CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY CLUB CUKC –– –– 17 January 2007 –– Issue 1 Japan tour, page 2 Competitions, pages 3­4 Sensei Richard, page 6 Tour report, including EUSA, Student Nationals, Thoughts on the past year, results of the friendship Brunel kata – all the latest plus a look forward to the term match against Keio. reports, results and pictures. ahead from the Captains. MEDAL Happy New Year to Lent Term 2008 Calendar Sunday 20 January Fenner’s Club Demonstration – followed by pub trip. karateka old and new! Saturday 9 February Kelsey Kerridge Matt Price – former European champion, First off welcome to the first ever CUKC current European and World Shotokan team newsletter! We’ve had an exciting 2007 and champion, Matt Price is without a doubt one of the hopefully 2008 will be just as good. most exciting karateka on the competition circuit, Over the summer break the squad trained and and he’s a top class instructor as well. prepared for the exchange trip and friendly match Sunday 10 February Fenner’s with Keio University in Japan. In the match the whole team fought amazingly, and we just Rob Foulkes – guest instructor. managed to edge it, taking the match 4-3 – Saturday 23 February Iffley Road, Oxford securing revenge for our loss back in the early ’90s. The trip was The Varsity Match – the most important fantastic and we hope to host Keio here in November. See page 2 for a competition of the year. Cambridge enters defending full report on the trip. all three team trophies after last year’s complete At the start of Michaelmas the club went into overdrive to annihilation of the dark blues. All members of the encourage new members to join at the Freshers’ Fair. We spoke to club are encouraged to come and spectate. hundreds of budding karateka over the two days and the atmosphere was great, with so many people interested in various aspects of karate. The Monday 3 March Fenner’s demo was a huge success with a massive turnout, with many members Leah Howlett – guest instructor and kyokushinkai of the club showing prospective beginners how it’s done, both in the expert. dojo and at the pub afterwards. Saturday 8 March Chesterfield This year we have also seen our dear chief instructor Sensei Richard reach the lofty heights of 6th ! This is a fantastic KUGB Central Regions Championships – regional achievement, and truly reflects Sensei’s experience and dedication to competition for students and non-students (and karate, which we have all greatly benefited from. As well as instructing, adults and children), ideal for people wanting to try Sensei has been key in supporting the club; leading the demos, coaching out competing in kata or kumite for the first time as at competitions and helping with transport, and somewhat foolishly well as for regular competitors. inviting us all to a BBQ now and then! Just to say: Richard, Thursday 13 March Fenner’s congratulations and keep up the good work! Bob Poynton – guest instructor. We rounded off just before Christmas with the grading taken by Sensei Bob Poynton, where it was great to see so many white belts Thursday 13 March Fenner’s getting their first coloured belt – which they should be very proud of. Lent Grading – with Sensei Bob Poynton. Apologies that I couldn’t make it to see you all (so you’ll just have to do it all over again on 13 March!), but I’m told the grading was a great Thursday 13 March success, as was the social after. End-of-term social – celebrate grading success and So here we are entering 2008 – with lots of exciting things the onset of the Easter holidays at the end-of-term lined up: the all-new Lent demo, Matt Price, Rob Foulkes, the Varsity social. Details to be announced nearer the time. Match, the grading, Bob Poynton, Chris Leuke, Leah Howlett, BUSA, Sat-Sun 15-16 March Sheffield KUGB Centrals, and plenty of socials, including the second and third instalments of the Great Mill Road Pub Crawl (and after the first one BUSA Championships – The largest and most you’d be mad to miss out on these) – what more could you want? So prestigious student karate championships in the just to say, enjoy the rest of this year, train hard, and play hard too! country, with the WKF rules system. The only Steph xxxx chance to earn a Full Blue. Stephanie McTighe CUKC President More details on all of these events can be found on the [email protected] website, 14 January 2008 –– Issue 1 2 –– JAPAN –– CUKC victorious after tough match in Japan In September 2007 the team travelled to whose average age was 74 years. are now experts at classics ranging from Japan in order to train with and compete The competition was held in the the club anthem, Eye of the Tiger, to against several Japanese University middle of the fortnight, as a reprieve Kung Fu Fighting, We are the teams. from the hundreds of squat mae-geris Champions and Barbie Girl. Members of the team were the team went sightseeing in Kyoto, and Members of CUKC were Richard Poole (coach) Ian MacLeod bathed at Hacona, perhaps the most enormously grateful to Miki (Men’s Captain), Paul Smith, Simon ridiculous ‘hot springs’ in the world, Waterhouse, Kurono Masashi and the Picot, Gareth Bradley, Adam Tun, Chris featuring overcrowded baths of various members of Keio University Karate Andrews, Andrew Routh, Madeleine colours, representing flavours such as Club for their hospitality during our ‘red wine’ and ‘green tea’, and a visit, and also to Steve Mannion, Simon paddling pool where fish could nibble at Hastings, Grant Leaity and Jason tired karatekas’ feet. Purcell, the Cambridge University Old The match itself took place in Boys without whose support this visit

the main campus sports hall, where kata would not have been possible. In and block breaking sessions took place addition thanks are owed to Ken Hori, before the kumite competition. Each the Cambridge Old Boy whose Japanese team consisted of six men and two ladies heritage enabled him to prepare us for (two of our competitors were injured the intricacies of essential Japanese Wood (Women’s Captain), Stephanie during training and could not etiquette. McTighe (Club President) and Katerina participate). In a very challenging The team has extended a formal Pateraki. encounter the end result was very close invitation to Keio University to visit us Following in the footsteps of with Cambridge University enjoying a in November 2008. This would provide the old boys twenty years previously, the victory by 4 wins to 3, with one draw. the opportunity for Keio University to team was accommodated by and trained Paul Smith was singled out for praise in compete at the KUGB Student Nationals with the Karate Club of Keio University a speech by the chief referee for his and would hopefully coincide with the in Tokyo. The club is 83 years old and fighting spirit, height and spectacular ESKA championships being held in has the distinction of being the first use of kicking and punching Sunderland. University at which Gichin Funakoshi combinations. taught. The twice daily training regime Aside from karate, the main Clockwise from top left: The team at the included instruction and matches with a entertainment was karaoke, which very Imperial Palace in Tokyo; Ian, Paul and number of other university clubs: quickly grew on the whole team. Even Katerina score in their fights; Sensei’s Hitotsubashi, Housei, Waseda, and those who were initially sceptical of this rendition of ‘Wild Thing’; Cambridge, Tokyo, and was broken up with training ritual form of public embarrassment Keio, and the CUKC Old Boys after the at the JKA Headquarters, and kata with soon came round to the idea with the match. the Mokukai, the Keio Old Boys Club help of unlimited sake. The entire team 14 January 2008 –– Issue 1 –– LANCASTER / EUSA –– 3 KUGB Summer School

In early August shuttle run where not one, but two CUKC six members of members fell over! CUKC travelled On the Wednesday afternoon we to Lancaster decided to leave Lancaster and visit Morecambe University with Bay. What started out as a cold and damp day over 200 other suddenly turned into a nice day, and what do karateka from karateka do on a nice day? They do kata on the around Britain beach! for a five-day The highlight of the week was the long training party on the Tuesday evening. We did our best camp with the most senior instructors from the to increase the average alcohol consumption and KUGB. With two training sessions a day, split it clearly paid off with Matt Price by grade, it was hard work, but very complementing our karaoke skills and Bob informative. Some of the sessions were very Poynton dancing with us! physical whilst others were more thinking We all had a great time (as all the many about how and why techniques are used. pictures on Facebook show), but unfortunately With every afternoon free there was it had to end. However if you missed out, the plenty of time for relaxing, or doing more 2008 Lancaster summer training camp will be training! The Monday and Tuesday had bo happening in August and CUKC will be sending sessions (Japanese staff) so you could learn to another group up to train again this year. fight with a weapon while Thursday was a superstars competition. Events included Top: Senior instructors at the summer school basketball, football, sumo and the infamous Bottom: Fun at the karaoke night

CUKC win team kata bronze at EUSA

In July three members of CUKC travelled to performance of the same kata, and they went on Podgorica, Montenegro to compete in the to take gold. The Cambridge team are hugely European Universities Sports Association proud to have taken bronze among such a strong (EUSA) Karate Championships. Ian MacLeod, field of competitors, and now enter the Tom Johnson and Paul Smith were selected to upcoming competition season as the strongest compete in the male team kata category after kata team CUKC has seen in recent history, and their convincing win at BUSA earlier in the firm favourites for Varsity. year. Ian was also selected to fight in the In the kumite Ian came up against a U70kg category, making him the only member tough fighter in the first round, who took of the GB team to compete in both kata and control of the fight early on with two ippons and kumite. In all there were 121 students from 17 an impressive ashi combination. Despite the countries at the competition. scoreline Ian stayed in the fight, narrowly The first day kicked off with the team missing several times with powerful gyaku- kata event. The Cambridge team had worked zukis. His opponent won the fight but Ian was hard in the months leading up to the unlucky on this occasion and would have beaten competition, preparing a total of five kata and many of the other fighters in the draw. His a set of bunkai. As expected the standard at the achievement of being selected for EUSA in an competition was exceptionally high, but the individual category is not to be underestimated, team managed to take joint third place – their and Ian enters the 2008 season stronger than performance of Empi in the semi-finals was ever as BUSA U70kg champion and seeded in unfortunately beaten by the Belgrade team’s the KUGB Nationals. The FISU World University Karate Championships 2008 take place this summer in Wroclaw, Poland.

Anticlockwise from top: Ian just passes with a gyaku-zuki; the GB team; Tom, Ian and Paul perform Empi; Cambridge win medals. 14 January 2008 –– Issue 1 4 –– COMPETITIONS ––

Individual medals Men double team champions at Ian MacLeod: Men’s dan grade kumite: 3rd, Men’s dan grade kata: 4th KUGB Student Nationals Paul Smith: Men’s dan grade kumite: 3rd Roman Sztyler: Men’s dan grade kata: 1st The CUKC squad set a high standard Kumite Team (Tom Johnson, Ian of competition success right form the MacLeod and Paul Smith) was Team medals start this year with the KUBG determined to win the title. They Men’s team kumite (Tom Johnson, Ian National Student Championships. All fought well in the early rounds to gain MacLeod, Paul Smith): 1st competitors showed great a place in the final against Makenki. determination and spirit as they The team fought admirably in the final Men’s team kata (Tom Johnson, Ian worked their way through the with Ian’s impressive first fight putting MacLeod, Paul Smith): 1st elimination rounds. The finals were Cambridge one up. Paul’s mae-geris Women’s team kumite (Madeleine Wood, scattered with representatives from our scared the opposition out of the area Gemma Coughlin): =3rd club, all pulling out impressive one too many times in the final fight performances. and this win made the final score 2-1 In his debut competition for to Cambridge. A well deserved win. both also took joint third in Male Dan Grade CUKC, Roman Sztyler stunned the The same team showed their Kumite. Ian was also 4th in Male Dan Grade crowds (not to mention Sensei Sherry) expertise was not just limited to Kata, winning himself medals in all four in the finals of the Male Dan Grade kumite and won the gold in Team Kata categories he entered – an achievement Kata, with an outstanding performance with solid performances of Empi and unmatched by anyone from CUKC in living of Unsu that meant he took first place Kanku Sho. memory. in the category by a huge margin. As well as being key Congratulations to all of our After settling for silver last members of both kata and kumite competitors, especially Roman and Gemma year at this competition, the Men’s A teams, Ian MacLeod and Paul Smith who competed for CUKC for the first time.

Medals for old and new at Brunel

The Michaelmas Term competition defeating his various competitors each exceptional performance of Sochin, schedule finished off with a team of ten by a decision of 3-0. His breathtaking going on to win the silver medal. competitors entering the first annual performance of Unsu in the final round Besides a hardy congratulations Isambard Kingdom Brunel British Open silenced the crowd and capped off an to all of the CUKC competitors on their Kata Championships put on by the unprecedented perfect run as he took the very strong kata performances, a special Brunel University Kobu-jitsu Karate gold by an unanimous decision. We congratulations is due to the Brunel Dojo. This was an all-ages tournament were also very pleased to witness the University Karate Dojo for putting on open to students and non-students alike, return of Ken Hori (CUKC Men’s this very well-run tournament. The and ran under WKF-style rules. Captain 1989-90 & 1999-00) to the CUKC squad is now eagerly awaiting Each of the CUKC competitors CUKC competition squad. Ken the next instalment of the Brunel Karate trained very hard to perfect their various competed in the Masters’ division and Competition Series: an open kumite katas, and everyone performed earned a place in the final with an competition to be held in the Spring. extremely well. Particular congratulations have to go to the two medal winners: Roman Sztyler and Ken Hori. Roman, a seasoned international competitor from Germany who joined CUKC last autumn, reached the finals of the Senior Men’s (18 and over) division by performing 3 outstanding katas and

Individual medals: Ken Hori: Masters (over 35) kata: 2nd Roman Sztyler: Male over 18 kata: 1st

Left: Roman peforms Unsu Right: Ken performs Sochin. 14 January 2008 –– Issue 1 –– GRADING –– 5

The end of Christmas term, but there was just one last Worthington, performed his Kihon Kata with such superb engagement before we all headed off for a couple of weeks of attitude that he wasn’t at all phased by his glasses slowly excessive cranberry sauce and brandy butter. This term’s slipping down his nose only to be flung across the dojo with an grading was a busy one, packed with keen karateka eager to accompanying, “Kiai!”. However, the star of the day has to be show-off their polished techniques to Sensei Bob Poynton. It our very own treasurer, Chris Andrews. Being the most senior was especially good to see so many new karateka grading for grade-ee of the day, reaching his second brown belt, he thought the first time hoping to add some colour to their gis. Six new he’d wow the audience by performing his Heian Nidan kata karateka even impressed Sensei Bob enough to double grade ura [that’s mirror-image - Ed]. Isn’t that right, Chris? straight to their red belt. One such karateka, Martin

Congratulations to the following:

Kelsey Brinded 9th kyu A hoard of new victims marks Michaelmas term Daniel Cullingham Wearing tracksuits and jewellery, soon to learn Perdita Edge-Partington (Girton) That white PJs and sweat is the ultimate dress Benjamin McLeod (Catz) And tying your belt so it’s not in a mess Jonathan Pemberthy (Jesus) Sarah Samuel (Emma) The club president on crutches sets the tone Iain Scott (Jesus) And a social sec who won’t leave you alone Antony Tran (Jesus) Until you’ve thrown a few punches, downed a few drinks Billy Wheeler (King’s) Forgotten to block so it hurts when you think

Daniel Diggins (Emma) 8th kyu Don’t move your front foot, don’t look at the floor Jonathan Fairless (John’s) Shoulders back and down, and bow at the door, Lili Sarnyai (Fitz) Elbow in, knee out, move faster, stay low Victoria Turner (Emma) Drive from the hips, you can hit him you know Siyao Wang (King’s) Martin Worthington (John’s) Though aching and tired you’re still coming back You wonder how many more press-ups you’ll hack Thomas Ling (Emma) 7th kyu When some sensei-tional sensei gives you a smile David Lloyd And the rare ‘that’s good’ makes it all worth your while Jessica Marvin (Emma) And the end of the term when you’ve passed your grading Tegwen Ecclestone (Queens’) 6th kyu The fun memories building, the bunny hops fading Andreas Pick (New Hall) A shiny new belt is yours to hold tight And now run from the black-belts who’ll want you to fight! Chris Andrews (Downing) 2nd kyu Tegwen Ecclestone 14 January 2008 –– Issue 1 6 –– CAPTAINS / COACH –– Captains’ log Coach’s corner

With the beginning of Lent Term comes the January 2008 seems a start of CUKC’s most exciting competition most appropriate time season. There will be opportunities for CUKC to reflect on one of members at all levels, including students and the most successful non-students, to test their karate skills against years enjoyed by competitors from all over the country. Cambridge Our first competition of the term is the University Karate much anticipated annual Varsity Match against Club. Oxford which will take place at Iffley Road Our classes, this year, on February 23. After last year’s annihilation of the dark blues we conducted 6 days a week with associated social are determined to defend all three of the team trophies that we brought home. events, have developed a camaraderie and team This year, we have rented an extra-large coach to take the team to Oxford, so spirit which has been fundamental to the we hope lots of you will don your best Cambridge stash and come and cheer triumphs enjoyed in gradings, competitions and on the team. With Oxford thirsty for revenge we need lots of supporters to during the tour of Japan. shout down the home crowd. This competition offers the unique opportunity It was encouraging to see how well our of earning Half Blues to any CUKC member who holds a Dan grade and is standard of karate compared with that of the selected for the A-team. leading Japanese University clubs. Although very A great opportunity for first time competitors comes in the form of envious of the Keio Karate Club training the KUGB Central Regions Championships, which will take place on March facilities, the discipline and courage of CUKC 8. The competition is also open to non-students and will provide excellent team members resulted in a well deserved experience for members of all grades and levels of competition experience. victory over Keio University in the main event of CUKC has an impressive record at this event, clocking up lots of medals and the tour. trophies each year, and the competition is always greatly enjoyed by Early in 2007 the complete domination competitors. Many CUKC members have been initiated as competitors at of the annual varsity karate match by Cambridge past Central Region competitions, and this year we hope to field a large set the scene for the winning of many trophies squad that will include many of our junior-grade members as well as the and medals regionally, nationally and usual competition squad. internationally in the 10 championships The last competition of the season is the British University Sports contested by our members during the year. Association (BUSA) Karate Championships, the largest student karate Our formal classes in the dojo at competition in the country to be held March 15-16. This is also the one time Fenner’s continue to be the basis for our each year when CUKC members may earn Full Blue, by earning a medal in a development of ever higher standards The close senior individual event, a feat accomplished last year by 2006-07 Men’s relationship between commitment to training and Captain, Ian MacLeod. We hope to follow that up with continued success this success in gradings and championships remains year in Sheffield. crucially important, particularly as we prepare We hope that you are as excited as we are for this action-packed for our annual battle with Oxford University. season of karate competitions. Let’s get things started right by training hard Recommended Viewing: 300 – an right from the start, whether it be for competition or grading. If you are inspirational film based on historic events in interested in competing in kumite, be sure to attend the Squad training which 300 Spartan soldiers defend against an session every Monday night in addition to your regular training. Good luck to army of 10,000 Persians. everyone! Tom Johnson & Madeleine Wood Sensei Richard Poole CUKC Men’s & Women’s Captains CUKC Chief Instructor

By Tepee

to be continued... 14 January 2008 –– Issue 1 –– GUESTS / SOCIALS –– 7 Michaelmas term guest instructors

This term CUKC was fortunate to methods for fighting from the floor, kata at this indignity being bestowed on poor welcome back two old friends, Senseis bunkai, and using belts as targets for Malk. Harry Cook and Paul Herbert, to come kicking with power. Pub and curry Guest instructor sessions are and teach at the club once again. Sensei rounded off the day, leading to an among the highlights of the CUKC Cook was the first to visit and the interesting exchange with the bouncers calendar as they are such a good evening before his course he gave a at the Avery when the group tried to opportunity to garner new techniques, public lecture on the history of (mostly enter carrying six foot sticks of wood perspectives, and training methods, Shotokan) karate at St John’s. The (bo). whether you’re into self-defence, lecture combined rare footage of In November we were visited competition, fitness training, or Funakoshi Sensei, Enoeda Sensei, and by Sensei Herbert for a session of kihon, something else. Anyone who has never many other famous names training in kumite drills, and close-contact partner been to one of these sessions is really Japan in the 1930s and 1940s, with work. The sight of Malcolm being missing out – fortunately there are insights into how techniques have continually, unceremoniously dropped to plenty coming up this term (see front evolved over the decades, and on the the floor was as surreal as they come, page) so come and see for yourself. balance between application and and it was all too much for one yellow- competition. The course itself included belt, who seized the opportunity to laugh

Socials debrief

Ahh, who could forget last term’s socials? serving times on Sundays. Those brave (Note: this is a rhetorical question. In fact, freshers who had survived the term so far many of those who attended will have joined us for a quiet pint or six, and it was forgotten at least part of said socials, and in good to see so many new faces (and several fact one might be tempted to suggest that the older ones) in the pub at last. quantity of memory loss experienced was Finally, the Christmas social. This directly proportional to the amount of fun began for some on the ice skating rink on had…) Parkers Piece, where Paul drew a chorus of We started the year as we meant to go “oohs”, “owws” and giggles from the crowd on: with a trip to our spiritual home, the with his spectacular tumbling routine (the Prince Regent. Seasoned members of the club crowd were less impressed by Chris’s and my shared pints and tales of karate-related efforts – perhaps because we had less far to madness from Lancaster to Japan, while fresh- fall). Next we went to the Eagle for pre- faced beginners wondered if the preceding dinner drinks and a reunion with our favourite demo had been merely an elaborate Irish barman (formerly of Prince Regent smokescreen for an all-singing (karaoke), all- fame), before heading on to Caffe Uno for a fighting, drinking society (or Christmas meal, Italian-style. Your author’s maybe they just gave us a few odd looks and memory is a little hazy after (and, in fact, left early: I forget which). before) this point, but I am told that dinner Next up, aside from our usual post- was followed by numerous drinks in the Mitre training pub visits (which, for those who (which several members of the club were missed them, will be repeated next term, so persuaded to attend against their better there is still time to redeem yourself), was a judgement – hats off to them!) and a very venture into enemy territory: the Avery, poorly-attended trip to the Kambar that left sometime rival for our affections (until an both your devoted social secretary and Sir unfortunate dispute over the timing of last Andrew Routh, president-of-vice, several orders caused us to seek a more sympathetic pounds poorer, a few shots beyond coherence drinking venue) and still blessed with the and generally none the wiser. All in all, a seductive lures of more sofas and later food- fitting end to another Cambridge term.

From top: Yes, we want you too, Chris; Old Boys prove they’ve still got what it takes; Gemma and Ben loving the Christmas social; Sensei Bob lets his hair down [Ed – what hair?] 14 January 2008 –– Issue 1 8 –– BACK PAGE –– A beginner writes....

As I get bullied into writing this for the a real sense of achievement, and was newsletter, I am reminded of what got one of the best moments of my term. It me to start Karate, no fewer than 3 of was also the most nerve racking. I’ve my so-called friends offered the tried other martial arts, and I’ve enjoyed persuasive threat of violence if I them, but karate is the only one that has refused. I thought I’d join, using it to 1) given me set targets over a specific time make my continued existence a little period, and I really think that helps. more probable, and 2) seek revenge. It Maybe it’s just me, but the fact that I can was clear that my motivations had been wear a different belt this term is a great discovered when a karateka... I can’t confidence booster. me, they are very enjoyable and worth think of an alias for him so make one up It’s also been a great experience the extra few quid. This may seem like yourself... anything but Paul Smith... to be taught by such a varied group of another shameful plug to get you attend when a karateka hit me in the face with people. While I’ve hugely enjoyed karate events, it isn’t, I mean where else a rubber ball. Sensei Richard’s sessions, being can you be taught about the exact It was a normal Wednesday instructed by other high-grade karateka meaning of necessary force. Harry training session, Malk had asked for a has been very enlightening. During these Cook told us that hitting someone in a volunteer who was capable of throwing classes I’ve picked up a wide range of bar in self defence is okay. If you a ball, he certainly didn’t get what he warm-up and warm-down techniques, happen to knock this person to the floor, expected. A tall black-belt had stepped pointers on how to perform a good kata still okay. If you then go back to your forward to demonstrate how to throw a and been told the correct way to hit home, get an axe, go back to the bar, and ball using the whole of your body. someone as hard as I can as well as the take the guy’s head as a trophy, this is “Make sure you don’t hit any of the core skills. And bruises. Lots of bruises. for some reason unreasonable force. I beginners”, Malk joked. Everyone Of course not everything is think you’ll agree that this is a valuable laughed. The black-belt threw the damn accomplished during official sessions. life lesson. ball at my face. For example, if you’re truly hardcore Another guest instructor was All was well though, it turns and seeking to improve your fitness then Paul Herbert, who admitted that he’d out that I should thank this karateka for you can join me for... rather be at a pub watching the England teaching me to always be on guard. So Morning training. It’s great match. Bet he’s glad we forced him to thank you. Thank you very much. isn’t it. You should go to morning teach now. His session was very fun and Time for something serious. training. Wednesday 7:30. I never miss a useful, we got to throw people to the Grading. It’s not something that is easily session, wish it still started at 7. floor! explained, it really is something you For some the guest instructor have to experience yourself. It gives you sessions may seem daunting, but trust

If I stubbed my toes Left: Malk happy Wise man say, Out of On Paul Smith’s nose, (actually Malk is Pain comes poetry. Must be There’d be a terrible fuss. always happy) at What Seiza is for. When my foot came down the Xmas social; –––––– From way up there, right: CUKC Sparring ends. Torso I’d probably need a truss! appears in TCS. Like blossom falling to ground. Damn gedan geri. Malcolm Howlett Guy Brandon

And finally...

Events happening beyond the end of Lent Term include the KUGB Kyu Grade Championships on 27 April, the Nationals on 18 May, the CUKC Easter Term Grading and Annual Dinner provisionally on 14 June, the KUGB Youth Championships on 5 July, and the Lancaster Summer School on 3-8 August.

Don’t forget the CUKC website, – this is one of the most comprehensive sports websites in Cambridge, with all the latest club news and events, training times and rotas, the grading syllabus, instructor profiles, results as far back as 1988, and hundreds of photos. Plus there’s the group on Facebook – just search for ‘CU Karate Club’.

This newsletter was brought to you by Paul Smith, Madeleine Wood, Chris Andrews, Ed Boardman, Libby Boyd, Guy Brandon, Daniel Diggins, Tegwen Ecclestone, Malcolm Howlett, Tom Johnson, Steph McTighe, Richard Poole, Andy Routh, and Adam Tun.