40 Years of Commitment to Improving Safety 1970–2010
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40 Years of Commitment to Improving Safety 1970–2010 International Section for Chemistry 40 Years of Commitment to Improving Safety Contents Greetings of the ISSA President. 3 Greetings of the ISSA Secretary General . 4 Motivation and Challenge . 5 History of the ISSA Chemistry Section . 6 International Project to Ban Asbestos. 9 “Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering” Working Group . 10 Focus on Nanotechnology . 12 “Dangerous Substances” Working Group . 13 40 Years of the ISSA Chemistry Section – 30 Years of PAAG Seminars . 16 “Explosion Protection” Working Group. 17 “The Section cultivates a global culture of prevention” . 19 Organisation and Membership . 20 Bureau of the ISSA Chemistry Section. 21 International Symposia . 22 Imprint . 23 2 40 Years of Commitment to Improving Safety Greetings of the ISSA President On 17 June 1970, International tional Section of the ISSA on Pre- Social Security Association (ISSA) vention in the Chemical Industry Secretary Dr. Leo Wildmann at- has a key role to play with regards tended the founding meeting of the to hazardous substances, asbestos Corazon de la Paz-Bernardo International Section of the ISSA on or biotechnology. As science pro- President of the International Prevention in the Chemical Indus- gresses, responses to new exposures Social Security Association try. The Chemistry Section was the to hazards must be found to reduce fifth Section of the ISSA, dealing accidents and exposure to health with prevention of occupational hazards and thus protect the workers accidents and diseases. Six more and their families. This proactive Sections emerged after the founding approach in prevention is a genuine of the Chemistry Section, all gath- part of social security. By providing ered under the umbrella of the ISSA its experience and knowledge to Special Commission on Prevention. ISSA member institutions, the ISSA Chemistry Section has – since its ISSA had already been involved in foundation – therefore contributed the field of prevention since 1954. to ISSA’s overall mandate to promote This work originated from an initia- and develop social security world- tive of the ISSA members dealing wide. with accident insurances, compensa- tion and also rehabilitation. Follow- I would like to congratulate the ing this request, ISSA started organ- Section led by Dr. Erwin Radek, ising symposia and colloquia for its for 40 years of work in the area of members to learn more about the occupational safety and health benefits of prevention in specific and thank its members for their sectors of economic activities and long-term commitment to serving also collaborated in the first World the goal of prevention. Congress on Safety and Health at Work in Rome in April 1955. Over the last 40 years, the ISSA’s Special Commission on Prevention has been providing hands-on infor- mation for ISSA members, for in- stance valuable expert advice, along with good practices. The Interna- 3 40 Years of Commitment to Improving Safety Greetings of the ISSA Secretary General It is a great honour and pleasure for ISSA will deepen these links and me to congratulate the International explore further how social security Section of the ISSA on Prevention policies can foster preventative in the Chemical Industry on its 40th approaches across all risks of social Anniversary. I wish to congratulate security. One avenue is certainly the Hans-Horst Konkolewsky the Section in particular for its long- provision of good practice informa- Secretary General of the International standing and committed focus on tion, research, expert advice and Social Security Association the safety and health of hazardous platforms for members and other substances and its continuous and stakeholders to exchange their views, demonstrated willingness to improve as already practised over decades prevention standards and practice in in the Special Commission and its the chemical industries. This is how Sections. foundations for a safer and healthier working life can be built. The work of the Chemistry Section is an integral part of the prevention The International Section of the activities of the ISSA and has been ISSA on Prevention in the Chemical appreciated by the international Industry has provided substantive community and ISSA members input into prevention: It has con- alike. It has also added great value to tributed to the discussions on the ISSA’s work by advocating the bene- Globally Harmonized System of fits of prevention on a global scale. Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). The Section has I therefore wish to express my heart- also published guidelines for the felt appreciation for the committed handling of biological and chemical work carried out by the Section agents and organized numerous during the last 40 years in the service symposia for ISSA members. of prevention. Furthermore, in 2004, the Special Commission on Prevention clearly positioned itself for a worldwide ban on asbestos with the support of the Chemistry Section. The Prevention of occupational acci- dents and diseases is part of ISSA’s vision of a broader concept of pre- vention that includes all branches of social security and the risks associ- ated with it. In the next Triennium, 4 40 Years of Commitment to Improving Safety Motivation and Challenge On 17 June 2010, the ISSA Chem- Our 40-year success story provides istry Section is celebrating a special us with the motivation to intensify anniversary. For 40 years, it has our international activities and been committed to the global pre- make continuous progress with vention of occupational accidents occupational safety in the chemical Dr. Erwin Radek and diseases in the chemical and industry. The objective has not President related industries. changed since the Chemistry Section was founded, but there will need A large number of international to be greater focus on developing congresses, workshops and sym- countries and emerging markets. posia have been held to facilitate We have updated some aspects of the exchange of knowledge and our work as a result of industrial information between experts. Our developments and operational re- brochures and publications provide quirements, and will continue to companies and specialists in the do so. At present, for example, the Dr. Ulrich Fricker chemical industry with guidance focus is on nanotechnology – the Vice President and assistance on safety at work. subject of our next international symposium in Lucerne. We turn These successes have only been new scientific findings into practical possible with the support of our tools to provide an effective response members, in particular Suva, the to the relevant hazards. INRS, the BG RCI and AUVA. Our thanks go to all our colleagues who Major challenges lie ahead. These have been committed to our cause are challenges that we are more than over the decades. happy to tackle, and we will be Stéphane Pimbert judged on our success in doing so. Vice President We consider it vital to intensify the collaboration between the 11 Sec- The Bureau of the ISSA Chemistry tions. Particularly important in this Section hopes you enjoy reading our respect is the success of the Special anniversary brochure and invites Commission on Prevention and you to lend your active support to close cooperation with the ISSA in our work. Geneva. Thomas Köhler Secretary General Dr. Erwin Radek Dr. Ulrich Fricker Stéphane Pimbert Thomas Köhler 5 40 Years of Commitment to Improving Safety – the International Social Security Association (ISSA). The ISSA has now expanded into a truly global Association, bringing together over 330 organisations in 145 coun- tries. The key players in the prevention of accidents and work-related health risks are the 11 International Sec- tions of the ISSA. Their activities cover the following sectors: agricul- ture, the construction industry, electricity, the chemical industry, mining, machine and system safety, the iron and metal industry, health services, information, research and education/training. The Chemistry Section was estab- lished on 17 June 1970 at the Accident Insurance Institution's Emergency Hospital in Frankfurt History of the am Main. This was largely achieved thanks to the enormous commit- ISSA Chemistry Section ment of three people – Dr. Leo Wildmann, Secretary General of the ISSA in Geneva, Dr. Paul Versen, The roots of our commitment to the prevention of occupational accidents Executive Director of the Accident and diseases date back to the industrialisation of the 19th century. Insurance Insitution for the Chemi- cal Industry (BG Chemie), and At the end of the 19th century aim of developing and strengthening Dr. Bruno Marti from the Swiss and in particular following the sickness insurance throughout the National Accident Insurance Fund First World War, social insurance world. (Suva). schemes developed rapidly in a large number of countries and social The International Conference of The very next day – 18 June 1970 – protection was included on the National Unions of Mutual Benefit the first International Symposium agendas of the newly established Societies and Sickness Insurance began. It focused on the topics of international organisations. In May Funds was launched in Brussels in planning and construction at chemi- 1927, for the first time, representa- October 1927. Delegates from 17 cal companies, with particular em- tives of mutual benefit societies and organisations came together, repre- phasis on occupational safety, and sickness funds were included among senting some 20 million insured accidents resulting