The Clan Fergusson Or Ferguson
RECORDS OF THE CLAN FERGUSSON OR FERGUSON RECORDS OF THE CLAN AND NAME OF FERGUSSON FERGUSON AND FERGUS SUPPLEMENT Edited for The Clan Fergus(s)on Society by JAMES FERGUSON"' AND ROBERT MENZIES FERGUSSON EDINBURGH: DA YID DOUGLAS 10 CASTLE STREET 1899 All rights resenwl Edinburgh.: Printed by T. an,l A. CoNHTABLE D A V I D D O U G LA S. LONDON . SDIPK1N, 111A3.SHALL1 HA!lflLTO~, KEX'I A!fD CO., L'l'D • .:'IL.\m.ULLAN A::,:J"D BOWES. GLASG 1)W. l!T PREFATORY NOTE AFTER the publication of the Records of the Clan ancl Narne of Fergiisson, Ferguson, and Fergus in 1895, the Editors received a number of communications from persons of the name resident in Canada, the United States, and elsewhere. There also reached them a considerable amount of additional information, illustrating the earlier history of the Clan, and indicating the common origin of various families. The discovery of papers at Pitfour a year after the book came out was followed by the appearance of His Grace the Duke of Atholl's Chronicles of the Fa1nilies of .Atholl and Tulliebardine, which gives many interesting particulars about the Olan in Athole, while the Editors have been placed in communication with the representa tives of other families, who had been unaware of, or omitted to contribute to the original volume. Ultimately in the spring of 1898 the Clan Fergusson Society authorised the preparation and publication of the present supplemen tary volume. The Editors have, as on the previous occasion, en deavoured to supply notices of the families dealt with from the pen of a member of the particular family.
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