DIRECTORY, Pafclifhecl the Wter End of the Year 179.), for the Yec.R 179*
MANCHESTER AND'SALFORD DIRECTORY, Pafclifhecl the Wter End of the Year 179.), For the Yec.r 179*. I'rice 2S. Cd. jgf . J bio SCHOLES's MANCHESTER AND SALFORD DIRECTORY: OR, AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS, AND ^ PRINCIPAL INHABITANTS; With the new Numbers as afixed to their Houfes. TO WHICH IS ADDED, Afhort Sketch of the Hiftory of I An Account of the Pofts goinj Manchester. J out, &c. An alphabetical Lift of Country | Account of Stage Coaches going Manufacturers, Whitfters, &c. » out from the different Inns. An alphabetical Lift of the Streets, I Situation of the Affurance Offices, Squares, Lanes and Paifages. » with the Names of the Agents. A Lift of Carriers, by Land and i Situation of the Fire Plugs and Water; with the Days of their t Engine Houfes, with the -•ames arrival and return. " of the Conductors k Fire-men. WITH OTHER MATTERS OF USEFUL INF0RMATI6N. e Manchester: FUNTBD BY SOWLER AND RUSSELL, MDCCXCIV. ,, CONTENTS. A Page. -fjf Short Sketch of the Hiftory of Manchefter v. Magiftrates ailing for the Hundred of Salford xiii. A Lift of the Boroughreeves, Conftahles, &V. of the Towns of Manchefter end Salford xiv. Officers of the Infirmary, Lunatic Hofpital and Afylum . , xv. A Lift of the Mafonic Lodges in Manchefter, with the Timet of meeting xvi. Alphabetical Lift of the Merchants, Manufaelurers and Prin cipal Inhabitants of Manchefter and Salford I Alphabetical Lift of the Country Manufatlurers, Whitfters, £aV. I£J Alphabetical Lift of the Streets, Squares, Lanes and Pajfages, with a Reference to tlieir Situations 173 Names of the Fourteen Diftrifls of Manchefter, with the Over- feers of the Poor for each Diftricl 181 His Grace the Duke of Bridgewater's Navigation 184 Old Navigation .' 186 Pofts going out, with the Rates of Foreign Poftage ....
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