Philosophy of Religion
Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Religion INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY: PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION BEAU BRANSON, MARCUS WILLIAM HUNT, TIMOTHY D KNEPPER, ROBERT SLOAN LEE, STEVEN STEYL, HANS VAN EYGHEN, BEAU BRANSON (BOOK EDITOR), AND CHRISTINA HENDRICKS (SERIES EDITOR) Rebus Community Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Religion by Beau Branson, Marcus William Hunt, Timothy D Knepper, Robert Sloan Lee, Steven Steyl, Hans Van Eyghen, Beau Branson (Book Editor), and Christina Hendricks (Series Editor) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. DEDICATION To Roger Branson — the best dad I ever had. For all the sacrifices I know ouy made. And for all the ones I don’t. CONTENTS What is an Open Textbook? ix Christina Hendricks How to Access and Use the Books xi Christina Hendricks Introduction to the Series xiii Christina Hendricks Praise for the Book xvi Acknowledgements xviii Beau Branson and Christina Hendricks Introduction to the Book 1 Beau Branson 1. The Intertwining of Philosophy and Religion in the Western Tradition 7 Beau Branson 2. Reasons to Believe – Theoretical Arguments 18 Marcus William Hunt 3. Non-Standard Arguments for God’s Existence 30 Robert Sloan Lee 4. Reasons Not to Believe 49 Steven Steyl 5. Debunking Arguments against Theistic Belief 62 Hans Van Eyghen 6. From Philosophy of (Mono)theism to Philosophy of Religions 74 Timothy D Knepper Glossary 87 About the Contributors 91 Feedback and Suggestions 94 Adoption Form 95 Licensing and Attribution Information 96 Review Statement 98 Accessibility Assessment 99 Version History 101 WHAT IS AN OPEN TEXTBOOK? CHRISTINA HENDRICKS An open textbook is like a commercial textbook, except: (1) it is publicly available online free of charge (and at low-cost in print), and (2) it has an open license that allows others to reuse it, download and revise it, and redistribute it.
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