Human Resources in Household Survey 2018 About the survey

We surveyed more than 1,000 respondents to identify the available workforce suitable for business service jobs. The focus of this study was on the young population ranging from 18-45 who can be easily reskilled and transferred into business service jobs. Survey took place in the period of October-December 2018.

Findings of the survey are arranged in three major sections- Education, Employment and Skills that are discussed in the following aspects:

Gender Age Industry Geographic Qualification Area

For more information contact: [email protected] Contents

General characteristics


• By field of study

• Structure of employment by field of study

• Field of study versus actual employment


• By employment status

• By gender

• By age

• By industry

• Salaries


• Language skills

• Qualifications

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 3 General characteristics

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 4 General characteristics of the survey participants

Total number of participants: 1,002

By age By gender By education By employment

Some or 18-24 no education 40-45 18% 3% 22% Professional Male education Other 30% 15% Bachelor's 33% degree Employed 35% 46% 25-29 Master's degree/PHD 35-39 21% 18% 18% Female 70% High school Unemployed 30-34 diploma 21% 21% 29%

There are no individuals under 18 and The majority of female respondents 99% of the respondents 46% of the respondents are employed, which over 45 due to the survey’s age limit. in the survey can be attributed to the fact are literate. includes full-time, part-time, and self-employed that women are more willing to participate individuals. 21% of the respondents in surveys in general. are unemployed individuals who are not working and are actively looking for a job. The “other” category includes students, housewives, and unemployed people who are not looking for a job.

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 5 Education

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 6 Education By field of study within the age range of 18-45

The survey demonstrates that the Georgian labor market lacks 14% 14% Medicine professionals with technical backgrounds – only 3% of respondents study engineering (56% of them live 13% Business Administration in ). The lack of Science, Technology, Engineering and 13% Mathematics (STEM) graduates poses a serious threat to Georgia’s progress as these professionals are crucial 11% Social and Humanitarian Sciences in advancing the country’s innovation, as well as sustaining ongoing development. 11% 6% Law

The survey also demonstrates that the most popular field of study 4% Information Technology is medicine (14%). However, according to Curatio International Foundation’s research conducted in Georgia, there is a quantitative imbalance of nurses and doctors. There 3% Natural Sciences are approximately 10,000 more doctors in Georgia than in Average EU country and 12,500 less nurses than in Average EU 3% Foreign Languages country. Analysts also drew attention to the uneven distribution of doctors in the country. For example, in , where the population is approximately 30% of the total number of citizens, 6% 3% Architecture, Design there are approximately 15,000 doctors. In all other regions – which account for 70% of the population – there are only 8,000 3% Engineering doctors. 2% Education 4% 1% Communication, 3% Journalism 1% Industrial 2% 1% Tourism

1% 1% Agriculture Note: *Business administration includes management, marketing, finance, accounting, statistics, and economics. 1% Other Note: *33% of respondents did not answer the question. © 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 7 Education Structure of employment by field of study within the age range of 18-45

The highest employment rate is evident for IT Higher/professional education vis-à-vis employment Total followed by Architecture, Design and Engineering (ADE), with 73% and 71% rates respectively. Social Science 169

On the other hand medicine has the lowest 54% 21% 25% employment rate (44%) out of all the listed categories. Medicine 138 44% 19% 37% Business administration and law graduates are under the highest risk of unemployment with 24% BA 129 and 23% rate of total graduates. 56% 23% 21%

Other 96 53% 20% 27%

Chart notes ADE 66

• Business administration includes management, 71% 21% 8% marketing, finance, accounting, statistics, and economics Law 59 • ADE includes architecture, design and 51% 24% 25% engineering

• Social science includes social and humanitarian IT 41 studies, education, foreign languages, journalism and communication 73% 10% 17%

• Other category includes natural sciences, Total Educated Employed Unemployed Other* industrial, tourism, agriculture and other categories *other category includes, students housewives, and people not actively looking for a job

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 8 Education Field of study versus actual employment within the age range of 18-45

There are 460 employed respondents. Percentage of people working in their industry with regard to their academic background We compared the respondents' educational background and their actual employment industries. Overall, only 32% of the respondents are working in the industry that relates to their degrees. 19% of employed do not have higher education or professional education. 67% of people with educational background in information technology (IT) actually work in their industry, 57% in ADE and 46% in social sciences respectively. 41%

46% 57% 35%



Law Business Administration Medicine Social & Humanitarian Sciences Architecture, design and engineering Information Technology

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 9 Employment

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 10 Employment By employment status within the age range of 18-45

Only 4% of housewives 5% of students in higher education are actively looking for a job. are employed full-time, combining both work and university studies. 10% of students are actively looking for a job. Employed part-time 6% Self-employed 7% Employed Student 46% 4%

Employed full-time 33% Housewife 12%

Other 33%

Unemployed not looking for a job 16% Unemployed, actively looking for a job 21%

Unemployed 21%

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 11 Employment By gender and age

Employment by gender Employment by age

33% 52% Other Employed 49% 19% 43% 50%

24% Other Employed 19% 39% 41% Employed Unemployed 18% 57% 24% 21% Unemployed 23% 43% 29% Other 33% 33% Unemployed 29% 20% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Female Male 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-45

57% of men and 41% of women are employed. Even though female employment is lower than that Employment is the highest among adults between the ages of 25 and 29 (52%) and adults of males, more men (23%) are looking for a job than women (20%). between the ages of 40 and 45 (50%). Unemployment is highest (22%) between 18-24 and 35-39 age group and lowest in 30-34 (18%) age group. It should also be noted that this constitutes unemployment data for cities. Rural unemployment is expected to be higher.

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 12 Employment By industry within the age range of 18-45

In total, 369 respondents were identified by random sampling.

The top three most popular industries among respondents are: Service Jobs 22% 1. Service jobs, including jobs in hospitality and other service Education 18% sectors Medicine 9% 2. Education, also including private tutors and instructors 3. Medicine Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 8% Finance & Accounting 7%

Human Resources (HR) 4%

Law 4%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

Color denotes to the survey focus sectors that included: Finance & Accounting, Customer Relationship Management, Architecture Design and Engineering, Human Resources and Information Technology

Chart notes: • The “other” (marine, art, food, construction, other) category accounts for 25 %. • Architecture and design as well as information technology account for 1% each.

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 13 Employment By industry in case of employment within 18-45 age category

In total, 518 unemployed respondents were asked to choose Desired Employment an industry that they would want to work in if employed.

Customer Relationship Management 16% People who want to work in CRM come from different educational backgrounds, such as business (16%), medicine (14%), and Finance & Accounting 15% social and humanitarian sciences (13%). Service Jobs 15%

Medicine 14% 18% of people who want to work in finance have a medical education and another 17% have a business education. Education 12%

Architecture & Design 6% 21% of the respondents who want to work in service jobs and 21% of the respondents who want Human Resources 5% to work in medicine have business administration degrees. Information Technology 3%

19% of the respondents who want to work Not looking for a job 2% in education have social and humanitarian sciences degrees. Law 2%

0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18%

Color denotes to the survey focus sectors that included: Finance & Accounting, Customer Relationship Management, Architecture Design and Engineering, Human Resources and Information Technology

Chart Note: 10% are other industries (art, marine, diplomacy, communications/journalism, construction, cosmetology, food technology, and tourism).

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 14 Employment Salaries by industry within the age range of 18-45

Social and humanitarian sciences Legal Medicine

300 – 500 37 300 – 500 10 300 – 500 GEL 26

501 – 1000 16 501 – 1000 7 501 – 1000 GEL 16

1001 – 1500 2 1001 – 1500 6 1001 – 1500 GEL 4

1500 < 2 1500 < 3 1500 < GEL 1

0 10 20 30 40 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Salaries between GEL 300 and 500 are most common among respondents working in social and humanitarian sciences, legal, and medicine

Business administration Architecture/engineering Information technology

300 – 500 10 300 – 500 6 300 – 500 7

501 – 1000 7 501 – 1000 18 501 – 1000 9

1001 – 1500 6 1001 – 1500 5 1001 – 1500 4

1500 < 3 1500 < 9 1500 < 4

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 8 10

Salaries between GEL 501 and 1,000 are most common among respondents working in business administration, architecture/design, and information technology.

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 15 Employment Salaries by region within the age range of 18-45

According to our survey, Average salary Geostat vs. survey salary the highest average salaries are in Batumi (GEL 848) and Tbilisi (GEL 835). 900 Below is a comparison of our 1400 The lowest average salary 848 835 is in (GEL 578). survey results and GeoStat 800 data. It should be noted that 1209 GeoStat results are not only 1200 for cities, but for the entire 700 669 regions (except Tbilisi), 610 610 including rural areas. It also 1000 578 600 does not include the age restriction. The GeoStat data 808 754 500 is from 2017. 800 681 667

400 600 554

300 400 200

200 100

0 0 Batumi Tbilisi Kutaisi Batumi Tbilisi Telavi Rustavi Zugdidi Kutaisi

Survey Geostat

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 16 Skills

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 17 Skills Language skills within the age range of 18-45

By profession No foreign language knowledge: professions

The highest number of employees (31%) in service jobs do not know any foreign language. Out of those who speak foreign Service Jobs 31% language Russian has the highest stake (56%). All respondents in ADE speak foreign language. 81% of those speak English and 68% Russian. Medicine 21% The highest rate of Russian speaking respondents come from CRM while for English F&A leads by 82%. Law 19%

Education 10%

Human Resources (HR) 6%

Information Technology (IT) 6%

Finance & Accounting 5%

Customer Relationship 3% Management (CRM)

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 18 Skills Language skills within the age range of 18-45

Language skills by profession


82% 82% 81% 81% 79% 75% 73% 74% 68% 68% 66% 65% 60% 56% 56% 55%




19% 13% 10% 10% 8% 9% 9% 6% 5% 6% 3% 3% 4% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 1%

Finance & Information Customer Human Resources Architecture & Education Law Medicine Service Jobs Other Accounting Technology (IT) Relationship (HR) Design Management (CRM)

English German Russian Turkish

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 19 Skills Language skills

By region No foreign language Knowledge: Language skills by region in regions percentage

37% of respondents in Zugdidi 37% 37 do not know any foreign 48 language. 31% English 53 73 26% 84 169 Turkish is most spoken in 21% Batumi (55%), which can be 5 explained by the proximity of 10 Turkey to Batumi and by the 14% German 5 21 high volume of Turkish 9% 5 businesses in the city. 20

45 60 Russian (34%) and English Russian 75 (36%) are most spoken by 84 people in Tbilisi. 124






Rustavi Zugdidi 1 German is most spoken by 2 people in Kutaisi (32%), which Turkish 2 can be explained by the three 8 German CRM companies 26 operating in the city. 8 100 100 Total respondents 102 200 200 300

Zugdidi Telavi Rustavi Kutaisi Batumi Tbilisi

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 20 Skills Language skills within the age range of 18-45

Total respondents: 1,002

Language skills by age No language skills: age 44% Russian is most spoken Turkish 44 % of the respondent 41% by people between the ages between the ages of 25 and 34 of 40 and 45 (165 people) and 41% of the respondents and least known by young between the ages of 35 and 45 adults between the ages do not know any foreign of 20 and 24 (81 people). . 85% of young adults There is a negative correlation (18-24) know at least one between age and English foreign language. language knowledge. For example, English is most German 15% spoken by people between the ages of 20-24 (130 people). This number declines as the age of a respondent increases. English

0 50 100 150 200 18-24 25-34 35-45

20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-45

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 21 Overall language skills in 18-45 age category

Out of 1,002 respondents General population passing foreign Number of language centers in the regions language exam

59% 16 know Russian French 14 4,682 14

46% Russian 12 know English 62,793 10 9 22% German 8 know only Georgian 19,910

6 5 7% know German English 4 252,849 2 2 5% know Turkish 0 Batumi Kutaisi Zugdidi Telavi

4% know other languages • The aggregated amount of students that • There are 30 active language centers in the have taken foreign language exams through regions in selected cities. Most of the centers Unified National Exams between 2009-2018 offer two or more languages. 73% of centers teach English, 33% Russian, 20% German, 13 % French, and only 10% teach Italian.

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 22 Skills Qualifications within the age range of 18-45

According to the survey, 65 % of people CRM programs HR programs Architecture programs in CRM professions, 55 % in HR, and 51 % in architecture and design are not familiar with programs/software typically used in their respective positions. This is not surprising since the majority 70% 65% 70% 70% of companies in Georgia are small-sized enterprises. 60% 60% 55% 60% They mostly deal with small data sets and tasks that 51% do not require computer software. Therefore, they do not require automatization to conduct their operations. 50% 50% 50% 40% 40% 40% 36% 40%

28% 30% 30% 30%

20% 20% 20%

10% 10% 10%

0% 0% 0%

average/well average/well average/well had no experience had no experience had no experience

Note: *The rest did not answer the question

SalesForce, Telemation, Filemaker pro, LinkedIn, CAD programs, Alias Parature eTicket, Miscrosoft Microsoft Access, Business Waterfront Design Studio, Access, Enterprise Resource intelligence and data analysis AutoDesk Revit, Dassault Planning (ERP) software, software, IBM Cognos Systemes CATiA, Development Intuit QuickBooks Enterprise Impromptu, Oracle, Qlik, Environment Software, Solutions, NetSuite ERP, Microsoft Dynamics, Net Suite Microsoft. NET Framework, Oracle People Soft, SAP ERP, Oracle Peoplesoft, SAP, Development Management Human Resources Software, Software, Adobe Systems, ADP Workforce, Oracle Taleo Microsoft Visio

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 23 Skills Qualifications within the age range of 18-45

Finance and accounting Information technology

The two most widespread The majority of respondents certifications in finance Excel Certificates 45% in IT have basic knowledge 24% are ACCA and CFA. Out of the of Java and C++. 55% surveyed respondents 18% hold CFA 11% ACCA 11% CFA certifications. 24% C++ Based on the information ACCA 18% 55% provided by certification units there are over 900 ACCA 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% students in Georgia out of which 109 are full members. As for had no experience average/well CFA, it has 29 active full members and 200 students in Georgia.

© 2019 Deloitte & Touche LLC Human Resources Survey, 2018 24 In total, 1,002 respondents participated in the survey. 910 out of these respondent were identified by a random sampling method of households and 92 were intentionally targeted by the snowball method to ensure that every category of the population (by occupation) was represented in the sample. The snowball method is a nonprobability sampling technique where existing study subjects recruit future subjects from among their acquaintances. The survey was performed every day, including weekends from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. for four consecutive weeks. The survey was conducted in six cities across Georgia: Tbilisi, Batumi, Rustavi, Zugdidi, Telavi, and Kutaisi. Participation in the survey was restricted by age – only respondents from 18 to 45 years of age were eligible to take part.

The survey respondents were asked to provide information regarding their age, gender, education, skills and employment. Survey topics entailed questions regarding the respondents’ level of education, occupation, language and professional skills, as well as technical qualifications and salaries.

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