To Conduct a Confirmation Hearing on the Expected Nomination Of: Honor- Able Charles T. Hagel to Be Sec- Retary of Defense
TO CONDUCT A CONFIRMATION HEARING ON THE EXPECTED NOMINATION OF: HONOR- ABLE CHARLES T. HAGEL TO BE SEC- RETARY OF DEFENSE THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 2013 U.S. SENATE, COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES, Washington, DC. The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 9:32 a.m. in room SD–G50, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Senator Carl Levin (chairman) presiding. Committee members present: Senators Levin, Reed, Nelson, McCaskill, Udall, Hagan, Manchin, Shaheen, Gillibrand, Blumenthal, Donnelly, Hirono, Kaine, King, Inhofe, McCain, Ses- sions, Chambliss, Wicker, Ayotte, Fischer, Graham, Vitter, Blunt, Lee, and Cruz. Committee staff members present: Richard D. DeBobes, staff di- rector; Travis E. Smith, chief clerk; Leah C. Brewer, nominations and hearings clerk; and Mary J. Kyle, legislative clerk. Majority staff members present: Jonathan D. Clark, counsel; Jon- athan S. Epstein, counsel; Gabriella E. Fahrer, counsel; Richard W. Fieldhouse, professional staff member; Creighton Greene, profes- sional staff member; Michael J. Kuiken, professional staff member; Gerald J. Leeling, counsel; Peter K. Levine, general counsel; Jason W. Maroney, counsel; Thomas K. McConnell, professional staff member; William G.P. Monahan, counsel; Michael J. Noblet, profes- sional staff member; Roy F. Phillips, professional staff member; Roy F. Phillips, professional staff member; John H. Quirk V, pro- fessional staff member; Robie I. Samanta Roy, professional staff member; Russell L. Shaffer, counsel; and William K. Sutey, profes- sional staff member. Minority staff members present: John A. Bonsell, minority staff director; Adam J. Barker, professional staff member; Steven M. Barney, minority counsel; Thomas W. Goffus, professional staff member; Ambrose R. Hock, professional staff member; Anthony J. Lazarski, professional staff member; Daniel A.
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