Thematic Workshop a (UK) Lowcvp: UK Ebus Summit
Ref. Ares(2017)325830 - 20/01/2017 Thematic Workshop A (UK) LowCVP: UK eBus Summit 6.11 - Summary report of Thematic Workshop A (UK), current and future dissemination activities to promote the Deliverable eLIPTIC project aims, actions and outcomes to UK stakeholders in regards to the electrification of public transport in cities. Authors Dan Hayes, LowCVP Status (D: draft; F: final) F Document’s privacy PU (Public: PU; Private: PR) Hendrik Koch, City of Bremen; Reviewed by Wolfgang Backhaus, Rupprecht Consult; Yannick Bousse, UITP This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 636012. D6.11 Thematic Workshop A SUMMARY SHEET Programme Horizon 2020 Contract N. 636012 Project Title Electrification of public transport in cities Acronym ELIPTIC Coordinator Free Hanseatic City of Bremen Web-site Starting date 1 June 2015 Number of months 36 months Deliverable N. 6.11 Deliverable Title Thematic Workshop Pillar A Milestones N/a Version V1 Date of issue 20-01-2017 Distribution [Internal/External] External Dissemination level [Public/ Confidential] Public Abstract The Thematic Pillar A Workshop was held on the 10th November 2016 in central London. The workshop was arranged by the LowCVP to disseminate the aims, objectives and current progress of the eLIPTIC project by M18 to UK stakeholders (local & national gov’t, transport operators, industry and public). Through LowCVP’s membership community and wider industry contacts over 50 delegates attended the workshop, with video recording used and shared via social media to further disseminate the Keywords Workshop, Dissemination, Pillar A, ELITPTIC, CITIVAS, Horizon2020, LowCVP, UK Critical risks This report is subject to a disclaimer and copyright.
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