Speaker Rayburn, 79, Dies , Complications
C-4: ->r<Vi ■ '^‘-' V* 1 .■ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1®61 ■ ■ . ' • i ' ‘ ^ / iKancbifBtpr fEopnittg Upralb |V<‘ ■ Public Health Nurses Drive Coming to an End—Ifave You Contributed? LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY, WINF MON. thru FRI. 1:10-SA T. 11:10 Avenige Daily Net Press Run AMPIE FREE .The Weathir 'F o r tJw Week Ended Foreeaet of O. 8. Weather BtSeae PARKING Neveniber U, lesi". FREE STREET REAR OF , Rain atariint tonighh eiiding 13,4«7 earir Friday mominf. Low to* PARKING! STORE! Meuber of the Audit night In 50a. Fridfy partly clear h^- .Burenn of Olrcolation ing, colder. High around SO. M ancheater^A City of VUk^e Charm 70L. LXXXI, NO. 40 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., tHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1961 (OtoealSIad AdverUelng on Pngo U ) PRICE FIVE CENTS Disarmed hy Nikita S ta te News Polish Reds Reveal Roundup Speaker Rayburn, 79, Dies New Story on Death Murder Seen In Gun Death ...FOR CHRISTMAS Of Lavrenty Beria Of Farm Hand , Complications BU Y NOW. Ledyard,' Nov. ^16 (IP)— By OEOROE BYVERT8EN • Before the meeting Khrushchev State Police said ‘ toda'y the Warsaw, Poland, Nov. 16 appealed for support to Marshal shotgun death of a farm (/P)— A sensational new ver lOril . S. Moskalenko, the com worker looks like a murder mandant of the Moscow garrison ca^e. sion of the arrest of Soviet po who since has become deputy de Held Post in House T0M6HT OMLY, 5.45 TO 5:00 lice boss Lavrenty P. Beria, fense minister and chief of rocket The other alternative, that Ed ward Bromley may have been shot TONIOOT ONLY, 5:45 TO 5:00 forces.
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