Kevin Ahern, Structures of Grace: Catholic Nongovernmental Organizations and the Mission of the Church, directed by David Hollenbach

Hoa Trung Dinh, SJ, Theological Medical Ethics: A Virtue-base Approach, directed by Lisa Sowle Cahill

Walter Hannam, The Ineutabile of Honorius Augustodunensis: A Study in the textures of early Twelfth-Century Augustinianisms, directed by Stephen Brown

Jill O'Brien, Images of God, Roles of Humanity, and Ecological Ramifications: Hope and Realism in the Renewal of Creation, directed by Lisa Sowle Cahill

Steve Okey, The Plural and Ambiguous Self: The Theological Anthropology of David Tracy Directed by Mary Ann Hinsdale, IHM

Jeremy Sabella, The Politics of Original Sin: Reinhold Niebuhr's Christian Realism and its Cold War Realist, directed by Michael Himes

Rene Sanchez, Agapic Solidarity: Practicing the Love Command in a Globalized Reality, directed by Roberto Goizueta



Kevin Ahern, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Manhattan College

John R. Barker, OFM Assistant Professor of Old Testament, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago

Nichole Flores, Assistant Professor in Moral Theology at Saint Anselm College

Jill O'Brien, Assistant Professor, Theology Department, Creighton University (Omaha, NE). (Beginning July 2013)

Steve Okey, Assistant Professor of Theology at Saint Leo University in Saint Leo, FL


Kevin Ahern, Adjunct professor, Boston College Center for the Church in the 21st Century, 2012-13

Kevin Ahern, Adjunct professor at Blessed John XXIII National Seminary, 2012-13

Megan Anechiario, Instructor in the Religious Studies Department at Rivier College in Nashua, NH for the 2013-14 academic year

Kevin Johnson, Adjunct Professor for Religious Studies and Philosophy at Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT in Fall 2012 – Intro to Philosophy; Intro to Religious Studies; 2 Sections of Intro to Religious Studies in Spring 2013; Fall 2013 – Intro to Religious Studies; I petitioned for and had accepted a new course at the school – Comparative Theology: Buddhist-Christian Comparisons and Dialogue

Kevin Johnson, Adjunct Professor for Religious Studies at Fairfield University in the Fall of 2013 – Intro to Religious Studies

Cristina Richie, Instructor, Bioethics and Ecology, UMASS Boston, Urban Scholar Program, Dorchester, MA. Summer 2012

Christina Richie, Adjunct Instructor, Comparative Religions [Abrahamic Faiths], Marian Court College, Swampscott, MA. Fall 2012.

Jeremy Sabella, Instructional Assistant, Yale Divinity School

Joshua Snyder, Adjunct Lecturer: Labouré College, Boston, MA

Cristina Richie, Proofreader, World Council of Churches [WCC]. International Inter- Orthodox Consultation on the Ecumenical Movement in Theological Education and in the Life of Orthodox Churches, book forthcoming. Summer 2012.

Cristina Richie, Proofreader, Boston Theological Institute [BTI] magazine. Fall 2012.



Kevin Brown, Lilly Graduate Fellowship in Humanities and the Arts, Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities and the Arts (2012-2015)

Taylor Carr, received a scholarship from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. It is a scholarship for advanced studies in theology, called the 'Taylor Scholarship.'


Mia Cruz, CTSA Scholarship to Attend the 2013 Annual Convention, Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA), in Miami, FL

Nichole Flores, CTSA Scholarship to Attend the 2013 Annual Convention, Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA), in Miami, FL

Nicole Flores, Catholic Theological Society of America Convention Scholarship

Nicole Flores, Fund for Theological Education North American Doctoral Fellowship

C. Tom Fraatz, National Endowment for the Humanities Institute Invited Participant “Working with Texts in the Digital Age” July 23-Aug 10; Tufts University, Medford, Mass.

Daryn Henry, Social Science & Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship: 2013-2014

Michael Jaycox, Sixth Year Dissertation Fellowship from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for my project, "Righteous Anger and Virtue Ethics: A Contemporary Reconstruction of Anger in Service to Justice."

Michael Jaycox, CTSA Scholarship to Attend the 2013 Annual Convention, Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA), in Miami, FL

Teva Regule,Teaching Fellow: The Philokalia: Exploring a Classic Text of Orthodox Spirituality, Pappas Patristics Summer Institute, Brookline, MA - 7/2012. Kevin Ahern, Flatley Fellowship

Nicole Reibe, Fortin Grant to do manuscript work in Paris this July

Cristina Richie, Graduate Student Association's Individual Research and Conference Grants (IRCG), Boston College, November 2012, March 2013, May 2013.

Cristina Richie, Junior Scholar Research Grant, Boston College Center for Christian- Jewish Learning, Summer 2012. ______


Kevin Ahern, Donald J. White Teaching Excellence Award

Nicholas DiSalvatore, Donald J. White Teaching Excellence Award (Spring 2013), Recognition for distinguished classroom instruction as a graduate teaching fellow, $300 prize

Nichole Flores, Catholic Theological Society of America Convention Scholarship Fund for Theological Education North American Doctoral Fellowship

Conor Kelly, 2012 Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza New Scholar Award (Journal of Feminist 3

Studies in Religion)

Jill O’Brien 2013 Donald and Hélène White prize for outstanding dissertation in the Humanities

Cristina Richie, Catholic Health Association [CHA] Annual Theology and Ethics Colloquium graduate student essay contest. “Building a Framework for Green Bioethics: Integrating Ecology




Kevin J. Ahern (Editor) Visions of Hope: Emerging Theologians and the Future of the Church (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2013)

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, Francis of Assisi and the Future of Faith: Exploring Franciscan Spirituality and Theology in the Modern World (Phoenix: Tau Publishing, 2012).

Jillian Stout Maxey and Catherine Cornille, eds. Women and Interreligious Dialogue. Eugene, OR: Cascade books, forthcoming. ______

Essays in Books or Journals

Kevin Brown, "The Local and Universal Churches: Expressing their Catholicity through Reciprocity," in Visions of Hope: Emerging Theologians and the Future of the Church, ed. Kevin Ahern, 191-212 (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2013).

Taylor Carr, “Creation and Epistemology in T.F. Torrance and Dumitru Staniloae." In 'Participatio'. Participatio: Journal of the Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship.

Chris Conway, “Dialogue: Introduction.” Visions of Hope: Reflections on the Second Vatican Council. Ed. Kevin Ahern. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2013.

Chris Conway, Chad Bauman, Arun Jones, Brian Pennington, Joseph Prabhakar Dayam and Michelle Voss Roberts. Hinduism and Christianity: An Annotated Bibliography. Journal of Hindu Christian Studies. 25 (2012)


Benjamin Durheim, “Having Patience with the Practice: A Response to Michael Tuck Regarding Communion Without Baptism.” Forthcoming in Worship. (Written with David Turnbloom)

Benjamin Durheim, “Liturgy in the 21st Century.” In Kevin J. Ahern, ed., Visions of Hope: Emerging Theologians and the Future of the Church. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2013. 21-25

Nichole Flores, "The Personal is Political: Toward a Vision of Justice in Latina Theology," in Feminist Catholic Theological Ethics: Conversations in the World Church, Linda Hogan and Agbonkhianmeghe Orobator, eds. Forthcoming, 2013.

Nichole Flores, "Latina/o Families: Solidarity and the Common Good" in the Journal of the Society of , Mark Allman and Tobias Winwright, eds. Forthcoming, 2013.

C. Tom Fraatz, “Social Conflict Theory and Matthew’s Polemic against the Pharisees” Revised essay in anthology from the University of California, Santa Barbara Borderlands Conference, UC Press

Eddie Gonzalez, “Timelessness, Solidarity, and the Crucified Future: Attuning Ecclesial Praxis to a Theology of Fragility.” In Visions of Hope: Emerging Theologians and the Future of the Church. Edited by Kevin J. Ahern. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2013.

Kathleen Grimes, “Butler Interprets Aquinas: How to Speak Thomistically About Sex." Journal of Religious Ethics, Forthcoming

Daryn Henry, “Invitation to the Triune Conversation: Explorations of Prayer through the Theology of Robert Jenson” Dialog: A Journal of Theology 52:2

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Women Religious and Their Compassionate Sign of the Possible,” in Thank You, Sisters, ed. John Feister (Cincinnati: Franciscan Media, 2013).

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Thomas Merton the ‘Dunce’: Identity, Incarnation and the Not So Subtle Influence of John Duns Scotus,” Cistercian Studies Quarterly 47 (2012): 149-175.

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “No Spouse is an Island: Thomas Merton’s Contribution Toward a Contemporary Spirituality of Marriage,” The Merton Annual 25 (2012): 171-196.

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “A Rahnerian Theological Response to Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age,” New Blackfriars (forthcoming).

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “The Possibility of Franciscan Presbyters According to Chapter V of the Regula Bullata: A Reply to Solanus Benfatti,” The Cord 62 (2012): 118-146.


Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Finding Francis on Facebook: Franciscan Spirituality and Mission in the Digital Age,” The Cord (2012): 243-267.

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Raids on the Impossible: The Poetics of Nonviolence in Merton, Caputo, and Hauerwas,” The Merton Seasonal 37 (2012): 3-10.

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “What’s in a Name? The Significance and Challenge of St. Francis for Pope Francis,” America 208 (April 29, 2013): 19-22.

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “The Unspeakable: Thomas Merton, the Boston Marathon, and the Beginning of Christian Hope,” America 208 (May 20, 2013) forthcoming.

Michael Jaycox, essay titled, "The Enduring Ethical Vision of Gaudium et Spes: Catholic Moral Engagement in the Twenty-First Century,” was published in Kevin J. Ahern, ed., Visions of Hope: Emerging Theologians and the Future of the Church (2013).

Michael Jaycox, peer-reviewed article titled, “Coercion, Autonomy, and the Preferential Option for the Poor in the Ethics of Organ Transplantation,” was published in the journal Developing World Bioethics (Dec. 2012).

Jaisy Joseph, “Multiplicity of Encounters, Unity of Faith, C21 Resources (Spring 2013)

Jaisy Joseph, “In-Beyond the Margins: Christianity for Second Generation Immigrants” in “For Just Such a Time as This”: Young Adults and the Future of the Church, Judson Press (Spring 2014)

Samuel Keyes, Anglicans and the Roman Catholic Church, ed. Stephen Cavanaugh, The Living Church, 18 November 2012.

Samuel Keyes, Gateway to Heaven: Marian Doctrine and Devotion, Image and Typology in the Patristic and Medieval Periods, Vol. 1: Doctrine and Devotion, by Brian K. Reynolds, Religious Studies Review 39.1 (2013).

Jill O'Brien, "High Casuistry and 'Frankenfoods': Retrieving a Centuries-Old Catholic Method to Address a New Secular Dilemma." Culture, The Graduate Journal of Harvard Divinity School 8:1 (Fall 2012)

Emma O'Donnell, “Psalmic Recitation as a Performance of Memory and Hope in Jewish and Christian Prayer.”, In The Journal of Scriptural Reasoning, Vol. 12, No. 2, Summer 2013 (forthcoming).

Steve Okey, “Ecclesiology” in Visions of Hope: Emerging Theologians Envision the Future of the 6

Church, ed., Kevin J. Ahern (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis 2013)

James O’Sullivan, "Virtue and Catholic Social Teaching: A New Generation in an Ongoing Dialogue toward Greater Realization of Social Justice and the Common Good." Asian Horizons Vol.6 No.4 (2012): 824-845

James O’Sullivan, "Maritain and Nussbaum: Two Ironically Promising 'Essentialist' Accounts of Basic Social Justice." Heythrop Journal. Article first published online 12 DEC 2012. DOI"10.1111/j.1468-2265.2012.00798.x

Teva Regule, “Babette’s Feast: An Icon of the Beautiful. Insights from Jean-Luc Marion,” in Beauty and the Beautiful in Eastern Christian Culture: Sophia Institute Studies in Orthodox Theology, Vol. 6. New York: Theotokos Press, 2012.

Teva Regule, “According to the Whole: Behr-Sigel’s Ecclesiological Vision,” in Festschrift in Honor of Michael Plekon. Rollinsford, New Hampshire: Orthodox Research Institute. Forthcoming

Cristina Richie, “ ‘Green’ Reproduction, Resource Conservation, and Ecological Responsibility,” Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology, accepted with revisions, submitted with revisions.

Cristina Richie, “Voluntary Sterilization for Childfree Women: Understanding Patient Profiles, Evaluating Accessibility, Examining Legislation,” The Hastings Center Report, forthcoming.

Cristina Richie, “Applying Catholic Responsibility to In-Vitro Fertilization: Obligations to the Spouse, the Body, and the Common Good,” Christian Bioethics, 18 no. 3 (2012): 271-286.

Cristina Richie, “A Christian Understanding of In-Vitro Fertilization,” Ministry International Journal for Pastors, 8 no. 7 (2012): 14-17.

Cristina Richie, “The Scandal of the Evangelical [Female] Mind,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, forthcoming.

Cristina Richie, "Welcoming Children with Disabilities in Church,” Apostrophe Magazine, forthcoming.

Autumn Ridenour, “Mortality and Finitude: Considering a Christian Interpretation of Death in Relation to the Goals and Aspirations of Modern Medicine” in Christian Bioethics special issue (co-edited with Jeffrey Bishop, MD/PhD) (forthcoming).

Autumn Ridenour, “The Coming of Age: Curse or Calling? Toward a Christological 7

Interpretation of Aging as Call in the Theology of Karl Barth” in Journal of Society of Christian Ethics (forthcoming 2013).

Autumn Ridenour, “Community: A Framework for the Role of Community in the Care of the Dying” with Lisa Sowle Cahill in Lydia S. Dugdale, ed., Dying in the Twentieth Century: Towards a New Ethics Framework for the Art of Dying Well (Cambridge: MIT Press, forthcoming).

Autumn Ridenour, Chicago Web Journal “Response to Michelle Harrington’s ‘Medicalized Death as a Modus Vivendi,’” Religion and Culture Web Forum, Martin Marty Center for the Advanced Study of Religion, University of Chicago Divinity School, January 2013,

Aaron Taylor, “The Liberal State and the Gay Marriage Debate: Lessons from American Catholic Thought”, in The American Election 2012: Contexts and Consequences

Kate Ward, “Porters to Heaven: Wealth, the Poor, and Moral Agency in Augustine.” Accepted for publication, Journal of Religious Ethics

Kate Wrisley, "Franciscan Preaching in the High Middle Ages," in A History of Christian Medieval Preaching as Seen in the Manuscripts of Houghton Library, eds. Beverly Mayne Kienzle and John Zaleski. Online Exhibit Hosted by Houghton Library, Harvard University.

Book Reviews

Kevin Ahern, Review: Brendan Leahy ”Ecclesial Movements and Communities: Origins, Significance and Issues,” Claritas: A Journal of Dialogue and Culture 1 (2012).

Jonathan Bailes, The Unity of Christ: Continuity and Conflict in Patristic Tradition by Christopher Beeley (forthcoming in Religious Studies Review)

Jonathan Bailes, Irenaeus: Life, Scripture, Legacy edited by Sara Parvis and Paul Foster (forthcoming in Religious Studies Review)

Jonathan Bailes, Christ Meets Me Everywhere: Augustine’s Early Figurative Exegesis by Michael Cameron (forthcoming in Themelios)

DiSalvatore, Nicholas. Review of Creator God, Evolving World. By Cynthia Crysdale and Neil Ormerod. Theological Studies 74:2 (2013): 490-492.

DiSalvatore, Nicholas. Review of Between Babel and Beast: America and Empires in Biblical Perspective. By Peter J. Leithart. Political Theology (Forthcoming)


Nichole Flores, Review of Catholic Theological Ethics, Past, Present, and Future in Revista Iberoamericana de Teologia (Mexico)

C. Tom Fraatz, Die Johannesapokalypse: Kontext – Konzepte – Rezeption. Edited by Jörg Frey, James A. Kelhoffer, and Franz Tóth. WUNT 287. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012. Religious Studies Review.

C. Tom Fraatz, Jan Dochhorn, Der eschatologische Teufelsfall in Apc Joh 12 und seine Bedeutung für das Verständnis der Johannesoffenbarung. WUNT 268. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010. Religious Studies Review.

C. Tom Fraatz, Chris Keith, Jesus' Literacy: Scribal Culture and the Teacher from Galilee. LNTS 413; LHJS 8. New York, T & T Clark, 2011. Religious Studies Review.

Nicole Flores, Review of Catholic Theological Ethics, Past, Present, and Future in Revista Iberoamericana de Teologia (Mexico)

Eddie Gonzalez, Theology Shaped by Society: Sociological Theology, Volume II, by Robin Gill, Religious Studies Review (forthcoming)

Eddie Gonzalez, Theology and Public Philosophy: Four Conversations, edited by Kenneth L. Grasso and Cecilia Rodriguez, Religious Studies Review

Katie Grimes, Book review of Jan Berry's Ritual Making Women: Shaping Rites for Changing Lives in Theology and Sexuality, forthcoming.

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Review of Thomas Merton: Monk on the Edge, edited by Ross Labrie and Angus Stuart,” The Merton Journal [UK] 20 (2013): forthcoming.

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Review of God in the Dark: Suffering and Desire in the Spiritual Life, by Susan Pitchford,” Spiritual Life 58 (2012): 118-120.

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Review of Thomas Merton: Twentieth-Century Wisdom for Twenty-First Century Living, by Paul Dekar,” The Merton Annual 25 (2012): 221-225.

Michael Jaycox, review of David Sehat's The Myth of American Religious Freedom was published in the journal Political Theology (Jul. 2012).

Michael Jaycox, book review of Joshua Hordern's Political Affections: Civic Participation and Moral Theology will be published in the journal Political Theology (forthcoming, autumn 2013).

Megan McCabe, published a book review in the journal Theology and Sexuality (17.2), for the book Seeking the Risen Christa.

Jill O'Brien, "Book review of Oliver D. Crisp, Jonathan Edwards on God and


Creation," Toronto Journal of Theology, 29:1 (2013), 196-198.

Steve Okey, 4eBook Review: Wagner, Rachel. Godwired: Religion, Ritual and Virtual Reality. New York: Routledge, 2012. In Journal of Religion and Popular Culture. [accepted; forthcoming]

Cristina Richie, The Bible and Ecology: Rediscovering the Community of Creation. By Richard Bauckham. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, forthcoming.

Cristina Richie, Living with Other Creatures: Green Exegesis and Theology. By Richard Bauckham. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, forthcoming.

Cristina Richie, The Meaning of Sex: Christian Ethics and the Moral Life. By Dennis Hollinger. Cultural Encounters Journal 8 no. 2 (2012): 122-124.

Autumn Ridenour, “Book Review of Richard Mouw’s The Challenges of Cultural Discipleship: Essays in the Line of ,” Political Theology, (forthcoming 2013).

Autumn Ridenour, “Book Review of Gerald McKenny, The Analogy of Grace: Karl Barth’s Moral Theology.” Political Theology

Aaron Taylor, History and Heresy: How Historical Forces Can Create Doctrinal Conflicts by Joseph F. Kelly (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2012), 215pp”, in Political Theology [forthcoming]



Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Made and Remade in the Image of God,” Give Us This Day (October 2012): 54-55.

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “An Intimate Connection,” Give Us This Day (December 2012): 334-335.

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “A Franciscan Responds to The New Yorker,” America (January 27, 2013) online edition.

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “The Sixth Brother,” Give Us This Day (February 2013): 287-288

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “In Giving We Receive,” Give Us This Day (April 2013): 170-171.

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “A Fool in the ‘Reign,’” America (April 1, 2013): 28.

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Schools for Hire?” America (May 13, 2013): 28. 10

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Jesus and a Little Bit of ‘Irish Guilt,’” Give Us This Day (July 2013): 174-175.

Daryn Henry, For BC Center for Christian-Jewish Learning: “Together the People of God: The Development of a Theology of Israel in the Thought of Robert Jenson” – [ ml] ______


Nichole Flores, Graduate Research Assistant, Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life

Nichole Flores, Convener, Symposium on Religion and Politics on Religious Freedom in America at the Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life

Nichole Flores, Student Convener of the Latino/a Working and Interest Group of the Society of Christian Ethics (2012-2014)

Nichole Flores, Associate Member Representative to the Board of Directors of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS)

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, named a staff columnist at America magazine (Spring 2013 – present)

Kate Jackson, Clinical Hospital Ethicist Intern, Covenant Hospitals, Summer 2013

Kate Jackson, Co-coordinator, Partakers Initiative (Prison Outreach), Boston College Theology Group, 2012-2013

Samuel Keyes, Acting Review Editor, Religion and the Arts, Fall 2012

Steve Okey, Fundamental Theology Administrative Team, CTSA

Autumn Ridenour, served as Theology/Ethics Conference Abstract Reviewer for Second Annual Program on Medicine and Religion, The University of Chicago, January 2013. ______


Michael Jaycox, Catholic Theological Society of America, College Theology Society, Society

11 of Christian Ethics

Jillian Maxey, Joined Catholic Theology Society, Catholic Theological Society of America and American Academy of Religion

Megan McCabe, is a member of the College Theology Society

Cristina Richie, Evangelical Theological Society, Society of Christian Ethics, Eastern Sociological Society and Northeastern Political Science Association [NPSA]

Kate Wrisley, Member, International Medieval Sermon Studies Society ______


Kevin Ahern, Vice President for North America, The International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs (ICMICA-Pax Romana)

Kevin Ahern, Board of Directors, America Press (America Magazine)

Kevin Ahern, Advisory Committee, Catholic Common Ground Initiative

Kevin Ahern, Advisory Committee, BC Center for the Church in the 21st Century

Kevin Ahern, Coordinator, Emerging Theologians Network

Chris Conway, Engaging Particularities XI, Planning Committee.

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, elected member of the Board of Directors (2011-2013 term) for the International Thomas Merton Society.

Kevin Johnson, Founder and head of The Inner Room, a Connecticut non-profit tax-exempt organization. The Inner Room is a Roman Catholic lay association that focuses on supporting silent prayer and linking that prayer with theological reflection and social justice work in the world

Kevin Johnson, this past year, The Inner Room was granted ecclesiastic recognition by the archdiocese of Hartford. We also became a member of Pax Romana-ICMICA – an international Roman Catholic lay association that focuses on social justice work and prayer.

Jillian Maxey, Newsletter and website layout editor, Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church

Megan McCabe, worked with 2 doctoral students at Fordham to organize a colloquium series through both the BC and Fordham theology departments on the topic of Women in Catholic 12


Cristina Richie, Steering Committee Member, Evangelical Theological Society [ETS] Northeast Region, 2013-2016



At International and National Conferences

Kevin Ahern, “Catholic NGOs and the Mediation of Faith and Global Politics.” Paper presentation at the College Theology Society Annual Convention (San Antonio, TX).

Kevin Ahern, 2012: “Ecclesial Renewal From Below: International Catholic Organizations and Vatican II.” Paper presentation at the American Academy of Religion (Chicago, IL).

Kevin Ahern, 2013: “Catholic Social Thought and the Reform of Global Governance.” Paper presentation at the Pacem in Terris Anniversary Conference. (Notre Dame, IN)

Megan Anechiarico, "The Arts, Literature, and Media as Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Theological Education," in the Arts, Literature, Media and Religion section at the College Theology Society Annual Convention at Creighton University in June 2013.

B. Kevin Brown, Paper Presenter, "John Henry Newman and John Courtney Murray: Resources in Constructing a Theology Intra-Ecclesial Dialogue," College Theology Society Annual Convention, May 31, 2013 (Omaha, NE, forthcoming)

B. Kevin Brown, Paper Presenter, "John Courtney Murray and Freedom within the Church: The Role of the Whole Community in the Development of Doctrine," International Gathering of the Ecclesiological Investigations Network, June19-22, 2013 (Belgrade, Serbia, forthcoming)

Mia Cruz, "Handing on the Faith From Near and Far: The Challenge of Migration and the Role of Popular Catholicism in Teaching the Faith Among Filipino Transnational Families," Forthcoming Paper Presentation for the Marriage and Family Section, College Theology Society Annual Convention, May 31, 2013 (Creighton University, Omaha, NE)

Taylor Carr - the Florovsky Society Annual Symposium at Princeton Theological Seminary. My presentation was entitled "Reality and Biblical Interpretation: T.F. Torrance's Retrieval of Patristic Hermeneutics."

Jessica Coblentz, “Why Stories Matter: Interrupting the Political Grammar of Feminist and Other Contemporary ,” Paper for College Theology Society Annual Convention, Contemporary Theologies Section, June 2, 2013.


Chris Conway, Finding Reset: Comparative Theology and Restless Undergrads. College Theology Society, May 2013.

Chris Conway, Fear and Loathing on the Kentucky Campaign Trail: Practice, Politics, and Pluralism. Society for Hindu-Christian Studies. November 2012.

Benjamin Durheim, Presenter, Teaching Theology and Handing on the Faith: Annual Convention of the College Theology Society, “To Speak and to Listen: Louis-Marie Chauvet and the Receptivity of the Christian Liturgical Assembly.” Creighton University, Omaha, NE, May 2013

Benjamin Durheim: Paper respondent to “Poverty Reduction: Practicing Catholic Social Teaching in a New Context” by Julie Hanlon Rubio at the College Theology Society Annual Convention (San Antonio, TX). 2012 Nichole Flores, "A Family of Families: Latino Family Structures and the Common Good" at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Christian Ethics, January 2013.

Nichole Flores, "Theological Anthropology and Justice in the works of Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz" at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Christian Ethics, January 2013.

Eddie Gonzalez, “Canaanite Bodies beneath the Margins: Liberation Theologies and the Unthinkable in the Dialectic of Solidarity," College Theology Society, Creighton University, June 2013

Katie Grimes, "Racial Segregation and the Catholic Parish: Towards a Theory of Corporate Virtue." SCE, 2014.

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “The Vocation of Peacemaking in Thomas Merton and Catholic Social Teaching: From Christian Discipleship to Dimension of Human Identity,” paper presented at the 13th Conference and General Meeting of the International Thomas Merton Society at Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT (13-16 June 2013).

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Fides Quaerens Nihil: Faith, Tradition, and a Theological Response to the USCCB’s ‘Catechetical Fideism,’” paper presented at the College Theology Society annual conference at Creighton University, Omaha, NE (30 May – 2 June 2013).

Michael Jaycox, will respond to two papers in the Ethics section of the annual meeting of the College Theology Society in Jun. 2013.

Kevin Johnson,"Translating Apophatic Theology into Word and Thought with the Help of Nicholas of Cusa in Dialogue with Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche". College Theology Society Annual Meeting, May 30, 2012.

Kevin Johnson, "Contemplation and Action in a Comparative Key: Practical Lessons from a


Comparative Theologian”. Presentation at Pax Romana and The International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs, Plenary Session. University of Vienna, in Vienna, Austria, July 31, 2012.

Kevin Johnson, “Dialoguing with Silence, Beholding the Invisible: The Meaning of Silence in Nicholas of Cusa and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche”. Paper presented during a panel entitled Erasing Discourse: Mystical Silence across East and West. American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, November 18, 2012.

Kevin Johnson, Intentionality in The Bodhicharyavatara and The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola”. Paper will be presented during a panel entitled Overcoming False Paths in the Way of Conversion: Comparing Ignatius of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises and Shantideva’s Way of the Bodhisattva. American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, November 23-26, 2013.

Jaisy Joseph, Ecclesiological Investigations Conference, Belgrade, Serbia (June 19-21, 2013) “The Apophatic Rage within the Western Super-Nova: An Eastern Christian Interruption”

Conor Kelly, "Catholic Social Teaching and the Rise of Liberalism." The Seventh Annual Telos Conference on Religion and Politics in a Post-Secular Age. New York, NY, Feb. 2013.

Conor Kelly, "A Sixth Sense?: The Science of Moral Intuitions and its Implications for Moral Formation." Mid-Atlantic Region of the AAR Regional Meeting. Baltimore, MD, Mar. 2013

Jillian Maxey, “Narrative of Friendship as Tools for Teaching Theology Comparatively,” CTS 2013 Annual Meeting, May 31-June 2, 2013 (accepted).

Jillian Maxey, “Doing Comparative Theology ‘In the Middle of Things:’ Michael Barnes’ Theology of Dialogue and the Interpersonal Dimension of Dialogue,” Engaging Particularities Conference, Boston College, March 22, 2013.

Megan McCabe, "Translating the Crucifixion Image and the Call to Conversion." College Theology Society May 2012

Emma O'Donnell, “Sacred Time as Sacred Space: The Spaces of Memory and Anticipation in Christianity and Judaism," European Society for Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Studies (ESITIS), Bilbao, Spain, April, 2013. [international]

Emma O'Donnell, Panel Respondent: Teaching Theology and Methodological Approaches, Engaging Particularities XI: New Directions in Comparative Theology, Theology of Religions, Interreligious Dialogue, and Missiology Boston College, March, 2013.

Steve Okey, “Conversation Ain’t Beanbag: The Promise and Peril of Conversion in David Tracy’s Public Theology.” 68th Annual Convention of the Catholic Theological Association of America: Miami, FL. June 7, 2013


Steve Okey, “The First Areopagus of the Modern Age: Inter Mirifica, Spiritual Formation, and Contemporary Media.” Vatican II: Teaching and Understanding the Council After 50 Years: University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, MN. September 21, 2012

Nicole Reibe, “Achard of St. Victor’s Double Theological Anthropology” Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, St. Louis, MO – Annual Meeting, June 2013

Nicole Reibe, “Cathedrals and Classrooms: Medieval Pedagogy and the Modern Imagination” College Theological Society, Omaha, Nebraska- Annual Meeting, May 2013

Nicole Reibe, “Narrative Preaching: Achard of Saint-Victor’s Stories within a Story” Medieval Academy of America, Knoxville, TN- Annual Meeting, April 2013

Nicole Reibe, “Worlds Apart? Achard of St. Victor’s Understanding of the Secular World and Culture and the Missions of the Canons Regular.” Patristic, Medieval, Renaissance Conference, Villanova, PA- October 2012

Cristina Richie, “The Present and Future of the ETS: Women’s Involvement with the Society, the Journal, and Membership,” Presented to the Evangelical Theological Society [ETS] National Meeting, accepted.

Cristina Richie, “Building a Framework for Green Bioethics: Integrating Ecology into the Medical Industry,” Presented to the Catholic Health Association [CHA] Annual Theology and Ethics Colloquium, March 2013.

Cristina Richie, “The Augustinian Perspective on the Transmission of Original Sin and Assisted Reproductive Technologies,” Presented to the Evangelical Theological Society [ETS] Annual Meeting, April 2013.

Cristina Richie, “Envisioning ‘Green’ Reproduction: Sustainable Ways of Parenting,” Presented to the Eastern Sociological Society [ESS] Annual Meeting, March 2013.

Cristina Richie, “Green Bioethics: Environmental Implications for Artificial Reproductive Technology,” Presented to the Northeastern Political Science Association [NPSA], Annual Meeting, November 2012.

Autumn Ridenour, “Can Limits Contribute to Health and Human Flourishing? Mortality, Aging and Goals of Modern Medicine,” Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity 20th Annual Summer Conference, Trinity International University, July 18-20, 2013.

Autumn Ridenour, “The Coming of Age: Curse or Calling? Toward a Christological Interpretation of Aging as Calling in the Theology of Karl Barth” The Society of Christian Ethics Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, January 5, 2013.

Autumn Ridenour, “Mortality and Finitude: Considering a Christian Interpretation of Death in Relation to Health Professions Today,” Program on Medicine and Religion, The University of Chicago, May 23-25, 2012.


Jeremy Sabella, "Apocalypses Now: Convergence and Clash of Millennial Visions in Cold War Guatemala" AAR, November 2013

Joshua Snyder, “Christian Medical Care for the Dying: A Virtue-Based Approach to Accompaniment,” Second Annual National Conference on Medicine and Religion, University of Chicago. Presenting the paper at the conference on Wednesday, May 29, 2013.

Kate Ward, “Poverty, Agency and Food Choice: Challenging Public Policy and Christian Ethics.” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, November 23-26, 2013.

Kate Wrisley, Poster Presentation. "Francis of Meyronnes and MS Lat 276: The Mendicant Preacher's Confessional Handbook." Preaching the Saints: Sermons, Art, and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. In honor of Beverly Mayne Kienzle. Harvard University, Boston, MA. Friday, September 21, 2012. Kate Wrisley, Paper. "Francis of Meyronnes and MS Lat 276: The Mendicant Preacher's Confessional Handbook." Sponsored by the International Medieval Sermons Studies Society. 48th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI. Saturday, May 11, 2013. ______


At Regional and Local Conferences and Settings

Kevin Ahern, 2013: “Freedom to be Hope in the World: Vatican II and the Legacy of John Courtney Murray, SJ.” Parish lecture series. (Raleigh, NC)

John R. Barker Presented paper entitled “Addressing a Divided Community—Temple Reconstruction and Rhetorical Intent in Haggai” at Midwest Regional Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (February 10, 2013)

Jessica Coblentz,“Be-ing on the Boundary: Re(Dis)-covering the Boundary Metaphor in Mary Daly’s Early Feminist Theological Anthropology,” Paper for Fordham Graduate Theology Conference, October 20, 2012.

Chris Conway, The Already/Not Yet: Swami Vivekananda and the Modern Dalit Movement. Remembering Swami Vivekananda at 150: Interfaith Then & Now. Harvard University. March 8, 2013.

Chris Conway, Interreligious Dialogue: Why Bother. Boston College (Common Ground Columbus Day Retreat). October 12, 2012.

DiSalvatore, Nicholas. “The Possibility of Being Yourself: Knowledge, Existence, and Religious Experience in the Philosophy and Theology of Bernard Lonergan.” Presented at Harvard Divinity School’s “Ways of Knowing” conference (Oct 2012) 17

DiSalvatore, Nicholas. “Staying in Love with God: Resolving a Difficulty concerning Grace as Cooperative.” Presented at Marquette University’s “Lonergan on the Edge” conference (Sept 2012)

Benjamin Durheim, May 2013 Panel Presenter, Seducers, Thinkers, and Believers: Celebrate Kierkegaard’s 200th Birthday. St. Ansgar Lutheran Church, Portland, ME.

Benjamin Durheim, March 2013 Presenter, Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Regional American Academy of Religion, “The Body and the Self: Is There any Distinction? A Critique of Louis-Marie Chauvet.” Baltimore, MD.

Benjamin Durheim, January 2013 Visitor, Annual Meeting of the North American Academy of Liturgy. Albuquerque, NM.

Nichole Flores,"Behold the Cross: Good News for Victims of Human Trafficking," at the Annual Colloquium of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS), June 2013.

Nichole Flores, "Conversion and Conversation in the Public Square," at the Annual Convention of the Catholic Theological Society of America (Selected Session), June 2013

Eddie Gonzalez, “Terror, Territorialism and the Cries of the Canaanite Victims: Towards a Post-idealist Understanding of the Exodus Paradigm,” Sacred Topographies; or, Parks and Revelation, Fordham University, October 2012

Eddie Gonzalez, “Nonidentity and the Nocturnal: A Postidealist Theology of Language in Light of the Human(izing) Condition," Ways of Knowing, Harvard University, October 2012

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Planetarity, Kinship, and Ktiseology: Toward a Constructive and Postcolonial Franciscan Theology of Creation,” paper presented at the 2012 Graduate Theology Conference, Sacred Topographies; or, Parks and Revelation, at Fordham University, New York, NY (20 October 2012).

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “John Duns Scotus and the Queering of Metaphysics: The Good News of Sexual Diversity for Theological Anthropology,” paper presented at the 2013 Koinonia Forum Annual Conference at Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ (7-8 March 2013).

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “The (Analogous) Power of Sight: An Experiment in Quantum Christology, or ‘Schrödinger’s Christ,’” paper presented at the American Academy of Religion Mid-Atlantic Region annual conference in Baltimore, MD (13-15 March 2013).

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “How to ‘Prophet’ from the Franciscan Tradition: Solidarity and Christian Living in the 21st Century,” invited Francis Week keynote address delivered at Hilbert College, Hamburg, NY (1 October 2012).


Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Being Catholic in the 21st Century,” retreat directed at Glastonbury Abbey, Hingham, MA (12-14 October 2012).

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Questions and Answers about Catholic Christianity,” invited lecture and public discussion at Babson College, Wellesley, MA (14 October 2012).

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Dating God: Live and Love in the Way of St. Francis,” invited lecture at St. Mary’s Church, Pompton Lakes, NJ (21 October 2012).

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “The Basics of Franciscan Spirituality: Prayer as Relationship,” invited lecture at Assumptionist Center’s Conversations at the Center series, Brighton, MA (4 November 2012).

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Franciscan Spirituality in our Everyday Lives: ‘Dating God’ and Christian Living Today,” invited lecture at St. Mark’s Church, Fallston, MD (9 November 2012).

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Prayer as Relationship: A Franciscan Day of Reflection,” invited workshop at Bon Secours Spiritual Center, Marriottsville, MD (17 November 2012).

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “The Coming of Christ in Our Lives,” invited lecture, University of Georgia Catholic Campus Center, Athens, GA (3 December 2012).

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “A Cry in the Desert, The Call of a Prophet: A Lenten Reflection on Thomas Merton’s Model for Christian Living,” invited lecture at Corpus Christi Church, New York, NY (3 March 2013).

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Franciscan Spirituality Today: A New Way of Seeing the World,” invited workshop for faculty and staff at Archbishop Curley High School, Baltimore, MD (11 March 2013).

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “The Spirituality of Dating God: Franciscan Insights for our Faith Journeys,” invited lecture at College of St. Elizabeth’s Center for Ministry and Spirituality annual convocation, Morristown, NJ (20 April 2013).

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, Title TBA, invited commencement speaker at Notre Dame High School, Utica, NY (7 June 2013).

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “Francis of Assisi and the Future of Faith,” invited lecture at Holy Family Church, Vernon, NY (9 June 2013).

Michael Jaycox was invited to offer two parish-based adult education presentations titled "Seven Deadly Sins" and "Seven Holy Virtues" at Church of the Epiphany in Rumford, RI, Feb. 2013.

Kate Jackson, Paper Presenter, "Abortion Narratives," Health, Mental Health, and Literature


Conference, Boston College, March 2013

Kate Jackson, Selected Participant, Religion and Politics Symposium, Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life, Boston College, 2012-2013

Kevin Johnson, “Embracing Incomprehensibles Incomprehensibly: The Two Epistemologies in Nicholas of Cusa’s On the Vision of God.” Paper presented during panel entitled Knowledge and Revelation: Explorations in Pre- and Early Modern Landscapes. Ways of Knowing, a Graduate Student Conference on Religion. Harvard Divinity School, October 26th, 2012.

Kevin Johnson, “Acknowledging Two Epistemologies: The Faithful Pursuit of Contemplation and Action”. Paper presented during panel entitled Interreligious Contemplation in Action. New England Anglican Studies, Annual Meeting at Harvard University, April 20, 2013.

Jaisy Joseph, Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (Apr 10, 2013) “The Thomas Christians”

Emma O'Donnell, “Psalmic Recitation as a Performance of Memory and Hope in Jewish and Christian Prayer," AAR, Mid-Atlantic Region, Baltimore, MD, March 2013.

Emma O'Donnell, Panel Member, Concluding Round Table Discussion, Corcoran Chair Conference: The Psalter in Words, Art and Music, Boston College, April, 2013.

Teva Regule, "The Mystagogy of Germanus of Constantinople and Its Influence on the Byzantine Rite," Pappas Patristics Graduate Student Conference, Brookline, MA - 3/2013.

Teva Regule, "Christian Formation as Participation in the Mystagogical Catecheses of Cyril of Jerusalem," St. Mary Orthodox Church Lenten Series, Cambridge, MA - 4/2013.

Cristina Richie, “Bodies That Do Not Bear Fruit: The Heavenly Benefits of Infertility in Judeo-Christian Scriptures,” Presented to the American Academy of Religion [AAR], Eastern International Region, May 2013.

Cristina Richie, “Green Christianity,” Presented to Theology Untapped, a Boston College/ St. Ignatius Young Adults Group, June 2012.

Autumn Ridenour,“Imaging God through ‘Union with Christ’” Union University Chapel, Jackson, TN, April 10, 2013.

Autumn Ridenour, “Mortality and Finitude: Considering the Contribution of Daniel Callahan and Karl Barth in Relation to the Ends and Practice of Medicine,” University of Virginia Graduate Colloquium, Reckoning with Death, April 5-6, 2013.

Jeremy Sabella, “Real Things:’ Reinhold Niebuhr’s Theological Pragmatism as Model for


Cross-disciplinary Engagement,” Graduate Religion Conference at Harvard Divinity School, October 2012

Joshua Snyder, “Cry out to the Lord: Vocalization and the Ethics of Forgiveness,” Mid-Atlantic Region of the American Academy of Religion Presented the paper at the conference on March 14, 2013.

Aaron Taylor, “John Courtney Murray, American Catholicism, and the Same-Sex Marriage Debate”, The American Election 2012: Contexts and Consequences, The New Hampshire Institute of Politics, Saint Anselm College, Manchester, NH, March 16th 2013

Kate Ward, “Coming to our Senses: Food Access and Christian Ethics.” American Academy of Religion Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 13-15, 2013.

Kate Ward, Moderator, Christian History and Theology panel 3, American Academy of Religion Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 13-15, 2013.


Blog co-Founders and Writers

Nichole Flores, North American contributor to the Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church (CTEWC) Forum

Nichole Flores, Contributor to the Millennial Journal, A project of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good

Katie Grimes, founding contributor of the blog Women in Theology,

Kevin Johnson, a member of Daily Theology:

Kevin Johnson, a contributor to Antler – a new publishing site that focuses on creativity, silent prayer and social justice work in the Christian tradition:

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, author of independent blog “Dating God: Franciscan Spirituality for the 21st Century (

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, regular contributor to America magazine’s “In All Things” blog (

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, regular contributor to The Huffington Post “Religion” blog 21


Steve Okey, Daily Theology ( is celebrating its second anniversary this June

Daryn Henry, “Robert Frost and the Humanities Series” [ anities-series/]

Daryn Henry, “Susan Sontag and the Humanities Series” [ ies-series-2/

Kevin Ahern, Daily Theology:

Kevin Ahern, Emerging Theologians:

Kevin Ahern, Guest posts at