W-* B '.' I ___ , f d o f i n r iKonrlrrBtrr Sn^ning 9 ^ntUt TUESDAY, ICABCH IMO A r a r a t s Dr Uy Nst Prass Rtm U s W dR tlw r v a t tha Manth at FMNmnry. ISM ** ------• ^ 0 . a T titSit Btatota Mamorlal Lodge, Mb. 8$, Knighta aUas; and Jamm H. Torranoa, aoa o f Mr. and Mrs. Andraw U Tor- a t Pythlaa, wig b w tU next mast­ To Be Cradnated | Local Youths Partly dandy and aaneh a a tttr Accord Plans ranof of IM Baat Mlddlo Tum- About Town ing Wadaasdsjr, J^ril 9, st 9 o’clock tala tMa aftarnaan aad onMhqn la tbrtr Caatb^haU on Oolway dUm . a aanlor In tba Slaetiloal 9,877 HKMua BMitlay. j K t M ^ o ( tM zAtiaiunFBiFr iwupninn i i ? r a u i fair aad nmeh eoUar tanlghl and at knight will ba TeohaolQgjr alaaa. 2 On Honor Lists Mimhar ak tha AndR m Here Praised Lawnmowors Sharpened aoOtoUr Mdiool, wiU B« O apMk- conferred J iy Memorial Lodga’a 17m Oonnoctlcut Baglaaaring ■nrami ad CbeMMIene •r at Um ir m Udc at th« BucKuml- rank a t i^ a t that tima. Inatltuta ban born aatabUobad by HaauhaMmr— A City o f Village Charm OakUnd Club tomorrow «v «n m ( at K the Connecticut State Department Saws Filed Favorable Comments Maintain High Average T o’clock. Hes Culotta of Oak atreet, of Education to provide education­ weir known local barber, has re­ Precision Work by New Machinery Heard on Meeting In Studies at Engineer^ al opportunlUea for the dtlaens of VOL. LXIX, NO. 151 (deoaiaeC Advertlatag on rege 17) MANCHESTER, CONN h WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29. 1950 (TWENTY-EIGHT P A G E S — IN TWO SE(?nONS) PRICE POUR CENTB Mcmbora of lojm l O rdo, Klng'a turned to hla ahop after an ab- Oomwctlcut Ita oouraea ara or- Keys Made Small Appliances Repaired Bai^twih arc rtmladcd at dona* aence from iUneoa. On School Dispute ing Institute gaalaed to provide high aebool and tton day at the Klng'a DaughUra' T Home on New Britain avenue, Mother Caprini Mothers Circle' vocnttonal-technieal aebpol grad­ Hartford, niuraday. Member are will meet tomorrow evening With Comment heard today wa# com­ Three Manchester students at uates with the necessary technical Where Embassy Plane Crashed loqoeoted.to leave their donations Mrs. Wesley Orvk of 132 Bljisell plimentary of the efforts of the Connecticut Engineering Insti­ training required to obtain em­ WOODLAND ployment and advancement as at the boiiw of Mra Jenn)^ Holfa, Street. Thursday evening ' the Cbarlea 8. House, chairman of the tute in Hartford have made the Senators Moving tectinlclans in the Selde of elec­ SUPER SERVICE STATION Study on Exhaustion 900 Bhat Center aticet^ Sacred Heart Circle will meet Board o f Education and Wilbur T. Honor List for the first semester, with Mra. John B Shea o f 340 trical, mechanical and tool en­ Little, chairman of the Cltlaensf indicating that they have main­ gineering. EDWARD 8. BARNEY, Prop. TbOi IfancheiilerReglatered Main atreet CUmmIttee on Schoola to meet and tained an average of eighty or bet­ 1120 Bamside Ave., East Hartford T«l. 8-8S61 Huraaa Aaaodation will entertain ter In their atudiea. To Force Seeing St. Mary’a Guild will meet In arrive at an acceptable dectalon tbe'membera of district two at the The three Manchester youths Sooth Methodist church at T:30 the Guild room Thursday morning on the school building program. Of Jobless Benefits who have attained this honor are: a. m. April 4. SUnley Harbison at eleven o'clock. The members Letters have gone out to key George W. England, aon of Mr. tan about welfare work in win bring their own aandwlchea. figurea in the recent referendum PIASTI-LINER and Mra. George J. England of and tea, coffee and deaae|;f will dispute, signed by House as fol­ Of Secret Files Pnaito lUeo. be served by the hoateeaed, Mrs. lows: 254 Spruce street, a flrat-year stu­ "W e all seem to agree that our dent In the Mechanical Technology ■nie Boaril of Deacons of the Joseph Johnston and Mrs. Earl schools are facing a critical situa­ cleas; William Kloppenburg, Jr., NOTICE Sergeant at Arms Sent p j n u |q Q i a r t Discloses Many Idle Covenant- OongregaUonal church Medieown. tion but BO far we haven't been son of Mr. and Mrs. William Klop­ win meet this evening with Rev. able to find a solution to the prob­ penburg of 91 Cooper street, a COLUMBIA INSURANCE Out With Summons!* ' Cad Helgerson. at the parsonage, The local Chapter of Hadassah Frederlek K. Clapp will meet this evening at 8 o'clock lem which will meet with general senior In the EHectrical Technology 4T ^>ruee atreet. approval. Directing Three Highj M o Y C S State Labor Department in Temple Beth ShoTom. A Him, w iw oppncOTiwi COMPANY OF NEW YORK " I am sure that there muet be Mra. John E. Clapp of 14 Haynes House Votes Seen Her? "Serving Israel's Youth.” will de­ Government Officials i Survey Shows 42 Per pict Hadsssah's Child Welfare and some common ground upon which street and her son, Roy, left Brad­ According to our records, Mr. Willidm E. ley Field, Windsor Locks, last night MAKES FAISE TEETH Fit Vocational Education program in the divergent viewpoints esn agree To Produce Employe For Cold W ar Cent of 1949 E*« Fratiuenllv customera en route to I j u .Vegas, Nevada, Goodchild, Jr., formerly an Agent at Manches- Heavy Slash Israel. A social hour will follow if we can just let oiir tempers for th » llf« of your ptatas Files for Red Inquiry caS and ask “PINEHURST and members and friends are urged cool, forget any pride of stand where Mra. Clapp hopes to have HALE'S er^ Hartford County, Connecticut, for the Co­ haustees Have Failed to attend. already taken and in a spirit of the honor of pinning the wings on ARE YOU OPEN WED­ Foreign Ministers of To Find W ork; Hartt cooperation and understanding her son, Frederick R. Clapp, who lumbia Insurance Company of New York did BaUetin! In Aid Plan NESDAY AFTERNOON.” has been undergoing rigoroue gun­ Headquarters Manchester Chapter, No. 17 Dis­ meet to start afresh to find a aat- ----- ------------ tiM «o o d 12 Atlantic Pact Na­ ford Ranks Well in And it’s no wonder there's tafactory solution. nery training at the A ir Force Base not report that he had issued any of the follow*, Wuhington, March 29.— abled American Veterans, will FOR ■omili CO 4 fm r or loM rr. coafn^on about this with "In this spirit I am asking you, there. He will be graduated ind 96 6od bothm fmmpnntr <yp>— Senate officera today tions to Meet in Lon That Only 4.1 Pet meet at the Silver Lane Communi­ a ftw boon 0T06f6«96eM ing numbered policies which according to our Reptiblirans Press Ad­ aaau stores open all day ty House tonight for a short bus­ other members o f the Board of Di­ receive his commisaion as a lieu­ _______ .otta aod tero soait. mt served the arst of three aub- rectors, the Board of Education, tenant. ____ Jof. Talk flMy.BoIoy tba coMocccboo- don, Bevin Reveals vantage Won in $250,- Cent Exhaust Benefits Wadnesday others closed in iness meeting followed by movies records were forwarded to him. poenaa demanding from top and a social time with refreah- the General Manager, the School Enlisting as an aviation cadet the afternoon. Here at government officials the loy­ This la the wreckage of an A ir Force plane, naolgned to the U. R. Embaasy at Ottawa, Oinada, which 000,000 Cut in For- Building Committee, the Chairman In March, 1949, at the local re­ •■y Is a»4N ar TIMaw M m Ttsia 9MMse% London. March 30— (N)— The ments. Fire Policies from Number 395851 to 395875 crashed near Cornwall, Ont., after taking off from nn Ottawa airport for WaMhington. AmhaaMdor Hartford, March 29.— (/n Pinehnrst, everyone gets an of the Citizens Committee and cruiting station, he has maintained T m m Is n , edorfsM. handMS m rM aed soar alty records which President foreign minietera of the 12 Atlan­ eign Economic Funds other citizen who have shown a a 94 per cent scholaatic average. ^tas.C aa be laMoVad isnfwdkacdaoa. UaMi Laureaco Stelnhardt and four others were killed. (N B A telephoto). — A state Labor departmont afternoon off during the Donna Betko, daughter of Mr. Mf, '’Newleeeee«aenwNa inclusive and from Number 510231 to T ruA an has ddcUned to turn tic pact nations will meet in Lon­ particular Interest In and concern He received primary training at aurvey today ahoNed that 4S week BUT OUR STORE IS and Mrs. Louis Betko of Horton SOLO ON A over to a Senate committee. for the problem to meet with me Goodfellow Air Force Base, San 510275 inclusive don May 8 to chart new western Washington, March 29,—(47— per cent of tha 46,880 work- OPEN ALL DAY EVERY road, was one of the intermediate piano pupils of Frederic E. Wer­ at High School Hall next Monday, Angelo, Texas. Joseph Duke, sergeant-at- moves in the cold war and present I Repubileana clamoring for deep ,OR 1 2 Fleets Routed era who exhausted unemploy* WEDNESDAY. ner who played in the recital Sun­ April 3 at 8 p. m. for a diacuoalon The Columbia Insurance Company of New arma, served his first subpoe­ Russia with a greater, unified slashes in government spending of the Impasae which has arisen.
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