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翰溺πh∵ I,Roductions, LLC ::翰溺πH∵ I,RoDUCTIoNS, LLC. ⅲo"α η 〃 O"g"〃 zℓ '"α ', '"'ℓ ' "'jMυ ona' Tr¡ -Serˇ ¡ce Defense ㅌ×h ¡b¡ t¡ on and Conforence Ded¡ cated to Defonse, Aerospace, 'nternat¡ Home'and Secu r¡ ty and Safety & Seour¡ ㏉ Apr¡ t, CROAㅜ ' 26 - 28, 201 7, sp'¡ 'A Novernber 4, 2016 a T° : Embassν of South κorea to the Repub'¡ c of Croat¡ narˇ ¡ potent¡ ㅐ ¡s E× ce''encˇ the Ambassador E× traord ¡ and P'en arv 'n attn. to: Address : κsaverska cesta 111 A— B l HR-10000 Zagreb CRoATIA Your Exce' 'ency, ng to ¡ncrease your defense and secur¡ ty exports ¡nto Eastern ㅌurope, the 4th ed¡ t¡ on of the ASDA 'f you are 'ool<¡ ¡s a tⅱ — exh¡ bit¡ on ¡s your best gateway to ach¡ eve this goa'. The Adr¡ atic Sea De노 ㅂ노出匪n“ 쯔꼬또쁘쓰끄堅쁘쁘쁘으또 serv¡ ce defense, aerospace and secu r¡ ty event for the Adr¡ at¡ c Sea and Former"n」 Yugos 'av¡ a region wh ¡ch ¡ncludes the countr¡ es of: Croat¡ a, S'oven ¡a, A' ban ¡a, κosovo, Bosn ¡a & Herzegov¡ na, Macedon ¡a, Montenegro and Serb¡ a. The ASDA exhib¡ t¡ on ¡s supported by the Croat¡ an government at the highest 'eve' and hosts high 'eν e' mi'itary de]egations from the reg¡ on and frorn other areas of the world. The prev¡ ous edit¡ on of ASDA 2o15 attracted 165 exh¡ b¡ tors from 16 countr¡ es, 3,874 pro'ess¡ onal ˇ¡s¡ tors fro 【ㄲ 54 countr¡ es and hosted MoD delegat¡ ons from 29 cou ntr¡ es. b¡ t¡ The exh¡ b¡ t¡ on was off¡ c¡ a''y opened bythe M¡ n¡ ster of Defense who n^'ade the open¡ ng speech and toured the exh¡ on stands along w¡ th the Ch¡ ef of Staη ch¡ efs of A¡ r ㅑorce and Naˇ ν and a'so Ass¡ stant M¡ n¡ ster of Def● nse who ¡s respons¡ b' e for a '' m¡ tarˇ acqu¡ s¡ t¡ ons. '¡ Fo''owing the open¡ ng forrna¡ it¡ es and ν¡s¡ t¡ ng the exh¡ b¡ t¡ on stands,the V'P's visited the adjoin¡ ng Lora Navy Base where they v¡ ewed a Croat¡ an Navy and Coast Guard Demonstration. On the second day, the exh¡ b¡ t¡ on was v¡ s¡ ted by the Pres¡ dent of Croat¡ a, κo'¡ nda Grabar-κ ¡taroˇ ¡c who spent a 'ong time v¡ sit¡ ng the stands ofthe compan¡ es and'ater¡ n the even¡ ng jo¡ ned the exhib¡ tor's personnel and vis¡ t¡ ng rn¡ 1¡ tary old D¡ delegat¡ ons at the exh¡ b¡ t¡ 0n Gala Eν en¡ ng Reception held ¡n the 1700 year— odet¡ an Palace. 능:俺 瞼 a‖ 금휴出 꾸:∶ ff∫ :'f+:'薪 꾸:逡룩ㅠ狂ξ#떴 :思∫#튜 f톤⅛됴끕ㅑ옮곯磊흖욤묽뜸긁;능 :;席::召T〔H∬ of whom w¡ ng the ASDA 201’ exh¡ b¡ t¡ on. '' be attend¡ AIso Sp'it¡ s an¡ deal'ocat¡ on to nη eet w¡ th all of Croat¡ a's reg¡ onal neighbors and¡ ndeed Croat¡ an nη tary fr¡ ends "¡ woⅡ dw¡ de. 'n th¡ s regard,the cho¡ ce ofthe exh¡ b¡ t¡ on'ocat¡ on¡ s a key factor. The beaut¡ ful c¡ ty ofSp'it,Croat¡ a,10cated on the spectacular Dalmatian Coast,¡ t¡ sa'‘ World Class〃 destinat¡ on city,and attracts governnη ent and¡ ndustry defense spec¡ a'¡ sts frorn throughout the wor'd.For more genera'¡ nformation on the exh¡ b¡ t¡ on,¡ nc'ud¡ ng photographs and a four .A브 nη ¡ nute v¡ deo, p'ease v¡ s¡ t the web s¡ te at: 뽀뽀뾰 브ㅛ:으트으旦으efense.com a¡ To rece¡ ve n^'ore infornη at¡ on on the2017ed¡ t¡ on¡ nc'ud¡ ng an e'ectron¡ c brochure,exh¡ b¡ t¡ on f'oor p'an show¡ ng aν 'ab'e booth ]ocations, or a .pdf vers¡ on of the Post Show Report fronη the 2015 exh¡ b¡ tion, p'ease contact us at 旦트」旦α 뾰 으즈E으ㅗ으ㅍ.˙ We 'ook forward to hear¡ ng fro‘ n you soon and to welcorn¡ ng you to the UNESCO World Her¡ tage C¡ ty of Sp'¡ t. Yours tru 'y, Sebast¡ an ㅜU DOR — Manag¡ ng D¡ rector EM ㅌA ㅜ Product¡ ons "ㅜ E— rna¡ 쁘 뇨旦ㅛi旦으α 旦笙X으으ㅗ으꼬 I Te'.: +40 21 327 6651 / Fax: +40 21 327 6652 / Mob.: +40 730 030 335 ': OrgaⅡ¡zer: TNT ProductioⅡ s, LI,C. - USA Head Oflce — TNT Productions, LLC.: P.O. Box 726, Amelia Island, ΓL 3203¸ -0726 - U.S.A RoInanial1 0fⅡ ce — TNT P¨ oductions Ro“ lania: OP 70 - CP 1, 3rd Di㏛ ⅱct, Bucharest, Rolnania Td.:+402132766S1/0rax:+40213276652E— mⅲ l:[email protected];[email protected]'Web sitα http:〃www.tntexpo.cα n w w w ⌒ A d r : a t : c S e a D e f e n s e . c o m ---¨ --------¨ --------------------------------— 一一一一一一一一一一 므므므므므므므므므므드므ㅁㅁ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■●●●●●●●●●●●● 므 므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므므 ■ 므므므므므므므 므므므 므므므 =므 =므 =므 =======================므 ====므 =므 =므 ====므 '=============므 ::::::::::::驍 :::徽 :::::闊 :鰥 :::::菖 :緘 :㎸:罷 鶴 晝 鶴萱憲鼈壁盡醫뛸僅⅜灝헐 I흰廈廈秒晝緘罷驍鶴::::翰 緘龜::::翰 慧婚鶴 鶴 鰥 休蛭秧婚輜休蛭 ■ ㄺ ¨ ㎌鞋 ⓒs⅜ ∋aEe 1[口 ⅞ 땁 ΔI1'L힌 at¡ ˛ Se⅞ 크ι Deξ b里 ¸ 撥 e『 蛭 霞蛭蛭 =i r¡ 's瑾 2 0 또 7— '(묻 ylg㎪ Adr흄 at¡—c Sea Defonse 歟 Åerospace s住 『⅞큠ι仕iom ⅜$ ⅞크ι s표 eci⅞ 젊ι ed :ξ ⅝⅜1=” ⅝tiⓒ n & De'ㄱ 〓 =x⅜ 戶 'ξ tr⅝ ㅁserv:ce defδ nse ex쭙협i鞋∋i佳 ⅜o『㎩ ’i□ 응 a ke世˚ ⅞arge and g『ow흉 n溺 『淪猛『 Nuτ 1ber of ㅌxhib¡ tors / Countries' Eu『㉧⅜e :::::::: :-” ¼ ’ Ånne『 i ζ a’ s i 6O//● 74 밂98τ 堪프 Åsia : 2e//● ¬Iξ DtE〕Ⅱ \ 罫¡tⓞ 『I罫 '졉‘ — i-:± 撥舞姦釪:℉芋꾸 ::●ξ큘¸●革●+:廷畓輳離 *α :˚ ˚ : ±qm ? ::ⅲ ● ㅌH' bassy/M :콥 itary 垂¿m● ⅱst'at:on area ξ ), :⅝ :1,) cⓒ ●ι】 】「i色 r:es attaclA● e' s vis⅜ t$ ⅜급곱⅜ .瀚 H=ioΓ ㅌxh ¡b¡ t:on 丁henles ˚ Ar1¨ nored & unarΠ ηored vehides · Navㅚ & Coast Guar˜ d νessels Coryirrland & corltr— · ol systems ● Cornmand & control sy'steΠ 1s 。 Weapons systerns & arnrTlunition · Naval weapons systems Body armor & Personal defense systems systems · · Navigation, sonar & radal˜ ˚ Anti — aircraft defense sy'stenη s · Per— sonㅚ rescue & survival systems ˚ Ant¡ -tank defonse systerns · P아t infrastructure serv¡ ces & systenη s ˚ Simulat¡ ㅇn & tra¡ ning sy'stems ● Simⅲ at¡ on & training systems ° Militaη ' a¡ rcraft, helicopters, ∪CAV's, UA'√ s ˚ Arrnaments 枝 아·d¡ nance ˚ M ¡ssiles & weapons syster˙ ns ⊂ 'ν ber security ¡ ˚ Simulation & training systerns ⊂ 「⊂a| lnfrastru˛ ture safety & secur¡ ty = ˚ Aν — ¬ ela:nd Security systems ionics & a¡ rport ¡ nfrastructure ε Ie ligence serν — ¡ces equ¡ prㄲ ent & technolog¡ es — erge 三 ∩ ⊂y response equiprnent & technologies · T—L˛ ˛ . cars & spec¡ aI purpose veh¡ cles . Po1 :ce & security a¡ ˚ C¡ rcraft, helicopters v¡ Iian ai rcraft ● Bus¡ · ⊂oastguard equiprrlent & technologies ness and c아 ˙porate aν iat¡ on · Search & rescue equipment & technolog¡ es ● Aν ¡ㅇn ¡cs and radar systerns · Corporate & private secur¡ ty systenη s ● Equ¡ pment & serv¡ ces for maintenance & repal r ● A¡ rport ¡ nfrastructure Ai rborne Tbchno'ogies Gr1ㄱ bH Rohde & S˛ hwarz Osterreich Ges. ˙ '. b. H. “ Agen˛ ija AIan d.o.o. Adr¡ a Mar Shipbui'd¡ ng Ltd. ㅌu'˙ oten¬ pest BV Aeronautical Te˛ hni˛ aI Centerjsc Vblika Gorlca M etaSensing BV Borovo Brodarski 'nstitut d.o.o. Brodospl ¡t I nc. CEI — I ETA d.o. o. Crosh¡ eld Ltd. DOK— ING d.o.o. Duro Dakovi‘ Special Vdhic'es PZL Mielec / a Sikors㏉ Foto Soft d.o.o. Companν ' Galeb d.d. Gal ko d.o.o. Henㄱ ˛o HGK — Croat¡ an Chanㄱ ber of Econonㄱ y H rvatski νojnik HS Produkt d.o.o. lnkop obu‘ a d.o.o. I Ns¡ g2 d.o.o. Institut Ruder Bo픔 koν ¡ι 'SL Sp''eewerk d.o. o. j e'en Professional 'acquard d.o.o. Kap— Ko d.o.o. Kovnica d.o. o. Kroko I nternational κ roko Pro'zvodnja ¡ Razν o¡ d.o.o. K'^okoteks Luν eti d.o.o. Ministry of Defense — MORㅐ M¡ nistry of Interior — MIJP Obr— is '˘ le'gaz¡ ne Odje‘ a d. o.o. Pnㄱ tc d.o.o. POB d.o.o. Ponㄱ orski Centar Za Elektroniku d.o.o RedTξ ch d.o. o. SDㅜ Sustav Se≤ ir d.o.o. Sestan— Busch d.o.o. T늉ctus d.o.o. Tbksko mre乏 a d.o.o. Tξ hno'˙ nobil Securitas d.o. o. V¸ rteks Pro Zㅋgreba˛ ki P''oη ˙ od d.o.o. 'etni Zaˇ Zastita M ηgazine Ξ 1 T˙ ≥ct¡ c짧 Beatroni˛ Supply Ltd. :j:=‘ kΔ St「uctu res Danthe'^m ㅗs Ign's LLC. Tbrnla NS ㅗ'˙ ζ 、二 :¡ teη 1s Appl ¡ed I nteI I igence Be I ㅓ'i”elicopter ⊂AⅡ E LBAK ExeI¡ ls I nc. ● Logic Instru ∏˙ Fi封 er Labs ' ent Serna Wbrld ㅣ 'ㅠ 럼ㅁted Tbwer Systen's ㅢTS L- 〕 ⊂ornmun¡ ㄷation— Systenㄱ s West L-∃ TRL L— B Woscary˙ Med ㅌng ' S¡ korsky 시rcraft Corporation SΠ ㄱalI Arms Defense journal Soι rowave ¡nc. 'thwest Mi˛ Tξ xtron Av¡ at¡ on ㅜhe Wi II— Burt Company ㅜNT Produ˛ tions, LLC. Exhib¡ t¡ on Venue & ° rgan¡ zer S :F● I● :● ● ■ U ⅢARENA\ 'LΛ H PROpυ C TIONS, ι ι C — 洹 宦 폴膾菖 MBRAㅌ < ㅌ = ⌒ 煌壺惑簧 ㎡翰翰萱暉囍鎣廈 — 參 U. S. A. o笛 ˛e μ鶯살ㅑ읔 TNㅜ Productions, LLC. 雜 왔瑟盟 灘 ㏊ :::: ㅇp:70 ㅗ cp ' :::: :::::: ::— ': P O. Box 279 ㅡ Romaη , Great Falls, VA, 22066 - ∪. S. A. Bucha「 est ia : Tbl: + | 703 406 00 | 0 Tel∶ +4° 기 j,7 ¿ 5I :I0 ::::::: Fax: + I 703 406 8543 Fax: +f。 2l:::327:● ●5?::::: :: : - ma": E∵ ai l: ti≥ co쑈 ㅌ 쯔」主@⊥ㅛ堅P으≤으m ⅲ 표1⊇썬그C—코1旦@tnte⊇‘ ≤≥므 =그 — ㄶㅁ■●ㅏ·●----˜ ,'卜 ''⅝ '¡ ''●.
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