Event Sponsors Monday, October 26 – Friday, November 6, 2015

Thank You LSUMMIT Platinum BA V LO II Gold Silver G

Bronze Copper T H Y E T IE JE C GOHRS FF SO p: (814) 455-0629 · f: (814) 454-2718 E RS NAL Patron Sponsors ON EDUCATIO

Eric Raimy, Ph.D. Bas Lansdorp, M.S. Personal Patrons Anthony Atala, M.D.

Maureen Plunkett and Family Anonymous Jefferson Trustee Darrell West, Ph.D. Nile Gardiner, Ph.D. & Aaron David Miller, Ph.D. Cokie Roberts Thomas Jefferson believed a citizenry that was educated on issues and shared its ideas Danielle Allen, Ph.D. through public discourse had the power to make a difference in the world. Norman Gevitz, Ph.D. The Jefferson Educational Society of Erie is a strong proponent of that belief, offering courses, seminars,and lectures that explain the ideas that formed the past, assist in exploring the present,and offer guidance in creating the future of the Erie region. Thomas B. Hagen Dignitas Award Winners 3207 State Street John and Silvia Ferretti Erie, 16508-2821 VII Crislyn D’Souza-Schorey RESERVE YOUR SEATS espite the advances made in cancer detection and treatment, it’s still a common and deadly disease. According to the American Cancer Society, nearly two mil- lion Americans will contract cancer in 2013, and more than half a million will Ddie from it. The disease takes 1,600 people a day and is responsible for one in every four Reserve your seats today deaths in the U.S. There’s a financial cost too. In medical treatments and lost productiv- ity, cancer will cost the U.S. economy more than $200 billion this year. for Global Summit V Hope for finding a cure for cancer lies with medical professionals like Crislyn online at JESerie.org or call D’Souza-Schorey, Ph.D., whose talk on new insights in cancer progression will shed Dear Friends — some light on the medical establishment’s work in cancer research. the Jefferson Educational Society D’Souza-Schorey received her doctorate at the University of Texas Health at (814) 459-8000. The Jefferson Society’s Global Summit is emerging as one of the Science Center in San Antonio, and is currently a faculty member at the University of most unique conferences of its type in the nation. Since its start in 2009, it Notre Dame, where she is the Walther Cancer Institute Junior Chair. Adult Pass $25/speaker event has grown to a five-day event with ten speakers and projected attendance Supported by organizations such as the American Cancer Society, American Hearth Association, and the National Institutes of Health, D’Souza-Schorey’s research Week Pass $150/person of over 2,500 people. Usually, such events are held only in mega cities like focuses on the molecular basis of epithelial cancers and of neuro-degenerative diseases, VIP Pass* $40/speaker event Washington, New York, Chicago and L.A. — not mid-sized cities such as Huntington’s. D’Souza-Shorey’s work revealed that a particular kind of protein VIP Week Pass* $250/person like Erie. enhances the invasive capacity of carcinoma cells, and she discovered blocking those Students $5/speaker event New Insights into Cancer I am amazed how the Jefferson Educational Society is able to proteins inhibits the ability of cancer cells to spread throughout the body. Teachers $10/speaker event Progression: secure such high-caliber speakers and raise the money necessary to bring For her work and discoveries, D’Souza-Schorey received the Special Fellow- Biology and Clinical Promise them to Erie. I am also impressed with the increasing level of intellectual ship award from the Leukemia Society of America, and the Michael K. Guest Award for *VIP passes provide preferred seating. Crislyn D’Souza-Schorey, Ph.D. innovative cancer research, among other honors. depth and the diversity of topics presented by the speakers. Professor of Biological Sciences, Financial assistance is available. This year, the Jefferson Society will introduce a political debate Notre Dame University Please call (814) 459-8000 for more information. featuring Howard Dean and Bill Kristol. Also, as a special treat, Ian Friday, Nov. 15, 11:30 a.m. AND

Morris will join the Summit to talk about the future of humanity, while Speaker events will take place at the Jefferson Educational Society David Gergen and Thomas Mann examine the current state of our Event Sponsors (3207 State Street), unless otherwise noted. government. Edith Widder and Crislyn D’Souza-Schorey will discuss the Harry Markopolos progress of our medicine, technology and environment. In addition, two Richard Norton Smith ore than any other scandal during the recent financial crisis and recession M Dear Friends: of my colleagues from C-SPAN, author and noted presidential historian Thank You SU M that followed, Bernie Madoff’s multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme exempli- L IT Richard Norton Smith and C-SPAN founder Brian Lamb, will be at the DATE & TIME SPEAKER EVENT TOPIC Platinum A V Thank you! fied Wall Street greed. Although Madoff had been bilking the investors of B Jefferson Society to discuss the role of first ladies in influencing a presi- Mhis hedge fund for years, it wasn’t until 2008 when his sons turned him in that he was Monday, November 11 Ian Morris, Ph.D. The Future of Humanity Year in and year out, we continue to hear the same thing: Events like this 7:30 p.m. O II dent’s success. prosecuted. But Harry Markopolos knew Madoff was a fraud as early as the 1990s. L just don’t happen in cities like Erie. New York City? Certainly. Washington, Tuesday, November 12 David Gergen, J.D. The Essence of Leadership, Nixon to Clinton D.C.? Absolutely. Boston, Chicago, and Los Angeles? Without a doubt. But We will close the Global Summit with Erie native Harry Only nobody would listen to him. Gold Silver G 11:30 a.m. Erie? Indeed, our mid-sized metro belongs on the list with those big cities Markopolos, who will receive this year’s Thomas B. Hagen Dignitas Award Markopolos was working for Boston-based Rampart Investment Management Company as a portfolio manager when he saw that Madoff’s reported earnings couldn’t Tuesday, November 12 Thomas E. Mann, Ph.D. The President, Congress and the Challenges of where great, influential minds gather to discuss vital topics that shape and and talk about how he uncovered the Bernie Madoff financial scam. be real: they were too steady, too regular. Markopolos ran calculations around Madoff’s 7:30 p.m. Foreign Policy: Looking Back and Looking Forward inform our understanding of the world at-large. I look forward to seeing you during the week of November 11-15 investment system, trying to replicate its reported returns, but concluded that Madoff’s Wednesday, November 13 Howard Dean, M.D. Debate on the Role of Government in Drawing more than 3,000 attendees, The Jefferson Educational Society’s for this series of outstanding speaker events. earnings were possible only through fraud. As early as 2000, he reported Madoff to the 7:30 p.m. William Kristol, Ph.D. America’s Future Global Summit continues to be one of the most unique conferences not U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, but to no avail. Madoff remained at large Thursday, November 14 Richard Norton Smith The Role of the U.S. First Ladies: Past, Bronze Copper just in this region, but throughout the nation. Because of your desire for Best Regards, until 2008. After Madoff was arrested and convicted of fraud, Markopolos co-wrote the 11:30 a.m. Brian Lamb, B.A., US. Navy Ret. Present and Future best-seller, No One Would Listen: A True Financial Thriller, about his eight-year investi- Thursday, November 14 Edith Widder, Ph.D. The Unexplored Potential of the Deep Sea T Y and support of the mission to discuss pressing, pertinent global issues, H T 7:30 p.m. for Human Progress E E The Jefferson is able to continue its mission to explore such topics and to Steve Scully gation into Madoff’s schemes. J I Global Summit Chair EF OC expose its audience to internationally and nationally renowned speakers Originally from Erie, Markopolos attended Cathedral Prep and worked for Friday, November 15 Crislyn D’Souza-Schorey, Ph.D. New Insights into Cancer Progressions: GOHRS F S his father at Makefield Securities as a broker after graduating from Loyola College in 11:30 a.m. Biology and Clinical Promise p: (814) 455-0629 · f: (814) 454-2718 E R AL who provide fresh, dynamic experiences that spark discourse and advance The Eight-Year Undercover SON ON Maryland. He is the past president of the Boston Security Analysts Society, and the Friday, November 15 Harry Markopolos, MS., C.F.A. The Eight-Year Undercover Campaign Patron Sponsors EDUCATI dialogue. The impressive list of speakers at The Jefferson is a reflection of Campaign to Expose Bernie Madoff the keen interest and support throughout Northwestern Pennsylvania. Global Summit Chair recipient of an honorary silver whistle from that organization for his work in exposing 7:30 p.m. to Expose Bernie Madoff Steve Scully Harry Markopolos, M.S., C.F.A. Madoff. Now a forensic accounting analyst, Markopolos combats Wall Street fraud full- Author, No One Would Listen: The Summit kicks off with a look at the critical role our great community playsSenior in understanding Executive Producer time, investigating and sending multi-billion-dollar white-collar crime to the IRS and A True Financial Thriller Personal Patrons dialects throughout the U.S.; after all, Erie’s speech patterns have been study &because Political Editor/C-SPANof their U.S. Department of Justice. Friday, Nov. 15, 7:30 p.m. Maureen Plunkett and Family Anonymous Jefferson Trustee exceptional neutrality. The CEO of Mars One, Bas Lansdorp, will present his foundation’s research and accomplishments in endeavoring to get humans to Mars by 2025. Director of the Wake Forest Institute Thomas B. Hagen The MARKOPOLOS presentation will Dignitas Award Thomas Jefferson believed a citizenry that was educated on issues and shared its ideas for Regenerative Medicine Anthony Atala – who printed a 3D kidney on stage at a TED conference – will WINNER through public discourse had the power to make a difference in the world. take place at Cathedral Prep. explore the question of whether human organs can be printed or grown instead of transplanted. And The Jefferson Educational Society of Erie is a strong proponent of that belief, offering courses, seminars,and lectures that explain the ideas that formed the past, assist in exploring the present,and offer guidance in creating the future of the Erie region. Brookings Institute Vice President and Director of Governance Studies Darrell West will examine how broadband and fiber technology is advancing our world. 3207 State Street Erie, Pennsylvania The second week starts with a discussion between Drs. Nile Gardiner and Aaron David Miller, who will 16508-2821 provide a thoughtful overview on America’s foreign policy and our role in the world. This is an issue that will clearly shape the 2016 race, and these two individuals are experts in this field and passionate about VII their points of view. Author, columnist, and commentator Cokie Roberts will discuss her life in journalism and draw from the critically acclaimed books she’s written about women in politics. UPS Foundation Professor of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study Danielle Allen will present a look at the Declaration of Independence and how we can better understand equality through its lens. Concluding this year’s Summit, medical historian Norman Gevitz will examine the history, current state, and future of osteopathic medicine as the keynote speaker when Drs. John and Silvia Ferretti are honored as this year’s Thomas B. Hagen Dignitas Award winners. I look forward to seeing you at Global Summit VII from Oct. 26 to Nov. 6 for what undoubtedly will be another series of remarkable speakers. Again, thank you sincerely for your support of The Global Summit and The Jefferson – your commitment affirms that Erie can and does dare to dream big and be bold. Best Regards, Steve Scully, Global Summit Chair

The Agora Unveiling - Sunday, Oct. 25. Time: 3 to 5 p.m. By Michael Hinman Artist Event - Public Invited Artist Lecture: 3:30 In Greek, “agora” means “gathering place.” Though many ancient Greek cities had an agora, one stands out in time as the most significant. Housed in the city dedicated to Athena, the goddess of wisdom, the Agora of ancient Athens was where many of the most influential thinkers of the age began to shape the first democracy and the basis of western thinking. Ideas were discussed here that would remain relevant for more than two thousand years. During the Renaissance the beauty of classical antiquity blossomed. A flurry of artists, architects, statesmen, and writers, all-well versed in the study of ancient Greece, accomplished some of man’s greatest achievements. Fueled, too, by neoclassical inspiration from Europe, the Founding Fathers of the of America drew inspiration from the writers and architects of classical Greece. My Agora serves not only as a celebration of these glorious centuries in Athens, but also as a reminder that the study of history reveals valuable lessons for our civilization and the arts. The Athenians’ dedication to recording history, funding the arts, and developing education ensured that their ideas would continue flourishing over time. This painting celebrates great men who not only had the intelligence and ability to accomplish tremendous feats of engineering, science, art, and politics but also to document these accomplishments and educate future generations. The most significant lesson I have learned from my study of the ancient Greeks is if you invest in ideas and structures built to last for centuries and dedicate your greatest efforts to education, these ideas will develop further beyond your highest expectations at the hands of many others for centuries to come. Event Sponsors

The Importance ofThank Erie, Pa. in Understanding the Changing Y ou SUMM Dialects of America’s Language L I Platinum A T V Born in Erie, Pa., Eric Raimy, Ph.D., understands the slang, speech, and sounds of our city. As a B professor of linguistics, Raimy also knows about dialect – that peculiar set of words and sounds specific to a region or people. In his talk, “The Importance of Erie, PA, in Understanding the O II Changing Dialects of America’s Language,” Raimy will bring the two together, revealing the city’s L unique position sitting astride the sharpest divide of two of North America’s strongest dialects (Inland Northern and Upper Midwestern)Gol in dorder to analyze our influence on language in the region. Silver G A full professor of English and Chair of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dr. Raimy lists his interests as “cognitive science, generative grammar, phonology, morphology, phonetics, and syntax.” Concerned largely with phonology – the study The Importance of Erie, of sounds in speech – Raimy has published two books, Contemporary Views on Architecture Pa. in Understanding and Representations in Phonology, and The Phonology and Morphology of Reduplication. More succinctly, Raimy studies and writes about the sounds used in our everyday speech. He is, for the Changing Dialects of example, a member and collaborator of the “Wisconsin Englishes Project,” which produced the America’s Language book Wisconsin Talk: Linguistic Diversity in the Badger State – a fascinating look at the past and Eric Raimy, Ph.D. present dialects of English spoken in Wisconsin and the upper Midwest. Bronze CoppeEditor,r Author, Professor, Chair of the Department of According to his students’ reviews on RateMyProfessors.com, Raimy is “super enthusiastic,” T “entertaining,” “funny,” and “great eye candy,” even if he does have trouble “translating the things Linguistics; University of H Y he knows into English.” Wisconsin-Madison E T IE Monday, October 26, 2015 JE C GOHRS 7:30 PM FF SO p: (814) 455-0629 · f: (814) 454-2718 E The Jefferson Educational Society RS NAL Patron Sponsors ON E TIO Event Sponsors DUCA Mission Mars – Forwarding our Dreams into Reality

“Space: the final frontier,” opens the television series, Star Trek, echoing the hopes and aspirations of adventure-seeking people everywhere; but while humans have setPersonal foot on the moon,Patr onwe shaven’t left our planet’s direct orbit since 1972. Like former presidential candidate Newt Gingrich – who in 2012 called for a base on the moon and regular flights to Mars – manyM auseereen our Plunkett neighboring and Famil redy planet as Anonymous Jefferson Trustee the next logical goal for a renewed push into space. With his talk, “Mission to Mars – Forwarding Our SUMM Dreams into Reality,” DutchThank co-founder and CEO of Mars One, Bas Landsdorp, agrees. You L I Platinum T Thomas Jefferson believed a citizenry that was educated on issues and shared its ideas A Mars One’s goal is nothing short of a permanent human colony on Mars. Raising money through V kick-starter campaigns and other online fundraisers,through public the nonprofit discourse hadorganization the power tohopes make to a dibuildfference and in the world. B staff an outpostThe Jeffe on therson planet Educational by 2027; Society right of now,Erie is Mars a strong One p risoponent looking of fortha volunteerst belief, offering to be courses, among seminars,and lectures that explain the ideas that the first colonists on the Redformed Planet the – past,and youassist can in applyexploring online the present,andwith your resume offer guidance and one-minute in creating the future ofMission the Erie region Mars. – Forwarding O II video at www.mars-one.com. Partnering with Lockheed Martin, the Paragon Space Development our Dreams into Reality L Corporation, and other technology firms, Mars One has inspired thousands of would-be astronauts, as well as a line of sportswear from Wimbledon champ Bjorn Borg’s clothing company.3207 State Street Bas Lansdorp, M.S. G Gold Erie, Pennsylvania Entrepreneur,Silver CEO of Mars One Lansdorp has a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from University16508-282 of Twente1 in Tuesday, October 27, 2015 Enschede, Netherlands; he worked at Delft University of Technology before founding Ampyx Power, a company that harnesses wind power using robot-controlled gliders. He sold his shares in Ampyx 7:30 PM Power to fund Mars One. The Jefferson Educational Society VII

Bronze Copper T H Y E T IE JE C GOHRS FF SO p: (814) 455-0629 · f: (814) 454-2718 E RS NAL Patron Sponsors ON EDUCATIO

Personal Patrons

Maureen Plunkett and Family Anonymous Jefferson Trustee

Thomas Jefferson believed a citizenry that was educated on issues and shared its ideas through public discourse had the power to make a difference in the world.

The Jefferson Educational Society of Erie is a strong proponent of that belief, offering courses, seminars,and lectures that explain the ideas that formed the past, assist in exploring the present,and offer guidance in creating the future of the Erie region.

3207 State Street Erie, Pennsylvania 16508-2821 VII Growing Human Tissues: Can We Print Organs Instead of Transplanting Them?

You can make just about anything with a 3D printer: Acoustic guitars, cars, a camera lens, coffee cups, assault rifles; lucky conference-goers in 2014 even enjoyed 3D-printed Oreos in custom- made flavors – banana, mint, birthday cake, or lime. Dr. Anthony Atala, Director of Wake Forest’s Institute for Regenerative Medicine and chair of its Department of Urology, even printed a kidney- shaped mold live on stage in 2011, a landmark moment for the medical applications of 3D printing.

Recognized by Time magazine, Scientific American, Discover magazine, U.S. News & World Report, and for his work in tissue engineering, Dr. Atala pioneered the Growing Human Tissues: technique for growing fully functioning bladders in the laboratory, as well as the harvesting of stem Can We Print Organs cells from the amniotic fluid of pregnant women. Instead of Transplanting Dr. Atala edits medicinal journals about stem cells, urology, and tissue rejuvenation; he has Them? received the Christopher Columbus Foundation Award, the World Technology Award in Health and Medicine,Event and the Samuel Sponsors D. Gross Prize, among other accolades, and was in 2011 elected to the Anthony Atala, M.D. Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. Atala attended the University of Miami Director of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine, for his undergraduate studies, the University of Louisville’s medical school, and was a fellow at the Professor and Chair of the Department of Urology, Practicing Surgeon and Researcher of Harvard Medical School’s affiliated Children’s Hospital in Boston. Regenerative Medicine; Wake Forest University Wednesday, October 28, 2015 11:30 AM Luncheon ThankThe Jefferson Educational Society You LSUMMI Gigacities:Pla Howt Broadbandinum is Reshaping the World A T Today’s mobile technology allows us to put in our pocket computing power that’s a million times V more powerful than the computer that put U.S. astronauts on the moon; while most of that B immense power is put to use downloading cat videos and playing video games, today’s mobile and computing power is changing both our world, and the way we interact with it. In his talk, O II “Gigacities: How Broadband is Reshaping the World,” Darrell West, Ph.D., explains how, perhaps providing insight into local ISP Velocity Network’s recent decision to bring high-speed residential fiber optic service to our region. L

Vice President and Director of the Center for Technology Information at the Brookings Institution, Gigacities: How Broadband West writes about technology, mass media, campaigns, and elections. West is also editor-in- G is ReshapingGold the World chief of the Brookings Institution’s science and technology policy blog, TechTankSilve. r

Darrell West, Ph.D. West has authored or co-authored 20 books, including his most recent work, Going Mobile: How Editor-in-Chief of TechTank, VP Wireless Technology is Reshaping Our Lives, which was released by the Brookings Institution and Director of Governance Studies Press this year. His 2014 book, Billionaires: Reflections on the Upper Crust, which takes readers at the Brookings Institution, on “a thoughtful romp through the world of our billionaire class,” as E.J. Dionne described it, received wide media attention for its measuring of billionaires’ influence worldwide, as well as Founding Director of the Center For providing case studies of some of our most powerful plutocrats. Technology Innovation at Brookings, Author Friday, October 30, 2015 7:30 PM The Jefferson Educational Society Bronze Copper T H Y E T IE JE C GOHRS FF SO p: (814) 455-0629 · f: (814) 454-2718 E RS NAL Patron Sponsors ON EDUCATIO

Personal Patrons

Maureen Plunkett and Family Anonymous Jefferson Trustee

Thomas Jefferson believed a citizenry that was educated on issues and shared its ideas through public discourse had the power to make a difference in the world.

The Jefferson Educational Society of Erie is a strong proponent of that belief, offering courses, seminars,and lectures that explain the ideas that formed the past, assist in exploring the present,and offer guidance in creating the future of the Erie region.

3207 State Street Erie, Pennsylvania 16508-2821 VII Nile Gardiner, PhD. Aaron David Miller, Ph.D. Director of ’s Author, VP for New Initiatives, Center for Freedom Distinguished Scholar at the Woodrow – The Davis Institute for National Wilson International Center for Security & Foreign Policy at the Scholars Heritage Foundation

US Foreign Policy & Our Role in the World – a debate US Foreign Policy moderated by C-SPAN’s Steve Scully & Our Role in the World – a debate moderated by In the space between President George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq and President ’s C-SPAN’s Steve Scully recent treaty with Iran lies a gulf of ideology. One thing, however, ties the two administrations’ policy decisions together: they both represent the idea that the United States should and does Nile Gardiner, Ph.D. & Aaron David exert tremendous influence over world affairs. “US Foreign Policy & Our Role in the World,” Miller, Ph.D. a panel discussion moderated by C-SPAN’s Steve Scully and featuring Drs. Nile Gardiner and Aaron David Miller, contemplates that influence, its direction, and its efficacy. Monday, November 2, 2015 7:30 PM Dr. Gardiner is a conservative British commentator and the Director of The Heritage Foundation’s The Jefferson Educational Society Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom. An expert on the , U.S.-Anglo relations, and Great Britain and Europe’s role in battling terrorism, Gardiner served as an aide and foreign policy researcher to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, as an adviser to the 2005 Gingrich-Mitchell Task Force on the United Nations, and as a foreign policy adviser for ’s 2008 presidential campaign.

A recipient of a doctorate in History from , Dr. Gardiner has written a number of policy papers, articles, and op-eds for publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, The Weekly Standard, The London Times, and EventThe New York Sponsors Times, among others. He also regularly appears as a commentator for the Channel, CNN, the BBC, and NPR.

Dr. Miller is the Vice President for New Initiatives and a Distinguished Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. An expert on the Middle East and Arab-Israeli relations, Dr. Miller served as an adviser at the US Department of State for both Democratic and SUMM Republican administrations, helping formulateThank US policy on the Arab-Israeli peace process. You I Platinum AL T Receiving his doctorate in American Diplomatic and Middle East History from the University B V of Michigan, Dr. Miller has written several books, including The Much Too Promised Land: O II America’s Elusive Search for Arab-Israeli Peace, The Arab States and the Palestine Question: Between Ideology and Self Interest, and The PLO and the Politics of Survival, among others. Dr. L Miller has also appeared on CNN, Fox News, the BBC, the CBC, and CBS Evening News. Gold Silver G

Bronze Copper T H Y E T IE JE C GOHRS FF SO p: (814) 455-0629 · f: (814) 454-2718 E RS NAL Patron Sponsors ON EDUCATIO

Personal Patrons

Maureen Plunkett and Family Anonymous Jefferson Trustee

Thomas Jefferson believed a citizenry that was educated on issues and shared its ideas through public discourse had the power to make a difference in the world.

The Jefferson Educational Society of Erie is a strong proponent of that belief, offering courses, seminars,and lectures that explain the ideas that formed the past, assist in exploring the present,and offer guidance in creating the future of the Erie region.

3207 State Street Erie, Pennsylvania 16508-2821 VII Author, Columnist, Television Commentator: An Evening with Cokie Roberts

Media personalities can often be thought of as close friends, or even members of the family – we share our morning coffee with them, we look to them for noontime news, and we often end our days with their comforting words still ringing in our ears. For more than 40 years, Cokie Roberts has been a Event Sponsors trusted and welcomed presence in our lives; her talk, “Author, Columnist, Television Commentator: An Evening with Cokie Roberts,” promises an inside view of this broadcasting legend’s career.

A contributing Senior News Analyst for NPR, Roberts also makes regular appearances on This Week with George Stephanopoulos and ABC News. Roberts’ position as political analyst is bolstered by 40 Author, Columnist, Television years in broadcasting, 10 years of which were as NPR’s congressional correspondent, and another 6 years as co-host with Sam Donaldson of ABC’s This Week. M Commentator: Thank You LSU MI An Evening with Cokie Roberts Platinum T Roberts also has written a number of bestsellers, including From This Day Forward, We Are Our A V Journalist, Author, Senior News Mothers’ Daughters, Founding Mothers, and Ladies of Liberty. Roberts’ work focuses on the roles and B Analyst for NPR, relationships of noted women in U.S. history. O II Political Commentator for ABC News The Library of Congress this year named Roberts a “Living Legend,” an honor bestowed on public L Tuesday, November 3, 2015 figures who have made “significant contributions to America’s diverse cultural, scientific, and social 7:30 PM heritage.” Gold Silver G Cathedral Prep Auditorium

Reading the Declaration of Independence Bronze Copper in Defense of Equality T Event Sponsors H Y E T In his Gettysburg Address of 1863, President Abraham Lincoln embraced the Declaration of IE Independence when he noted that the United States at its founding was “dedicated to the proposition JE C that all men are created equal.” The rhetoric was deliberate; in the war LincolnGOH wasRS fighting, he opposed FF SO slavery, an institution that was fully legal under the Constitution. Only if you view the Declaration p: (814) 455-0629 · f: (814) 454-2718 ER AL of Independence – and its “self-evident truth” that all are entitled to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of SO ON happiness” – as the nation’s founding document could you see slavery as incompatible with American Patron Sponsors N EDUCATI Thankideology. You Reading the Declaration Likewise, in Dr. Danielle Allen’sPlat Readinginum the Declaration of Independence in Defense of Equality – based of Independence on her 2015 book of the same name – she argues that the Declaration of Independence represents our full political philosophy that shaped the Constitution and informs our views of equality and freedom, Personal Patrons in Defense of Equality even today. Danielle Allen, Ph.D. Maureen Plunkett and Family Anonymous Jefferson Trustee Author, Professor, Political Theorist, Dr. Allen is a UPS Foundation Professor in the School of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Institute for Advanced Study Studies in Princeton, N.J. A political theorist, philosopher, and classicist, Dr. Allen received Ph.D.s in Government from , and Classics at the University of Cambridge. Dr. Allen has Wednesday, November 4, 2015 Goldpublished books and scholarly articles on Ancient Greece, US slaverySilve andr civil rights, and justice andThomas Jefferson believed a citizenry that was educated on issues and shared its ideas 7:30 PM democracy. Among her many awards and honors, she received a MacArthur Fellowship grant in 2002. through public discourse had the power to make a difference in the world. The Jefferson Educational Society of Erie is a strong proponent of that belief, offering courses, seminars,and lectures that explain the ideas that The Jefferson Educational Society formed the past, assist in exploring the present,and offer guidance in creating the future of the Erie region.

3207 State Street Erie, Pennsylvania 16508-2821 Bronze Copper VII

Patron Sponsors

Personal Patrons Maureen Plunkett and Family Anonymous Jefferson Trustee GOHRS

Thomas Jefferson believed a citizenry that was educated on issues and shared its ideas through public discourse had the power to make a difference in the world. The Jefferson Educational Society of Erie is a strong proponent of that belief, offering courses, seminars,and lectures that explain the ideas that formed the past, assist in exploring the present,and offer guidance in creating the future of the Erie region.

3207 State Street Erie, Pennsylvania 16508-2821 The Future of Osteopathic Medicine and Osteopathy: A Global Perspective

In “History, Current State, and Future of Osteopathy,” Dr. Norman Gevitz discusses a branch of medicine that was founded in the late 19th century on the belief that most diseases have their roots in the muscle and skeletal system. Osteopaths specialize in the manipulation of the joints, tissues, and muscles of the body to improve posture, reduce pain, and to promote good circulation of the body’s blood.

Dr. Gevitz is Professor of History and Sociology of Medicine and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs at A.T. Still University, which focuses on osteopathic medicine. He’s written a number of books and papers, including The DOs: Osteopathic Medicine in the US, which originally appeared in 1982. Most of Dr. Gevitz’ work focuses on osteopathy, including regular pieces for The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. The Future of Osteopathic Medicine and Osteopathy: A Global Perspective Norman Gevitz, Ph.D. Professor of History and Sociology of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, Preventive Medicine & Community Health, Senior VP Academic Affairs, A.T. Still University of Health Sciences Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine. John and Silvia Ferretti Friday, November 6, 2015 Thomas B. Hagen Dignitas Award Winners 7:30 PM Bayfront Convention Center This year’s Thomas B. Hagen Dignitas Award – given to an Erie citizen who’s made a significant contribution to American society – goes to the sibling Drs. John and Silvia Ferretti.

John and Silvia Ferretti were instrumental in the founding and success of Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine – LECOM. As one of Millcreek Community Hospital’s chief administrators, John led the campaign to create its own medical school. Silvia became the school’s first dean – and first woman dean to serve any osteopathic medical school. LECOM was founded with the goal to provide local, quality, and affordable healthcare in Erie and across the nation, and is a leader in the Thomas B. Hagen Dignitas teaching and practice of progressive, preventative, and whole-person medicine. Award Winners Dr. John Ferretti is the current President and CEO of LECOM, and the President of Millcreek Health Presented to John and Silvia Ferretti System, Erie. He has also served as the Medical Director of Millcreek Community Hospital, and as Friday, November 6, 2015 Clinical Professor in the LECOM’s Department of Internal Medicine. John Ferretti has been honored, 7:30 PM among others, by Gannon University and the international Newcomen Society for his activities,Event and Sponsors in 2002 won the Giuseppe Mazzini Civic Association Person of the Year award for his leadership, Bayfront Convention Center community presence, and character. He was named in 1988 by the American Osteopathic Association as Educator of the Year. Dr. Silvia Ferretti is LECOM’s Provost and Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs, and is also UMM Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine/Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.Thank Before joining LECOM, You LS I Silvia Ferretti was Chief of Rehabilitation at Erie’s Lake Rehabilitation Hospital. She also taught at the Platinum A T Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, where she earned her doctorate. She also served as B V the Chair of Pennsylvania’s state board of Osteopathy and is current Chair of the Dean’s Executive O II Committee of the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine. Silvia Ferretti has L received numerous honors, including from Edinboro and Gannon universities in Erie, Gov. Tom Ridge, and the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for her dedication to publicGold service. Silver G

Bronze Copper T H Y E T IE JE C GOHRS FF SO p: (814) 455-0629 · f: (814) 454-2718 E RS NAL Patron Sponsors ON EDUCATIO

Personal Patrons

Maureen Plunkett and Family Anonymous Jefferson Trustee

Thomas Jefferson believed a citizenry that was educated on issues and shared its ideas through public discourse had the power to make a difference in the world.

The Jefferson Educational Society of Erie is a strong proponent of that belief, offering courses, seminars,and lectures that explain the ideas that formed the past, assist in exploring the present,and offer guidance in creating the future of the Erie region.

3207 State Street Erie, Pennsylvania 16508-2821 VII Event Sponsors RESERVE YOUR SEATS FOR GLOBAL SUMMIT VII M For more information and to register for Thank You LSU MIT Global Summit VII programs please visit us online at Platinum BA V O II www.jeserie.org L or call us at 814-459-8000. Gold Silver G Visa, MasterCard, AMEX and Discover accepted. Payments must be made at registration.

Early Bird After Bronze Copper Prices October 9, 2015 T H Y Adult Tickets: $25 $35 E T IE JE C VIP Tickets*: $50 $60 GOHRS FF SO p: (814) 455-0629 · f: (814) 454-2718 ER L Adult Pass: $150 $175 SO ONA Patron Sponsors N EDUCATI VIP Pass*: $300 $375 Student Tickets: $10 $35 Personal Patrons *VIP tickets and passes provide preferred seating

Maureen Plunkett and Family Anonymous Jefferson Trustee

Thomas Jefferson believed a citizenry that was educated on issues and shared its ideas through public discourse had the power to make a difference in the world. DATE & TIME TOPIC SPEAKER

The Jefferson Educational Society of Erie is a strong proponent of that belief, offering courses, seminars,and lectures that explain the ideas that formed the past, assist in exploring the present,and offer guidance in creating the future of the Erie region. Monday, October 26 The Importance of Erie, Pa. in Understanding the Eric Raimy, Ph.D. 7:30 PM Changing Dialects of America’s Language 3207 State Street Erie, Pennsylvania 16508-2821 Tuesday, October 27 Mission Mars – Bas Lansdorp, M.S. VII 7:30 PM Forwarding our Dreams into Reality Wednesday, October 28 Growing Human Tissues: Can We Print Anthony Atala, M.D. 11:30 AM Luncheon Organs Instead of Transplanting Them?

Friday, October 30 Gigacities: How Broadband Darrell West, Ph.D. 7:30 PM is Reshaping the World

Monday, November 2 US Foreign Policy & Our Role in the World Nile Gardiner, Ph.D. & 7:30 PM – a debate moderated by Aaron David Miller, Ph.D. C-SPAN’s Steve Scully

Tuesday, November 3 An Evening with Cokie Roberts Cokie Roberts 7:30 PM** Author, Columnist, Television Commentator

Wednesday, November 4 Reading the Declaration of Independence Danielle Allen, Ph.D. 7:30 PM in Defense of Equality

Friday, November 6 The Future of Osteopathic Medicine and Osteopathy: Norman Gevitz, Ph.D. 7:30 PM* A Global Perspective Thomas B. Hagen Dignitas Award Winners Presented to John and Silvia Ferretti Friday, November 6, 2015 at 7:30 PM

*To Be Held at the Bayfront Convention Center **To Be Held at Cathedral Preparatory School All other programs – unless otherwise indicated – are scheduled to be held at the Jefferson Educational Society, 3207 State Street, Erie, PA 16508. SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PAST GLOBAL SUMMIT SPEAKERS

Joel Barker, Ph.D. Harvey A. Bender, Ph.D. David Brooks Ira Byock, M.D. Barry Casselman, M.F.A. Howard Dean, M.D. Eugene J. Dionne, Ph.D. Crislyn D’Souza-Schorey, Ph.D. Tom Flynn Past Global Summit Speakers Freddie H. Fu, M.D. Event Sponsors Tuesday,Tuesday, NovemberNovember 44 –– Wednesday,Wednesday, NovemberNovember 12,12, 20142014 Past Global Summit SpeakersFrancis Fukuyama, Ph.D. Event Sponsors David Gergen, J.D. JoelJoelGeneral Barker,Barker, Michael Ph.D.Ph.D. V. Hayden HarveyGeorge A. Bender, S. Howard, Ph.D. Ph.D. HarveyElaine A. Bender, C. Kamarck, Ph.D. Ph.D. DavidDavidPaul BrooksBrooksKennedy, Ph.D. SSUUMMM Ira Byock, M.D. Thank You L M IraKevin Byock, Kickenscher, M.D. M.D. Thank You L PlatinumPlatinum AA II Robert Kirshner, Ph.D. T BarryBarry Casselman,Casselman, M.F.A.M.F.A. BB T Brian Lamb, B.A., U.S. Navy Ret. HowardHoward Dean,Dean, M.D.M.D. O VV G. Terry Madonna, Ph.D. O Eugene J. Dionne, Ph.D. L EugeneThomas J. Dionne, E. Mann, Ph.D. Ph.D. L II CrislynCrislynHarry D’Souza-Schorey,D’Souza-Schorey, Markopolos, M.S., Ph.D.Ph.D. C.F.A. GG TomTomIan FlynnFlynn Morris, Ph.D. GoldGold SilverSilver FreddieFreddieNorman H.H. Fu,Fu, Ornstein, M.D.M.D. Ph.D. Francis DaveFukuyama, Porter, Ph.D. C.Ec.D. Francis StephenFukuyama, Porter, Ph.D. J.D. DavidDavidMichael Gergen,Gergen, J. Songer, J.D.J.D. J.D. GeneralGeneral MichaelMichaelSteve Scully, V.V. HaydenHayden M.S. GeorgeGeorge AliceS.S. Howard,Howard, M. Rivlin, Ph.D.Ph.D. Ph.D. ElaineElaine C.C. Kamarck,Kamarck,Karl Rove Ph.D.Ph.D. Paul AlanKennedy, J. Russell, Ph.D. Ph.D. Bronze Copper Paul RichardKennedy, Norton Ph.D. Smith Bronze Copper KevinKevin WilliamKickenscher,Kickenscher, A. Smith, M.D.M.D. Ed.D. T TH YY RobertRobert EdithKirshner,Kirshner, Widder, Ph.D.Ph.D. Ph.D. HE TT E IEE WilliamWilliam CharlesKristol,Kristol, Ph.D.C.Ph.D. Mann JJ I Stephen Burt EE CC BrianBrian Lamb,Lamb, B.A.,B.A., U.S.U.S. NavyNavy Ret.Ret. GGOOHHRRSS FFF SOO Bruce Katz p: (814) 455-0629 · f: (814) 454-2718 FE S G. Terry Madonna, Ph.D. p: (814) 455-0629 · f: (814) 454-2718 ER L G. TerrySister Madonna, Joan Ph.D.Chittister RS AAL Patron Sponsors SOON IONN ThomasThomas E.E.Donna Mann,Mann, Brazile Ph.D.Ph.D. Patron Sponsors N EEDDUUCCAATTIO HarryHarry Markopolos,Markopolos,Michael M.S.,M.S., Steele C.F.A.C.F.A. IanIan Morris,Morris,Laura Ph.D.Ph.D. Bush Charles C. Mann Norman Ornstein,Michele Ph.D.Ridge Charles C. Mann Norman Ornstein,Gregory SkomalPh.D. Stephen Burt Dave Porter, C.Ec.D. PersonalPersonal PatronsPatrons Stephen Burt Dave Porter, C.Ec.D. Bruce Katz StephenStephen Porter,Porter, J.D.J.D. RickRick andand NoreenNoreen FrancesFrances GriffithGriffith MaureenMaureen PlunkettPlunkett andand FamilyFamily AnonymousAnonymous JeffersonJefferson TrusteeTrustee Bruce Katz MichaelMichael J.J. Songer,Songer, J.D.J.D. SisterSister JoanJoan ChittisterChittister SteveSteve Scully,Scully, M.S.M.S. DonnaDonna BrazileBrazile Alice M. Rivlin, Ph.D. ThomasThomas JeffersonJefferson believedbelieved aa citizenrycitizenry thatthat waswas educatededucated onon issuesissues andand sharedshared itsits ideasideas Alice M. Rivlin, Ph.D. throughthrough publicpublic discoursediscourse hadhad thethe powerpower toto makemake aa differencedifference inin thethe world.world. MichaelMichael SteeleSteele Past Global Summit speakers include: Past Global Summit speakers include: KarlKarl RoveRove The Jefferson Educational Society of Erie is a strong proponent of that belief, offering courses, seminars,and lectures that explain the ideas that (top(top toto bottom)bottom) WilliamWilliam Kristol,Kristol, The Jefferson Educational Society of Erie is a strong proponent of that belief, offering courses, seminars,and lectures that explain the ideas that LauraLaura BushBush Howard Dean and Karl Rove. Alan J. Russell, Ph.D. formedformed thethe past,past, assistassist inin exploringexploring thethe present,andpresent,and offeroffer guidanceguidance inin creatingcreating thethe futurefuture ofof thethe ErieErie region.region. Howard Dean and Karl Rove. Alan J. Russell, Ph.D. Michele Ridge Richard Norton Smith Michele Ridge Richard Norton Smith Gregory Skomal WilliamWilliam A.A. Smith,Smith, Ed.D.Ed.D. 32073207 StateState StreetStreet Gregory Skomal Edith Widder, Ph.D. Erie,Erie, PennsylvaniaPennsylvania Edith Widder, Ph.D. 16508-282116508-2821 EVENT SPONSORS Event Sponsors Thank You ThankPlatinum You Platinum

Gold Silver Gold Silver

Bronze Copper Bronze Copper

Patron Sponsors Patron Sponsors

Personal Patrons Personal Patrons Maureen Plunkett and Family Anonymous Jefferson Trustee GOHRS Maureen Plunkett and Family Anonymous Jefferson Trustee GOHRS

Thomas Jefferson believed a citizenry that was educated on issues and shared its ideas Thomasthrough Jefferson public believed discourse a citizenry had the tha pot wwaser educatedto make a on di fissuesference and in the shared world its. ideas through public discourse had the power to make a difference in the world. The Jefferson Educational Society of Erie is a strong proponent of that belief, offering courses, seminars,and lectures that explain the ideas that The Jefferson Educationalformed theSociety past, of assist Erie is in a exploringstrong pr oponentthe present,and of that belie offerf ,guidance offering courses,in creating seminars,and the future of lectures the Erie that region explain. the ideas that formed the past, assist in exploring the present,and offer guidance in creating the future of the Erie region.

3207 State Street 3207 State Street Erie, Pennsylvania 16508-282Erie, Pennsylvani1 a 16508-2821