U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 02/25/1986
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us ENVIRONMENTAL PROTE:CTlON AGENCY OFFICE OF PESTICIUES PROGRAMS REGISTRATION DIVISION (15-767) WASHINGTON. DC 20460 UAME OF PESTICIDE PRODUCT NOTICE OF PESTICIDE: o REGISTRATION o REREGISTRA TION fUuc'.-! rlh' F."kr",' 11I~I·l·lIC;(h·. FI1I1l~icitl.·. ,Il/(l (.(,>II.'/lI'c,d., Acr, ..,~ ,Hllt-"iI"dl NAME ANO ADDRESS OF REGISTRANT (fnc/"d .. 70,1' cad(') r ~f LI' L):vll,lCiJj LClh!.ill'j ~iL'I.' j"'jlul !: U 1 l.. j :i{JL NCTE: Changes in labeling formula dIHC"rin~ in substance from that accepted in connectjtln with this registration must be submitl~d to and accepted br the Rcr;istn.lion Oi,',sion prior 10 use of the label In commerce. In anr correspondt"nce on this produclalways refer to the above U.S. EPA registratiun number. On the basis of information furnished by the registrant, the above named pesticide is hereb}' Registered/Reregistered under the Federal In~ccticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. A copy of the labelJng accepted in connection with this Registralion/Rercgistratlon is returned herewith. Registration is in no way to be construed as an indorsement or a ,JprO\'a I of this product h~' this Agency. In order to protect health and the em'ironment, the Administrator, on his motion, malo' at an}' time suspend or cancel the rcr.istralion of a pest icide in accordanc.::- with the Act. The acceptance of an)' name in connection with th~ registration of a product under this Act is not to be construed as giving the registrant a right to exclusi\'e use of the namc or to its usc if it has been co\'ercd by others. 'i'lll!::, lICOl..Ct. .l.~ COIlGiL.l.c..nalJ), I\..:(;l!.;t..Cl:eu HI ac.;t:(..;r(;..-~IJCL wlth l"ll-RA ~eCt..l.(jr, 3(c)(~/)lA} pi (.'V.l.UC<.! t.iJat YU.l: 1. !:Jut-lIllt. aJ'U/LI (;JtL: olJ (;('1...<.( It'-jl.J1)~l:U tvl 1\..:~ll~~L~tl(jn/rel~gl&Lrbt.1Lh (.-1 YVUl 1 1 ((JUCl.. l.illl.,lCl t it-h.i' ~,LCl.l.<"'J, ~(C)(~) \·>lH.1I tJ,r }\~ ... l,C), r l-(jU.l.n.. ;t;. ill.! ~. Ha},l UH;. J.:lJJ(-:J.l.UY cr.c..tJ.St..~ 11SU.(J IJt.;jL'\'. hl·1l.1L )'l.U Tf.:~L·.J.b(: tJ ... J ;[u(,liCt tal !:'h.l.l-'mdlt: a • .AOO tile. plU.. b.ht "Ll-'A ht:_<.J1stIi-lt.lvn He. 3u16"J-t>." o. haa the lullo\.inC] tv the ::>t.atelltent 01 l'~act:.lcal 'l'leatml.~nl. "U0 not intluc\. vvm.l.t.l.I1~ vI glve anytb.l.ny lJY JU0uth tc an 1IliCUfiSCluUb (!erhon." @TT CHME1T I~ APPLI ABLE I EPA Foren 8570-6 (Rov. ~ 6) PREVIOUS EDITION MAY BE USED UNTIL SUPPLY IS EXHAUS~EO. I 90475:Erumsele:T-2.KENCO:2/21/86:3/5/86:TAR:MD :~ , , '" '. '" ,', " .,; , :. , :.!:, ... ,~::.. ,,'•. ~:.- .~':~'.:'~' ~ ,,, '~.::.;;;.. \~ :~. 1;>- _~_ .' ,.:; l,~i'l :~. t·, ;.1 2 3. Verity that the pruduct tested, 4li Cyanazine F'L (data submitted by lIe lena Cheillical) ir. identical to Sctre Cyanazine 4L Herbicide. It thel.e are ditler~ltces b~t.\ieen the prOducts, thE! data must b~ rereviewed in order to d~termine 'rlhetht!r or not the studies are acceptable to support registration ot 38167-5. 4. SuL~it tive (5) covies OE your tinal printed labeling before you release tlu~ product for 6hipJCent. Reter to the 1;.-79 Enclc.sure: tor a l:urthe.c description OE tinal printed labeling. It these conditions are not comv1ied with, the registration will be subject to cancellation in accol:dance with FIFRA section 6(e). Your release for shipntent 01 the product constitutes acceptance ot these conditions. '\ v.tamped copy at the label 18 enclosed for your records. Robert J. Taylor Product Manager (25) Fungicide-Herbicide &ranch Registration Division (TS-767C) Enclosures •• ",>l :: '1J .., SETRE CHEMICAL COMPANY .., " , . - ):. , ',. .. ~ Suite 3200 - Clark Tower .-----------------, 5100 Poplar Avenue Ace E P '"[' E D' Memphis, Tennessee 38117 ({)- etJnvw<.<J : (901) 761-0050 FEB 2 51986 ACTIVE INGREDIENT (C Cyanazine: 2-chloro-4-(l-cyano-l-methylethylamino)- 6-ethyl-amino-s-triazine ••••••••••••••• 43.0% INERT INGREDIENTS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _..;5~7!.-'..• ..:::O~%~_ TOTAL 100.0% This product contains 4 Ibs. cyanazine per gallon. KEEP'OUT OF.REACH OF CHILDREN WARNING SEE ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONS ON SIDE PANEL ftI'>, ~' EPA EST. NO. NET CONTENTS EPA REG. NO. MANUFACTURED BY SETRE CHEMICAL COMPANY MEMPHIS, TN. 38137 • •••••• ,•" • • • " " • ••••••• • < •• "• . ••••• • .. • • • ''''1 ••••• I (0 I I • • ••••• • , • • • • • •• , , •••••• " • •• • .. • . ..., • " • -. j. ( ' .. ~. ..... -... ,......... .,........ -... ' , ,ii nbc d d ''$fj)il.;+ ;::. • 1" I . "., .. .------------------------------------~I PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals WARNING May be fatal if swallowed .• Causes eye irritation. Harmful if inhaled or absorbed through skin. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, or clothing. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling·and before eating or smoking. Avoid breathing spray mist. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Keep out of reach of domestic animals, particularly cattle. Consumption of this product, spray solution, or water contaminated with product can result in serious i~lness or possible death of bovines. STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT If swallowed, drink one or two glasses of water immediately ( and induce vomiting by sticking finger down back of throat. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes or skin with p]~nty of water. Get medical attention if irritation persists. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS Keep out of lakes, streams or ponds. Do not contaminate water by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes • . , DIRECTIONS FOR USE l4 r It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent· with its labeling. ( STORAGE AND DISPOSAL •t Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal. Do not use or store around the home environment. Pesticide Disposal: Wastes resulting from the use of this product may be disposed of on site or at an approved waste disposal facility. ,. , • ••••• .. , • ••• Ccntainer Disposal: Triple rinse (or equivalent). Then ofler' •••••• for recycling or reconditioning, or puncture and dispose Qf '. • •• • in a sanitary landf ill, or incineration, or, if allowed b'1 0 •• 0 •••••• • state and local authorities, by burning. If burned, stay o~o ••••• of smoke. • ••••• o 00.•• • 00 0 • • •0 ••0 00 0 " GENERAL INFORMATIOll FOR USE ON CORN _ 4 •• ". \.' ·CYANAZINE 4L Herbicide is a selective preemergence herbicide for the .control of annual grasses and broadleaved weeds in field corn. CYANAZINE 4L may also be used preemergence in ." 'J .• '~':'" certain tank-mix combinations with other herbicides as described below. When CYANAZINE 4L is used alone or in combination with Sutan +, Eradicane, Alachlor (Lasso), or Paraquat, as directed on this label, there is no herbicide carryover which interferes with succeeding crops, and the user can rotate from corn to other crops. 11hen CYANAZINE 4L is used in combination with atrazine, however, only corn or sorghum may be planted the following year. 11hen CYANAZINE 4L is used in combination with Dual, refer to the Dual label for precautions on . , rotational crops. ( As a preemergence herbicide, CYANAZINE 4L is active mainly through the roots; and therefore, its effect on ,~eeds is dependent on adequate rainfall to move the herbicide into the root zone. A rotary hoeing or shallow cultivation is recommended if a rainfall or sprinkler irrigation has not occurred within about ten days after application of CYANAZINE 4L alone, as a tank-mix or as a sequential application. Moisture should be sufficient to wet the top 1 1/2 to 2 inches of soil or make the soil too wet to cultivate; for most soils one-half inch of moisture is sufficient. J Under conditions _~hich delay weed germination, such as low temperature, lac~ of soil surface moisture, or when germ ination extends over a long period, the effectiveness of the herbicide may be impaired. Rotary 'hoeing, a shallow cUltivation or a postemergence herbicide treatment may be ::If benefit under ( these circumstances. If the corn is cultivated, tillage should be shallow to minimize herbicide dilution in the soil. CYANAZINE 4L is not effective when used preemergence on peat or muck soils. Do not use CYANAZINE 4L on sands or loamy sands (soils consisting of more than 70% sand) containing less than 1% organic matter. CYANAZINE 4L should be applied only once per crop season. Observe all cautions and limitations on labeling of all products used in mixtures. The effectiveness of any combination is •••••• generally dependent on weed spectrum, soil texture, ana's6Ll : .: organic matter content. Suggested rates for CYANAZINE 4L :alone":": and all tank-mix combinations of CYANAZINE 4L with oth~f Qerbici~~s can be found in rate tables contained in this label. :' ,,' ":", ••••• .t C. ( C , APPLICATION DIRECTIONS c: CI ( • • General Mixing and Spraying Directions .. , . • •••••, .. , ,t. c •• c. •• Be sure the sprayer tank, boom and nozzles have been thbr6ugh~',.' flushed with clean water if another pesticide has been,~gefi previously. ... • ,.' " 7 Sufficient jet or mechanical agitation should be provided during the filling operation and during application to keep the tank mix combination uniformly suspended. Fill the spray tank At least one-half full of clean water and while pump and agitator are running, add the recommended amount of CYANAZINE 4L to the tank, then fill with water to the desired level. For tank mixes, Once the CYANAZINE 4L is completely suspended in the water, add the recommended amount of atrazine, Sutan +, Eradicane 6.7E, alachlor (Lasso) 4EC, Dual 8E, or Paraquat CL to the tank while filling with water to the desired level. For tank mixes with atrazine 80W, completely suspend the atrazine in water prior to adding CYANAZINE 4L. Nitrogen solutions or complete liquid fertilizer may replace all or part of the water as carrier.