradley last upon the rules committee to do The C!hicago Black Hawks have 0—WlUiems, U . . . 1 0-1 2 pairing roofk ot e;i alnde. also Warfare In the Gaatem Profee- relieve an injury suffered in a 4r23. children are -In school. Avon rep- Dhone 2-0617 Stanley Patn Selling? Wa fiStd my August. provides that color and should be with the Brooklyn Dodgers, keeps to Maple Leafs won 5-0 in a one­ 4—C2iapman, rf . .. 4 0-1 spark and margin of victory over 6887. PLUMBING. Heating, repairs on established Main street insurance series stands at one game each, destiny” completed its sweep of 8 others follow. Free use of our test ------* 4 to 8 room housei Ru.vers waii- given a fair opportunity to ex­ the ball in his glove while he takes sided contest launching a best-of- 1—Ckile. r f ...... 6 3-4 15 the Laurels In the third and decid­ 1938 CHEVROLET tudor; 1931 old and new systems, oil burner, office. Must have knowledga of range now youra tor only 3279.80. both clubs winning on their home the nation’s toughest teams by tank extended to all outboard Ing. Quick reauiu. Cali SuburMa ploit his talents.” Holman, one­ his full windup and stretch and seven series. 8—Mason, I f ...... 0 1-1 1 ing game of the playoffs. The Ford Model A coupe with a pick­ water pump service Prompt at­ typing, ahorthar.il and bookkeep­ 1 Florence combination oil and floor.. A preliminary is carded for taking Bradley, 71-68, to replace Peraonala 3 owners. We buy, sell, trade. (Tapi- gas range 3249.80, rrg. 3809.30. Farms find Ijind for Salt 71 lUalty Co.. Kaaltor*. PhoiM 1215. tbeir ail throughout the game, tt time star member of the famed then transfers It to his pitching By winning, the Leafs 'success­ 0—Jarvla, I f ...... 3 1-0 7 score board at the final horn read. up body, very good condition. tention John H. Carlton. Pboo* ing. (iood pay and hours. Please 7:18 with the main event advanced Kentucky as the N CAA champion. tol F:qulpment Co,. 38 Main will be a feather In their gaps to Original Celtics, did not go into hand when he raises his arms to fully opened their bid for their 3— Burke, c ...... 4 5-5 13 Garden Grove 56, Laurels 52. In A L L MAKES newing machines Telephone 2-42.12 after 6. 732.5. state age and experience, to Box 24 month! to pay, Benson's Ap­ APPRO XIM ATELY 400’ cleared PR IV ATE Party interested In buy­ to StSS. A week ago Saturday the Beavers street. 7958. turn the trick on this collection of detail as to how the rules could be begin the pitch. The Yankees’ Allie fourth straight Stanley Cup. It 5—Steum, 0 ...... 2 0-2 4 winning the Groves made it a repaired or electrified. Reason­ C, Herald. pliance. 713 Mall, street. land on hard road. High elavatlon. ing large else bjllding lot. W rit* The sale of tickets indlcktes a smacked Bradley, 69‘^1, to win the EKKiclE.VT Plumbing and haat' cx-major league hoop stars. Local revised to heip the little > player. Reynolds also does the same thing marked the 12th consecutive time 1—Conran, rg . . . . 1 0-0 2 clean sweep in the Rec Senior able, rates. Work guaranteed. Day 1934 PLYM OUTH coupe. 1936 In- Beautiful view. Near vlllaga, Box C, H*rald. banner crowd for the ail important N. I. T. title. they had beaten the National League as they won the regular Ing. Plugged drains machina W A.tHlNG Maehlne. all white, fans are confident that the Arms TTie big fellow* have “ made” bas­ before delivering r pUch .. .George 4—Broolu, I g ...... 1 0-2 2 phone 5171. Night phone 2-9419. ternatlonal pickup truck. Good G ENERAL office work. Typing end i mile from lak*. (Tall Wllllmantic -...... ' I test. Manchester will not be with­ Whereas In their first meeting Hockey League champion Detroit­ 0-0 0 season crown several weeks ago. cleaned. Carl J. Nygren, SOS Diamond*— Watchea— wringer and pump. 310, 91 Main p r i v a t e Party Interastsd In buy­ hav*" Anally found the correct pat­ ketball. Rice, the Milford midget car driv. 0— Davis, I g ...... 0 running condition. Phone 2-1601. shorthand. 40-hour week. Write I 110J3. out IU usual flne following. Over CCNY came from behind in the ers In a playoff game. -- •| Oakland street. Phone 6497. Jewrlry 48 street. ing two-family house, direct^ tern to employ ajalnst the Sons. Take the Etastem League as an er who retires every other year, Foul Line Decisive Box F, Herald, stating education, | 600 fans will Journey to the Silver second half and gradually drew Interest in the outcome of the 33—ToUla ...... 22 10-20 52 from owner. Write Box B. Herald. example, the best players in the will start the 1950 season in the The game was decided at the W A N TE D —Riders to ’ Hartford. experience snd age. 2-LID CAST Iron kitchen heater, a t y with their hopes high for an­ What strst.gy will be used is In away, Bradley almost pplled the game was secondary, however, to Score at halftime: 24 to 24, tie. LEONARD V. YOST. Jeweler, re- Bob Smith Offy. Rice, at Ed Otto’s free throw line. The defending Hours 8-5. Telephone 5989. Auto Arecnaoiit GAS OR ELECTRIC Lynn burner*, grates, pipe, 'Ex- Houm* for Milt 72 other major upset and the crown­ the hands of Johnny Falkowskl. game out of the fire In the last 20 opinions of the various managers the concern over the condition of Referee: Horvath. W A N IK D — Sei relary-stenogrraph- palrs and edjua' • watches expert­ who selected the all star team, press and radio party Monday champion Laurels wCre able to Tire* rellent condition. $20 takta It. ing of the Arms as playoff winners. Without a doubt the starters will seconds last night. the 21-year-old Howe. * Umpire: Yoat can but 10 of 20 tosses while the LE T US save you tiresome work er with general Insurance exper­ ly at rrasonabla> pricaa. Open SOMETHING Different. A naw be Ken Goodwin, Jackie Allen, AI stand better than alx feet. Colby 'night in Hartford, said the fastest WATER HEATERS Thursday evenliiga 129 Spruce Phone 8505. The "rubber” contest is to be Five seconds later the Beavers He was placed in an oxygen tent winning Groves dunked in 16 of by electrifying vour sewing ma­ R E B U ILT Motors Installed tn ience. One girl office In Hartford! house irith Bve rooma on ona Palmicri. Charlie Muzikevik and Gunther, Jack French, Kenny any midget travels on the fifth Dales (40) street. Phone z-4887. played on a 5(>-50 basis after ex­ made a wild pass out of bounds, at Harper hospital after undergo­ 27 tries. chine. ABC Appliance, 21 Maple. your car. 1935-36 Ford; 1935-40 No money down, 81.50 a Five day week. Salary arranged. ALUM INUM Bathinette, In - 6oor, (3 hedrooma. living room Buck Bycholskl. Earl Yost and Goodwin and Danny Finn stand mile (Therry Park track ia 60 miles P. B. F. Pts. penses in accordance with Eastern giving Bradley poesession and a ing a 90-minute operation to re­ Tedford was the game’s high 2-1575. Plymouth! 1935-39 Dodge; 1941- (Tall Hartford 2-1242 until 4:45 lent condition, with tip-top table. with (Ireplase. kitchen with din­ Pete Staum. the tw:o guys that six feet three inches or better. per hour. . .. Otto, a top-drawer 1—Krinjak, rf ---- 4 2-3 10 week. $20 allowan(% for your SHOOR BROS . JEWF.LF.RS. Low T h e League rules. golden opportunity to turn defeat move a fluid from his brain area. scorer with 25 poinU, 22 o f the 48 Oldartiobiie 6. Practically all! „id equipment. Phone 2-2800 p. m. Coat 320. make offer. Phone 8893. ette i! Princeton Street eohool Meriden will be Installed as provided the margin of victory at Into victory. Jackie Allen is the only "small” promoter, will also operate Spring- Team physician C. L. Tomau 0—Orr, rf ...... 0 0-0 0 markers coming on 11 field goals. INCOME TAX and accounting prires for gunranteed. expert 2 years and makes. We arrange for j area. Lot 120 x 120. T. J. Crockett. favorites because they are play­ the foul line las, week. Bob Ted- man at an even six feet in height. field Speedway this racing season, said “the next 24 hours will be crit­ 2—Hedlund, I f ___ 0 2-3 Red Gavello scored 11 pointS and servica— individual and businesa. RECEPTIONIST 18 to 80 years j Jewelry ami watch repairing Gene Melchlorre, who had inter­ 0-0 0 installation as lov.' as 312.50 per | Phone 6416. ford and Johnny Bycholskl will be Top players in the National The managing personnel at the ical ones but I think Gordie will 0—Wlnzler, I f ...... 0 Bud Babcock registered 12 for the Cali Dan Hosier 2-3329. old. (Tlerlcal and switchboard ex- | Open 'niui'srtay evenings, 977 ing at home and have plenty of re­ cepted 4XINY passes and scored 0-4 month. Montgomery Ward A Marhinerr and Toni* 5‘2 D o cto r serve strength. TTie Giinther-men held in reserve. Basketball' Association, George Bay State saucer has undergone be okay.” 4—Descy, c ...... 4 8 Groves. Randy Oole, playing his perlence necessary. Very- good j Main street. Phone 5214. OFF EAST Center etrest. 6 room three consecutive baskets In the 3—J. Taylor, 7 0-5 14 W AN TE D — Ride to National Fire Company, Manchester. Phone MARCH PREMIUM Mikan and Alex Groza, arc six, ten a complete change . . . Cherry Examination showed Howe suf­ rg . . . best vame of the season, flipped appearance end personality, 3351 Cape Cod. oil heat, copper plumb­ are,also favored after their magnt- TTje decision will be rendered on last two minutes, drove in for an­ 0-1 0 5161. IT.SED CJLETRAC with biilldMi^. Park opens with a stock car 0— CMrson, r g ...... 0 in 15 for the Laurels while Norm Insurance Co.. Hartford, morn­ to 340 a week. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 ' ing. hatchway, insulated, tot 40' ficant performance against the the floor tonight. Whatever the other shot. and six, seven respectively. fered a fractured nose, a frac­ 4—D. Taylor, Ig .,. 2 2-2 6 Garden— Farm— Dairy Several need whe-l type tractor*. There’s a place for one small show Sunday afternoon while tured cheekbone and a brain con­ Burke, the league’s Most Valuable ings only from Charter Oak. PLUMBING And Heating, apecial- p. m. Five days. New office In X 160’. Tree* rear porch. Prtoa Says Boston Celtics last Sunday night outcome. Meriden and Manchester But three taller CCNY players 0— Russell, I g ...... 0 0-0 0 Phone 2-9420. tztng In repairs, remodeling, cop- I new, used plow*, harrows, spread- man, a six footer, on a team in Springfield will run the stocks Sat cussion. ’ Player hooped 13. Wllllmantic. Apoly on or before P rodu rta 50 $9,800 Elva Tyler. Agent,-Uan- when they dropped a 66-65 de­ fans will agree that the clubs pro­ partially blocked his shot and re­ Traileni for Sale fiA pel water piping, new conetruc- I era. bele wire. Dublin Tractor Co., urday night. Riverside also opens The margin of Toronto’s victory, The Groves held a 16 to 8 first Thursday. March 30, al Connecti­ chestar 2-4469. cision to the NBA stars. vided a better than ever final covered the ball. Floyd Lane fired fast competition, but a club can­ 14—Totals ...... 17 6-18 40 ARE'y o u planning a wedding? tlon, estimatea given, time pay­ GREEN kfouniaii potatoes. Firrl i Wllllmantle. Saturday night ... Tony Lavelll’s plus the injury to Howe, caused a quarter lead on the fine shooting cut State Employment Service, By Edwin P. Jordan, H. D. ,\nkle Still Swollen series. Tonight's game is the finale the length of the floor to Norm not afford to have two little men Naasiff Midgets (33) Birthday party? Social gather­ 1949 ELCAR trailer, flush toilet, ments arranged. Edward Johnson. quality, very mealy. II 75 a All-Stars will meet a Connecticut shift in betting odds as the Leafs of Babcock and Gavello. A t inter­ AUTHORIZED Sales and service PRE-W AR ,5-room colonial, at­ Writteo for NEA Sarvlaa No one knows just how bad for both clubs this year. Both Mager for an easy layup that in the game at the same time. A P. B. F. Pta. ing? If you want a lifetime re­ shower, hot water heater. Terms. Phone 6979 at 5044 Manqheater or Wiillmantic. biMhel delivered u your door. Call moved in the position of favorites 12 mission, the score was knotted at Beaver 6 II.P four-wheel riding tached garage, screened porch, For many years the cuatomary Colby Gunther’s ankle is after he coaches will shoot the works in an sewed up victory for the Beavers. small man must be a good scorer, All-Star team Thursday night at 2— SUvere. r f ...... 5 2-4 membrance of an important occa- Inquire Modean, Vernon Trailer to. win the series. 0-1 0 24-alI. Cole’s eight points placed W AITRESS Wanted. Must have j Hathaway 2-1390.______Plant Jr., Bready Rototbler and flreplace, open stalrwa,v, tile bath, procedure tn hoapitala after a effort to cop th-. verdict. No quar­ There were exactly seven seconds a good cutter and dribbler. the New Haven Arena. Appearing 0—Paige, rf ...... 0 aion that you w1 always cherish, Camp PLUMBING and Heating — ~1 'turned It here Friday. His per- Montreal and New York, the 2-2 14 the Laurels offense in this period. aome experience. Apply In peraon. j ROTTED cow manure tor Cflioremaater garden tractors. knotty pine recreation room, oil child w ** bom h*s b«*n to plao* formaoe was not up to par against ters will be given or taken. left. Bradley did not get another Any coach would gladly take a with Lavelli’s team will be Kenny 4—Sullivan, If . . . . 6 have a movie taken in color. (Tall burners. Free eatimates ebeeV- other semi-finalists, open their se­ 0— Diana, If ...... 0 0 The Groves registered nine bas­ Silk City Diner, 641 Main atreet. i gp j gardens Delivered. Call 1142.50 up. Power lawn mowers, hot water heat, atorfn winilow* th* mother in one part of tba ho9- the Celtics and Manager Joe While there’s life, there’s hope. shot. big man over a player under six Goodwin of Nassiff’s, Art Fitz­ Mr. Snyder 8263. fully given. Call Pogfie and gerald of Yale, Red Faber of Trin' ries in New York tonight. 3— Cuneo, c ...... 2 3-7 7 kets in this half, five of which Girascd— Services— Peterman 2-9404, or Rockville lawn Bweepera, Johnson out­ and screens, awnings. Extra large pltal and the new-born Infant la a Stone says it is sv ollen qtflte a The crystal-ball refuses any pro­ Pandemonium broke out among feet for his club. Could you blame 0 PU L L TIM E Office girl, prefer- Bldwell atreet. (X !N Y rootera with their shouts of ity, Paul CTampbell of Dartmouth, Howe’s injury touched off a 5— Delaney, r g ---- 0 0-1 were by Tedford, while the Laurels M A R Y —Car dealer marveled at 216’2. Phone 7405. boards, Brlgga and Stratton, Lau- lot. Price $12,600. Elva Tyler, nursery or spacial ward aom*- Wt. This may or may not be an phecy. The Arms will have to win him? 0-0 0 accounted for a like number. Storafft 10 ably single. Mi.at have knowl­ Ailgeroo, Allegeroo— the school’s Fran Walsh of Northeastern and heated controversy amonA Plby^i’* 1—Wlnaler, r g ---- 0 bow our car upholstery looked. son, Clinton, Rau. alr-ooolcd an- agent. Manchester 2-4469. whara ala*. Recently a tew kofi- iQiportant factor for the local this one themselves, Shots Here and There 0-0 0 Play was much faster in the final edge of shorthand and typing. Ex­ rallying cheer—and their signs of Al Perry of Tufts. Nutmegs All- and officials of the Detroit and To­ 0— Monahan, Ig . . . 0 Added 3100 on trade-in value. PLUMBING and Heating. RepaIn PREMIERE Strawberry planta, gtnea. DIsaton chain aawa. Capi­ pitala have been tryb if out a new hoopmen. The blond star has been Toe Blake, *ormer forward with 0-0 0 half with both teams fighting tooth perience In credit work helpful 6 ROOM House. 2-car garage. Naw ”W e Did It Before and We Can Do Stars list Colby Gunther, C!hubby ronto teams. It came in the clos­ 0— (^mpbell, Ig ■ • ■ 0 Thanks to Mystic Foam iiphol- GARAGE For Rent, at the Center. and new work. Prompt service. 312 • 1,000; 5,00(1 or over 311. tol Equipment Co., 8$ Main atraet. plan of placing tba moM>*r and a decided threat in each of the Hockey at a Glanoe Montreal, holds the all-time Stan­ and nail for baskets or to draw but pot essential. Write Box E. hot wat»r system. Inquire 190 her brand-new Infant together i h ' It Again” and "Bradley’s Last Malinconico, Jack French. Tommy ing minutes of the game when the atery and rug cleaner bought at Phone 6988. New water mains installed. Elec­ Phone 5215. Frank Globe, 1701 Phone 7958. six previous meetings between the ley Chip scoring record with seven hopelessly outplayed Detroiters 15— Total# ...... IS 7-15 33 fouls. The Groves never trailed Herald. j Vernon street, Manchester. th* same room. U lla metbiid la Stand.” Byrnes and Danny Finn. J. W. Hale Corp., Houseware’s tric sewer cleaner and root cutter. Tolland street, J'.anchester. two clubs. But, Meriden sUn has la s t Night's Reeulta goals and 11 assists for 18 points were trailing 4-0. Score at halftime; 22 to », until the last four minutes of the called "rooming-ln.’’ Bradley was ranked No. 1 In the Dept. Estimates given on all types of JUNIOR Secretary for Blast Hart-1 Manchester. 4 rooms. 2 unflnlslied aeveni capable starters to call National League Playoff— A rough battle marked by 21 Dales. game. Going into the final stanza, work. Vincent P Marcln. 305 Mualral Instrumentt • 56 Starting a new-born Infant jR final Associated Press poll. Referee: Giovlno. the green and white clad Caterers RinIncM ScmcM Offered 16 ford office. Very light dictation. upstairs, attached garage, amtalU upon. There la Bob FiUgerald, (Best of 7) penalties was broken wide open by North Main street. TVI. 4848. Household (fOr«da 61 close and intimate aoaoclatlea Wtth C C ^ Y ’s sophomore club, un­ — held a 41 to 37 advantage. Starting salary. 3140. Contact: drive. Immaculalo. Lot 60x200. On Bmie Calveriy, Tom Laverte. Bill Toronto 8 Detroit 0 (Toronto three Toronto goals in the second AaUiMobUc* P**» Sale 4 PETEK W. PA N TA LU K electrical SMAIA# GRAND piano, mahogany the mother bae much appeal. Th * ranked in the final A. P. poll be­ Wilson Agency, 721 Main, Boom $20 320 $20 320 $20 320 $20 bus line, near school and shop­ 'Fleas, Eart Shannon. Ml.ee McCar- leads 1-0) period. Grove* Fall Down contractor, maintenance and a ir­ case. New spinets at second hand early beginning ot natural feeding cause of three late season. upsets Bolton and Moriarty’s IF YOUR car 1* 1946. ’47 or ’48 and 207, Hartford. TW E N TY DOLLARS DEPO.SIT, ping center. Price $10,400. Move Yon and Ed Schwartz, all danger­ American League Playoffs All the principals agreed that Leading 48 to 40 with seven ing tor light and power. 40 Pos­ MiHinerir-^-nreMinnklnt 16 piano prices. The Plano Shop, 6 habits la alio ragardad a t at the hands of (Tanisius, Niagara clean, we will pay you top dollar. THAT'S ALL. FOR THE right In. Nuasdorf Construction ous men. (Best of 7) Howe’s injury was sustained on a minutes to play, the Groves fell ter streeL Pbonc .7803. Pearl. Call 4029 anytime. portent and as dulnvatad kg this and Syracuse, suddenly caught fire Local Sport W e want used cars. Balch Pon­ ALTERATIO NS, All kinds, for PRETTIE.ST, HANDSOMEST Company. 27 Deer6eld Drive. Win or lose. Nassiff Arms will Cleveland 8 Buffalo 1 (Cieve- and finished the season with nine play that saw the Leafs’ Ted Ken­ down and the fighting gang from svstem. Those arho favor tt.elalm tiac, Inc., 155 Center street. Phone men’s, ladies’ and children’s wear. Help Wanletf— filale 66 Newest 1050 Slyle.>i BECfKER BROS, piano. Vary good Phone 3408. 'he In there fighting and giving land leads, S-1) straight victories,' including San In Final Tilt Tonight nedy swarm down towards the across the tracks surged to the LINOLEUM — Asphalt Ula. waU that "roomlng-ln” foatars both at 2-4545. Call sifter 5 o’clock. 2-38’28. 3 COMPLETE ROOMS tone. Reasonable. Inquire 19 Francisco. Kentucy, Duq:iesne and Detroit goal with the puck. Chatter front. George Brooks and Ken ______4 covering Done by rellabla. well- EXPERIENCED Ser\1ce station COUNTRY Living at it* beat these. > . Detroit Ckiach Tommy Ivan re­ Chapman tossed in doubledeckers trained men. All lob* guaranteed FURNITURE Woodland street. Bradley in the N. I. T. and Ohio 1940 FORD two-door. If you need attendant, married man v 1th re- Jultior farm of Bva acres. Mod­ The queatton o f a m n g ia g tiM ported that the butt of Kennedy’s and Ck)Ie came through with a foul Hall Ltnoieiim Co., vj Uak street. (niSTOM MADE tX-OTHES lo fit includes everything, even n 19.50 State, North Carolina State and Although he didn’t win Individual. Win work from pat­ sponiibillties, must be very capa­ ern home of seven rooms, Rusco hospital and supplytng mamlag Both Teams Geared for stick struck Howe on the head as to knot the count at 45-alL Cote a good dependable used car see Phone 2-4U22. evenings 6106. 7 foot "Phllco” Electric rcfrigvra- Bradley, again, in the NCAA. Bowling Valuable Player award or any thla. Reasonably priced. Private tern or will originate. DresMS. ble. over 25.~ McCWre's 'Service tor. and a 1950 "Bengal” Combi­ screens, oil burning furnact, city care for "room in g^ ” Is atUI ba> Deciding Playoff En­ the two players caromed into the came back with a basket and for Warned—To Buy 58 ing tried out. In an Ideal sltu ^ Allergeroo! high scoring trophy for his efforts owner. Phone 2-0917. A LL APPLIAN C ES aarvlced and suits, coats, gowns, etc. Phone Station. 373 Main street. nation range. Fi-ee delivery. B'ree water. Two-car garage. Madeline One of the best Buit buys boards. the first time in the gam * the tlon each mother would be tn h ir repaired, numera. refrtgeratort. 2-3909 Storage until wanted. Free Insur­ BUYING Used furruture and Smith, Realtor. 2-1642 or 4679. counter in Y Senior “I am not saying it was inten­ during the past basketball season Laurels were out front, 4Z to 48. SALESM AN Needed to promote own room with the Infant’s m nal Burke, playing the bucket, made 1949 PONTIAC STTIEAMLINER rangca. washera. etc. All work ance while It is being held. For ho'iaebold g'xids. any quantity tional, but the check was there for nevertheless deserves a note of SEDAN c o u p e :—Berkshire new 1950 line of Wards appliances bed nearby. TTi* next best. I f th li you ever model Basketball League an almost Impossible shot and the guaranteed Metro Servtca Co particulars and detaila, phone The Woodsbad. II Main sUeet everyone to see,” Ivan declared. praise for excellent asslsance in green. Fiilly equipped with Mnalnff— TniHtlnff— and radios. Brand new merchan­ LAKEWOOD CIRCLE la tmpoaalble, la e small ward With Training Camp Briefs | Laurels led, 49 to 45. Tel. Manchester 2-ua&d. Hartford 6-0358. after 6 p.in. Call 3-3184. Kennedy and his teammates said Mfereelng basketbaU games. He’s 20 dise. Outstanding quality at not more than six motbara with hydramatic. 8l4iraff« 6-6239. A.sk for Mr. Albert Five new houaea, staked out this Activity In the Y Senior League he never came into contact with Bemie Glovino, a high school stu Here, Tedford went into action prices that will sell for you. Guar­ their children close beaida than . Yankees Dh^LONU’S Refngeratoi aervice A - L- B - E -R . T,- S week end. It won't be long before comes to a close tonight when Howe. dent, who has aaplraUons of b ^ after a brief rest on the bench. LIGHT LOCAL trucking. Aahee anteed draw against commission. From th* nursing standpoint, $t. Sarasota, Fla.. March 29.—(iP)— The husky iceman hit from outside. 1947 PONTIAC SEDAN (X)t?PE Repairs on all makes, commer- , iCinIn Store - Wateibiirv Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 all ava1labl*5lom in this lovely Moriarty Brothers and Bolton col­ Women’s League coming a big league official. and rubbish rtmoved. Painting Montgomery Ward, Main street. Br.-inche.s Hnitforil, New Hnven, la reported to have baan found With Johnny Mize and Tommy Bill Wade followed with a foul, and — Black. Low mileage. Ex- claJ and domestic. Emergency 24- tract will be built on. Why not *e- Nationally Famous lide In the third and deciding tilt Bemie has worked countless and odd Jobs. Reasonable. K. C. Meriden desirable to osalgn nuraaa for tha K4nrlch hobbled with Injuries, Joe Tedford's driving in shot gave the 'ceptionally fine car. hour Service. Phoa* 'J-1797. j BOY.S’ AGE 10-12 clothing, camel lect your* today, from th* few we of the playoffs. The game la card­ Yost ...... 85 77 82— 244 Vew Type Engine games during the season and has Marks Phone 6261 or 6113. I Open Tliiirsdav Eves. 'Til 0 P. M. combined care of assail groupa CJolItna la making a determined Groves a 50 to 49 margin. Another hair coat, $10; sport Jackets, one etill have to offer. Sizes, 93 x 219, at ed for 8 o’clock with a prelimin­ C o w le s ...... 74 75 83—232 always turned I j splendid jobs. 4fLO’jK Problems Mlved antb FIR ST (TLASS carpenter. (Tall 2- 320 $20 *20 320 “ 320 320 320 motbara and Infanta ratbar than bid to win himself a first base drive-in shot by Tedford upp^ HlIBHIsH ana ashes removed la- blue flannel, one tweed, two 100 X 145, 80 X 168, 90 x 197, ary, featuring the Celtics and St. P o n g ra tz ---- 92 104 104—300 .For Racing Cars 1940 PONTTAC CLUB COUPE— linoleum, aapna.1 Ui* counter 3783 between 5 and 6. to have aoms nurses for tha zsothe berth with the New York Yan- the Grove lead to three points 52 cinerator* cle-uist. Sand, gravel BEST PRICES for fnrnlliire. an- gabardine, $5 each Phone 5069, John’s of the Y Intermediate Gordon ...... 80 89 88—266 Vic “ Jumbo” Taggart, the high Black. Very good mechanical Bhtpert workmanship, tree esU- era end otbera for tha infanta. to 49. Burke accounted for a foul and cindera Van service and WANTED—Young man experienc­ tiqncn Trading Post. 17 Maple League scheduled to begin at 7 Lowman .... 70 81 94— 254 average bowler in the YM C A condition. matea. Open evening*. Jones' ARTHUR A. KNOFLA j. . Baa' Drawbacks Chillins, who hit .319 with Kan- shot and a basket for the Lauiols local moving Pbon* U. M Jones. ed In fruits and vegetables. Full o’clock. Los Angeles. March 29— (/P)— Bowling League during the past Furniture. Oak atreet. Pnon* street. 2-1089 Open noon Mon­ ‘ Thara are problanu eoanseta* a Chty of the American Associa­ but a basket by Babcock and fouls 2-1362. '2-3U7S. Ume. Apply Popular Market, Wiibnut Hoard 5U 878 Main ■L'-Bkt. 1921 A hot contest has been forecast T o t a l...... 410 426 451-1296 Its speed is a deep secret, and so season, plana to pitch with the 1938 PLYMOUTH CONV. COUPE 2-1U41 days. Tlieauays All day Thurs­ with this exparlnaanL T1alto«fi tion last season, has been one of for this playoff. The other twro is its horsepower, but a revolution­ by Tedford and Gavello clinched Fruit departmei'L day. Friday, ^nr Saturday. Phone 8440 or 6938 the leading hitters in the World Fisher Furs (4) British Americans in the Twilight —Good buy. THE AUSTIN A. Chambers (k>.. PLEASANT, furnished room for are usoatly restrict ad tn nuabar games were humdingers. Bolton 87 81 94—f62 ary race car. Diesel-powered, will the verdict for Coach Benny Pa- ANTIQUES Reflnished. Repairing Champions’ egmp this spring. The Smith ...... Baseball League this season. Vic local and tong distance moving, EXPERIENCED Wool presser, rent. Conveniently located at 19 Homs Listings Wanted principally bacausa o f tha dangar topped the Gas House Gang by 54- soon be ready to roll in the famed gani’s team. done on any fuii.iture. Ttemann, NEW 19,50 Univir.sa oil electric six-foot lefthander garnered half T o p p in g ...... 70 90 05— ’264 is a former minor leaguer. packing. craUng and storage pleasant working conditions. Va­ Johnson Terrace. Phone 7843. of carrying Infeetlona Thara la SUITS 51 only to suffer a staggering 63- 82 93 105— 280 Indianapolis Memorial Day classic The Dales won the preliminary 1940 FORD COKV. COUPE. 189 South Main street. Phone combination range, iiorroerly McCarthy ... of the Yanks’ hits—a single and game from the Nassiff Midgets by Service to all parts of the U. S. cation with pay. Apply Wm. Fan­ soma quaation, too, as to haw thb 50 loss a week later. Kelley and (W ishing...... 89 94 119—302 It is the Cummins Diesel Special, 5643. $359 95. Buy now and save 360. OF* MIDDLE TURNPIKE West. double— yesterday in their 9-5 The Twilight Baseball League a 40 to 33 score. Krinjak, Descy, A and (Mnada. Call Si87. Hart­ ning, Rainbow (Tleaners, 80 Har­ FURNISHED Room for 1 or faadtng babiu of tba tnfanU shauM St. George are expected to should­ P lr k b y ...... 83 85 118—286 car that looks like the conven­ BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. Watkins Bros.. ;3b Main street. A non expandable tour room borne loss to the Boston Braves. started on Sunday, May 1 S year Jimmy Taylor starred for the win­ W ASHING Machine, vac., toast- ford 6-1423. rison street, Manchester. gentlemen. Birch atreet. Tel. ba developed. Only er the brunt of Morlarty’s attack tional. streamlined alcohol-gaso­ 4428. in excellent condition. Nice con­ It has baan claimed that tha and must stop Bolton’s Marques, a ago. The official 1980 opening has ners while Hi-Ho Silver and Sulli­ 155 Center Street era. Irone. electric clocks, etc. Ex­ OLD RED Tin Bam. • 706 North venient location. Price reduced T o t a l...... 420 443 531-1394 line driven speed monsters but un­ MANCHE!ttTBK Package Delivery. O PPO RTU N ITY 'or two or three “ roomlng-ln” mathod Inorasaap Dodgers prolific scorer all season, if they been set for Sunday, May 7 with van were beat for the Midgets. The Phone 2-4546 pertly serviced. ABC Appliance. Main street, buys snd sell* good der whose hMd is Installed a pur­ the defending champion British Open ENenlngs Until 10 Local light trucking and-packaga coUage studenta to sell fast mov­ BEDROOM for reliable people for quick sale. T. J. (Trockeil. th* number of Infants w k* are Vero Beach, Fla., March 29.— are to capture the league bunting. game was the third and deciding 21 Maple. 2-1575. used furniture and antiques. (P)—Robert Fogle Milliken, a Soda Shoppe (4) ring powerhouse that may revolu­ Americana opposing the RockvUle Sunday 11 A. M. to 6 P. M. delivery. Relngerators, washera Gentleman or couple. Quiet home. Phone 3416. breaut tad and-almoat all fiUthaiM Both clubs are reported at full playoff contest for the midget ing product. Call at 845' Main Frank Denetta P|yn* 2-8376. $40-00 yoimg righthander with a burning Gill ...... 70 100 101—280 tionize speed racing. DON’T GETT fiaugbt in the rush. and stove moving a spactalty. Call 2-1820. ties agree* that brSMt j f strength for the finale. HiU BUlies. crown. street for particulars. desire to make good, gets his acid U b e r t ...... 110 82 95—287 The racer is being built here by 1939 DODGE fouivdoor sedan. Get your hand and powei mow­ Pbone '2-0782. WE BUY .-nd aaU good used furni­ doslrabi*. It la klap aaaartsd UMt Evaniski ___ 111 99 101— 311 Good condition. Price 3360. Phone P L IL iS A N T Double room for sin­ TO test with the Brooklyn Dodgers the Kurtis-Kraft factory accord Mike Plerro eUmlnated Frank ers sharpeneo and repaired now. LIGHT LOCAL trucking, ash ra- ture. combuiation ranges, gaa SITUATED ON THE WEST th* eleo* asaoclatton with th * ^ Wilson ...... 84 107 104—205 2-4062 after 5. DELIV23VY Boy. Good pay and gle pefson or business couple. Oil today against the Philadelphia and will be at third base. The Sox ing .to specifications of D. J. Cum' Vlttner in the Town Table Tennis Lasi Night's Fights Pick up and delivery service. moval. woodland clsared and un­ ranges and heaters. Jones Furnt- font helps th* mother phyataaQjr Opalach ---- 02 103 80—275 hours. Phone 6545. tuie Store, 36 OaL Phone 2-1041. heat. O ntrally '.ucated. 190 Sum­ SIDE and sstlafles bar natural datlr* t* Athletics. His performance will won two of the previoui tilts. Mel mins, vice president in charge of Ttoumament last night by scores 1936 CHEVROLET sport coupe. (Tapitol Equipment Co. 38 Main wanted trees removed with chain mit street. Call 4084 after 4 p. m. be near hsr W ant aad ta car* decide whether he stays with the Parnell and Joe Dobson will share engineering at the Chimmlns En­ o f 21-18, 21-17, 21-18. Tonight at Engine completely overhauled. 36 street. Phone 7988.' saw. W. B. Perrett, Jr. Pbone National League champions, or T o U l ...... 476 401 481-1448 W AN TE D — Experienced maat cut- 30-GAL1.ON Rheem gaa automa­ $50-00 the pitching chores. Yankee Man­ gine Company, Inc., which has en­ 7, Ed Bensehe meets Pete Aceto in By The Associated Press Byron Road. 0811 after 5 o’clock. 7306. ' FURNI.'IHBD Room altb twin 5 room single, 2 down, 3 up and for tt. returns to Fort Worth of the Tex­ Howard Landscaping ATTEN TIO N Please! We have a tar, FuU time. Steady work. Box tic heater, complete with magne­ ■ ■ i I I ) H w • ager CJasey Stengel will pitch vet­ tered the car in the Indianapolis a semi-final match at the West Cleveland — Jake LaMotta, beds for one or two girla. A t the bath. Largs kitoban with pantry as League. Pease ...... 01 83 94—268 chain saw for cutting trees, bull­ W, H ei^d. sium rod, and Jus. Phone 2-4068. eran Ed Lopat Stengel has not classic. Side Rec. BUI <3orooran plays Mike 168 3-4, New York, stopped Chuck 1949 FORD CONV. COUPE—Low EMPTY VANS to and from all Center. Call 6745 after 4. and nook. Oil bast, cornar lot with M o rto n ...... 85 89 74—248 dozer available, fill and gravel announced his lineup but all regu­ Final touches are being made Pierro at 8. Hunter, 168 1-2, Cleveland, 6. mileage, real sporty atatea. Assured return loiui, TYPIN G , general office work. FLORENCE Parlor heater, on* ear ga ra n . House has new K orean Studie#^ Giants lars are expected to start. Howard .... 80 70 84— 252 today on the body and' the car is (Non-title). for aale. Landscaping. Telephone rates United. 122 West atrast. Knowledge of shorthand dMired. burner. Almost new. Phone roof and Jonfl9-MaiBrille aiding. Phoenix, Arix., March 29.—(P) Tedford ;.... 03 86 Los Angeles — Carlqa Chavez, 1941 BUICK CLUB c o u p e :—V ery 00— 278 slated to be flown to the Cummins’ Dick Michaels, sponsor of the 6077. Phone 6378. W rite Box H, Herald, stating 9977. FOR RENT—Pleasant room for 1 This Is ona o f tba So-called (The- —Monts Kennedy, who has been Braves C o w lea ...... 87 92 00—260 134, Los Angeles, outpointed Baby good condition. or 2 gantlemen. 91 Foster street For O lS Teacher plant at Columbus, Ind., late this Dales’ entry in the Midget Bas­ FLOOR Sanding and reflnlshing. qui^catlons. ney houses. Bubotantlai natghbor- one of the New York Giants’ in­ Bradenton, Fla., March 29.— (>P) ketball League at the Rec, has Leroy, 128 3-4, Sacramento, 10. FOUR Drawer pine chest, all orig­ week, where final engine installa­ 1940 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SE­ General carpenter work. Call Gil­ Paintinir— PMOfiliff bood near everything. And th* ferior pitchers this spring, sprang Apparently clicking on all cylin­ T o t a l...... 445 429 441-1315 promised his team a little party. Toronto — Arthur King, 137, 21 inal, refiniahed. > Three drawer ATTHAiTTIVELY /urnlahed room. tions will be made. Philadelphia, knocked out Humber­ D A N —Nice small family car. bert Fickett. 6982. price is only $10,800. Bloomington, IU.—(B) — JKM4 a surprise on Manager Leo Duro- ders, the Boston Braves play host The boys will got all the Ice cream SltmttoiM Wanted— maple and pine chest, reflnished. Light bouseket ping facilities Here’s a pure worsted suit that cher yesterday. The first Diesel ever entered in to Sierra, 133 1-2, Havana, 6. OUTSIDE and Inside painting. available. Central. Ona or two Hyung Soon Roo camo from Korea to the Cincinnati Reds today with Princeaa Restaurant (S) they can eat and then Dick will 1637 BUICK CONV. SEDAN. Paperhanging, ceUing* reflniab- Female 66 All very clean. Phone 8870. doesn't shoot holes in your Durocher called on the Virginia P e r e tto ...... 97 83 ----- 179 the Indianapolis Speedway race Houston, Tex. — Lauro Salas. and child acceptable. Garage Exclusive With to Study music at UUnats Wsslay* Normic Roy and 'Bobby Hogue take the group to the movies. ed. Workman’s compensation and budget. The reason you pay lefthander to start against the listed for mound duty. Defeating Fyler ...... 85 — 86— 171 was iiv 1931. It finished 13th and 128, Monterrey, Mexico, knocked 1938 FORD I's TON TRUCK. HoaaehoW Serrfccfl EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper de­ HO SPITAL BEDS and wheel available. Mr. Jerome, flrat floor, an university. ■ . publlt; liability insurance carried. I f Ih* felt she waa among so little for so much downright Cleveland Indiana. And Monte sur­ B e e b e ...... 102 101 100—308 did not make a pit stop— a remark­ out Jock Leslie, 132, Flint, Mich., Offered! ~ l.$A sires full-time position, knowl­ chairs for sSiC or for rent. Rates 14 Arch street. STUART REALTY the World Champion New York Eastern League Commissioner FORD COUPE—Hotrod , special, Free estimate Call Gilbert value is the unique Clipper prised everybody by becoming the M cIn tosh ___ 98 84. able feat. 5. strangera it was not (or long- F o r Yankees, 9-5, yesterday for their 96-278 Lou Black caUed this morning $50.00. edge * f shorthand and typing. reasonable. Keith Furniture (To. state Theatar Buildtng Craft Plan! 1204 flne stores first hurler on the staff to go sev' Kloter ...... 135 95 95—328 Car Builder Frank Kurtls, who Seattle—Harry "The Kid” Mat­ lASAVING of burns, motb boles Fickett. 6982. N IC E LY Furniahsd room for rent. on* of tlm member# o f th* faeultg fourth victory in their last five and said Alble Booth and Henpr » Excellent references. Tel. 7225. Phone 4159. , Tel. 6648 or 7144 en Innings. He held the Indians to Phillips ___ 84 has produced many a winner at thews, 178, Seattle; outpointed and torn clothing, noaiery runa, Well heated. ' Continuous hot U Mia* Wba Young Ohong, who from coast to coast pool their starts. Manager Billy Southworth — 87— 171 Roche of New Haven would offi­ INTERIOR a n d Exterior paint­ I f you want t « get on th* west reaources, to bring you Clipper three hits and left with a 2-1 lead. Indlanapolla and makes nearly all Jack Flood, 194, Seattle, 10. KEENEY GARAGE nandbag* repaired, slpper r*- water and shower. Private en­ used to be her pisae teacher at is confident they w ill continue ciate tonight’s Eastern League ing. paperhsnginfi. catUngs re- aid*, this Is It. Craft clothes. And that vast Cleveland rallied to win, 4-2. T o t a l...... 817 the midget racing cars In the coun' piscement. umbrallM repairsd. SOFA AN D two matching chairs. trance. Five minutes walk to Ewba coUeg* in Korea. their winning ways. Veteran out 446 464-1427 playoff game between Meriden Ticket Sales Up ..Buckland, Conn. fintslied. Fully insured. Expert Doga IHrda— Pets 41 buying power means Just one fielder Tommy Holmes, who may Manchester Radiator (1) try, believes the Cummins Special men’* ahlrt collar* .-avarsed and Very reasonable. Call 6811. (Tbsney’s. Gentleman prafarred. and Manchester in Meriden. The DE SOTO 1988 4-do6r. baater. work N*w 1980 wfillpapat books. ENGLISH Setters, 11 weeks old. thing, .you save money! Come Red Sox start the season In center field in B ycholskl___ 119 93 will prove equally durable. raplacad. Marlnw’a U tU * Mending 101 Chestnut etteet. 101— 813 pune starts at 8:30. Chicago, March 29— (!P\—A new Sealed beams. Good condition. Edward R. Prloe. Pbon* 2-1008. Nomlnatad Naw England IFutur- O NE-HALF Pries on remnants of FOUR ROOM single. 2 unflnlebed see our Clipper Craft collection Sarasota. Fla., March 29.—(P)— place of rookie Sam Jethroe who Lucas ...... 06 01 83— 2’fO The car won’t be road tested un­ Shop. A up. hot water hast with * 11, pic­ Manager Joe McCarthy expects to major league attendance mark Reasonable, 91 (Theatnut atreet. Ity. Outstanding b lo ^ Una*. Raa- inlaid and felt base linoleum. IN P R IV A TE home, large desire- SALE OF BULL009SBR here today, .and see why the has thus far failed to live up to Wilhelm .... 104 08 82—284 til it reaches Iridlana, but Jimmy A grand total of 387 boys took (NTEKlOR'^ANIv Bxtsrlor paint- ture window, good locetton. $8,* field his regular lineup for the may be hoisted this season by the • 7:30 p. m. (XJRNICBS and valoncp boards. aonabla. 22, Main atreet, Vernon. Langer* Floor Coviring, 41 Pur­ able room. Quiet nei|^borhood. smartest men insist on Clipper expectations, banged out a single Poharskl ___ . 80 100 93—273 Jackson, a veteran driver who has part in the UtUe League Base- Ing. Average racm papered. $12. 800. CMah required lit.OUO. S. INVITATION TO BIO first time this season as the Bos American League, Judging from (Tustom built, choice ot designs. Tei: RookvtUe 1677J1. nell Place. Phone 2-4123. Near East Center street. Refer­ Craft. yesterday plnch-hltting for War­ Low Man .... 85 82 88—253 finished in the money in the past M i school last night at the East Including paper. OaUtn^ reflntsb. . Beechler, Agent. Phone Sfidfi. Tolland Coung^U^ Censervatle* ton Red Sox meet the World ren Spaim. record-breaking advance ticket Pbon* 2-3824 or 2-9002. from 9 ences. Pbone 8183. four Indianapolis classics, pre­ Side Rec. School w ill be in sea- ed BaccUeat workmanship. Ray­ ------* Champion New York Yankees to­ sales. HUDSON Coupe, 1989. Recondi­ a. as. to 9 p m. PUPPIES for Eaatar. AKC Box­ AUTOMA'nC v/asher bargain of- T o t a l...... 484 464 445-1303 dicted he would qualify “without 'Sioo tonight from 6 to 8 at the mond Ptska. 2-9287. fer. Famous Bendix fuUy automa­ ROOM AN D board for working RockvtUa, (Jonnactlcut day at Payne Field in the fpurth New B e d fo ^ Mass.—^Tiger Ted President Will Harrldge, just tioned, priced right. Call 7561. er*. red Oockera, amall cross Deacrtptlon: One Tractor; M any trouble” at about 127 miles East Side Rec and also Saturday F LA T FINIHH Holland w^dow tic washer, only $189.95 leaa gentlaman. Private 'fkmily. 10 DOIEOIATE Occupancy. Six Clipper, Craft spring exhibition game between Lowry, 182 New Bedford, out' back from hla annual junket to th* (X jU PLB TE Painting and decor­ breeds. Zimmerman’s Kennels. Caterpillar: Dleael Power; 88 l~i. Cheney Women per hour. morning from 10 to 12 at the 1939 BUICK special, fouixloor ahadea mad* to oHtoaure. AU repqi tingle. Phone 8876. the team * Johnny Pesky has re­ pointed Jack Porter, 186, Oakland, Florida spring tralntaig grounds, ating service. Floor sanding and Lake strest, Tel. 6287. tredein o f $20, your cost only minutes from' (Tbeney’o. Pbonc 2- DPHP; Quipped with LaPlaat* Velvet Waiping ( 1>. No one would reveal what is ex­ armory. Boy* may stUl register If aadan. Radio and heater. Good metal Venetian blind* at a oaw covered from a pulled leg muscle Calif., 10. report* that pre-season sales are reflnlshing. tSatlroatea free. C F. $109.95. No money down, 1 year 9977. Choate HydrauUeaUy onsrstdi Sport Coats McCarthy 287 pected o f the car’s speed In the they have not as yet done so at to­ buy. CaU 8459. tow price. Keya made while you t h r e e d o z e n young undeter­ the greatest in the league’s 56- Charbonneau. Phone 2-9878 or to pay. Benson's Appliances, 713 Lot* for Ssit 78 Bulldozer Blada; and Mystor Hellnaki .. 268 actual race May 30. • night’s school. AU boy* must ufear watt. Marloor’a mined sex canaries for aale, 8L40 . Main street. FURNISHED Room with semi­ year history. g u a r a n t e e d , 1940 PonUac 2-2808. ' Winch., sbigl* drum, mountad «• Holland ... Gasoline engines competing in gym shoes and are asked to bring ' --- each. 127 Charter Oak atreet private kitchen privilege*. (Toupls B E A U T IF U L Building^ lot 84’ x aadan. $895; *939 PonUac sedan, E9CPER1BNCED. AU kind* of cur- or working girls preferred. Pbon* roar. Uacd I82fi houra. Magnuson . the race rarely develop over 325 their gloves. o u t k i d b . (NSIDB Fainting and Phona 2-9048. AVAILABLE 16’ 1930 Admiral 140*. New rostdentlal section. Exhlbltton Baseball $298; 1987 Chevrolet sedan, $180; Ulna, laundarad, straight, 83e; BeaMd Bids wM he reorired Sonego .... horse power. The D i i ^ horse­ papcrbangtng. Ui console television. Admiral 7 cu. 2-4428. (Tountry atmoaphora but near Ul 8:00 P. M h. ApsH Billy Psganl, president ot the 1986 Ohavrolet pick'Up, $180. Cole ruffled, $1,26. CMIed and de- csllmtUa A R E TQU considering an Easter 19, 1 9 9 0 ^ Lupacchino power also Is private information. Yceterdajr’s Results tor ft. and 11 cu. ft. rafrigeraton. School, store aad bus. CaU 3-9178' BahUr. Suparvlatr. ^ W est'Side“ ■ . Rec Bowling League, Prompt aerytc*. Raaa*babi* f u r n i s h e d Room desired for U r. a. a The special. If It matches ex­ Cincinnati (N ) 12, Detroit (A ) Motors. 4164. Uv«red. OMI 2-2411, (Tollla? 809 Kseney street. Phone Washing nmchines, were $151.93, land OHinW Boll C o n a a r y * ^ dropped Into the office this morn­ pblcea Pbone 7680. O Froebatu ejderly woman with light house­ WANTED T o U U -----. . . 4 n 467 447 1341 pectations, should not prove tern' workman’s (xiapanaaUoB. public 8376. * ndw $99. universal and Admiral Dlstrlot, R l ^ RoshvinA Onvnt ($y ing with an Invitation to the an­ Boston (N ) 9, New York (A ) 5. electric ranges. Large selection ot keeping prlvllegea. Best of ref­ L e f 8t fio tie tB CMim. Bnvrtop* contaWnf W peramental. Jackson says ho plans UabiUty mrriafl. t r o p i c a l and geld fish, plants, Slacks Jenkins . . . . 91 99 nual leaipie banquet which will be PhUadelphU (A ) 8, Toronto (lU erences. ’r*l.'8-3488. ’ must be a * M w d narked with merely to get in "and turn her tanka and acesaaortes. Kelly’s new furnllure^'CbaiaMrs Wara- Gordon , ••.. 86 93 held on Saturday evening, April 8. 7. looseJ’ Aquarium, 29 Sunset street. Open houa* Salsa. Manchastsr Orsan- noTicBica'op’*Af$SSSanoj( the name and addm McCann • .86 - 86 at Garden Grove. < BirminghaAi (S A ) 12,,Washing- 'RtpsiPtaC n Open daily > |a 8. Evenings 7:30 dar- !*•<• Of dolo w tf ha adihw $7.95 up The engine Is approximately 10 ’t ilt . Apartmmts. Flats. Bartok . . . . 101 89 inches longer and 400 pounds _■ ■ . to 8:30...... V"". This U te atv* eatu* that I, M J ^ cartlRad chaak for.Pf iJ M ty USED CARS PaganTs West Sides and the Philadelphia (N ) 21, SL Until M A T T R U iin i. Vour aM m4 T«MiR»nts 66 OARBT C. MVRPRT. ot 9U Keith payakM to tha TtU andO aiia^ Jacobs . . . . . 90 115 324 heavier, than the customary gaso­ Knights o f Columbus will meet in tresa aUrillaad and raaMds Uk* 30 Qa LLON Culemxa gaa automa­ Main street. Manehester. Nad aa Conservattoa Olstriat pstot & ^ line engines, but the chassis has (N ) 8. “ - the the West Side Rec Cleveland (A ) ^4, New Torli (M) new. (MU lonoa riirniture and Wa«Ted— Peia— Pmillrjf— tic water heater, complete with THREE-ROOM rent near bus line. application dated March JStb, IMA mqval of prop«ty arkto nuat to Totals 411^ 482 487 1423 been constructed to handle the Wnii the Liquor .Control Commiaelon Bowling League tonight at the Floor (Mvartaa. 36 Oak. TaL 8- 8t«rk 44 'magneatum rod. Five year guar­ Adult working couple or business added weight, Kurtls continued. 1041 for s Psekaa* 8tor* Boer permit for TOP nU€MS Rec lanes. A best three out of *■ Brooklyn (N ) 5, St. Paul (A A ) antee, $89.95. WaUins Bros., 988 woman. Write Box N, Herald. Pro BaaketbaU A t A Olasce It has a wheelbase of 104 inches. five game set w ill be rolled for the w a n t e d —Ob***, oalva* aad ba*r the sale * ( aleotelle Uauer on Main atreet Jlramta*e;-*4. OSkUnd Street,. MsiBcdMs- Lika Its gaa contemporaries, the l^iayoff tltl<^ . Chicago (N ) 4, Pittsburgh (N ) eattla, aloe be*aa>. Ws pay the U m8 Night’s Besolls chasais la built o f aluminum and 0.’ . .______MwlfliF-DraiMtIc tap gDtlar. Pkua Ems 854 M * Natieaal AsoecIsMoa Piayoffi W ASH ER BargoUi. FamOiu daltlx* BgaiNofifi UcatloRfi The ^iatoiayt relies on its fiontoum for structur­ . Ernie Johnson la still with th* TDMNO AND volclac 15, lOMId- wan atraat Plwaa 7405. ABC • lb. YVWbalr. $149JM Mas (Beat of 8 ) Beaton Bravsa despite newspaper Ubrarian with open book aSO « Far RflPt >4 >• I COLE m o t o r s al strength. I t la only 88 laches at reen W flg . raatyUng, 4*> ISO for your old waskn. Tour t o w b t o fisslisl IWsIsliiw Finals and riMlio reports - to the -effect msgsHns shelvss and professlonfl.. tag, M E N k SHOP/ Minneapolis 89, Fort .Wayne 82. its highest polBt, the tall. The noas mething Fra* estlmataa. Phone coat only $119.80, No money down AIR (TONDmUNgD ^iFFKJE. Mein etrest, ManOsater. ae wkara . ■known In Japati. before the Occu- 402t anytimo. The PlaiiO 8 kbp, 1 year to psy* Benson’s for ap- Orfond gnulual taper from the oowl and waukee. The Johnson sent to the l•«'m Baled Merck asts. IMA to reteat aar as Wester* DIvlee* Finals jpaUon’s Information Osnbers wer« F*arl street. BUaaes, TIS Mala str*st> ■ :4\ OPEN EVENINGS . Indianapolis 77, Anderson 74. has an air Intake similar.to the American Aesoolation team weia (Indianapolis leads, 1-0). intake ot Jet planes. also a pitcher, Sam. established. r.-f.’'! VnaiifLi'' L'.-. ■ ■'V-t--'* iKanir^if^r Emnitto limilft WEDNESDAY, UARCH 79, 19W Section Two WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1980 iiatt(l)3«trr Eortthtg Ijrralh WEDNESDAT, MARCH M, U M Paget 19 to M

DOUBLE S&U work which is Uk ngtonal project Soroplimists Help of the auba la New Bngland at Beer Ruus Cold praaent GREEN Local G.O.P. Dinner Finance Fellowship After Hot Strike STAMPS Announcemant was mads at a Perfect Forest Perth— Raaldenta of 5(ar- IfOoft Your Loveliest this GIVEN WITH Gains Noted Speakers vel Loch declared a beer strike ba- I meeting of the Manchester Sotep- Far in Future cauaa the beer was too h ot CASH SALES tlmlst Club In Cavey's restaurant For nearly a week, thay boy- Two Member* of Con- thle week o f the eatablishment of oottad tha local pub and flocked EASTER Barkaley, CaUf.—(3V-QsUfenila to aoft drink ahopo. Tha )^ b 'euhJums THURSDAY . gresa, Viviem Kellems another international (ellowahlK keeper Installed a new cold storage forestera have been working 80 in addition to one recently awarded room. yeara but are itUI babaa In the With a Smartly Styled C To Talk at Testimonial ^ to Dr. Dora Papara of Greece, who woods, says Prof. F. S. Baker, dean For Qiairman Davis la now enrolled at the tJn‘veralty of Pennsylvania Medical school. of tbs School ot Forestry at tha Sines this fellowship was In the University of California. Mra. Katherine Bt. George, of i field of medicine, the Soroptlmlsta That’a a vary short Urns In the Tuxedo, New York, « Republican ; would like to vary the exchange as life of many trees, he said. And Member of Congreae from the 39th much as possible. It will award the Ideal forest Is a long way off, New York Dletrict, will be one ot another fellowship to s deserving he asserts. PERMANENT the principal epeakera at the Tea* woman experienced in her chosen In hla opinion It would bs one Complete With Haircut^ Shampoo tlmonlal Dinner for Republican field, whose home Is not located that would fumlah an svan quota of wood every year—forever. That Town Committee Chairman Wil­ within the ItmiU of the American and Finger JTave Federation and who wishes to means It would hsvs enough trees New Easter Suits liam 8. Davla on April 15th, at the study within Uwse llmlU. The to utilise Its growing capacity. State Armory. American Federation Includes all Only the oldest would bs cut, the Mrs. St. George haa a prominent of North and South America. age classes would be distributed Take Advantage And what a fashion-arreatinff ar> lace in community, political, and The decision to establish these properly and cut artaa would be ElulneM circles of her state, and reseeded so that normal growth Of These Specials ray of suits we offer you for the sea­ fellowships U in keeping with the •ring iM o l ye«r worn ihoos—ond waa first elected to Congress in program of fostering ln'.ernstlonsl could continue, he says. son ahead! Newest slim skirts. Ex­ we'N Mve you l$ $ by adding sMny 1946 and re-elected in 1948. She undersUndlpg and exchange of ★ quisite tailorinsr appropriately. com­ la a member of the House Post Mr, Andre’ Ideas. Heretofore it has teen the Land Valoea DecUae ^ swnth* of wear. You'N be delighled bined with the very finest wools and OlTice and ClvU Service Commit­ Mrv.' Katharine St. George to lee how our expert*, wNb siedem tees, but she also has a apecial In- custom to sward fellowships to MARLOW SALON worsteds, newest colors in soiids and both men and women in this coun­ Ithaca, N. Y.—yp) — Farm land , shoo rebuilding machinery, con give Pre-Eastep Sprciala tsrest In agricultural problems as values In New York declined thtee patterns. Come choose now! a Urge proportion of her Congres­ particularly flngerllng salmon, are try for special study and training new life to ibabby ihoet. PERMANENT per cent from July to November, sional dUtrict i l devoted to farm­ lost this way. Burkley has develop­ in new fiields, such as ey, graft­ by Andre' 1949, according to a Cornell Uni­ ing pursuits. ed a system of moving lights which ing, a comparatively new develop Shoes cleaned and dyed versity agricultural economist. < As chairman of her own Orange 'fish follow. ment in surgery. In which few doc­ any color to match your Machine nr Machinelcaa County Republican Committee, Dr. C. A. Bratton, extension lU Mwn i a "W e were amased," Burkey tors have engaged, and then only Easier outfit. PERMANENT .00 I aad Tiiaiti Mrs. St. George holds the signal economist at the state College of says, “ to find how powerful a lure In Boston, New York. New Orleans 9aM .w 3lN 3 honor of being one o f the very where eye banks have been estab- Agriculture here, said November Including Haircut few women county chairmen In the the lights crested. Not a single fish appeared immune to the lure of llshed. ^ land values last year were one per and Styling— T / country. Alwaye active In politi­ The local* SoropUmlst Club haa cent below those of November, Reg. 913.50 8 — sl to s cal affairs, she was manager of the glow which piloted them safely WHILE YOU WAIT Shampoo 3.98 45.00 contributed generously to this 1948. past the danger area." her county Republican campaign SHOE REPAIR and 00 Second Floor Style Shop Take the Elevator In 1942, and waa a delegate to the LANOLIN CREME 1944 Republican Ckinventlon. In The Basement 8TY1.F.D IIA IR S IIA PIN O Fingerwave In addtton to her political ca­ PERMANENT reer, her life has been devoted to $1.50 Reg. 93.00 the service of her home town and country. For 15 years she has MARLOW’S SMART OTHER NANNETTE DRESSES been a member of the Tuxedo Salon 00 11.98 to 13.98 Town Board, and since 1936 she Phone 2-3991 .50 haa been president o f the Tuxedo NEW ACCESSORIES! Haircut Board of Education. ISow for During the war years Mrs. St. George participated In many activ­ An Appointment ities, which Included being a repre­ sentative on the W A C Recruit­ ment. and a member o f the Board of Oovemora o f the New York M il­ (Not exMtly 4o itary Service Club. She Is now inostrotod) BEAUTY chairman of the Red Crose in her FOR EVERYTHING own community of Tuxedo, where Bhe and her husband make their | Newest styles In Suede, Plastic Calf, family home. Patent, Faille. Shoulder Strap, Swagger SALON Besides her busy career In po­ litical and civic life, Mra. St. and Pouch styles. In Navy, Green, Red, — to toM over your beet dreaeee end suits George is executive vice presi­ Wheat and Black. ONE YEAR’S dent and treasurer of the St. SUPPLY . . . your smartest sports wearl And BarlHzoii’8 George Coal Company. She knows YES! the problems of business as well as 6 0 fT J j wearl W earl Wear — > this season. Summer and those of labor and Is to the r ^ r x v -f a . . ^Trabeaa’*^ best Interests of both. FREE! on into Autumn. Freshly styled with Bom In England, where her father was the European editor of WITH ANY ELECTRIC carefully controlled flare, side closing pockets. with matching alkaykai Idea" the Forum Magarine, Mrs. St. $1-98 to $2 ®® George came to this country at Rinso In White and Pastels, Checks, Tweeds and the age of two, but later return­ (Plus Tax) Navy. ed to Europe for educational A T N O WASHING studies. She is a lover of animals, Your Suit being s breeder of sporting dogs, EXTRA COST and for 10 years she h»s been Sec­ Trae'dliie begimwMi Igare perfeel retary of the Tuxedo Kennel Club. r MACHINE $13.98 to $39.98 fit, bta diat’s only cae reeaca ediy Mrs. S t George 1« » dynamic and PURCHASED W ill Look yonll love thb sew Baridsea IntereaUng apeaker, always alert to the problems of her community The h vU i lace trim is so pretty, Second Floor Style Shop Take the Elevator and country. Because o f her ex­ Smarter yet k will wear ehaoet forever tremely active and varied interests and unusual background,! aha has wbeeanse it*s ell-ayloa. The UNIVERSAL many 8tlinul8tin£ Rnd ▼ItRi ' elipMtkieeiwethiayee thoughts concerning the problems n«w «st ELECTRIC with a crqie. Add to thb the pari of today. The local Republican Activities fectioB o f Barbixoa’ e S- Committee haa been proceeding sprtnR piece eik, and yon have steadily with plans for the dinner on April 18. and has announced WASHING S 1RUBEAH, Petal Pinker FUR SCARF that in addition to Mrs. St. George Whito. Be ^ arored for other principal speakers will in­ shade* RUSSIAN SABLE RUSSIAN RANCH yonr *Body-Conto«r*** clude Congressmen John Davis Sizes 8'/t to 11 MACHINE DremSise.r' Lodge and Vlvlem Kellems. Willard DYED SQUIRREL KOLINSKY MINK B. Rogers is chairman of the DANCETTE WITH PUMP speakers committee. $5.95 $12.00 $25.00 Cecil England, chairman of the Por Skin Per Skin aad tip Per Skin and tTp Republican dinner, has called a FAMOUS GRACE MAE HI meeting on April 3 at 8 p. m., In NYLONS ALL PBICES PLUS TAX the Prohate Court hearing room In .51 GAUGE— 30 DENIER the Municipal building . (or all 51 Gauge, 15 Denier with, chairmen and co-chairmen of the Women who have worn ouFGrace Mae Nylons various committees so that final ONCE . . . come back again and again for more. the CANASTA HEEL ftlans for the dinner may be formu- Beautiful new shades of Visa, Dawn Mist, Cop* SHOP MALE'S $3.00 f.ated. persky, Bumtspice and Blond. .35 a 9 Pound Capacity A 1 FOR YOUR Safety Lights 60 GAUGE— 15 DENIER • Porcelain Enamel Tub For Young Fish eI..ovelI Wringer e Auto Gear Shift Control NYLON GRACE MAE NYLONS #New Massive Streamlining j i n B^buen*$ 2t^ Los Angeles — W — Fish, like moths, are attracted by light. Tak­ Terlns To Suit You "BodxCmUoaT** Dteu StSti ing advantage of this weakness, Henry R. Burkey has invented a HOSIERY lighting system, to prevent newly OTHER MODELS hatched river fish from commit­ First quality full fashioned ting suicide by entering Irrigation AS LOW AS Hosiery with reinforced heel* ditches or power diversion chan­ and tops for extra wear. nels. Every year millions of fish, : t m u * Canasta Outline Ledy IfafcMto IMeLedy H e e l...... $1.50 Pr. IlM O ) (3843) (9.15) (MVk42%> DOUBLE DOOR T extron • iS ^ w x ^ o tL U lieS P i SheerDark Seam ...... $1.50 Pr« 9 8 ^ *<> *1 ®* COTTON BLOUSE ■‘I'V- UTILITY CABINET 60 Gauge Extra mw Datatea, freah and (air, bloom on an utterly a ^ AS SHOWN Sheer .... $1.50 Pr. 'Ichtfm lng blouse o f fine Lanadaln cham- g V I NYLON GLOVES • 5 Shelve Spaces bray. 33 to S8. With ruffled cuff style. Pink and white. Sizes a Spot Welded Reg. $19.95 51 Gauge . h to 8. Wash so easy—dry in a Jiffy ... .$1.39 a Baked On Enamel *14*® Sheer .... $1.00 Pr. F O R S F R m C Semi-Sheer RAYON GLOVES DOUBLE DOOR In whtie, light bloc and navy. Sixes 6 to 8. $1.00 Nylon ...... 88c Pr. RAYON BLOUSES Smart itew atyles tn pl^atSc calf AD New Spring Shadea or falUa. Top handlo pbuch or Kayon crape.blouMt in white, pink, gold. a h o t ^ r |rtr^ styles In blaok, UTILITY CABINET navy, brown, red, ate. EYELET GLOVES Short Sleeve 91.9S Long Sleeve $2.98 Is white only# Sizes 7 to 8Vi • pa*********S1 *98 a 4 Shelf Spaces itf-* a Spot Welded Reg. $16.95 Lace trinunied, jewel nedcUne, short akevc $2.98 13 to. I W 34 to. Wide • Baked On Enamel a 12 in. deep, 24 In. wide, 44 in. high NYLON AMERDOE a iM S3 to at. 54 to. High , ,-e • • J . FABRIC GLOVES »12*s MANY OTHER STYLES TO >te. ' w FURNITURE DEPARTBI^iT pink, land. aUveinsa*. rahr i,. BROTHERS Lower S t w t Pteor-LeTtl—T lL Wtd^ t ■ , , ■ ' p - ’ ' ^ \ iW t?i ^ t i' DIAL 5115

<5- ! : .. ^ - ^ J.")-, iV?


his coming out of It all right. But college Fund Drive. Mrs, Knopp MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, I960 ha djd. Negro College may be reached at 2-0841. Makes Living “I found out tb at‘^1 Just being Harry Barsantee, assistant man­ liithday Nears alive,” he says, *1a the moat won­ ager of the publicity department 2-4541 By Laughing derful thing. 8o naw I get a kick Funds Sought of the Travelers Insurance Oom- Tools of Trade Siate to Stock Trpuf'at^.^.^ out of sleeping, a kick Out of wak­ panids has been named chairman Herman Wanted No Part Strike - Or Ball Scout Troop ing up, oven a kick out of a rainy of the 1050 Greater Hartford and day.”ly." Manchester United Negro College JUST PICK VP YOUR PHONE - The Center SpringiPoH^ World’s Only Profes­ DuiiiIng _ the _ -war,,__ . he’d been Goal fpr Grrater Hart* Fund Drive. Dial 2-4641—We’ll be glad to 6611 for your .grcflcrip- Of Kiner—Couldn’t Hit sional Chnckler Can «*w-man show for Army special lord and Manchester la Mr. Barsantee aided In the 1M9 tion and deliver it carefully compounded. OkleM G irl' SiBter$ Promite Job services. He spent 17 months In Fund Drive as assistant to last OKmtry Ctob Swayera (»» Fiah Ckimmittee (3ialrman Jlm.Qarrow, Steve Klein, Bkiwin J o ta i^ l Make Others Howl Persia, giving shows at remote .Set at $1.‘y,000 year’s chairman, Jesae W. Ran­ ,St. Petersburg, Fie.—(NBA) — Benny Bengough. the Yankees' Skiers (8) 1-ockwood ... 95 100 Rohan has announced that tlie Aral' ■, > ^ Scout Group Will Hold A» Honesty Reteard camps. Hs'd play tb4 piano, sing dall. He has also been active In one-tlrr.c World Series catcher McLaughlin 100 songa, ten Jokes and look funny. MANCHESTER DRUG What would have been the biggest K. Ballsiepcr 107 — 103- 210 atocking of brook and rainbow: Conatderable Interestnaa bton By BlehMi KMncr The'United Negro college Fund various other community efforts, fttWfflf ygy m a in STHBEf—JOHNHON BUICH no coaching the Phllltee. Gray 92 9.1 -----18,1 Thornton .. Baroyiel in Woodruffs 'The OI’s liked him. serving as publicity chairman for boner Ir. besebell history wea never "He learned a lot from Hank trout will taka plaos Saturday evinced In the display at tha Kao- l« a Angeles, March 29 MCA Shaff Oarrespeadeat Campaign of Greater Hartford ■ N. MOSES. Reg. Pharmarlat Sloanc — 102 112-214 . Carlson .. ■ When be was discharged, he de­ the 1948 Community Cheat Drive pulled. Greenberg, when the long-time H. Olson ...,.1 0 5 94 111—310 Rockwell .. morning at 11 o’clock in the water. | U ie ^ rtS i nUflS ^ Hall on Sat., April 22 —Harold race. 27. Jobless for New Torit—(NBA)—Dick Ool- cided to give show business s and. Hancheater will attempt to and was state publicity chairman Blliy Herman, starting his only | Tiger apent the season of 1947 Hayden . . . . . M 134 89—319 McBride .. 10 weeks, found $27,000 In ne­ Har, who la probably the world's whirl, despite the fact that he raise $15,000 tritm March 27 of Center Springs Pond. More than | „f the Onnecticut Sportsmen’s Aa- gotiable stocks—btit didn't for the Heart Drive. season aa manager of the Plratea . with the Buca ” Schubert ______m 104 95 -320 Tarca . . . . $400 worth of club flsh oa well aa I soclatlon. , The total value Of th e . ■ ■ n i m be«n bmmI* ai« bnly*professional laugher, started had spent five years at Boston “Greenberg U'ught him cer­ have carfare to bunt down the Oqllegie, studying psychology. He through April 10. The local drive at the Miami Beach training > an allotment purchased by the ' prir.es Is well ovar $300 and thw MM>r«tkm of Glri Soout Troop In buslnaas' with a guffaw and camp in the spring of 1947, sug­ tain things about training how Total ...... 121 527 510-1558 Total ___.139 534 .133-1606 _ . „ _ nro all nationally known brands owdhr. biitlt his act around bla laugh, a ia part of the national campaign to beat to shake a slump, not to OM'a IWrtleth Mmiwrtory, which , worked bla way down to a titter. DEVELOPED gested It. Sluuikrra (•) Choitpem (I) Town of Manchester will be re-1 Tickets have been So he sold a pint of blood to piercing shriek that had been raise $1,400,000. The purpose of the let things. botller him," says an McKee . ___ 95 98 91—284 leased this week. This early data i distributed to all jocal members by frill ho a bonquet ond ontcrUln- a blood bank for $4. And today, at the drop of a Mg hit with the boys In service. FILMS AND PRINTED “There's one fellow you’ll have ; B rooks...... 91 100 -----191 total In Woodruff Hall, Oenter | drive ia to provide Increased oppor- Lawnmowers Shturpened to get rid df.” ihe old ^eond base- | atUche of the Pittsburgh chib O. Smith ___ 90 9.3 ----- 183 V arney...... ___ 101 97 9.1 -293 has been selected to allow the flsh | ^airm an Jim Rohan and KturM With this to finance the buck, he's ready to titter, giggle, He studied laughter, and devel­ timlty for the higher education of making the Florida rounds. Handley ___ 98 102 ----- 200 have been coming In appreciably «aurch, on Saturday evening, j search. Price after two clays of oped a routine that encompasses man told Roy H am ^.rH c’ll never Havey ...... 102 104 109—315 to acclimate themeelvfa to the snicker, guffaw, shriek, howl, Negroes. The Fund now Include! “When he wasn't hitting as he Warren . e e e e . w • 106-108 well. 33ie clrawlng la to be held In effort located the owner, Mrs, (he says) more than 200 different Per Roll Saws Filed h't.” ! P. Ballsleper 97 122 98 .3)7 water and condlliona hore well in April 22 at «:S0. snort, chuckle, gurgle and other­ 32 of the nation’s 38 accredited 39c Herman referred to Ralph Kiner. i should. Orcenbiirg had him hit Straugh . . . . 127 99 89 n il McKone . . . 106 12.1 98 - .329 Sportsmen’s Park at Berlin on Josephine Seeder. 2914 Green- kinds ranging from the timid ___ 91 102 92 281 advance of opening day of the fish- Sunday, April 23rd, !n conjunc­ Troop One ia the oldeat troop In wise oonvulaa himself for all com-' laugh (used “when the little wom­ private Negro colleges and unlver- Precision Work by New Machinery "I wake up at night now and | ting—just meeting the - ball—aft­ Piper Benton ...... 92— 92 Ing eraaon which falls on Satur­ leaf avenue. Chicago, through era. He'll laugh any place; any sltlea. These inaUtutiona have an Arthur Drug Stores er games. Greenberg was a great Chanda . . . . — — 99 99 tion with a sporting event being town: there are very few ^ther a alater here. an Issues her orders for the day”) think of what would have happened day. April Ifllh. U la well to note tjme, anywhere. If the pay la right. enrollment of 26,000 students and Keys Made Small Applianres Repaired hand for that himself. Hank made 497 548 492-1537 staged by the Berlin Dlvtaton. tioopa In the antlra country that What does Price want as a to the shaking laugh ("peculiar to to me had 1 listened.” says General Total .101 491 479-1171 Total hera and now, that under a new can hoaat of thirty yeara of t | collier's vocal talents atone are pleasingly plump people” ). are locted in fourteen states. hlmaelf a star to a greater extent regulation,-there will be no flailing reward? "After 10 weeks sufficient, since he has a truly in­ Manager Harney. than most ball players.” Television Oaea Skip-Week FIOJ tinoua aervtce. ThO’troop waa or- ‘ A Broadway producer hired him The money raised during the WTiile Kiner manufactured 23 Whlffers (4) allowed until 6 a. m. on o|>cnlng New York —(d1—Becaute ot the without work.” he .said, "nil I fectious laugh and has proved drive will hlep to provide scholar­ Joe DiMaggio of the Yankees Sclsffrrs (1) by Mlaa JuUa Buxton, want la a Job.". The sisters to ait In the audience of a new home runs In 1946. hla golf-likc' Stiles . .. ___ 118 97 93 308 Porterfield 103 135 359 day of the sea-.on. cnmpllcatlona of television pro­ than an aaslstant to the paator of same through appearances on the ship aid teaching equipment, addi­ For Your Home WOODLAND awing obviously made no early and other right-hand stickouta prorau^ tlifty'd -get one for radio and on records. But when musicial comedy and laugh In the Mandly . ___ 89 87 119- 295 Bristol ... tlfl-211 Trial This Week-end duction. the type of program that the Centar Oongregattonal church, right placn. His laughter made tions to'the faculties of the mem­ hit with Hernian. and the big Al­ will be first to tell you that left- Cheney ... 98 201 can be presented on alternate him somehow. you throw In his physical appear­ I Choose tulips to. go with youi SUPEJl SERVICE STATION hand, pull power hitters have all Skinner ___ 7( 89 .88-751 All la in readiness and the fer­ u a part of Oenter church young others laiikh. and the play became ber colleges, library books, health hambra. C?allf.. lad hardly could Johnson ___ 88 120 106—.412 Wilkie .... 107- .3 to weeks la t^glnnlng to appear. Thus paopla’a actlvltlea. of which ah# ance (which Is a big job, .because programs, building repairs and the best of it In the’major league vent wishes of the commit tec in he's well over 200 pounds) you’ve a bit. Then comedlana took up the I color scheme. Tulips are easy U EDWARD S. BARNEY, Prop. have been used as a model for Mannella ---- 91 104 106 - 301 L. Olsen .. -191 two weeks of preparation are waa at that time director. The Idea idea, and Collier made a nice liv­ maintenance. oiitftelders. Among numerous home run derbies. Haefs . . . . 97 336 eharge of the chib’s animai Spring available Instead of one. really got something. arrange artistically, alone or with 1120 Burnside Ave^ East Hartford Tel. 8-SS91 Field THel are really In earnest of forming a Girl Scout troop orlg> Doctors Here Plan ing laughing In radio studios, Mrs. Fay B. Knopp of 15T Por­ other things, hi was slow in get­ Yet the right-handed Jimmy Total ...... 458 197 .112-1107 Inatad with one of the Sunday Dick Oolller looks like a laugh. other flowers Foxx and Greenberg hit 58 In the that the balance of the wock'a In fact, he looks like a walking night chibs and theaters. ter street, Manchester, has accept­ ting the ball away. Sllcers (8) Total , . . 57.1 510 553-1038 aehoel elaaaaa of gtria. The Boy cim Bui, his code of ethics makes ed the. cliairmaiiiJiip, for the sec­ The graeef nl But Harney plainly realised American League and Hack Wil­ Steven...... 98 93 99—290 Ilonkent (01 weather will bring lots of sunshine Scout roovainent waa going atrong To AU I Dinner belly-laugh, with a buill-up chor­ airangement, son holds the National League and no rain for weather. TYie trial tle. As such, he’s an up-and-com- him refuse to laugh unless some­ ond consecutive year, of the wom­ Klners tremendous potentialities DeMartln . . 108 ----108 R Smith . lift 91 09 300 at the time. The glrla deaired • to left, la Kate at the plate and box offire— record at ,16. will be held Satunlay snd Sunday it^ televl.slon performer and has thing ia funny. en's committee. She would ap­ Greenaway's, Piirdln . ... . 101 99 lOO- .300 Tayn ... . . 110 90 120 320 engage in some project outalde of ! Manchester members of the On one television program. Col­ preciate the assistance of any in­ much quicker than did Herman. Trained observers believe the St. .lohn .. . 94 98-192 Chapman im 101 87 284 at Peltwi’s Pasture in East Wind- 1 theirthair regular school activities‘ftlvlties and ‘ County Medical Aasocia- his laughing eyes focused avidly known for Pay a bit more per pountt ^ right-hand pull hitter, Kiner. Tha recant thaws and rains' on the fertile fields of Hollc'wood. lier got paid $100 for laughing for terested persons in assuring the her Sewer Ail Kiner did ir 1947 was swat HlllnakI ... 131 93 117 .341 Rand 71 93 90 '763 Mlaa Buxton suggested Girl Scout-1 " the I five seconds. He saya that’s the success of the 19.10 United Negro 51 home runs to become one will crack Babe Ruth’s record of Knona ___ . . 96 98 103 297 Andernim 109 120 108 3.17 have left the terrain rather soft ; ing. This did not meet altogether tlnn are planning best-paid laugh ever laughed. That deaigna 60. He played no favorites last and spongy but a tew days of sun i with favor from the parents, they 1.18th annual meeting of the organ-, He laughs for a living for two -but Less pep LAWN ™ of\he more magnetic indivlduaul reasons. First, he’s a down-to- one helped him develop what he A tulip brings attractions in the game. trip, dlstrlbutlni, his 54 almost Total ...... 120 491 517-1528 Total . , . .108 4?l.5 510-1513 and breeaes will dry this up and j thought It rough and somewhat izatlon to be held Tueada.v. April I j iMll.s his crowning achievement— evenly at home and abroad. He should make coiulttlons ideal for j unladylike for girls. However, the earth. commercially-minded guy Spring right Kiner, only 27, contributed most 4 at Hunt Memorial, 38 Prospect 1 and, as he says. "Take a look at the last laugh. to boosting'the Pittsburgh home belted 29 at Fortes Field, from the flrtl trial of the season In this troop was formed with thirteen Into your home spw SiSttL lAWH m o when he siidilcnly yelli-q; sector. Phalrman Tom .Sorenson street, Hartford. my puss.' Doesn’t It make you EASTER TIME Delicious, attendance to a record 1,517,508, two to five everywhere else. "Time. I want to tie my shoe.” members in February, 1920. The afternoon buaineaa session The Fnrit of Ills Crime Each pound contoins 3,000,000 sosds Like Babe Ruth. Kiner is a haa been recilvlng entries all j Ever eince that time the troop laugh? Sure. It does. So why IS CI.EAN-UP 'HME IN Inexpensive the turnouts on the rosd to I stopped my windup. will be followed by dinner at the I shoiddn’t I cash In' on It?” bursting with energy to build a volvoty 1,162,431. home run specialist, snd those Umpire Bill Stewart protests Culler and the rest of the St, Jack Harshman clings to bats week and Indications are that both ; has been setive gnd has participat­ Chicago—(,D — A gunman vtio YOUR HOME WRIOLEY’S kind get the money. widch might win him steady job the quantity and quality of IbCj ed in many activities. In August, Hartford Club, when the main 1 Secondly, he's a happy charac­ lawn. Economical because you need Such is the power and attrac­ against Electronic Umpire in Paul players hollered "balk,” and speaker will be Capt. Melville J. ter. He traces^ his happiness to the held up .loc Koribenski's market SPEARMINT GUM tiveness of his poke that mighty Pittsburgh has another record Doiigers' Vero Be.ach. Fla., train­ the umpires sent Culler home with with Giants’. The New York Na­ entry will be good. IMS the members of the troop be­ made off with $100 in cash end only half as much as of ordinary seed. tionals' first baseman hna been came geoior Service Scouts, dedi- Aston, of the U. S. Naval Medical war, when he'was badly hurt. For May >se reiuiud you is a popular home-treat you can few leave Forbes Field even advance seat sale. ing eamp. T3ie National League the winning run. Hhow C'ommlttee Merta School, Bethaeda, Maryland, whose a time, there wras some question of two applee. No wonder Roy Harney shud­ arbitrator waa a bit off the beam, Dyer jumped up o\d of our hitting the long ball at Phoenix, ricneral r ’hairmaii Truman -OMug tbemselvea to war time s ^ that we give 24 hour all enjoy the year around. Every­ 1 lb -$1.35 S lbs-$ 6 .4 5 when the score is lopsided until Arlz., training e.nmp. which la vies; and In September. 1948. tne topic will be "Tha Atom Bomb vs. ; Kiner has had his last time at ders every time he thinks of what an device which meaaurcs speed By Ted Wilks dugoiit, started aOcr me. When Cowlea has called the Initial meet­ Survival.” | one just loves it.The dally chewing SPKtAl PURPOSI BtlNO-(or daop ihad*. drl*r would have happened to him had of pitch as well as calling balls 81. f/oula Cardinals' Relief PItrher he jumped upp, his head hit the what Manager Duroeher demands ing of the, eommittee to plan the troop became an International service on Window aids digestion—the long-lasting, bat. Kiner is a vastly improved of him. raendshlp troop, with the empha- soil*. t«rroc«i. pio/ ortos — I ib $1.15. all-around pperformer, no, longer he listened to Billy Herman and and Htrikes, proved somewliut In­ My biggest boner happened with top of the dugout. 1 started for big one-day Outdoor Sl>ortnmcn'e Shades. satisfying flavor helps ^ive you a a bad left flelder In any sense. disposed of Ralph Kiner. effective and requires adjustment. Culumbus in the Aniertcan Asso­ the clubhouse. Show which the local club sponsors Bis ia the program on promoting TURP SUILDIR — compUt* gran teed, pravidet ell A system of lens, mirrors and Tile blow on the head didn’t each year In June at Oenter better wortd understanding. This Publisher, 78, refreshing little lift. nutrienli needed far heollby growtS. Ecenomicel os Yau can broadcait “And he makes the pitcher find Bing Oosby would be singing ciation, and It gave Eddie Dyer a buahet trirk like that. If I had a Complete—Recovers the strike xone pretty good,” says bass. elcctronle equipment light a lamp big knot on the head. knock Dyer out, hut they tell me gun I'd shix>t you.’’ He waa mad! Springs Park. This first get- phase oubninated In the trip to I Ib (eadi tOO so hi 25 Ibt feeif 50 * 50 It — $2JO ^ SCOtlS by bond— when pitch goes through strike it dazed him to where he was just together will be held Wednesday Europe, which the members of the or Turns __ , but !Y$ auicicar, mere ec» It was in St. Paul, June 14, 1942. running around in circles In front And nil the time he was rubbing traop took during the summer of Goes to School THE HAT BOX Peed 10,000 ig ft - 17.50. oomieal wHh m SCOn$, zone. Balls do not reglatcr. We weren't going so well, and his head. evening at the Britlah-Americnn We Pick Up and Deliver the Terry bear idea when her hus' of the dugout. Club on Maple street. The follbw- INS. nUs trip proved such a suc- , , SPREAOre - $P.9A band brought home 150 pairs Manager Dyer wasn’t happy. That's mine, brother, snd Pll .17 PARK STREET—ROCKVILLE—TEL. lO.^e Aiicieut Violiu We had the game tied up going 1 was running for the club­ Ing members have been placed on csse that the present members of Coral Gables, Fla.—(A1—A 78- which he bought aa surplus and never forget It. the eommittee and are expeeled at the troop are contemplating a sim­ MARY I. LALLY. Prop. Low Fire Lo8se8; into the last Inning of the second house. We had lost the first game year old New Jersey publisher, Fagan Window planned to sell. She cuts up the game of a double-header. Dick —that cost us the second—so 1 the meeting: James and Gene ilar trip and have begun tb earn Worth Forliiiie pants and sews the pieces together Wateheis docks Fsr Years Rohan, John and Andrew Scar- the funds necessary for the under- theater owner and former state OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS BUSH HARDWARE CO. Culler opened the inning yith R knew what was coming. Shade Co. 793 MAIN STREET . MANCHESTER In the shape of three-foot tall Ted­ Papei’8 (Irediled triple. 1 thought the BikIp was going Penris. Hi. -(^'i- Fred E. Brown ehuk, Dirk Cobb, Bill Pimean. Joe tgktBg, legislator is spending his sp«re ENJOY—Htallhful, Delicious North Hollywood. Calif.—(^1— dies. For noses, feet-bottoms and hqs been a dork watcher for 60 Deacon, Joe O taldt. Bill Royster, iBvltaUona to attend the anni­ BOLTON NOT( H Wrigley's Spearmint Gum Naturally, with Culler on thlM, to pop when he Anally got to the time this winter by going to school. A Large Assortment Of It would take a fortune to buy the pawa she uses the dark brown clubhouse. He raved and he years. He soon will round out George Metralf. Irwin Beyer. Jack versary celebration have been cent PHONE 2-447:i Inoxponsivo, Satitfying ancient violin owned by "Vladimir leather from the pockets. She New York—(/Pi-Neis'spsperB of I was taking a full but quick' Johnston, Harold l,eggell. Welter William C. Hunt, publisher, of CHILDREN'S BeaulHul COST LESS w,lh S c c ^ windup. He started off third ranted, he walked up and down. half eentury of teaching students to all former members who can be Lenski. He values it at $100,000. stuffs the bears with upholstery the United States are given much "You so-and-so Polack,” he how to repair elorka and wetehea I^ggrri- Drladua, Bill Andru- contacted. Inasmuch as It la diffi­ three weekly Newspapers In Cape Junior Mins Halit The music teacher and former con­ batting. Fox eyes from a furrier base, taking a normal lead, as I lot. Al l/svlgne. Tom Sorenson, May County, N. J., owner of seven HATS of the credit for the decrease In started my windup. raged, "I ought to flne you every at Bradley Uillverslty’a school of cult to trace all of those some may cert violinist oays his fiddle was serve as eyes. fire losses In the past year. The penny you've got, falling (or a horology. Fred Ricelo, Nino Oeella, Charles have been inadvertently omitted. theaters,' president of the county carved in 1610 by Oaspard Dulffor- And Mrs. Anderson aaya the I waa already Into my windup Anyone who did not receive an in- chamber of commerce and Wfld- pruggar, instrument maker to pants bring more money as toy National Board of Fire Under­ vitatton and who wishea to attend wood't first clUsen, Is taking a $2.25 $1.98 king Francis I of France. It ia bears. writers reports that 1949 fire loss­ may contact the chairman of the University of Miami course In reputedly one of the earliest mod­ es were 6.1 per cent below the all- invttatlen committee, Barbara “English CompoaiUon and Commu­ 824-828 MAIN ST. ern-type voillns.' time high of $711,114,000 recorded Kl^ipenburg, B1 Cooper street, tel­ nication.” %2.9A PHONE 5161 Lenski acquired the prize, he Red Officials in 1948. ephone 82S6, or the leader of the Hunt spends four afternoons a LADY'S HATS MANCHESTER says more than 50 years ago from Wendell Sether, public Informa­ trooB, Bmfly Smith. B5 East Mid­ wsek with a apsclal tutor In a a member of the Russian royal Reject Badges tion director of the National Board University classroom. family wdio admired his playing. says "newspaper In all parts of the dle 'Dimplke, telephone 6272. county helped people save lives Berlin—((P)—Some East Zone and property by educating the pub­ OvkWl tjW iVul EASTER SHOPPING CENTER Surplus Pauls Oommunista seem to be shy ot lic to prevent fires, support mod­ ern fire departments and adopt 1 pubUcly admitting their party better fire prevention laws." Become Bears membership. "Neuea DeutachlMd," 824-828 MAIN S’TREET COMI, BRINO THI FAMILY I HIRI AM TYPICAL SAVINOf organ ot the East (Sermon Social­ Teodiea Caking to Husband MANCHESTER—PHONE 5161 Salt Lake City—OF)—The Navy ist Unity (Oimmunity) party, not­ Paul Smith’s, N. T.—(>P)—Mrs. may never have thought it would ed that at a recent conference of Mary Ditch. 21. Is making good happen but some of Its surplus fly­ party offlclala more than 80 per as a breadwinner by teaching a ing pants are becoming Teddy cent of those attmding did not course in hotel cooking at Paul bears. The fleece-lined pants make wear their badges. Smith's College. One of her stu­ very cudijly beara. “Are you afraid?” party com­ dents is her husband, Robert Mosi RoomI Mrs. De Wayne C. Anderson got rades asked. Ditch, 24.

BECK'S JBoMter JFashioiut j| MlLLINEaiY It’s definitely BECK’s for the pick of Easter Hats—pastel flowered, navys, blacks. Junior Deb and Youthful Matron. ...all yours in Hudson at Famous Brent 1 . 9 8 - 7 . 9 8 WORSTEDS COATS SMsatienal lower prices! The newest in Toppers and Long Coats in flne 100% wool gabardines and broadcloth in navys and pastels. Sizes for Junior Miss PRiaS LOWIMD AS MUCH AS *1 6 6 .5 0 and Women’s.

What’s raaUy nsw for 1950? H’s HmUsmi—with ths most room in gny car! Seat cushions 15-98-39.98 in nil modala, including the lower-priced Pacemaker, are up to 12 inchet wider than in can of greater outside dimen- If you’re felnf le buy • cer In Hie low-price n o m , and Hudson brings you more head room than in any fleM, see Hie oUier c « l i DlliSSSES 'nirougb Hudson’s exclusive “step-down” design with its New, Lower-Priced Colorful prints and navys with dash of white. mrnsssd floor, space wasted in sU other esn is wought into Hudaoo's psseenger compartment end skillfully utilised Sizes 9. to 20, 14V^ to 28*/^. tor your omnfort. Pacemaker And fMs reenUness Is yeurs In Hudson—nt sensntlenni lower Hiel,fer|utlnfew dellers mere, brings you eW prieesi of Hudson’s exclusive advantages. 6.98 - 24o98 Nowl For Easterl Better Quality Fashions H*s Hudson—with America’s best rids— greatest ssfetyl Hudson’s low-built design, which preeervia fhU road clasr- anoe, quickly tolls jrou that thase remarkable automobiles LOWEST PRICE IN FOUR YEARS have the lowest oenter of gravity in any American car. For BLOUSES G>st Less at WardsI this issson, you know instinctively that the thrilling new lefora you «t«end $45 or $50 for that Spring Suit, you owe it Hudson handiss omre auzriy. hugs ths road more tens- to yourtelf to see what just $35 wM get you in o new Irent Fashion hit BIou sm to spotlight every suit NIW DRBSS STYLIS THRIFTY TORRERS AU-WOOl COATS dously then any other car. Wdntod. You'll bo omoxed at the flmFtoiloring— at the ooty^ in luscious colors. Feminine and tailored Te u BStHdsniervslessTlde,HdswsndsrAilsnlety InHudsew flattering appearance a Brent gives you. Over. 250 careful styles, in short, or lonp: sleeves. ‘ •sr 191Q at ssnisdisnsi lewsr prlMsI toiloricg details. . . plus selected virgin wool fabrics. . . moko Tbara a n maav n o n aaclusive Caatuns that make “ step- HUDSON Brant 0 suit that keeps its good lodla. And now, you con choeso down** daslpian Hudsons leaders in rsssls vslua, as shown I4«» front lAoro poHems than we've hod at any time since the War, 1*98 « 6 .9 8 ■ f-' by O A d a lU sa d Car Guide Bocks! Won’t you oome in Hara't your boat Iwwattnianf tar ‘ soon and s n and mJay—H m a sU? Why not sea for yourself today. Yeu'fl save doNorA tuc$y liM lady wiw pkkt bar AII-wmI breiidclothf, ivadai, Try *1118 ls« llse-ls«B IWs’1 fostar draw from thh fodilon- novaMy fabrics,gobordinat, and Spring—Hm aN-wool ahaon ca- AvaioUt wM HudiMi'fl tsdnsht Suptr^nKrtk Drivtl Take Advantage of Our tay^Ainay Plan packad, llirift-wisa collaction. w ool-^foyan gobordinat In vartaooMhot’iiowoR-nrada,ax* l•auHfu•y dataHad novyi, pat- go-avarywhara, tmort naw lop* parity loRorad and itylad along H llti'S WHfRE TO SIE THE ONLY* NEW, BETTER KIND OF CAR toll, prMt—In royen. Supply pan yowl waorouaraR Spring nawari Unas. 8aa how wandarM IqleM awfwwaar auit dratMt. outfbt. Com $ taa Ilia big Fglae* R looto an lariar, how law M’s Tal. pick far latlar ^ aR $pring. flan of axdflng naw tfylai, and prtead of Ward*. Cboa*a yawr* McCLURE'S, Inc. SrlflU taraatWardiUAiit'sitaf. 'in Spring ibada*. MW’ lisaa- 178 ^ IN STREET MANCHESTER Junior, n*fc wamee's lisas- '-A.''

KcsJk.V.ti'- A . V?"', o


hlMtod. Ha haa palatod scores of going to spend about 33,340 easing treatment o f raw rubber have giant* of St,8g6 tons whleb wUi Black Market Israel Postman Auatralla, New Zealand. Tahiti, open tha way tor heavier sales of Deserts Husband landscapes and Sorals. Four o f the natural rubber, our government been acarce or aubstandard. again plaoa France at lead In the tatter waa axhibitod several Panama, and America. Already U. S. Rubber race. SHOE Has Mule Meat months ago in the Rochaatep Art Ride in Jeeps he has spent about 31,337 on ship­ ‘Convdrlible Airplane* shortly afterward reduced pre- Whatever the reaaona, produc­ But Stays Home Liberia presently boasts toe n F o r u m Center. » ping and airline tickets. •cribed tynUieUc produeUon. We tion Isn't keeping pace. Measured largaat tankars afloat — 80,000 T h e IXAINPin or UMNS • Ost a fraah start by also indicated we would buy more REPAIRING . Crone said he haa been working Seen Tlu*eat against use In tha late Itth cen­ tona. But fey mld-1900 the United MMMMTNmseiTrua paying ysur acattaesd Flies ’Copter or. Regular natural rubber from atorllng areas tury, or even a decade ago, con­ Birmingham, England — oP) — for BubIleatiOM In tbc O p « ronjm wiU not Tel Aviv, Israel— —^The kraell .Tel Aviv, Israel—f/P)—Poatroen aa a plater for 321 a weefc Me Stotea wUl take the lead tem­ dlft ta skimpy and mOnotonoualy bill# — then have only for mUltary atockpUtng. sumption ta colossal. Mrs. Elsie Tanner stands adjudged Of the Better Kind te ^ ^ n n tM d BUbUcntJon W tnty conUIn mort than 300 wi.rda. In jeepa aoon will ba carrying the added with a amlla: T will be v.^|m.49|]797i 4SL4S porarily with a trio ot S0,35u-ton featurea frosen fish aa the main George Marshall ' one payment meothly. Many experts are doubtful In M70 thia eoiuitry conaumad guilty of deserting her huaband giants to join aavsral 33,000-toB- ThaBarald m m iVm tiM H(tit to'llacUnt to publlah any matter mall from the southernmost to the broke but happy when I return to Way back in 1987, Herrick Far Eastern Growers entree — but even- that’s better my job.” d S & $ • $ 1 9 9 2 9 YES MAN By DougiM Lersen however, that any of thia will 4000 tons of rubber — about a even though she never left home. nara In aotiva service, Panama and DONEWHn*E ’ that mtv ba Ubaloua or which ta* In bod taatn. Free expreealon than horse, mule or camel ateake. northernmost sections of Israel. proved by actual flight taaU that Dents Roy Tanner got a divorca ,ed e ob U ^ vlawa la dMirtd by contrlbntlona cf thia character Brings Problem iBMfei of thae amovott in pmperttee. aaye YES' to 4 out of NBA S u a Correapeedrat Of Natural R ubber really do BriUln much good. quarter of a pound per pereon. Honduras have 83,000-ton tankara. Zvi Lehman, an official of the In­ I The jeep-borne system for dellver- 4 fa«A of 1100 C6f*6 $30^.40 when thU general Idea providea amooth Theoretically Far Bastam grow­ from her on thoac grounds, b u t ^ t r a wbleb are defamatory or ahuaixe will be retected. t? man^ry S without Involving Wsahington - (NKAl — Th# Now it'e 350 times that fig­ Veasela of 40,000 tona are now In YOU W AIT spection department of the ,'nlnla- I Ing letteia and packages la to link ttremeiff repaH in transition from vertical to hori- Future ers can aell perhaps another 50,- Tha judge aald the two-atilt lived the drafting atoge. Khartoum—(A’)—Former Secre­ me»five tnsffmenu el flO.Oi Mck. (4^ employer or outsiders. drstm of aU fliara la nearly reality W prry Over ure, and 50 per cent abOve the try of supply and rationing, aaya up the Negev, far In the south, to Prompt service. Phone —an airplane that niea straight sonUl flight. Other mechanical 000 tons of rubber In pur markets. highest pre-war level. - Per cap­ In the same house. But Mra. Tan­ < ^vla tract and vartoua other tracta that's what laraelia often get when tary of Bute George Marahall and aerodynamic problems in hla ner occupied a separate bedroom, Upper Galilee. Furthermore, wlde- or come In today. up and dowB> hovers like a heli­ ay Brtace Blosaat 1 But men In the trade eay thia ita use Is around 14 pounds to­ SAM Y U LY ES ■ bein» built In town. They are not they buy "meat" In the black isn't related to Dr. A. H. Marahall. first Convertoplane, however, cooked and at* apart from her city treasurer of Coventry, Eng­ I ly separated communal acttle- RUMMAGE copter, and Slea aa far anu fast aa NBA s u a Correapeadent could be arranged only if Ameri­ day. Ibvery much ^ I n f to alt back and take It. don t market. mads It impractical. Since then huaband and naver talkad to him 701 MAIN STREET land. menta are going to keep In touch UsM $33 to $300 an 3lgnotiirs l a convMtlonai airplane. Naw Yorit— (N BA)—Far Kaat- can uacra were willing to outbid SPECIAL laraell law permita meat to be with each other by a radlo-tele- Herrick baa Uckad them by uaing It looka Ilka Iherc'a going to or went out with him. concerned over the Alan I did not care for Prea. Wll- Civil Secretary Sir James Rob­ 1 Long years of research and other countries by offering high- sold in rationed and strictly limited I phonic act-up. jet propulsion on the rotor-wing em— -grow.era of natural rubber , cr prioee for a product already In be room for everybody. wblch *’*?!?*. JJi.* ,h* lard-B. Rogera aluiring ChBlrman ertson had to explain that to the SALE "fHf tHAt 41333 fO SAP T33* study by a small group of da* quanlltiea three days W'eekly, But Sudan Lrglalatlve Aaaombly the Theao are among the new things and by devising an ingenious with the United States would i giiort supply. • laat few montha regardlnf the Mr. Little of our CUiiena Commit­ for many laraelia, even though a termlned engineers, convinced TONI - s| dlaoualificationa of aome of Ita other day. The Assembly was lanncd for the Improvement of 's TaW i NG 9 A. M. that the "convertible airplane" la locking device for making the atop making rubber out of pa-1 World consumption of natural Itetugeee Get TB Treotmeal Nations Joining tee the way he did. It woe im- black marketeer Is hard to find m irael'a post and telephone services F IN A N C E C a 2 FA M ILY a^oyaaa. In order to cover up. called for. 1 aay. l-et’a see him at studying a plan for government S the next logical step In the prog­ rotor a wing. (Rtfill) thia country, they atill prefer try­ by David Remez, minister of com­ tad Beer • STATI THIAni SUIIOINO troleum. They rata the synthetic i rubber is at an all-time high, Cairo—(IF) —The World Healtue I oMclala refer to the whole thla meeting next Monday night. reform prepared by the British THURSDAY. MAR. 30 ress of aviation, la about to pay„ There are several combinations iU ing to get aome of the "m eat" he Marshall. munications. and Z. Prihar, poat- 73 3 MAIN 3fBIIT, MANCHt3THt CONN. industry a real threat to their around_25 per ^ t above pre­ Organisation haa "virtually com­ In Tanker Race Jagntfl* Hair Shapinf i«i«tter aa a red hunt which la Saul Sllveratein. o\ir allver tong\ied oB. Moat of the theoretical bugs In of these 'two basic types of planes war 1839. Yet foreign producara HOUSE offers for aale. A rumor had started among the maater general. Dial 3430 • Ooets* HosIiIn , Yll MANager future. pleted" vaccination of 215,573 Rtf. tUO Bhameful and dlv«K'«<“ '- _ orator, chairman of the Building ORANGE HALL . Ittm nrA H mi4.iw d ,|| wraarthu «mm In various stage*, of developmenL At 16 Locoat Straat aaaemhlymen that if they approved the Idas hava jiow been worked Moat upset is Great, BrlUbi, still reaent tha alaable chunk of youthful Palestinian Arab refugeas Total Vahit 92.50 Not too long ago. the altempS Committee, la very clever and de- out. One model is actually under Retired Navy Captain 8. M. total rubber output represented New York—OP)—Leatllng mari­ to inveatlgate one Alger Hlaa aefi aenea a lot of eredit to atand up the Coventry city treasurer's hard preastd aa It la for dollars. against tubercuUala. The refugees time nations are racing to turn plan, the Sudan would get U. S. construction; And aeveral other I BarnaVy. now a researcher for It counts rubber the No. 1 dollar bv U. 8. ayntheUc manufacture. other atmilar charactera were and take It without any real help Art Mixes With Year Vacation; types await flnancial backing to were among 900,000 who during the out the Wggeat tanker, according BOTH FOR $2 Must be removed froaa Marshall aid. the Franklin Inatltute of Phila­ earner of the so-called sterling They know they have the capacity Palestine War, fled from Pales­ branded by the Prealdent and from the team working with him. to, turn out even more If they to the American Merchant Marine premiaes. Make oa aa be built. delphia. la another pioneer In bloc, tha group of countries tied tine. Since then they have been liv­ (PtaaTax) Bute Dept, officlala aa Red Her- Hoping to aee Brothers Camp­ Serious aircraft engineers who can solve their production prob­ Institute. Prior to the war, the offer. rlaga. All attempta to obtain In- bell, Mahoney, Or. A. B Moran Ever>’lliing Else Then Goes Broke this Held. He waa project man­ to Britain's currency, the pound ing In refilgee camps In Arab have seen the designs and apaci- French had the largest, the formatioB pertaining to these and a few more live wlre.s at the ager on the Navy’i flrat all-meUl lems. areas. Thai Newspapers, flcatlons of the more advanced sterling. Sheheraaade. At 18,()00 dead­ JAA\ES' caaet were promptly aquelched anut physicians told her plane take-off and landing ^char- tional security" angle of thia ] (jollyer, prealdent of B. harm. The findinga and recommen- | x,g|, .Motor#' dealer# cial administrator for Prealdent she merely had an intestinal dis­ Keep Your Car off and landa the rotora operate acterUticB. The convertible air­ daiionaofLoyaltyBoarda F B I. „„ „,rch 27. settings fop their safety while you wait. country’a synthetic program. They p, Goodrich <3o., aayt foreign Lazaro Cardenas o f Mexico. Hla order. The papers carried long like they do on a helicopter. For plane, which can reduce them, U etc. were placed In ^ i h ball# In „ r , Boland-of Boland Interest In aK la strictly a side­ in a straight flight the rotora awing are reported to feel the prime ' g^^Cra are Inefficient. He urge# stories about the ghost which waa a big step forward. purpose of maintaining our ayn- modem management and line. supposed to have catiaed the condi­ Into the position of a propeller s X rjiXn.""'*’ Much of hla work haa been ex- “ XTie adaption of the convert­ thetlc plant la to keep a compel i-, planting of higher-yielding atartling development# of the Dr. to the Naah line, and doea not re- tion. "TRU-BUILT" No Charge aa on an ordinary airplane. livefriv* nwordsword danxlinrdangling over foreign 1 Another auch aircraft U called ible princlpj^ to the combat type rubber trees. The beat of these, place current Ambassador or platMs may be a long way off. prod jeers’ heads ao they can't P^ch'a caae and the ahlpment of Durina Our 1950 - the Convertoplane and ia the de­ he says, can average 1500 pounds atomic meUla to Ruaaia are glow­ .Statesman iiiod< Is. From the military point of view, hike prioea. GARAGE sign of a plontei In this Held, of rubber an acre, against an ing example# of the careleaaneaa Mr. Boland said he could not an­ Diamond it would appear that the alr-i Y it prasent U. S. law authorize# overall average of 400 for all with which our Department# have nounce now any detail# of the Gerald P. Herrick. It would use tha Prealdent merely to keep in a jet-propelled, revolving upper rescue and the liaison field# are growing areas. approached the Red menace. Rambler, but that public exhibit logical aUrtlng polnU. For civil stand-by condition the bulk of the wing as the rotor In up-and-down Othera lay great atreai on dam­ The United States would not be in dealer showroome has been set use the four to six place aircraft 065,000 tons’ aynthetlc capacity flight. For level flight, pnd wing- age aald to have been dona to in auch a deplorable mesa If ex- for April 14. He also diacloaed that that need# no prepared landing considered easenUal to aecurity. Preaident Rooaevelt, President the new cars will compete in the LEA’S MARKET rotor would lock In the wing po­ Held would be a tremendous ad­ Truman and the State Department low price field and Included styling sition and the craft would become control have held U S. uie of vaMon of Southeast Aaia. had long ago Quit Fishing for Red vance." advances and “ doaena" of import­ Exhibit a bi-planc. aynthatlca high. Still others Nams inefficient Herringa and Had Concentrated On ant mechanical and design “flrata.” Official Grand Opening Starch 23-April 12 British laadera did win a con labor practices atamming from the Red Hunting. go for a walk, four putter around general political unrest affecting Certainly no aeU-reapectlng “Peopla of Mancheater, win just caasion on this score during the hava to aae thia four-wheel beauty Building Booms In the garden, four visit the pub, 'dollar ..eriala” conference in , native populations in Asia and the Amarlcan citlxen wanta to engage two go to the movies, threa go to to believe what I could tell them 226 SPRUCE STREET Washington Uat September. To i fact that materials needed fot In a witch hunt: yet. it the Presi­ LOW IN COST church. Moat people do at least two about It," he said. dent and State Department do not QUICK EBECnON Je tre le rB In Aged Kabul of those things. take an Immediate and Arm stand The naw Rambler car represents FREE DELIVERY PHONE 6031 SHOORBROS. to ouat all undeairablet and quea- about 113.000,000. In addition, the UFEn»nS CONSTRUCTION tlonabla characters, many loyal company has spent many millions NO DOWN PAYMENT Kabul, Afghanistan—(A’) — Thia 977 MAIN STREET anMsnt, mud-walled city la re- Church Burglar govammant amployea will be un­ in expanding Its plants to meet S.MALL N y , justly tarred with the same brush. Weekend Specials buUdiu to the of a military increased demand for Ambassador MONTHLY PAYMENTS band. Modem civilisation and an Tours very truly. and Stateaman modela. he said. Learns Scripture U. J. Lupien. MODEL ON DISPLAY In cie a s^ birthVate have brought The new Rambler should not be CampbelPs Tomato S ou p ...... 1 0 cCan the greatest building boom in Ka­ confused with Naah Motors' amall “raAr Netidag*’ OaiwMBta SunsH-eet Prune Juice 2,'5cQt. bul's history. Pushing things Sydney—(IP)—Ignoring the in­ axperimental "SURVEY" car. E. J. CAMPBELL CO, .along is enargetic Mayor Ghulam scription atop the door of the Cen­ To Tha Editor: Mohammed, who has had strings I took a let of Intaraat in the Sugar Heart Sliced B eets...... 18cCan 59 BIssell St. Tel. 6543 tral Methodist Mlaalon—"And be I. letter written by a lady. E. Mae /v/N m : y s < oors tc h m of lights put up BO work can go on aura your sin will find you out"—a Holden, laat week-end. 1 hope to throufiwut the night. He alao burglar entered th# mlaalon and meet her next Monday night in Plenae send free folder to V provides a ml}iUry band to enter­ rObbed IL LIQUOR DEPT. New Store Hours tain the workers. the High School hall If thia aald NAME ...... CHILDREN’S EASTER /) A few minutes later h* was > ar­ meeting carriea through. Open 8 A. M. )-Investigators who 100% WOOL CHILDREN'S and for all. In a minority capacity «m ram wondered what the British' do on but not for Tong. I guarantee you Sundays have the answer: "noth­ that. In our Whits House. ing particular." The report waa by I aay take the celling off renta. "Maas Observation." a group jo f amteMMOBVMIM) m v They tax everything out of we .the PATENT aociologlsts and mass opinion ex­ taxi^yera. but the tenants who are OR For years thousands of Doctors pra- not interaated in voting will soon WHITE perts who market studies of Brit­ acrlbed mToatm. It sots at osca MAKE YOUR (GARDEN PROFITABLE ish life and habits. not ORly to rehavo coughing dut to wake up and aaaiat we property ale* eoUes holdera in keeping down the taxes Totting up the average Briton opM* but also ’looMNS up" phlegm in Manchester or pay through the en Sunday, the surveyors aaid 14 and makes It easier to 3*l*e. tmmaani la aafa for both old and SPRING COATS nose themselves. A good raise In Use The Best Seeds, Fertilizers and Tools out of 20 listen to the radio, eight rent will wake them up. I will bet Bring-the kiddies early t4>morrow fo r these “ wanted*^ •ut of 30 visit or entertain, eight young-Pleas- on that. Easter styles. We have hundreds o f them .... all new, SDitHSUllS. 9PEITU88II» Tea, wa have a lot of new people smart, shiny. Come in and sec how pretty they Ittok on I migrating into Mancheater and An ar*«l n*v*lty eh*eka la p*st*l, Navy all wool with fnllneM froaa 43m bu^ng up new homes In the Jar- year ehild’e feet. Tested Garden Seeds WHEEL blnr wad pink oemblaatlon with bag t* yoke. Comptot* i^ h largo taffala |IMUI match. Size* S-Sz. For best re.xuK.s use .seeds you know are goina REAL MONEY SAVERS Al Easter IS a Ito. Slz** 1-13. Notice to germinate. BARROWS All wool eovert with removable ptflac BEETS An wool navy emp* ***4 with Sttafi ZoniBff Board of Apptok oellar. In havy, eopen blue and red. SIzm $ 8 9 5 up g-Sz. With bag to aaatch. bnek. Taffeta plphig. 8ti*s 1-U. m accordance with the require* CARROTS menta of the zoning regulations of Wood or metal trays with the Town of Mancheater, the Zon­ LETTUCE steel or rubber th-^s. c- 1 at Grants ing Board of Appeals will hold a ETC. MANY OTHER STYLES IN THE ALL POPULAR SOLID public hearing In the Munlcijial Building, Monday evening, April EASTER FLANNELS AND CHECKS AT THIS LOW PRICE S, 1950, at t P. M., on the follow­ 10c Per Pkg. At VICHVS Today ing appUcationa: and up LAWN ROLLERS mE m f r m . SHOES Franeia Lk Pagan! to erect at­ Oxfords, moccasliifl, SUMMER tached garage and breezeway to Water Ballast 60S 3IA1N ST.. BIANCHESTER dw/elling which will he I V closer patent sgndab, straps. to West Bide line than regulatlona Fertilizers 5S0 MAIN 8T„ MTODLETOWN In white, brow*. maM. SHEERS allow at 176H Spruce Street $ 1 6 * 5 0 Up 361 MAIN st.. NEW BRITAIN fl'A-B 'Rear, Residence C xone. r s Lynwood Weacott for extension VIGORO o f permission to have Uaed Car THE QUICK ACTING PLANT FOOD 1 .6 9 • TaeY get * M Waie awMitolner la Ala new STURDY Dealer’s Licenae’ at 176 Tolland BCA Victer. b’a ie«dy to aerve yaw wiSt big . Turnpike, Residence A.A zone. 100 Lhs. no Lbs. 1^2.50, Lawn Grass Seeds acres* latevtal** prwgrwiM, 6** flawat RCA W IW lart RCA VWar CLASSICS Alexander Jarvia to park cars 10 I,h8 00c Victor PM **d AM rwdto *iinit*la*i*in, •ye ito—-i Tih Tiin at rear of 16 Locust Street, Resi­ RCA Vktor *45* r***rd aai*yeiaat *r pl»*a J RCA VMar PM a*4 dence A zone. For firm, Tclvtty rich growth. Use Superturf mixed lawn SOCKS. . 20c Pr. aeed. Fine for sandy soils. w*lF**i*wyep**dr***^y*«wWito*toy. AMiaSis PARTY Carter Chevrolet Co., Inc., to LIME 6-11. greet neon free standing ground KNOWN FROM ,1b* iwany *dv**>*6*a *f RCA Vktor’a sign approximately 4’ l “x3‘ 6” FOR A( II) .soil, CONDITIONS ap*d*l fwdtorwa, Rh* Si* "Oea-u*” wtorcl SPECIALS closer to street line than regula- 11b. 59c 5 lbs. $ 2.6 9 10 lbs. $ 4 .9 8 ao4 Aolavhlaa ao4 aaSaaaoB Uona allow at S ll Main Street, lo o Lbs. S1.25, 50 Lbs. 65c, 5 Lbs. 40c SHIRTS PUIS • dhSagiMwd awfebiwt wi*fe* Itila RCA Bualneaa zone. COAST TO COAST, Viator TAI29**: fhamutoWayP* ■ Limited Quantity WWI*. ptaM. C l 0 0 • ClMek. bw tot Trim* William Mounce to erect dwell­ BONE M EAL 3IM maMsaaNli. ing. breezeway and garage 2' clos­ aelMa.6-14. V«INm ONLY MaHsiif l Natafy* a t l 6B**, ByMat Yoke* A SLOW BUT IDEAL (;RASS FOOD “ SANITONE” er to East aide line than regula­ GARDEN TOOLS l**Y*« l»fvlc* ia Ttl*viel*al a Waftla nfiie* tions allow on Lot No. 42 Hillcreat 100 Lh.w. S5.95, 25 IJ>s. .^2.35 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION a Broadcloths, Prints Road (East of House No. 40), DRY CLEANING Sizes S-Sx 31.98 ’ 4 9 5 ^ ' Rastdenee AA zone. ■dWN 5 Lbi». 65c ETON CAPS H a * IM .T a z Wayne Wright to enlarge build- STEEL RAKES lar * M year a4w* ye* toy 3M 3CA and to do automobile repairing In from $1.49 tonar Paaary t an^W Ca#a«aL,Oaly wto# yes Factory Servlee Brown, tnn, Cl 00 hey RCA VWsr TshnWaw *•» yes *4t 34* easact said bulMing'at Rear of 202 New DRICONURE M6e.6-6ft. # le W W ) Co*tract Extra Novelty pisues. Soaw with Bolton Road, Rural Residence HAS HIGH HU5HTS VALUE TROWELS Rusa Rainbow removable cape collar*. Broad- zone. from 25c oloths with eyelet. Waffle pi- The Hartford Road Corporation 100 Lh«. «54.50, 50 Lbs. $2.25 gnsa. Over S3 new Easter atywa to erect gaaoUne SlUng aUUon on SHOVELS ond SPADES from $1.98 In every, city throughout the Country. Manchester or Minneapolis, Mem­ COMPLETE to choosa from. 32.98 Hartford Road (approximately 25 Lbs. $1.25 » 0 r West of Bridge Street) Buai- phis or Macon, you’U find “ SANITONE” Dry Cleaning the favorite with OUTFITS neaa zone. SHEEP MANURE GARDEN HOES frofii $1.69 The Hartford Rbad Corporation folks who are “ fussy” about dry cleaning. Jr* Royt* NO BURNING AND IDEAL FOR I FORUTTLE to erect gasoline SUing atatlon on STEEL BAMBOO RAKES crMSB-rBfltflHiiit Southeasterly comer of Hartford PLANTS AND FLOWERS from $1.39 GIRLS RAYON MARQUI^TTE Ib M and Bit^ell Street, Bualneaa 100 Lbs. $3.50, 50 Lbs. $$.25 Call 2-0030 or bring us yoiy* things* SPADING FORKS from $1.98 LONGIE SUIT Aokkts, psntits, slips, Mrs. Maury Olson to conduct 25 Lbs. $1.25 l » hinss dsssMl U home st M hat « pIdiM dressss, salts, bon* . Lsfem Orcto, Rasl^ee. AA 10% Discount, Cash and Carry BStS. TAILORED CURTAINS I r o n i n g SH EARS from $1.19 mr 6h«ck«4 frant Mdwsid Wilsiaskl to erect AU FertUiaerM in SmaU Paekagee , closer to sl«9 line than For Your Convenience GRASS SHEARS from 98c Easter NoveWep allow oq'^Maraeataad Finely woven, ftnsjbr tailored* > JMrth o f No. M, Rssldenca '. f Baskets, gras*, celfc- V ;ut royMQg^mrdin* pliane, candf..Make Lnxarioas, fall cut. 3 wanted intarsstM a u y at- Phone Free a t. cj|*4k. -gnar own baaksts sad ICHTS lengtks: 98”, TT. 91"* AD 4 T wMa Mosid fid A siM k. - "iavo. . ' I H tm H. l E f T 4121 BUSH CO. Delivery i w f c l S E l i t MAIN STREET OPPOilTB K. ®f C. each sMt. EggMMll only* 79 3 MANCHESTER PkiittS 2-3696 HAI ■tr- w, V .' i .Vlllir yjIT and SsU ) r- . v,. 'rU'V''..'; r.' m m


MANCHESTER BVENTNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 29, 1960 sent down “ Dandy” Phil Kaatel. Little Man Robs ex-convict, to Incorporate and run Huge Gambling Profits the business. Today Kaatel still praaent working ta sea that Man- enca n lftit pimtuoa laaa eosUy rt- Health Departmant as to sawaga. has 20 auxllianr room# in a 10- lives and operates the slot# In the From Midget Inn cheetar'a firat I X aaaaon will be a P la n B a c k e d sulta. also from the locql. Board of Edu­ classroom plant, must the other ■tate, but carefully outside the le good one. Perhapa, Waddell aald, much of cation, alsmfrom tha local School towns do likewise or, aa In most . juriedk-tlon of New Orleans. NEW ----- Finance Crime Wave Decatur, III.,—(/P) -Sometime In I X players will be between the the fXMtIy planning bllla could be Building Oommittaa, also from the cases, be qjiliud to do better? There The first ysnr—1938—the proflta ages o f 8 and 12. Each team will B y W a d d e ll pared down b. the axebanga of Tpwn Plan Commisaioii. Is a vary evident need to get back were about $8,000,00. With that the wee hours a burglar got Into A dvance consist of I t playera and there service and inatsllsd James M. Information or by conaultation and “ How. about State Aid for con- to the fundaaMntals, that is, clua- Race iFire and Slot ■ start, the California report says, a place of business, lie must will be four teams In a league. Ragen aa general manager. i Ooatello has become the king-pin underatanding o f the manner simi­ etriictioitr Almoat daily we read rooms, plus necessary auxiliary ^gen. using variou* degrees of have been a Uttle follow. Ho hsil Would You father Drive A During regular play, the teams rooms only. Machine Baeses - Dom» of the slot machine rackets, al­ to stiind on s chair to reach the must consist o f no more than five Area Clearing House Is lar problems hava been met by that the State Is-jpayliig erntlon. accommodating '. Ibss and less peddling,'and many vicious extor­ In the United SUtes, trsnamits national scope. ample> ote almost as faithfully at- As each young.slcr develops he president of Its Council. So great might be much aided by joinlijg pupils. Have you analyxed the the same to headquarters in • • . wna the Intereet, and an varied tion rackets which prey upon legi­ tanked by parents ss by t^id younf- will be ‘‘bought" and brought up to forces to solve dUriculties. ratio of teachere to .pupllr over a timate businesa and labor. That's Cleveland, and then disseminates The California report say* fur­ the LI.. A turnout of over 200 the matter* dlacuaaed on which Thirst, too. seeks quality the Information over s network of ft was also thought that a com­ period of years, recent years? the finding of practically every In­ ther: bovB at the indoor baseball session area action might be of benefit, wires to all the states, and even l S » Indoor school Is under the mon approach to problems might Why Compete? vestigation which has dared to “Prsctlrally *11 of the organiza­ sDM^ston of James Foley and his Indicates that Msnehester has that a second meeting haa been into the Dominion of Canada, op­ act for dlaeiiaalon April 15. result In an ability to help the “ Do you know that tlu^. State r*ir«8hni«nt—r«al rmhrmtlhmmnt— probe the shocking lawlessness tional work In th* slot mafhlne eerp of instructors. The young:- plenty of material for the league which now exists in America. erates under the name o f Con­ racket orIginaUs with and Is di­ It waa the Idea of those who par- state perform its planning func­ Department of Education Will not tinental Pres# Ssrvlce. The ma­ staip are divided Into different and farm teams, too. tions, snd to cause the state to For what's behind today's sit­ rected bv th* Coin Machine In­ nddpa representing the various Riartcd By Roiarlana tlcipntcd in the Initial meetl/Tg that comment on school building plan* adds z«9t to th « hour jor part of lU facilities are tele­ Caoae sad Effect t The slot macM ae heakto partar much benefit may be derived by unify some of Its own activities. uation, It la important to analyce stitute (C M I). a national organ­ I a^ I team positions. Instructors with Approximately 40 to 45 t-lttle unlesa th* srciiltect ha* already graph wire# leased from Western ization with headquarters in Chi­ served by’ raring wires (right) are amoag etrito** top laonay maker*. SPRING VALUES! those towns in this section If here, Olvea DetaUI* been hired? Why miiet the coip- the background of race wire syn- Union Telegraph Ck)mpany. eadi gtDup then explain the funds- Learic" will be In operation In dlcatea and the alot machine rack­ cago. According to lU literature, mentals of each position, for ex­ Conneetleuf In 1050 The Idea was and perhaps elaewhere. sectional m’jnltlea compete egeinst each T h e great danger to the public ‘‘clearing honaes" of mtinicipal In­ As examples, otficlals were ask­ ets. They dominate the picture. MCI claims to b# Interested In It says, “ the juke box Industry ample first base, and show the fu­ initiated In Manchester by the no­ other? Couldn’t, model eete of lies In the fact that the -wire the problem* o f the vending ma­ ■UCffWH formation can Im set up. In thl* ed if they know that before a com­ A confidential report of the (?itl- claims that operators generally Undersells U. S. LA1M> ture Uttle Leaguers how to field tary nub and haa alnce with the munity can build a school plan it plan* hr devised to fit the particu­ Zens' Committee of Massachuaetts service’ can and does serve as a chine and music machins Indus­ operate at a loss, and their state­ „ „ xuw axp balls, shift their feet, throw to seo- ent'hualastistle aP)—Eleven and a half that th* Manchurian gsaolln* ls| committees named to study spe­ General New* Bureau from 1011 |m w 3 . 9 5 rt Instruction since Foley has of the LL Is the children of Man­ until 1927. TTiat year Moe Anncn- him protection If he would move The report adds that the music million tons of good* were unload-1 hsavisr and producss more smoke M i T 9 Ken a acout with the St. I^ouls chester. cial factors, la foreseen aa a re­ his slot machins operations Into bo* buslneea i* a common dis­ ed In Itsllsn ports by 1,104 ships but otherwise It “ comptres favor sult. berg, owner of a racing publica­ Cardinals for the past 15 years. tions firm, bought h « f of the Louisiana. Costello said that he guise for slot machins operations. tn the first eleven months of 1949.1 ably with imported gasoline " 1 Tsl of your to peotect the yeungeters and the CWrcer Day To Be Sponsored •RAM MAM OLD RADIO _ 4 $2,000 portrait by toegne. > Jon Whitoomb, TABLE MODEL OR CONSOLE Gear 91AM Pledged Sorrs, March 29— (A5—The Con­ NOTMINO TO M IT. . . Just necticut Home fCconomlns asaocla- William Plsher. chairman of the ■riaa Veer Phstspreph, PsrtreH or Iwepehs* T* TiBbnee committee, .reported re- tion announced today that it would eanUy that vartoua organleatlona sponfejr a career day in home eco­ Toward The Purchase Of A hgea pledged over 9L500, suffl- nomics at the Unlveratty of Oon- d » t to Insure the league'a opera- nectlciit here on April 15. More ttoQ. Attorney ChariM Crockett than 400 high achool girls from all hga completed Uie necessary steps parts of the state are expected to FISHINe SUPPUES • • LOW PMCEDI' to Incorporate the league and con- attend the affair which is being Rrm tha Mancheeter, LL conatltu- planned by a committee Including MOTS RED IREEUI RY IFUESI nilB Un IK I tton.aad by-laws. Final Incorpora- representatives of Connecticut Col­ tleii papers ara slated to be drawn lege for Women, tjte University of jn/iutLet A FM8IDAIRE CKR 39c k vm at « a next league meeting on Connecticut St. Joseph College Apefl T. the State Department of Health, j e w e l e r s The Town of Mancheater has, State Department of Education, 1950 CROSLEY 533 Main St. Manchgiter tkraagh General Manager George and the Connecticut Dairy and g.951 59'g.5g't.^ i2c' Sc S0c98c H. .Waddell and Recreation Direc­ Food cotmcll. Master Model Refrigerators for 1950 tor sbhp Falkowakl. pledged lU (all MQ^rt to the p n ^ t A reg­ ulation L L diamond is being lev- eOod by the town at Memorial OnlyPRIOIDAIRf FiMd '. and will resemble a Mg Here Are Our S5rl«F2"rn i"*r3’* league park, even to dugouts for gtvaa you all thakhtyere. TELEVISION M O O N FA K E Mtoerous ether committees, or- Latest fUBBU gaalaatloM and indlvtduala are at Manchester Carpet Center thoao footuraal s r m i u t e POWtR MOWER 308 Main St. the Turnpike' Phone 2-4343 • New fwll-leitfllh feed ^'CERTIFIED” WITH ONE TRAbE-INS sempaitmeal in targes H . P . OUTPUT CtMUNI MQITOB ^ OfigAtllT tOUB MO W ffU n M PHILCO 1943 Olds 98 2 Door TNI MAfiBCr-UQIB M L film OOMWIOC. lARDEN noN-PiNcni TIP cu n oi m o o m i m u Radio, heater, hydra- T fiO L -fO O R COMJTT 0 0 0 8 0 Console Ensemble matic, sun vinor. preef, adfustaWa TOOLS MOLT8MMOM 8 IIIL WB f l WF8-» . shelvee N w n i 11 nCH CUT—8 CBOCMU S rO |O A D IB - 1948 Olds 78 4 Door :UlTIVAT0ll o v n s iis 83108 asm MM-pnoNAiiej HMD puwetofig I Radio, heater, hydra- Rugs—Broadlooms 50 ro N matic. ann risor. perceMa *lach-«p sw iar axB 1947 Olds 66 Qiib STEEL ■Jtv* w tn Handsome Carpeting RAKE etppjteaeee Coupe • Ixciwsive BeuhU* LSWW Mow m Easy Owifkube Treye FOR FOR 14TE1TH Radio, heater, hydra- *T8inPB8“ matie. In 9 F t. and 12 ft. Widths I J 2 S • New haW-thelf end 1947 Buick Super swing dawn sbalf All Colon, Qualitiefijind-Sized U tm MBW W 4 Door YOUR YOUR HOE 1*19 axD l u m IT Radio, beater. - • Naw, all-narcelaln a ftiu jia r MuM-FurnasaTiay PRUNINQ 1947 Olds 78 2 Door . Wiltons, Axminsters, Twist SHEARS Radio, heater, hydra- • New, en-pefcelei* OLD OLD matic, sun visor. Meet Tray J J 9 8 e 1946 Olds 76 4 Door • Mesa large spese fer Radio, heater. big Heats RADIO RADIO SMDE 1946 Olds 98 4 Door 9 X 12 Rugs • Mara tall heMe ipaBi Radio, heater, hydra- EJ. BUDGET TERMS matie. « • large feed freetlng jffio 1941 Buick 4 Door $49*99 — $54*99 space 1941 Hudson 4 Door • Fameas, acaneadcal VENlluin) IRONING 60ARD Meier Miser merhan- uoar as a naikka - tnowa aa Ism s n a m to bw imyi xboht 1938 Plymoutli ORDER YOURS TODAY IT 6M6 V Coupe $6 4 -59—$7999 ^938 Buick 4 Door $89*99 SEC PROOF! YOU CAN’T MATCH INSTALLED TOMORROW 1937 Buick 4 Door A- FRIOIOAIREI Cbrm ini Oat OSNSRAl s u cm ic " Carpet 9 and 12 Fl Length the tacit AImuI PAD AND STEM DRY IRON 1936 Buick 4 Door Wharawgr ygu Hvg--*4iot*vgr H»« m MaxMBr a m H R a o ff « x tasw dx* • ! your fqmily, Utdwn er budgat * 9.2 cv. ft. Macfal Shawn All Ilia Naw OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 , COVEN SET o r - o n m a lt oa p tr — want uoar Rose Twist $7.95 Sq. Yd. Tone on Tone $7.9iS, S 9 ,^ 9q. Yd. wnaar — m warn ram vi - hm- Safety Tested For — |m lura to *gg tfw n«w FrigMoira nilOIOAIRi MODILO 1SR pienT aautxcm - Your Protection SEE TELEVISION EVERY NIGHT a t ; ■ a m n u t— Carved Wiltotr-Gray $10.50 Sq.*Yd. Rafrigaralart for 1950. Saa lha eeia* farlfSO SAvn w e « - plata nnp a f ilfa s from 4 to 17 cu. fl. • u r i r M i m Stair CaijMt $2.25, $3.95, $4.25, $5.50 Yd. >, *269™ Many Others •—igg.aN Oia racMom why your No. 1 alto fn r.4aad f I ca. fl. ^Uo in Stock Now-^En^ of RoU$, Factory Seconds, Remnants, ^ All •hoiga lii Aaiarica’iN e . 1 Rafrigarator, Madlar Madafs EBMMIBnwZji at Reduced Priect, j h. t W G IO A lie i Manchester B R U N N E R ’S, inc. ManduilrtBr. Motor Sales 358 EAST CENTER ST. OFEN MON., WED., FRI. NIGHTS ^ ^TwI.6T7i^? ron AIX YODUR CjWWrfTOEDS PHONE

MANCHEan'ER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1959 ^AGS TWENTT4MCtHf h rih »Tt’«it^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 19W *-*r*v•J . W =fvs.‘\». ^ It looked as though the cloud*: Surplfue Man—1 want to know once and TOUNEKVII.LE FOLKS BY FUNTAINB f O t The little girl waa moving from for all, who is boas In this bouae? In Matron Sixes Calitornla to Boeton with her were spout to buret out in rain Luck accompanlea the man Sense An4 any ramute. ao wro hailed n enb. Who doesn’t have It In hla plan. Wife’ - You Will be ’"unh happier parenta, and wrat greatly excited If you don’t try to find out. POWH THRU TH6 YEARS MANY A PERSON HAS HAP THE TIm night before the departure, Aa the vehicle approached, my Nonsense saying her prayera aa uaiial. the friend n colonel during the wrar, dis­ Letty—I had n terrible dream TIPTOH OVPR ANP START THE GAR OUT f r o m UNPER H lH played n smile that extended from If you would like to aee life’s finiahsd off with, Ood Mesa mom­ last night. I dreamed that all the best com# vour way; then see to HiasUs aad B estle, my afld daddy and my little broth­ one ear to the other. animals that went tb make up my Dresemaksra Jump "That fellow driving the taxi It thst life gets youf beat every er Tominy; and this ia goodby furs were etandlng round my bed. day, The Inquirer A t Dame Fashlon’e command God—we’re moving to Boston to­ waa my orderly in the service.” . Betty—How silly to let a few And uaually live We got Into the cab, and he and morrow.” alley cats frighten you. Bed-Sproafl * O ff the fad of the land. the driver shook handa. proceeding e e *- —Frank Klernan. Manhunt to reminisce volubly aa we drove Almost ail of our off. One story/led to another, In the opinion of the Buffalo. 31iddle-age pouches Regarding man, the girls adore N. Y. C\)urler Express, women can Result from lesvlng * In England a church. body ,iaa i A handsome, tail and brawmy then the ex-colonel sighed; "And been diacuaaing w'hsther Com- remember all those Scotch and think of a hirodred better.* places Dinners for couches. with tufts of vivid green water- to wear dressea six Inches above one. for money than a man’s bill-fold. ■ Dorothy Dalton Order —rly tor e^ s t c r sauce, topped with prsted Parme­ I Yard Protector munion wine ahouM be fermented i But most of them win settle for sodas we iiaed to have w-hen we A floral Western farmers use electricity Easterner— Say, what’a ' the of the many U»vely lies In new or gift-choice In allver plate la a cov­ And some girls don't drink, and she smiled nodded to sc- want to be sble to plan so that .strliie of rose or blue. The heavy, A man can glance at his middle to combat grasshoppers. The old death rate around here? tradltlonsl designs, done on quality ered butter dish with cryatal inner But show me th'e girl qualntanpes. The groom was able erery order n-ill be perfect. Besi lee four-gauge plastl- and ateel frame In the mirror and spot the biggest hot-foot for the hop-foot! to walk unaided with the assist­ Old Man—Same as It la back fsbrtcs snd priced very modestly dish at $10,38—an'd the lower tray Who doesn’t like mink. their flowers, the shop has delight- ; because of unnoticeablo Irregii- make these bags an unusual buy trouble with middle age. ance of two handsome mahogany East, bub, one to a person. can "double” for holding cards or — Ed Scherr. ful Baster (pfU in flower con- inrittes. at the CHENEY BROTH­ at the special price of ll.OS. A driver who crashed through crutches. His head was bqjd and bon bons. In STERLING SILV E R tslaera. bowls, and plates of hand- | ERS REMNANT SALESROOM. There are at least 13 synonyms Numerous stories tell you how a sore front when he fell asleep hi* false teeth chattered a little Slightly ungrammatical, but hammered copper and many nice there are many lovely but Inexpen­ How to use the beautiful colors for the word ’intoxication.” The to cut down your Income tax. St the wheel said it was all like nfrvously. They were the couple every time some politicians open sive thihgs, auch as a little bon thins* In pottery. A lovely gold-filled CROSS AND nnd reliable quality of DXKX) morning after, however, brings the There still remains but one sure a bad dream. The bill for dam­ who waited until they could af­ their moiHhs they put their feats bon dish at onij $6.61 or a pair of CHAIN is especially priced at ENAM EL Is shown in dosens of same result. way—cam less! ages win wake him up. ford to get married. In them. The EASTER STORY <1N J2.9.^ for the Easter season at ..h*' plain or decorated candleaticks at color IlliislraUons In the new W.IO. I'here ia everything in plate 1.- VTEVt'-MASTER REELS itf new DEWEY-RICHMAN (XIMPANY, TRANSFORM AGIO booklet of or Sterling, from ashtrays and salt Back In Shape! LANK LEONARD and Umely at KEM FS INC.. 763 767 Main Street. There are mnny which you can get a free copy at MICKEY FINN snd pepper sets to handsome travs r Main Street. The three reels of other erosa-and-ehaln sets, too. a* the JOHNSON PAINT COM­ well a* a variety of particulary snd lea services. THERE'S MOTHER TOURS GOIHG TO MISS, SEHOMGATELEGRMl! colored pictures (at the regu’ ar PANY, 699 Main street. The book­ nice ROSARY BEADS in crystal TRAIN AT FOUR THAT TRAIH IF YOUR ' -BUTHEHAPIT price of three for *1.00) emphasixe let shows new uses for old places the meanins of Easter for cnil- Shaded silks and chiffons, taffe­ FRIEHO OOESH'T GET N ILL WRfTTEH-l or colored stones. of furniture with suggested colors O'CLOCK, PHIL 5 dten, moot effectively. The Vlew- tas and rayon faille are among the OUT HERE SOON,MIGTI :,'J CANT UMERSTANP and the step-by-step process of WUKSAFfi WANT 10 K WE CAN MAKE Maater lUelf is only |2.*>0. Other NEW DESK OR TABLE materials fashioning high style rriF WE WHAT'S HE P0IN6M new reels, added to enormous li­ painting Peter Hunt designs. scarves. These scarves can be FORM«nO( TWMAffW/ CLOCKS are exceptionally ittrac- pRoceeoTO jw s ffF O fif^ HURRY/ THERE? brary C N .i A good hurry-tip menu of orange COURSES IN DRESS-MAKING A MESFAfiE PC«. VAteWeV.* WHAT A . . . plus 4 g ift patterns and di­ Easter baskets and separate choc­ CMAKACTEer WHAT Juice? hard-boiled eggs and hot olate novelties from decorated AND HOME DECXIRATING are TOU.S1B,.. IH5 MOST biscuits or rolls and a beverage rections. 25 cents. » K lh O ^ RAW MSAT egg* to big rabbits. Other toys now being organized at the SING ­ tl !.» DO NOU FEED HIM requires little fuss or bother and Include big plush bunnies, plastic- ER SEWING CENTER, 832 Main JB a n KEMP’S “ should please everybody. available. You can get a red rose dressed boy or girl bunnies, and ^ 9 > ORMttOU'IANC! iBcoipontcd street. It’s not only enonqmy to r n bouquet that will capture In the small dolls dressed in satin, as well learn the skills tut enables one to f|t lU IN STRBFT t e l . 5680 QUALITY INSTALLATION OF bottle the fragrance o f a bouquet as tiny ducks and bunnies of rub­ Fw eUuw uid Muofe , Home of Frigidaire have individuality in dressing and LINOLEUMS AND ASPHALT of freahly cut re roses. A ’’ward­ ber or plastic. t • . making the home attractive. Eight T IL E la one o f the mnny advan-. robe” of these saucy floral scents two-hour lessons are $10. Phone tages offered hv the MANCHES- is just the thing for spring. What color veil should you use? 8883 to arrange a class schedule Many of the smartest hats are TEH FLOOR COVERING COM­ Before she departs for church that’s convenient. PA N Y, 66 C>)ttage Street. Every on Eastern mom, let her spray her vefled in a slightly lighter or 3-lt Installation is personally supervis­ chapeau with that floral scent. If darker tone than the color of the ed by Mr. Oeyer, whose twenty-flve bonnet. For example, a beige Yam and Apple Casserole Your.watch repy e anta cm ImjiiMtoaUia* "Could you diroct mo to tho Wiahbont oafttoria? I fol- she doesn’t have fresh flowers at Peel 4 to 5 medium leftover 3?eara of experience work to your sailor takes kindly to a toast col­ vpatigaaL'. Don’t ;.take duxneas eu repair. lewod tno^fallow in front of ma in line and he evidently her lapel, she ca give her match baked or boiled sweet potatoes. advantage In most effective use of ored veil; black or gunmetal veil­ worlpYBriag YOur''«rateb hete’wfaare aU Ing artificial onea a whiff of that ing dresees up a p ^ e gray hat. Slice into Muttered casserole In al­ was on his way out!’ L ___ 5.-21 n room area and in wearing satisfac­ floral fragrance also. ternate layers with thinly sliced WOrh'to seietilileodlY ^ od tpd or BY GALBRAITH tion. You’ll find the sloiSk there SIDE GLANCES BY DICK TCjRNER NYLON MARQUISETTE will tart apples. Dot with butter or liitler For Pilcher BY MERRILL C. BL088BR complete in choice of color nnd Modest prices prevail for the be the favored fabric for spring fortifli?d margarine. Mix 3-4 cup FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS modem patterns, with quality, curtains beesuse it has p ro v ^ its fine quality EAS’TER PLA N TS maple syrup, or breakfast blend of ,1 whether Inlaid or felt base lino­ all-round worth. Daintily sheer cane and maple, with 1-4 cup wa­ Your wrdia ,"pcinla‘' Moncst . a m ts V/nexAT ABOUT OOr T BRQ-THER rA mo IM vs! jam jtm sutr- AND (70RSAGE8 at McCON- V iM N T V a U lb PITCH FOR CARLS(UM& 6A0/ y BtTllL 6E TUr COACHING JUST leums or tile, assured by the repu­ VILLE’S, 302 W’oodbrtdge Street. for appearance, having easily ter qnd pour over yams and ap­ a racord of ito own ILEllAOUr C fR5TM*NA«R 1 1 MUST BE NUlB/ ^ ' AND eye If! TweM .TMevvE/" 7,~ WHILE______THIS Ao/ tation of the best manufacturers. 'They have lilies, hyacinths, tulips, drawn threads for exactness in ples. Cover and bake in moderate periofmonoo POeGn/BM ME / MOW N ice CAVORT1M&ORTII^^ ONn tj * 1, IklIN MimDSyHlStoRY \AA40WHO L - ______and daffodils In various-priced cutting, laundering with' little or oven (350 degrees F.) about 30 PRO VIH G ^ FDR eeiN& OF THCMI THE Dll DIAMOND? . MAS TO Pnewloe Most girl* wear flowers on pots, a ,/tjice selection of mixed no ironing, and wearing for years, minutes. Remove cover and bake DO they ■ A baby SITTER Ihe'etfidencY of gl40W about fDR HIS STAR their Easter bonnets, nnd smart bouqOets, And corsages from $1.00 forty-eight Inch marquisette is another 10 minutes. J priced at only 50 cents a yard in our work 7, OOILY? pntHifL/- is the gentleman who gives a up. Phone 5947 for delivery. ■ ------iV fragrance In a matching scent. quantities of ten yards or more at Brightly colored Easter hats the CHENEY BROTHEftS REM­ a$g 0$ to nsT Yoei wat^ritsB Choose some of the delightful Skirt lengths are Important. In make amusing gift-contglners for NANT SALESROOM. gardenia. Iliac, carnation, violet the pint-size fashion picture. No FABERO E’ PERFUME AN D NEW WATCHES SIMILARLY TESTED and red rose scents that are longer is it smart for sub-sub-debs CXILOGNE. In enchanting odors BEFORE YOU BUY THEM TO ASSURE NUTS AND CANDY FOR of ”Tigreas,” ’’Woodbine.” Aphro- AGAINST. MECBANICAL IMPERFECnONB EAS’TER are packaged to plea^ both ct)ildren and adults at disla” or appropriate "Straw Hat,” QUINN’S PHARMACY. An Eaat- the two bottles in the straw hat /'A er Miskage of Kemp’s mixed salt- are $3.00 a set at the WEXDON GAUDET'S etl nuts is $1.39 a pound. Choco­ DRUG COMPANY. Bewitching All-White DRESSES lates in popular Candy CTupboard, JKWBLEIIS wo et4eAsi5g1tot.AJiB.li. a m ,M t, . . y Whitman, or Lovett And Covell will White is flattering next to-the SOI Main Street (Across From St. Jaioes's Churrh) PRISCILLAS POP On The Job BY At VERMRER SHEER COTTOrtf, Eyelet Rmhroidery. 4 to 6x have seasonal wrappings. Jelly face but it needa the contraat of a $1.69 to $5.98 Bird eggs for youngsters are $.39. deeper shade in powder, rouge, lip­ PRIBCIULA, I DON’T KNpyV, ^ ’The store has pure colors for deco­ stick and nail polish. ETlUy lace WOULD YOU MRS. tSlLK'V.- ^ TO I’VE NEV^R DOTTED SWISS, Eyelet Embroidery, 7 to 14 rating your owm eggs at $.10 a and organdy, criap pique and linen LIKE TpBE O O INQ $2.98 to $4.98 package. take the contraat of a cherry-blue TMIS! ■ ■ '■ I make-up shade which helps to 36” WHITE. Lace Trimmed ...... $2.98 FOr the modest price of a new make the ekin look translucent. veil, last year’s spring hat can WHITE SLIPS. Cotton or Silk, 4 to 14 $1.00 to $1.59 step out this year with no apolo­ DIABETIC FOODS that restore gies to newer bonnets. Interest in eating for people on a DOZENS OF CHARMING COLORED To pull off this trick, strib your old hat of any wilted trimmings sugar-free diet have great variety COTTON DRESSES and limp veiling. Choose new at the CENTER PHARMAITr. veiling which will be moat be­ Prime favorites are the many coming to you and to your hat. A frulta packed In their own Juices. small off-the-face hat can take From maple syrup to mayonnaise, FOR EVERYTHING one o f the new ribbon-bound face from puddings to cucumber pickles, veils which ties at the back. A from ginger ale to eookjes and wipp o f etiff, flne-meehed vdll candy, there are dcllctoua and tackhd to the brim of the hat can wholesome ways to avoid aelfrpity, BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY AND RALPH 1 ^ 1 be shaped to screen the face to ewaiwsmasiBssetsie. T.».we.u.ae»T. I VIC FLINT Nerve Tonic When you wear freah flowera, W l.CMRISIOPHEB. /^SINCI THE GUESTS ARE you’ll find they'll stay freak longer t UMAGINE VOUR ■ OlIRS iis "She’e a little-taller than I «m, Mom^, but that ffOt foara of atrungla for financial indapandenca, SO UPSiT ABOUT THIS OREAD- MOTHER HAS STARTBO tf you map n little wet cotton "Then, after yeara FUl MUROR AMO KIONAPiNE, arouiid the atem, then wind with wonderful qualitiae A *t offaet th«t—her dad gives nar aolution>-inmpandance from finanoat!" 10 M ill THE RANSOM I aaw the MISS SHVCOEN, I TH0U6HT MOW MONEY BY NOtM. 001$ cellophane tape. It wron’t spoil the oar any time aha atkal" MI6HT divert THEM BV PUTTING niAl MAKE YOU HAPPY Y your suit or dresa To give a pro­ OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HCKIPLE ON A SKATING fessional look to the stem, use dark green gift tkpe to hold In the PIllSClIPTlOliS! HOW'S ABOUT MC WEARIM' HEANEHS. JA K E/VD iyR E NO T OH.HES ■ t h a t 6RAXEM.'-«*rr a p p a l l s Our M l«clion It m arv«loutl molstura t o MUCH FA6TKR MADE ME THIS MAMOVLOtO^ MOOSE ' Easter Calls For A New THAN US THAT •MARTER.1 $kiM vJHen X Btcoex mV MB— MV PRIYEO OLD POLAR IF W E KEEP A VEE.SIR. ESKIMO RASSLER WTHE _ ‘ FtARKA DNERTED TO A FARCICAl The Joy o f freshly re-covered 1 6ip to ssiprs coftectoDSs. Baby Oxfords furniture can be beautifully real­ • Like the pelmer, we RECORPOPWHAT EACH TIME RtriG? — ITUL LOOK. LlKBr AND LARCSNOUS PUREUtT.'- ised with the UPHOLSTERY must exerdM cere in the Bring yonr doctor’s PART OF HIM IS HEPUU.^ IT 1 DISCOVERED HIM WHILWT iP VOO VIb RE MAhlAdnOG A Tie In Every Man ^s rr CEA&ES R E M N AN TS o f many- different miainBef inaredienis. In ' preacri^oos here with f OROWINO FASTCSr,^ KUMTlM' FER LEStTlMATB MATMArO, A N P OF, EVERY BIT TO BE FUN by Biistar Brawa Cheney natertale—the same ma­ onrcasc,CBBttiaiS«leehly tba asinraace dwi only SUCH Jto OOTCH OR liefeme hedth, terials used by top-flight manu- f(aili,potsm drags will Wardrobe. See Our facturere and decorators hut pric­ aad sven Ufa hself may bens^OaraaipIsssodu Is your baby ready for oafords, moRier? ed In the remnant pieces at as llt- depend npon onr skill psradt os so epmpoand Ue as $2.00 a yard at the CHENEY ■ aad mcfmrmefi T h at ia even the amit co^ta Be sura to see our Buster BrownsI They’re BROTHERS REMNANT SALES­ why we empl^.oaly ca prescrlpdoa peoai^y. ReinforeemeBte ' BY LBSLIB TURNER Extensive Selection -'pjtrienced Rfgiaierad and pr^sdy as the doc­ WASH llIrBRS the smartest, safest, most servkeeble v ROOM. WJ.IN' OOMBTOTHaiR , (Sir0PFAHM.Y0U Phermedus, end doable- tor dlrscts. Wf.bope you ’ YOU X OUNNO what VOU’RR APRAIO ! OF nr. MR. FIMH) \MAiLOROiaOHOR litde dioes in town. Our eiperts will see To renew the gloea on a straw check eech oompoanding .wHI ltry.ns ttwi time! MIMtO \-eaa.PiLLA-.60T voirD bettiir SUFOUGN UP VvouDoirTWMmj ..at, either Mack or colored, m MBi HOW \ aa Moxa pajtb to tmb r vguBMABHaea _DO«aOPt«AOi>e to it diat your tot ia perfectl y fitted. over______— It lightly .eral heveral tli tlmea with TNieflACBj A R iri a cloth dipped in nlcohoL Cheney Brothers Tune la the Buster NORTHIEND Brewm Oaag every Bat- C A R E F U LLY chosen EASTER PHARMACY urday UMrebig a$ lliM GREETINO CARDS meet all tastea at the DEWEY-RICHMAN REA4NANT SALESRCXJM ea Btottoe WHO. CO M PANY. N et only beauttful k4 Depot seeara Tht big cards with a reltgloua message F m Deffrw j! " o. at $1.00 and amusing cut-out fig­ R ARTTOBOrROAD. MANCHESTER ures for children at $ A $ *la^ irge ’ Open BnsMays AB Day alu, but cards from $.06 up have * HOURS:9 A. Bi to • P. M. specter appeuntct '-partlculm' per- w . GUSTAFSON'S _. -. ttv. aons. 8 a t«ri«j«-9 A. M. to 5 P. M.-^ 708 MAIN STREET iOA»ai . harpoon Advertise in Rsriildrrljl P«yB The Inquirjet UffL'iAIBlEss •n e jc c K ffv a n d t h e m u u »& 0 0 ,3 A K 6 S

/ ll -w-.--r . ' t . , '7 jv.-.'ife * i J., - .'1.1,i. J •• aeven red and six white stripea pounds. It will go through i which represents the thirteen ortg- *&8ter Egg* Hail Two German Girls sBrias of ground tssUng bsfora It ixuil states ntotsctsd me, former actunlly goss aloft iahabltaht e f Poland, Russia, Oar- many, Italy, who couldn't And an Seeking Husbands csUbUshed place for living in Eu­ rope. Hartford, March M —0^—Mayor LIMITID TIMI ONLY Manehoitor - A Cliy of VUtago Chmrm "My heart is joyful while I am Cyril Colqpian yesterday was called SUPER SPeCtAL! Orford Parish Chapter thinking about the flag of the U. upon bo play Cupid for two Oer- 8. which protects over 110,000,000 man glrU. MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, MARCH SO, 1950 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Is Doing Its Bit in Na« among which I am, Tha glria want tha mayor to help VOL. LXIX, NO. 1B2 heart is joyful while 1 am them find mataa in tha Ualtad tionalfMve tbiiSfr_____ [ng that the flag of the U. 8. Btataa ao that they could got mar­ i ' ‘ i . ' rcpreaenU Freedom. Justice and ried. Orford Portab Chaptor, Dausb- equality everv man, every woman, One of the girls, Trude Slamm of COY^ Find the Mohawk River every child and of the same kind t t n of the Amcricon BevotuUon, Bulsbach, A. Md., Berslv, U. 8. as me. Bone, said she was 31 years old, IS «commbn with other O. A. R. ••In gratitude and honour for my Nine Patients Die, Slate CIO Supports "good looking with dark blonde faaptere" ttroughout Um oouatry, 8tars and Btripes which is the hair and brown eyes. la detas Ma Mt to help local DIa* symbol of my freedom and faith, Her girl friend, Irene ZIngfang, placod miaona and othera to be- I will say; 'God bless that day also of Bulsbach. True wrote, ''has COACH oone citl^na of thia country, and in which my foot stepped on the black hair and blue eyes, with a AND When Fire Rages ground which Is called U. 8. God to underalUad better aome of our good figure.” SEDAN Reorganization Plan; htatocr and^ouatoma. bless the flag of the U. 8. under T te naUdial aoeiety of the D. A. which the government permits me n. kaa printed, in about >0 differ­ to live free and equal with all cltl- aens and not citlsens of the U. Big Helicopter ** "a "'i ^"3 Through Hospital ent languafea, ita **ManuaI for Peiert^flewef fsrfwme i '-i atlaanahl^’ Ip Mancheater thla 8.' l«atliw«tto....ame«Mi fw manual la being uaed in dtlaenahip “L,et It be known to all the peo­ Ready for Tests gIvM wMli mkIi •om fort....ragged for long wenr. Good 8i- Only Few Objeetions daaaea at nighl achool and In aome ple from the terrestrial globe, hos­ IMrchsM •( sy to elenn. Colorful pMId patterns. Private Sanatorium Out­ of the churchea in claaaaa eapedal- tile inclInaUon to my Stars and Senator Lays ^ lor DP’s. The French tranala- Stripes, in any case I will be stay­ Culver City, Calif., March 39— side Philadelphia ScMie tien of the manual Is used In some ing with an army in the flrst row (F>—Howard Hughes' twin-jet D e s e r t F t? W E R S '' ^ S Opponents Urged to For­ of the French daaaea at the high among the sona of the American XH17, the largest heloopter yet TOILET WATER SHOP HERE .O f Tragedy; Some of Plan to Add Atlanta Police Seeking aohool. nation with an outcry: 'Stars and designed. Is ready for extensive Flay BnU! . r, r N \ X-' Plans to Talk Two-Gun Cowboy BandU get ‘Narrow, Selfish RIatory of the U.S. Stripea are dearer to me than my testing. 1.25 Victims Strapped to The material in the manual In- life—begone, do not tooch’ !'' The weird-looking craft, which plMtMiS FOR A LL Interests* as Announeo- dudao a section on the history of in operation will straddle a field Concrete Bunks; Oth­ On Lattimore More Fundsa Atlanta March 80.—(F I- thla ccauitiy, the Sag and respect Children In the Newport, Minn., gun or a tank and haul it short SPECIAL OFFER to acquaint BASEBALL BATS Wanted by the police; A tw ^ ment Made ot Bade* &m to it, the constitution. D ^ a - area thought for a while that Ska­ distances, was rolled out of Its more women with tha secret ers Trapped in Rooms gun cowboy bandjt, who Hoping to Save YOUR Made at good robbed a laundry office In toe ing for ‘^uhstantialljr taUon b f Independence, pledge of ter had arrived early when hail­ hangar here Monday at the of this perfume's sensational For Defense stones of Easter egg proportions quality care­ Seml-Fr« McCarthy Not Certain heart of toe city. allegfance, the American's creed, Hughes Aircraft plant. A t pres­ success . . . this lasting fully seasoned Philadelphia, March 80.— Air of Recommenda­ and information about the govem- Old Locomotive fell. Here Joyce Peterson holds ent the cr^ t appears to be little fragrance that blends the FISHING Baseballs When He WiU Get The bandit, wearing full a sample of the hall. (A P Wire- hardwood. (/P)— Nine male patients— cowboy regalia, walked Into aaent of the United States and more than* blades and engines modern and urbane with Development Follows tions in Plan Propoa- bow to become a dtiaen. The photo). aome strapped to concrete Recognition; FBI to Somewhere *yinder” nU this water near Uttea, N. V. lies the historic Mohawk ri%*er, hidden by Its own toe office last night and pulled New London, March 29—< « — mounted on four-wheeled rig. the mystery and magnetism ing Revamping Setup manual^lo given free of c h ^ e by The blades, or rotors, are ap­ NEEDS! bunks and others trapped in power to ran wild during the spring thaw season. (A P wlrephoto). Testimony by Eisen­ two shiny guns on toe woman tiM D. ' a . R. to anyone wishing The New London Railroad aasocla- o f th e eternel desert.% standard slM Have Agent on Hand clerk. brary on Thursday. Parents and proximately 136 feet from tip to and weight. barred and bolted rooma— f t tlon, Inc., plans to negotiate with friends are invited to attend the Up. Hiey are powered by two hower Regarding Addi­ SUck ’em up," he demanded. State Cspitol, Hartford, the New Haven railroad for pre- periahed laat night in a Are Waahlngton, March 30—(P)— supper and meeting. Open house J-35 jet engines. The exhaust TELESCOPIC RODS. Reg. $4.95 $3.75 tional Defense Needs Then he grabbed a coIlecUon March 30.— (/f) — The CJon- In conjunction with aome of Its aarvatton of one of the railroad s will be held at the school from 5 which raged through one Promised FBI attention, Senator Reversal Seen box belonging to toe Crippled Americanlaation projects the D. A. blast riaea up Inside the rotor Fielder’s Glove Acheson Opposes Cut necticut State CIO counefl, • 1,800 class. Pacific type steam to 6 p. m. SO that visiting school shaft housing and out to the Ups GENUINE TONKIN CANE wing of a auburban private McCarthy laid plana for a Senate Children'e League of Georgia B. recently conducted a contest passenger locomBtlves, Henry 8. urging opponents of govern­ boards may Inspect the building. ,. of the blades, where the gases F L Y ROD. Reg. $ 9 .9 5 ...... $ 7 .4 5 aanatorium. Two firemen, a speech today on the man he accus­ Washington. March 30 — (/n— and eacaped. The box held on *TVhat the American Flag Ubby, Assoclatlto vice president, miotCi $ 1.98 On British Aid about 98 In small change. Robert Waterman of Hartford again may be burned for addition­ nurae and at lenat 80 other pa- Members of toe House Armed Serv­ mental reorganization to for­ MOana To Me.” The winning ea- discloaed yesterday. Tough wearing es of being Ruasia’a top spy In the aajr was arrltten by Joseph Ooeta is a patient in the Hartford hos­ al thrust. SCENT SHOP CASTING REELS ...... from 59d Uenta, men and women, were in­ On Cash to Aid Asia ices committee dlecloaed plana to- Detectivea called in a juva- get- "narrow, selfish inter­ Libby said it is hoped suitable t leather. State department. nUe court officer. 'The bad man of Ifocwalk. a DP who recently arrangements can be made with pital, Mr. and Mrs. Waterman have The "flying crane” weighs jured or overcome by amoke aa Tha man la Owen J. LatUmore, dr. to add 1647,000.000 to next ests,” announced support to­ oarao to thia country. His letter been summer residents hebe for about 40,000 pounds gross, includ­ »bl Main St. Tel. 5321 CASTING RODS ...... from $ 1 .7 9 Baseball Hhoea flamea awept from baaement to Rayburn Says House waa a youngster about eight the railroad to save one of the lo­ American expert on Far Eastern year's defense budget. years old. His weapons, were day of "substantially all” the SdOows: comotives from the scrap heap several years. ing the maximum load of 10,000 14.96. Reg. $3.45 upper rooma of a aection of tha affairs who has retorted,that the Congress Told Any Slash *T am attandlnc the second BAIT BOXES ...... from 291 47-year-old Belle Vlata aanatori­ Will Change ‘Terribly This development followed teatl rap pistole. recommendations in a plan' and place it on public display at Wlsconain’a charge ia "pure moon­ mony by Gen. Dwight D, Elsen­ proposing sweaplng changes In night daao ef Nonralk. Equally some point on the system. um. shine." Unfortunate* Vote O f $45,000,000 Asked with my school colleagues, I would F L Y L IN E S ...... from 5 9d The aanatorium la given over to News Tidbits hower that a half billion dollaru toe state government 'Die 1,300 class locomotives, once Regular 94A6 Values! McCarthy told reporters he Would Have Bad Re­ more—at a "giieaa'' — could ha Uka to aaprssa my opinion of the SO In number and now down to Um treatment of oonvaleacent, would be ready with his speech Called From (4^ Wiroa Ooneratrattea af rower Ult theme: LEADER MATERIAL ....from |9d aenlle, nervous and mental caaea. Washington, March 80 — (Jn — uaed to strengthen this country's four on the roster, due to Diesell- When It Come$ to PLASTIC RAINCOATS when the Senate convened l2 noon, sults on Red Check Brown Pleads Among critlclsma of tha present ** *What the American Sag Meah Ripped fyoni Windows Speaker Sam Rayburn predicted defenses. ^ governmental system voiced by meana to me.’ lation of the railroad and scrap­ EAGLE CLAW HOOKS ... .from 29< For men and women. eA t), but It waa not certain in ad­ Soviet Russia's leading biologist, The House next week will, begin ping of steam power, reigned su­ Raacuera ripped thick wire vance when he would get recogni­ today the House wUI reverse ;ta toe CIO was what It called con­ *T]hfbrtunataly, my vocabulary Men's in clear plastic.. Washington, March 30.— Trofim D. Lyaenko, writes that conalderation of a bill which calls preme In hauling all express and women’s In green. Small, meah from windows In order to tion from the presiding officer. "terribly unfortunate” vote to centration of power in "queal-ln- tl not largo, but I write within the FLY TIEING MATERIAL .•...... 2 5 d lead scores of paUenta—aome un­ weatern atomic acientiats should be for $13,011.127,()OO In caat and con­ Guilty Today Mmlts e f my knowledge of this limited trains between New Haven CHILDREN’S medinm and large sixes. Neely To Talk First (4*)— Secretary of State dependent boards snd conutais- comprehending and hyaterical—to withhold foreign aid from Britain lilted aa war fulraiaale ... Caecho- tract authority for toe armed sions.” and Boston from 1916 to 1037, ASSORTED FLOATS ...... from St There waa unanimous agreement Acheson told Congress today forces In toe 12 montha starting Libby said. i safety. until Ireland Is united. ■lovakla deuiands that U. 8. aU' ” T ! R . that the readers will Walter Rohrbach, one at the to let Senator Neely (D-W Va) that any cut in the $45,000,- toorltiea in Weatsm Germany hand July 1. Admits Negligence and I sutement, signed by foniTO my mistakes. I will be HATS JITTERBUGS ...... talk first on another matter. Mc­ Rayburn, Texas Democrat, told m r u i i Leglalstlvd Oominlttee Cfialrmaa ...... 98d firemen, said ha rescued 12 wom­ a news conference he doea not think 000 asked for President Tru­ over eight Caechs involved in air . " ’••• Make “ S tro ^ Speech” gruefnl for their oorrectlan which CENTURY BATTERY Carthy indicated he wrould try .to escape of 26 antt-commuoista laat I Chairman Vlnaon (D-Qa) of fie IvegleiTt o f His lluty in Daniel j . Gallaghar, was Issutd at shall Jtntify my short stay in the FISHING HOOKS .., By Thor en patients, carrying them down ^ the House, on a roll call vote, will man’s “Point Four” program • pkg. lO d ladders one at a time. obtain the floor after Neely. And, week .. Chlneaioom nu^Uhave Armed Services committee an- Groundinir o f Miaaouri tl.“ ff„ “ m y' irds come from my to'i^K iLiravrith M cC M rth y'i"^l«O ck to y e a ^ ^ teller vote would hsve unfortunate re- torouqging o i iviissouri | „ Legislature’s Reorganlution Marlborough “It was sickening," he said. Closed last two direct chanTla for «>‘» h e a r t h deepest sincerity. S PE A R S ...... quest.* FBI Director J. Edgar|Sectalon There may be a roll can anlta on efforts to check Com­ ■ 4 ^ CARROLLS 20d "Soma were acreamlng. Some were on t e question late today, but per­ oonfldratlal mesaages between I “ P * ‘'•trong apeet-h* eommittse met here for anothaf rAjid ao, tmtil the war of Bep- Hoover said an agent would be on pointing out the grave altuaticn BunetinI tamber. 1139. I was living in Po­ Herman Dennier la at the Har­ FISHING BOOTS ... standing around with paaaive. haps not until tomorrow. munism in Asia. "It would American government and ita uffl- pubiio hearing on proposals of tbS rington Convalescent homo in Col- • • $10.95 blank looks—not understanding hand when the senator spoke. undoubtedly be Interpreted by toe confronting toe United States now Norfolk, Vsh March 99—(P) State Organisation oommlaalsa^ land. then under the government ( I'V V Neely'a office said his speech on On a teller vote, the members arc clala in ChlnA e f the 'Red Paradise.' The con- .cheater. what vraa going on—or so scared peoples of toe free countries of Despite talk of Rep. Joha 1>. that Russia has the atomic aecr.'t. —Capt. WUUam D. Brows to­ now under oonridaratlon at a apt* Ward Holman, a former resident Group No. 1 the _ _dUplaced ^ ra o ^ . He aaid he will call' upon toe ctal aesalon ot the Leglalature. Bagration of the Second World batterira to lit they had no emottona.” A dtvialon of that kind turned up Asia, toe Middle Blaat and other Lodge as possible nominee for U. 8. day Uirew kbnaelf on the mer­ for several years, passed away at Authorities said aome of the would take two hours—longer if underdeveloped areas aa indicat­ House Appropriations committee cy of a Navy court martial War threw me in the claws of the TOPS most car mod­ there were interruptions. That In­ a 99 to (Ml count late yesterday In Senate or for governor, Westport Today's hearing concerned the Mari ghettoes Con. Oamp where, tha home of his daughter, 3 ^ . male patients Who died were fas­ ing a lack of Interest in a pro­ to sp o n so r amendments to by pleading guilty of aeg- FISHING els. dicated McCarthy would not get favor of stopping all Marshall plan Republican wilt go on fall tick^ eitabliihment of adJudicaUoa 1 had a 'Oehenm^fe.' After the Ralph Lipps in Elmwood on Fri­ tened to bunks upon which they gram upon which they have been as candidate for renomlnatlon . . . strengthen this country's arma­ Ugenoe aad neglect ef duty la atarted before mid-afternoon at the kid to Britan ao long as Ireland ments. If tost group won’t do it, boards in the major etats war I aacertalned that 1 remained day after a long illness. Besides had lain without mattreaaea and remalna partitioned. putting very great hopes,’’ he Danish police place Soviet Engin­ the granading of the hatUeeMp manta Which brould bs satabli his daughter he leaves his wife, REELS earliest. ' he said, he will. alone, the Nari's barbaroris un­ FELTS only a taat Mankata. A few wore Great Event for "Irish BH>e” said. eer Valeutta OnbItolMv under vir­ Mleeoorl. *T am sot eoaesraed under the commlasioa's proposald. merciful end the lives of my fath­ Mrs. Margaret Holman. For- smooth accurate Made to SeU for 94A8! atralMai^tB. McCarthy outlined bU ohargea Argues for Program The bulk of toe additional funds with Um legal tocimleaHUea ef casting and long trou­ against Lattimore last week at a It waa a great event for the tual cabinet arrest during his brief The eommlerion rscommeudsi er, mother, sisters and brothers. Mrs. C. S. Christensen has re­ And Ineendlarlam Sn^eeted Irish bloc” — many of them with Acheson went before toe Senate stay in Copenhagen . . . President proposed by Vinson would be uaed my position,” the haadeoRM turned to her home In thia place ble free service. ' G. E. ALARM CLOCKS secret aesalon of the Senate For- . w to strengthen the natipn's aerial ■uch board, each to consist si .” As other people in Europe I LA. John JeUlson, of the Spring- elgn RetaUona subcommittee which large poupx of voters of I ^ h Foreign Relations committee to Syngman Rhee subnUU to Koreaa ^ 41-year-oM foruMr eklpper knew that the V. B. is a country alter spending the winter in St. OurJUT txiwtiow rnoePiiee field township police, expressed argue for to* proposed program of toM the eoort. *T aa^r Of, freedom, that the V. 8. is the Petersburg, Florida. STRAWS Perfect timing with one is Investigating his contention I descent in their districts. — but it National Asasmbly about belief the fire might have been in- left sdmlnlatntion leaders., red: Americaa technical aid to raise fl06,00(HmdgW*-of which 927.000.4•« •»•«$ •Itack else that I was napaiialhie lir l^ d of equal opportunity for all. Hie Rlchman Memorial Library at tkese elocka. Cream eehdlary. “f t looks aa If It might Chat Oammunlsta and fptlow trav- pnKIllriOiiii' mathoda and living Cram Um air. the eaUs aavigatlaa at tha ter svorlapplng she year toms, as I decided to leave Europe, to go Association is catering for the sup­ alara ksTS infaated the State de­ 000 is for aathwisl 4Mame—for fis­ a msaaa of asparatlag adntnistra*. color. \ terrlflc «alnc; $ 2 ^ 9 8 kaka'M to—.mupte^ •kF—-neraaeMi' Nobody axpactad it to be more standards In backward areas of Air Fane Needs fftteaaed ahip- My ardan p «t tha aUp to the U. 8. where I will find f r ^ per of the joint School Board meet­ partment. cal year begtiining Saturday. Eisenhower told a Banato Ap- tivs and rtgdlatory tuncUoM probably by a patient,” ha said. than 9 paaalng geatura to be rubbed toe world. The plan got toe name Vote in U. 8. House of Repre­ agroanC” dmn in an equal with other people ing which will be held at the Ll- A Joint Inveaitlgation waa begun He hes aaid he la willing to let "Point Four” from President Tru­ propriatlona rabcommittoe yester- which It aaid stony agenetaa nesr there. M .98 aU of' hia accusations atand or fall O' t In the final action on the pend­ sentativesseniauvee toM, throttleuirovue British aid „ g defenses are nc perform Jointly. Immediately by state poUoe, local ing foreign aid bill. man's listing of It in his inaugural not as Norfolk, Va., March 90-(F ) - ‘m » diaporitlon of my fate MOTOR poUca and the fin marabnl’a de­ on the outcome of the Lattimore address laat year. 'trong a. they might he. The Air Support Prapssal i drove BM to Italy, where I lived Up case. But Rayburn “ ■ aaid '.‘It baa prob- causes hardly ripple in Britain Capt. William D. Brawn pleaded partment. ______U returning from I ably done us great harm in toe The Senate group ia considering Force waa one arm whose needs he Carter W. Atkina, ehalrmaa st from ISM 'tU Match, ISIS, in lattimore Western world la not losing oeld ■tressed, along with Alaskan de­ guilty today to charges of negli­ OIL Last night's fire at Belle Vlata, Afghanistan to go before toe com- world situation. I think we have toe proposal at a time when Ache- war with Russia, in opinion of Qeii. toe Organisation commlsrion, aad that tiSM ftlcked in vigour of fact which Uea on tha northwestern ■on ia reported to be trying to fenses, anti-submarine weapons, gence and neglect of duty in toe to my mune two letter D. P. which mittee with a formal reply to what all we can do without meaaing in Luciua D. Clay, former miUtary grounding of the Battleship Mls> John Arcudl, Bridgeport laugrss edge of Philadelphia, In Spring- he hes called McC^arthy’a "rant- toe private or national affairs of draw Great Britain and France In­ and industrial moblllutlon. was not easy to tear off. The governor ot U. 8. sons in Germany While Senator Elmer Thomas sourU ■peaking for the Connectlctit 'Sgoicy of the U. S. government BAGS field township, Montgomery coun­ Inga." other countries." to a United front against the ty. waa the third at the aanltor- spread of Oommunism in Aala. . , . Four of New York city’s pri­ (D., Okie.), riMlrman of toe Sen Brown, who commanded the Blgl*™^®" lahor, (AFL), appear* however tore the two letters D. P. Nature Not Revealed Rayburn said he believes anoto- vately-owned hue firms, which car ett my name, permitted me to en­ To 3 gal. container. All lum in 14 montha. contended all Acheson told the senatora that ate eubcommlttee, indicated that Mo when ska ran aground on a| It broke out shortly after 10 McCarthy has contended all ®r amendment adopted yesterday, the 848 000 000 flaure la a capful ry 1,280,000 passengera dally, have he thought Elsenhower had failed Chesapesk bqy shoal Jan. 17, (OsatlNSd aa Phgn l r) ter the U. 8., where I found a home grades. 100% pure. p. along that proof of hla chaigea $i.ooo.000.000 In aid applied for immediate one-cent to live, a Job to work, opportunity Match m. (e. a. t ) yaaterday in the base­ agalnat LatUmore and toe othera I fyf the purchase of farm ' - P* the to prove hla case, other lawmak- pleaded guilty to each of three | 12 months beginning July 1. He fare increase. era—Including Vlnaon—said they , to study, peace, — peace for which ment of the two-story, part wood- he has accuMd can be found in toe eommodlUes, la "very hurtful.” It charges snd four speciflesUons. SB and part stone building. Within said any cut would’-‘serioualy han­ There were 119300 fewer peofS* agrasd fuHy with toe wartime The action of the foniMr skipper I I was looking a long, long time. FBI flies. He declined to discuss was approv^ 119 to 107. working in New England In Feb- And ao, the flag of the U. 8., with SCISSORS a matter of momenta after ita dta- In advance of hla apeech toe na­ dicap the undertaking of apecillc oommander of Allied military of the 48,000-ton battleship came AdmlnlstraUon leaders are pes- activities which-can be effecUvely ruary than in corresponding month forces in Europe. forty-eight stars which represents JACK oovery confusion waa rampant in ture of toe material he planned to rimiatic about their cbancea of] shortly after he waa arraigned be-1 aide. Only tha swift action of rea- organised during toe coming year ago, U. 8. Department o f ' -Elsenhower, now president of Abe, anioii of forty-eight states. 6 9 ) ^ hand toe FBI. overturning that Labor says . . . Mr#. Franklin D, fore a general court miuTlal con­ cuera and the reaourcefulnesa of Hoover and Attorney General year.” Columbia university, was called Flashes! O i A G. O. P.-led drive waa primed Would Be Seeuflty Measure Roosevelt says that lupport for vened to try him on toe ebargea. U p McGrath came out agalnat turn­ Hears Charges Read (la te I iet«ha(ff)Wlra) $ 3 1 . 8 9 (Orattnaed ea Paga Twalva) ing over FBI daU to the Inqul^ Acheson said toe program, by Cfiiang Kal-Shek'e Nationalist CTl- (Orattaned om Paga Twelve) (Ooutlaaed oa Paga Four) strengthening toe free nations of nase government "seems futije.’’ ., Several minutes sarllsr ks hsd Regularly fSM . committee on too ground it would stood before toe court, composed cripple toe agency and amear In­ Aala and other underdeveloped Gen. Dwight D. Elsenhower shies For your old bike re­ DeLuxe type. areas, would be a aecurity meaa- of four rear admirals and thyee nocent people. J away from poHtleal qwestloas in Wouada Mayor; U lla Self gardless of condition drochs Renew President Truman backed them ure for toe United States and talking about defense needs before Veto Urged captains, snd beard toa Judge sd- StUtwater, Olds,. BCarah 99—(F) GIRLS’ when you trade for one up by declining to glra toe com- Wants Guard therefore "an easenUal arm of our 8enate group . . . RCA's tri-color vocals read these charges: —A-maa walked lato toa afflca st foreign policy.'’ 1) 'Through negligence suffer­ 9tUl«*ater Mayor A. B. AIcntt o f our new models. i^ttoe acceaa to either the FBI picture tube appears to have records or toe loyalty fllra o f ^ But our foreign policy is not brought color televleloB for general ing a vessel of the Navy to be] ahortty before boob todaF. weuad Press Passes baaed > Hla opudlttM waa aai ImmeiHatsly J ^ O war veteran described by peychla- arded.” kaowoTN Capt. Okwi Bhirlay ^ Fully guaranteed Mow- For 3 Western Corre­ triat as dangerously Insane, shoots venial Measure; Aets (8) "Neglect of duty.” out proof. For all cars. ^ l a p ^ ' of’ the Federal loyalty policy ia broader than tola. It Ja toe Stniirater poUea dcaarlraest m d $ 3 - 4 5 tration in British Pul­ eaaentlally constructive. friend In 8tamford and, in long The 47-year-old officer, who waa toe maa was MeatMlad DIRECTIONAL • As low aa spondents at Prague ensuing uproar, kidnaps snd robs After SUff Fight relieved as commanding officer of * 1 .9 8 «p committee, carrying out to- pits, Schools and Radio "It ia based on toe aasumptlon oa Chrla Dtxoo, SttOwaler bariMr. that in toe world today our own taxi driver and Is finally captured the MUwourt ehorUy after the vea- Shirley eoald give oo awtive for ^fashionable^ Generators atrnctiona ot the Senate, prompuy by police with tear gas. . . Reports «A L L WOOL SIGNALS Prague, Ckecboelovakia, March welfare ia cloaely related to that Washington, March 30—(/^— A the ahootlag. " Rebuilt for motti SO—(ff)—The Caech government to­ . London, March 30—OP) — The of other peoples. We can partici­ that President Trumsn hss derided controversial natural gas bill (Ooutoraed su P »g » Four) e \e • Chrome on brass CATH. (CoathiMd M Png* Four) House of Lords dem)anded con­ to veto controvewlsl fsrm price •NYLON day renewed the preaa credentials pate in tola kind of a program be­ passed by tha Senate after a stlfl' Floods Threateadtoeheetw . ■ of three western oorreapondents tinued vigilance agalnat Cqfnmu- cause it serves both toe interest support messure affecting cotton, fight, today ran Into a demand by Syracuse, N. Y^March fhi (94— here. Only yesterday It ordersd tha niam in British public life last night of other peoples and our own in­ peanuts and potatoes spread Senator Douglas (D., lU.) for Flood watora fraas ewoOea etraaras •ORCHID— MAIZE * expulsion of the lone American after Lord Vanrittart charged Reds terest aa w eV rapidly through capitol .... U, 8. preridantlal veto. Fire Damages receded la aseat e< apeh rie'N w representatlva in Ckechoalovakia Baby Sitter have infiltrated Into Britain's pul­ "Economic development will Labor department official aeya The measure waa approvsd by York today but the clH' M B cehsa' MINT—BLUE «2.98 F U E L P U M P S of The Associated Press. pits, Bchoolrooma, radio and gov- bring us certain practical material that job prospects for 1980 eollegc the Senate lata yesterday by ter faced a threat fre«a, tho r » Pink Aocredltatloaa were extended nmenL gvaduatos wiU Jm worst thaii at Rogers Plant paiglag Oeaeaee river. Hlg^ Siies 1 to 3z White front. lamps and Rebuilt for Ford Saves FourlS^' 44 to 88 vote. It would ban the the OSaeaea were ex|»eted to PINK—NAVY until June 30 for Dana Adams Without a record vote, Parlla- (CaattaMd M Page r) any time since war, Federal government from regu. at Orch|d' red rear signal lamps. V-8. Fully guar­ ment’a almoat-powerleae u p p er reach toe ■tate’a third largtet «