Volume 1, Issue 12

Kata Unlimited

April 2004

Welcome to the 12th issue of Kata Unlimited. I would like to say I was happy to be writing this edito- rial, but sadly, I have some bad news to impart and I find it quite difficult to do so. Already, your heart may sink with anticipation of what may be coming. Let me allay your fears and say straight away that I will continue to produce this newsletter, but I’m afraid that there are to be some major changes.

The main problem has been that the revenue generated from the subscription fees is not enough to sus- tain the kind of effort I have put in over the last 12 months. The problem is one of a lack of interest gen- erally, with numbers of subscribers being the problem. Subsequently KU will not be sent in the post after this issue. I will be continuing to produce Kata Unlimited (in a different form - see article on page In association with: 12) but any further issues will only be available to registered members and then, only via the web site. For the small minority of you who do not have the internet, please accept my humblest apologies.


Inside this issue:

Kaze Arashi 5 Ryu

An Ending & 12 a Beginning - By Steve Chriscole

No Holds 15 Barred - By Simon Keegan Kata Unlimited Page 2

I’m pleased to say that a number of you who read KU have So what is to become of KU? Well, it ceases taking money been very supportive and I thank you for all the kind words in payment, and becomes a hobby and not a business (and in some cases, deeds). But despite all the good will in (retrospectively, maybe I should have started it that way). I the world, the time it takes to produce KU and the costs will produce it quarterly, and the content will vary. I will be incurred require a basic minimum of regular new subscrip- including my own articles in future along with those others tions to maintain the output. In case you wonder, probably that are sent to me. I will continue to include application the only monies I have taken out of the kitty has been 2 or based articles in the same vein as before, but there will be 3 tanks-full of petrol and the odd working lunch (and I diversity (see page 12 for more on that). don’t eat at the Ritz!) The rest has been ploughed into ad- vertising, equipment and consumables (paper, ink, toner So may I offer both my great thanks and also my apologies etc) and general running costs (stamps etc). to you all at the same time. I have enjoyed the last year. I hope that you don’t feel cheated. Don’t forget that you all The very expensive online purchasing system will cease at have access to 12 months worth of Kata Unlimited, so eve- the end of March, as will the equally expensive magazine ryone has got value for money. Don’t forget that Kata advertising. From now on, new subscribers will come only Unlimited will be back, but the next new publication won’t through your own efforts to introduce the newsletter to be at least until the end of August. See you then. others. For my part, I will continue to promote KU as best I can, but this can only be in a low key (zero cost) way. Regards,

I have agonised over the last few weeks as to how I should Steve Chriscole (Editor, Kata Unlimited) go forward with KU, given there has been but 2 new sub- scribers since Christmas. It seems that the vast majority who are interested in purchasing relevant reading material have already done so. The others all buy the usual publica- tions found in the high street.


The Kata practiced in Tokyo (c. 1936) has been carelessly changed, and in some cases completely disintegrated. In Okinawa during the old days students spent years meticu- lously learning a single kata or two. That custom in Tokyo had changed to the pointless practice of accumulating many Kata without ever understanding their respective applications. The practice of Kata has been reduced to stiff and lifeless postures, without tai-sabaki or ashi-sabaki

Master Choki Motobu, talking with Shoshin Nagamine - Quoted by Vince Morris from “Tales of Okinawa’s Great Masters (Trans. Patrick McCarthy) Volume 1, Issue 12 Page 3

26 Poolway Place, Coleford, Gloucestershire. www.HACHIMON.co.uk GL16 8DF. Mobile : 07905 143569. “Here to Serve The Discerning Traditional Martial Artist” Email : [email protected]

Videos – Discounted & Limited Quantity Marked ** Books Aragaki Seisan ** Vince Morris £20.00 , Precise History Harry Cook – New £75.00 Seminar Sampler No 2 ** Vince Morris £20.00 Way Of The Warrior – Vol 1 Harry Cook £15.00 Kanku Dai ** Vince Morris £20.00 Way Of The Warrior – Vol 2 Harry Cook – New T.B.A Masters Of The Tyne Tees TV £15.00 Five Years, One Kata Bill Burgar £25.00 Stand Still, Be Fit ** Channel 4 £15.00 Cracking The Kata Code Tony Anessi £28.00 Ryukyu Kempo Forms 1&2* George Dillman £30.00ea Secrets Of Uechi Ryu Karate Alan Dollar £45.00 Tomari Bassai ** George Dillman £50.00 Hist & Trad Of Okinawan Kar Tetsuhiro Hokama £25.00 Naihanchi – Level 2 ** George Dillman £30.00 75 Downwards Blocks Rick Clark £16.00 75 Pure KO’s ** George Dillman £55.00 Dim Mak’s 12 Deadly Kata Erle Montaigue £20.00 1985 Masters Show ** George Dillman £22.00 Ess Of Okinawan Karate - HB Shoshin Nagamine £25.00 Loubet Ju Jitsu Phillips Loubet £20.00 The History Of Karate Morio Higaonna £40.00 Judo Atemi Geremia Zilio £20.00 Bubishi – Martial Arts Spirit Alexander,Penland £30.00 Juko Ryu Ju Jitsu Bryan Cheek £20.00 Overlook Martial Arts Reader Randy Nelson £15.00 Power Ju Jitsu Bryan Cheek £20.00 Insights Along Warriors Path Chris Parker £7.00 Okinawan Kenpo Seikichi Odo £20.00 Three Budo Masters John Stevens £12.00 Karatedo Shinshinkan Minoru Yasukara £20.00 Shotokan Book Facts 1, 2, 3 ea Layton, Randall, £13.00 Heian 1 – 5 ** Russell Stutely £20.00 Okinawan Karate Mark Bishop £15.00 Tekki 1 – 3 ** Russell Stutely £20.00 Zen Kobudo Mark Bishop £10.00 Bassai Dai / Sho ** Russell Stutely £20.00 Ancient Okinawan MA 1, 2 ea Patrick McCarthy £11.00 Players To The Game ** Russell Stutely £20.00 You Or Him, He’s Got A Knife Vince Morris £15.00 Tai Chi Erle Montaigue £15.00 Kyusho Secrets Vince Morris £25.00 JKA Shotokan Vol 1 & 2 ** Joel Ertl £20.00ea Dictionary Of Martial Arts Louis Frederic £18.00 Ed Parker Kenpo (NTSC) Jose Maria Gutierez £20.00 Angry White Pyjamas Robert Twigger £8.00

To order any item, forward payment to the above address. ** Shotokan Karate – Advanced Training Methods ** Please add £2.50 P & P per item to the above prices. New 4 Video Series by Harry Cook - £107.50 inc P&P Cheques payable to: Phil Morris (Mail Order Only) Kata Unlimited Page 4


Dear Editor, Future generations of martial artists may remember us as the instructors who were brave enough to challenge what With regard to your experience practicing kata, where you they had been taught and think for themselves. The bunkai say that you tried training all the Heian kata one after the generation anyone? other and then after the point of exhaustion they suddenly Kata Unlimited has done its bit. I have done my bit and take on a whole new feeling. continue to do so. Let every other reader of this do the I know your personally have a great love of kata applica- same. tions, but as in your article you say you were just practising the movements without thought of the applications and Simon Keegan then you reached a state of relaxation where everything felt just right. Thanks for that Simon. I would like to add to his comments This concept is known in Spanish sword fencing as by saying firstly that Kata Unlimited is continuing for the "Duende", it comes originally from Flamenco dancing foreseeable future. Exactly what form it will take, is open to (there is a new book out about the concept called 'In Search debate over the coming months. of Duende' - I haven't read it but it looks interesting.) The idea is that while the two people are either dancing or I agree that there is a core of people in the UK and abroad sword fencing the steps and precise movements that they who are doing some ground-breaking work. What we have training so precisely, suddenly are forgotten and the should also be mindful of is that despite the vast majority of whole process becomes something more than instinctive. martial artists being involved in sport based systems, there A different part of the brain takes over and the body moves are those dedicated practitioners who continue to practice almost involuntarily and in a way that transcends what the good, solid self defence training as part of their normal conscious mind was capable of making it do. regime. They are only a small minority, and from what I Regards, have seen, they don’t make a “song and dance” about it. They just get on with it.

Simon Keegan The purpose of Kata Unlimited has been to attempt to bring the kata more into the spotlight, by encouraging debate and Thanks for that Simon. It certainly sounds plausible, al- promoting greater understanding. This was never going to though the thought of performing kata with a rose between be a quick job. I will continue to do what I can to maintain my teeth leaves me less enthusiastic! (Ed). some kind of focus on this issue. This can be accomplished firstly by maintaining a core of interested people (all of I should explain that I gave Simon an advance copy of this you, hopefully) and also by maintaining the pressure on the month’s editorial and he sent me back the following re- martial arts reading public. I have a list as long as your sponse:- arm, of articles I want to write and over the coming months, I will begin that process. (Ed) Dear Editor,

If Kata Unlimited has done one thing well, it has helped create a whole zeit-geist defining genre in martial arts. In the early decades of the last century the spirit-of-the- time in the martial arts world meant the creation of new Budo. Okinawan Te was formalised as Karate, Jujutsu gave birth to Judo, Daito Ryu to Aikido and so on. This may be over-simplifying but I don't think it coincidence that messrs Kano, Funakoshi and Uyeshiba were near contemporaries in age and in mindset. Following decades saw the Kung Fu boom, the Ninja boom, the Ultimate Fighting boom. But civilisations rise and fall. And so to do trends in martial arts. Right now a new spirit of awareness exists in the martial arts. Instructors like George Dillman, Patrick McCarthy, Iain Abernathy, Bill Burgar and Vince Morris are all teach- ing in their different ways that there is value in kata prac- tice for realistic street defence. They teach that kata is not just a dance, but that kata con- tain a wealth of techniques that are far-removed from the Jiyu kumite arena. They teach that kata is unlimited.

The spirit of Kata Unlimited will be around as long as genuine instructors who care about the martial arts strive to unlock its secrets. Political bitching, association back-biting and grade snobbery should be left in the last century. Let us make the 21st century one of discovery of the martial arts. Volume 1, Issue 12 Page 5

To the best of my knowledge, there are very few groups in serviceman, David Lee Samuel, saw Nishiyama’s the UK who can honestly say that they study true Koryu demonstration and was intrigued by what he saw. (classical) martial arts. The art of Kaze Arashi Ryu has a Being a foreigner, he had to work very hard to be recorded lineage which goes back many centuries in Japan. allowed to become a student, but he succeeded. There has been a name change along the way (from Kaze- mura Yama Arashi Ryu) and something of a reshuffling Nishiyama died in 1979, leaving the art in the hands and ordering of techniques, but apart from that, it remains of Samuels, but with Akemi as the headmaster. A authentic. small group of individuals trained to menkyo kaiden If it were not for the adoption of a young orphaned boy by (everything passed) continued to manage the system the priests of the Shugendo Monastery in The Dewa moun- after Samuel’s death in 1988. tains back in the mid-19th century, then surely this fasci- nating art would have died out long ago, which is the fate To all intents and purposes, the USA became the new of so many of the classical . home of Kaze Arashi Ryu. Thanks to the efforts of sensei Henri Robert Vilaire and his student Kirby The survival of the art and its lineage seems to have been Watson (menkyo), Kaze Arashi Ryu now has another fated to this young boy, one Nishiyama Shiro. He studied home, nestled quite fittingly in the hills of Rossen- all the teachings of the sect, growing up to become an edu- cator. He left the monastery to teach to the upper classes, dale, Lancashire, England. until his school closed down just before the Meiji restora- tion. After this he went on to become a personal instructor It is to the small town of Haslingden that I went to to high ranking officials in the government. meet sensei Watson again for this article. I find my- self thinking back to my own discovery of Kaze Ara- Travelling to the Nikko Shrine, he met and trained with shi Ryu. I was reading Traditional Karate Magazine Saigo Tanomo, widely regarded as the founder of (being bored out of my mind waiting to be called to Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu (although some believe the court for jury service). At that time I was in some- style had a much longer lineage). thing of a quandary with my own training and on enquiry and after a visit to his dojo (must be 3 years Nishiyama Shiro’s grandson, Nishiyama Akihiro ago now) I saw a system which seemed to me to be eagerly learned the complete system from his grand- the answer to my prayers! father and as he went about looking for students him- self, he found none who wanted to learn the entire This style had everything I could dream of; striking, system. He turned his attentions to teaching his joint manipulation, throws, locks, iai, bokken, bo daughter Akemi as well as the staff of the school staff, tessen (fan). I joined immediately, after a suit- where he worked. able interview with sensei Watson of course. I at- tended diligently for six months, but during that time By chance at a demonstration event, an American I had deep revelations about my karate kata Kata Unlimited Page 6

(applications etc) as well as great regret at losing the experienced martial artist is he, and it shows. study I had done in Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iai. Reluctantly, I stopped training in Kaze Arashi Ryu on So moving away from my own experiences and back a regular basis and began to develop my karate and to the system itself. I won’t attempt to classify the found another Iai sensei who taught Eishin Ryu. I types of kata, mainly because I don’t know enough reasoned with myself, that having trained for so many about the system. But more than that, the training years in Karate, it seemed such a waste to leave it all regime is radically different from that of any other behind, especially as so much had been “revealed” to system I have seen. Sensei Watson has something to me about Karate. say about that a bit later on.

I don’t put my revelations down to the KAR training The techniques which follow are a mere snippet of particularly, just a combination of events which all the style. There is a lifetime of learning to be had in came together at that time. I continue a finger tip KAR. The offering I have here is merely something association with Kaze Arashi Ryu as I enjoy the aiki of a taster of the technical and graceful beauty of a jujutsu a great deal, although I know I’ll never even method of self defence (which I realise is not a par- reach the first examination level. I enjoy training with ticularly apt description on its own). Let us look at sensei Watson, with his easy and adept style. A very Kaze Arashi Ryu in action.

Taisabaki Kata - Kote Mawashi - No. 1

Attacker strikes with a circular punch to the head. Defender parries with ju bobisuru. Taking the oppo- nent off balance to take his centre away. Because the attacker still has

energy coming in the same direction, the defender changes his parry to a cross parry (ai bobisuru) to allow the energy to carry on its trajectory.

The defender is then on the outside, or the “cold side” of the attacker, which is the safer place to be. Maintain- ing contact with the attacker, the defender guides the attacking arm towards his own sector and strikes the side of the head at the same time. Using the striking arm to help lower the attacker, the defender, keeping contact with the attacking hand, turns it to the inside

and pulls it up to his shoulder. When the opponents hand is at the shoulder, the defender should imagine its like a block of cement around both the defenders and the attackers hands, so that is not going to move.

The defender then, with the other hand, takes hold of the wrist and his elbow comes over the attacking elbow. Turning from the centre, the defender turns the attacking hand back to him while using his own inside elbow to bend the attacking arm. This causes the arm to “right-angle” and as the defender turns back towards the attacker, the effect of the arm is such that the attacker has to lower himself to alleviate the pain. The defender then bends his knees and bows slightly towards the attacker to complete the tech- nique.

From there, the defender steps back with his forward leg and controls the opponent to the ground. Volume 1, Issue 12 Page 7

Taisabaki Kata - Kote Mawashi No.2

The attacker enters with a straight punch to the centre of the body. The defender raises his defensive triangle to meet the attack. Once contact has been made with the defensive triangle, the defender moves to the side and rolls the attacking arm to the outside of the body. Whilst maintaining contact with the attacking arm, the defender then strikes to the face with his other arm and then using the same arm comes down immediately to fold the attackers arm at the elbow. The arm used initially to parry, pushes the attacking arm into the centre.

The defender then takes gold of the attackers forearm (at the wrist) and starts to circle the forearm towards the attacker whilst pushing in towards his face to take him back off balance, thus taking away his “centre”. As he performs this circling motion, the defender then takes hold of the outside arm underneath the hand of the little finger side and continues the twist. At Kata Unlimited Page 8

this point and throughout this technique, the forearm is horizontal and the ensuing twist makes the attacker go down to the ground.

When the attacker is taken to ground, he would invariably be on his back. This could be regarded as unsafe for the defender, so he must then be turned onto his front. This is achieved by simply continuing to twist on the forearm, the attacker will then automati- cally move on to his front. By using continuing to twist and using pain compliance, the defender can then ask the attacker for his other hand which is a preliminary position for tying up.

(It should be noted here that the art of binding forms a part of KAR, at a more senior level, and fits in historically with the art, as the Yamabushi monks were often hired as infiltrators for the kidnapping of high ranking officials and warriors, hence taking the other party alive but immobilised was necessary. Ed.) Taisabaki Kata - Kote Mawashi No.3

This time the attacker comes in with a strike to the centre of the face. The defender raises the defensive triangle as normal to catch the attackers energy. In this particular applica- tion, the defenders left arm parries the attack- ers left arm to the side, whilst doing that his other arm circles up and strikes the attacker whilst the parrying arm continues to pull the attacking arm down towards the defenders centre.

The defender pivots around in a “tenkan” movement, so he is effectively standing be- Volume 1, Issue 12 Page 9

side the attacker in a mirror image of the attackers position. The defender has moved out of the line of attack, taking the attackers energy with him.

The defender then takes the attackers arm up to the chest and circles the hand/wrist while maintaining constant contact. The inside arm now comes in to grasp the arm. The defenders inside elbow then bends the attackers elbow as the defender circles his own centre (hips) back slightly towards the attacker. Whilst doing this, the defender slides the grabbed hand down towards his inside hip.

To complete the take-down, the defender then steps to the side with either foot (doesn’t matter which) and then goes down onto the inside knee and puts the attacker down on his front. Even though only one hand is immobilised by this technique, the attacker needs the other to maintain some balance and control for himself, which then effectively puts it out of action for any combatative use.

At this point, the defender can then take the inside arm underneath the attackers arm and hold kote mawashi with the other hand. This is a very strong technique which can be used to raise the attacker as a “come-along” or take back down as required.

Taisabaki Kata - Kote Mawashi No.4

In this application, the attacker comes in with a low punch. The defender steps back with the outside leg and parries the attacking arm with his left hand in a cross parry. The defender then takes hold of the attacking hand wherever the fingers make contact. There is no reaching around to grab, just the natural place where they touch.

The defender then circles the arm anti-clockwise and towards the attackers face, thereby bending his arm at the elbow. Without moving his feet, the defender then takes hold of the attacking hand (or wrist) and circles that Kata Unlimited Page 10

hand towards the attacker and also circles the wrist back to create a two dimensional energy. With these movements comes a lower- ing of the centre. The defenders stance shifts to something of a kiba dachi stance, as he lowers the attacker to the ground.

This is followed by a front kick and then steps back using a longer step, which takes the attacker to the ground. Once down, the defender can complete the wrist locking technique as in the previous application.

Taisabaki form “Kote Mawashi”

The two man kata we have just reviewed is used in KAR to demonstrate the principle of “Kote Mawashi” or literally “round wrist”. The kata shows quite specific applications in the use of the highly effective principle of Nikkyo. Sensei Watson explains that for simplicity, the second principle can be referred to as it is in Aikido, but KAR uses the term Kote Mawashi in its place.

This principle is generally known (in Aikido circles at least) as the Second Control, hence the word Nikkyo. It is generated by ap- plying some form of lateral or sideways pressure on the wrist. With the use of pain compliance or just straightforward destruction of the joint, this principle has many uses as we will see.

He also notes that these applications are quite similar, but the application differs depending on the angle that the attacker uses. By practicing the principle of Kote Mawashi in this way, the student can build a repertoire of responses which are reactive to both the type of attack used, and the situation itself. Generally speaking, this principle is effective against any circular strike to the head area (but not exclusively so).

We will now take a look at the same principle at work in a three man form. Kote Mawashi - Three Man Kata Volume 1, Issue 12 Page 11

In this version, the defender is showing the kote mawashi principle against two attack- ers. Both attackers are using a lunge punch and a reverse punch. As can be seen, the principles from the above descriptions can be seen as the photos are followed through in sequence.

Some final comments from sensei Watson:

“The whole idea behind these kind of tech- niques was to stop the samurai from using or drawing his sword. People these days often say “What’s the use in learning tech- niques against wrist grabs because nobody comes to grab your wrist”. The answer is simply that the techniques are taught in order to teach principles. If you consider that a lot of modern jujustu systems grade people by the number of techniques they learn per grade, for example so many for yellow belt, so many more for green belt etcetera. The higher up the grades you go, the more techniques you learn. In KAR you learn principles. So for example, we only have six basic throws but each of those has four or five basic variations. From those variations you can made hun- dreds of techniques. So we don’t learn according to techniques, we learn according to principles; principles of body movement. The forms we learn, such as the ones we’ve seen today, help to teach the principles.”

My thanks to Sensei Watson for the in depth descriptions above, which I feel do great justice to the techniques themselves. Also I would like to give my thanks to the long-suffering uke in the photos, Keith Campbell who grimaced in all the right places! (and no wonder.) Kata Unlimited Page 12

Kata Unlimited - An Ending & A Beginning-by Steve Chriscole

I began this venture with the lofty belief that there were surely there must be an interest in how such kata can be many people out there who had a significant recognition practically applied. What I have found over the last 12 that kata was an important and integral part of the martial months of producing Kata Unlimited, is that for the most arts learning process. How wrong I was, and is there any part, those who do profess to an interest, are all highly wonder? I recently read some writings of Bruce Lee whom experienced practitioners, of many years’ standing. I quote: Naturally, I only know names and have had conversations “I think simply to practice gung fu forms and karate kata is with some, but it has become clear to me that even these not a good way. Moreover, it wastes time and does not open minded people are in a significant minority. There are match the actual (fighting) situation. Some people are tall, swathes of “black belts” out there who teach hordes of some are short, some are stout, some are slim. There are students, ways which are fit only for competition or the various kinds of people. If all of them learn the same box- dojo. Is there any wonder that so many people leave their ing (i.e. martial art) form, then who does it fit?” training behind, through boredom and other reasons. Again, Commentaries on the Martial Way, Bruce Lee - edited and com- there are thoughts here for another article. piled by John Little, Tuttle Press, 1997 How then, is it possible to reach all these many thousands With influential people such as Bruce Lee saying such of practitioners in order to show them an alternative to the things, then there can be no surprise that the old ways are drivel they are being taught? (I do not hide my lack of ap- discarded. Despite being an accomplished martial artist, the preciation for sport martial arts anymore). How then, even above comments (and others I have seen) show me that he supposing they are reached, could these people go against had little understanding of kata. He broke away from his the teachings of their “sensei”? I found out (the hard way) formal training and went his own way. When you consider that appealing to their common sense and free thinking his own writings and research, there is nothing new in his abilities was a mistake. ideas. All are incorporated in the traditional fighting styles. Perhaps the only innovative thing he did was to bring them I don’t wish to sound bitter (you may be forgiven for think- all together in his “Style of no style” - Jeet Kune Do. ing that I am) but this is not so. I have however come to understand something of human personality traits over the But this is not a discussion about Bruce Lee. I wanted to last 10 years, and despite the teachings of certain eminent make the point, using Bruce as an example that everyone psychologist scientists and researchers, the human condi- who attains some level of notoriety or stature has a great tion has a significant tendency towards laziness, apathy and responsibility to actually know of which they speak. Their greed, which I hasten to add, is fed by the society of the words are highly influential, especially among a general world as a whole. The positive moving actualising ten- public who have little or no understanding of martial arts. dency of the human still exists, but often struggles in the Further than that, martial arts have always been guarded in pig swill that is the world we have created. secrecy to some degree and the secrets contained in the arts had virtually never been seen in public before Lee’s time in I am a realist, and I write here today within that vein. It the early 1970’s. may sound pessimistic, but I make no apologies, simply because I didn’t make it that way. Millions of others have Other culprits have been the Japanese “exports” to the worked hard at that for many centuries. Still there is some Western world. They have spread the “word” of Karate to hope. There are still many free thinking, people who value the world in a form that was fundamentally changed by the positive things that history has taught us, who are not certain Japanese for political use and gain. There is also the driven by the need to make their mark or screw change they have encouraged from “art” to “sport”. We (financially) their neighbour. (I believe that there is a fine might ask why, and there are a number of answers (but I’ll line between cynicism and realism. I’d place myself just at not go into them now). I suspect that even the ideals of the cusp of cynicism, on the side of the realist!). Itosu, Funakoshi, Kano, Otshuka and the like, have been watered down, twisted and mutilated to meet the require- So now I have made my feelings clear about the world and ments and needs of a myriad of individuals over the last realising that I cannot put it to rights, I maintain my own century. beliefs and fervent wish to continue to play my part in pre- serving just a very small part of the accumulated knowl- So we see martial arts both grow and recede at the same edge of the Okinawan and Japanese fighting systems. The time; an impossible feat, you may assume, but no. Gradu- only way I might even begin to accomplish this is to enter ally the true concepts of the various arts are being lost, for into yet another paradox; that being to accede defeat whilst many reasons, but essentially by virtue of the type of soci- maintaining the fight. ety we have become. They are replaced with the “new” martial arts, called by names which bear similar relation to I’ll explain. I cannot even begin to compete with the world their forebears, but containing concepts which have been of established publishing in the martial arts world. It is radically changed, yet these new arts are often referred to commercially driven and is geared to generate that which it as “self-defence”. perceives the bulk of its readership desires. Even by not competing, as I have done with Kata Unlimited, the level of With all this, I merely touch the tip of a very large iceberg. interest in Kata based martial arts is too low to sustain even I believe that I have been somewhat naïve in my under- such a meagre undertaking. And so, as a venture which standing in all this. I had believed that if so many people might sustain itself financially, it fails and I “admit defeat”. practice kata in their art, even to competition level, then Volume 1, Issue 12 Page 13

Then there is the military tactic of withdrawing as if in I would be very grateful if those of you who have contrib- defeat, but then to regroup and forge ahead in ways which uted would continue to do so. It would become quite boring cannot be countered by the commercial ventures. I will do I’m sure, if the only written word that was in KU was my it for free; changed in certain ways, published 4 times a own. I would also ask that if anyone has any ideas about year. This way everyone has an equal opportunity to gain ways of promoting Kata Unlimited (at zero cost) then access (sorry, but you will need to have internet access. I please let me know. cannot help this). In the editorial, I mentioned about some diversity in the Kata Unlimited will exist continuously and consistently future. By diversity, I am not intending to stray away from over as many years as I can find the energy to produce it. I kata and kata based training, but rather I will be including realise now that it must be a free publication, because the articles of my own for a change (as its going to be free, I content and application of kata has been freely left to us, in don’t see why I shouldn’t now have free reign!). the “public domain” if you like, by our forebears. I also expect to include articles on classical martial arts, but All the software and hardware I have at my disposal has without a specific remit for the kata to be the heart or pur- been bought and paid for, so there is no reason for me to pose of the article. I feel that by now, we understand that charge money to have you buy something which I believe the koryu (classical) arts are fundamentally kata based and should be given freely. If I were teaching, then I would so we can dispense with the kata as the focus all the time, want my overheads covered. If I relied on my teaching to and look at other aspects of such arts. feed me and my children, then I would charge more. But Neither of these things apply to me. I enjoy the subject As always, I am open to suggestions, all except that is matter, and as long as I continue to do so, then I will con- those of a type which ask for anatomically impossible acts! tinue to produce Kata Unlimited. I hope you are not too disappointed by these events. Some In the future, should I produce a book or a CD or some- might actually say that it was inevitable. I don’t care, so thing of that nature, then I would expect to be paid for it. long as there is a voice somewhere that screams to the The principle of Kata Unlimited remains the same as when world that the kata is not an outdated, useless activity. I started; to provide a forum for like minded people to share and discuss ideas in a practical way. The medium of My own training is now totally geared to training with the the internet and computing is the communication medium kata as the centre of everything. If this is what I do in my of the future, and so I feel that this is the place to be. It own training, then I feel I have a responsibility to pass on costs virtually nothing and is accessible by more and more what I learn from my activities.. But Kata Unlimited is not people every day. just about me, its about all of you out there and I would hope that you would also feel that you would also wish to I want Kata Unlimited to grow in an unlimited way, pro- share your own learning with others. viding a much needed service and portal for everyone to use and learn from. It will never be more than a web site, One possibility for the future of the web site would be an its contributors and me as editor. It will not be an associa- area which is dedicated to featuring photo based articles by tion or a club. although it may have close links to certain style/contributor/kata. These could be directly on the site, association in the future. I want it to remain free of politics possibly taken from previous articles in the newsletter. This and ties to particular styles. way, we could have an easy reference to the popular kata, showing and explaining the applications. I would be very Other web sites will have chat rooms. Kata Unlimited will happy to produce articles of my own in this way (now that not. Other web sites will have restricted areas for members the gloves are off, so to speak!). only. This site will only register people as members for the purposes of future news bulletin mailings (not for the pur- Any ideas of your own, then please let me know. I hope poses of SPAM e-mail) and there will be no cost. you see this as a positive change rather than a retrograde step. I realise I started this article on a negative note. So I Gradually over the next 12 months, I hope to change the would like to end it on a positive one. I’ve learned some look of the web site to be more information based, with an valuable lessons over the last 12 months and I’ve met some accessible resource like feel to it. As you can imagine, this impressively experienced people during that time as well. is a big task for just little old me, so it is a long term ven- Let’s continue to make it known that the kata is not dead. ture. In the meantime, I will try and add bits to the existing I’ll be writing articles and bending the ears of editors at the site to make it more interesting. There is only so much that main mags. I will gradually build the pressure. I hope you can be done with it though. will stay with Kata Unlimited, because it truly has just become unlimited! I have plans for a sister site which will be more Aiki- jujutsu and sword based. I already have the domain regis- tered. Its just a matter of time.

For the foreseeable future, I will keep the newsletter format for the Kata Unlimited publication as a pdf file. It works well for me as I can continue to use MS Publisher and other standard packages to create it. The number of pages I pro- duce will vary, largely on how many other contributors send me articles and how much time I have to put it to- gether. Kata Unlimited Page 14


This section is intended to enable individuals to find and contact others who practice with the express intention of furthering their under- standing of their art through the medium of kata and kata based training (but not exclusively). The people in this directory would be those who devote a significant part of their teaching & training to the exploration of kata and applications which have Karate

Glasgow Karate-do Shoto Association Shin Do Shotokan Kyogi - Tai British Karate-do Chojinkai Traditional Karate Club - Shotokai Karate classes in Glasgow and No Sen Dojo - Wigan, Lanca- - Cockermouth & White- Cardiff, Wales Milngavie. Augmented by training in shire haven, Cumbria Bernard Downey (4th Dan) other martial arts. Head coach: Stephen J.K.S. Shotokan Karate. Style is Wado Ryu Karate taught by holds training Kata-centred McGlinchey, practicioner of Shotokai taught in traditional manner, with Iain Abernethy (4th Dan). training. Anyone interested Karate for 35 years, Shotokai shodan emphasis on technique, kata and Teaches Wado ryu style with in exploring and under- presented in 1972 at the age of 17 by applications. Dojo run by Steve special emphasis on kata, standing their art is wel- Master Harada. Lowe (3rd Dan J.K.S.) 20 years bunkai and other kata based come. Training on Monday Contact address/telephone no/e-mail & (plus) experience. Training held training. 21 years experience. & Wednesday evenings association web site address: Glasgow Monday & Friday evenings, 7.30 Contact Iain on 01900 7.00pm to 8.30, Roath KDSA, 144 Rampart Avenue, Glasgow till 9.00pm.Contact 07747 122707 829406 Community Hall, Roath G13 3HX. 0141-959-8192. Park, Cardiff

Shinseido Shorin Ryu - Leeds, Yorkshire Bushinkai - Wigan, Lancashire Shoto Ryu - Southern Mike Flanagan (2nd Dan Shinseido Shorin Ryu, 1st Dan Aou International Martial Arts Federa- England Denkou Jitsu) teaches a range of Okinawan kata (not influenced by tion. Shotokan Karate & Jujutsu Senior Instructor Viv Nash Japanese Karate). Training centres on kata, striving to realistic rather taught, as well as various weapons, (7th Dan). Traditional Ka- than ritualistic. Contact Mike on 0113 3685650 / 07939 506340. by Simon Keegan, (2nd Dan Shoto- rate style, supplemented by E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.shinseido.org kan; 2nd Dan Jujutsu). Contact other empty handed forms Simon by e-mail: & weapons. Several club [email protected]; Tel. locations. See 07763 150842; Web site www.shotoryukarate.co.uk www.bushinkai.co.uk Iaido Aiki-jutsu for details, or contact Viv Nash on 01752 367020

Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido - Kaze Arashi Ryu - Haslingden, Lanca- Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire shire International Martial Arts Federa- Aiki-jutsu, Atemi-jutsu, Jo-jutsu, ken- tion (Senior UK Instructor) John jutsu. Classical (koryu) art of the Moun- Lovatt (5th Dan Iai; 3rd Dan tain Warrior Monks of Japan. Taught by Shotokai Karate; 1st Dan ). Kirby Watson (Menkyo), senior UK Teaches classical Iai to high stan- instructor. Contact on 01706 219747. dards. Classes held Saturday 2.00 Training also available around the UK - - 5.00pm at Willfield Commu- London 020 8404 2404; Liverpool 0151 nity Centre, Lauder Place, Stoke. 521 3813; Lancashire 01706 213015; Contact John on 01782 320473 Tayside 01764 652254; Grimsby 01472 594045. Website www.kar.telinco.co.uk

(44) 01942 205619 (Tel/Fax)

The Editor, Kata - Unlimited, Simco Publishing, 27 Ash Grove, Orrell, Wigan, Lancashire. WN5 8NG.

[email protected] Volume 1, Issue 12 Page 15

No Holds Barred Karate - By Simon Keegan

Ten years ago the phenomenon known as the Ulti- mate Fighting Championship (UFC) swept the globe.

UFC is a tournament of martial artists of all different disciplines fighting in no-holds-barred competition within an Octagonal ring surrounded by a cage.

What promised to be a barbaric slugfest, one-part Mortal Kombat and one-part Conan actually featured some great martial technique. In particular from the lightest and smallest competitor in the whole tourna- ment, a Jujutsu teacher called Royce Gracie.

Gracie won at least three tournaments against much larger competitors and showed once and for all that technique triumphs over might.

Unfortunately stand-up fighters (Karate, Boxers, Taekwondo practitioners) suffered at the hands of the grapplers and many martial artists deduced that grap- pling arts (Jujutsu, Judo, Sambo, Shootfighting) were superior to striking arts.

Saddest of all many traditionalists deduced that the reason Karateka weren’t effective against grapplers was that they wasted too much of their time training kata and not enough choking each other out. Above: Simon Keegan

The problem however is not the kata. It is how the kata are taught.

Above: Basic practice is just as important for black belts. Bob Carruthers Renshi 5th Dan (far left) gives instruction in the most fundamental Karate technique – Gedan Barai. Simon Keegan 2nd Dan (far right) practicing in the line up. Kata Unlimited Page 16

Left: Bob Carruthers

As soon as you start getting quite good at Karate As a black belt it is advantageous to change your way (after about five years) somebody gives you a nice of thinking about kata. Instead of thinking of the black belt and you immediately think you know it all forms as shadow boxing or performance arts, start to and don’t have to train any more. use them as a database for reality-based techniques. Bunkai or Oyo practice between seniors should not The cliché that you only start to learn at black belt is consist of attacking each other with Karate tech- true. At black belt your pool of knowledge has the niques like Oi Tzuki Chudan and Tobi Mae Geri but length and breadth, but then it is time to add the against street attacks like “John Wayne punches” , depth. bearhugs and grabs.

As a Shotokan black belt you will have repeated hun- Kata contain a wealth of possible applications includ- dreds of repetitions of every Kihon technique. You ing locks, chokes, strikes and throws. The key is to will have at least eight kata which you can perform to unlock them and to practice them until they come as a good standard and you will have experience of not naturally as an Oi Tzuki. only distance sparring (Jiyu Kumite) but also close-in reality based practice (Ippon Kumite). The accompanying applications are demonstrated by Volume 1, Issue 12 Page 17

Above: Bob demonstrates an application for the opening movements of Heian Nidan. Finishing with a lethal elbow drop. myself and my Karate teacher who I would like to introduce.

Bob Carruthers began his martial arts training in Taekwondo in which he reached teacher level. He then studied and eventually taught both Shotokan Karate and the Bujinkai system founded by former England team member John Smith. Bujinkai which had its headquarters in Cornwall is a style based on Wado Ryu.

On his travels Bob trained with many of Karate’s famous names like and Danny Connor and be- came a leading instructor in the Shobukan organisation.

Training directly with Shobukan founder Phil Handyside, Bob honed his technique and opened a series of successful clubs in the Wigan area. Infact many of the northwest’s leading instructors have called Bob their Sensei.

Over the last several years he has trained extensively with various Jujutsu instructors and has added much of this disci- pline to his repertoire. At a seminar in Dublin in 2002 he was awarded 5th Dan Renshi. Kata Unlimited Page 18

Above: Bob begins this sequence after the spear hand in Heian Sandan. He turns to drag Simon off balance, traps his arm and finishes with an uppercut and knee strike. Volume 1, Issue 12 Page 19

Above & Left: Simon demon- strates Oyo for opening moves of Heian Yondan. The finisher is a guillotine choke hold.

Right & Below: Bob’s interpreta- tion of the same sequence finishes with a variation of Ippon Seionage

View all photos left to right (Ed) Above: in a sequence taken from Bassai Dai. Simon blocks high and then takes his opponent down with a tackle

Right & Below: Simon’s applications for the opening sequence of Ni- jushiho. Starting from a clinch or close quarters. Simon grabs & sits back, unbalancing his oppo- nent (basic Judo) and steps in with uppercut end elbow strike

Simon Keegan holds 2nd Dan Black Belt in Shotokan Karate and Jujutsu. He is the chief instructor of the Bushinkai club affiliated to Kokusai Budoin (International Martial Arts Federation) IMAF.
