This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Workshop Participants Workshop Participants IUFRO Workshop Participants, August 23-26, 1998 Quebec City, Quebec, Canada 62 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-6. 1998. IU FRO Workshop Participants, August 23-26, 1998 Quebec City, Quebec, Canada 62 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-6. 1998. Workshop Participants jospeh Anawati Denver P. Burns jean Cook Canadian Forest Service USDA Forest Service Forintek Canada Corp. Head Office Rocky Mountain Research Station 2665 East Mall 580 Booth Street, 7th floor 240 West Prospect Road Vancouver, BC Ottawa, ON Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA V6T 1 WS Canada K1 A OE4 Canada (970) 498-1126 (604) 222-5633 (613) 947-8996 director/
[email protected] cook@van. fori j anawati @n rcan (Speaker) jack Coster Lou is Archambau It Errol T. Caldwell West Virginia University Service canadien des forets Canadian Forest Service Agricultural Sciences Centre de foresterie des Laurentides Great Lakes Forestry Centre 1164 Agricultural Sciences 1055, rue du P.E.P.S. 1 21 9 Queen Street East Morgantown, WV 26506 USA Ste-Foy, Qc Sault Ste. Marie, ON (304) 293-4421 G 1V 4C7 Canada P6A 5M7 Canada
[email protected] (418) 648-7230 (705) 759-5740-2037 larchambau
[email protected].
[email protected] Dave Cown (Group facilitator) Forest Research Institute janice Campbell PO Box 3020 Philip Aune Canadian Forest Service Rotorua, New Zealand USDA Forest Service Atlantic Forest Centre 64 7 347 5525 Pacific Southwest Research Station P.O.