CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 6, 2000 There Was No Objection
21352 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 6, 2000 There was no objection. STEVE BUYER, the House bill, and sections 643, 651, 801, 806, TILLIE K. FOWLER, 810, 814–816, 1010A 1044, 1057, 1063, 1069, 1073, f JOHN M. MCHUGH, 1101, 1102, 1004, and 1106–1118, title XIV, and FURTHER MESSAGE FROM THE JAMES M. TALENT, sections 2871, 2881, 3155, and 3171 of the Sen- SENATE TERRY EVERETT, ate amendment, and modifications com- ROSCOE G. BARTLETT, mitted to conference: A message from the Senate by Mr. From the Committee on Armed Services, for DAN BURTON, Lundregon, one of its clerks, an- consideration of the House bill and the Sen- JOE SCARBOROUGH, nounced that the Senate agrees to the ate amendment, and modifications com- HENRY A. WAXMAN, report of the committee of conference mitted to conference: Provided that Mr. Horn is appointed in lieu on the disagreeing votes of the two FLOYD SPENCE, of Mr. Scarborough for consideration of sec- Houses on the amendment of the Sen- BOB STUMP, tion 801 of the House bill, and sections 801, ate to the bill (H.R. 4475) ‘‘An Act mak- DUNCAN HUNTER, 806, 810, 814–816, 1010A, 1044, 1045, 1057, 1063, JOHN R. KASICH, and 1101, title XIV, and sections 2871 and 2881 ing appropriations for the Department JAMES V. HANSEN, of the Senate amendment, and modifications of Transportation and related agencies CURT WELDON, committee to conference: for the fiscal year ending September 30, HOWARD ‘‘BUCK’’ MCKEON, STEPHEN HORN, 2001, and for other purposes.’’. J.C. WATTS, JR., Provided that Mr. McHugh is appointed in The message also announced that the MACK THORNBERRY, lieu of Mr.
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