Curriculum Vitae | 2
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Suzanne Maman, Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health Department of Health Behavior 331 Rosenau Hall, CB #7440 Chapel Hill, NC 27599 (p) 919. 966.3901 (f) 919.966.2921 (e) [email protected] EDUCATION Ph.D. The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD 9/96-9/00 Bloomberg School of Public Health Department of International Health MHS The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 9/93-5/95 School of Hygiene and Public Health Department of International Health B.S. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 9/88-5/92 School of Human Ecology PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Associate Dean for Global Health, 9/1/2020-Present. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Gillings School of Global Public Health. Concentration Lead for MPH in Global Health. 2/1/18-Present. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Gillings School of Global Public Health. Vice Chair of Academic Affairs, Department of Health Behavior, 5/1/18-8/30/2020. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Gillings School of Global Public Health. UNC-DuKe Rotary Peace Fellowship Faculty Director. 5/2019-Present. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Professor, 10/1/16-Present. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health. Department of Health Behavior. Associate Professor, 2/1/11-9/30/16, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Gillings School of Global Public Health, Department of Health Behavior. Assistant Professor, 5/1/05- 1/31/11, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Public Health, Department of Health Behavior and Health Education. M aman Curriculum Vitae | 2 Assistant Professor, 7/1/04-4/30/05, The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of International Health. Assistant Research Professor, 6/1/03-6/30/04, The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of International Health. Scientist, 12/00-6/03, The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of International Health. CONSULTANCIES AND ADVISORY POSITIONS Social and Behavioral Science Coordinator, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sante Public (EHESP). Paris. France. 1/17-Present. Consultant to the MPH program, responsible for coordinating their Social and Behavioral Sciences Course and teaching the Qualitative Research Module within this Course. Program Consultant. WHO Department of Reproductive Health and Research. 9/1/15-9/30/15. Development of a tool to be included in WHO guidelines for Responding to intimate partner violence and violence against women: WHO clinical and policy guideline. Advisory Committee Member, Africa Research Ethics South Africa (ARESA). 8/2012-Present. Center for Medical Ethics and Law, Stellenbosch University. Curriculum Consultant, CDC, Department of Global Health, 9/1/13-2/1/14. Leading the development of MPH research training curriculum for Mzumbe University, Mgorogoro Tanzania. Program Consultant, WHO Department of Reproductive Health & Research, 5/1/10-7/30/10. Developed a policy brief that outlined how a focus on violence can best be integrated into HIV counseling and testing programs. Technical Expert, WHO Department of Reproductive Health & Research/ UNAIDS, 10/27/09- 10/30/09. Served on technical work group on the implications of violence for HIV prevention. Technical Expert, Soros Foundation/WHO Department of HIV/AIDS, 10/12/09-10/14/09. Served on a technical working group on human rights and HIV testing. Investigator, USAID, Interagency Gender Working Group, 5/1/08-7/30/08. Lead systematic review of literature related to home-based testing of HIV and the implications for women. WorKshop Director, WHO Department of Gender, Women and Health, 9/1/05-3/31/05. Facilitated a meeting on HIV testing and violence with 20 researchers, policy makers and program planners. M aman Curriculum Vitae | 3 HONORS AND AWARDS Bernard G. Greenberg Endowment Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research and Service (2017) Edward G. McGavran Award for Excellence in Teaching (2012) Center for AIDS Research New Investigator Award (2001) Robert D. Wright Fellowship in International Health (March 1997/98/2000) Woodrow Wilson/Johnson and Johnson Fellowship in Women’s Health (1999) US Information Agency Fulbright Program Fellow (1999) Fogarty International New Investigator Award (1999) Johns Hopkins Department of International Health Tuition Fellowship (1996-2000) Marjorie Gilbert Award for Innovative AIDS Research (March,1998) Diana Hess Scholarship (June,1995) PUBLICATIONS Peer Reviewed Papers * Denotes students/trainees who were either my Advisee or my Research Assistant. In Press (167) Bhushan, N.L., Phanga, T., Maseko, B., Vansia, D., Gichane, M.W., Maman, S., Pettifor, A.E., Rosenberg, N.E. (2021) Conversations about Contraceptive Use among Adolescent Girls and Young Women and their Partners, Peers, and Older Female Family Members in Lilongwe, Malawi: A Qualitative Analysis. Studies in Family Planning (In Press) (166) Bhushan, N.L, Fisher, E.B, Gottfredson, N.S., Maman, S., Speizer, I.S., Phanga, T., Vansia, D., Mtawali, A., Chisinga, R., Kapira, M., Pettifor, A.E., Rosenberg, N.E. (2021) The Mediating Role of Partner Communication on Contraceptive Use Among Adolescent Girls and Young Women Participating in a Small-Group Intervention in Malawi: A Longitudinal Analysis. Global Public Heath (165) Hershow R, McNaugton-Reyes L, Tran HT, Chadler G, Sripaipn T, Dowdy D, Latkin C, Hutton H, Pettifor A, Maman S*, Go V. Evaluating the effects of two alcohol reduction counseling interventions on intimate partner violence perpetration: Secondary analysis of a three-arm randomized controlled trial among Vietnamese men with HIV. Addiction. (164) Zietz, S*., Kajula, L., Martin, S., Moracco, K.E., Shanhan, M., Maman, S. “Mtoto wa Nyoka ni Nyoka,” The Child of a Snake is a Snake: A Narrative Analysis of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Perpetration of Interpersonal Violence among Men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Journal of interpersonal violence. (163) Gebrekristos L, Shazi Z, Moodley D, Maman S, Groves A. Soliciting parental consent amongst adolescent minor mothers: a barrier in adolescent HIV research? South African Medical Journal (162) Treves-Kagan S*, Peterman A, Gottfredson N, Moracco E, Villavecs A, Maman, S. Love in the time of war: Identifying neighborhood-level predictors of intimate partner violence from a longitudinal study in refugee-hosting communities. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. M aman Curriculum Vitae | 4 (161) Hershow R, McNaughton-Reyes, Ha TV, Chandler G, Mai NVT, Sripaipan R, Frangakis C, Dowdy D, Latkin C, Hutton HE, Pettifor A, Maman S, Go VF. Alcohol use, depressive symptoms, and intimate partner violence perpetration: A longitudinal analysis among men with HIV in northern Vietnam. PLOS One. (160) Reyes, H. L. M., Graham, L. M, Chen, M. S., Gibbs, A., Groves, A. K., Kajula, L., Bowler, S., & Maman, S. Adolescent Dating and Sexual Violence Prevention Programs: A Global Systematic Review of Evaluation Studies. Lancet Child and Adolescent Health. (159) MacPhail C, Khoza N, Treves-Kagan S*, Selin A, Gómez-Olivé X, Peacock D, Rebombo D, Twine R, Maman S, Kahn K, DeLong SM, Hill LM, Lippman SA, Pettifor A. (in press) Process elements contributing to community mobilization for HIV risk reduction and gender equality in rural South Africa. PLoS One. Published (158) Atkins K, MacPhail C, Maman S, Khoza N, Twine R, Gomez-Olive FX, Pettifor A, Kahn K. (2021). “The sky is the limit; I am going there:” experiences of hope among young women receiving a conditional cash transfer in rural South Africa. Culture, Health and Sexuality. (157) Pack A, Maman S, McNaughton-Reyes HL, Nyblade L, Whetten K, Zimmerman, C, Gray C, Golin C. (2020) Predictors of HIV Testing among Orphaned Youths in Three East African Countries. AIDS and Behavior. AIDS and Behavior. 9 . (156) Gichane M*, Wamoyi J, Atkins K, Balvanz P, Maman S, Majani E, Pettifor A. (2020) The influence of cash transfers on engagement in transactional sex and partner choice among adolescent girls and young women in Northwest Tanzania, Culture Health and Sexuality, (155) Zimba C, Maman S, Rosenberg NE, Mutale W, Mweemba O, Dunda W, et al. (2019) The landscape for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis during pregnancy and breastfeeding in Malawi and Zambia: A qualitative study. PLoS ONE 14(10): e0223487. (154) Groves A.K., McNaughton Reyes L., Gebrekristos, L.T. Moodley D., Maman S. Examining why age-disparate relationships influence unsafe sex postpartum among South African women: relationship control and physical partner violence as explanatory mechanisms Journal of Interpersonal Violence. August 4 2020. Doi: 10.1177/0886260520944531 (153) McNaughton-Reyes HLM, Moodley D, Groves A, Maman S. (2020). Intimate partner violence and postpartum emotional distress among South African women: Moderating effects of resilience and vulnerability factors. Global Public Health. M aman Curriculum Vitae | 5 (152) Wamoyi J*, Balvanz P, Atkins K, Gichane M, Majani E, Pettifor A, Maman S. (2020) Conceptualization of empowerment and pathways through which cash transfers work to empower young women to reduce HIV risk: A qualitative study in Tanzania. AIDS and Behavior, 24(11), 3024-3032. (151) Maman S, Mulawa MI*, Balvanz P, Reyes HLM, Kilonzo MN, Yamanis, TJ, Singh B, Kaula LJ. (2020) Results from a cluster-randomized trial to evaluate a microfinance and peer-health leadership intervention to prevent HIV and intimate partner violence among social networks of Tanzanian men. PLoS One 2020 Mar 20;15(3):e0230371. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.023037 (150) Zietz S*. Kajula L, Reyes HLM, Moracco B, Shanahan M, Martin S, Maman S. (2020). Patterns of adverse childhood experiences and subsequent risk of interpersonal violence perpetration among men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.