United Schutzhund Clubs of America

2012 General Board Meeting Minutes November 1, Nashville, TN

President Lyle Roetemeyer called the meeting to order at 8:30 AM November 1,2012. Roll call was made with 192 delegates present. The first order of business was to approve the minutes of the 2010, and 2011 General Board Meeting(s). President Roetemeyer reiterated no quorum was present at the at the 2011 meeting to approve the 2010 minutes.

• The minutes of the General Board meetings of November 4 2010, and November 3,2011 were approved by acclimation Officer’s Reports

President’s Report by Lyle Roetemeyer President Roetemeyer suggested a moment of silence in memory of our colleague Butch England who was recently deceased. Empathy was shown for our East Coast Clubs and members recently overcome by Hurricane Sandy. Appreciation was extended to Cumberland Valley Schutzhund Club members, and USCA members who worked to make this a successful National event.

President Roetemeyer explained that the 2011 meeting tapes had just arrived, after review, it was noted that there were a lot of missing details of the meeting. The Executive Board did go into executive session with 12 members present to discuss business.

It was noted that during the last decade of this administration costs have continued to be cut, funds were utilized to develop, build, and implement new ideas and programs.

An official letter was received from the SV documenting that 11 of our judges have passed their probationary period. President Roetemeyer reported his attendance at the WUSV meeting in September, at Ulm, . He noted that the USCA has gained huge support over the years.

Our 2012 WUSV Team traveled to Steyr, . The AWDF Team members competed at the FCI IPO Championship in Hungary.

The WUSV declaration packet was tabled from 2011 meeting. During that period, new proposals were received; President Roetemeyer suggested it be discussed in Old Business.

President Roetemeyer noted that new office space is necessary; our lease is up for renewal in 2 years. It was suggested that actual permanent space be considered.

In closing, the President thanked everyone who supported his efforts to lead the organization for the past decade.

Vice President’s Report by Craig Groh Vice President Craig Groh thanked Lyle and Debbie Roetemeyer, Cumberland Valley Schutzhund Club, and the volunteers for helping the USCA host this National event. He reported his activities assisting the President to alleviate his demanding role. These activities included:

• Representing USCA at various functions and meetings • GEC committee • Youth Committee • AWDF Board Representative • Treasurer of the Schutzhund USA Youth Scholarship Fund • Website development

Craig finished his report by stating it was an honor and a privilege to serve as Vice President for the past four years.

Interim Secretary’s Report by Marsh Asbury Marsha Asbury reported that during her tenure 22 executive board ballots were processed. She acknowledged the efforts made by the executive board running the daily business of USCA, and thanked everyone for their patience and support.

Treasurer’s Report by Sean O’Kane Sean O’Kane reported the revenues for 2012 fiscal year was $548,459 with operating expenses of $443,983. After taxes and other expenses, USCA had a net income, after taxes, of $102,122. With the dues increase, USCA increased assets to $290,887 from last year’s year-end report $189,109. This is an increase of $101,778. Prior to the meeting, each club received the Years Ended (June 2012 and 2011) Financial Statement(s). Sean noted the fiscal years 2005-2012, with increase of net assets from $131,676 to $290,887, demonstrated a total increase of $159,211.

Director of Judges Report by Nathaniel Roque • USCA Judges College consists of a total of 29 members • 20 licensed Trial / Performance Judges • 16 are active (2 are probationary) • 3 on personal or medical leave • 1 in suspension • 3 licensed and active breed masters/ judges • 8 apprentice judges • 5 have actively started apprenticeships • 1 apprentice will complete requirements at this championship

USCA did not host a Judges College in 2012, to effectively use the budget. The next USCA Judges College is planned for January 2013. This meeting will correlate with the announced RH rule changes and the FCI Judges meeting. This meeting is tentatively scheduled in Las Vegas. The main focus for the 2013 college is to address the inconsistencies and changes reported in trial rules, to conduct a 2013 RH Seminar, and to obtain approval from Walter Hoffman, SV RH Chairman, on licensing our remaining USCA Judges to award the RH title.

USCA has scheduled more than 277 events to date. USCA has continued to host more events than twice the total number of all AWDF member clubs combined. Nathaniel encouraged everyone to continue working with the membership, clubs and office to maintain growth and leadership status, as the finest and largest working dog organization in the United States.

The immediate goals for the Director of Judges:

1. Publish a new BH written test within the next 3 weeks 2. Resume work on the USCA rulebook, create a member - judge committee to proof read, anticipate Rule Book presented to the EB for approval by late January 3. Conduct the 2013 USCA Judges College, obtain RH certification for the USCA Judges 4. Implement a formal and complete USCA Judges Code of Ethics 5. Update the Judges program to include teaching criteria, judges memorial award Nathaniel spoke in favor of issuing a permanent Judges License for USCA Probationary Judge Warren Jones based on successful completion of his walk along at the 2012 National. Warren successfully completed all requirements last year. Under New Business Nathaniel will announce the 2012 Judges College Memorial Award recipient. In closing, he thanked the Judges College for their continued support, and efforts.

National Breed Warden Report by Tim Burke 2012 USCA Sieger Show

• Hosted by O. G. Indianapolis and the Sieger Show Committee, held in Indianapolis, Indiana • 352 Entries • USCA Judge Johannes Grewe, females • SV Judge Frank Goldlust, males • USCA Judge Nathaniel Roque, performance • Helpers, Don Yelle and Lionel Madden • The show netted a profit of approximately $24,000. The last four shows have netted over $50,000

Winners of 2012 Sieger Show

• USCA Sieger: Odin com Mittelwest II • USCA Siegerin: Putzi von der Dunieschenke • USCA Long Coat Sieger: Bosco vom Bardouille Haus • USCA Universal Sieger: Vandal vom Mittelwest

Hosting a USCA National event is a challenge, and requires much help. Special recognition and thanks was extended to Mary Dygert who works all year coordinating the event, USCA office staff Pam, Debbie, and Jodie. Jorry Hendricks-Rhodes who secures the venues and hotels. Nathaniel was commended for his admirable work judging the protection, and noted that each year the dogs have improved. Tim reminded everyone that the SV just implemented at the 2011 Sieger Show, a 5-point system, similar to the 10-point system that USCA has been evaluating by for the last 3 years.

2013 USCA Sieger Show is scheduled May 17-19 in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. SV Judge Rudiger Mai will judge males. This is Herr Mai’s last year as an SV judge. The goal of the show committee is to rotate the venues in order for all members have opportunities to enter and attend. In 2014, we have a contract with Purina Farms in St. Louis. For 2015, we have had discussions with several venues in Las Vegas. In 2016, the plan is to host in Eastern US.

USCA and WDA sent a combined Team to the WUSV Universal Sieger Show held in . Kevin Nance, Thomas Payne, Kris Taylor, and Katharina Oster represented USCA. The Team performed outstandingly taking five of the first thirteen positions. The 2013 competition will be held in Belgium.

Tim Burke and Lyle Roetemeyer attended the WUSV meeting, and reported:

• 86 member clubs • Each delegate was required to pay 25Euros to attend • Karl Krug received the von Stephanitz Award • Henning Setzer reported on 14 VA females • Rudiger Mai reported on 14 VA Males • 2013 WUSV IPO Championship – No Report • 2014 WUSV IPO Championship • 2015 Championship to be hosted in Finland, last weekend of September • Sieger Show to be hosted in Kassel, Aug 30 to Sept 1, meeting Sept 2 • 2016 WUSV World IPO Championship will not be hosted by South Korea • WUSV meeting held after the World Championships in Steyr, Austria. Approximately 50 representatives present • Dan Yee, GSDCA/WDA reported on World Championship to be held in Philadelphia – WDA staff observed the event staff working in Austria for experience – The date of the World Championship is October 16-20, 2013 – for tracking it is a one hour drive, and will be on cut grass – 129 rooms are blocked at unnamed hotel – The website will be up “soon”

In closing, Tim reported his concerns with breed legislation across the United States. We continue to see spay and neuter legislation enacted throughout the US and continue to see State and local governments push for this legislation driven by special interest groups. We must all be involved in this fight. Contact your local politicians and educate them, become an advocate for our breed and sport.

AWDF President’s Report by Al Govednik The AWDF currently has 17 member clubs, and 1 guest member club in the federation.

A USCA club, OG Landshark, hosted the 2012 AWDF Championship. Al thanked Nate Harves for hosting the event, Judges Piere Walstrum, Igor Lenvarsky, Siem Kwak and Alfred Haupaur. Winning the event was, John Soares. Followed by Team members: Dave Kroyer, Mark Natinsky, Frans Slaman, and Gabor Szilasi. Al congratulated the USCA Team for winning the competition, and Tracy Stowers who won the IPO-FH Competition.

In May the AWDF held elections for officers: Al Govednik-President, Lyle Roetemeyer-Vice President, Chantal Young-Treasurer, Michelle Testa-Seretary, and executive board members: Bill Bimrose, Dyan Harper, Vera Reaves.

Al clarified that FCI Judges are permitted to judge at AWDF events, provided that they have approval of their National Canine Organizations. Lyle Roetemeyer represented the AWDF during the September meeting in Belgium. Belgium has developed a new system to obtain their judges, making the AWDF the official contact in the US. The AKC is no longer the official contact of the VDDH for request of Belgian judges to officiate events in the US.

Clubs considering an FCI Judge should contact Michelle Testa, AWDF Secretary to obtain permission.

The AWDF, through the utilization of USCA, hosted an IPO Judges meeting that was open to all AWF clubs. At this meeting, special guest Frans Jensen, President of the FCI Working Commission, introduced and clarified rules and interpretations:

• IPO is now the only name for the sport. There is no longer SchH, VPG titles to award • Only 1 scorebook for each dog, and scorebooks must be turned in before the event begins • All dogs must be identified by either a microchip or tattoo

The AWDF has an open invitation to send as many judges as we like to the FCI judges meeting. We are also permitted to send Teams for the FCI IPO Championship. And, have an official invitation to the Nordic Championship. This competition is open to all FCI members and guests, and was developed to test messenger dog work, obedience, and protection. , Finland, Denmark, and are the countries that typically participate.

The AWDF Secretary should receive declarations for the AWDF FCI IPO FH Team December 10th.

Committee Reports

Audit Committee by Raye Lynn Ackerman The Audit Committee did not find any significant discoveries. The Financial Statement appears to be in line with best accounting practices. Raye Lynn proposed that this committee should become more involved than in past years. Raye Lynn recommended a plan for the committee to interact with the Treasurer

• The Treasurer works with the Audit Committee throughout the year • The Audit Committee reviews reports quarterly • The Treasurer provides reports to the Committee throughout the year, to improve knowledge sharing and reduces last minute rush prior to the General Board Meeting to obtain answers • The Treasurer communicates more frequently with the Committee to address questions .

Raye Lynn thanked everyone for the opportunity to act as the Chair for the Audit Committee.

Board of Inquiry Report by Bill Bimrose Bill Bimrose stated that the BOI received two cases this past year. The BOI acted on one case and are in the process of completing the second case

Breed Advisory Committee Report by Tim Burke Tim Burke reported on the following Breed Advisory Committee activities:

• Rule changes to USCA Breed Survey accepting FCI recognized organizations, hip and elbow evaluations • Ivana Karlsen assisted in developing an online web portal for show and trial entries though Zooza • Recommendations for additional sport medal points, forwarded to Director of Judges for approval • Approval of helper committee recommendations, changing helper schedule for Sieger show • Currently working on a show handling DVD • Regional Breed Wardens are to encourage clubs to host regional shows and receive $1000 assistance

Judges Committee Report by Nathaniel Roque The Judges Committee received three formal complaints against USCA Judges in 2012

1. A complaint for unsportsmanlike behavior at a USCA event was investigated and found to have merit. A recommendation was sent to the USCA EB for discussion, and followed by a motion to sanction the judge with a one (1) year suspension. The motion passed and the judge is currently suspended. 2. A complaint against a USCA judge for unsportsmanlike conduct against individuals, and a club. It is not clear at this time if the judges committee or the BOI should hear the incident. The decision is pending further investigation. 3. A complaint against a USCA Judge for Dress Code. Trial management and demeanor / personality and or general conduct. This complaint was found to have merit and based on the current USCA Judges Program Guidelines. The judge was found to have directly violated the dress code and was formally sanctioned with a first official warning, any additional infractions related to this will be followed with restrictions and or suspension to license. The additional charges regarding trial management and conduct are not clearly outlined in the judges program, therefor could not be officially addressed, but were discussed with this judge. Nathaniel affirmed that he feels strongly about maintaining a professional, approachable and “sportsmanlike” demeanor by all of our judges and apprentices. The Judges duties extend far beyond the act of “judging” the performance event. USCA Judges are the ambassador to the sport and our organization, it is their responsibility to help build support for our organization, and the sport, in doing this they should be approachable and professional, and should help educate everyone on rules, trial and show etiquettes. Nathaniel asked the membership to communicate with their judges at events and try to understand and resolve any conflicts at the time of the event. Then, if needed, contact the Director of Judges to discuss or file a formal complaint.

National Events Committee Report by Hal Lymus Hal thanked all of the hosts of the 2012 Championships for their hard work and sacrifices.

• Tornado Alley Schutzhund Club for 2011 USCA GSD IPO3 Championship in Kansas City, KS • Mid-Ohio Schutzhund Club for 2012 Working Dog Championship in Columbus, OH • OG Indianapolis, and Sieger Show Committee for hosting the Sieger Show in Indianapolis, IN • Cumberland Valley Schutzhund Club for hosting the 2012 GSD IPO3 Championship in Nashville, TN

2013 National Events:

• USCA Working Dog Championship host, Iowa Hundesport Club in Winterset, Iowa • Sieger Show in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin • GSD IPO3 Championship host, Way Out West Schutzhund Club in Delhi, CA • WUSV Qualification Trial host USCA, location TBD • WUSV Championship host GSDCA-WDA in Philadelphia, PA

The committee revised the National Events manual with a new logo reflecting IPO, protocols for national events, and requirements for qualifications of helpers at national events. Hal thanked the committee members for their assistance and recommendations.

Nominating Committee Report by Rifky MacKeen The committee continues to refine the nomination process by:

• Making the membership aware of vacancies each year, and providing information and job descriptions to candidates • keeping an impartial selection process, utilizing telephone interviews with candidates, requiring resumes, and publishing declarations and resumes in the magazine • Making the candidates aware of the time commitments involved to fulfill the positions

The lists of candidates submitted have completed all of the requirements and the committee believes this slate of candidates will advance the progression of this organization.

World Championship Committee Report by Mike Diehl Nothing to report. Special Committees

Bylaws Committee Report by Nia Cottrell Nothing to report this year.

Helper Committee Report by Dennis Vander Linde Dennis stated the Helper Program is entering into its 9th year. The USCA Helper Program continues to lead the way in Helper Education for all Working Dog Organizations through a program that focuses on Knowledge, Safety, and Performance in Trial Helper Work. • USCA held 40 Seminars and Evaluations (down from 45 last year), including the 2011 National Helper College. There are currently: • 21 Seminar Only Participants • 113 Entry Level Helpers (up from 103 last year) • 477 Basic Level Helpers (up from 415 last year) • 131 Club Level Helpers (up from 118 last year) • 45 Regional Level Helpers (up from 39 last year) • 26 National Level Helpers (up from 22 last year) • 37 Teaching Helpers (equal to 37 last year) • 1 Apprentice Teaching Helpers • 851 active USCA Members participating in the Helper Program (up 107 from 2011) • one (1) active Apprentice Teaching Helper working on apprenticeship, Richard Tom (NW Region). • two (2) Helpers submitting their qualifications to become Apprentice Teaching Helpers, Ralph Burrows (NE Region) and Richard Shook (SE Region).

Helper’s with expired classifications are no longer are listed on the USCA Website. Helpers, who do not find their name on the Helper List, but believe they should, need to contact Dennis to rectify the situation, by providing a copy of their Trial Helper Record Book for review. The Helper Committee is beginning work with the USCA Office Staff to integrate the Helper Program database with the USCA membership database. In the future, if a Helper’s USCA membership expires, their Helper Classification will also expire, the status will be reflected in the Helper List on the USCA website.

Dennis reminded that Trial Secretary’s should review the Helper List to ensure that the Helpers who work their events appear on the Helper List, validating that the Helper has active membership and proper helper classification. There have been three (3) instances in 2012 where the Trial Secretary and Judge did not verify the Helper’s USCA membership and/or Helper Classification were current on the day of the Event. The USCA Office took appropriate action and did not process the trial paperwork until the Helper renewed his/her USCA membership and/or Helper Classification. It is the responsibility of the Helper to be conscious of his/her USCA membership and/or Helper Classification expiration dates.

This year the Helper Committee prepared a substantial revision to the Helper Program - Issue No. 8. The Executive Board approved Issue No.8 in May, and it is available for download from the USCA website. Page 4 of Helper Program - Issue No.8 presents the Revision History for the document and readers can use that to easily identify the Sections and content that was revised.

• Incorporating the changes to the Protection Phase presented in the 2012 FCI IPO Rules • Adding the Helper Selection Process for the Sieger Show, including a 5-yr transition to bring the Sieger Show in line with USCA’s other National Events by not allowing entrants to practice on the Helpers selected for the Event; • Integrating the Helper Pre-Selection process for the USCA-GSDCA WUSV Qualification Trial; • Including pre-requisites for USCA Helpers submitting their qualifications to tryout to perform the helper work for the American Working Dog Federation (AWDF) Championship; and • Updating it with 14 other minor improvements, “tweaks” per se, based on feedback received from our Helpers, Teaching Helpers and members.

Dennis thanked Tim Burke and the Breed Advisory Committee for their support in bringing the selection of helpers for the Sieger Show into the Helper Program

Congratulations extended to the Helpers who were selected to work 2012 National Events: • The Working Dog Championship: Sean Murphy, Scott Carlson, and John Bochenek • The Sieger Show: Don Yelle and Lionel Madden • The USCA (USCA-GSDCA) WUSV Selection Trial: Don Yelle • Pre-selected helpers for 2012 National Championship are Don Yelle, Sean Murphy, Kevin Coombs and John Bochenek

The 2012 National Helper College had 16 Helpers: three (3) Entry, two (2) Basic, one (1) Club, one (1) Regional, four (4) National; five (5) Teaching Helpers and all seven (7) Helper Committee Members. The format of the College was split up with Scott Boedecker, James Laney, Danny Grayson, Nathaniel Roque and Mark Scarberry leading the practical portion. Dennis directing the administrative duties, and fielding suggestions. Julia Grayson, Dena McGowen and Marie Weller aided with the administrative work. USCA Teaching Helper Charles Ottesen helped with attaining the Helper Program hats.

The Helper Committee is committed to providing information to the membership on the USCA Website and in the Magazine. We will continue to do our best to have articles and updates regarding the Helper Program available in a timely manner, and would like to hear from the membership regarding any questions or articles that they want to address.

Lastly, I want to thank my Committee members: Scott Boedecker, Danny Grayson, James Laney, Mark Scarberry, Nathaniel Roque and Lyle Roetemeyer for their commitment, support and the hard work they have given to the Helper Program. I look forward to continuing my work with them in the coming year as we maintain our focus on our achieving our collective mission: Knowledge, Safety, and Performance of Trial Helper Work.

K9 Committee Report by Scott Hedger Nothing to report for this year.

Magazine Committee by Jennifer Acevedo The Magazine Committee did not have any significant to report this year.

Technical Committee Report by Dale Franz The committee has a power point presentation prepared.

Youth Committee Report by Michele Scarberry The 2012 Youth Scholarship recipients were Andrea Hashimoto from the Pacific Northwest Region, and Dominic Scarberry from the Mid East Region. Both handlers have been involved in the sport from a very young age. Both have achieved significant success with their Handler Owner Trained SchH3 dogs.

The committee thanks everyone who donated toward the scholarship fund this year. And give special thanks to the Southeast Region, who has promised to donate a portion of their proceeds to the USCA Youth Scholarship. Also, a special thank you goes to our top three donors: Amgen Foundation $ 1350, James Honda and Nicholas J. Razum

We are currently seeking candidates for our 2013 Scholarship. Please remind all of the eligible graduates of the 2013 class to complete the application found on our web site. The Recognition for Academic Achievements is awarded during the 2013 Working Dog Championship/USCA Youth Championship.

Our Youth participation at the Sieger show continues to improve and has become an essential part of the event. It is important for us to continue to inspire and encourage our youth in all venues of the sport. Congratulations to all of our Youth handlers who have competed this year. Clubs please remember to send me your youth updates!

As parents, and sport enthusiasts you should be very proud of these up and coming handlers: Veronica Adams Taylor Deren Julia Jurewicz Monica Bendt Alex Duarte Sarah Jurewicz Whitney Bendt Wyadd Fleck Alicia Lungu Cedric Bergerman Abbie Herman Nick Lungu Olivia Cassarda Josh Jurewicz Tessa Martinez Raquel Rovella Anita Szymula Grace Van Dyke Dominic Scarberry Karmeron Thompson Casey Wiswell Crystal Schmidt Sydney Wagner Monica Zanetti

The year-end fundraiser through Malley’s Candy is active, the proceeds support the scholarship fund. Our organization code: ID# 411115 the web site is:www.malleys.com

Website Committee Report by Craig Groh A power point presentation will be given after break.

At 9: 50 AM, a 10-minute break was agreed upon. The meeting resumed at 10:00 AM. Upon return the Website Committee delivered a brief power point presentation.

Another break was called at 11:35, requesting an emergency Executive Board decision regarding a competitor at the event. The delegates reassembled at 11:57. Roll Call was preformed at 12:00, and 105 delegates were present. Elections President Roetemeyer cited the Nominating Committee’s slate of candidates, and gave clarification on the Board of Inquiry candidate ranking system. A protocol for candidates’ speeches was stated. The General Board was advised that nominations could be taken from the floor provided that the nominee has previously sent a letter agreeing to nomination. President Roetemeyer turned over the election proceedings to Vice President Craig Groh. Craig announced that the official change of officers would take place at the end of Old Business.

Candidates for the offices of President and Vice President spoke, and answered questions from the membership; the election proceedings began at 12:39. Office staff counted ballots, Marie Weller announced results.

Office of President Nominees • Lyle Roetemeyer – Jim Alloway o Jim Alloway President

Office of Vice President Nominees • Tim Burke – Frank Phillips. o Frank Phillips Vice President

Office of Secretary Nominees • Marsha Asbury – Michele Scarberry. Marsha Asbury declined nomination. o Michele Scarberry Secretary by acclimation

Office of Treasurer Nominee • Sean O’Kane – unopposed. o Sean O’Kane Treasurer by acclimation

Office of the Director of Judges Nominee • Nathaniel Roque – unopposed. o Nathaniel Roque Director of Judges by acclimation Office of National Breed Warden Nominees • Johannes Grewe – Mary Dygert. Nominated from the floor, Karen MacIntyre o Karen MacIntyre National Breed Warden

Directors at Large (4) Nominees 1. Mike Diehl 2. Al Govednik 3. Claudia Romard 4. Dennis Vander Linde Nominated from the floor; Deb Krsnich - Kathy Mocanin - Julia Grayson and Craig Groh

• Directors at Large: Mike Diehl, Claudia Romard, Deb Krsnich, and Dennis Vander Linde

Audit Committee Nominees (3) 1. Lisa Clark 2. Brenda Farmer 3. Karen Garber • The committee was Unopposed. Named by acclimation

Board of Inquiry Nominees (5 regular members) 1. Sara Wallick 2. Nia Cottrell 3. Bill Bimrose 4. Mike Gardner 5. Trish Sansbury • (5) Regular members include: Bill Bimrose, Nia Cottrell, Sara Wallick, Mike Gardner, and Jim Honda

Board of Inquiry Nominees (5 alternate members) 1. Laurie Coppola 2. Tim Karchnak 3. John Horan 4. Sean Murphy 5. Diane Madigan Nominated from the floor: Jim Honda - Brandon Wilson

(5) Alternate members: Trish Sansbury, Sean Murphy, John Horan, Tim Karchnak and Laurie Coppola

Judges Committee (1) USCA Judge 1. Carla Griffith Nominated from the floor: Craig Groh - Mike Hamilton. There was no letter of intent on file from Mike Hamilton; therefor the nomination could not be accepted.

Judges Committee Members at Large (2) Nominees 1. Mike Gardner 2. Debbie Zappia Nominated from the floor: Nate Harves - Jeff Lund

• Judges Committee Members at Large: Debbie Zappia, Mike Gardner National Events Committee (4) Nominees 1. Susan Dooling 2. Mary Dygert 3. Hal Lymus 4. Claudia Romard Nominated from the floor: Mark Scarberry – Maria Karas – Robyn Ayling – Roni Hoff

• National Event Committee members: Mark Scarberry, Hal Lymus, Roni Hoff, and Mary Dygert

Nominating Committee (5) Nominees 1. Ravi Iyer 2. Rifky MacKeen 3. Kevin Nance 4. Michele Scarberry 5. Betty Thomas Michele Scarberry declined nomination. Nominated from the floor: Jim Honda - Raye Lynn Ackerman

• Nominating Committee Members: Rifky MacKeen, Kevin Nance, Betty Thomas, Raye Lynn Ackerman, and Jim Honda

World Championship Committee (4) Nominees 1. Carolyn Daniel 2. Mike Diehl 3. Tommy Gillies 4. Rob Dunn 5. Lisa Jacquin • World Championship Committee members: Mike Diehl, Carolyn Daniel, Rob Dunn, and Tommy Gillies Old Business The WUSV declaration packet was presented for discussion. Franz Slaman proposed an alternative suggestion, and spoke on behalf of his recommendations. The discussion resumed concerning removing the AWDF out of the Team Qualification process. After much deliberation, Nia Cottrell motioned, and Don Yelle seconded, that the AWDF be removed from the process. Frank Phillips opposed this suggestion stating that the AWDF Championship gives the membership more opportunities to compete in Championships. After discussion, there was a Call for vote: 10 to remove the AWDF, the Majority opposed the motion. Motion failed. New Business At 4:15 PM President elect Jim Alloway assumed presiding officer .

The first order of business was to vote on permanent judges license and award the 2012 Judges College Memorial Award. Nathaniel Roque oversaw the proceedings.

Permanent Judges License – Nathaniel Roque 1. Andrea Duggan 2. Warren Jones Director of Judges Nathaniel Roque spoke in favor of both Judges, and explained that Andrea Duggan needed 3 more trials to complete her process, and should finish by March.

Call for vote: 65 yes 3 no

Judges College Memorial Award – Nathaniel Rogue The USCA Judges College presented Dena McGowan with 2012 Judges College Memorial Award. The award is in recognition and appreciation for her years of dedicated service to the organization.

Brandon Wilson motioned to post pone the remaining Other New Business agenda items. Diane Madigan seconded the proposal, the delegates unanimously agreed. Other New Business-tabled 1. Proposal by Nathaniel Roque: USCA GSC National Championship entry requirements and waiver issuance criteria 2. Proposal by Hal Lymus: National Events Committee financial reports, area of responsibility, change in protocols 3. Bylaw Amendments (6) submitted by Nia Cottrell: The proposed bylaw amendments for 2012

Diane Madigan motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mark Scarberry. The delegates were unanimously in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 4:45PM

Michele Scarberry, USCA Secretary