Suzanne Maman, Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health Department of Health Behavior 331 Rosenau Hall, CB #7440 Chapel Hill, NC 27599 (p) 919. 966.3901 (f) 919.966.2921 (e) [email protected]


Ph.D. The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD 9/96-9/00 Bloomberg School of Public Health Department of International Health

MHS The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 9/93-5/95 School of Hygiene and Public Health Department of International Health

B.S. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 9/88-5/92 School of Human Ecology


Associate Dean for Global Health, 9/1/2020-Present. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Gillings School of Global Public Health.

Concentration Lead for MPH in Global Health. 2/1/18-Present. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Gillings School of Global Public Health.

Vice Chair of Academic Affairs, Department of Health Behavior, 5/1/18-8/30/2020. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Gillings School of Global Public Health.

UNC-Duke Rotary Peace Fellowship Faculty Director. 5/2019-Present. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Professor, 10/1/16-Present. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health. Department of Health Behavior.

Associate Professor, 2/1/11-9/30/16, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Gillings School of Global Public Health, Department of Health Behavior.

Assistant Professor, 5/1/05- 1/31/11, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Public Health, Department of Health Behavior and Health Education.

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Assistant Professor, 7/1/04-4/30/05, The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of International Health.

Assistant Research Professor, 6/1/03-6/30/04, The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of International Health.

Scientist, 12/00-6/03, The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of International Health.


Social and Behavioral Science Coordinator, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sante Public (EHESP). . . 1/17-Present. Consultant to the MPH program, responsible for coordinating their Social and Behavioral Sciences Course and teaching the Qualitative Research Module within this Course.

Program Consultant. WHO Department of Reproductive Health and Research. 9/1/15-9/30/15. Development of a tool to be included in WHO guidelines for Responding to intimate partner violence and violence against women: WHO clinical and policy guideline.

Advisory Committee Member, Africa Research Ethics South Africa (ARESA). 8/2012-Present. Center for Medical Ethics and Law, Stellenbosch University.

Curriculum Consultant, CDC, Department of Global Health, 9/1/13-2/1/14. Leading the development of MPH research training curriculum for Mzumbe University, Mgorogoro Tanzania.

Program Consultant, WHO Department of Reproductive Health & Research, 5/1/10-7/30/10. Developed a policy brief that outlined how a focus on violence can best be integrated into HIV counseling and testing programs.

Technical Expert, WHO Department of Reproductive Health & Research/ UNAIDS, 10/27/09- 10/30/09. Served on technical work group on the implications of violence for HIV prevention.

Technical Expert, Soros Foundation/WHO Department of HIV/AIDS, 10/12/09-10/14/09. Served on a technical working group on human rights and HIV testing.

Investigator, USAID, Interagency Gender Working Group, 5/1/08-7/30/08. Lead systematic review of literature related to home-based testing of HIV and the implications for women.

Workshop Director, WHO Department of Gender, Women and Health, 9/1/05-3/31/05. Facilitated a meeting on HIV testing and violence with 20 researchers, policy makers and program planners.

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Bernard G. Greenberg Endowment Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research and Service (2017) Edward G. McGavran Award for Excellence in Teaching (2012) Center for AIDS Research New Investigator Award (2001) Robert D. Wright Fellowship in International Health (March 1997/98/2000) Woodrow Wilson/Johnson and Johnson Fellowship in Women’s Health (1999) US Information Agency Fulbright Program Fellow (1999) Fogarty International New Investigator Award (1999) Johns Hopkins Department of International Health Tuition Fellowship (1996-2000) Marjorie Gilbert Award for Innovative AIDS Research (March,1998) Diana Hess Scholarship (June,1995)


Peer Reviewed Papers * Denotes students/trainees who were either my Advisee or my Research Assistant.

In Press (167) Bhushan, N.L., Phanga, T., Maseko, B., Vansia, D., Gichane, M.W., Maman, S., Pettifor, A.E., Rosenberg, N.E. (2021) Conversations about Contraceptive Use among Adolescent Girls and Young Women and their Partners, Peers, and Older Female Family Members in Lilongwe, Malawi: A Qualitative Analysis. Studies in Family Planning (In Press)

(166) Bhushan, N.L, Fisher, E.B, Gottfredson, N.S., Maman, S., Speizer, I.S., Phanga, T., Vansia, D., Mtawali, A., Chisinga, R., Kapira, M., Pettifor, A.E., Rosenberg, N.E. (2021) The Mediating Role of Partner Communication on Contraceptive Use Among Adolescent Girls and Young Women Participating in a Small-Group Intervention in Malawi: A Longitudinal Analysis. Global Public Heath

(165) Hershow R, McNaugton-Reyes L, Tran HT, Chadler G, Sripaipn T, Dowdy D, Latkin C, Hutton H, Pettifor A, Maman S*, Go V. Evaluating the effects of two alcohol reduction counseling interventions on intimate partner violence perpetration: Secondary analysis of a three-arm randomized controlled trial among Vietnamese men with HIV. Addiction.

(164) Zietz, S*., Kajula, L., Martin, S., Moracco, K.E., Shanhan, M., Maman, S. “Mtoto wa Nyoka ni Nyoka,” The Child of a Snake is a Snake: A Narrative Analysis of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Perpetration of Interpersonal Violence among Men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Journal of interpersonal violence.

(163) Gebrekristos L, Shazi Z, Moodley D, Maman S, Groves A. Soliciting parental consent amongst adolescent minor mothers: a barrier in adolescent HIV research? South African Medical Journal

(162) Treves-Kagan S*, Peterman A, Gottfredson N, Moracco E, Villavecs A, Maman, S. Love in the time of war: Identifying neighborhood-level predictors of intimate partner violence from a longitudinal study in refugee-hosting communities. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. M aman Curriculum Vitae | 4

(161) Hershow R, McNaughton-Reyes, Ha TV, Chandler G, Mai NVT, Sripaipan R, Frangakis C, Dowdy D, Latkin C, Hutton HE, Pettifor A, Maman S, Go VF. Alcohol use, depressive symptoms, and intimate partner violence perpetration: A longitudinal analysis among men with HIV in northern Vietnam. PLOS One.

(160) Reyes, H. L. M., Graham, L. M, Chen, M. S., Gibbs, A., Groves, A. K., Kajula, L., Bowler, S., & Maman, S. Adolescent Dating and Sexual Violence Prevention Programs: A Global Systematic Review of Evaluation Studies. Lancet Child and Adolescent Health.

(159) MacPhail C, Khoza N, Treves-Kagan S*, Selin A, Gómez-Olivé X, Peacock D, Rebombo D, Twine R, Maman S, Kahn K, DeLong SM, Hill LM, Lippman SA, Pettifor A. (in press) Process elements contributing to community mobilization for HIV risk reduction and gender equality in rural South Africa. PLoS One.


(158) Atkins K, MacPhail C, Maman S, Khoza N, Twine R, Gomez-Olive FX, Pettifor A, Kahn K. (2021). “The sky is the limit; I am going there:” experiences of hope among young women receiving a conditional cash transfer in rural South Africa. Culture, Health and Sexuality.

(157) Pack A, Maman S, McNaughton-Reyes HL, Nyblade L, Whetten K, Zimmerman, C, Gray C, Golin C. (2020) Predictors of HIV Testing among Orphaned Youths in Three East African Countries. AIDS and Behavior. AIDS and Behavior. 9 .

(156) Gichane M*, Wamoyi J, Atkins K, Balvanz P, Maman S, Majani E, Pettifor A. (2020) The influence of cash transfers on engagement in transactional sex and partner choice among adolescent girls and young women in Northwest Tanzania, Culture Health and Sexuality,

(155) Zimba C, Maman S, Rosenberg NE, Mutale W, Mweemba O, Dunda W, et al. (2019) The landscape for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis during pregnancy and breastfeeding in Malawi and Zambia: A qualitative study. PLoS ONE 14(10): e0223487.

(154) Groves A.K., McNaughton Reyes L., Gebrekristos, L.T. Moodley D., Maman S. Examining why age-disparate relationships influence unsafe sex postpartum among South African women: relationship control and physical partner violence as explanatory mechanisms Journal of Interpersonal Violence. August 4 2020. Doi: 10.1177/0886260520944531

(153) McNaughton-Reyes HLM, Moodley D, Groves A, Maman S. (2020). Intimate partner violence and postpartum emotional distress among South African women: Moderating effects of resilience and vulnerability factors. Global Public Health.

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(152) Wamoyi J*, Balvanz P, Atkins K, Gichane M, Majani E, Pettifor A, Maman S. (2020) Conceptualization of empowerment and pathways through which cash transfers work to empower young women to reduce HIV risk: A qualitative study in Tanzania. AIDS and Behavior, 24(11), 3024-3032.

(151) Maman S, Mulawa MI*, Balvanz P, Reyes HLM, Kilonzo MN, Yamanis, TJ, Singh B, Kaula LJ. (2020) Results from a cluster-randomized trial to evaluate a microfinance and peer-health leadership intervention to prevent HIV and intimate partner violence among social networks of Tanzanian men. PLoS One 2020 Mar 20;15(3):e0230371. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.023037

(150) Zietz S*. Kajula L, Reyes HLM, Moracco B, Shanahan M, Martin S, Maman S. (2020). Patterns of adverse childhood experiences and subsequent risk of interpersonal violence perpetration among men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Child Abuse & Neglect.

(149) Wamoyi J, Balvanz P, Gichane W*, Maman S, Mugunga S, Majani E, Pettifor A. (2020) Decision-making and cash spending patterns of adolescent girls and young women participating in a cash-transfer intervention in Tanzania: Implications for sexual health. Global Public Health, 15 (4)

(148) Groves A, Gebrekristos L, Reyes HLM, Moodley D, Maman S. (2020) Describing relationship characteristics and postpartum HIV risk among adolescent, young adult and adult women in South Africa. Journal of Adolescent Health. 1-4. doi:

(147) Treves-Kagan S*., Maman S, Khoza N, MacPhail C, Peacock D, Twine R, Kahn K, Lippman SA, and Pettifor A. (2019) Fostering gender equality and alternatives to violence: Perspectives on a gender-transformative community mobilisation programme in rural South Africa. Culture, Health & Sexuality:1-18. doi: 10.1080/13691058.2019.1650397.

(146) Luseno W, Iritani BJ, Maman S, Mbai I, Ongila B, Otieno FA, Hallfors, DD. (2019) If the mother does not know, there is no way she can tell the adolescent to go for drugs”: Challenges in promoting health and preventing transmission among pregnant and parenting Kenyan adolescents living with HIV. Children and Youth Services Review 103 (2019) 100-106.

(145) Pettifor, A. Wamoyi J, Balvanz, P. Gichane, W*. Maman, S. (2019) Cash plus: exploring the mechanisms through which a cash transfer plus financial education program in Tanzania reducing HIV risk for Adolescent Girls and Young Women. Journal of International AIDS Society. 22(S4):e25316.

(145) Hershow R*, Zimba C, Mweemba O, Chibwe K, Phanga, D, Wezzie M, Mutale W, Chi, B, Rosenberg N, Maman, S (2019) Perspectives on HIV partner notification, partner HIV self- testing, and partner home-based HIV testing by pregnant and postpartum women in antenatal settings: a qualitative analysis in Malawi and Zambia. Journal of International AIDS Society.

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(144) Kajula L, Yamanis T, Mulawa M*, Balvanz P, Kilonzo M, Conserve D*, Lambert G, Deusdedth M, Mbwambo J, Maman S. (2019) Engaging Young Men as Community Health Leaders in an STI and Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Trial in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Global Social Welfare. DOI 10.1007/s40609-018-00134-z.

(143) Bhushan, NL, Golin C, McGrath N, Maman S, Tsidya M, Chimndozi, L & Rosenberg NE. (2019). The impact of HIV couple testing and counseling on social support among pregnant women and their partners in Lilongwe, Malawi: an observational study. AIDS Care, 1-8. PMID: 3018273 (142) Ford CE, Coetzee D, Winston J, Chibwesha CJ, Ekouevi DK, Welty TK, Tih PM, Maman S, Stringer EM, Stringer JSA, Chi BH. (2019) Maternal Decision Making and Uptake of Health Services for the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission: A Secondary Analysis. Maternal Child Health J. Jan;23(1):30-38. doi: 10.1007/s10995-018-2588-9. PMID: 30022401 (141) Conserve D*, Kajula L, Kilonzo M, Maman S. Correlates of HIV Self-Testing Willingness Among Ever-Tested and Never-Tested Men: Implications for the Tanzania STEP Project. (2019) AIDS Care. Feb;31(2):169-176. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2018.1537466. Epub 2018 Oct 26.

(140) Flax VL, Chapola J, Mokiwa L, Mofolo I, Swira H, Hosseinipour M, Hoffman IF, Maman, S. (2019) Integrating infant and young child feeding learning sessions into saving groups is feasible and acceptable for HIV-positive and HIV-negative women in Malawi. Maternal and Child Nutrition. PMID: 30516880

(139) Reyes, HLM, Maman S, Groves AK, Moodley D, Chen MS. (2019) A longitudinal study of intimate partner violence and postpartum unsafe sex among newly-diagnosed HIV-infected South African women. AIDS Care. Epub 2018 Dec 6

(138) Bula A*, Kopp DM, Maman S, Chinula L, Tsidya M, Tang JH. (2018). Family planning knowledge, experiences and reproductive desires among women who had experienced a poor obstetric outcome in Lilongwe Malawi: a qualitative study. Contraception and Reproductive Medicine, 3(1), 22. PMCID: PMC6192333

(137) Kopp DM, Bula A* Maman S, Chinula L, Tsidya M, Mwale, M, Tang JH. (2018). Influences on birth spacing intentions and desired interventions among women who have experienced a poor obstetric outcome in Lilongwe Malawi: a qualitative study. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 18(1), 197. PMID: 29855296 PMCID: PMC5984328

(136) Cofie LE, Barrington C, Sodzi-Tettey S, Ennett S, Maman S, Singh K. (2018). A qualitative study of women’s network social support and facility delivery in rural Ghana. PloS One, 13(11), e0206429. PMID: 30399180 PMCID: PMC6219853

(135) Conserve DF*, Muessig KE, Maboko LL, Shirima S, Kilonzo MN, Maman S, Kajula L. (2018). Mate Yako Afya Yako: Formative research to develop the Tanzania HIV self-testing education and promotion (Tanzania STEP) project for men. PloS One, 13(8), e0202521. PMID: 30148846 PMCID: PMC6110473

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(134) Ford CE, Coetzee D, Winston J, Chibwesha CJ, Ekouevi DK, Maman S, Welty TK, Chi BH. (2018). Maternal Decision-Making and Uptake of Health Services for the Prevention of Mother- to-Child HIV Transmission: A Secondary Analysis. Maternal and child health journal, 1-9. PMID: 30022401

(133) Pettifor A, Lippman SA, Gottert A, Suchindran CM, Selin A, Peacock D, Maman S, Tollman S. (2018). Community mobilization to modify harmful gender norms and reduce HIV risk: results from a community cluster randomized trial in South Africa. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 21(7), e25134. PMID: 29972287 PMCID: PMC6058206

(132) Ahmadi S*, Maman S, Zoumenou R, Massougbodji A, Cot M, Glorennec P, Bodeau-Livinec F. (2018). Hunting, Sale, and Consumption of Bushmeat Killed by Lead-Based Ammunition in Benin. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(6). PMID: 29857592 PMCID: PMC6025093

(131) Mulawa M*, Reyes HLM, Foshee VA, Halpern CT, Martin SL, Kajula LJ, Maman S. (2018). Associations between peer network gender norms and the perpetration of intimate partner violence among urban Tanzanian men: a multilevel analysis. Prevention science, 1-10. PMID: 28812448 PMCID: PMC5815961

(130) Salazar-Austin N, Kulich M, Chingono A, Chariyalertsak S, Srithanaviboonchai K, Gray G, Maman S, Mbwambo J. (2018). Age-Related Differences in Socio-demographic and Behavioral Determinants of HIV Testing and Counseling in HPTN 043/NIMH Project Accept. AIDS and behavior, 22(2), 569-579. PMID: 28589504 PMCID: PMC5718984

(129) Hill L*; Kajula L, Maman S. Correlates of Anxiety and Depression among Young Men Living in Dar es Salaam. International Journal of Mental Health and Addition.

(128) Balvanz P, Yamanis T, Mrema N, Mwikoko G, Mulawa M*, Kajula L, Maman S. Microfinance and health interventions: Factors influencing loan repayment success with young men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Global Public Health PMID: 30025502

(127) Conserve D*, Alemu D, Yamanis T, Maman S, Kajula L. “He Told Me to Check My Health”: A Qualitative Exploration of Social Network Influence on Men’s HIV Testing Behavior and HIV Self-Testing Willingness in Tanzania. American Journal of Men’s Health. PMID: 29808781 PMCID: PMC6142152

(126) Groves A, Maman S, Stankard P, Gebrekristos LT, Amon J, Moodley D. Addressing the unique needs of adolescent mothers in the fight against HIV. Journal of the International AIDS Society. PMID: 29956491 PMCID: PMC6024120

(125) Reyes HLM, Maman S, Groves AK, Chen MS, Moodley D. (2018). Patterns of intimate partner violence and emotional distress during pregnancy and postpartum. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. PMID: 29991312 M aman Curriculum Vitae | 8

(124) Chintalapudi N, Hamela G, Mofolo I, Maman S, Hosseinipour MC, Hoffman IF, Flax VL. (2018). Infant and young child feeding decision making and practices: Malawian mothers’ and fathers’ roles in the context of HIV. Journal of Human Lactation, 34(1), 68-76. PMID: 28841399

(123) Mulawa M*, Kajula LJ, Maman S. (2018). Peer network influence on intimate partner violence perpetration among urban Tanzanian men. Culture, health & sexuality, 20(4), 474-488. PMID: 28812448

(122) Mulawa M*, Yamanis N, Kajula L, Balvanz P, Maman S. (2018) Structural Network Position and Performance of Health Leaders Within an HIV Prevention Trial. AIDS and Behavior. DOI: 10.1007/s10461-018-2126-1 (105). PMID: 29705931 PMCID: PMC6076845

(121) Croffut SE, Hamela G, Mofolo I. Maman S, Hosseinpour MC, Hoffman IF, Bentley M, F, Flax V. (2018) HIV-positive Malawian women with young children prefer overweight body sizes and link underweight body size with inability to exclusively breastfeed. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 14 (1). PMID: 28296240

(120) Maise HC, Moodley D, Sebitloane M, Maman S, Sartorius B. (2018). Prevalence, risk factors, and pregnancy outcomes of cervical cell abnormalities in the puerperium in a hyperendemic HIV setting. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 140(1), 105-110. PMCID: PMC5718951

(119) Cofie LE, Barrington C, Singh K, Sodzi-Tettey S, Ennett S, Maman S. (2017). Structural and functional network characteristics and facility delivery among women in rural Ghana. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 17(1), 425. PMCID: PMC5735796

(118) Moodley, D., Sartorius, B., Madurai, S., Chetty, V., & Maman, S. (2017). Pregnancy outcomes in association with STDs including genital HSV-2 shedding in a South African cohort study. Sex Transm Infect, sextrans-2017. PMID: 28396556

(117) Conserve DF*, Teti M, Shin G, Iwelunmor J, Handler L, Maman S. (2017). A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis of Interventions for Parental Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disclosure. Frontiers in public health, 5, 187. PMCID: PMC5545755

(116) Rosenberg NE, Graybill LA, Wesevich A, McGrath N, Golin CE, Maman S, Hosseinipour MC. (2017). The impact of couple HIV testing and counseling on consistent condom use among pregnant women and their male partners: an observational study. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 75(4), 417-425. PMCID: PMC5493523

(115) Rosenberg NE, Gross R, Mtande T, Maman S, Golin CE, Saidi F, Miller WC. (2017). “We have heard it together”: a qualitative analysis of couple HIV testing and counselling recruitment in Malawi’s Option B+ programme. African Journal of AIDS Research, 16(3), 215-223. PMCID: PMC6103295

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(114) Jennings L, Conserve DF*, Merrill J, Kajula L, Iwelunmor J, Linnemayr S, Maman S. (2017). Perceived Cost Advantages and Disadvantages of Purchasing HIV Self-Testing Kits among Urban Tanzanian Men: An Inductive Content Analysis. Journal of AIDS & clinical research, 8(8). PMCID: PMC5645025

(113) Flax VL*, Hamela G, Mofolo I, Hosseinipour MC, Hoffman IF, Maman S. (2017). Factors influencing postnatal Option B+ participation and breastfeeding duration among HIV-positive women in Lilongwe District, Malawi: A qualitative study. PloS one, 12(4), e0175590. PMCID: PMC5391929

(112) Hill LM*, Gottert A, MacPhail C, Rebombo D, Twine R, Kahn K, Maman S. (2017). Understanding men’s networks and perceptions of leadership to promote HIV testing and treatment in Agincourt, South Africa. Global Public Health, 1-11. PMID: 29271296 PMCID: PMC6126537

(111) Hill LM*, Abler L*, Maman S, Twine R, Kahn K, MacPhail C, Pettifor A. (2017). Hope, the Household Environment, and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Young Women in Rural South Africa (HPTN 068). AIDS and Behavior, 1-11.

(110) Rosenberg N, Graybill L, Wesevich A, McGrath, N. Golin, C. Maman S, Tsidya M, Chimndozi, L, Hoffman I, Hosseinpour M, Miller W. (2017). Individual, Partner, and Couple Predictors of HIV Infection among Pregnant Women in Malawi: A Case–Control Study. AIDS and Behavior, 1-12. PMID: 29086117 PMCID: PMC5927853

(109) Luseno W, Iritani B, Zietz S*, Maman S, Mbai II, Otieno F, Ongili B, & Halfors DD. (2017). Experiences along the HIV care continuum: perspectives of Kenyan adolescents and caregivers. African Journal of AIDS Research, 16(3), 241-250. PMID: 28978294 PMCID: PMC6138248

(108) Fleming PF, Barrington C, Maman S, Lerebours L, Donastorg Y, Brito MO. (2017). Competition and Humiliation: How Masculine Norms Shape Men’s Sexual and Violent Behaviors. Men and Masculinities, 1097184X17715493.

(107) Gottert A, Barrington C, McNaughton-Reyes HL, Maman S, MacPhail C, Lippman S, Kahn K, Twine R, Pettifor A. (2017). Gender norms, gender role conflict/stress and HIV risk behaviors among men in Mpumalanga, South Africa. AIDS and Behavior, 1-12. PMID: 28161801

(106) Treves-Kagan S.*, El Ayadi A, Pettifor A, MacPhail, C., Twine R, Maman S, Peacock D, Kahn K, Lippman S. A. (2017). Gender, HIV testing and stigma: the association of HIV testing behaviors and community-level and individual-level stigma in rural South Africa differ for men and women. AIDS and Behavior, 21(9), 2579-2588. PMID: 28058565 PMCID: PMC5498263

(105) Conserve, DF*, Jennings L, Aguiar C, Shin G, Handler L, Maman S. (2017). Systematic review of mobile health behavioural interventions to improve uptake of HIV testing for vulnerable and key populations. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 23(2), 347-359. PMCID: PMC5102818

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(104) Chi B, Rosenberg N, Mweemba O, Powers KA, Zimba C, Maman S, Kasaro M, Mollan K, Stringer JSA, Mutale W. (2017) Involving both parents in HIV prevention during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. PMID: 29403103 PMCID: PMC5791874

(103) Hill L*, Moody J, Gottfredson NC, Kajula L, Pence BW, Go VF, Maman S. (2017) Peer Norms Moderate the Association between Mental Health and Sexual Risk Behaviors among young men living in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Social Science and Medicine, 196, 77-85. PMCID: PMC5768456

(102) Hill L*, Gottfredson NC, Kajula L, Pence BW, Go VF, Moody J, Maman S. (2017) Changes in Anxiety and Depression Symptoms Predict Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Young Men Living in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. AIDS and Behavior, 1-11. PMID: 29168066

(101) Groves AK*, Reyes, HLM, Maman S, Moodley D. (2017) HIV positive diagnosis during pregnancy increases risk of IPV Postpartum among women with no history of IPV in their relationship. AIDS and Behavior, 1-8. PMCID: PMC5783794

(100) Masters SA, Agot K, Obonyo B, Mavedzenge S, Maman S, Thirumurthy H. (2016) Promoting Partner Testing and Couples Testing through Secondary Distribution of HIV Self-Tests: A Randomized Clinical Trial. PLoS Med 13(11): e1002166. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1002166. PMC5100966

(99) Maman S, Murray KR, Mavedzenge SN, Oluoch L, Sjenje F, Agot, K, Thirumurthy H. A qualitative study of secondary distribution of HIV self-test kits by female sex workers in Kenya, PloS One, March 27, 2017. PMCID: PMC5367822

(98) Lippman S, Neilands T, MacPhail C, Peacock D, Maman S, Rebombo D, Twine R, Selin A, Leslie H, Kahn K, Pettifor A. Community Mobilization for HIV Testing Uptake: Results From a Community Randomized Trial of a Theory-Based Intervention in Rural South Africa, JAIDS, 74(Suppl 1): SS44-S51. PMCID: PMC5147031

(97) Mouw S*, Counts J, Fordham F, Francis M, Bach L, Maman S, Proeschodbell S. (2016). Assessing Injury and Violence Prevention in North Carolina’s Local Health Departments. North Carolina Medical Journal, 77(5): 308-313. PMCID: PMC5022790

(96) Mulawa M*, Yamanis T, Balvanz P, Kajula LJ, Maman, S. (2016) Comparing perceptions with actual reports of close friend's HIV testing behavior among urban Tanzanian men. AIDS and Behavior, 1-9. PMCID: PMC4985503

(95) Gottert A, Barrington C, Pettifor A, McNaughton-Reyes, HL, Maman S, MacPhail C, Kahn K, Selin A, Twine R, Lippman S. (2016) Measuring men’s gender norms and gender role conflict/stress in a high HIV-prevalence South African setting. AIDS and Behavior, 1-11. (91). PMID: 27209467

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(94) Hill L*, Maman S, Kilonzo MN, Kajula LJ. (2016) Anxiety and depression strongly associated with sexual risk behaviors among networks of young men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. AIDS Care, 1-7. PMCID: PMC5831361

(93) Yamanis T*, Dervisevic E, Mulawa M*, Conserve D*, Barrington C, Kajula L, Maman S. (2016) Social Network Influences on HIV Testing among Urban Men in Tanzania. AIDS and Behavior, 1-12. PMCID: PMC5665681

(92) Abler L*, Hill L*, Maman S, DeVellis R, Twine R, Kahn K, MacPhail C, Pettifor A. (2016) Hope Matters: Developing and Validating a Measure of Future Expectations Among Young Women in a High HIV Prevalence Setting In Rural South Africa (HPTN 068). AIDS and Behavior, 1-11. PMCID: PMC5626443

(91) King E*, Wagman J, Maman S. (2016) Addressing intimate partner violence among female clients accessing HIV testing and counseling services: Pilot testing tools in Rakai, Uganda. Violence against Women, 1-13. PMID: 27586170

(90) Lippman SA, Nielands TB, Leslie HH, Maman S, MacPhail C, Twine R, Peacock D, Kahn K, Pettifor A. (2016) Development, Validation, and Performance of a Scale to Measure Community Mobilization. Social Science and Medicine; 157: 127-137. PMID: 27085071

(89) Maman S, Groves AK*, Reyes HLM, Moodley D. (2016). Diagnosis and disclosure of HIV status: Implications for women’s risk of physical partner violence in the postpartum period Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (1999). PMCID: PMC4942348

(88) Thirumurthy H, Masters S, Mavedzenge SN, Maman S, Omanga E, Agot K. (2016) Promoting male partner testing and safer sexual decision-making through secondary distribution of HIV self-tests by HIV-uninfected female sex workers and women receiving antenatal and postpartum care in Kenya: a cohort study. Lancet HIV 3(6) e266-e274.

(87) Kajula L, Balvanz P, Kilonzo MN, Mwikoko G, Yamanis T*, Mulawa M*, Kajuna D, Hill L, Conserve D, Reyes HLM, Leatherman S, Singh B, Maman S. (2016) Vijana Vijiweni II: a cluster-randomized trial to evaluate the efficacy of a microfinance and peer health leadership intervention for HIV and intimate partner violence prevention among social networks of young men in Dar es Salaam. BMC public health 16.1. PMCID: PMC4738785

(86) Flax V*, Hamela G, Mofolo, I, Hosseinipour M, Hoffman I, Maman S. (2016) Infant and young child feeding and counseling practices among HIV-infected women in Malawi’s Option B+ prevention of mother-to-child transmission program: a mixed methods study. AIDS and Behavior: 1-9. PMCID: PMC5361406

(85) Mulawa M*, Yamanis T, Hill L, Balvanz P, Kajula LJ, Maman S. (2016) Evidence of social network influence on multiple HIV risk behaviors and normative beliefs among young Tanzanian men. Social Science & Medicine. Feb 2. PMCID: PMC4788532.

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(84) Mulawa M*, Kajula LJ, Yamanis T, Balvanz P, Kilonzo MN, Maman S.(2016) Perpetration and victimization of intimate partner violence among young men and women in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1-26. PMCID: PMC4956596

(83) Hill L*, Maman S, Holness D. Moodley D. (2016) Legal knowledge, needs and assistance seeking among HIV positive and negative women in Umlazi South Africa. BMC International Health and Human Rights 16: 1. PMCID: PMC4722747

(82) King E*, Maman S, Dudina VI, Moracco KE, Bowling JM. (2015) Motivators and Barriers to HIV Testing among Street-based Female Sex Workers in St. Petersburg, Russia. Global Public Health, 1-16. PMCID: PMC6173944

(81) Maman, S, Kajula, L, Balvanz P, Kilonzo MN, Mulawa M*, Yamanis T. (2015) Leveraging strong social ties among young men in Dar es Salaam: A pilot intervention of microfinance and peer leadership for HIV and gender-based violence prevention. Global Public Health, 1-14. PMCID:PMC4874913.

(80) Pettifor A; Lippman S; Selin A, Peacock D, Maman S, et al. (2015) A cluster randomized- controlled trial of a community mobilization intervention to change gender norms and reduce HIV risk in rural South Africa: study design and intervention. BMC Public Health. PMCID: PMC4527273

(79) Conserve D*, Groves AK*, Maman S. (2015) Effectiveness of interventions promoting HIV serostatus disclosure to sexual partners: A Systematic Review. AIDS and Behavior: 1-10.

(78) Hill L*, Maman S, Groves AK*, Moodley D. (2015) Social Support Among HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Adolescents in Umlazi, South Africa: Changes in Family and Partner Relationships During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. May 17;15:117. PMCID:PMC4437750

(77) Gottert A*, Jacquin K, Ravaivondrafahitra B, Moracco K, Maman S. (2015) Interpersonal influences on women’s decision making about intrauterine device use in Madagascar. Contraception. Apr;91(4):289-94. doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2015.01.014.

(76) Huang YY, Muessig K, Maman S, Suming P. (2015) Unpacking the ‘Structural’ in a Structural Approach for HIV Prevention among Female Sex Workers: A Case Study from China. Global Public Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, Mar 5:1-15. PMCID: PMC4509851.

(75) Moodley D, Moodley P, Sebitloan M, Soowamber D, McNaughton-Reyes L, Groves AK*, Maman, S. (2015) High Prevalence and Incidence of Asymptomatic Sexually Transmitted Infections during Pregnancy and Post Delivery in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa . Sexually Transmitted Infections. Jan;42(1):43-7.

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(74) Marlow H*, Maman S, Moodley D, Curtis S, Reyes, HLM. (2015) HIV status and post-partum contraceptive use in an antenatal population in Durban, South Africa. Contraception. Jan; 91(1):39-43. PMCID:PMC4267976

(73) Groves AK*, Moodley D, McNaughton-Reyes H, Martin S, Foshee V, Maman S. (2015) Prevalence and rates of intimate partner violence among South African women during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Maternal and Child Health. Mar;19(3):487-95. PMCID:PMC4254902

(72) Groves AK,* Reyes HLM, Foshee V, Moodley D, Maman S. (2014) Relationship factors and trajectories of intimate partner violence among South African women during pregnancy and the postpartum period. PLoS ONE. Sep 30;9(9):e106829. PMCID:PMC4182034

(71) Coates TJ, Kulich M, Celentano DD, Zelaya CE, Chariyalertsak S, et al and NIMH Project Accept (HPTN 043) study team (Member of study team). (2014) Effect of community-based voluntary counselling and testing on HIV incidence and social and behavioural outcomes (NIMH Project Accept; HPTN 043): a cluster-randomised trial. Lancet Global Health. May;2(5):e267- 77. PMCID:PMC4131207

(70) Maman S, Reyes HLM, Groves AK*, Moodley P, Kagee A, Moodley D. (2014) Efficacy of enhanced HIV counseling for risk reduction during pregnancy and in the postpartum period: A randomized controlled trial. PLoS ONE, 2014 May 13;9(5):e97092. PMC4019645

(69) Parker L*, Pettifor A, Maman, S, Sibeko J, MacPhail C. (2014) Concerns about partner infidelity are a barrier to adoption of HIV-prevention strategies among young South African couples. Culture, Health and Sexuality. 16(7):792-805. doi: 10.1080/13691058.2014.905707

(68) Mupenda B, Duvall S, Maman S, Pettifor A, Holub C*, Taylor E, et al. (2014) Terms Used for People Living With HIV in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Qualitative Health Research 2014:1049732313519869

(67) Muessig KE, Smith MK, Maman S, Huang Y, Chen X-S. (2014) Advancing the Prevention Agenda for HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections in South China: Social Science Research to Inform Effective Public Health Interventions. AIDS and Behavior 2014:1-10. PMCID: PMC3982310

(66) Maman S, van Rooyen H, Stankard P*, Chingono A, Muravha T, Ntogwisangu J, et al. (2014) NIMH Project Accept (HPTN 043): Results from In-Depth Interviews with a Longitudinal Cohort of Community Members. PLoS ONE 2014;9(1):e87091. PMCID: PMC3906114

(65) Maman S, van Rooyen H, Groves AK*. HIV status disclosure to families for social support in South Africa (NIMH Project Accept/HPTN 043). (2014) AIDS Care 2014;26(2):226-232. PMCID:PMC4074900

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(64) Isler MR*, Eng E, Maman S, Adimora A, Weiner B. (2014) Public health and church-based constructions of HIV prevention: black Baptist perspective. Health Education Research 2014:cyu006.

(63) Henderson G, Maman S, Huang Y, Muessig K, Pan S. (2014) Social contexts of heterosexual transmission of HIV/STI in Liuzhou City, China. AIDS and Behavior 2014:1-7. PMCID: PMC4138215

(62) Marlow HM*, Maman S, Moodley D, Curtis S. (2014) Postpartum Family Planning Service Provision in Durban, South Africa: Client and Provider Perspectives. Health Care for Women International. Feb;35(2):175-99. PMCID:PMC4083758

(61) Lancaster K, Lipman S, Maman S, Kahn K, MacPhail C, Pettifor A. (2013) Hazardous alcohol consumption and sexual partner concurrency among adults in rural South Africa. Sexually transmitted infections, 89; A309-A310.

(60) Yamanis T*, Doherty IA, Weir SS, Bowling JM, Kajula LJ, Mbwambo JK, Maman S. (2013) From Coitus to Concurrency: Sexual Partnership Characteristics and Risk Behaviors of 15–19 Year Old Men Recruited from Urban Venues in Tanzania. AIDS and Behavior 2013;17(7):2405- 2415. PMCID: PMC3560321

(59) Rosenberg NE*, Westreich D, Bärnighausen T, Miller WC, Behets F, Maman S, et al. (2013) Assessing the effect of HIV counselling and testing on HIV acquisition among South African youth. AIDS 2013;27(17):2765-2773.

(58) Rosenberg NE*, Pettifor AE, Bruyn GD, Westreich D, Delany-Moretlwe S, Behets F, Maman S. (2013) HIV testing and counseling leads to immediate consistent condom use among South African stable HIV-discordant couples. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes 2013;62(2):226. PMCID: PMC3548982

(57) Parker *L, Maman S, Pettifor A, Chalachala JL, Edmonds A, Golin CE, et al. (2013) Barriers to Provider-Delivered Sexual Behavior Counseling for Youth Living with HIV/AIDS in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services 2013;12(3-4):294- 313.

(56) Parker L*, Maman S, Pettifor A, Chalachala J, Edmonds A, Golin C, et al. (2013) Adaptation of a US evidence-based Positive Prevention intervention for youth living with HIV/AIDS in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Evaluation and Program Planning 2013;36(1):124-135.

(55) Parker L*, Maman S, Pettifor A, Chalachala J, Edmonds A, Golin C, et al. (2013) Feasibility Analysis of an Evidence-Based Positive Prevention Intervention for Youth Living With HIV/AIDS in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. AIDS Education and Prevention: 2013;25(2):135. PMCID: PMC3777231

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(54) Lippman SA, Maman S, MacPhail C, Twine R, Peacock D, Kahn K, et al. (2013) Conceptualizing community mobilization for HIV prevention: implications for HIV prevention programming in the African context. PloS ONE;8(10). PMCID: PMC3795620

(53) King EJ*, Maman S, Wyckoff SC, Pierce MW, Groves AK*. (2013) HIV testing for pregnant women: A rights-based analysis of national policies. Global Public Health 2013;8(3):326-341.

(52) King EJ*, Maman S, Bowling JM, Moracco KE, Dudina V. (2013) The Influence of Stigma and Discrimination on Female Sex Workers’ Access to HIV Services in St. Petersburg, Russia. AIDS and Behavior 2013;17(8):2597-2603.

(51) King E*J, Maman S. (2013) Structural Barriers to Receiving Health Care Services for Female Sex Workers in Russia. Qualitative Health Research 2013;23(8):1079-1088.

(50) Chariyeva Z, Golin CE, Earp JA, Maman S, Suchindran C, Zimmer C. (2013) The role of self- efficacy and motivation to explain the effect of motivational interviewing time on changes in risky sexual behavior among people living with HIV: a mediation analysis. AIDS and Behavior 2013;17(2):813-823.

(49) Kawichai S, Celentano D, Srithanviboonchai K, et al. (Maman included on study team) (2012) NIMH Project Accept (HTPN 043): HIV/AIDS Community Moboization to Promote Mobile HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing (MVCT) in Rural Communities in Northern Thailand: Modifications by Experience. AIDS and Behavior, 16(5): 1227-1237.

(48) Pettifor A, MacPhail C, Anderson AD, Maman S. (2012) ‘If I buy the Kellogg's then he should [buy] the milk’: young women's perspectives on relationship dynamics, gender power and HIV risk in Johannesburg, South Africa. Culture, Health & Sexuality 2012;14(5):477-490. PMCID: PMC3570821

(47) Marlow HM*, Maman S, Groves AK,* Moodley D. (2012) Fertility intent and contraceptive decision-making among HIV positive and negative antenatal clinic attendees in Durban, South Africa. Health Care for Women International 2012;33(4):342-358. PMCID:PMC4083738

(46) Maman S, Cathcart R*, Burkhardt G, Omba S, Thompson D, Behets F. (2012) The infant feeding choices and experiences of women living with HIV in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. AIDS care 2012;24(2):259-265.

(45) Huang Y, Maman S, Pan S. (2012) Understanding the diversity of male clients of sex workers in China and the implications for HIV prevention programmes. Global Public Health 2012;7(5):509-521.

(44) Groves AK*, Maman S, Moodley D. HIV+ women's narratives of non-disclosure: Resisting the label of immorality. Global Public Health 2012;7(8):799-811. PMCID:PMC4083735

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(43) Groves AK*, Kagee A, Maman S, Moodley D, Rouse P. (2012) Associations between intimate partner violence and emotional distress among pregnant women in Durban, South Africa. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 2012;27(7):1341-1356. PMCID: PMC4074898

(42) Sweat M, Morin S, Celentano D, et al. (Maman is member of Study Team). (2011) Community- based intervention to increase HIV testing and case detection in people aged 16-32 in Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Thailand (NIMH Project Accept, HPTN 043): a randomized trial. Lancet Infectious Diseases, 11 (7): 525-532.

(41) Watt MH*, Aronin EH, Maman S, Thielman N, Laiser J, John M. (2011) Acceptability of a group intervention for initiates of antiretroviral therapy in Tanzania. Global Public Health 2011;6(4):433-446. PMCID: PMC3530384

(40) Vaz LM*, Maman S, Eng E, Barbarin OA, Tshikandu T, Behets F.(2011) Patterns of disclosure of HIV-status to infected children in a sub-Saharan African setting. Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics: JDBP 2011. PMCID: PMC3128187

(39) Pierce MW, Maman S, Groves AK*, King EJ*, Wyckoff SC*. (2011) Testing public health ethics: why the CDC's HIV screening recommendations may violate the least infringement principle. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 2011;39(2):263-271.

(38) Mindry D, Maman S, Chirowodza A, Muravha T, van Rooyen H, Coates T. (2011) Looking to the future: South African men and women negotiating HIV risk and relationship intimacy. Culture, Health & Sexuality 2011;13(05):589-602. PMCID: PMC3071520

(37) Maman S, Moodley D, Groves AK*. (2011) Defining Male Support During and After Pregnancy From the Perspective of HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Women in Durban, South Africa. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 2011;56(4):325-331. PMCID: PMC3137135

(36) Chariyeva Z, Colaco R, Maman S. HIV risk perceptions, knowledge and behaviours among female sex workers in two cities in Turkmenistan. Global Public Health 2011;6(2):181-192.

(35) Yamanis T*, Maman S, Mbwambo JK, Earp JAE, Kajula LJ. Social venues that protect against and promote HIV risk for young men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Social Science & Medicine 2010;71(9):1601-1609. PMCID: PMC2952658

(34) Watt MH*, Maman S, Golin CE, Earp JA, Eng E, Bangdiwala SI, et al. Factors associated with self-reported adherence to antiretroviral therapy in a Tanzanian setting. AIDS Care 2010;22(3):381-389. PMCID: PMC3534771

(33) Vaz LM*, Eng E, Maman S, Tshikandu T, Behets F. Telling children they have HIV: lessons learned from findings of a qualitative study in sub-Saharan Africa. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 2010;24(4):247-256. PMCID: PMC2864057

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(32) Torrone EA*, Thomas JC, Maman S, Pettifor AE, Kaufman JS, Sena AC, et al. Risk behavior disclosure during HIV test counseling. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 2010;24(9):551-561. PMCID: PMC2957626

(31) Maman S, Yamanis T,* Kouyoumdjian F, Watt M, Mbwambo J. Intimate partner violence and the association with HIV risk behaviors among young men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 2010;25(10):1855-1872.

(30) Linnan LA, Steckler A, Maman S, Ellenson M, French E, Blanchard L, et al. Engaging key stakeholders to assess and improve the professional preparation of MPH health educators. American Journal of Public Health 2010;100(10). PMCID: PMC2936989

(29) Groves AK*, Maman S, Msomi S, Makhanya N, Moodley D. The complexity of consent: women's experiences testing for HIV at an antenatal clinic in Durban, South Africa. AIDS Care 2010;22(5):538-544. PMCID: PMC2992088

(28) Fisher EB, Earp JA, Maman S, Zolotor A. Cross-cultural and international adaptation of peer support for diabetes management. Family Practice 2010;27(suppl 1):i6-i16.

(27) Barsdorf N*, Maman S, Kass N, Slack C. Access to treatment in HIV prevention trials: perspectives from a South African community. Developing World Bioethics 2010;10(2):78-87. PMCID: PMC2891264

(26) Watt MH*, Maman S, Jacobson M, Laiser J, John M. Missed opportunities for religious organizations to support people living with HIV/AIDS: findings from Tanzania. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 2009;23(5):389-394. PMC3521158

(25) Watt MH*, Maman S, Earp JA, Eng E, Setel PW, Golin CE, et al. “It's all the time in my mind”: Facilitators of adherence to antiretroviral therapy in a Tanzanian setting. Social Science & Medicine 2009;68(10):1793-1800. PMCID: PMC3530387

(24) Maman S, Lane T, Ntogwisangu J, Modiba P, Vanrooyen H, Timbe A, et al. Using Participatory Mapping to Inform a Community-Randomized Trial of HIV Counseling and Testing. Field Methods 2009;21(4):368-387. NIHMSID #594307

(23) Maman S, Cathcart R*, Burkhardt G, Omba S, Behets F. The role of religion in HIV-positive women's disclosure experiences and coping strategies in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Social Science & Medicine 2009;68(5):965-970.

(22) Maman S, Abler L*, Parker L*, Lane T, Chirowodza A, Ntogwisangu J, et al. A comparison of HIV stigma and discrimination in five international sites: the influence of care and treatment resources in high prevalence settings. Social Science & Medicine 2009;68(12):2271-2278. PMCID: PMC2696587

(21) Genberg BL, Hlavka Z, Konda KA, Maman S, Chariyalertsak S, Chingono A, et al. A comparison of HIV/AIDS-related stigma in four countries: Negative attitudes and perceived acts M aman Curriculum Vitae | 18

of discrimination towards people living with HIV/AIDS. Social Science & Medicine 2009;68(12):2279-2287. PMCID: PMC4029331

(20) Maman S, King E*. Changes in HIV testing policies and the implications for women. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 2008;53(3):195-201.

(19) Khumalo-Sakutukwa G, Morin SF, Fritz K, Charlebois ED, van Rooyen H, Chingono A, et al. NIMH Project Accept Study Team (HPTN 043) (Maman included on Study Team). Project Accept (HPTN 043): a community-based intervention to reduce HIV incidence in populations at risk for HIV in sub-Saharan Africa and Thailand. JAIDS (1999) 2008;49(4):422. PMC2664736

(18) Groves AK*, Pierce MW, Maman S. Questioning mandatory HIV testing during pregnancy. American Journal of Public Health 2008;98(2):196.

(17) Genberg BL, Kulich M, Kawichai S, Modiba P, Chingono A, Kilonzo GP, et al. NIMH Project Accept Study Team (HPTN 043) (Maman included on Study Team). HIV risk behaviors in sub- Saharan Africa and Northern Thailand: baseline behavioral data from Project Accept. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2008;49(3):309. PMCID: PMC2643066

(16) Mittman IS*, Bowie JV, Maman S. Exploring the discourse between genetic counselors and Orthodox Jewish community members related to reproductive genetic technology. Patient Education and Counseling 2007;65(2):230-236.

(15) Maman S, Moodley D, Groves AK*, Smith E. Integrating health, psychosocial and legal support for pregnant women in South Africa. HIV/AIDS Policy & Law review/Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network 2007;12(2-3):61-63.

(14) Maganja RK, Maman S, Groves AK*, Mbwambo JK. Skinning the goat and pulling the load: transactional sex among youth in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. AIDS Care 2007;19(8):974-981.

(13) Hyder AA, Maman S, Nyoni JE, Khasiani SA, Teoh N, Premji Z, et al. The pervasive triad of food security, gender inequity and women's health: exploratory research from sub-Saharan Africa. African Health Sciences 2007;5(4):328-334. PMCID: PMC1831953

(12) Hyder AA, Harrison RA, Kass N, Maman S. A case study of research ethics capacity development in Africa. Academic Medicine 2007;82(7):675-683.

(11) Olin J, Kokolamami J, Lepira FB, Mwandagalirwa K, Mupenda B, Ndongala ML, Maman S. et al. Community preparedness for HIV vaccine trials in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Culture, Health & Sexuality 2006;8(6):529-544.

(10) Kass NE, Maman S, Atkinson J. Motivations, understanding, and voluntariness in international randomized trials. IRB 2005;27(6):1. PMCID: PMC3099429

(9) Medley A*, Garcia-Moreno C, McGill S, Maman S. Rates, barriers and outcomes of HIV serostatus disclosure among women in developing countries: implications for prevention of M aman Curriculum Vitae | 19

mother-to-child transmission programmes. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2004;82(4):299-307. PMCID: PMC2585956

(8) Lary H*, Maman S, Katebalila M, Mbwambo J. Exploring the association between HIV and violence: young people's experiences with infidelity, violence and forced sex in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. International Family Planning Perspectives 2004;30(4).

(7) Maman S, Mbwambo JK, Hogan NM, Weiss E, Kilonzo GP, Sweat MD. High rates and positive outcomes of HIV-serostatus disclosure to sexual partners: reasons for cautious optimism from a voluntary counseling and testing clinic in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. AIDS and Behavior 2003;7(4):373-382.

(6) Maman S, Mbwambo JK, Hogan NM, Kilonzo GP, Campbell JC, Weiss E, et al. HIV-positive women report more lifetime partner violence: findings from a voluntary counseling and testing clinic in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. American Journal of Public Health 2002;92(8):1331-1337. PMCID: PMC1447239

(5) Maman S, Mbwambo J, Hogan N, Kilonzo G, Sweat M. Women's barriers to HIV-1 testing and disclosure: challenges for HIV-1 voluntary counselling and testing. AIDS care 2001;13(5):595- 603.

(4) Burke JG, Gielen AC, McDonnell KA, O'campo P, Maman S. The Process of Ending Abuse in Intimate Relationships A Qualitative Exploration of the Transtheoretical Model. Violence Against Women 2001;7(10):1144-1163.

(3) Maman S, Campbell J, Sweat MD, Gielen AC. The intersections of HIV and violence: directions for future research and interventions. Social Science & Medicine 2000;50(4):459-478.

(2) Moss W, Bentley M, Maman S, Ayuko D, Egessah O, Sweat M, Nyarang'o P, Zenilman; J, Chemtai A, Halsey N. Foundations for effective strategies to control sexually transmitted infections: voices from rural Kenya. AIDS Care 1999;11(1):95-113.

(1) Muroki NM, Maritim GK, Karuri EG, Tolong HK, Imungi JK, Kogi-Makau W, Maman, S. Involving rural Kenyan women in the development of nutritionally improved weaning foods: Nutribusiness strategy. Journal of Nutrition Education 1997;29 (6):335-342.


American World Health Organization. University of North Carolina. Keynote address for annual conference. April, 2021.

American Public Health Association, Committee on Women’s Health. Panel on HIV and Violence. Engaging social networks of young men in violence prevention through microfinace and peer health leadership. October, 2020 (remote only).

M aman Curriculum Vitae | 20

National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Forum on Violence Prevention. Workshop on Interpersonal violence and co-occurring epidemics. Preventing violence in the context of opioid misuse, suicide, social disparities and HIV. Washington, DC. May 16-17, 2019.

National Institutes for Mental Health, IAPAC Adherence Conference, Panel on Addressing Violence across the HIV Care Continuum. Miami, FL June 7-9, 2018

UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, Dean’s reception for Dennis and Mireil Gillings. Chapel Hill, NC. Microfinance and Health. May 6, 2016.

Research Triangle Institute, Durham, NC. Ending Gender Inequalities: Addressing the Nexus of HIV, Drug Use, and Violence with Evidence-based Action. Adapting, Monitoring, and Evaluating Evidence-based Interventions: Using Mixed-Method Approaches. April 13, 2016.

Duke Global Health Institute. Durham, NC. Identifying and leveraging men’s social networks to prevent HIV and violence in Tanzania. February 29, 2016.

Duke University Medical School. Durham, NC. Health Disparities and Global Health Symposium. Reducing risk and enhancing support for HIV positive and HIV negative pregnant and postpartum women in South Africa. December 16, 2015.

Johns Hopkins University, Center for AIDS Research. Baltimore, MD. Social and Behavioral Sciences Meeting. Identifying and leveraging social networks of men to prevent HIV and violence in Tanzania. October, 9-30, 2015.

National Institute for Mental Health/US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)/Office of AIDS Research. Bethesda, MD. Risk of Age and Injury in HIV susceptibility. Intersection of intimate partner violence and HIV in the global context. September 15-16, 2015

UNAIDS. , . Expert Meeting on the Criminalisation of HIV Non-disclosure, Exposure and Transmission. Women’s Experiences with HIV Status Disclosure. A public health perspective. September, 2011.

UNC Infectious Disease Seminar. Chapel Hill, NC. Microfinance as an HIV prevention strategy for High Risk Networks of Young Men. May, 2010.

WHO Department of Reproductive Health & Research. Geneva, Switzerland. Women’s experiences with HIV status Disclosure during Pregnancy. May, 2010.

Nelson Mandela School of Medicine, Durban, South Africa. Department of Women’s Health. Women’s Experiences with HIV Status Disclosure: Implications for HIV prevention, care and treatment. July, 2009.

Soros Foundation. City, Mexico. Human Rights and HIV/AIDS. The intersection of HIV and gender-based violence among women in Africa. August, 2008. Guggenheim Foundation, Madrid Spain. Social Context of Sexual Risk and Violence among adolescents in Dar es Salaam. November, 2007. M aman Curriculum Vitae | 21

PRESENTATIONS (Refereed presentations) * Denotes students who were either my Advisee or Research Assistant.

(58) Moderated panel on The Gillings School multidisciplinary response to the COVID-19 pandemic. December, 2020.

(57) Wamoyi, J, Balvanz, P. Gichane, W, Maman, S, Pettifor, A. Cash plus: exploring the mechanisms through which a cash transfer plus financial education program in Tanzania reduce HIV risk for Adolescent Girls and Young Women. AIDS Impact, July 29-31, 2019. , U.K.

(56) Balvanz P., Wamoyi J., Atkins K., Pettifor A., Maman S. Engaging young Tanzanian women in participatory research to understand structural drivers of HIV and disseminate results to the community. Accepted for poster presentation at the 22nd International AIDS Conference, Amsterdam, the , July 2018.

(55) Atkins K., Wamoyi J., Balvanz P., Maman S., Pettifor A. Understanding the influence of a conditional cash transfer on sexual behavior among adolescent girls and young women in Northwestern Tanzania. Accepted for poster presentation at the 22nd International AIDS Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July 2018.

(54) Balvanz, P., Yamanis, T., Mulawa, M., Mwikoko, G., Kajuna, D., Kajula, L., Leatherman, S., Maman, S. Are young, urban men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania viable targets for microfinance loans? Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association, Atlanta, GA. November 2017

(53) Mulawa, M.*, Yamanis, T.J., Kajula, L., Maman S. Structural network position and performance of popular opinion health leaders within an HIV prevention trial in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Oral presentation at the 2017 Sunbelt conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis in Beijing, China. June 2017

(52) Sparks, A., Brancu, M., Gierisch, J., Stewart, M., Maman, S., & Straits-Troster, K. Understanding how OEF/OIF Veterans Conceptualize Health During and After Military Service. Poster Presentation at the Society for Behavioral Medicine Conference. San Diego, CA. May 29- April 1, 2017.

(51) Mulawa M., Yamanis T., Hill L., Balvanz P., Kajula L., Maman S. Evidence of social network influence on multiple HIV risk behaviors and normative beliefs among young Tanzanian men. Ending Gender Inequalities, Chapel Hill, NC. April 2016.

(50) Mulawa M.*, Yamanis T., Balvanz P, Kajula L., Maman M. Comparing perceptions with actual reports of close friend’s HIV testing behavior among urban Tanzanian men. Ending Gender Inequalities, Chapel Hill, NC. April 2016

M aman Curriculum Vitae | 22

(49) Groves A*, Moodley D, McNaughton-Reyes HL, Maman S. HIV+ diagnoses during pregnancy increases risk of IPV postpartum among women with no history of IPV in their relationship. Oral presentation at IAS meeting in Durban, South Africa, July, 2016.

(48) Moodley D, Maman S, Madurai, L, Moodley P, Sartorius B. Genital HSV-2 Shedding in Pregnancy: Implications for HIV Acquisition and Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV. Poster presentation at IAS meeting in Durban, South Africa. July, 2016.

(47) Conserve D*, Kajula L, Yamanis T, Maman S. Formative research to develop an HIV self- testing intervention among networks of young men in Dar es Salaam: A mixed methods approach. Poster presentation at IAS meeting in Durban, South Africa, July, 2016.

(46) Yamanis T, Dervisvic E, Conserve D, Mulawa M*, Barrington C, Kajula L, Maman S. Social networks influence on HIV testing among young men in Tanzania. Oral presentation at APHA Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, November, 2015.

(45) Kajula L., Kilonzo M.N, Hill L., Maman S. Intimate Partner Violence and Mental Health (Depression and Anxiety) among Networks of Young Men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Poster presentation at SVRI. 2015

(44) Conserve D*, Balvanz P*, Kajula L, Lambert G, Kilonzo MN, Mulawa M*, Yamanis N, Maman S. Feasibility of recruiting peer leaders for an HIV and gender-based violence prevention intervention with networks of young men in Dar es Salaam. Poster presentation at APHA Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, November, 2015.

(44) Balvanz P.*, Maman S., Singh B., Yamanis T., Kilonzo M.N., Mulawa M., Conserve D.F., Kajula L. Using systematic monitoring to respond to implementation challenges during a microfinance and health intervention with young men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association, Chicago, IL. November 2015

(43) Balvanz P*, Maman S, Yamanis T, Kilonzo MN, Mulawa M*, Conserve D, Kajula L. Implementing a microfinance program for networks of young men in Dar es Salaam Tanzania. Oral presentation at APHA Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, November, 2015.

(42) Treves-Kagan S*, El Ayadi A, Pettifor A, MacPhail C, Twine R, Maman S, Kahn K, Lippman SA Gender differences in HIV testing behaviors by community-level and individual-level stigma in rural South Africa. Oral Poster, International AIDS Society Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July, 2015.

(41) Maman S, Hill L, Balvanz P*, Kajula, L. Sexual risk behavior and STI prevalence among social networks of young men in Dar es Salaam. Poster Presentation. International AIDS Society Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July, 2015.

(40) Hill L*, Maman S, Kilonzo MN, Kajula, LJ. Mental Health and Sexual Risk Behaviors among Networks of Young Men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Poster Presentation. International AIDS Society Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July, 2015. M aman Curriculum Vitae | 23

(39) Mulawa M*, Reyes HLM, Foshee V, Halpern CT, Kajula L, Maman S. Network-Level Factors Associated with IPV Perpetration Among Young Urban Tanzanian Men. Poster Presentation. International AIDS Society Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July, 2015.

(38) Mulawa M*, Reyes, HLM, Foshee V, Martin S, Kajula L, Maman S. Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Among Young Urban Tanzanian Men. Poster Presentation. International AIDS Society Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July, 2015.

(37) Mulawa, M*, Yamanis T, Barrington C. Kajula L, Maman S. Sociocentric networks of urban Tanzanian youth enrolled in an HIV prevention trial. Poster Presentation. International AIDS Society Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July, 2015.

(36) Balvanz P*, Kajula L, Kilonzo M, Yamanis T, Mulawa M*, Maman S. Identifying networks of young men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and mapping their social venues for a camp randomized trial. Oral presentation at American Public Health Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November, 2014.

(35) Maman S, Kajula L, Kilonzo M, Balvanz P*, Yamanis T. Leveraging existing networks and venues to reach men at high risk for HIV with HIV prevention programs in Dar es Salaam. Poster presentation at International AIDS Meeting, Melbourne Australia, July, 2014.

(34) Maman S, Kajula, L, Kilonzo M, Balvanz P*, Yamanis T. A cluster-randomized trial to evaluate the efficacy of a combined microfinance and peer leadership training intervention for HIV prevention with networks of young men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Poster presentation at International AIDS meeting, Melbourne Australia, July, 2014.

(33) Bloom, S, Arnoff, E, Hill, L*, Maman, S. The Women’s Justice and Empowerment Initiative: Lessons learned and implications for gender-based violence Programming in sub-Saharan Africa. Oral Presentation at African Evaluation Association, Cameroon, February, 2014.

(32) Ferguson, Y, Bjcouncil. A.E, Danny, E, Corbie-Smith, G, Purcell, P, Johnston, K, Stepheria, S, Blumenthal, C, Maman, S, Eng,G. Where should African American youth learn about HIV/AIDS?, A community's perspective of how to prevent HIV/AIDS among youth in rural North Carolina. Oral Presentation at American Public Health Association, Denver, CO. November, 2010.

(31) Groves A*, Maman S, Holness D, Moodley, D. Providing legal services as part of an HIV post- test support package for pregnant women at a public clinic in Durban, South Africa. Oral Presentation at American Public Health Association, Denver, CO. November, 2010.

(30) Maman S, Moodley D, Holness D, Groves A*. Integrating legal services into antenatal and postnatal care for HIV positive and HIV negative women in South Africa. Accepted for Oral Poster Presentation at International AIDS Society Meeting in Vienna, Austria, July, 2010.

M aman Curriculum Vitae | 24

(29) King E.*Groves A*, Pierce M,.* Wyckoff S,* Maman, S. HIV testing for pregnant women, a rights-based analysis of the change in national policies. Oral Poster Presentation at International AIDS Society Meeting in Vienna, Austria, July, 2010.

(28) Groves A*, Kagee A, Maman S, Moodley D, Rouse P, Marlow H*. Associations between partner violence and symptoms of anxiety and depression among pregnant women in Durban, South Africa and the implications for PMTCT. Poster Presentation at International AIDS Society Meeting in Vienna, Austria, July, 2010.

(27) Groves A,.* Thorton J,.* Maman S, Shazi Z, Nkosi T, Moodley D. Is “opting out” really an option? How the antenatal clinic environment shapes women's choice to test for HIV during pregnancy. Oral Poster Presentation at International AIDS Society Meeting in Vienna, Austria, July, 2010.

(26) Marlow H, Moodley D, Groves A, Maman, S. Fertility Intent, Contraceptive use and decision- making among HIV positive and HIV negative antenatal clinic attendees in Durban, South Africa. Poster Presentation at International AIDS Society Meeting in Vienna, Austria, July, 2010.

(25) Maman S, Groves, A,* Smith E, Moodley D. 2008. Male involvement in PMTCT: Redefining ‘involvement’ from female partner’s perspectives. Oral Presentation at International AIDS Society Meeting, , August 2008.

(24) Maman S, Wyckoff S,* Chriowodza A, Ntogwisangu J, Srirak N, Murima O, Modiba P. Knowledge and Awareness of Antiretrovirals in Five International Settings. Poster Presentation at International AIDS Society Meeting. Mexico City, August 2008.

(23) Groves A,*Maman S, Smith, E., Moodley, D. 2008. HIV Testing at a Public Antenatal Clinic in Durban, South Africa: The language of choice . Poster Presentation at International AIDS Society Meeting. Mexico City, August 2008.

(22) Moodley D, Groves A,* Smith E, Maman, S. 2008. Missed Opportunities to Prevent Unintended Pregnancies in Durban, South Africa. Poster Presentation at International AIDS Society Meeting. Mexico City, August, 2008.

(21) Vaz LME,* Maman S, Eng E, Tshikandu T, Badinga T, Mbuyi A, Kayumba Kaye J, Kitetele F, Behets, F. “It’s important that I know myself”: HIV-infected children’s experiences with disclosure of diagnosis in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Poster Presentation. International AIDS Society Meeting, Mexico City, August, 2008.

(20) Browbow E, Lippman Q, Mofolo I, Maida A, Kamanga E, Pagadala N, Maman S, Hoffman I, Martinson F, van der Horst C. for the Call to Action Team. Impressions and experiences of opt- out HIV testing among pregnant women and nurses in antenatal clinics in Lilongwe, Malawi. Poster Presentation. International AIDS Society Meeting, Mexico City, August, 2008

(19) Yamanis TJ,* Maman S, Kajula L, Doherty IA, Weir S, and Mbwambo, JK. Young, poor Tanzanian men socializing at urban venues engage in concurrent and discordant sexual M aman Curriculum Vitae | 25

partnerships. Poster Presentation, International AIDS Society Meeting, Mexico City, August 2008

(18) Yamanis J,* Kajula, L, Mbwambo, JK, and Maman, S. “We live as one family in this camp”: socialization venues for young men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania are potential HIV intervention sites for hard-to-reach youth. Poster Presentation, International AIDS Society Meeting, Mexico City, August, 2008

(17) Burkhardt G, Maman S, Cathcart, R,*Omba S, Behets F. Family Planning Intentions among HIV-Positive Women in a Pronatal, Resource-Limited Community: “Where God would like me to stop, I will stop.” Poster Presentation. International AIDS Society Meeting, Mexico City, August, 2008.

(16) Groves A,* Moodley D, Maman S. Pregnant Women’s HIV testing Experiences in Durban South Africa: Implications for HIV Testing Policies. UNC Women’s Health Research Day Chapel Hill, NC. April 5, 2008. Oral Presentation.

(15) Watt M,* Maman S, Laiser JM, Said Z, Kingomela G. Missed opportunities for religious organizations to support people living with HIV/AIDS: Findings from Tanzania. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC. Poster Presentation, November 6, 2007.

(14) Watt M,* Golin C, Maman S, Jacobsen M, Setel, P. (2007). Factors that promote adherence among clients that receive free antiretroviral therapy in Northern Tanzania. American Public Health Association, Oral Presentation. Washington, D.C., November 6, 2007.

(13) Maman S, Omba S, Burkhardt G, Cathcart, R,* Behets F. Women’s experiences with HIV status disclosure in Kinshasa, DRC: Implications for PMTCT Program. UNC Women’s Health Conference. Chapel Hill, NC. April 4, 2007. Nominated for Award for Innovative Research.

(12) Kaballa R,* Maman,S, Mbwambo J, Nyoni F. Changing norms related to HIV risk and violence among young men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Oral Presentation at USAID PEPFAR Conference. Durban, South Africa. June 12-16, 2006.

(11) Groves A,* Maman S, Mbwambo J, Kaballa R. Exploring peer and family influence on young men’s sexual behaviors in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Poster Presentation at Society for Adolescent Research, San Francisco, CA. March, 2006. (10) Kaballa R,* Maman S, Mbwambo J. Transactional sex among adolescents in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Oral Presentation, International Conference on AIDS and STDs in Africa, Abuja, Nigeria. December, 2005.

(9) Kouyoumdjian, F,* Maman S, Kaballa R, Roche MC, Mbwambo J. The association between reported use of violence and HIV risk among young men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Oral Presentation, Urban Health Conference. Toronto, Canada, October, 2005.

M aman Curriculum Vitae | 26

(8) Maman S, Garcia-Moreno C, Medley A, McGill S. (2004). Rates, barriers and outcomes of HIV serostatus disclosure. Implications for PMTCT. Oral presentation at XV International AIDS Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. July 11-16, 2004.

(7) Maman S, Mbwambo J, Lary H, Katebalila M, McCauley A. These women, there’s time they need teaching: Intimacy, fidelity and control in the sexual relationships of adolescents in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Poster presentation at XV International AIDS Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. July 11-16, 2004.

(6) Mbwambo J, Maman S, Hogan N, Kilonzo G.P, Sweat M, Weiss E. To Disclose or not to Disclose: New strategies to support women through the HIV serostatus disclosure process. Poster presentation at XV International AIDS Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. July 11-16, 2004.

(5) Lary H,* Maman S, Mbwambo J, Katebalila M, McCauley A.. Physical violence, forced sex and sexual infidelity among youth in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Poster presentation at XV International AIDS Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. July 11-16, 2004.

(4) Mbwambo J, Maman S, Hogan N, Kilonzo G.P, Sweat M, Weiss E. To Disclose or not to Disclose: New strategies to support women through the HIV serostatus disclosure process. Poster presentation at XV International AIDS Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. July 11-16, 2004.

(3) Maman S, Mbwambo J, Hogan N, Kilonzo G, Sweat M. (2001). Women’s Experiences with Violence: Implications for HIV Prevention. Oral Presentation at Global Health Council Annual Conference. Washington, D.C. May 29-June 1, 2001.

(2) Maman, S., Mbwambo, J., Sweat, M., Hogan, N., Kilonzo, G., Weiss, E. (2000). History of Violence is Common Among Women Attending Voluntary Counseling and Testing Clinic in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Oral Presentation at XII International AIDS Conference. Durban, South Africa. July 9-14, 2000.

(1) Maman S, Mbwambo J, Sweat,M, Hogan N, Kilonzo G. (1999) Women’s Barriers to HIV Testing and Disclosure: Challenges for Voluntary Counseling and Testing. Oral Presentation at XI International Conference on AIDS and STDs in Africa. Lusaka, Zambia. August 12-16, 1999.

Book Review: Maman, S. (2002). Book Review: Women, Families and HIV/AIDS: A Sociological Perspective on the Epidemic in America, Carole Campbell. Journal of Health Policy, Politics and Law, 27(1): 135-136.


Classroom Instruction: Course Instructor. Qualitative Research Methods. HBEH 753. (3 credits) Year # students Overall evaluation (5 point scale) 2006 25 4.44 (Scale was 1 strongly disagree, 5 strongly agree) 2007 28 4.69 M aman Curriculum Vitae | 27

2008 30 4.47 2009 32 4.32 2010 44 4.55 2011 52 4.52 2012 54 4.44 2013 52 4.72 2014 50 4.70 2015 52 1.60 (Scale is 1 strongly agree, 5 strongly disagree) 2016 41 1.28 2018 50 1.24 2019 50 1.20 2020 46 1.13 2021 51

Course Instructor: Professional Development for Global Health. HBEH 812. 1 credit hour, 27 students. Fall, 2020

Year # students Overall evaluation (5 point scale) 2020 27 1.38

Course Instructor. Global Health Module. HBHE 816. 1.5 credit hours. 4 students. 2009.

Course Coordinator and Instructor: MPH Behavioral and Social Science Course. École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique. Paris, France. 1/2017-Present. 30-40 students per year.

Co-Instructor. AIDS: Principles, Practices and Politics. PUBH 120. 400+ students. 1 credit hour. (2005-2014).

Short course training for UNC Project Malawi: Leading an online short-course training course for research staff at UNC Project Malawi in Qualitative Data Analysis. January, 2020-May, 2020.

Guest Lectures • SPHG 190: Special topics in Global Health Seminar. 03/25/2021. “The COVID Conundrum.” • MCH 890 Gender Based Violence. 11/11/15. “Intervening with men to prevent HIV and violence.” • Epidemiology and social aspects of HIV/AIDS in developing countries. (11/10) EPID 757. “Engaging young men in HIV prevention.” • Global Health Certificate: Microfinance and Health with young men in Tanzania. 12/10/10. • Anthropology: Moral Economies of Medicine. (2/19/09). “ Incorporating social and behavioral perspectives in the development and evaluation of HIV prevention programs in sub-Saharan Africa.” • Epidemiology and social aspects of HIV/AIDS in developing countries. (10/07, 11/08, 11/09). EPID 757. “Using Qualitative Methods in HIV Prevention Research.” • Foundations of Maternal and Child Health. (3/07 and 4/08) MHCH 702. “HIV and Violence against Women: An International Perspective.” M aman Curriculum Vitae | 28

• Advanced Research Methods I, (11/06). HBHE 799. “Qualitative research for a multi-site community randomized trial in 5 countries.” • Foundations of Social and Behavioral Science. HBHE 731. (11/06, 12/07). “Adapting interventions for different international settings.” • Theory Based Intervention Development, (10/06, 11/07). HBHE 752, “Formative research to adapt interventions in different international settings.” • Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Global Health, (11/05). “HIV/AIDS Prevention a Focus on Social and Behavioral Interventions.” • Planning Health Promotion Programs in Medical and Worksite Settings, HBHE 172. (11/05). “Formative research for HIV intervention development.” • Adolescent Health, HBHE189. (11/05). “HIV and violence interventions for young men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.” • Social and Behavioral Science Foundations of Health Education, HBHE 130. (12/05). “Cross- cultural adaptation of behavior change theory. “ • Applied Research Methods in HBHE, HBHE 250. (12/05) “Qualitative data collection methods.” • Applied Research Methods in HBHE, HBHE 250. (12/05) “Qualitative data analysis.” • Violence Prevention, MCH 253 (3/05) Studying violence in an international context.

Mentoring of Junior Faculty

Nisha Gottfredson, Primary departmental mentor assigned to work with Dr. Gottfredson, August 2019- Present

Beth Morocco, Primary departmental mentor assigned to work with Dr. Morocco. August, 2015-July, 2019.

Angela Thrasher. Primary departmental mentor assigned to work with Dr. Thrasher. October, 2013- August, 2015.

Valerie Flax, Nutrition. Primary mentor for her BIRCH K award through UNC. Developing interventions to support breastfeeding for women in the Option B+ PMTCT program in Malalwi. June, 2013-Present.

Post-doctoral Fellows Supervised

Donaldson Conserve, Health Behavior. With support from the UNC T32 STI and HIV Training Fellowship Program, Donaldson is working with me on developing intervention research skills through participation in R01 study in Tanzania. August, 2013-December, 2020.

Nora Rosenberg, Infectious Diseases. I am a co-mentor to on her K99-R00, supporting her qualitative research and intervention development. August, 2014- January, 2018.

PhD Students Supervised

M aman Curriculum Vitae | 29

Dissertation Chair

In Progress

Deborah Baron, Health Behavior, A Mixed-Methods Study of Socio-ecological Resilience Among Young ACE-exposed Women in South Africa. Received F31 in May, 2020.


Susannah Zietz, Health Behavior. Patterns of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Subsequent Risk of Interpersonal Violence Perpetration Among Men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: A Mixed Methods Study. Defended April, 2019.

Sarah Treves-Kagan, Health Behavior. Identifying Individual, Partner, Household, and Neighborhood Predictors of Intimate Partner Violence among Poor Ecuadorian and Colombian Refugee Women: A Multi-Level Analysis. Defended March, 2019.

Kami Hayashi, Health Behavior. Time Preference and HIV Risk Behavior in Kenya and Malawi. Defended July, 2018.

Lauren Hill, Health Behavior. The role of mental health in the sexual risk behavior of social networks of young men in Tanzania. Defended June, 2017.

Marta Mulawa, Health Behavior. A Mixed Method Study of Interpersonal Violence among Young Urban, Tanzanian Men. Primary Sponsor for NRSA from NIMH that Marta received in November, 2013. Defended June, 2016.

Allison Groves. Health Behavior. Prevalence and trajectories of interpersonal violence across pregnancy and the postpartum period in South Africa. Defended June, 2013.

Laurie Abler, Health Behavior. Understanding and measuring ‘hope” as a factor influencing young women’s risk for HIV in South Africa. Defended August, 2012.

Lisa Parker, Health Behavior. Influences on sexual risk behavior of HIV-positive adolescents in Democratic Republic of Congo. Defended June, 2012.

Elizabeth King, Health Behavior. HIV risk among marginalized women in St. Petersburg, Russia: Individual and contextual factors of access to prevention services. Defended April, 2010.

Christina Holub, Health Behavior. Parental Monitoring of HIV Positive Youth in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Defended October, 2009.

Thespina Yamanis, Health Behavior. Characteristics of sexual networks among young men and the association with HIV risk in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Defended April, 2009.

M aman Curriculum Vitae | 30

Melissa Roche, Health Behavior. Understanding patients’ experiences taking antiretroviral therapy: Formative research to inform adherence interventions. Defended December, 2007.

Lara Vaz, Health Behavior (Co-Chair). Understanding the Process of Serostatus Disclosure to HIV- Infected Children in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Defended October, 2007.

Dissertation Committee Member:

Within Health Behavior

Victoria Shelus, Health Behavior, Improving malaria case management at drug shops in rural Western Uganda. Defended proposal in September, 2020.

Chunyan Li, Health Behavior, Developing an mHealth intervention to increase uptake of HIV Pre- Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in China. Defended proposal in May, 2020.

Ida Griesemer, Health Behavior. Assessment of ACCURE, an intervention to address institutional racism in a hospital setting. Defended dissertation April, 2021.

Amelia Rock, Health Behavior. Structural interventions for HIV infected sex workers in the Dominican Republic. Defended dissertation August, 2020.

Rebecca Hershow, Health Behavior. A Longitudinal Study of Alcohol Use and Intimate Partner Violence Among HIV-Infected Men With Alcohol Use Disorder in Vietnam. Defended dissertation in March, 2020.

Allison Pack, Health Behavior. HIV testing behaviors of orphans and vulnerable children in Tanzania and Ethiopia. Defended dissertation in February, 2020.

Waru Gichane, Health Behavior. The effect of cash transfers on the sexual and reproductive behaviors of women in Malawi. Defended dissertation July, 2019.

Nivedita Bhushan. Health Behavior. Social Influence and Contraceptive Use among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Malawi. Defended September, 2018.

Cara Pearson, Health Behavior. Factors Associated with Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence by Multiple Abusive Partners: A Mixed Methods Study. Defended in May, 2018.

Leslie Cofie, Health Behavior. Social Network Structural and Functional Characteristics and Health Facility Delivery among Pregnant Women in Rural Ghana. Defended in October, 2016.

Paul Fleming, Health Behavior. The Role of Masculine Gender Norms in HIV Vulnerability Among Dominican Men Enrolled in a Circumcision Pilot Study. Defended May, 2015.

M aman Curriculum Vitae | 31

Ann Gottert, Health Behavior, Gender norms, masculine gender-role strain and HIV risk behaviors among men in rural South Africa. Defended September, 2014.

Bahby Banks, Health Behavior, A Mixed Methods Evaluation of an Intervention to Increase Rural Minority Participation in HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials. Defended January, 2012.

Zulfia Chariyev, Health Behavior, Identifying the Role of the Dose of Motivational Interviewing Counseling in Changes in Safer Sex Self-Efficacy, Motivation, Intention to Practice Safer Sex and Risky Sexual Behavior among People Living with HIV in North Carolina. Defended April, 2011.

Jamie Newman, Health Behavior. Psychosocial Characteristics of Patients in a Pediatric and Adult HIV Care Program in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Defended October, 2009.

Malika Roman Isler, Health Behavior. The Role of Faith-based Organizations in HIV Prevention among African-Americans. Defended August, 2009.

Sarahmona Przybyla, Health Behavior. Examining correlates of serostatus disclosure and sexual transmission risk behaviors among people living with HIV in North Carolina. Defended June, 2009. Poo Nitrat, Health Behavior. Acceptability of School-Based Sex Education for Thai Adolescents: A Study of Umper Muang Chanthaburi Province, Thailand. Defended November, 2007.

Outside of Health Behavior

Lisa Brownstone, Clinical Psychology. Loss of Control Eating: A mixed methods study. Defended April, 2016.

Lara Lorenzetti, Health Policy and Management. Evaluation of microfinance intervention among women in Peru. Defended Proposal in May, 2015.

Nora Rosenberg, Epidemiology. Awareness as Prevention? HIV Testing, Sexual Behavior, and HIV Acquisition in sub-Saharan Africa. Defended in April, 2013 Winnie Luseno, Maternal and Child Health. Individual and household-level effects on children’s outcomes in Malawi: A multi-level approach. Defended June, 2013.

Heather Marlow, Maternal and Child Health, The Effects of HIV Status and Unwanted Fertility on Post-partum Contraceptive Use in a PMTCT Population in Durban, South Africa. Defended proposal in April, 2010. Defended March, 2012.

Lizzi Torrone, Department of Epidemiology. Risk Behavior Disclosure during HIV Test Counseling. Defended March, 2009.

Elizabeth Jackson, Department of Epidemiology. HIV risk among adolescent orphans in KwaZulu- Natal, South Africa. Defended December, 2008.

Capstone Teams Supervised

M aman Curriculum Vitae | 32

2017/2018 : Project IFE. HIV Prevention among residents in public housing communities in Durham, NC.

2016/2017 : UNC Student Wellness. Focus on developing programs for graduate student wellness on campus.

2014/2015 : Injury and Violence Prevention Branch. North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.

2013/2014 : Injury and Violence Prevention Branch, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.

MPH Students Supervised

MPH Advisees

Alaa Hamoud, 2020/2021 (Global Health/ Rotary Peace Fellow) Doreen Halumaya, 2020/2021 (Global Health Lucy Ruderman, 2020/2021 (Health Behavior) Omar Ibarra, 2019/2020 (Global Health) Ashley Brandenburg, 2019/2020 (Global Health) Annelise Slater, 2019/2020 (Health Behavior) Keiyitho Omonuwa, 2019/2020 (Health Behavior) Madeline Katz, 2018/2020 (Chapel Hill) Simone Frank, 2018/2020 (Chapel Hill) Rodrigo Costa Liao, 2017/2019 (Malawi) Nikki Lee, 2017/2019 (Chapel Hill) Hanaleah Hoberman, 2016/2018 (Chapel Hill) Hayley Welgus, 2016/2018 (Washington, DC) Adela del Valle, 2015/2017 (Peru) Eyerusalem Tessema, 2014/2016 (Uganda) Claire Brennan, 2014/16 (Botswana) Anise Gold-Watts, 2013/2015 (South Africa) Courtney Heck, 2013/2015 (Chapel Hill) Corinne Fordham, 2012/ 2014 (Chapel Hill) Deena Fulton, 2012/2014 (Durham) Kristina Felder, 2012/2014 (Durham) Justin Bailey, 2011/2013 (Durham) Meg Nelson, 2011/2013 (Madagascar) Christa Martens, 2010/2012 (Mexico) Caitlin Klieboer, 2010/2012 (Kenya) Jenna Garrett, 2010/2012 (Honduras) Rachel Page, 2009/11 (Galapagos) Raphael Louie, 2008/10 (Tanzania) Kennedy Maring, 2008/10 (Uganda) Jessica Izquierdo, 2008/10 (India) M aman Curriculum Vitae | 33

Liz Greene, 2008/10 (FHI) Anne Gottert, 2007/9 (Madagascar) Jerrie Kumalah, 2007/9 (Sierra Leone) Katherine Patterson, 2006/9 (Malawi) Louise Stenberg, 2005/7 (Guyana) Catherine Decker, 2005/7 (El Salvador) Kelly Kiesling, 2005/7 (Kahzakstan) Margot Sue Mahannah, 2005/7 (Tanzania) Erica Haney, 2004/6 (Malawi) Carla Lopez, 2004/6 (Ethiopia/Mozambique) Josh Murphy, 2004/6 (Malawi) Michele Lanham, 2004/6 (Tanzania) Abby Zeveloff, 2003/5 (India)




R01 MH111602-01 - (subcontract PI: Maman) 09/15/2016-6/30/2023 NIH $162,258.00 Secondary distribution of HIV self-tests by female sex workers: an innovative strategy for promoting male partner testing and reducing HIV risk This project will evaluate whether secondary distribution of self-tests by female sex workers in Kenya can be used to fulfill multiple HIV prevention goals, including the promotion of HIV testing among high-risk men and the facilitation of results disclosure, couples testing, and safer sexual decision making. Role: Co-PI

R03 MH121200 - (PI-Reyes) 07/01/2019-06/30/2021 NIH-NIMH $155,500.00 Partner violence perpetration and sexual risk behavior: Identifying comorbid patterns and their antecedents and consequences among young men in Tanzania to inform integrated prevention efforts The objective of the proposed study is to identify and characterize the etiology, manifestation, and consequences of comorbid intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration and sexual risk behavior in a longitudinal cohort of 1,249 young men in Dar es Salaam Tanzania assessed at three time points across a 33-month period. Role: Investigator

1-D43-TW011548-01A1 (PI -Go/Huong, Multiple) 04/01/2021-3/31/2026 NIH $1,507,592 Vietnam Implementation Science Advancement: A Training Program to Improve HIV Prevention and Care. M aman Curriculum Vitae | 34

The Vietnam Implementation Science Advancement program will provide implementation science training to Vietnamese academic faculty, policymakers, program leaders, and students to develop HIV- related implementation science capacity in Vietnam. Role: Investigator

COMPLETED R01AI131060 (Chi) 12/1/16-11/30/21 NIH $504,315 A dyad approach to combination HIV prevention in pregnancy for Zambia and Malawi We study uses a comprehensive dyad-based framework to design a multi-component HIV prevention package to: (1) increase coverage of partner HIV testing in antenatal settings, (2) improve ART uptake and adherence, and (3) provide pre-exposure prophylaxis to HIV-negative pregnant women at elevated risk for HIV acquisition. We will develop our evidence-based intervention package in three phases. In Phase 1, we will conduct systematic reviews, mathematical modeling, and formative research to inform our interventions. In Phase 2, we will review the gathered materials at a technical consensus meeting and design a combination HIV prevention package targeting partner dyads in antenatal settings. We will engage stakeholders and refine our approach through dissemination-revision cycles. In Phase 3, the component interventions will be rigorously evaluated, focusing on feasibility and proximal health outcomes (e.g., viral suppression). These empiric data will then be used to inform our impact assessment and our recommendations for bringing the intervention to scale.

R01 MH 098690-05 (Maman) 07/06/2012 - 06/31/2018 NIH/NIMH $ 454,621 A Multilevel Intervention to Reduce HIV Risk among Networks of Men in Tanzania The proposed cluster randomized trial is designed to evaluate the efficacy of a multilevel intervention to reduce HIV risk and perpetration of gender-based violence among social networks of young men in Dar es Salaam. The intervention, which combines microfinance with health leadership training, addresses structural and social determinants of young men’s HIV risk by leveraging the strong social network ties that exist among men who socialize together in “camps.” If proven successful, our intervention approach has important implications for engaging young men in efforts to reduce HIV and gender-based violence in other global settings.

R03HD089140-01 (Reyes). 07/21/2016 - 06/30/2018 NIH. Understanding the linkages between intimate partner violence and postpartum sexual risk: A longitudinal study of HIV-positive and HIV-negative pregnant South African women. Total direct costs: $50,000 The objective of this study is to provide a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of the role of intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization as a factor contributing to postpartum sexually transmitted infection and STI-risk behavior among HIV-positive and HIV-negative South African women. Role: Co-Investigator

No number assigned (Maman, Subcontract PI). 10/1/16-9/30/18 American University (Dreams Partnership). Re-enrolling young South African mothers in high school as a social vaccine against HIV infection. $55,239 total direct cost. M aman Curriculum Vitae | 35

The objective of the program is to design and evaluation a program that will improve return to and retention in school among 480 adolescent mothers, which will reduce STI incidence and HIV risk. Role: Sub-contract PI

U01GH000530-02SA1 (Chi, Benjamin). 09/01/13-08/31/15 CDC. Point-of-Care CD4 testing to increase antenatal HAART use $149,883 (total annual direct) The objective of this project is to use point-of-care CD4 testing to increase antenatal HAART use among women in Zambia. Role: Co-Investigator

20110105 (Bartram, Jamie). 06/01/12-05/31/15 Conrad N. Hilton Foundation . Monitoring and Evaluation of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation WASH Initiative. $1,249,998 (total direct) The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation seeks to engage a leading research team to develop a monitoring and evaluation plan and evaluate its WASH initiatives. Role: Advisory Board

1R01MH087118-01 (Pettifor, Audrey) 07/1/2009-6/30/2014 NIMH Effects of Cash Transfer and Community Mobilization in Young South African Women $520,589 (total annual direct) The purpose of the grant is to determine the effect of a multi-level HIV prevention intervention that will jointly address both structural and social factors that contribute to young women’s increased vulnerability to HIV. Role: Co-Investigator

GHA-A-00-08-00003-00 (Curtis, Siân L).10/01/08-09/30/13 USAID. MEASURE Evaluation is a global USAID-funded project focusing on population, health and nutrition monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities. The specific project within MEASURE that Dr. Maman is affiliated with is the evaluation of the Women’s Justice Empowerment Initiative. Role: Co-investigator.

R01-HD050134-01A2. (Maman, Suzanne). 9/1/07-8/30/13 NICHD. South Africa HIV/AIDS Antenatal Care Post-test Support Study $387,989 (total annual direct) This randomized controlled trial examines the efficacy of an integrated model of HIV post-test support for women attending antenatal care (ANC) in South Africa.

R24 HB0566670-05 (Henderson, Gail). 7/1/07-6/30/12 NICHD Partnerships for Social Science Research on HIV/AIDS in China $400,000(total annual direct) This grant is designed to build social science capacity of researchers at People’s University, CDC national Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, and Nanjing Institute for STD Prevention and Control in China. M aman Curriculum Vitae | 36

Role: Co-Investigator

R21MH080577-01. (Maman, Suzanne). 7/1/08-6/30/10 NIMH. Venues and Social Network Interventions to Prevent HIV and Violence in Tanzania. $150,000 (total annual direct) This intervention development study identifies and characterizes high transmission venues in Dar es Salaam for young men, 15-19 years. We will use a PLACE (Priorities for Local AIDS control Efforts) methodology to identify the venues.

UNC-Gillings Innovation Laboratory (Maman, Suzanne) 07/10/10-12/31/11 Piloting a Microfinance and Health Intervention for Young Men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. $80,000 annual direct cost. This study will assess the feasibility and acceptability of a microfinance and health leadership intervention designed to reduce HIV risk and partner violence among young men in camps.

1 U01 MH066688-01A1. (Maman, Suzanne Subcontract PI) 09/25/03-06/30/11 NIMH, Community-based HIV voluntary counseling and testing and its impact on HIV incidence: A multi-country study in Tanzania, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Thailand. $1,761,305 (total annual direct). This is a community efficacy trial that is designed to measure the impact of increased access to HIV VCT on behavior change and on HIV incidence in 32 communities in four developing countries. Role: PI of Sub-contract

U62/CCU422422 (Behets, Freida) 04/01/07 – 03/31/08 CDC University of Technical Assistance Projects in Support of the Global Aids Program (GAP) $1,224,929 (total annual direct) To provide technical assistance (TA) in support of the CDC Global AIDS Program, the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill proposes a team with extensive experience in research, prevention and control of HIV, STI, TB, and other infectious diseases in low-income countries. Role: Co-investigator

1 R25 TW007098-01 (Behets, Frieda) 09/2004 - 05/2008 NIH /FIC Strengthening Capacity in Bioethics and Justice in Health $999,924 (total annual direct) This is a training grant to strengthen the bioethics capacity in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Role: Co-Investigator

No number. (Suzanne Maman). 11/1/06-10/31/07 UNC Injury and Violence Prevention Center $15,000 (total direct). To measure perpetration of violence among young men socializing in camps in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

No number. (Maman, Suzanne). 07/01/07 - 06/30/06. Guggenheim Foundation. The Intersections of HIV and Violence Among Youth in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania $20,000 (total annual direct) The specific aim is to describe the impact of violence on HIV infected couples relationships and abiltiy to engage in HIV-related care.

No number. American Academy of Fam. Physicians Foundation, Peers for Progress: An International Collaboration for Peer Support in Diabetes Management $486,000 (total annual direct) M aman Curriculum Vitae | 37

Fisher, Ed (PI) 10/01/07 – 03/31/2010) A program development grant to encourage international growth of Peers for Progress and of peer-to- peer supports for diabetes management. Role: Co-Investigator

No number. (Maman, Suzanne). 9/1/07-5/30/07 UNC Center for Global Initiatives and UNC Office of Global Health. Curriculum Development Grant. ($5000 total annual direct) With the assistance of 2 doctoral students one MPH students, we identified global health literature, guest lecturers in the area and possible case studies that could be incorporated into one of the required HBHE MPH course and two of the required PhD courses.

No number. (Maman, Suzanne). Johns Hopkins University Center for AIDS Research 4/1/01-9/1/02. Pilot Study of Two New HIV Counseling Approaches for Women $40,000 (total annual direct) Pilot tested two new HIV counseling approaches that are designed to support women at an HIV voluntary counseling and testing clinic in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania through the HIV testing and HIV serostatus disclosure process.

NIH, Fogarty International Center (Kass, Nancy) 9/1/01-8/31/05 Bioethics Training for Developing Country Professionals/Researchers. $368,000 (total annual direct) Training scientists from sub-Saharan Africa in International Research Ethics through a one-year and two year fellowship program. Role: Program Director

No Number (Maman, Suzanne). 9/1/02-8/31/05. USAID Interagency Gender Working Group, Population Council Horizons Project. $80,000 (total annual direct) Reducing men’s HIV risk behaviors and enabling women’s HIV preventive behaviors through community-based interventions among youth in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. This intervention is designed to reduce rates of HIV risk behaviors and reported use of violence by young men through a combination of community-based drama and peer support.


International • Grant reviewer, Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, 11/2013. Participated in a committee to review grant applications for research on gender-based violence. • Grant reviewer, Health, Welfare and Food Bureau, Government of Hong Kong, 4/2004, 4/2005, 4/2006, 8/2006, 5/2007, 2/2008, 12/2008. • Technical Expert, WHO Department of Gender, Women and Health, 6//3/02-6/6/02. Served as expert on panel to discuss integrating gender into national HIV/AIDS programs and developed policy guidelines on integrating gender into HIV/AIDS programs. • Advisor, Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, 2/12/03-2/17/03. Served as expert on working group of researchers from the U.S. and sub-Saharan Africa to develop a vision for research on HIV and violence among women. M aman Curriculum Vitae | 38

• Technical Expert, WHO Department of Gender, Women and Health, 10/21/00-10/24/00. Participated in workshop to develop recommendations for methodological, theoretical and ethical research considerations in the area of HIV and violence.

National/State • Triangle Global Health Consortium, Member of the Board. 9/21-present. • Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH). Member of Sub-committee on Undergraduate and Masters Training in Global Health. 10/19-Present. • CDC Reviewer for National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Research Grants for Preventing Violence and Injuries. 4/17, 4/20 • External Reviewer for Faculty Promotion: Tulane (5/18), Johns Hopkins (1/17, 1/18, 3/2020) • NIH Special Emphasis Panel Review Group, July, 2020: ZRG1 AARR N(02) • NIH AIDS and Related research Integrated Review group. 3/16. Participated in review of applications for Implementation Science and HIV focused program announcement. Special emphasis panel: ZRG1-N93. • NIDA Reviewer, 6/12/13. Participated in NIH review of Clinical Trials Unit Grants. • NICHD Reviewer, 7/18/02-7/19/02. Participated in a review of NIH grant applications for an RFA on building institutional partnerships for HIV/AIDS research in Africa. • Associations of Schools of Public Health. National Board of Public Health Examiners. Item Writing Committee. 9/30/07-4/15/08. • Associations of Schools of Public Health, Global Health Fellowship Program, Reviewer, 4/2004, 4/2005, 4/2006.

Editorial Activities: Peer Reviewer • Journal of International AIDS Society • Lancet Global Health • BMC Public Health • Culture Health and Sexuality • Global Public Health • WHO Bulletin • AIDS • PLOS One • Journal of American Medical Association • American Journal of Public Health • Social Science and Medicine • International Journal for Infectious Diseases • Health Education Research • Journal of American Medical Women’s Association • Journal of Health Policy, Politics and Law • AIDS Care • AIDS and Behavior • Drug and Alcohol Dependence • Journal of Urban Health • Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome M aman Curriculum Vitae | 39

• Health Education Research • Sexually Transmitted Infections

Department of Health Behavior • HB Global Health Faculty Search, Committee Chair, 9/19-1/2020 • HB Faculty Retreat, Chair, 1/ 2020 • HB Faculty Search, Committee Chair, 6/16-12/16 • HB Faculty Retreat, Co-Chair, 5/15-6/15 • HB Global Health Faculty Search Committee, Chair, 2/13-5/13 • Masters Advisory Committee, 1/2012-Present • HBHE Chair Search Committee, 8/2011-3/2012 • HBHE Global Health Roundtable, 8/2006-Present • HB Global Health Faculty Search, 3/2008-5/2009 • MPH Program Assessment Committee, 5/22/06-5/08 • Ad-Hoc Committee on Assessment of Faculty Performance. 10/07-3/08 • HB Faculty Search Committee, 2/1/06-6/1/07 • MPH Comprehensive Exam Committee, 6/1/05-Present

UNC School of Public Health • Chair, Global Health Advisory Committee • Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs Search Committee, 1/15/2020-Present • MPH Steering Committee, 10/18-3/2020 • Academic Program Committee, 8/15-Present • Gillings Global Gateway Executive Director Search Committee, 2/14-8/14 • Global Health Advisory Committee, 8/05-5/16 • UNC Gillings Innovation Lab Proposal Reviewer, 1/08, 2/09, 10/14, 4/15, 12/16

UNC • UNC Director, UNC-Duke Rotary Peace Fellowship Program, 6/2019-Present • T32 STI and HIV Training Grant Mentor and Reviewer. 5/10-Present • Center for AIDS Research, Faculty Development Grant reviewer, 6/10-present • Center for AIDS Research, Internal Advisory Board, 6/10- present • Center for Global Initiatives. Foreign Language and Area Studies Review Committee, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2013. 2018, 2019 • CV Starr International Scholarship Award review committee, 4/5/06 • Center for AIDS Research, Developmental Award Reviewer, 6/13, 6/14, 6/15