Nottingham City Council
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Greater Nottingham and Ashfield Outline Water Cycle Study Final Report February 2010 Creating the environment for business Copyright and Non-Disclosure Notice The contents and layout of this report are subject to copyright owned by Entec (© Entec UK Limited 2010) save to the extent that copyright has been legally assigned by us to another party or is used by Entec under licence. To the extent that we own the copyright in this report, it may not be copied or used without our prior written agreement for any purpose other than the purpose indicated in this report. The methodology (if any) contained in this report is provided to you in confidence and must not be disclosed or copied to third parties without the prior written agreement of Entec. Disclosure of that information may constitute an actionable breach of confidence or may otherwise prejudice our commercial interests. Any third party who obtains access to this report by any means will, in any event, be subject to the Third Party Disclaimer set out below. Third-Party Disclaimer Any disclosure of this report to a third-party is subject to this disclaimer. The report was prepared by Entec at the instruction of, and for use by, our client named on the front of the report. It does not in any way constitute advice to any third-party who is able to access it by any means. Entec excludes to the fullest extent lawfully permitted all liability whatsoever for any loss or damage howsoever arising from reliance on the contents of this report. We do not however exclude our liability (if any) for personal injury or death resulting from our negligence, for fraud or any other matter in relation to which we cannot legally exclude liability. Document Revisions No. Details Date 1 First Issue 28/10/09 2 Draft Final Report 11/12/09 3 Final Report 19/02/10 © Entec UK Limited Page ii Doc Reg No. 26458 R029i3 February 2010 Creating the environment for business © Entec UK Limited Page iv Doc Reg No. 26458 R029i3 February 2010 Creating the environment for business Executive Summary Purpose of this Report 1.1.1 This report has been produced for the purpose of providing strategic level advice on water infrastructure and environmental capacity to the Councils, to inform their Local Development Frameworks and strategic site allocation. The study area has been defined as the six local authority boundaries of Ashfield, Broxtowe, Erewash, Gedling, Rushcliffe and Nottingham City. i.i.ii The aims and objectives of the Greater Nottingham and Ashfield Outline Water Cycle Study are as follows: • Assess the capacity of the current water infrastructure to accommodate growth without adversely affecting the environment by considering: - The availability of water resources; - The capacity of the drainage network; - The capacity of existing wastewater infrastructure; - Sustainable Flood Risk Management measures; and - The environmental capacity of receiving watercourses; • Determining the potential impact of the proposed development in the context of the requirements of the Water Framework Directive, Habitats Directive, Pitt Review and emerging Floods and Water Bill and any other relevant Water Cycle policy and the predicted effects of climate change; • Identifying the infrastructure necessary to achieve the proposed growth within the constraints of the environment and legislation; • Developing a strategy for a phased approach to development that allows key growth targets to be met whilst providing sufficient time for the identified infrastructure to be adopted; • Provide high level cost estimates of infrastructure requirements identified; and • Highlight where a more detailed study may be required. © Entec UK Limited Page v Doc Reg No. 26458 R029i3 February 2010 Creating the environment for business i.i.iii The study has been prepared in accordance with the guidance prepared by the Environment Agency on Water Cycle Studies, complying with the Scoping and Outline stages to clearly outline the impact of projected growth on the water cycle in the Greater Nottingham HMA and in Ashfield and highlight any potential problems that may need addressing in order to achieve this growth sustainably. i.i.iv A Water Cycle Scoping Study for the Greater Nottingham and Ashfield area was produced in May 2009. This study comprises the Outline stages of the Water Cycle Study, and builds on the Scoping Study with the purpose of providing the evidence base for the Councils’ Local Development Frameworks. The focus of the Scoping and Outline stages is gathering and assessing available data; identifying environmental and major infrastructure constraints; and deciding whether further detailed assessment is needed. As part of this work strategic level assessments have been undertaken to provide a general overview of issues across the study area. The need for a further Detailed Study has been identified. The Detailed study could be delivered as a follow-on study, addressing the areas identified for further work within this Outline Water Cycle Study. If this approach is preferred, it is recommended that this is not undertaken until the preferred locations and timing of developments are confirmed. As this study has identified no absolute constraints to growth and has identified that in most cases, detailed site-specific water supply and wastewater infrastructure investigations are required, an alternative approach would be to undertake a series of developer-led site-specific assessments. Data Provision and Growth Scenarios i.ii.i Data for this study has been collated from Severn Trent Water, the Environment Agency (EA), Natural England, the six Councils listed above and Nottinghamshire County Council. The report has been informed by the most up to date environmental and infrastructure data that could be made available from the Environment Agency and Severn Trent Water in November 2009 (and therefore represents a ‘snapshot’ in time). This information has been provided solely for use in this Water Cycle Study and should not be used for any other purpose. The reader is directed to the Third Party Disclaimer at the front of this report limiting the uses to which the information in this report can be put. The findings of this report are dependant on the information provided for use in this study. Developers should prepare their own site specific assessments to determine the suitability of a site with regard to the water cycle elements. i.ii.ii This study is required to form part of the evidence base to inform the development of Core Strategies and associated development plan documents. The study considers a number of scenarios for growth but it does not necessarily follow or imply that development of some or all of these sites will take place or that development of any of these sites will be supported by the local planning authorities. The report provides the local planning authorities with a technical evidence base to consider future options for housing allocations. It should be noted that the cumulative area of land considered for development in this report is likely to exceed that needed to fulfil the requirements of the East Midlands Regional Plan; however, all locations have been reviewed to enable the Councils to understand the water related constraints to growth across the study area. i.ii.iii The growth scenarios used in this study relate to housing growth scenarios and do not explicitly include allowances for non-residential development. Allowances for the latter are included within Severn Trent Water’s long term water resource planning, whilst individual site developments are assessed by the company when approached by developers. © Entec UK Limited Page vi Doc Reg No. 26458 R029i3 February 2010 Creating the environment for business i.ii.iv The key findings of the report are set out below. Water Resources and Water Supply i.iii.i The water resource situation in the East Midlands is significantly constrained. There is little opportunity to develop new water resource schemes; current licensed abstractions may be curtailed in order to protect the environment; and climate change is expected to reduce resource availability further. This situation reinforces the importance of managing the demand for water in this area. i.iii.ii Severn Trent Water forecast a shortfall of supply against demand if no interventions are made. The company plans a programme of measures that will maintain a surplus of supply over demand. This should not constrain growth at the strategic level, provided that strategic water resources infrastructure is implemented in a timely manner in relation to growth. i.iii.iii As a result of the constraint in the region on water resources, it is recommended that all new homes are built to the water consumption standards of the Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3/4 as a minimum in order to reduce demand from new households; and that the Councils include policies to support the water company’s water efficiency activities to help reduce demand from existing development. i.iii.iv Information available in Severn Trent Water’s Water Resources Management Plan is of insufficient detail to draw conclusions concerning the likelihood of water supply infrastructure constraining growth. This requires detailed assessment using hydraulic network models, which the company would provide at the detailed stage of a Water Cycle Study. Flooding and Drainage i.iv.i New development in Greater Nottingham and Ashfield should be guided toward the lowest flood risk zones. The urban areas of Erewash, Nottingham City, Broxtowe, Gedling and Rushcliffe are concentrated along the River Trent valley, which has been mapped as being at medium to high probability of flooding. The flood zones should be used by the Councils to allocate new residential development outside of zones 2 and 3 where possible to reduce future risks. Ashfield is located upstream of the Trent valley on the River Leen tributary, where the flood zones are not as extensive and less of a constraint to development.