NEWSLETTER OF THE ALFA ROMEO OWNERS CLUB – WISCONSIN— OCTOBER 2016 ALFANATIC 2016 FALL COLOR TOUR Saturday, October 15 Enjoy a relaxing and colorful Saturday drive through the beautiful Northern Kettle Moraine. This is a low key event. It is not a rally. You can even bring a GPS if you wish. The route is the same as our 1995 Fall Color Event. It was originally planned and documented with hand written notes by Jim and Marjie Thiel. Gary Wirth then typed it up along with appropriate tulip diagrams. Long time Alfanatics will fondly remem- ber deceased member/club officer Gary Wirth. You don’t want to miss this 21st anniversary run. Sufficient time is provided to stop for photos, stretch your legs to check-out the Blue Heron Wild Life Sanc- tuary, the Riveredge Nature Center, and the Ice Age Trail Headquarters, climb the Parnell Lookout Tower (there is a fee to park) from which you can see Holy Hill on a clear day or investigate whatever catches your attention along the way. The event covers 69 miles so there is plenty of time to stretch your legs and explore. We’ll conclude with lunch at 52 Stafford in Plymouth. Departures starting at 9:30 a.m. from Dairy Queen parking lot in Saukville Dairy Queen of Saukville is located at 100 S Foster Drive, Saukville, WI 53080. This is at the SE corner of Hwy 33 and Foster Drive and is one block West of I-43 North. Come early if you wish just to engage in conversation before the start of the tour. Car departures will be spaced 3 to 5 minutes apart or you may fol- low someone if you wish. Directions/map will be provided. 12:30 p.m. Lunch at Plymouth Conference Room of 52 Stafford in Plymouth 52 Stafford is Plymouth’s premier public house for Irish hospitality and is located at 52 Stafford Street, Plymouth, WI 53073 ph. 920-893-1800 If you arrive early you can enjoy a cool pint in the ambiance of the grand pub. We’ll share the highlights of the day and continue Alfa-talk over lunch. Please let Gary Schommer know if you are able to join in the fun. Although Debbie and I will be out of town until October 8, you can Email or call after the eighth at 262-252-3750.. This will help in planning how many maps/direction sets to prepare and how many might be expected for lunch. I will call the restaurant with the final number when the last car leaves from the starting point. Running late, last minute decision to participate, or got lost? Contact Gary Schommer @ cell phone 414-418-0879 In This Issue Color Tour Announcement Events Calendar ICAMS Report New Model News Origin of the Quadrifoglio Alfas at Auction New Want Ads PAGE 1 NEWSLETTER OF THE ALFA ROMEO OWNERS CLUB – WISCONSIN— OCTOBER 2016 Fiat FreakOut Coming to Milwaukee Steven Krueger writes: FIAT Club of America has selected the Milwaukee chapter to host its annual gathering, the FIAT FreakOut. Activities are being planned throughout southeastern Wisconsin roughly coinciding with and culminating in a concorso at Festa-Italiana. The gathering will take place over the weekend of the 21st-23rd of July, 2017, originating at the Mil- waukee Brookfield Sheraton, and we would like to extend an invitation to AROC-Wisconsin to join us. Details are still being finalized, but we wanted to get a jump on things to gauge interest and potentially get it on your calendar of events for next year. 2016—2017 Local, Regional, and International Events Calendar Anything missing? Send dates for events we’ve missed and we’ll include them in the next calendar. email: 2016 October 15 AROC - WI Fall Color Tour, Northern Kettle Moraine Nov 18 - 27 Los Angeles Auto Show (Alfa Stelvio SUV Introduction?) 2017 Feb 11-20 Chicago Auto Show, McCormick Place, Chicago Feb 25-March 5 Greater Milwaukee Auto Show, Wisconsin Center, Milwaukee March 10-12 Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance, Amelia Island, FL May 6-7 (T) AROC-WI Das Kurze Klausenrennen, New Glarus, WI May 19-21 Spring Vintage Weekend, Road America June 15-18 WeatherTech® Chicago Region SCCA June Sprints®, Road America June 22-25 Verizon IndyCar Series KOHLER Grand Prix, Pirelli World Challenge, Road America July 7-8 Millers at Milwaukee, Vintage Indy Cars, State Fair Park, West Allis July 13-16 ARCC & AROC Combined Convention , Montreal, QC, Canada July 20-23 WeatherTech® International Challenge with Brian Redman presented by HAWK, Road America July 21-23 Fiat Club of America Fiat FreakOut, Milwaukee, Plans TBA August 4-6 IMSA/Continental Tire Road Race Showcase, Road America August 13 (T) AROC-WI, Italian Car and Motorcycle Show August 20 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, Carmel California August 25-27 Road America 180 Fired up by Johnsonville XFINITY Series, Road America August 26-27 (T) Milwaukee Concours d’Elegance, Veterans Park, Milwaukee September 8-10 Third Annual Ephraim Hill Climb, Tour, and Concours, Ephraim WI Someday, maybe Concours d’Elegance of Chicago, Northerly Island, Chicago, IL PAGE 2 NEWSLETTER OF THE ALFA ROMEO OWNERS CLUB – WISCONSIN— OCTOBER 2016 tos. Together we will end Alzheimer’s. Need help? Record Number of Cars Yield Successful Call us! 1-800-272-3900 or visit our website at ICAMS Show By Bob Ludwigson I want to thank everyone who showed up and helped to make this a great Italian car show! Editor’s note: Bob’s report, below, was omitted from last month’s Alfanatic due to an editing error. We’re running it this month to give proper recognition to the show winners and the fundraising efforts. The 19th Italian Car and Motorcycle Show hosted by our club was held on August 14. Gary Schommer and I showed up early to set up the registration kiosk and get ready for the show. Glenn Hanke drove up in his 1962 Alfa 2600 coupe and thankfully agreed to help with the registrations. Rebecca Peterson, our charity rep, with her daughter Stella, also arrived and set up a table with Alzhei- mer’s materials. Donation cans were placed around Reina’s, especially at the food table. Everything was ready, and I wondered what kind of a show we would have. People’s Choice Winners: I needn’t have worried. Cars started arriving and we Favorite Alfa Romeo: were busy checking them in and placing them for dis- 1. Bob Ludwigson - 1962 Giulietta Spider (Thanks!) play. Jim Fuchs showed up in a 1953 Ferrari 166MM 2. Josh Patterson -1985 GTV6 race car. Many new people also showed up, some 3. Roy Atchinson -1973 GTV from Chicago. When we were done, 45 cars and mo- torcycles were registered, a record for recent shows. Favorite Ferrari: 1. Jim Fuchs - 1953 166MM 2. Don Droegkamp - 1985 308GTS QV Our charity, the Alzheimer’s Association, also re- 3. Brian Lehman -1999 360FI ceived many donations, from extra money given at the time of registration, to money in lieu of the free Favorite Fiat: food, to just charitable giving. At the end of the day, 1. Dan Naze - 1974 X1/9 over $1,400 was raised for the Alzheimer’s Assoca- 2. Tom Grosser - 1974 124 tion. 3. Blasé Catanese - 1977 124 As is our custom, registrants voted on their favorite Favorite Other Italian Car: cars and motorcycles. We tallied up the results and 1. Neil Patton - 1972 De Tomaso Pantera awarded certificates and prizes to the winners. Door 2. Craig Skala - 1971 De Tomaso Pantera prizes were also given out. 3. John Ling - 1973 Citroen SM (Yes, it has a Mase- rati engine!) The following comments were provided to me by Re- becca Peterson, from the Alzheimer’s Association: Favorite Motorcycle: Sunday, August 14, we were honored to be part of the 1. Tony Avello - 2012 Aprilia Italian Car Show at Reina’s International Autos. This 2. Jim Kafuel - 2000 Moto Guzzi wonderful event raised over $1,400 in support of the 3. Mike Warchol - 1997 Ducati 900SS mission of the Alzheimer’s Association of Southeast- ern Wisconsin. These donations will help provide Vehicle Best Describing Italian Design: care and support, raise awareness, and fund re- Glenn Hanke - 1962 Alfa Romeo 2600 Coupe search. We are very grateful to the Alfa Romeo Own- ers Club of Wisconsin and to Reina International Au- PAGE 3 NEWSLETTER OF THE ALFA ROMEO OWNERS CLUB – WISCONSIN— OCTOBER 2016 drew full crowds on Sunday as they viewed the cars 2nd Annual Ephraim Hill Climb a positioned along the beautiful waterfront. Success Award Winners By John Baker Welch Hill Climb Sportsmanship Award: Frank Heidler, The Second Annual Ephraim Hill Climb, Tour, and 1926 Buick Concours d'Elegance featuring rare pre-war Europe- Paramount Costume Award: Marcia and Chuck an, American Classics, and significant post-war Ellis, 1967 Ford Mustang Sports Cars, was a huge success with over 50 partici- Village Trustees Award: Ronald De Woskin, pants enjoying the fun-filled three days. 1937 Cadillac People’s Choice Pre-War:Tom Griffith, 1937 Professional photographer Ron Nelson has compiled Bentley 4 ¼ Drop Head Coupe hundreds of pictures on his web site http:// People’s Choice Post-War: Wendy & Tod Will- for your son, 1953 Jaguar, XK 120 M viewing pleasure. Best in Show Pre-War: Jeffrey & Lisa Tietz, 1931 Ford Sports Coupe Friday’s Visite de Motorcar du Door green flagged Best in Show Post-War: John Dohmen, 1963 Tri- the entrants with a delightful driving tour of Door umph TR3B County.
Story of the Alfa Romeo Factory and Plants : Part 1 the Early Portello
Story of the Alfa Romeo factory and plants: Part 1 The early Portello Factory Patrick Italiano Special thanks go to Karl Schnelle, Indianapolis, USA, for his patient proofreading and editing of the English version of this text Over the last few years, we have had to deal with large changes in Alfa Romeo-related places and buildings, as we witnessed the destruction of the old Portello factory, step by step in the late 80s, and also the de-commissioning of the much more modern Arese plant. Sad tales and silly pictures of places and people once full of pride in manufacturing the most spirited cars in the world. As reported by historians, it has long been – and still is for few – a source of pride to belong to this “workers aristocracy” at A.L.F.A.. Places recently destroyed to make place for concrete buildings now containing commercial centres or anonymous offices, places where our beloved cars were once designed, developed and built. It’s often a mix of curiosity and thrill to have the chance to look behind the scenes and see into the sanctuary. Back in 1987, when the first part of Portello was being torn down, Ben Hendricks took us on a visit to the Portello plant in Het Klaverblaadje #40. That was, as Jos Hugense coined the title 15 years later, the “beginning of the end”. Today, one can see Alfas running on the Fiat assembly lines along with Fiat Stilos and at best Lancia Thesis. These Fiat plants are no longer the places where distinguished and passionate brains try to anticipate technical trends five years into the future, thus ensuring that the new generation of Alfas keep such high company standards, as Ing.
Contact: Miguel Ceballos FCA México: ‘Historias de Alfa Romeo’ Episodio Uno: conducción a bordo del 24 HP La historia comenzó el 24 de junio de 1910, con la fundación de la A.L.F.A. (Anonima Lombarda Fabbrica Automobili) Los 24 HP tenían un motor monobloque de 4 cilindros, 4 litros de desplazamiento y 42 caballos de fuerza El 40/60 HP nace en 1913 y fue capaz de alcanzar 139 km/h Enzo Ferrari tuvo una fuerte vinculación con Alfa Romeo en el deporte motor April 20, 2020, Ciudad de México - Historias y personajes de principios del siglo XX, centrados en el primer coche de la firma italiana: un elegante ‘cohete’ capaz de alcanzar 100 km/h. El francés de Nápoles Oficialmente nuestra historia comenzó el 24 de junio de 1910, con la fundación de la A.L.F.A. (Anonima Lombarda Fabbrica Automobili). Pero vamos a empezar unos años antes, con un personaje colorido: un francés con un bigote de manillar y un instinto sobresaliente para los negocios. Pierre Alexandre Darracq comenzó su carrera dirigiendo una fábrica de bicicletas en Burdeos, antes de enamorarse de los automóviles. Así, comenzó a producir automóviles en Francia y hacer un éxito de la misma. Luego decidió exportar la apertura de sucursales en Londres y luego Italia. En Italia comenzó sus operaciones, en abril de 1906. Pero Nápoles estaba muy lejos de Francia y el viaje era complejo y costoso. Así, en diciembre había transferido la producción a Milán, en el número 95 en el distrito de Portello. Pero junto con las dificultades logísticas se dio cuenta de que también había problemas de mercado.
MAKING ITS MARK 4 HISTORY 20 FEATURES 5 QUADRIFOGLIO 23 WHEELS 8 Q4 AWD 25 EXTERIOR COLOURS 9 ALFA DNA DRIVE 26 INTERIOR FABRICS MODE SELECTORS 30 INTERIOR TRIMS 10 PERFORMANCE 11 INTERIOR 13 TECHNOLOGY 15 SAFETY & SECURITY 18 CARBON PACKAGE 19 NERO EDIZIONE PACKAGE CONTENTS / 2 3 LOOKING FORWARD TO MAKE HISTORY The courage to reach further — it’s what sets this brand, its designers and its drivers apart. Racing still serves to prove and inspire Alfa Romeo design, long known to be geared for both track and street. It has produced a wide range of innovative vehicles that are now hailed as classics. From the 8C 2300 (which won the 1931 Le Mans) to the Giulia GTA (taking several 1960s European Touring Car Championship titles) to the Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti (an Italian Superturismo series champ in the 1990s), Alfa Romeo continues to push ahead in order to proudly look back. HISTORY / 4 DRIVING FORCES For well over a century, Alfa Romeo designers and engineers have built a legendary brand by achieving remarkable symmetry: their goals of creating heightened emotions and developing innovative technology are passionately pursued in equal measure. These defining principles inspire everything from our most powerful Formula 1 entries to today’s Giulia Quadrifoglio — all clocking in world-class performance laps on racing’s most challenging tracks. The main takeaway from the unique, driver-centric design of Alfa Romeo? A relentless intensity that transforms every road — and every passenger. Quadrifoglio shown in Rosso Competizione Tri-Coat. QUADRIFOGLIO / 5 2.9L TWIN-TURBOCHARGED V6 ENGINE 505 443 3.8 seconds 191 mph (307 km/h) horsepower lb-ft of torque between 0 – 60 mph top track speed 2,500 and 5,500 rpm (0 – 97 km/h) The historic Quadrifoglio emblem began with legendary Alfa Romeo driver, Ugo Sivocci.
Page 1 A DRIVING PASSION FUELLED AT FINISH LINES Derived from the The influence of Enzo Ferrari Alfa Romeo 6C 3000 on the history and reputation prototype, the 6C 3000 Created during what is of the Alfa Romeo race Alfa Corse, the in-house CM Spider’s engine known as The Alfa Romeo program is legendary. He racing team for Alfa Romeo, capacity was increased to Glory Years, the Tipo 33 began as a test driver for Alfa, prepared four 8C 2900B 3,495 cc and produced a Stradale is a car collector’s The best of Italian design and soon became an official cars for the 1938 Mille top speed of 250 km/h. dream — often called the roared back to North The latest offering from driver and dealer. He then took Miglia. With Carrozzeria It was the winner of the most beautiful car of all time. American shores with the Alfa Romeo was created for charge of the entire racing Touring Superleggera 1st Gran Premio Its mid-engine, rear-wheel long-awaited introduction those who demand the highest program, establishing roadster bodies and Supercortemaggiore held design inspires to this day, of the Alfa Romeo 4C. level of performance and utility Scuderia Ferrari in Modena, magnificent Vittorio Jano in Merano in 1953 and including the just recently Its lightweight innovations in equal measure. Dreamers from where he and select 2900 engines, they continued came in second at the introduced Alfa Romeo 4C. helped create an awe- Milan, engineers from Modena inspiring power-to-weight It is a badge born 105 years ago technicians and mechanics a history of Alfa Romeo Mille Miglia that same With only 18 produced, the and artisans from Cassino ratio with thrilling capabilities.
WELCOME THE 2018 MASTER MASERATI DRIVING PROGRAMME We like to think of Master Maserati drivers as part of a You can enjoy the entire Maserati model range in growing family of driving enthusiasts – and we would depth and in safety, alongside the GT4 race car and the be delighted if you joined us. iconic MC12 Versione Corse. Advanced technology, such as telemetry and video analysis, also makes each Our courses are for everyone, regardless of experience experience truly immersive and rewarding. or ability – you don’t have to be like the former Maserati racing legend Juan Manuel Fangio to join us! Master Maserati courses are held at the Varano de’ They also reflect the principles that guide everything Melegari (Parma) circuit, a track with first-class safety we do. We offer, for instance, tailored one-to-one standards and superb on and off-road facilities nestled instruction from championship-winning drivers who in beautiful Italian countryside. provide coaching from the passenger seat as you drive – an experience that’s rare to find in our industry. We very much look forward to welcoming you there soon. ‘You need great passion, because everything you do with great pleasure, you do well .’ Juan Manuel Fangio 1957 Formula 1 World Champion on a Maserati 250F THE INSTRUCTORS You’re in exceptionally competent and safe hands as our driving experts, there is a staff of more than 50 a Master Maserati driver at the Varano circuit. Our people, led by general manager Andrea de Adamich. experts are Italian and international drivers with first- hand experience in elite racing categories such as Andrea, 76, is a highly respected figure in motor Formula 1, the World Endurance Championship and sport.
110 Jahre Alfa Romeo (1): Das Schnellste Und Schönste Auto Seiner Zeit
Auto-Medienportal.Net: 24.05.2020 110 Jahre Alfa Romeo (1): Das schnellste und schönste Auto seiner Zeit Der 24. Juni ist für Alfa Romeo ein historisches Datum: An jenem Tag vor 110 Jahren wurde die Biscione – wie die Traditionsmarke in Italien in Anlehnung an die Schlange im Logo genannt wird – gegründet. Mit der „Storie Alfa Romeo“ wird jetzt im Internet auf die über 100-jährige Geschichte zurückgeblickt. Dabei werden nicht nur die bekanntesten Modelle der Marke anhand von Archivaufnahmen aus dem Museo Storico, dem Werksmuseum von Alfa Romeo, im Mailänder Vorort Arese, vorgestellt. Der Blick gilt auch der Geschichte und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung Italiens. Chefingenieur Giuseppe Merosi entwarf mit dem Tipo 24 HP in seinem Haus in der Mailänder Via Cappuccio den ersten Alfa, noch bevor der Firmenname „Anonima Lombarda Fabbrica Automobili“ offiziell am 24. Juni 1910 registriert wurde. Die „Aktiengesellschaft Lombardische Automobil-Fabrik“ – abgekürzt in den ersten Jahren als A.L.F.A. – hatte von Anfang an enge Beziehungen zu verbundenen Unternehmen in London, Bordeaux und Neapel. Dadurch stand ihr schon früh der internationale Markt offen. Der Grundstein für die Rennsportlegende von Alfa Romeo wurde bereits ein Jahr später gelegt und feierte mit dem Sieg bei der Targa Florio 1923 einen ersten Höhepunkt. Bei dem berühmten Straßenrennen auf Sizilien wurde auch eines der heute bekanntesten Symbole von Alfa Romeo erfunden – das Quadrifoglio (vierblättriges Kleeblatt). Es zierte als Glücksbringer den siegreichen Tipo RL von Werksfahrer Ugo Sivocci. Überholmanöver mit ausgeschaltetem Licht Legendär ist auch die vierte Auflage der Mille Miglia, als am 13. April 1930, kurz nach 5 Uhr morgens, ein Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 Gran Sport Spider Zagato mit 150 km/h und ausgeschalteten Scheinwerfern unterwegs war.
XIII PREFAZIONE DELL'AVVOCATO ROBERTO LOI, PRESIDENTE DELL'ASI xiv INTRODUZIONE xv RINGRAZIAMENTI 01 CAMPARI, NON SIAMO MICA ALLA SCALA 002 003 Graffignanino e milanese d'adozione 004 A diciotto anni viene assunto dall'ALFA. Ed è subito "el Negher" 005 14 maggio 1911: VI Targa Florio. Debutto dell'ALFA e anche di Campari 006 LALFA dirada la propria attività sportiva, e la carriera di Campari stenta a decollare sino all'avvento dell'ingegner Romeo 008 La favolosa doppietta del Mugello rende celebre Campari oio Campari sposa il famoso soprano Lina Cavalieri 012 Campari gareggia con le ultime creazioni di Merosi, e convive con le nuove strategie dell'ingegner Rimini 013 II secondo flop di Merosi e la tragica fine di Sivocci. Ascari e Campari vengono ritirati dal Gran Premio d'Italia 016 La favolosa P2 di Jano 017 "II trio Alfa" dell'ingegner Rimini 018 Per il debutto in gara della P2 Ascari e Campari vengono separati 019 Iconografia 02 IL'LEONE DI LIONE" 046 047 Campari vince il Gran Premio di Francia/Europa 054 Nel 1925 l'Alfa Romeo passa di trionfo in trionfo, ma la rivalità fra Ascari e Campari raggiunge il culmine 056 Tragedia a Montlhéry: muore Ascari e l'Alfa in segno di lutto si ritira dalla corsa 059 LAlfa Romeo vince il Campionato del Mondo Costruttori, ma non è Campari a suggellare la vittoria 060 Iconografia 03 1926: L'ALFA ROMEO SI RITIRA DALLE CORSE E CAMPARI DEBUTTA AL DONIZETTI ose 097 Rivoluzione ai vertici in casa Alfa: Romeo perde il controllo. Rimini out, Jano e Campari confermati, ma il Portello si ritira dalle corse
Maserati: In Search of the Road Cars By S. Scott Callan VELOCITY GROUP All Rights Reserved 2012 2014 2 INTRODUCTION well placed. The FE was neither a spindly and anemic voiturette, nor merely a reduction of IF’s 8liter, side valve, chain driven cars. It was an en tirely new category of car. Its chassis was Our focus here is on the road cars that light, but constructed in the robust Ital were to take Maserati to the public. It’s a ian manner. It’s engine was a single over classic redemption tale. From its compe head cam design, displacing 1208cc with tition focus and foundation it ascended shaft drive. With fenders and lights, a the international automotive firmament. road car, without, a racer. Its style & performance established a It is this latter sentence that defines the mythic reputation on the road, the cars to come from the young man at the printed page and in conversation. Fifty controls. Cars that went from circuit to years on, as the industrial sector shud road, pit to garage, with a swiftness that dered, factors external and internal left little time to reshape engineering or weighted its descent. And with the new temperament. To stand next to an early Century, resurrection. sixties 3500 coupe idling is visceral me As all industrial tales it is a complexity chanical intensity that soon has you rub of characters and event, engineering and bing the hairs on your arm as if they style, manufacturing and capital. have become possessed by static electric Recently I came across an old photo ity.
EXE-RACINGcoverING 18•06•2008 9:27 Pagina 1 Dealer Visit us on the web site By clicking on Motorsports on the and racing drivers using Pirelli tyres web site, you have taken part, it is also possible will be catapulted into the to read results and comments from exceptional world of racing where the FIA WRC World Rally Pirelli is a leading player. Each Championship, the Grand Am section of the web site offers Series (two championships for dynamic sports such as rallying, which the Milan company is the track racing and desert rally-raids. official tyre supplier) and the In addition to technical information, international FIAGT championship, press releases and photos of the all fields in which Pirelli plays a various races in which teams, cars leading role, in real time. EXE-RACING-ING 18•06•2008 9:27 Pagina 1 1938 Rio de Janeiro Carlo Pintacuda Alfa Romeo 308 3000cc 1947 Switzerland Jean-Pierre Wimille Alfa Romeo 158 1500cc 1939 South Africa Luigi Villoresi Maserati 6CM 1500cc 1953 Argentina Alberto Ascari Ferrari 500 F2 2000cc 2005 BMS Scuderia Italia Pescatori – Cressoni Ferrari 550 Prodrive (GT1) 1940 Tripoli Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 1500cc Holland Alberto Ascari Ferrari 500 F2 2000cc 2006 AutOrlando SPORT Lieb-Camathias Porsche 996 GT3 RSR (GT2) 1946 Nice Luigi Villoresi Maserati 4CL 1500cc Belgium Alberto Ascari Ferrari 500 F2 2000cc Nations Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 1500cc France Mike Hawthorn Ferrari 500 F2 2000cc AMERICAN LE MANS SERIES (Geneve)
In the Shadow of the Big Boys De Vecchi and Other Pioneers of the Automobile in Milan
In the Shadow of the Big Boys De Vecchi and other pioneers of the automobile in Milan AISA Associazione Italiana per la Storia dell’Automobile MONOGRAFIA AISA 126 I In the Shadow of the Big Boys De Vecchi and other pioneers of the automobile in Milan AISA - Associazione Italiana per la Storia dell’Automobile 2 Foreword Lorenzo Boscarelli 3 The De Vecchi Foundation: creating a Company Archive Alberto De Vecchi 5 De Vecchi Automobili and the Milanese industry Donatella Biffignandi 15 Ecla, History of a Brand Donatella Biffignandi 16 Giuseppe Ricordi: he was the first Gianni Cancellieri 19 Register of the minor automotive manufacturers active in the Milan area from the origins to 1925 by Donatella Biffignandi and Lorenzo Boscarelli 27 The Milanese coachbuilders, from coaches to motor cars Alessandro Sannia MONOGRAFIA AISA 126 1 Foreword Lorenzo Boscarelli he final decades of the 19th century saw the comparison with any other Italian area, had a key Tdevelopment of new and very different tech- role in the process and gave life to innumerable nologies, such as electricity, the telephone and the small companies dedicated to the new product. internal combustion engine, as well as many other Milan was the starting point of the automobile’s which radically changed the quality of life for many growth in Italy, but in a few years’ time Turin took people in a very short time, particularly for the upper its place. This was mainly due to Fiat, which – led by classes. Moreover Europe, after the Franco-Prussian Giovanni Agnelli’s (and his management’s) industrial war of 1870, enjoyed a period of relative peace, so vision – put in place the technical, organisational and much so that the period came to be known as “la financial resources needed to develop rapid growth belle époque”.
110 ANIVERSARIO contenido 3 Bienvenida: 110 Aniversario 35 Autodelta 5 Los orígenes 39 Nuevos segmentos 6 El primer automóvil 43 Una nueva compañía 7 Tiempo de exploración 45 Auto del Año 9 El icónico logo 48 8C Competizione 11 Alfa conoce a Romeo 50 Alfa Romeo MiTo 12 La era de la posguerra 51 El centenario 14 El Quadrifoglio: más que suerte 54 2020 17 Primeras victorias en las carreras 59 Una mirada al futuro 19 Del 6 al 8 61 Mis Alfa Romeo favoritos Por Ralph Gilles 21 Nace “el Monoposto” 67 Los Alfa deportivos más destacados Por Lorenzo Ardizio 23 Entre dos guerras 71 Evolución del emblema 25 Victorias en la Fórmula 1 Trilobulado: diseño de La expansión 72 28 marca registrada 32 Giulia: nace una estrella Bienvenida: 110 Aniversario La historia de los 110 años de Alfa Romeo comenzó el 24 de junio de 1910 en Milán y está repleta de hitos alcanzados por muy pocos fabricantes de automóviles. Es una historia impul- sada por la pasión en el diseño, la innovación tecnológica, el alto rendimiento y las victorias. Celebrar estas once décadas significa hojear algunas de las páginas más importantes de la historia automotriz ... y de una manera muy especial. La historia de Alfa Romeo no se ha escrito de manera lineal, sino en episodios y momentos moldeados por los hombres, las visiones y las circunstan- cias históricas que transformaron a Alfa Romeo en la marca que es hoy. A continuación, comienza un viaje por algunos de los episodios clave, los vehículos y las personas que han dejado su huella en la historia de la marca.
Alfa Romeo Debuts the 2017 Alfa Romeo Giulia Lineup at the New York International Auto Show
Contact: Rick Deneau Berj Alexanian Alfa Romeo Debuts the 2017 Alfa Romeo Giulia Lineup at the New York International Auto Show Rebirth of the brand – the all-new 2017 Giulia is the first of eight all-new Alfa Romeos debuting through 2020, and embodies the brand's La meccanica delle emozioni (the mechanics of emotion) spirit Giulia nameplate reflects a 55-year heritage of Alfa Romeo's lightweight, performance sedan tradition and over 105 years of brand history, carving its legend on road courses around the globe Alfa Romeo Giulia and Giulia Ti models deliver seductive Italian style and craftsmanship to the premium mid-size sedan segment All-new, all-aluminum, 2.0-liter, direct-injection turbo engine with eight-speed automatic transmission delivers a class-leading, standard 280 horsepower and 306 lb.-ft. of torque, allowing it to launch from 0-to-60 miles per hour (mph) in 5.1 seconds, and achieve a top speed of 149 mph The innovative Q4 all-wheel-drive system offers the Giulia and Giulia Ti models even more all-season capability and performance New eight-speed automatic transmission, with available column-mounted paddle shifters, is designed for enthusiasts with gear shifts in less than 100 milliseconds As the “halo” model in the lineup, Giulia Quadrifoglio highlights Alfa Romeo’s performance and motorsport knowhow with best-in-class 505 horsepower, 0-60 mph in 3.8 seconds and a record-setting 7:32 seconds around the legendary Nürburgring Near perfect 50/50 weight distribution, segment-leading torsional rigidity and the most direct steering ratio on the market, thanks to Giulia’s all-new rear-wheel-drive architecture Exclusive to Giulia Quadrifoglio, state-of-the-art technologies, including torque vectoring, active aero front splitter and Alfa DNA Pro mode selector with Race mode, combine to maximize the all-new Giulia’s driving exhilaration March 17, 2016, Auburn Hills, Mich.