NetSuite for Mobile

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To report software issues, contact NetSuite Customer Support. Table of Contents NetSuite for Mobile Overview ...... 1 Configuring NetSuite for Mobile ...... 2 System Requirements ...... 2 Mobile Security ...... 2 Mobile Device Access Permission ...... 3 Adding Mobile Device Access Permission to Roles ...... 3 Adding Mobile Device Access Permission to Users ...... 4 Setting Date and Number Formatting ...... 4 Setting the Time Zone in NetSuite for iOS ...... 4 Setting Language ...... 5 Configuring Maximum Entries in Dropdown Lists ...... 5 Configuring Phone Call Logging ...... 6 Configuring the Tab Bar in NetSuite for iOS ...... 6 Arranging the Home Dashboard ...... 7 Push Notifications in NetSuite for iOS ...... 7 Changing App Settings ...... 10 Changing App Settings in NetSuite for iOS ...... 10 Changing App Settings in NetSuite for Android ...... 11 Working with NetSuite for Mobile ...... 12 Login Options Overview ...... 12 Logging in with your NetSuite Account ...... 12 Biometric ID Login ...... 13 Logging in with Single Sign-on ...... 13 Logging out of the App ...... 14 Saving your Login Details ...... 14 Removing your Login Details ...... 14 Resetting a Forgotten Password ...... 15 Changing Roles in the App ...... 15 Expense Reporting ...... 15 Creating an Expense Detail ...... 15 Creating an Expense Report ...... 16 Time Tracking ...... 17 Accessing My Time ...... 17 Creating Time Entries ...... 18 Editing Time Entries ...... 18 Creating a Time Log ...... 19 Editing a Time Log ...... 19 Deleting a Time Log ...... 20 Converting a Time Log Into a Time Entry ...... 20 Dashboard Portlets ...... 20 Dashboard Portlets in NetSuite for iOS ...... 21 Dashboard Portlets in NetSuite for Android ...... 22 NetSuite for Mobile Calendar ...... 24 NetSuite for iOS Calendar ...... 24 NetSuite for Android Calendar ...... 28 Record Management ...... 32 Viewing a Record ...... 32 Creating Records ...... 33 Editing Records ...... 33 Attaching To a Record ...... 33 Sublist Management ...... 34 Viewing a Sublist Item ...... 34 Adding an Item to a Sublist ...... 34 Tracking Calls with Phone Call Logging in NetSuite for iOS ...... 35 Logging a Phone Call ...... 35 Viewing a List of Recent Calls ...... 36 Viewing a List of Logged Phone Calls ...... 36 My Approvals ...... 36 Approving Individual Requests ...... 37 Rejecting Individual Requests ...... 37 Approving Multiple Requests ...... 37 Rejecting Multiple Requests ...... 38 Viewing a Request Detail ...... 38 Accessing the Full Record of a Request ...... 38 Accessing Saved Searches in the App ...... 39 NetSuite for Mobile FAQ ...... 40 Setup and Login ...... 40 Security ...... 41 Usability ...... 41 Expense Features ...... 42 Working with Records ...... 43 NetSuite for Mobile Troubleshooting ...... 45 No Data Returned ...... 45 Cannot Log In ...... 45 Cannot Capture Image from Expenses Screen ...... 45 Contacting Support About Your App ...... 45 NetSuite for Mobile Version History ...... 47 NetSuite for iOS Version History ...... 47 NetSuite for Android Version History ...... 51 NetSuite for Mobile Overview 1

NetSuite for Mobile Overview

NetSuite for Mobile enables you to keep track of time, expenses, and key business metrics when on the move. The app works offline, making it possible to continue working without a connection (for example, on a plane) and upload to NetSuite later.

The app is available as a free download from the Apple App Store and the Play store to all NetSuite customers, and is ready to use as soon as you log in. NetSuite desktop application takes care of the configuration.

All standard roles, including Employee and Advanced Partner Center are supported and enabled by default.

Note: NetSuite for Mobile does not support access to NetSuite Customer Center, Vendor Center, or the standard Partner Center. See Mobile Device Access Permission.

With NetSuite for Mobile you can:

■ Manage expenses and attach copies of receipts. See Expense Reporting. ■ Log and manage billable time. See Time Tracking. ■ Manage your NetSuite calendar. See NetSuite for Mobile Calendar. ■ Monitor key business information with complete support for Home and Employee Center dashboard portlets. See Dashboard Portlets. ■ View, edit, and attach files to records. See Record Management. ■ Log inbound and outbound business calls from your device and assign them to companies and customers. See Tracking Calls with Phone Call Logging in NetSuite for iOS.

Note: Tracking calls is only available with NetSuite for iOS.

NetSuite for Mobile Configuring NetSuite for Mobile 2

Configuring NetSuite for Mobile

The following sections cover topics related to configuring NetSuite for Mobile. You can find the latest system requirements for both iOS and Android devices. You can also learn how to configure your app’s settings to best fit your needs.

■ System Requirements ■ Mobile Security ■ Mobile Device Access Permission ■ Setting Date and Number Formatting ■ Setting the Time Zone in NetSuite for iOS ■ Setting Language ■ Configuring Maximum Entries in Dropdown Lists ■ Configuring Phone Call Logging ■ Configuring the Tab Bar in NetSuite for iOS ■ Arranging the Home Dashboard ■ Push Notifications in NetSuite for iOS ■ Changing App Settings

System Requirements

The system requirements for iOS and Android devices are as follows:

■ NetSuite for iOS works on any iOS device with Apple iOS 12.4 or higher, but is primarily designed for use on the iPhone. ■ NetSuite for Android works on any Android device running Android 6.0 or higher, but is primarily designed for use on devices.

Note: You should take note of the following:

■ The app requires an internet connection to access data from NetSuite ■ NetSuite for Mobile is not supported on rooted and jailbroken devices ■ Only the latest version of NetSuite for iOS and NetSuite for Android are supported. Please ensure you have the latest version of the app installed on your device.

Mobile Security

The following section covers topics related to mobile data security, the use of security questions, and IP address rules for the app.

Mobile Data Security

NetSuite for Mobile stores a limited amount of NetSuite data locally on your device. This includes the Time and Expense logs. The app always encrypts your data with industry standard encryption.

NetSuite for Mobile Mobile Security 3

You can use the Remember Me option to store your username and password. If you wish to log in and launch the app using TouchID or Fingerprint access, you must enable the Remember Me option. When you enable this option, the app stores and encrypts your password and username on your mobile device. See Saving your Login Details.

Mobile Security Questions

The first time you use the app, you must answer one of the three security questions you set up in your desktop application and enter your password. This is also applies when you use the app with a different device and each time you reset or reinstall the app.

IP Address Rules for the App

Any settings for IP address filtering on your browser session also apply to the app. Do not enable this feature for any roles where unrestricted mobile access is required, (for example, sales roles). See the help topic Enabling and Creating IP Address Rules.

Mobile Device Access Permission

Administrators can control who has mobile access to their NetSuite accounts by enabling or disabling the Mobile Device Access permission for each role. This enables administrators to control mobile access on a role-by-role basis. By default, NetSuite enables Mobile Device Access permission for all standard roles including Employee and Advanced Partner Center roles with the following exceptions. Roles requiring you to enable Mobile Device Access permission in a browser session before using the app:

■ Custom ■ System Administrator

Roles that do not support Mobile Device Access permission:

■ Administrator ■ Full Access ■ Customer Center ■ Partner Center ■ Vendor Center

Note: If you are an Administrator and require mobile access for the Administrator or Full Access roles, you can assign yourself to a custom role that has Mobile Device Access enabled.

See the following sections for information on adding mobile device access permission to roles, and individual users.

■ Adding Mobile Device Access Permission to Roles ■ Adding Mobile Device Access Permission to Users

Adding Mobile Device Access Permission to Roles

You can add the Mobile Device Access permission to roles that require access to the app.

NetSuite for Mobile Mobile Device Access Permission 4

To add Mobile Device Access permission to a role: 1. Go to Setup > User/Roles > Manage Roles. 2. Click Edit or Customize next to the relevant role. 3. On the Permissions subtab, click the Setup subtab. 4. In a new row, from the Permissions list, select Mobile Device Access. 5. Click Add, and then Save.

Note: Only Administrators can add this permission to a role. See the help topic Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles for further information on setting permissions.

Adding Mobile Device Access Permission to Users

You can add the Mobile Device Access permission to individual users.

Note: For security reasons you should not apply the Mobile Device Access permission directly to a user. Instead apply the permission to the user’s role. See the help topic Using the Global Permissions Feature.

To add Mobile Device Access permission to a user: 1. Go to Setup > User / Roles > Manage Users. 2. Click the relevant username. 3. Click Edit. 4. On the Access tab, click the Global Permissions subtab. 5. In a new row, from the Permissions list, select Mobile Device Access. 6. Click Add, and then Save.

Note: Only Administrators can add the Mobile Access Device permission to a user.

Setting Date and Number Formatting

The app uses the same date, time, and number formatting as your local device settings. If you intend to change time zones (for example, when you are traveling), you should update your time zone settings in your browser session to match those of your device. Time zone switching from within the app is only available with iOS devices:

■ For iOS, go to Account Menu > Time Zone. See Setting the Time Zone in NetSuite for iOS.

Note: Android does not support time zone switching from within the app

Setting the Time Zone in NetSuite for iOS

NetSuite for iOS app takes the time zone setting from your NetSuite account. Calendar dates, and schedules display in that time zone. The application ignores the time zone settings of your phone. You can configure the time zone setting of your NetSuite account from your mobile device.

To change your NetSuite account time zone from your mobile device: 1. Tap the Account Menu icon .

NetSuite for Mobile Setting the Time Zone in NetSuite for iOS 5

2. Tap Time Zone. 3. (Optional) Tap Notification to enable or disable notifications.

Note: When enabled, the app notifies you when your mobile device and your NetSuite account have different time zones.

4. Tap NetSuite to display and select a time zone.

Note: Local displays the time zone setting of your mobile device.

5. Tap Done to save any changes to your time zone.

Synchronizing Your Time Zone

If you have notifications enabled, NetSuite for iOS notifies you when your mobile device and your NetSuite account have different time zones. After you log in a pop up window displays.

Tap Settings to go to Time Zone settings. Adjust your time zone as needed, and then tap Done.

No further notifications display until there are new changes to the time zone.

Setting Language

The app takes the language settings from your browser session. See the help topic Choosing a Language for Your NetSuite .

Configuring Maximum Entries in Dropdown Lists

The number of entries in a list of options determines which type of selector NetSuite displays: popup selector or roll selector. You can configure this from a browser by setting the Maximum Entries in Dropdowns preference.

To set the Maximum Entries in Dropdown preference:

1. Log in to NetSuite from a browser session, and then go to Home > Set Preferences. 2. In the General subtab, under the column Optimizing NetSuite, enter a value in the Maximum Entries in Dropdowns field. If the number of items in a list exceeds this value, a popup list displays. A roll selector displays otherwise.

NetSuite for Mobile Configuring Phone Call Logging 6

Configuring Phone Call Logging

Note: The Phone Call Logging feature is not available with Android devices.

Phone Call Logging enables you to track all phone calls initiated from your NetSuite for iOS application. Phone Call logging can also remind you to log your last call. After a call ends, a popup alert reminds you to log the call.

To enable or disable phone call logging:

1. Tap the Account Menu icon . 2. Tap Phone Call Logging. 3. Tap Track Outbound Calls to turn automatic phone call logging on or off. 4. Tap Prompt to Log Call to enable or disable a popup alert that prompts you to log calls after they end. When switched off, the calls are added to the Phone Calls portlet. When switched on, a popup reminder displays after a call ends prompting you to log the call. The alert provides two options: ■ Tap Choose Show Phone Calls to log the call ■ Tap Not Now to mark the call as unlogged in the Recent Calls portlet. See Dashboard Portlets. 5. When you finish configuring phone call logging, you can return to your Home dasboard by tapping the Back arrow icon , and then tapping Done.

Configuring the Tab Bar in NetSuite for iOS

Note: The Tab bar is a feature specific to the iPhone version of the NetSuite app.

You can configure the Tab Bar to display four options from any of the following: Home, Calendar, Saved Searches, and the list of supported record types. See the help topic Mobile Supported Record Types.

To configure the Navigation Tab Bar:

1. In the Tab bar, tap More. 2. Tap Reorder. 3. To move a record type up or down in the list, touch and hold the grab icon .

NetSuite for Mobile Configuring the Tab Bar in NetSuite for iOS 7

The first four items, under the Tab Bar section, display in the Tab bar. 4. Tap Done when you have finished reordering your items.

Note: When selecting record types for the Tab Bar, consider your user roles and which record types each role can access. If you select a record type that is not available for one of your roles, it does not display when that role is active. Instead, the next available item in the list takes its place in the Tab bar.

Arranging the Home Dashboard

The Home dashboard provides a presentation view of key information for your business. You can customize it based on your preferences. It is composed of portlets, which you can arrange to reflect your priorities. For example, you may want to use this space as a visual health check of your business, in which case you would give priority to the report snapshops or KPI meter portlets. Alternatively, you might choose to keep track of actionable items, such as expense approvals, purchase orders, or reminders. Quick access to Expense and Time logging is also possible from the Home Dashboard. More detailed information is accessible using the Saved Searches portlet. See Dashboard Portlets for an overview of portlets available with NetSuite for Mobile. You can define which portlets display on your Home Dashboard in the setup of your NetSuite web application. See the help topic Adding a Portlet to a Dashboard.

To rearrange the Home Dashboard portlets:

1. Do one of the following: ■ For iOS, tap Reorder. ■ For Android, tap the More icon , and then tap Reorder. 2. To reorder your panels: ■ For iOS, touch and hold the Grab icon . ■ For Andoid, touch and hold the panel you want to move. 3. To save your changes: ■ For iOS, tap Done. ■ For Android, tap the More icon, and then tap Finish reorder.

Push Notifications in NetSuite for iOS

Push notifications work like instant sent to your device, reminding you of important information from your NetSuite account. When enabled, you do not need to have the app running, or even be logged into your NetSuite account from the app. They can be easily customized and numerous record types are supported. For a video guide on how to set up of push notification in NetSuite for iOS, see How to Set Up Push Notifications on NetSuite for iOS.

Prerequisites for using Push Notifications with iOS


NetSuite for Mobile Push Notifications in NetSuite for iOS 8

■ Enable the Mobile Push Notification feature in NetSuite. See Setup > Company > Enable Features > Mobile > Mobile Push Notification

Enabling Push Notifications in NetSuite for iOS

Follow this procedure to enable push notifications in your app.

To enable push notifications:

1. Tap the Account Menu icon . 2. Tap Push Notifications. 3. Slide the Allow Push Notifications slider to on. 4. The first time you log in a pop-up window prompting you to confirm the action displays. Tap OK to confirm. 5. Tap OK again to approve the iOS-generated dialog.

The Badge Count switch controls whether to display the number of unread notifications (all roles), next to the app icon on the iOS home screen. By default the badge count is switched on when push notifications are enabled.

Example 1. Setting a push notification for an event in NetSuite

Follow this example to set a notification for an event. You can set similar notifications for other activities and records.

To set a notification for an event

1. Create a new event in your NetSuite desktop account by going to Activities > Scheduling > Events > New. 2. On the Attendees subtab, check the Notify Attendees by Email box.

3. Click Save.

Attendees who have push notifications enabled receive a push notification for the event invite.

NetSuite for Mobile Push Notifications in NetSuite for iOS 9

Default notification set for iOS push notifications

The following set of notifications are switched on by default when you enable push notifications on your app.

Activities Calendar Event Canceled, Updated, Invited

Phone Call* Created, Updated

Task* Created, Updated

Approvals Expense Report Approval required

Purchase Order Approval required

Support Support Case* Created, Updated

* These notification types are based on saved searches (depicted by a magnifying glass icon in the app). Some setup might be required.

To switch individual push notifications on and off :

1. Tap the Account Menu icon . 2. Tap Push Notifications. 3. Tap the push notification you want to manage, for example Phone Call Updated. 4. Slide the Push Notification slider to off.

The NetSuite for iOS Notification Center

The Notification Center is like your inbox for all NetSuite-generated notifications. Unlike push notifications which provide a one-off announcement, the Notification Center stores your NetSuite notifications so that you can easily refer back to them at a later date. Tapping on any notification will bring up the Actions menu. The badge count displays the number of unread notifications.

The iOS Notification Center Options Screen

The Notification Center has an options screen where you can set viewing preferences for displayed items. Tap the slider icon in the top left of the Notification Center screen to access it:

NetSuite for Mobile Push Notifications in NetSuite for iOS 10

What do the Options do?

Date Orders notifications from newest to oldest

Type Orders notification type alphabetically (A-Z)

Show done* Displays items which have been marked done as well as items requiring action

Show unsupported* Displays all notification types from NetSuite including those which are not currently available as a push notification.

Mark All as Read Bulk select option — marks all notifications in the center as read.

Mark All as Done Bulk select option — marks all notifications in the center as done.

* These options are session-based. They will revert to off when you log out of the app.

Changing App Settings

See the following topics for information on how to change app settings in NetSuite for Mobile.

■ Changing App Settings in NetSuite for iOS ■ Changing App Settings in NetSuite for Android

Changing App Settings in NetSuite for iOS

NetSuite for iOS enables you to configure the settings for the app in several ways.

To change your app settings in NetSuite for iOS:

1. Tap the Account Menu icon . The Settings subtab contains the following options: ■ Remember Me – Enables you to remove your login details. See Removing your Login Details. ■ Time Zone - Configure the time zone of your app. See Setting the Time Zone in NetSuite for iOS. ■ Phone Call Logging – Configure phone call logging. See Configuring Phone Call Logging. ■ Receipt Image Resolution - Enables you to se a maximum resolution of image attachments. See Attaching Files To a Record. ■ Push Notifications – Enable and configure push notifications. ■ About - The About screen contains information about the app and contains a link to contact support. The About screen contains: □ EULA – access to read the EULA for the application. □ Oracle Privacy Policy - access to the Oracle Privacy Policy page. □ App Version - displays the version of the app you are using. □ Server Version - displays the version of the server the app is using. □ User Login – displays the username you are currently logged in with. □ Account – displays the account you are currently logged in with.

NetSuite for Mobile Changing App Settings 11

□ Role – displays your current user role. □ Documentation - access to NetSuite for Mobile documentation. □ Contact Support - access to contacting customer support. □ Visit SuiteAnswers - a link to SuiteAnswers. ■ Log Out - Tap to log out of the app. ■ Reset to Defaults - Tap to perform a factory reset of the app.

Note: When you reset the app to defaults all user data including login information, expense details, and time logs are removed.

Changing App Settings in NetSuite for Android

NetSuite for Android enables you to configure the settings for the app in several ways.

To change your app settings in NetSuite for Android:

1. Tap the Menu icon , and then tap Settings. The Settings screen contains the following options: ■ Remember Me - Tap to remove your login details. See Removing your Login Details. ■ Receipt Image Resolution - Enables you to se a maximum resolution of image attachments. See Attaching Files To a Record. ■ Favorites - Configure your favorite record types. ■ Reset to Defaults - Tap to perform a factory reset of the app.

Note: When you reset the app to defaults all user data including login information, expense details, and time logs are removed.

2. To Access the About screen, tap the Menu icon , and then tap About. The About screen contains information about the app and contains a link to contact support. The About screen contains the following options: ■ Legal Terms – access to read the EULA for the application. ■ Oracle Privacy Policy - access to the Oracle Privacy Policy page. ■ App Version - displays the version of the app you are using. ■ Server Version - displays the version of the server the app is using. ■ User Login – displays the username you are currently logged in with. ■ Account – displays the account you are currently logged in with. ■ Role – displays your current user role. ■ View Documentation - access to NetSuite for Mobile documentation. ■ Contact Support - access to contacting customer support. ■ Visit SuiteAnswers - a link to SuiteAnswers.

NetSuite for Mobile Working with NetSuite for Mobile 12

Working with NetSuite for Mobile

The following sections cover tasks that NetSuite for Mobile enables you to perform. You can quickly learn how to perform any task to get the most out of your app.

NetSuite for Mobile Basics:

■ Login Options Overview ■ Changing Roles in the App

NetSuite for Mobile Main Features:

■ Expense Reporting ■ Time Tracking ■ Dashboard Portlets ■ NetSuite for Mobile Calendar ■ Record Management ■ Sublist Management ■ Tracking Calls with Phone Call Logging in NetSuite for iOS ■ My Approvals ■ Accessing Saved Searches in the App

Login Options Overview

Logging in to the app does not affect any NetSuite session you may have open in a browser. Similarly, logging out from a browser session does not affect your access to the mobile app.

If you prefer to use a biometric login method instead of entering a password, enable the Remember Me option from the login screen of the app. Your device securely stores saved passwords using industry- standard cryptography: Keychain (iOS) or Keystore (Android).

The following sections cover login methods available with NetSuite for Mobile.

■ Logging in with your NetSuite Account ■ Biometric ID Login ■ Logging in with Single Sign-on ■ Saving your Login Details ■ Removing your Login Details ■ Resetting a Forgotten Password ■ Logging out of the App

Logging in with your NetSuite Account

Follow this procedure to log in to the app using your NetSuite account credentials.

To log in to the app:

1. Enter the email address and password that you use to log in to your NetSuite account.

NetSuite for Mobile Login Options Overview 13

2. Tap Log In. 3. The first time you log in, you must answer one of your three security questions. Fill out your answer and tap Submit.

Note: You can also change the role with which you want to log in by tapping Change Role. The app chooses the role you last used in a browser session otherwise.

Biometric ID Login

NetSuite for Mobile supports logging in with biometric ID. There are some differences in biometric ID types for iOS and Android as described in the following section.

Logging in with Face and Touch ID for iOS

NetSuite for iOS supports Face and Touch ID.

To log in using these features, enable Remember Me when you log in, and Touch ID and Face ID in your system settings. No further setup is required.

Logging in with Fingerprint for Android

NetSuite for Android supports logging in with finger print. You can follow this procedure to enable the option.

To login with Fingerprint:

1. Make sure that Fingerprint is enabled in system settings. 2. Drag Remember Me to on. 3. In the popup window tap USE FINGERPRINT. 4. Touch the fingerprint sensor to complete the setup.

Logging in with Single Sign-on

To use Single Sign-on (SSO) with your app, first check with your administrator that SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) has been enabled for your company. See the help topic SAML Single Sign-on for complete setup instructions. Ask your administrator to do the following:

■ Add the Mobile Device Access and SAML Single Sign-on permissions to a custom role, and assign that custom role to you. ■ Forward the Account ID to you. Administrators can find this at Setup > Company Information > Account ID.

Note: If you are testing SSO in a Release Preview or Sandbox account, make sure that the entire alphanumeric Account ID is supplied (for example, 2000201_RP).

To use SSO to log in to the app:

1. Launch the app and tap Company SSO.

NetSuite for Mobile Login Options Overview 14

2. Enter your NetSuite Account ID.

Note: With iOS, the app remembers your ID automatically. To store your ID with Android, tap Remember Me.

3. Tap Continue. 4. Log in from the third-party authentication screen using your SAML credentials.

Logging out of the App

Follow this procedure to log out of your app.

To log out of the app:

1. Do one of the following: ■ For iOS, tap the Account Menu icon . ■ For Android, tap the Menu icon . 2. Tap Log out.

Note: Logging out of the app does not affect any open browser sessions.

Saving your Login Details

The app can store your login details using the Remember Me feature. When you enable the Remember Me feature the app automatically logs you in on each startup, or whenever you switch between other open applications.

Note: The app uses industry standard encryption to secure your password and keys:

■ iOS uses the KeyChain encryption standard ■ Android uses the KeyStore encryption standard

To save your login details:

1. In the login screen, tap Remember Me. 2. Enter your username and password. 3. Tap Log In.

Removing your Login Details

You can remove your login details if you no longer wish to store them on your device.

To remove your login details:

■ For iOS, go to Account Menu > Remember Me, and then tap Disable.

NetSuite for Mobile Login Options Overview 15

■ For Android, go to Menu bar > Settings, and then tap Remember Me to disable the option.

Resetting a Forgotten Password

It is possible to request a reset of your system password from the login screen. After you request a password reset, you receive a reset link in the inbox of the email address you specified.

To reset your forgotten password:

1. In the login screen, tap Forgot? in the Password field. 2. Enter an email address registered with NetSuite, or accept the populated address. 3. Tap Request Reset Link on the Reset Password screen with your email address. 4. Tap Back for iOS or OK for Android. 5. Follow the instructions sent to your email address.

Changing Roles in the App

You can select roles with the Mobile Device Access permission enabled as follows.

To change your current role:

1. Do one of the following: ■ For iOS, tap the Account Menu icon . ■ For Android, tap the Menu bar icon . 2. Tap the active role at the top of the Menu to display a list of available roles. 3. Tap the role you want use.

Expense Reporting

The My Expenses portlet on the Home dashboard is visible to users who have permission to create expense reports. From the portlet, you can organize your receipts, and expenses into Expense Logs. You can then create Expense Reports, which you can submit to NetSuite for approval.

Important: You must enable the File Cabinet to use expense logging. Open a browser session and go to Setup > Company > Enable Features, Data Management.

■ Creating an Expense Detail ■ Creating an Expense Report

Creating an Expense Detail

Expense Details are the basic elements from which you create Expense Reports. They include an image of the physical receipt, and accompanying description of what the expense relates to. You can attach up to four attachments to an expense detail, making it easy to organize multiple expensable items under a

NetSuite for Mobile Expense Reporting 16

single category. For example, car parking tickets, taxi fares, or evening meals. You can also attach multi- page invoices in PDF format, such as hotel bills or flight tickets. Expense Log stores the saved expense details.

To create an expense detail:

1. Tap New Expense on the Home dashboard in the My Expenses portlet. 2. Complete the required fields. 3. (Optional) Capture a new image of a bill or receipt for the expense detail: ■ For iOS, tap the Camera icon , and then tap Capture using Camera. ■ For Android, tap Take a Photo. 4. (Optional) Attach an existing PDF, JPG, or PNG file to the expense detail: ■ For iOS, tap the Camera icon, and then tap Choose existing from Gallery. ■ For Android, tap Pick a File. 5. Repeat step 3 or 4 to attach more receipts.

Note: You can add up to four attachments to an expense detail.

6. To save the expense detail: ■ For iOS, tap Done. ■ For Android, tap the Tick icon .

Creating an Expense Report

Follow this procedure to create an expense report.

To create an expense report:

1. Go to the Report screen: ■ For iOS, from your Home dashboard in the My Expenses portlet, tap Expense Log. ■ For Android, from your Home dashboard in the My Expenses portlet, tap Report. 2. To begin selecting expenses to report: ■ For iOS, tap Select Expenses to Report. ■ For Android, tap Create Expense Report.

Note: For iOS, the limit of expense details attachable to an expense report is 30.

3. To finish your selection: ■ For iOS, tap Create Expense Report. ■ For Android, tap the Tick icon . 4. The generated report displays for review.

Important: You should make any necessary edits at this stage, because only an Administrator or someone with an Accountant role can edit submitted reports.

5. Complete all required fields, and then tap Add for every expense detail in your report.

NetSuite for Mobile Expense Reporting 17

6. (Optional) To complete the report later: ■ For iOS, tap Complete Later. ■ For Android, tap the Tick icon, and then tap Complete later from the Select Action popup window.

Note: The Complete Later option is only available with the Employee Center role.

7. To submit the report for approval: ■ For iOS, tap Save or Submit depending on the role you are using. ■ For Android, tap the Tick icon, and then tap Submit.

Note: After you successfully submit your expense report, it no longer displays in your Expense Log list. To view your expense reports in the app:

■ For iOS, go to More > Expense Reports. ■ For Android, go to Menu bar > Records > Recents. Select Expense Reports from the list.

Time Tracking

NetSuite for Mobile enables you to perform time tracking tasks from your mobile device.

■ Accessing My Time ■ Creating Time Entries ■ Editing Time Entries ■ Creating a Time Log ■ Editing a Time Log ■ Deleting a Time Log ■ Converting a Time Log Into a Time Entry

Accessing My Time

To access the My Time screen, do one of the following:

■ For iOS, tap My Time in the Navigation bar. ■ For Android, from your Home dashboard in the My Time portlet, tap Manage.

The My Time screen offers the following options:

■ Add – You can add a new time entry by tapping the add icon: □ for iOS. □ for Android. ■ Today – View a list of all time entries for today.

NetSuite for Mobile Time Tracking 18

■ Go to Date – Select a specific date to view: □ For iOS, tap the current date at the top of the view to display a date picker, choose your desired date, and then tap Done. □ For Android, tap the More icon , tap Go to date to display a calendar, choose your desired date from the calendar, and then tap OK. ■ Next / Previous week – Use the arrow buttons to view next or previous weeks. ■ Select Day – Tap the day you want to view. ■ Total – The bottom of the timesheet shows a summary of total hours entered for the selected day and week. The minimum unit of time displayed is one minute. ■ Open / Edit – Tap or swipe a record to open and edit entries.

Creating Time Entries

Time entries are records of (billable) time, which you post to a relevant customer record in NetSuite. The duration for Time entries is input manually. Time logs create automatically after a timer session saves. Time logs do not have to be posted to NetSuite.

The posting method is dependent on your NetSuite account settings. NetSuite for Mobile supports Time Bill, and Timesheet 2.0.

To create a new time entry:

1. From your Home dashboard in the My Time portlet: ■ For iOS, tap Enter Time. ■ For Android, tap New Time Entry. 2. Complete the required fields.

Note: The fields available are dependent on your current role and your preferred form as set up in NetSuite.

3. To save your time entry: ■ For iOS, tap Save. ■ For Android, tap the Tick icon .

Editing Time Entries

You can edit existing time entries.

To edit a time entry:

1. From your Home dashboard in the My Time portlet: ■ For iOS, tap View list. ■ For Android, tap Manage. 2. Tap the time entry you want to edit. 3. Do one of the following:

NetSuite for Mobile Time Tracking 19

■ For iOS, tap Edit. ■ For Android, tap the More icon , and then tap Edit. 4. Edit the time entry. 5. To save your changes: ■ For iOS, tap Save. ■ For Android, tap the Tick icon .

Creating a Time Log

The timer (stopwatch) function enables you to track the time you spend on tasks or with clients by creating a time log. You can convert time logs into time entries for project billing.

Note: An active timer continues to run until paused or stopped, including during phone calls.

To create a time log:

1. From your Home dashboard in the My Time portlet: ■ For iOS, tap Use Timer. ■ For Android, tap Track. 2. Tap the Start icon: ■ For iOS, . ■ For Android, . 3. (Optional) You can add a description for the time event: ■ For iOS, tap Edit Memo, enter a description for the timed event, and then tap Save Memo. ■ For Android, tap Edit Memo, enter a description for the timed event, and then tap Return. 4. (Optional) You can pause the event by tapping the Pause icon. Tap the Start icon to resume tracking your event. 5. Tap Stop & Save once the tracked event is over.

Editing a Time Log

Follow this procedure to edit a Time Log.

To edit a time log:

1. From your Home dashboard in the My Time portlet: ■ For iOS, tap Use Timer. ■ For Android, tap Track. 2. Tap the time log you want to edit. 3. You can edit the following fields: ■ Date ■ Duration

NetSuite for Mobile Time Tracking 20

■ Memo

Note: Start and End fields are read-only fields.

4. To save your changes: ■ For iOS, tap Timer. ■ For Android, tap the Tick icon .

Deleting a Time Log

Follow this procedure to delete a Time Log.

To delete a time log:

1. From your Home dashboard in the My Time portlet: ■ For iOS, tap Use Timer. ■ For Android, tap Track. 2. To delete a time log: ■ For iOS, swipe a time log entry tap Delete, and then tap Delete to confirm. ■ For Android, touch and hold the time log entry you want to delete, tap Delete, and then tap Yes to confirm.

Converting a Time Log Into a Time Entry

Follow this procedure to convert a Time Log into a Time Entry.

To convert a time log into a time entry:

1. From your Home dashboard in the My Time portlet: ■ For iOS, tap Use Timer. ■ For Android, tap Track. 2. To convert a time log into a time entry: ■ For iOS, swipe the time log, and then tap Use for Time Entry. ■ For Android, touch and hold the time log, and then tap Create Time Entry. 3. Complete the required fields. 4. To save your time entry: ■ For iOS, tap Save. ■ For Android, tap the Tick icon .

Dashboard Portlets

The Portlets on your app Home Dashboard are the same as those of a browser session.

NetSuite for Mobile Dashboard Portlets 21

■ Dashboard Portlets in NetSuite for iOS ■ Dashboard Portlets in NetSuite for Android

Dashboard Portlets in NetSuite for iOS

The following table covers portlets that are available with NetSuite for iOS.

Portlet Description Screenshot Name

Reminder Displays the first three reminders you would see on your browser session Dashboard. Tap View List to see your full list of dashboard reminders. All reminders based on a saved search display natively within the app. For example, Cases to respond to is an example of a reminder based on a saved search. Reminders with a launch icon alongside them are not natively supported. In such cases, the app prompts you to view the results in a browser session. Typically, these are reminders generated by a workflow.

Key Perform The default behavior is to display the first three KPIs from your ance Indica browser session Dashboard. If you have set up headline KPIs, their tors settings override this behavior. Tap View List to see your full list of dashboard KPIs. See the help topic Highlighting KPIs.

KPI You can display one KPI Scorecard as configured in your browser Scorecard session Dashboard. Tap the scorecard to view the scorecard data. See the help topic Adding a KPI Scorecard Portlet to a Dashboard

KPI Meter The portlet displays the first KPI Meter as configured in your browser session. Use the left and right arrows to view other KPI Meters.

Report The portlet displays the first report snapshot from your browser Snapshot session Dashboard. Tap View List to see your full list of report snapshots. To display report snapshots on your app, make sure that the Display Type is set to Graph in the portlet set-up options in your browser session. The app does not support the List view. See the help topic Setting Up a Report Snapshot Portlet.

Saved The portlet displays the first three custom search portlets from your Search browser session Dashboard.

Trend Graph The portlet displays the first trend graph from your browser session Dashboard. Tap View List to see your full list of dashboard trend graphs. See the help topic Setting Up Trend Graph Portlets.

NetSuite for Mobile Dashboard Portlets 22

My Time The portlet displays any currently running timer (Active Timer) and the number of hours reported on currently tracked time transactions

Note: This portlet is only available to users who have the Track Time permission enabled on their role (Role > Permissions > Transactions), and also either Time Sheet or Time Tracking enabled on their account. The portlet is included on the Home Dashboard by default.

My Expenses This portlet displays the number of expense records pending approval, the total value of outstanding expenses, and the value of expenses not yet submitted.

Recent Calls This portlet displays the last three calls initiated from your NetSuite for iOS application. Tap View List to see your full list of recent calls. Tap on any call in the list to log the call.

Dashboard Portlets in NetSuite for Android

The following table covers portlets that are available with NetSuite for Android.

Portlet Description Screenshot Name

Reminder Displays the first three reminders you would see on your browser session Dashboard. Tap View List to see your full list of dashboard reminders. All reminders based on a saved search display natively within the app. For example, Cases to respond to is an example of a reminder based on a saved search. Reminders with a launch icon alongside them are not natively supported. In such cases, the app prompts you to view the results in a browser session. Typically, these are reminders generated by a workflow.

Key Perform The default behavior is to display the first three KPIs from your ance Indica browser session Dashboard. If you have set up headline KPIs, their tors settings override this behavior. Tap View List to see your full list of dashboard KPIs. See the help topic Highlighting KPIs.

KPI You can display one KPI Scorecard as configured in your browser Scorecard session Dashboard. Tap the scorecard to view the scorecard data. See the help topic Adding a KPI Scorecard Portlet to a Dashboard

NetSuite for Mobile Dashboard Portlets 23

KPI Meter The portlet displays the first KPI Meter as configured in your browser session. Use the left and right arrows to view other KPI Meters.

Report The portlet displays the first report snapshot from your browser Snapshot session Dashboard. Tap View List to see your full list of report snapshots. To display report snapshots on your app, make sure that the Display Type is set to Graph in the portlet set-up options in your browser session. The app does not support the List view. See the help topic Setting Up a Report Snapshot Portlet.

Saved The portlet displays the first three custom search portlets from your Search browser session Dashboard.

Trend Graph The portlet displays the first trend graph from your browser session Dashboard. Tap View List to see your full list of dashboard trend graphs. See the help topic Setting Up Trend Graph Portlets.

My Time The portlet displays any currently running timer (Active Timer) and the number of hours reported on currently tracked time transactions

Note: This portlet is only available to users who have the Track Time permission enabled on their role (Role > Permissions > Transactions), and also either Time Sheet or Time Tracking enabled on their account. The portlet is included on the Home Dashboard by default.

My Expenses This portlet displays the number of expense records pending approval, the total value of outstanding expenses, and the value of expenses not yet submitted.

NetSuite for Mobile NetSuite for Mobile Calendar 24

NetSuite for Mobile Calendar

The Calendar feature enables you to create and accept new activities, as well as customize which calendar to display based on an entity, group, or resource. You can also filter the type of activity to display based on events, phone calls, and tasks.

■ NetSuite for iOS Calendar ■ NetSuite for Android Calendar

NetSuite for iOS Calendar

The following sections cover information on working with the NetSuite for Mobile Calendar with iOS devices.

To access your calendar with NetSuite for iOS:

■ On your Tab bar, tap the Calendar icon .

For your calendar, the app takes the time zone settings from your NetSuite desktop application. See Setting the Time Zone in NetSuite for iOS.

The following topics cover information on working with NetSuite for iOS Calendar.

■ Configuring the Calendar View in NetSuite for iOS ■ Calendar Icons in NetSuite for iOS ■ Adding a Calendar Item in NetSuite for iOS ■ Editing a Calendar Item in NetSuite for iOS ■ Deleting a Calendar Item in NetSuite for iOS ■ Responding to an Event in NetSuite for iOS ■ Adding an Unlisted Calendar in NetSuite for iOS

Configuring the Calendar View in NetSuite for iOS

The Calendar Navigation bar offers options for viewing and configuring your calendar.

■ Today – Returns to today’s date. ■ 1. Daily – Displays a list view of daily activities. □ Items are grouped into days. You can scroll down the list to find the item you require. □ View displays items from today onwards. Past items do not display. ■ 2. Weekly – Displays items for the selected week. □ Tap the left and right arrow buttons to move between weeks. □ Tap any day of the week to view the items for that day. ■ 3. Monthly – Displays items for the selected month.

NetSuite for Mobile NetSuite for Mobile Calendar 25

□ Tap the left and right arrow buttons to move between months. □ Tap any day of the month to view the items for that day. ■ 4. Customize – Customize your calendar. Tap to access the following options: □ Calendar – Select an active calendar from the list. The screen displays up to four most recently used calendars, plus your own calendar (which remains at the top of the list). To add another calendar to the list see To add an unlisted calendar:. □ Activities – Select the types of items to display in the calendar: Event, Phone Call, or Task. By default all are selected. Tap Done to save changes to your calendar customizations, or Cancel to return to the calendar view.

Note: You can only view one calendar at a time. If you’d like phone calls and tasks that do not reserve time to show on your calendar, you must configure the following calendar preferences in your NetSuite account: Display Non- blocking Phone Calls in Calendar, and Display Non-blocking Tasks in Calendar. See the help topic Setting Calendar Preferences.

Calendar Icons in NetSuite for iOS

The following table gives an overview of calendar icons. The type of icon is determined by the item type and the current status of that item.

Event icons



Awaiting Response

Task icons


In progress

Not started

NetSuite for Mobile NetSuite for Mobile Calendar 26

Phone Call icons



Note: Cancelled events do not appear in the app.

Adding a Calendar Item in NetSuite for iOS

Follow this procedure to add an item to your calendar.

To add an item to your calendar:

1. On your Tab bar, tap the Calendar icon . 2. Navigate to the day you want to add the item to. 3. Tap the Add icon next to the date. 4. Select the type of item you want to add from the following options: ■ Event ■ Phone Call ■ Task 5. Fill out the required information for your item. This may vary depending on the type of item you choose. 6. To add the item to your calendar, tap Save.

Editing a Calendar Item in NetSuite for iOS

Follow this procedure to edit a calendar item.

To edit a calendar event:

1. On your Tab bar, tap the Calendar icon . 2. Swipe left to right across the item you want to edit to reveal Quick Actions. 3. Tap Edit. 4. Tap Record Menu icon to navigate the available sublists for the event based on your preferred form setup. 5. Edit the relevant fields. 6. To save your changes, tap Save.

Deleting a Calendar Item in NetSuite for iOS

Follow this procedure to delete an event from your calendar

NetSuite for Mobile NetSuite for Mobile Calendar 27

To delete an event from your calendar:

1. On your Tab bar, tap the Calendar icon . 2. Navigate to the event you want to delete. 3. Swipe the event from left to right to reveal quick actions. 4. Tap Edit to go to the edit screen. 5. Tap Delete.

Note: Only the event organizer can delete the event.

Responding to an Event in NetSuite for iOS

Follow this procedure to respond to edit and send your response to an event.

To respond to an event:

1. On your Tab bar, tap the Calendar icon . 2. Navigate to the event you want to respond to. 3. Tap the event. 4. Tap Quick Accept to accept the event. No further action is needed if you choose this option. 5. To reveal additional response options, tap the Arrow icon : ■ Tap Accept to accept the event. ■ Tap Decline to decline the event. ■ Tap Tentative to mark your response as tentative. 6. Edit and customize your response in the Response screen: ■ Select Send a response or Do not send a response to either attach a response message or not. ■ You can add and edit your message in the Message Text window. ■ To set up a reminder for the event: □ Tap Reminder. □ From the time picker, tap the time of your reminder. □ Tap Done. ■ To choose the type of your reminder: □ Tap Reminder type. □ Select your reminder type. □ Tap Done. 7. To save and send your response, tap OK.

The event status is updated, and confirmed by the updated event icon in the calendar view screen.

Adding an Unlisted Calendar in NetSuite for iOS

Follow this procedure to view an unlisted calendar.

NetSuite for Mobile NetSuite for Mobile Calendar 28

To add an unlisted calendar:

1. On your Tab bar, tap the Calendar icon . 2. Tap the Customize icon . 3. Tap Add. 4. From the Calendar Type bar, tap the type of calendar you want to add. 5. Tap the calendar you want to view. This adds the calendar to your calendar list and sets it as the active calendar.

NetSuite for Android Calendar

To access your calendar with NetSuite for Android:

■ Tap the Menu icon , and then tap Calendar.

The following sections cover information on working with the NetSuite for Android calendar.

■ The Calendar Navigation Bar in NetSuite for Android ■ Calendar Icons in NetSuite for Android ■ Adding a Calendar Item in NetSuite for Android ■ Editing a Calendar Item in NetSuite for Android ■ Responding to an Event in NetSuite for Android ■ Deleting a Calendar Item in NetSuite for Android ■ Adding a Shared Calendar in NetSuite for Android

The Calendar Navigation Bar in NetSuite for Android

The Calendar Navigation bar offers options for viewing, adding items to, and configuring your calendar.

■ 1. Week - Tap to switch between calendar views. There are two view options: □ Week - The default view is the Week view. The Week view displays a complete week with items grouped into days. All items for the corresponding day are displayed and can be accessed by tapping. You can move between weeks by tapping the arrow icons. □ List - The List view displays a scrollable chronological list starting from the current date. Items display under the corresponding date. This view is useful when you need to quickly scan upcoming items, for example when arranging meetings.

NetSuite for Mobile NetSuite for Mobile Calendar 29

■ 2. Add icon - Tap the Add icon to display a list of items you can add to the selected date. The options are: □ Event □ Task □ Phone Call ■ 3. Today icon - Tap the today icon to return to the current date. ■ 4. More icon - Tap the More icon to display additional options: □ Customize - Tap to go to the Customize Calendar screen. □ Go to date - Tap to display a calendar in which you can access a specific date. The Go to date option is only available while using the Week view.

Note: To display phone calls and tasks in the NetSuite for Android calendar that do not have a specified time against them, first amend your Calendar preference in your NetSuite account. Go to setup on the required calendar portlet, and check non-blocking tasks and show non-blocking phone calls.

Calendar Icons in NetSuite for Android

The following table gives an overview of calendar icons for available calendar item types. The type of icon is determined by the item type and the current status of that item.

Event icons



Awaiting Response

Task icons


In progress

Not started

Phone Call icons

NetSuite for Mobile NetSuite for Mobile Calendar 30



Note: Cancelled events do not appear in the app.

Adding a Calendar Item in NetSuite for Android

Follow this procedure to add an item to your calendar.

To add a calendar item:

1. Tap the Menu icon , and then tap Calendar. 2. Navigate to the date you want to add the calendar item to. 3. Tap the Add icon .

Note: Tapping the day in the calendar view below the Calendar Navigation bar has the same effect.

4. Select the type of item you want to add from the following options: ■ Event ■ Phone Call ■ Task 5. Fill out the required information for your item. This may vary depending on the type of item you choose. 6. To add the item to your calendar, tap the Tick icon .

Editing a Calendar Item in NetSuite for Android

Follow this procedure to edit an item in your calendar.

To edit a calendar item:

1. Tap the Menu icon , and then tap Calendar. 2. Navigate to the item you want to edit. 3. Tap the required event to access the event detail screen. 4. Tap the More icon , and then tap Edit.

Note: Only the event organizer can edit an event.

5. Edit the item as required. 6. To save your changes, tap the Tick icon .

NetSuite for Mobile NetSuite for Mobile Calendar 31

Responding to an Event in NetSuite for Android

Follow this procedure to respond to an event.

To respond to an event:

1. Tap the Menu icon , and then tap Calendar. 2. Tap the required event to access the event detail screen. 3. Tap the More icon . 4. Tap one of the following options to choose your response to an event: ■ Edit (event organizer only) ■ Quick Accept - No further action is needed if you choose this option. ■ Accept – Tapping this option takes you to the Response screen. ■ Decline – Tapping this option takes you to the Response screen. ■ Tentative – Tapping this option takes you to the Response screen. 5. (Optional) Edit and customize your response to the event organizer in the Response screen: ■ Select Send a response or Do not send a response to either attach a response message or not. ■ You can add and edit your message in the Message Text window. ■ To set up a reminder for the event: □ Tap Reminder. □ From the time picker, tap the time of your reminder. ■ To choose the type of your reminder: □ Tap Reminder type. □ Select your reminder type. 6. To save and send your response, tap OK.

The event status is updated, and confirmed by the updated event icon in the calendar view.

Deleting a Calendar Item in NetSuite for Android

You can use this procedure to delete items from your calendar.

To delete an item:

1. Tap the Menu icon , and then tap Calendar. 2. Tap the required item to access the item detail screen. 3. Tap the More icon , and then tap Edit. 4. After the edit screen loads, tap the More icon again, and then tap Delete. 5. Confirm the action by tapping Yes.

Note: Only the event organizer can delete an event.

Adding a Shared Calendar in NetSuite for Android

Follow this procedure to add a shared calendar in your app.

NetSuite for Mobile NetSuite for Mobile Calendar 32

Note: You can only view one calendar at a time.

To add a shared calendar:

1. Tap the Menu icon , and then tap Calendar. 2. Tap the More icon , and then tap Customize. 3. Tap the Add icon . 4. Tap the type of calendar you want to view the available calendars for that type. 5. Tap the calendar you want to add. 6. This adds the selected calendar to the Calendars list in the Customize Calendar screen, and sets it as the currently selected calendar in the calendar view. 7. Tap the Back icon to return to view the selected calendar.

Note: You can confirm the currently selected calendar by choosing a radio button in the Customize Calendar.

Record Management

The types of records you can view and edit depends on the role, with which you log in.

The following sections cover information on managing records with NetSuite for Mobile.

■ Viewing a Record ■ Creating Records ■ Editing Records ■ Attaching Files To a Record

Viewing a Record

Follow this procedure to view a record.

To view a record:

1. To access the list of available record types: ■ For iOS, on the Tab Bar, tap More.

Note: To view recent records with iOS: on the Navigation bar, tap the Search icon , and then tap Recent Records.

■ For Android, tap the Menu icon , tap Records, and then tap Recents.

Note: With Android recent records is the default view in the records view.

2. Tap the record type you want to access. 3. Select the record you want to view. 4. The record will open in the Summary view.

NetSuite for Mobile Record Management 33

5. A predefined selection of Record sublists are displayed below the summary view. Tap the Record Menu icon to reveal additional sublists. See Sublist Management.

Creating Records

Follow this procedure to create a new record.

To create a record:

1. Go to the records view: ■ For iOS, on the Tab Bar, tap More. ■ For Android, tap the Menu icon , and then tap Records. 2. To create a new record: ■ For iOS, select the record type you want to create, and then tap the Add icon . ■ For Android, tap the More icon , tap Add New, and then tap the record type you want to create. 3. Edit the record details. 4. To save your record: ■ For iOS, tap Save. ■ For Android, tap the Tick icon .

Editing Records

Follow this procedure to edit a record.

To edit a record:

1. Access the list of available record types: ■ For iOS, on the Tab Bar, tap More. ■ For Android, tap the Menu icon , tap Records, and then tap Recents. 2. Tap the record type you want to access. 3. Tap the record you want to edit. 4. To edit the record: ■ For iOS, tap Edit. ■ For Android, tap the More icon , and then tap Edit. 5. Tap the Record Menu icon to navigate the record. 6. Edit the record details. 7. To save your changes: ■ For iOS, tap Save. ■ For Android, tap the Tick icon .

Attaching Files To a Record

Follow this procedure to attach files to a record.

NetSuite for Mobile Record Management 34

To attach files to a record:

1. Open the required record for editing, or create a new record. 2. Tap the Record Menu icon to navigate the record. 3. Navigate to the required screen. 4. Tap the Add icon to add a new file to the selected record. 5. Fill in any required fields.

Note: The fields available are dependent on your current role and preferred form setup.

6. Tap Folder to change the location where the uploaded file will be stored. 7. Tap Select File, and then select a file or a photo. You can also take a new photo.

Note: Images are reduced to a maximum resolution of 1024x1024 pixels, maintaining aspect ratio.

8. To save your changes: ■ For iOS, tap Save. ■ For Android, tap the Tick icon .

Sublist Management

When you view a record, a predefined selection of sublists displays below the summary view. You can navigate available sublists by tapping the Record Menu icon .

See the following sections for more information on managing sublist.

■ Viewing a Sublist Item ■ Adding an Item to a Sublist

Viewing a Sublist Item

Follow this procedure to view items in a sublist.

To view a sublist item:

1. Navigate to the required record. See Viewing a Record. 2. Tap the Record Menu icon to navigate the available sublists. 3. Tap the sublist you want to access. 4. Tap the item you want to view.

Adding an Item to a Sublist

Follow this procedure to add items to a sublist.

To add an item to a sublist:

1. Navigate to the required record. See Viewing a Record.

NetSuite for Mobile Sublist Management 35

2. To edit the record: ■ For iOS, tap Edit. ■ For Android, tap the More icon , and then tap Edit. 3. Tap the Record Menu icon to navigate available sublists. 4. Tap the sublist you want to add an item to. 5. Tap the Add icon .

Note: NetSuite for Mobile does not fully support all record types. In such cases, the Add icon is not displayed.

6. Enter the item data. 7. To save your changes: ■ For iOS, tap Save. ■ For Android, tap the Tick icon .

Tracking Calls with Phone Call Logging in NetSuite for iOS

Note: Please note this feature is unavailable on Android due to API restrictions enforced by Google.

Phone Call Logging lets you track all calls initiated from the iOS version of the app. Phone Call logging can also remind you to log your last call. As soon as a call ends, a popup alert reminds you to log the call. The feature is on by default. To configure the Phone Call logging feature see Configuring Phone Call Logging.

If you enable Phone Call Logging the Recent Calls portlet displays on your dashboard. This portlet lists your most recent outbound calls and provides a simple route to accessing all unlogged calls. See Dashboard Portlets.

See the following sections for more information on phone call logging with NetSuite for iOS.

■ Logging a Phone Call ■ Viewing a List of Recent Calls ■ Viewing a List of Logged Phone Calls

Logging a Phone Call

Follow this procedure to log a phone call.

To log a phone call:

1. Tap on the call in the Recent Calls portlet. See Dashboard Portlets. 2. In the Log New Phone Call screen, enter details about the call. You can edit populated fields can if required. 3. After you enter the call details, tap Save to log the record. This removes the call from the list of unlogged calls in the Recent Calls portlet.

NetSuite for Mobile Tracking Calls with Phone Call Logging in NetSuite for iOS 36

Note: Your administrator controls which fields display to you and if they are mandatory.

Logged calls are displayed in the Phone Calls list. If a call you recently logged is not showing in the list, refresh the screen data and check the filters you have set for that list. See Viewing a List of Logged Phone Calls.

Viewing a List of Recent Calls

Follow this procedure to view a list of recent calls.

To view a list of recent calls:

1. In the Phone Calls portlet on the Dashboard, tap View List. See Dashboard Portlets. 2. (Optional) Tap All / Unlogged to switch between viewing all recent calls and viewing only those that have not been logged. 3. (Optional) Tap Clear to clear all calls or clear only logged calls.

Viewing a List of Logged Phone Calls

Follow this procedure to view a list of logged phone calls.

To view a list of logged phone calls:

1. On the Tab bar, tap More. 2. Tap Phone Calls. 3. Control the order, filter, and view options by tapping the icons at the top of the screen.

My Approvals

The My Approvals portlet provides a reminder of any outstanding expenses, purchase orders, time entries, and time sheets awaiting your authorization. Whenever you log in with a role with expense report, purchase order, or track time permissions enabled, NetSuite for Mobile adds the My Approvals portlet to your Home dashboard. You also need to have subordinates reporting to you.

Tip: The My Approvals portlet removes the need for users to set up separate Purchase Orders or Expense Report approval reminders on their Reminders portlet. If you still wish to see these reminders on your desktop application, simply reorder them so that purchase orders and expense reports do not appear in the first three items on the list (the current maximum number of reminders displayed on the Reminders portlet in the app ). You can still view all of your reminders by tapping View list on the Reminders portlet.

Tapping any of the approval types displays a list containing the items awaiting your approval. From the approval list screen, you can approve both individual and multiple requests. You can search through a list of items pending approval by using the context search field at the top of the list.

■ NetSuite for Mobile supports Approval Routing ■ Custom SuiteFlow workflows are not supported

See the following topics for more information on working with the My Approvals portlet.

NetSuite for Mobile My Approvals 37

■ Approving Individual Requests ■ Rejecting Individual Requests ■ Approving Multiple Requests ■ Rejecting Multiple Requests ■ Viewing a Request Detail ■ Accessing the Full Record of a Request

Approving Individual Requests

Follow this procedure to approve an individual request.

To approve an individual request:

1. From your Home dashboard in the My Approvals portlet, tap a category (for example Expense Reports). 2. Do one of the following: ■ For iOS, swipe right to left alongside the relevant entry, and then tap Approve. ■ For Android, tap the More menu icon alongside each entry, and then tap Approve.

Rejecting Individual Requests

Follow this procedure to reject an individual request.

To reject an individual request:

1. From your Home dashboard, tap a category (for example Expense Reports) on the My Approvals portlet. 2. Do one of the following: ■ For iOS, swipe right to left alongside the relevant entry, and then tap Reject. ■ For Android, tap the More menu icon alongside each entry, and then tap Reject.

Approving Multiple Requests

You can approve multiple requests at once.

To approve multiple requests:

1. From your Home dashboard, tap a category (for example Expense Reports) on the My Approvals portlet. 2. Do one of the following: ■ For iOS, tap Select. ■ For Android, tap the Multi-select icon . 3. Select the requests you want to approve. 4. To approve the selected requests: ■ For iOS, tap Approve. ■ For Android, tap the Tick icon .

NetSuite for Mobile My Approvals 38

5. (Optional) To approve all requests at once: ■ For iOS, tap Approve All, and then tap Confirm. ■ For Android, tap the Select All icon , and then tap the Tick icon.

Rejecting Multiple Requests

Follow this procedure to reject multiple requests.

Note: Rejecting multiple requests is only available for Timesheets and Time Entries.

To reject multiple requests

1. From your Home dashboard, tap a category (for example Timesheets) on the My Approvals portlet. 2. Tap Select. 3. (Optional) To reject all requests at once, tap Reject All, and then tap Confirm. 4. Select the requests you want to reject. 5. Tap Reject to confirm.

Note: A pop-up window may prompt you to specify a reason for rejection.

Viewing a Request Detail

The detailed view displays a summary of a request. You can approve or reject requests from this view. You can also access attachments or the full record.

To view a request detail:

1. From your Home dashboard, tap a category (for example Expense Reports) on the My Approvals portlet. 2. Tap a request you want to view. 3. (Optional) Tap an individual entry under the Items subtab to view any attachments associated with that entry.

Note: Image previews automatically load up to 5 MB on Wi-Fi connections, and 2 MB on cellular connections. You receive a prompt to continue, for files larger than these thresholds.

4. (Optional) You can approve or reject the request. ■ For iOS, tap Approve or Reject. ■ For Android, tap the Tick icon to approve or the Cancel icon to reject the request. 5. (Optional) You can view the full record. ■ For iOS, tap Full Record. ■ For Android, tap the More icon , and then tap Full Record.

Accessing the Full Record of a Request

You can access the complete record from NetSuite and displays it within the app.

NetSuite for Mobile My Approvals 39

To access the full record of a request:

1. From your Home dashboard, tap a category (for example Expense Reports) on the My Approvals portlet. 2. To access the full record for a request: ■ For iOS, swipe right to left alongside the relevant request, and then tap Full Record. ■ For Android, tap the More icon , and then tap Full Record. 3. You can navigate the full record by tapping the Record Menu icon . 4. You can approve or reject the request. ■ For iOS, tap Approve or tap the Arrow icon , and then tap Reject. ■ For Android, tap the More icon , and then tap Approve or Reject.

Note: Administrator and Accountant roles can also edit requests from this view:

■ For iOS, tap Edit. ■ For Android, tap the More icon, and then tap Edit.

Accessing Saved Searches in the App

If the Saved Searches portlet is visible in your browser session, it also appears in your app’s Home dashboard.

To access a list of saved searches available for your current role:

■ From your Home dashboard in your Saved Searches portlet, tap View list.

If you do not have access to the Saved Searches portlet in your app, you can follow this procedure instead.

Note: This procedure applies to iOS only.

To access a saved search in the app:

1. On the Tab bar, tap More. 2. Tap Saved Searches. 3. Scroll down the list to find the saved search you want to access.

Note: You can scroll to the bottom of the list to load additional searches.

4. Tap the required saved search.

Note: Filters for saved searches are not available in app. You can use a browser session if you require to use filters for saved searches.

NetSuite for Mobile NetSuite for Mobile FAQ 40

NetSuite for Mobile FAQ

The following sections cover frequently asked questions related to the use of NetSuite for Mobile.

■ Setup and Login ■ Security ■ Usability ■ Expense Features ■ Working with Records

Setup and Login

Frequently asked questions related to setup and login.

Where do I download the app from?

The app is available as a free download from Apple’s App Store and the Store.

Update notifications are provided within the app.

What are the system requirements for running the app?

For iOS, version 12.4 or greater. For Android, version 6.0 or greater.

Can I use the app on my iPad and tablet?

Yes, but because the app was primarily designed for , it will run in 2 x mode on these devices.

Can I reset my forgotten password?

Yes. Password reset is available from the login screen. See Resetting a Forgotten Password.

I am an Administrator, can I reset my users’ passwords?

Yes. you have the same access to employee records as you have with the NetSuite web application. See Editing Records and Changing a User’s NetSuite Password.

Do you support Single Sign-on login?

Yes. Your role should have SAML Single Sign-on and Mobile Device Access permissions added. The first time you log in with SSO on the app you will also need to enter your NetSuite company Account ID. See Logging in with Single Sign-on.

Do you support login with biometric authentication?

Yes, to enable logging in with biometric authentication see Biometric ID Login.

What does “You do not have permission to log in using this role on a mobile device. Please contact your NetSuite administrator.” mean?

The role you are using does not have the Mobile Device Access permission enabled. Only standard roles are enabled by default. Customized roles require the Mobile Device Access permission to be added. See Mobile Device Access Permission.

NetSuite for Mobile Setup and Login 41

Why am I unable to log in with my Administrator role?

If you require NetSuite access from a mobile device using a non-standard role, you need to add the Mobile Device Access permission to this role. This permission can be added to the System Administrator and customized roles. This permission cannot be added to the Administrator role.

If you are an administrator and require mobile access for the Administrator role, you can assign yourself a custom role that has mobile access enabled. See Mobile Device Access Permission.

Important: We do not recommend accessing your NetSuite account on a mobile device using roles that have full access to your data.

Can I use NetSuite for Mobile with a VPN connection?

Yes. The app requires no configuration to work with a VPN.


Frequently asked questions related to security concerns.

Is the Remember Me function secure?

Your login details are stored using Apple’s Keychain security functionality for iOS or Android’s KeyStore security for Android. See Saving your Login Details.

Is any of my confidential information being stored on my mobile device?

None of your NetSuite data is stored on your mobile device unless you choose to enable Remember Me, in which case your login details will be encrypted and stored using using Apple’s Keychain security functionality for iOS or Android’s KeyStore security for Android. See Mobile Data Security and Saving your Login Details.

How secure is data transfer between the NetSuite Mobile app and NetSuite?

Data transfer between the NetSuite Mobile app and NetSuite is secured by SSL encryption by default and valid certificates with strong keys are required.


Frequently asked questions related to general usability of the app.

What’s the maximum PDF file size I can attach to an expense report?

The maximum file size for PDF attachments is 2 MB.

How much data does the app use?

All communication is compressed and encrypted. On average, the app consumes less than 10 MB of data per month.

How do I shrink large images when uploading through the Android app?

The resolution of receipt images can be managed from the settings menu. There are three options:

NetSuite for Mobile Usability 42

■ 960 x 960 ■ 1280 x 1280 ■ 2048 x 2048

Note: Uploading multiple images at this resolution may cause issues on older devices and slow connections.

The maximum file size for each image upload is 5 MB.

Is the app available offline?

Yes. You can capture expenses and use the timer offline. Enable offline features from the login screen, and accept the terms and conditions.

Why is my dashboard empty?

No supported portlets have been configured on your web application dashboard. See Arranging the Home Dashboard and Dashboard Portlets.

How can I change the first (default) screen?

The Home Dashboard screen has many configuration options. You can make the following configurations:

■ Reorder the portlets. See Arranging the Home Dashboard. ■ Define which portlets are displayed. See Dashboard Portlets. ■ Reorganize which shortcuts are displayed on the Tab Bar at the bottom of the screen with NetSuite for iOS. See Configuring the Tab Bar in NetSuite for iOS.

How do I enable file uploads?

For the majority of users, file uploads will work without any configuration. You should make sure File Cabinet is enabled at Setup > Company > Enable Features, Data Management column, and a folder location is already defined in NetSuite for expense reports. The app uses this folder as its default image upload folder. If an expense reports folder has not been set up, the app uses the Images folder.

Expense Features

Frequently asked questions related to expense reporting.

How do I get a list of expense reports that are awaiting approval from my manager?

From the My Expenses portlet on the Home dashboard, tap View. A list of reports pending accounting approval will be displayed.

How do I view expense reports from my subordinates that are awaiting my approval?

For iOS, tap View List from the My Expenses portlet on the Dashboard to see your full list of outstanding expenses.

For Android, tap Expense Reports on the My Approvals portlet. A list of expense reports submitted by your subordinates requiring your approval is displayed.

NetSuite for Mobile Expense Features 43

See My Approvals.

How do I attach files to expense reports?

From the expense report, tap Edit then tap the overflow menu to reveal the submenus. Tap Communication > Files. Tap the Plus icon and navigate to the required folder and file. Once selected, tap Save to add. We support: PDF, JPG, and PNG.

To add files from expense logs, tap the camera icon to display the “choose existing file” or “pick a file" options.

See Attaching Files To a Record and Creating an Expense Detail.

What actions are supported?

In iOS, swiping from right to left on an item reveals the actions menu. The following options are available:

All record types Edit

Contacts, Customers, Leads, and Prospects Call, Map, Email, Text, Edit

Phone Calls Complete, Call, Text, Edit

Tasks Complete, Edit

Approvals Approve, Complete

Working with Records

Frequently asked questions related to record management.

What records are supported?

See the help topic Mobile Supported Record Types.

Does the app support custom records?

Yes. Users have complete access to custom records including support for view, edit, create, and delete (for any custom records already accessible through the NetSuite web application). You can access Saved Searches based on custom records. You can also use the Global Search feature (including view, edit, create, and delete) to search for any custom records already accessible through the NetSuite desktop application.

I would like to modify the entry form used for customer records. How do I change the entry form for a specific record type?

The app uses the preferred form defined for your role. To change the entry form for a specific record type, open a browser session and define your preferred form. See the help topic Defining Preferred Forms.

How do I change which fields are displayed on the Summary screen of a record?

Modify the QuickView fields for your preferred view. See the help topic Configuring QuickViews.

NetSuite for Mobile Working with Records 44

I cannot access some of my custom records. How do I make all custom records visible on my app?

To be accessible from a mobile device, custom record types must have both the Allow UI Access and the Allow Mobile Access boxes checked. See the help topics Creating Custom Record Types and Prevent Access through the User Interface.

My Saved Search is not showing up as a view?

Make sure that you have checked Available as List view when configuring the Saved Search. See the help topic Using a Saved Search as a View.

How do I add more filters for a specific list?

Only filters which have been exposed as Available Filters on the Saved Search/View are available on NetSuite for iOS. Check that the Saved Search/View is configured with the required filters. See the help topic Customizing List Views.

NetSuite for Mobile NetSuite for Mobile Troubleshooting 45

NetSuite for Mobile Troubleshooting

Before contacting support, the following troubleshooting tips may help resolve your issue.

■ No Data Returned ■ Cannot Log In ■ Cannot Capture Image from Expenses Screen ■ Contacting Support About Your App

No Data Returned

You may receive a No Data Returned error message. This may be due to a lost internet connection. Follow the steps in this procedure to correct the error.

To clear a connection error:

1. Reposition the device to restore the internet signal. 2. When connectivity is restored, refresh the screen to reload the data.

Cannot Log In

If you cannot log in, it could be due to any of the following:

■ A connection error — see To clear a connection error: ■ An invalid email address or password — check your login details and try again. If you are sure that you are entering the correct details, contact your account administrator.

Cannot Capture Image from Expenses Screen

You may experience compatibility issues with the default camera app with some Motorola phones. If you are experiencing issues while trying to capture an image from the expenses screen, swapping your default camera app for a third party camera app may help solve the issue. Make sure to set the third party camera app as the default camera app. The following camera app may work as a substitute:

■ Open Camera

Contacting Support About Your App

If you cannot find the answer to your problem here, you might need to contact support. The following advice will save you time when speaking to support.

NetSuite for Mobile Contacting Support About Your App 46

Note: Before contacting customer support, try logging out of the app and back in again. This will renew your session. If the error persists, please contact NetSuite Customer Support.

Note: Take note of the following:

■ Make a note of the sequence of actions that caused the error ■ If you receive an error dialog on the screen, make a note of it. It may be useful to take a screenshot of the error dialog.

To contact Support from within the app:

■ For iOS, go to the Account Menu > About > Contact Support. ■ For to Menu > About > Contact Support.

Go to the About screen to display information that could assist the support representative.

■ For iOS, tap the Account Menu icon, and then tap About. ■ For Android tap the Menu icon, and then tap About.

The following information is available:

■ App Version ■ Server Version ■ User Login ■ Account ■ Role

NetSuite for Mobile NetSuite for Mobile Version History 47

NetSuite for Mobile Version History

You can find information on the latest versions of NetSuite for iOS and NetSuite for Android in the following .

Latest Version of NetSuite for iOS

Version Release Date Features

9.4.1 Jun 30, 2020 ■ Bug fixes and performance improvements

Latest Version of NetSuite for Android

Version Release Date Features

8.8 May 18, 2020 ■ Bug fixes and performance improvements

To consult the full version history, see:

■ iOS: NetSuite for iOS Version History ■ Android: NetSuite for Android Version History

NetSuite for iOS Version History

Version Release Date Features

9.4 Jun 16, 2020 Managers can:

■ Approve or reject weekly Timesheets ■ Reorder My Approvals list ■ Reject multiple pending time records in bulk ■ Search the list of pending records with a new context search field

For more information, see My Approvals.

9.3.1 Mar 16, 2020 ■ Bug fixes and performance improvements

9.3 Feb 10, 2020 ■ Bug fixes and performance improvements

Note: Minimum supported iOS version 12.4

9.2.1 Oct 30, 2019 ■ Global Navigation UI update ■ Recent Records available in Global Search ■ Bug fixes

9.1.0 Jul 10, 2019 ■ Log expenses and time offline ■ Simplified global navigation ■ Call logging from Dashboard ■ Reset forgotten password

NetSuite for Mobile NetSuite for iOS Version History 48

Version Release Date Features

9.0.0 Mar 12, 2019 ■ Release on the App Store under Oracle America, Inc.

8.0.0 Aug 23, 2018 ■ Improved security with Biometric Authentication ■ Touch ID & Face ID support

Note: Minimum supported iOS version 11

7.2.1 May 2, 2018 ■ Performance improvements

7.2.0 Apr 3, 2018 ■ SAML Single Sign-On

7.1.0 Apr 3, 2018 ■ Time entry approvals – managers can approve or reject time submissions ■ Time entry submissions – employees can submit time entries for approval

7.0.0 Dec 8, 2017 ■ Streamlined login flow ■ Applied Oracle | NetSuite branding ■ Fixed several performance issues

6.0 Nov 30, 2016 ■ Dedicated My Approvals portlet ■ Streamlined expense report approvals ■ Streamlined purchase order approvals

5.0 Feb 2, 2016 ■ Supports Push Notifications ■ Access records and quick actions from the Notification center ■ Time Tracking support from Time Bill records ■ Landscape view supported across whole app ■ Built for iOS 9

4.0 Apr 28, 2015 ■ Access to Customer Deposit, Deposit, Item Fulfillment, Requisition and Return Authorization records ■ Support for buttons/actions added through SuiteFlow Workflows on web records ■ Reminders work in-app (Custom and Standard Reminders based on Saved Searches) ■ Performance improvements when loading records (view and edit) ■ iPhone 6 and 6 plus support ■ New icon set

3.1 Jan 26, 2015 Expense Logging

■ Quickly capture expense details inc. photos of receipts ■ Manage your expenses using the new Expense Log ■ Create and submit an Expense Report with multiple expenses in just a few taps ■ Uploaded images are automatically optimized

3.0.4 Nov 10, 2014 Automatic Phone Call Logging

■ Let the app track your outbound Phone Calls ■ Quickly capture information by Logging outbound Phone Calls that are associated with the contacted Entity

Activity Logging

NetSuite for Mobile NetSuite for iOS Version History 49

Version Release Date Features ■ Create or Log Activities directly from any Entity Record ■ Supports Events, Phone Calls, Messages, Tasks and User Notes ■ Automatically associates with relevant Entity Record (Customer, Contact, etc.)

Summary type Saved Search support

■ Run any Saved Search with a Summary defined and drill-down to specific results

Time zone Synchronization

■ Travel a lot? Get alerted when your Time Zone settings don’t match and update your NetSuite Time Zone setting instantly

2.5.9 Sep 25, 2014 Includes fix for devices running iOS 8.

2.5.2 Apr 28, 2014 Track your time quickly by

■ Creating NetSuite Time Entries from anywhere ■ Using the built-in Timer (stopwatch) to keep a log of your hours ■ Managing your Timesheets using the My Time feature

Manage your expenses easily by

■ Uploading photos of receipts on the spot ■ Creating Expense Reports straight from your Home dashboard

Experience expanded record support with full

■ Employee, Partner, Vendor, Purchase Order and Bill record exposure ■ Custom record support including server/client-side SuiteScript ■ File upload support for all records

Other features including

■ Dashboard improvements including My Time and My Expenses portlets ■ Full local data encryption ■ Saved Search improvements

Note: Time tracking related features require the Time Sheets feature to be enabled on your NetSuite account.

2.1.2 Nov 21, 2013 ■ Completely revamped UI ■ iOS 7 only ■ Several translation fixes ■ Minor bug fixes

2.0.4 Oct 2, 2013 Rebuilt from the ground up, with over 150 new features, enhancements and fixes including:

Completely revamped and sleek new UI

■ Improved navigation structure ■ Vast performance improvements ■ Global Actions ■ Mobile optimized views (records, dashboard, calendar, etc.)

Revolutionized Record support

NetSuite for Mobile NetSuite for iOS Version History 50

Version Release Date Features ■ Create, Edit and Delete records ■ Additional supported record types including Expense Reports, Invoices, Issues, Items, and Phone Calls ■ Record customization support including custom fields, preferred forms, and SuiteScript ■ Perform business actions from records such as Accept Customer Payments, Convert Estimates, Approve Sales Orders and Expense Reports, and Bill Sales Orders ■ Full Quick View and Quick Add support ■ Record navigator for easier record navigation ■ Landscape mode

Locate records faster and easier

■ Customizable list views with quick sort, enhanced filter support, swipe actions and landscape mode ■ Access to Saved Searches with the ability to sort by any column ■ Better search capabilities with new Global Search ■ Recent Records

Overhauled dashboard

■ New graphing capabilities ■ Portlet content displayed inline ■ New portlets including KPI meters and Custom Searches ■ Ability to reorder portlets

New Calendar functions

■ Week and month views ■ View phone calls and tasks inline with events ■ Additional swipe actions ■ Ability to view other calendars (employees, groups and resources)


■ Translated into over 18 languages including Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese ■ Automatically picks up your NetSuite language preference

Enhanced security

■ Two factor authentication ■ Mobile Device Access permission ■ Security question support

Additional role support

■ Employee Center, Advanced Partner Center and Custom Center roles are now supported

1.5 Dec 21, 2011 ■ iOS multitasking - When you relaunch NetSuite for iOS after you quit or switch to another app, it will automatically load the most recent page/record you were viewing ■ iOS5 compatibility ■ NetSuite passwords that include non-alphanumeric characters are now supported

NetSuite for Mobile NetSuite for iOS Version History 51

Version Release Date Features ■ Cancelled events no longer appear on your calendar ■ Some issues with spelling and field placement on records have been resolved

1.0 Sep 2, 2009 Release

NetSuite for Android Version History

Version Release Date Features

8.8 May 18, 2020 ■ Bug fixes and performance improvements

8.7.3 Apr 24, 2020 ■ Bug fixes and performance improvements

8.5 Aug 12, 2019 ■ Approvals portlet sorting ■ Native features performance improvements

8.4 Jun 03, 2019 ■ Timesheet Approvals

8.3 Mar 12, 2019 ■ Approvals list contextual search ■ Time Entries Approvals Bulk Reject ■ View all file types of record attachments (e.g. PDF, DOC)

8.2 Feb 11, 2019 ■ Removed Native Call Logging feature ■ Performance improvements

8.1.2 Jan 21, 2019 ■ Fingerprint Authentication ■ Password Reset

8.0.0 Jul 24, 2018 ■ Storage & Security redesign ■ Simplified Call Logging ■ Offline Expense and Time Tracking by Default

Note: Minimum supported Android version 6.0 Marshmallow

7.0 Mar 14, 2018 ■ SAML Single Sign-On

6.1 Jan 4, 2018 Time Tracking

■ Time Bill Approvals ■ Time Bill Submit

Interface updates

■ Navigation Drawer redesign ■ Sandbox UI update

Note: Minimum supported Android version 5.0 Lollipop

6.0 Oct 18, 2017 ■ Web Login ■ Added HCM Employee Directory support ■ Added About section

NetSuite for Mobile NetSuite for Android Version History 52

Version Release Date Features ■ Applied Oracle | NetSuite branding


4.0 May 26, 2016 ■ Phone Call Logging ■ Google

3.0 Nov 10, 2015 ■ Access to mobile dashboard portlets – KPIs, Trend Graphs, Reminders, Report Snapshots ■ Time Tracking support from Time Bill records ■ Saved Searches including multidimensional grid views

2.0 May, 2015 ■ Access to all records types ■ Activity Logging ■ Global Search ■ Calendar functionality ■ Favourites

1.0 Jan, 2015 Initial release

■ PSA/SRP feature release ■ Time & Expense tracking

NetSuite for Mobile