
people, with Cultural Nationalism rish sports for I Irish . dual Irish rules monarchy parliamentary• protectionism abstention

Michael Cusack founded the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) in order to 1884-1908 preserve Gaelic games from extinction in . 1884 English supporter of the Irish 1904 LIterary Theatre Annie Horniman bought & converted premises in Cumann na nGaedheal Abbey Street. founded by Arthur Griffith and William Roooney to GAA was founded in bring together various on 1 November 1884 to nationalist and cultural provide for ‘the preservation and cultivation of the national 1905 pastimes of Ireland’ Journalist D.P. Moran publishes Inghinidhe

na hÉireann founded by The Philosophy 1885 Maud Gonne of Irish Ireland

The GAA 1885-1887 the GAA spread published its rapidly throughout Ireland first set of rules After a decade of division, the Irish for hurling and Parliamentary Party reunites under A new political movement football the leadership of John Redmond. known as Sinn Fein GAA members banned from -‘Ourselves Alone’ - is playing ‘foreign games such as founded by Arthur Griffith. 1907 soccer 1886 and rugby 1900 Arthur Griffith begins 1887 editorship of the Irishman United newspaper Antrim-born scholar Douglas Hyde’s famous essay, ‘The Eoin MacNeill and Protestant-Irish Necessity for De-Anglicising Ireland’ 1892 1893 gentleman Douglas Hyde found The called for a revival of the Irish Gaelic League [Conradh na Gaelige] in The language and Irish culture. Eoin to support the Irish Language Nationalists denounce J.M. Synge’s play, 1908 Playboy- ‘Playboyof the WesternTheatre Riots’ in World Gaelic Leaguenewspaper, begins Abbey 1897 publication of its own the An Claidheamh Soluis First All-Ireland Championships in hurling and Gaelic League’s first Gaelic football national Oireachtas

1891 founded the 1899 Daniel Corkery Abbey Theatre At the GAA Cork Dramatic Society 2,000 GAA men form a The United Irish Convention modelled on the success of the guard of honour at Parnell’s League (UIL) in Thurlas GAA stood firmly with 1897 funeral. Parnell leading many The Parnellite founded by William anti- Parnellites to leave O’Brien is removed from the organisation. Split the Presidency Irish Literary Theatre established of the GAA and by W.B Yeats, Lady August Gregory replaced by an 1890 IRB candidate. and Edward Martyn. GAA Convention in Thurlas in 1798 centenary Jan 1888 - Davin re-elected Members of the commemorations. An as president and the IRB police, the Royal Irish 1888 1898 exciting time, full of lectures, members ousted from Constabulary barred publications, parades. important positions from GAA

[Background image: Máire Nic Shiubhlaigh (1883–1958), by Ben Bay. National Library of Ireland, PD 2159 TX (3) 43]