CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 6, 2000 There Was No Objection
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21352 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 6, 2000 There was no objection. STEVE BUYER, the House bill, and sections 643, 651, 801, 806, TILLIE K. FOWLER, 810, 814–816, 1010A 1044, 1057, 1063, 1069, 1073, f JOHN M. MCHUGH, 1101, 1102, 1004, and 1106–1118, title XIV, and FURTHER MESSAGE FROM THE JAMES M. TALENT, sections 2871, 2881, 3155, and 3171 of the Sen- SENATE TERRY EVERETT, ate amendment, and modifications com- ROSCOE G. BARTLETT, mitted to conference: A message from the Senate by Mr. From the Committee on Armed Services, for DAN BURTON, Lundregon, one of its clerks, an- consideration of the House bill and the Sen- JOE SCARBOROUGH, nounced that the Senate agrees to the ate amendment, and modifications com- HENRY A. WAXMAN, report of the committee of conference mitted to conference: Provided that Mr. Horn is appointed in lieu on the disagreeing votes of the two FLOYD SPENCE, of Mr. Scarborough for consideration of sec- Houses on the amendment of the Sen- BOB STUMP, tion 801 of the House bill, and sections 801, ate to the bill (H.R. 4475) ‘‘An Act mak- DUNCAN HUNTER, 806, 810, 814–816, 1010A, 1044, 1045, 1057, 1063, JOHN R. KASICH, and 1101, title XIV, and sections 2871 and 2881 ing appropriations for the Department JAMES V. HANSEN, of the Senate amendment, and modifications of Transportation and related agencies CURT WELDON, committee to conference: for the fiscal year ending September 30, HOWARD ‘‘BUCK’’ MCKEON, STEPHEN HORN, 2001, and for other purposes.’’. J.C. WATTS, JR., Provided that Mr. McHugh is appointed in The message also announced that the MACK THORNBERRY, lieu of Mr. Scarborough for consideration of Senate has passed a bill of the fol- JOHN N. HASTETTLER, section 1073 of the Senate amendment, and lowing title in which the concurrence SAXBY CHAMBLISS, modifications committed to conference: of the House is requested: IKE SKELTON, JOHN M. MCHUGH, NORMAN SISISKY From the Committee on House Administra- S. 2547. An act to provide for the establish- JOHN SPRATT, tion, for consideration of sections 561–563 of ment of the Great Sand Dunes National Park SOLOMON P. ORTIZ, the Senate amendment, and modifications and Preserve and the Baca National Wildlife OWEN B. PICKETT, committed to conference: Refuge in the State of Colorado, and for LANE EVANS, WILLIAM M. THOMAS, other purposes. GENE TAYLOR, JOHN BOEHNER, f NEIL ABERCROMBIE, STENY H. HOYER, MARTIN T. MEEHAN, From the Committee on International Rela- CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 5408, THOMAS ALLEN, tions, for consideration of sections 1201, 1205, FLOYD D. SPENCE NATIONAL DE- VIC SNYDER, 1209, and 1210, title XIII, and section 3136 of FENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR JAMES H. MALONEY, the House bill, and sections 1011, 1201–1203, FISCAL YEAR 2001 MIKE MCINTYRE, 1206 1208, 1209, 1212, 1214, 3178, and 3193 of the ELLEN O. TAUSCHER, Senate amendment, and modifications com- Mr. STUMP submitted the following MIKE THOMPSON, mitted to conference: conference report and statement on the Provided that Mr. Kuykendall is appointed BILL GOODLING, bill (H.R. 4205) to authorize appropria- in lieu of Mr. Kasich for consideration of sec- From the Committee on the Judiciary, for tions for fiscal year 2001 for military tion 2863 of the House bill, and section 2862 of consideration of sections 543 and 906 of the activities of the Department of De- the Senate amendment, and modifications House bill, and sections 506, 645, 663, 668, 909, fense, for military construction, and committed to conference: 1068, and 1106, title XV, and title XXXV of for defense activities of the Depart- STEVEN T. KUYKENDALL, the Senate amendment, and modifications ment of Energy, to prescribe personnel From the Permanent Select Committee on committed to conference: Intelligence, for consideration of matters HENRY HYDE, strengths for such fiscal year for the within the jurisdiction of that committee CHARLES T. CANADY, Armed Forces, and for other purposes: under clause 11 of rule X: From the Committee on Resources, for con- PORTER J. GOSS, sideration of sections 312, 601, 1501, 2853, 2883, CONFERENCE REPORT (H. REPT. 106–945) JERRY LEWIS, and 3402 of the House bill, and sections 601 The committee of conference on the dis- JULIAN C. DIXON, and 1059, title XIII, and sections 2871, 2893, agreeing votes of the two Houses on the From the Committee on Commerce, for con- and 3303 of the Senate amendment, and amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. sideration of sections 601, 725, and 1501 of the modifications committed to conference: 4205), to authorize appropriations for fiscal House bill, and sections 342, 601, 618, 701, 1073, DON YOUNG of Alaska, year 2001 for military activities of the De- 1402, 2812, 3131, 3133, 3134, 3138, 3152, 3154, 3155, BILLY TAUZIN, partment of Defense, for military construc- 3167–3169, 3171, 3201, and 3301–3303 of the Sen- From the Committee on Transportation and tion, and for defense activities of the Depart- ate amendment, and modifications com- Infrastructure, for consideration of sections ment of Energy, to prescribe personnel mitted to conference: 601, 2839, and 2881 of the House bill, and sec- strengths for such fiscal year for the Armed TOM BLILEY, tions 502, 601, and 1072 of the Senate amend- Forces, and for other purposes, having met, JOE BARTON, ment, and modifications committed to con- after full and free conference, have agreed to JOHN D. DINGELL, ference: recommend and do recommend to their re- Provided that Mr. Bilirakis is appointed in BUD SHUSTER, spective Houses as follows: lieu of Mr. Barton of Texas for consideration WAYNE T. GILCHREST That the House recede from its disagree- of sections 601 and 725 of the House bill, and BRIAN BAIRD, ment to the amendment of the Senate and sections 601, 618, 701, and 1073 of the Senate Provided that Mr. Pascrell is appointed in agree to the same with an amendment as fol- amendment, and modifications committed to lieu of Mr. Baird for consideration of section lows: conference: 1072 of the Senate amendment, and modifica- In lieu of the matter proposed to be in- MIKE BILIRAKIS, tions committed to conference: serted by the Senate amendment, insert the Provided that Mr. Oxley is appointed in lieu BILL PASCRELL, Jr., following: of Mr. Barton of Texas for consideration of From the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, SECTION 1. ENACTMENT OF FISCAL YEAR 2001 section 1501 of the House bill, and sections for consideration of sections 535, 738, and 2831 NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- 342 and 2812 of the Senate amendment, and of the House bill, and sections 561–563, 648, TION ACT. modifications committed to conference: 664–666, 671, 672, 682–684, 721, 722, and 1067 of The provisions of H.R. 5408 of the 106th Con- MICHAEL G. OXLEY, the Senate amendment, and modifications gress, as introduced on October 6, 2000, are here- From the Committee on Education and the committed to conference: by enacted into law. Workforce, for consideration of sections 341, MICHAEL BILIRAKIS, SEC. 2. PUBLICATION OF ACT. 342, 504, and 1106 of the House bill, and sec- JACK QUINN, In publishing this Act in slip form and in the tions 311, 379, 553, 669, 1053, and title XXXV of CORRINE BROWN of Florida, United States Statutes at Large pursuant to sec- the Senate amendment, and modifications From the Committee on Ways and Means, for tion 112 of title 1, United States Code, the Archi- committed to conference: consideration of section 725 of the House bill, vist of the United States shall include after the BILL GOODLING, and section 701 of the Senate amendment, date of approval an appendix setting forth the VAN HILLEARY, and modifications committed to conference: text of the bill referred to in section 1. PASTY T. MINK, WILLIAM M. THOMAS, And the Senate agree to the same. From the Committee on Government Re- Managers on the Part of the House. JOEL HEFLEY, form, for consideration of sections 518, 651, JOHN W. WARNER, JIM SAXTON, 723, 801, 906, 1101–1104, 1106, 1107, and 3137 of STROM THURMOND, VerDate jul 14 2003 11:04 Jan 11, 2005 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\H06OC0.001 H06OC0.