Leaves Bleter Part 1 Transcript
Bleter fun geshikhte (Leaves of History): The Yiddish Libraries of the Jewish Left in Toronto by Miriam Borden PART 1: One Man’s Trash Jess Pollock: “My name is Jess Pollack. We were in school together, of course—we both did our Masters in Yiddish. I think you texted me something that was like, ‘Hey Jess, the Winchevsky Centre has a few boxes of Yiddish books that they don’t know what to do with, do you wanna help me go through them,” and I was thinking, okay, y’know, what kind of books are we talking here, but I don’t think anyone really knew…We just sort of showed up, and found that massive closet of all the books.” The Morris Winchevsky Centre is a white brick building from the 1950s. Jess Pollock: “I think—they had the name written in Yiddish on the front right? It was quite fitting for what we were doing, really.” It’s on Cranbrooke Avenue, near the intersection of Bathurst Street and Lawrence Avenue in midtown Toronto. Around the corner, there’s a small synagogue that doubles as a beys midresh, a house of Jewish study. On another corner, a yeshiva for boys, and not far away, one for girls. It’s one of the most densely Orthodox Jewish neighbourhoods in Toronto today, the heart of a thriving Haredi community. So it’s somewhat of an odd place to find the headquarters of an ardently secular leftist Jewish organization. But once, before the Haredim settled there, the Winchevsky Centre was just one of several secular Jewish institutions in the area, each housed in mid-century modern buildings that were new when they were built, contracted specially for these organizations.
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