Archbp. = Archbishop/Archbishopric; B
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88909-4 - German Histories in the Age of Reformations, 1400-1650 Thomas A. Brady Index More information Index Abbreviations: archbp. = archbishop/archbishopric; b. = born; bp. = bishop/bishopric; d. = died; r. = reigned/ruled Aachen, 89, 207, 252, 303, 312 Albert V ‘‘the Magnanimous’’ (b. 1528,r. absolutism, 7. See also European imperial 1550–79), duke of Bavaria, 294 nation-state Albert ‘‘the Stout-hearted’’ (1443–1500), duke academies: Bremen, 253; Herborn, 253, 279 of Saxony, 244 Acceptance of Mainz, 92n13 Albertine Saxony. See Saxony, Albertine acculturation, 289n101 Alcala´de Henares (Castile), 210 accumulation, benefices, 57n25 Alexander VI (r. 1492–1503), pope, 144 Adalbero (d. 1030), bp. of Laon, 29–30, 34, 49 Alexander VII (r. 1655–67), pope, 401n83, 410 Admont, abbey (Styria), 81 Alfonso I (b. 1396,r.1442–58), king of Naples, Adrian VI (r. 1522–23), pope, 145n63, 208 93 AEIOU, 91 Allga¨u, 193 Agnes (1551–1637), countess of Mansfeld- alliances, confessional: Catholics 1525, 215; Eisleben, 365 League of Gotha 1526, 215; Protestants 1529, Agricola, Gregor, pastor of Hatzendorf 216; Swiss cities with Strasbourg and Hesse (Styria), 344 1530, 217. See also Smalkaldic League Agricola, Johannes (1494–1566), 39 Alsace, 18, 23, 190; religious wars, 239; Swabian agriculture, 31 War, 119 Agrippa of Nettesheim, Cornelius (1486–1535), Alt, Salome (1568–1633), domestic partner of 54n10 Archbp. Wolf Dietrich von Raitenau, 306 Ahausen (Franconia), 368 Alte Veste, battle 1632, 382 Alba, duke of, Francisco Alvarez de Toledo Altenstetter, David (1547–1617), goldsmith of (1507–82), 238n41, 250n80 Augsburg, 332 Alber, Erasmus (1500–53), 264, 281 Alto¨ tting, shrine (Bavaria), 286 Albert (b.
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