CEU eTD Collection IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FOR OF DEGREE OFMASTERTHE IN PARTIALREQUIREMENTS FULFILMENT THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND EUROPEAN STUDIES OF ARTS IN ANDOF ARTS RELATIONS EUROPEANINTERNATIONAL STUDIES NATO ENLARGEMENT IN SOUTHEAST EUROPE INSOUTHEAST NATO ENLARGEMENT THE LIMITSOF RHETORICAL ENTRAPMENT: SUPERVISOR: PROFESSOR ERIN JENNE PROFESSORERIN SUPERVISOR: CENTRAL EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY CENTRAL EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY BUDAPEST, HUNGARYBUDAPEST, LIDIJA LEVKOVSKA SUBMITTED TO 16 000WORDS 5 JUNE2008 BY CEU eTD Collection are in the center of NATO’s enlargement decision making policy decision enlargement of NATO’s are inthecenter preserving Alliance unity. thesis this conclusion, rational In calculations arguesthat the emphasis on Alliance byplacing the the of accession decisions dominate preferences outcome andin the 2008. Thethirdround of enlargementdecisions BucharestSummit taken at the brings Secondly,the thisdebate thesisupholdto totheir of commitments. inenlargement succeeded opponents persuading shows how back‘rhetorical SummitSummitcandidate 1997Madrid 2002Prague and the countries atthe enlarge to action’to to rationalist proponents the by failed employed strategies argumentative the how examine to first will influencethesis This theAlliance. the of policy enlargementenlargement the explain fully to fail that theories of group conceptualin same framework the theoretical this andplaces action” “rhetorical the of relevance the lensquestions enlargement third of round NATO the However, expansion. second of round where action”lens, conceptual which explains enlargement the puzzle forfirst the and the the rational“rhetorical the employs work following The enlargement. pursue eastern to decision be puzzled to international by confirmed NATO’s theories andrelations of constructivists expanddecision to the Alliance and invitationsextend toformer adversaries. Rationalist manysubject to explain aiming explanations theoretical to behind theforce driving the been has The enlargement War. Cold the endof the since on has embarked Alliance Abstract NATO mosthas been enlargement recognizedas the successful policy the i CEU eTD Collection from my family during the past year. Thank you for being always there for me. andsupported encouraged my critical thinking. Thankyou Sir!!! thesis. my MA for research my in supporting helpful than more been have them of All Cascone. Gabriele Mr. especially , HQ in NATO Staff International the of members express wonderful Also,Iwouldlike my to the appreciated. to most appreciation Acknowledgements I would like to thank my supervisor Erin Jenne. Her direction and support isHer direction thankand the I would supervisorsupport Jenne. Erin like my to Finally, aloneexpress cannot words thesupport andunderstanding Ihad that Also, Iwould like to thank my boss General Charles Baumann, who has ii CEU eTD Collection OCUIN...... 62 CONCLUSION...... UOE...... 43 EUROPE...... ACTION ANDNATO INSOUTH EASTERN RHETORICAL ENLARGEMENT IV: CHAPTER ATR UOE...... 24 EASTERN EUROPE...... IN AND NATO RHETORICAL ACTION CENTRAL ENLARGEMENT III: CHAPTER CHAPTER II: REQUIREMENTS FOR NATO 19 MEMBERSHIP...... CHAPTER I: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK - RHETORICAL 12 ACTION...... NRDCIN...... 1 INTRODUCTION...... Table ofcontents 3.5. 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 1.1 M L ITERATURE ETHODOLOGY AND R S NATO’ O T R C NATO’ O E T OUTH HE LEMENTS OF RHETORICAL ACTION AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE AND SOCIAL ACTION LEMENTS OF RHETORICAL HETORICAL HETORICAL ENTRAL PPOSITION THE TO PPOSITION THE TO HE S F UCCESS OF THE OF UCCESS AILURE OF THE E S VIEW ON S VIEW S VIEW ON S VIEW ASTERN R E EVIEW EVIEW AND ASTERN S S TRATEGIES AND TRATEGIES AND E S S C UROPEAN TRUCTURE OFTHE TRUCTURE E OUTH S C ENTRAL OUTH UROPEAN R ENTRAL R C HETORICAL HETORICAL ONTRIBUTION E ASTERN E E R ASTERN ASTERN E HETORICAL E E R ASTERN NTRAPMENT IN NTRAPMENT NTRAPMENT IN NTRAPMENT HETORICAL A A E CTION CTION UROPEAN E T E NLARGEMENT ...... 2 ...... HESIS UROPEAN E NLARGEMENT S ...... 60 ...... 40 ...... TRATEGIES S ...... 9 ...... iii TRATEGIES E AO...... 56 ...... NATO AO...... 37 ...... NATO NLARGEMENT E NLARGEMENT ...... 44 ...... 51 ...... 25 ...... 30 ...... 17 ...... 47 ...... 28 ...... CEU eTD Collection members--Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, and the three Baltic states. NATO’s states. Baltic three the and Romania Bulgaria, Slovenia, members--Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary 2002 PragueSummitfollowing the the and Poland--and seven end,in that has region. 1997Madridnew memberstates-- brought Summit To three uniquepromote opportunity securityto enlargementinthrough entirethe Euro-Atlantic usingmomentum and thedividing linesof Europe theembarked aproject of erasing on in values.” common free, united andsecure democracy and peace, along-standing“Major enlargementthe as objective:step towards aEurope NATO a new emerging Europe. Cold is Warperiod NATOone of main the definingdrivers the international politics the within Secretary General has portrayed http://www.nato.int/docu/enlargement/enlargement_eng.pdf 2 1 “Enhancing Security and Extending Stability throughNATO Enlargement,” NATO publication, "Clinton Hints NATO Would Defend East From Attack." International Herald Tribune The enlargement of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in the post region.” instrument to advance security andstability for the entire of theappearance ofa new threat inEurope. It willbe an whether, butwhen how.and Andtheexpansionwill notdepend “As Ihave said, NATO expansion is no longer a question of Introduction 1 1 President , Warsaw, July 1994 2 The alliance has The alliance 13 Jan. 1994. CEU eTD Collection 4 NATO. “NATOHandbook”, 4 NATO. 3 overall policy,enlargement including the ‘why’ and ‘how’ The outcome Macedonia.CroatiaSummit 2008Bucharestclosed theat the doorto Albania--butto and of the 2008 NATO round after endthirdthe enlargement of Coldthe War, Alliancehasthe openedits doors BucharestFollowing the which principles to Alliancethe hascommitted itself and faced with the Summit createsprinciples roomof this Treatyforany inmembership furtherstipulates is state aposition “European open to the that to debateand to contribute Treaty, Washington the of provisions the on founded is onwhich policy, door Open theto the security of the North Atlantic area.” theoretically encompass the changing dynamic of the process as a whole, instead asawhole, of process the changing dynamic the encompass theoretically weak far soto have too proven enlargement studiesphenomenon. produced the However, the frame aiming totheoretically an literature produce extensive to inspired academics has from different enlargement The several angles. the process enlarge addressing by Literature Review and Contribution countries. aspirant futurealso enlargements, for NATO’s when positioning with andfuture partners dealing not significance, forthcoming but only eve evengreater the on acquires of enlargement, post-communist enlargementto The from of decision Europe. lastround the enlargement hasin tackledNATO toexplain Enlargement’ behindorder rational NATO the NATO. “Enhancing Security and Extending Stability through NATO Enlargement”. The scholarly literature on NATO enlargement attempts to explain the decision to NATO Public Diplomacy Division 2 , 2006, p. 185 4 questions that the ‘Study of 3 CEU eTD Collection 55, 4, Autumn 2001 7 University Press, 2003), p.37 – 51 6 Affairs, Vol. 78, No. 4.(2002) 5 Mark Kramer, “NATO and the Baltic States and Russia: A Framework for Sustainable Enlargement”, from enlargement. expand,decided to notwithstanding thenegative balance of andexpected costs benefits NATO why explain to failing while Alliance, the join to aspire countries candidate as what shaped the decision and the selection of the new member states. and why NATO arrived at the decision to proceedmainly with focusesthe enlargement on whyprocess aspirant as focusing cases onsingle well countries wanted to become NATO members and how cooperation incooperation and Europe Eastern erasinglines thedividing in Europe. fostering of terms in Alliance the to bring will countries admitted newly the that benefits the on draws explanation His enlargement. from acquires Alliance the benefits Alliance, hence paving theset way by to NATOadmission. in the formFurthermore, priceof extensiveof admission Kydd to theexplains club.membership the the byincreasing made which credible are country compliance, of candidate of promises material criteria will obtainenlargefunction asa to explains decision NATO’s that account an offered alternative has the trust of the Andrew Kydd, “Trust Building, Trust Breaking: The Dilemma of NATO Enlargement”, Frank Schimmelfenning, Explanations that grounded in the rational school of thought explain why the why explain thought of school rational in the grounded that Explanations , pp.801-828 6 Andrew Kydd, using a rationalist approach to explainKydd, Andrew using arationalistenlargement, approach to “The EU,NATO and the Integration of Europe: Rules and Rhetoric”, 5 orspecific enlargement. aspectsof Theliterature existing 7 In other words, the states that are ready to pay price pay the are ready to that states the words, Inother 3 International Organization (Cambridge International CEU eTD Collection 10 organizations on the Central and East European States European States – Conceptual and Theoretical Issues,” in 9 NATO Individual Fellowship Report 1998-2000, 8 norms” and values of community international an “organization NATOof isSchimmelfenning, an to According approaches. interests within theinternational system.founds He view his on constructivist NATOhas instrumental the repeatedly gonebeyond enlargementthat of pursuitegoistic argues frameworks. Schimmelfenning theoretical rationalist the limits of the demonstrate socialization” lend empirical rationalist supporttothe arguments employedby Kydd. members. new to invitations extending to objections vociferous the silenced not have values and norms above-mentionedsufficiently of since andadoption convincingthe socialization the forstating understanding NATOenlargement, that constructivist is the not approach asmembers Alliance. the of same havebeenaccepted values the adhere to NATO eastern enlargementnorms and values and facilitate theirinternalization. Schimmelfenning hasattributed to the success of this exercise. States that have proven to Frank Schimmelfenning, “Introduction: The impact of InternationalOrganizations on the Central and Eastern Frank Schimmelfennig, “NATO's Enlargement to the East: AnAnalysis of Collective Decision-making”, EAPC- Andrew Kydd, “TrustBuilding, Trust Breaking…”p. 806 Contrary to the above, Frank Schimmelfenning provides arguments that arguments Frank Schimmelfenning provides above, the Contrary to Kydd, in contrast, argues against the relevance of constructivist theoretical lens againsttheoretical relevance argues in the ofconstructivist Kydd, contrast, 9 10 adopted community the with countries candidate socialize the to in order Thefeatures of the third enlargement round, as we will see in this thesis, http://www.ifs.tu-darmstadt.de/pg/regorgs/regorgh.htm , edited by RonaldH. Linden (Oxford 2002), p.7 Norms and Nannies: The Impact of International 4 8 that engages in a process of in “international a process engages that , p. 7,8 CEU eTD Collection 695-719, p.703 11 in the role asignificant play that aspects upon have all touched referred earlier, for first the andCold post second War The enlargements. scholars, towhich I have theoretical explanation provided byFrank which Schimmelfenning, successfully accounts action” “rhetorical the with case the is Such expansion.. NATO of accounts existing NATO enlargement, new developments in the ongoing enlargement continue challengeto outcomes of the 2008 NATO summit. the account into taking when expansion NATO of explanation a sufficient not is stability and maintain stability security However,inand Europe. for security NATO’s quest and ensurepost-communistwas thoughtto Enlargement to as apolicy emerged that Europe lines and preventing the emergence newof divisions and security alliances. objectives to ensure ofsecurity 2004. Jonathan andenlargement robust Eyalthe stabilitymanner in that buildsexplaining Alliance, the to bring would onmembers the on samethe assumptions old continent and placesframework, Stefanovaby attributes the erasingNATO expansionfocus to the political leverage the newon NATO rationalist a theUtilizing policy. dividingenlargement Alliance’s in the mirrored are which stability, and security theregional of importance the on build assumptions These thesis. this for relevant enlargement on literature in the debate the feed that assumptions based preferences of the Alliance. Boyka Stefanova and Jonathan Eyal elaborate on the security Jonathan Eyal, “NATO’s Enlargement: Anatomy of a Decision”, Regional security and stability are also elements shape Regional enlargement that stability are alsoelements security the and Notwithstanding the fact that all these explanations offer important insights intoinsights important all offer that thefact explanations these Notwithstanding 5 International Affairs ” Vol. 73,No. 4, 1997, pp. 11 CEU eTD Collection prove triumphant over the community upheld norms and values. and norms upheld community the over triumphant prove basedassumptions case provide where rational third of enlargement adifferent the round from arguments action-based rhetorical The countries. eastern tothe with regard interests pursuetheirmember is rational NATO states the which that through anorganization instead suggests theory NATO of and rhetorical expansion, undermines entrapment the thus of enlargement Thethirdround any giventime. memberof at countries NATO the preferences strategy, ratherpurely of result but a comprehensive rationalist enlargement appear tobethe enlarge not to does The decision decisions thought. thanpreviously accession the muchover control less have countries candidate that succeeded, suggests Albania andCroatia two, other the where gainfailed admission to yetcountries, two other the as much as just membership NATO for criteria the fulfills Macedonia that Given wave. recent most the explaining for inoperable proves enlargement, of Thus, rhetorical entrapment, which Schimmelfenning used explain to twowaves first the succeed in not did admitted. butgetting as theaspirants, effective argumentation previous invited. as Macedoniahasengaged in just explainMacedonia wasnot SEECs where andcannot enlargement CEECs explained action show why rhetorical to enlargement stated ideals of enlargement. stability goals and objectives based onthe norms,countries, by strategies argumentative security adopting values, and have entrappedcandidate where the enlargement, NATO of explanation theoretical action” “rhetorical the Alliance to follow through with their This thesis challenges the ‘rhetorical action’ argument by of argument third using the This wave challenges ‘rhetorical action’ thesis the 6 CEU eTD Collection 12 membership. NATOexpectation of with norms, promoted criteria, andcountries adopted values which candidate the own its in entangled become has NATO result, a As membership. over Alliance the with of ofenlargementproponents and countries candidate haveshamedthat andbargained enlargement tothe strategically used rhetoric of the NATO officials as well as the actions NATO attributed has He literature. existing the to bring will my thesis that contribution Coldthe War, Schimmelfenning has left agap which will be themain focus and after theend period of NATO of conditions the cover of research scope this enlargement forSchimmelfenning explanation Considering NATO eastern an the enlargement. as that but extended an invitationvalues, and norms western of adoption as well as transformation and reform of processes to only to Albania and Croatia. equivalentAlbania,status of Croatia 2008Bucharest Macedonia atthe and Summitin the The outcome of thebargaining andshaminghave functioned NATO differently than recognizedexpected. the Summit of the a wheretheoutcomes provides enlargement.case The 2008NATOenlargement institution insuch asNATOhave brought forefront and 1999andthe the 2004NATO arguments norms buildsthat on andvalues havesuccessfully intervened in community use of action’ thestrategic and ‘Rhetorical action.” “rhetorical Schimmelfenning’s puzzle rationalists, forthe asarguedearlier, butalso for the constructivistsincluding Frank Schimmelfenning, This will therefore thesis challenge the‘rhetorical byFrank action’ suggested The EU, NATO and the Integration of Europe: Rules and Rhetoric”. 12 This latest wave of accession not only presents a presents only not accession of wave latest This 7 p.263 CEU eTD Collection standardized approach toward enlargement in the form norms and in upheld enlargement form the community of approach toward standardized a has adopted NATO whether regardless of hypothesize that gap, I this identified Having NATO. to accession gain to in order themselves position to how countries aspirant informing while enlargement, of method consistent more a develop NATO help might waves three all over enlargement drive that preferences the of understanding clear a Developing strategic concerns. have dominated the politics where set of preferences, different a forefront the to brings round third the of outcome The enlargement. of round second the and first the of background inthe been have preferences Different analyzed. country? thismade candidate to it Why Alliancein And inthe the rhetorically this case? entrapped commitment wasn’t failed action rhetorical has NATO. Why to to gain accession attempt Macedonia’s case of in the failed all have entrapment rhetorical the and applicants former the of treatment and Alliance. Rhetoric based on the requirements, values, norms, NATO’s past commitments which candidates the have based theirarguments insupportof gaining membershipin the on foundation the are they since consideration into requirements these takes thesis my accession that NATO has put forward to candidate countries. Thequestions as to whatresearch drives the NATO decision making process. question ofnot only enlargement, the ‘rhetorical alsochallenge to but approach action’ raise These questions indicate that NATO enlargement has been insufficiently been has enlargement NATO that indicate questions These itis forIn making understand requirements the thisargument, essential to 8 CEU eTD Collection admission. I have supplemented this information with interviews with experts who have who experts with interviews with information this supplemented have I admission. Enlargement and the Membership Action Plan which identify requirementsthe for behind NATO enlargement. on decision-makingbethe for themain data gathering have to tool enlargement proved officials and inNATO NATOwith HQ Interviews Brussels. duringtripmy to research and conducted International collected interviews I have and meetings, official speeches, public media publications, Staff (IS) who have been directlyMethodology and Structure of the Thesis involved in the NATO instrumentally memberdriven statesegoistic preferences. regardless which of theirare satisfying instrumentally This driven goals. my hypothesis confirms that what the countriesmember countries of NATO basisof preferences egoistic onthe institution, expands do,international NATO, asan that I argue Additionally, standards. of a set with compliance NATO will decide by doa decision itistriggeredto so; interestithaswhere a not automatically perceived to expand and is when enlarges because NATO That membership. gain to strategies argumentative by followingon their own effortsthebased admission their ensure to to able been not meet have would countries the aspirant the values, standards of NATO accession or by adopting effective I have started my analysis with documents such as thedocuments, NATO of comparison and analysis on be based will research My Study on NATO 9 CEU eTD Collection third chapter deals with the enlargement in CEECs and elaborate the impact of rhetorical impactof the in CEECsandelaborate enlargement the with deals third chapter includingprocess the requirementsimposes theAlliance on candidate countries. The outcomes. The second chapterprovides a summary andbackground of enlargement the public speeches, on the basis of which I build my study of the NATO enlargement policy on publiclythe dataandinterpretavailable argumentative the contained strategies in the action’ that Iemploy in my analysis. In order to test the rhetorical action premises, Idraw members’individual and self preferences and–centered bargaining power. My requirements hypothesis isworking that isenlargement the resultof NATO given formembership including social norms, valuesrules, and various policy ishas by countries’ NATO enlargement standards driven the with compliance candidate eastern that states Mynull hypothesis enlargement. NATO wavesof three of the rhetoric. official the compare asabasisto inwill serve all cases three processes enlargement the followed that analysis discourse In-depth time. of points certain individuallyrounds will me inferenable to accounts for what decisions the made at each decisions for the of interviewsenlargement explain principal the conducted the that will support my empirical data. Analysis and comparison of the available documents with that framework theoretical selectthe hasme to helped literature Thescholarly countries. candidate preparation for the facilitated stages the drafted NATOdocuments official The first chapter of my thesis provides the theoretical framework –‘rhetorical framework my theoretical the of chapter thesis provides The first light in the test I that hypothesis null a formulate I research my of purpose the For 10 CEU eTD Collection instrumentally driven preferences to enlargement. NATO the of overview an presents thesis my of conclusion The enlargement. NATO Summit to challengeaction Chapter fouron enlargement. will theoutcomes of use latestthe 2008NATO the theory of ‘rhetorical action’ as something that can explain 11 CEU eTD Collection 14 the European Union,” European the 13 preferences.” one’s to act according otheractors to topersuadethe of andarguments exchange use “strategic a becomes action rhetorical the together, areput aspects two When these pursue their andensure compliance. to objectives arguments inorder and -related rules community values chose strategically actors rhetorical itself, the where rhetorical action relates to the community upheld common valuesNATO. and norms, whileinstrumentally image liberal preferencesby with community driven egoistic the upheld the secondarguments,” andrule-based norm useof “strategic is the Schimmelfenning action rhetorical asa describes framework. action” conceptual “rhetorical the constitute that premises the explain will chapter this enlargement, i.e. outcome the normative elaborate orderto process. In stemmed enlargement the that other egoistic interest driven preferences on the one side and norm compliance outcomes on the betweenthe connection the provides action Rhetorical debate. entrapment and rhetorical Action - Rhetorical Framework I: Theoretical Chapter Frank Schimmelfenning, Frank Schimmelfennig, “The Community Trap: Liberal Norms, Rhetorical Action, and the Eastern Enlargement of Two aspects play pivotal role in the “rhetorical action” concept. The first aspect The first concept. action” in the“rhetorical play role pivotal aspects Two action’ of ‘rhetorical the core the which areat explores aspects the This Chapter 14 International Organization, Vol. 55, No. 1 The EU, NATO and the Integration of Europe: Rules and Rhetoric 12 , (Winter, 2001), p. 48 13 which intervenes by connecting the connecting by intervenes which ”. p. 5 CEU eTD Collection James Johnson, James 17 Vol. 45, No. 4, interaction between actors equals pure influence (1984, 84-101, 286-87). between equals(1984, influence actors interaction pure where action andsocial success-oriented purposeful asa strategic action distinct categorized has Habermas exercise. entire the rhetorical within role plays anessential thatportray community features the identity. American Political Science Review, Vol. 87, No. 1, (Mar., 1993), p.75 the proponents strives to influence and ensure compliance with “driver’s”influence strives preferred the with proponents to the andensurecompliance by undertaken the strategic action as as“drivers,” “brakemen” andtheformer latter the labeling by process enlargement the of opponents and proponents the between distinction markers” This “identity in public statements process creates form commitments. the rhetorical of sharedrequirements, values,and ideologies isand consequently mirrored in usually international community is loyalty developed tomutual through commitments pledges, members inthe all of the identity collective The community. international the 16 Review, Science Political American 15 points,” fixedfirmly it “focal Moreover, identity,norms, requires values anddeveloped rules. has touphold committed international that andinstitutionalized commonly community Jurgen Habermas, “The Theory of Communicative Action”(Volume 1. Boston: Beacon Press1984) in the work of work the in Press1984) Beacon Boston: 1. Action”(Volume Communicative of Theory “The Habermas, Jurgen Alastair Iain Johnston, “Treating International Institutions as Social Environments,” James Johnson, “Is Talk Really Cheap? Prompting Conversation Between Critical Theory and Rational Choice,” The second pillar of the rhetorical action concept is the strategic action, which action, isthestrategic concept action rhetorical the of The second pillar In order to be effective, “rhetorical action” maneuvering builds on established on builds an maneuvering “rhetorical action” be effective, to In order 15 16 which are established, recognized, accepted, internalized within andpracticed accepted, whichrecognized, are established, which the rhetorical actors can appeal to when eliciting congruence with the with congruence eliciting when to appeal can actors rhetorical the which (Dec., 2001), p. 500 Is Talk Really Cheap? Prompting Conversation Between Critical Theory and Rational Choice Vol. 87, No. 1, (Mar., 1993), p. 81 13 International Studies Quarterly, 17 If make If we , The The CEU eTD Collection 22 21 20 19 American Political Science Review, Vol. 87, No. 1, “ (Mar., Johnson, 1993), James p. 80 18 leads to commitment rhetorical the fore, tothe brought are arguments when all these Consequently, action. rhetorical the of power persuasive the strengthens to, committed areshamed,that actors by being reminded of norms values, the have and rules they accordingly. and respond commitments respecttheir past “brakemen”the influence to andpersuade and exercise secondly, in and justify to,firstly,accepted in recognized a given claims, community order their are that values and norms identities, to refer that strategies develop argumentative actors notmarkers. inTherhetorical policies thatare line identity with previously established respond by becausebehavior feelchanging theirof they from discomfort the pursing The ofinfluence subjects conduct. preferencesuncooperative and interested change game" strategic mediated action," This"linguistically policy choices. rhetoric of community members. community of rhetoric markers identity are founded and on past commitments previously that established their behavior. As argues,Schimmelfenning behavior the is changed inline with change to theopponents influence of insupport objectives their argumentative strategies selecting by and commitments rhetorical their and identity collective elaborated Frank Schimmelfenning, Alastair IainJohnston, “Treating International Institutions as Social Environments”. p. 500 Frank Schimmelfennig, “The Community Trap: Liberal Norms, Rhetorical Alastair Iain ActionJohnston, “Treating …” International p. 62 Institutions as Social Environments”. p. 500 of work the in Press.1984.) Beacon Boston: 1. (Volume Action ofCommunicative Theory The Habermas, Jurgen 20 This is accomplished through a causal mechanism mechanism "persuasion andof aform a causal This isaccomplished through where through moral where through appeal, Is Talk Really Cheap? Prompting Conversation Between Critical Theory and Rational Choice The EU, NATO and the Integration of Europe: Rules and Rhetoric 19 21 values and norms assert themselves against self- against themselves assert norms and values 22 The potential for discomfort on the part of the 14 18 builds on the above ”. p. 193 ,” The CEU eTD Collection 28 27 26 outcomes. with the communityused by whosepursue certain actors, rhetorical the isto objective is inpolicy that line defined norms and values, in order to advance their preferred theirto commitment communitythe values norms.”and with material compete interests that instrumentally egoistic, “often pursue and develop actors these situations, decision-making specific face they times when at and interests they still egoisticdevelop andmaterialinterests. In words,they other competingadopt 25 24 23 itself. system the to necessarily tailored are not preferences community, their and practiced norms and values.in adopted line not community the whichare with and preferences, interests egoistic own Regardless of the factwithin a system of shared community markers,that the actors may instrumentally pursue their these actors belong Nonetheless, action. of rhetorical for success prerequisite is the inthe system actors to the induce compliance. and certain policies to opposition silence can asaresult, arguments, rhetorical based inconsistencies discomforting andmay identity from markers, the previously in which committed differs result rhetorical entrapment. Ibid. 62-63 Frank Schimmelfennig, “The Community Trap: Liberal Norms…”p. 62-63 Alastair IainJohnston, “Treating International Institutions as Social Environments”. p. 502 Frank Schimmelfenning, Alastair IainJohnston, “Treating International Institutions as Social Environments”. p. 500 Frank Schimmelfennig, “The Community Trap: LiberalNorms, Rhetorical Action… “ p. 66 The developed “putative status markers” The “putative status developed 25 The EU, NATO and the Integration of Europe: Rules and Rhetoric 23 Even minor shifts in the direction to which the actors have 24 ifcalled by Using into proponents. the question rule 15 26 and its shared understanding by the by understanding shared its and 28 This windowof opportunity is ,” p. 193 27 Therefore, CEU eTD Collection (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1995), p. 258 on a Theory of Recognition” in 32 31 (Dec., 2001) p. 490 Johnston, “ edited by J. E. Alt and K. A. Shepsle, pp. 90-143. (London: Cambridge University Press) in30 the work of: Alastair Iain international relations and domestic affairs 29 benefits exchange,”future of material “private the are behavior in of becompliance norm the core to the appears What members. community the of decisions compliance norm behind mechanism driving the is legitimacy of question the Consequently, members. community the of preferences and image actions legitimacy the reputation.gives to Cultivatingandreputation atrustworthy as welltheir image project the they about concerned highly are representatives question of theirimage and reputation. In an organization, such as NATO, the community “Sayingthat somethingis doing something.” Kratochwil’s isargument with consistent features image. good expectations-related The and reputation their about concern the is other the on while side, one on lie community as a for andrepresent face in they what they of stand terms expectations members. The create discrepancy and prevent “normative conduct and instrumental andinstrumental success” discrepancy“normative conduct create and prevent may that obstacles the Therefore, agents. economic credible and legitimate as interactions actions may undermine community members’ legitimacy as a result of the absence of absence the of aresult as legitimacy members’ community undermine may actions Axel Honneth edited by Charles W. Wright, “Integrity and Disrespect: Alastair Iain Johnston, Principles “Treating International of Institutions a Conceptionas Social Environments”. of p. 490 Morality Based Kreps, D. M. (1992) "Corporate Culture and Economic Theory." InPerspectives on Positive Political Economy, Friedrich V. Kratochwil, In line with the above are two aspects that are of great concern for the community The second aspect, which is also of great concern to community members, is members, the community concern to which is of great also The secondaspect, Treating International Institutions as Social Environments Rules, Norms and Decisions: On the conditions of practical and legal reasoning in The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 31 which actors strive to ensure in order to facilitate future ensure to in strive order to which actors , (Cambridge University Press 1989), p. 7-8 p. 1989), Press University (Cambridge , 16 29 ,” International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 45, No. 4, 32 in future , 30 CEU eTD Collection 35 34 values and publicsupport previous and commitmentto identity these markers. Shaming norms with thebehaviors,” community identification and which previous rules, requires illegitimateSchimmelfenning“public defines shaming as exposureto goals and influence. Johnston labels this process “pro-norm behavior” commitments. past enlargement, 33 and“warrants.” “claims,”“grounds,” institutional mostthe persuasive within arguments contextof the prevailingthe beliefs the within shared ideas and persuasion. Strategic use of entailsarguments instrumental selection of environment. The arguments1.1 Elements of rhetorical action and social influence are composed outcomes. preferred of judged.” are their products three and they which by standards many the to up living are they central that impression the “maintain elements:recognition. Congruence with community is thus rules by driven their objective to Alastair IainJohnston, “Treating International Institutions as Social Environments,” p. 499 Frank Schimmelfenning, Erving Goffman, Erving Shaming is one of the channels through which rhetorical actors assert social The include:strategicuse,arguments, buildselements action rhetorical that on grounds The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life The EU, NATO and the Integration of Europe: Rules and Rhetoric are the community rules and norms and 33 This creates room for the rhetorical actors to advance their 34 The C 17 , (PenguinGroup 1959) p.243 laims are the preferred outcomes - 35 warrants that elicits compliance. elicits that ”. p. 202 take the form of CEU eTD Collection 38 strategies. argumentative formembership, NATO based onwhich candidatethe countries have built their requirements the presents chapter next The Alliance. the of compliance ensure to order successful in pursing rhetorical strategies and inusing channels influenceof social in been haveto appear actors Rhetorical Cold War context. in post the enlargement forced to comply. isits reputation credibility protect and andin to and own order commitments words As and a positions thecommunity result, andin commitments. is its entrapped entangled Social Environments,” Social pp.160-194. (Cambridge University Press). In thework of Alastair Iain Johnston, “Treating International Institutions as Without Government: Order and Change in World Politics feelings to protect their image and preferences. community adopted to save their the not and self-interest their reflect that preferences divergent may adopt members face” rules." accepted break widely who those befalls commonly that disgrace social shame or 37 Environments” Psychology” 20:65-122 in the work of Alastair IainJohnston, 36 sanctions, and social avoidshaming to whotend actors are egoistic members because community is effective Frank Schimmelfenning, “The EU,NATO and the Integration of Europe: Rules and Rhetoric”. p. 197 Oran Young,"The Effectiveness of International Institutions: Hard Cases and Critical Variables." Batson, C. D. (1987) “Prosocial Motivation: Is It Ever Truly Altruistic? Advances in Experimental Social 37 Rhetorical action and rhetorical entrapment may explainmay to entrapment NATO appear Rhetorical and rhetorical action A successful shaming strategy will make the subjects strive toavoid“painful This mechanism is used by rhetorical actors in situations when community when situations in actors rhetorical by used is mechanism This , International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 45, No. 4, (Dec., 2001), pp. 487-515, p. 502 International Studies Quarterly 36 and therefore “are motivated by a desire to avoid the sense of avoid sense the byadesireto motivated “are and therefore , Vol. 45,No. 4, (Dec., 2001), pp. 487-515, p. 502 18 , edited by J. N. Rosenau and E.-O. Czempiel, (1992) “Treating International Institutionsas Social 38 and stay andstay in line with past In Governance CEU eTD Collection http://rand.org/pubs/monograph_reports/MR1243/MR1243.ch4.pdf accessed onMay 5 Planning and Shaping category. military in are the states military militarycontribution, interoperability compatibility NATOmemberand with the while category economic in the is economy market Functional category. political the into fall minorities of treatment equal and relations civil-military democratic system, inmembership. political mature Functional meet toqualify for and democracy order to countries have that of targets of subset a consists categories of the Each preconditions. military and economic in political, covering aremembership categories, grouped three countries. aspirant the to commitment NATO’s present and documents official of in number stipulated are requirements membership The admission. to meet prior must countries candidate that as requirements identified has Alliance countriesjoin aiming to includesNATO. Theframework norms rules, and values the 39 and military disputes territorial external of disputes, settlement peaceful ethnic the on been placed has emphasis great area, of Euro-Atlantic the countries the to security Thomas S. Szayna, “ The main requirements that countries must candidate the evaluate and select to of criteria set a has developed The Alliance meet in order to gain NATO Chapter II: Requirements for NATO Membership NATO for Requirements II: Chapter ,” Rand 2001, p. 68 NATO Enlargement, 2000-2015: Determinants and Implications for Defense 39 Considering the high importance of importance Consideringhigh thestability andof 19 , CEU eTD Collection http://www.nato.int/docu/handbook/2001/index.htm http://www.nato.int/docu/basictxt/enl-9502.htm 42 41 40 Alliance.” the join to state a invite to whether indetermining factor inmeans with accordance OSCE principles. Resolution such disputes wouldof bea by peaceful disputes those settle must disputes jurisdictional internal or claims, irredentist which“States including orexternal havemembership. ethnic disputes disputes, territorial “Study from addressed for mainprerequisites on 1995 also the NATO Enlargement” sharethat liberal norms and valuesin their domestic and international The conduct. andits Alliance role ininternational security. missions thatstrengthen the defense and collective peace-keeping to contribution domestic values. when formed for admission, as will precedenceover competingrequirements take by values, toinfluenceAlliance theaspirants thewhich attempts Community reiterating the freedom, common heritage and civilization of their peoples,founded on the principles safeguard Atlantic “They North in to the signed are determined 1949stipulates: Treaty to The preamble region. trans-Atlantic inthe democracies like-minded a community of community community identity markers and expands its membership. Frank Schimmelfenning, NATO Publication, “ NATO Public Diplomacy Division, “ Furthermore, the Alliance represents a community organization members with acommunity organization represents Alliance the Furthermore, The values of the Alliance are reflected in treaties basic the Alliance arereflected of The values the 42 This is how the enlargement policy contributes to dissemination of the Study onNATO Enlargement The EU, NATO and the Integration of Europe: Rules and Rhetoric NATO Handbook 20 ,” September1995, 40 ”, 2006, p.185 41 . The treaties describe The treaties In other words, the ” p. 73 CEU eTD Collection Review 46 http://www.nato.int/docu/handbook/2001/index.htm community the that practices and norms values, rules, the about candidates the teaches security” of consumers aswell “producers 45 44 43 “probationary period of stage” transition and bilateral through cooperation. above mentioned exclusivestrategy,in waslaunched influence1994 to aspirants the of the aspart (PfP), for Peace Partnership cooperation. and consultation multilateral of process facilitate the forum to joint is asa designed (EAPC), Council Partnership later in Council replacedand Euro-Atlanticthe was created with which 1991 (NACC), Cooperation Atlantic North The countries. candidate the with dialogue ongoing an level their implementation in the domestic system of the candidate advanced expects other the on and aspirants the to norms and values rules, fundamental its side on one communicates Alliance of Alliance.The the active involvement to candidates. This strategy is based on an intensified processwell-being in the North Atlanticof area.” socialization with of individualpromotedemocracy, liberty stability law. They and the rule of seek to and the Robert E. Hunter, “Enlargement: Part of a Strategy forProjecting Stability into Central Europe,” Frank Schimmelfenning, NATO Public Diplomacy Division, “ http://www.nato.int/docu/basictxt/treaty.htm 43 For the purposes has strategy,initiated For thepurposes supportingof the abovementioned NATO an itsNATO norms, communicate values strategy and adopted to exclusive rules , no. 3 (1995): 3-8 The EU, NATO and the Integration of Europe: Rules and Rhetoric , http://www.nato.int/docu/review/1995/9503-1.htm 44 PfP was designed as mechanism that would serve as a NATO Handbook 43 21 46 45 It is a channel through which the Alliance ”, 2006, p.186-187, wherein the candidates would grow into ,” p. 93 NATO CEU eTD Collection http://www.nato.int/docu/handbook/2001/index.htm 49 International Studies model and endeavor to complete the transformation processes. transformation tocompletethe andendeavor model drivinginspiredmechanism thathas the emulate eastern seekEuropean states to to the whose membership Coldthe musthave one the thatAllianceasaninstitution they identified War, conclude is worth the investment of for admission. countries time and resources. candidate levelthe of the of readiness indicates Action Plan Membership Sincethe then This Atlanticevaluations Council. bytheNorth on supervision and regular their progress hasperiodic by candidacy their beenstrengthen and countries the guide and help to introduced a by community the members. adopted norms with multilateral the become familiarized states meanswhereby also the 48 divisions,” security and political making for process political transgovernmental andof complex established structure military command internationally planning, 50 47 members uphold. NATO Public Diplomacy Division, “ Daniel Deudney and g. John Ikenberry, “The nature and sources of liberal International order” International ofliberal sources and nature “The Ikenberry, John g. and Deudney Daniel Frank Schimmelfenning, Frank Schimmelfenning, Considering the number of countries committed to join the Alliance after the end of end the after Alliance the join to committed countries of number the Considering At 1999Washingtonthe Summit, socalled the Membership Action Plan (MAP) was 47 (1999), 25, 179–196 Although PfP is primarily intended to integrate states into “joint force “joint into states integrate to intended primarily is PfP Although The EU, NATO and the Integration of Europe: Rules and Rhetoric The EU, NATO and the Integration of Europe: Rules and Rhetoric” NATO Handbook 22 ”, 2006, p.189, 50 ”, p. 90 p. 93 p. Review of 48 it is 49 CEU eTD Collection the case of one of the aspirant countries Macedonia. countries caseof aspirant of the the one work in not SEECs it enlargement did and determinewhy to apply action rhetorical the rhetorical entrapmentdetermine why to in order enlargement CEECs the to theory action rhetorical apply the worked invalues the caseto influence of the CEECsthe caseinmembershipmake for the astrong Alliance. Theyinvoked norms rules, and decision enlargement. of the Alliancedivergent Chapter to enlarge. preferences. IV willThe following As Chapter a result, will the aspirant countries adopted a strategy aiming to In spite of the institutionalized system for admission the enlargement is affected by 23 CEU eTD Collection beginning, such individual beginning, as thepending such preferences of with Russia, relationship enlargement. Additionally,he refers toquestions thathampered the process in the NATO thelack recognized of initialconsensus for embarking with processof the process. postpone the to “brakemen” andthe between “drivers” the process a bargaining an of outcome can beobservedas and as wasdesigned tactics a delaying Thepartnership within preferences Alliance. the Membership Action Plan, tosome extent, occurred due to the existence of these divergent “drivers” and“brakemen”.members for AlliancePeaceand the of into Partnership the which divided War, Coldof endthe the after enlarge Alliance the to ‘whether’ question of wasthe there Furthermore, always uniform. were not member states NATO community upheldsharedthat values andnorms, enlargement the preferences the of by initiated formsa of were institutionalized of these regardless cooperation factthat the itinevitablenotresults foraspirant the countries toexpect from However,their efforts. PfP, upon, initiatives receivedMAP and and which acted werepositively made other the to pave their future way membershiptoward inNATO. Intensified dialogues, NACC, countries trying bytheaspirant eagerlyaccepted itspolicy enlargementwere support of 51 Frank Schimmelfenning, Chapter III: Rhetorical action and NATO enlargement inCentral enlargement and NATO action Rhetorical III: Chapter The requirements and socialization processes that NATO has institutionalized in The EU, NATO and the Integration of Europe: Rules and Rhetoric Eastern Europe Eastern 51 Senior member of the international stuff with stuff international the of member Senior 24 ” p. 191 CEU eTD Collection (1991) : 3-8, 52 anticipating that Russia and its future governments may perceive NATO’sexpansion as werealso arguments Somethe of enemy. theold with relations the exacerbate the Russian factor. The Alliance was concerned with Russian reaction and did notwant to guarantees” invite becomefuture them security thesecountries to membersnoroffer foreseeable for the it cannot it that made clear has “the Alliance forms cooperation, of other decideif is enlargementthe in an option the Cold Thus,post Warperiod. having inmind (CEECs) arrived at the NATO’s front door in 1991, the Alliance was3.1 Opposition to the Centralstill Eastern Enlargement not ready to developeditsenlargement argumentative strategies. to proponents the within which events the contextbypresenting Isetthe Europe, Eastern Central in the enlargement NATO the followed that entrapment rhetorical which analyzing direction Alliancewill develop.the rhetorical Before action and the in begainedand of of Alliance interms interest the will what thecountries general and Manfred Wörner, “NATO transformed: The significance of the RomeSummit” ofthe significance The transformed: “NATO Wörner, Manfred The arguments behind Eastwardenlargement the were mainly revolving around When firstthe demandsmembership for from Central Eastern European Countries http://www.nato.int/docu/review/1991/9106-1.htm 52 25 NATO Review 39 , No. 6 CEU eTD Collection http://www.nato.int/docu/review/1994/9401-5.htm 55 of European Public Policy ( http://www.nato.int/docu/review/1991/9105-4.htm 54 53 pursue its interestjoining of theAlliance. Russia “untied” Poland andby signing the Russian–Polish declaration allowed Poland to signal to refrain from applying. Aof inwindow was created opportunity 1993 when CEECs demanded put to enlargementthe question NATO’s on agenda, they received a hasRussiafears fed by toNATO’s NATO’s opposition Therefore, expansion. when the practices. may it NATO decision-making consensual the was apotential that weaken with inpreserving its unity and new enlargement since would havebrought Allies,there former a adversary. over seeking dominance i.e. aspirants. It was, among the other things, designed to appease the restless public of appeaserestless public was, the designedto things, other among Itthe i.e. aspirants. focusPeace program on andenhancing cooperation to countries dialogue with partner the membershipforboth, CEECsdemandsby establishing and Partnership the for Russia, enlargement. to commitments inprospect of theRussian,enlargement negativeto the weaken reaction did NATO.Observing the within not enlargement in the position of Russia towards its former satellite country, the opposition to K. M. Fierke; Antje Wiener, “Constructing institutional interests: EU and NATO enlargement,” Trevor Taylor, “NATO and Central Europe”, Central and “NATO Taylor, Trevor Alexei Pushkov, “Russia and the West: An Endangered Relationship?” Endangered An West: the and “Russia Pushkov, Alexei Brussels amiddleinmeet Summit solution 1994introduced expectations of to the 6:5 December) 1999, p735 NATO Review 39, 54 26 55 Regardless of this incremental improvement 53 NATO abstained from making resolute Additionally, theAlliance was concerned No. 5(1991):17-22 NATO Review 42 , No. 1: 19-23 Journal CEU eTD Collection http://www.nato.int/docu/handbook/2001/hb010302.htm 57 Journal of International Studies The voices from Russia were clearandloud stating relationship thatthe bewill in Russia. offending from backlash the with deal to ready not was it that felt itself NATO Therefore, theopposition enlargement was to not comingfrom only but Russianside,the relations. NATO-Russia the to athreat Union was former Soviet of territory the (Autumn 1998), pp. 170-86, p.171-172 States. Baltic the embrace and borders its to stretch will that expansion tolerate not will it that Besides the opposition to the initial of enlargement Alliance,the hasmade Russia itclear Russia.”signaling threat to possiblewithout was not enlargement eastward expected, aswell consumersof becoming producers security.”as before truly of pass transition a period needAlliance to will “countries the entering enlarge that Alliancebyindicating the to the decision PfPmembership. delayed area, in Euro-Atlantic security the the to central as was designed itSince all partners. to andrules practices internalized Europe, NATO offered this program of familiarization and cooperation with NATO 61 60 59 Review 43 58 56 Russia. NATO Handbook, “The Brussels Summit”, Karl-Heinz Kamp, :NATO Entrapped:Debating the Next Enlargement Round,” p. 47 CEECs,” the and Russia NATO, Entanglement: and Maneuver of “Dialogues Fierke, K.M. NATO International Staff, SeniorOfficial . Personal Interview. 25 Apr. 2008 Robert E. Hunter, “Enlargement: Part of a Strategy forProjecting Stability into Central Europe, CEECs,” the and Russia NATO, Entanglement: and Maneuver of “Dialogues Fierke, K.M. 60 56 Events unfolded,Events silencing without the Russian opposition, since “as itwas Considering that Baltic States were seen as Russian backyard, expansion to a , no. 3 , no. (1995): 3-8 Considering that PfP was an initiative to enhance stability and security in security and stability enhance to initiative an was PfP that Considering , http://www.nato.int/docu/review/1995/9503-1.htm , (1999). p. 41 57 the aspirant countries joined PfP as a step towards NATO Publication 27 , (2002), 58 Survival , vol 40, Millennium: NATO 61 59 CEU eTD Collection No.4,9-13 731 65 64 63 62 werebuilt. societies western which the on values liberal democratic momentum as a proof of continuous relevance of its mission. this perceived NATO Alliance. of the services for the interest their declared CEECs the by contemplated Alliance, While the was its this question existence. facedof aquestion history” in Alliance successful “most the Therefore, mission. relevant its lost basically the principles of collective defense. With the absence of the Cold War enemy, NATO has 3.2 NATO’s view on Central Eastern European Enlargement explained as and newdivisions avoiding withnew hardships Russia. from andfrom within theAlliance.outside Theopposition from within NATOwas Therefore, NATO enlargement did nothave a smooth start. The ‘brakemen’ were coming more Baltic States. or toone membership offer had to jeopardy NATO decide created a momentum for the Alliance to continue its relevance and as a result it framed itits relevanceandasa continue result for amomentum theAllianceto created enlargement The tojoin Alliance. the concerns, security theirbesides mechanism, institutions encouragedthe CEECstofollow ideal, the western which was driving the K. M. Fierke; Antje Wiener, “Constructingp. 44 CEECs,” the institutional and Russia NATO, interests: Entanglement: and EU Maneuver and of NATO “Dialogues enlargement,”pFierke, K.M. 730 - Johan JorgenHolst, “Pursuing a durable peace in the aftermath of the Cold War,” Karl-Heinz Kamp, :NATO Entrapped:Debating the Next Enlargement Round,” p.175 Additionally, NATO has portrayed the end of the Cold War as a victory for the based form protect Europe Sovietthe on Union NATO establishedin1949to was http://www.nato.int/docu/review/1992/9204-2.htm 28 64 NATO Review 40 65 TheWestern , 63 62 CEU eTD Collection Review 43 Policy, in Moscow,” 70 69 68 1994. common trust.” cement relationshipsecurity the inbuild to cooperation and order and consultation for Russiaand with a seeking a‘genuine framework developed political partnership’ it articulated for NATO expansion stretching to its border, NATO adopted a strategy of Alliance. the of and enlargement expecting NATOhas obviously from shifted not knowingis ifenlargement an option to committing were renderedobsolete. in Europe, divisions the recreate mightit fears, that The earlier enlargement. inConsequently, ministers inproceed with 1994theforeign to NATOdecided “…. NATOexpansionis no longer aquestion whether,of butwhen andhow…...” aftermath of the Cold War divisions. 67 66 of the Continent,” notjoindo as asfor- inwhich those NATOwell do the avoiding process anewdivision processascan the “It providecountrieshelp adeepsensefor ofsecurity which European “Highlights of NATO Secretary General's address to the Russian Council on Foreign and Security and onForeign Council Russian the to address General's Secretary of NATO “Highlights NATO International Staff, Senior 44 Official p. CEECs, the and . PersonalRussia NATO, Interview. Entanglement: and Maneuver 25 of Apr. “Dialogues 2008Fierke, K.M. “Clinton Hints NATO Would Defend East From Attack,” Robert E. Hunter, “Enlargement: Part of a Strategy forProjecting Stability into Central Due to the significance of the Russian threat to enlargement and the reservations Clinton’s speech in Warsaw hinted as well NATOthat will defend Eastby stating , no. 3 , no. (1995): 3-8 68 Enlargementwas an perceived asCold the Warputting end to divisions. 70 NATO Review 44 66 The Russian opposition in was ameliorated 1997 with “equitablethe which anysounded appealing to country anewseeking home in the , http://www.nato.int/docu/review/1995/9503-1.htm , No. 3 (1996) 29 http://www.nato.int/docu/review/1996/9603-d.htm International Herald Tribune , 13January Europe, NATO 69 67 CEU eTD Collection and and Russianthe Federation,” Paris,(May 1997), 71 behavior. This is a strategy used by the CEECs. Through influence influence, theyintendedsocial “brakemen”the into to rule-compliant which norms, werein upheld and values. linewith rules commitments, community the a strategy enabled themtojustify legitimacy that and add totheir preferred policies, candidate countries andproponents NATO“the enlargement were They drivers.” adopted 3.3 Central Eastern European Rhetorical Strategies strategies the CEECs employed to influence the Alliance. compliantThe following atthebehavior. rhetorical takes closersub-section look uphold the rules, values whichby is to ‘warrant’, Furthermore, to the NATO’s commitment states. appealing and norms, the CEECs on which NATO has builtits image of anda security architecture community liberal of aimed to shame the countries Alliance foundedand NATOproponents their‘claims’ for admission on ‘grounds’ the into rule framed their toinfluence arguments the Alliancemembership. andensure Thecandidate level. political highest at the commitment andpartnership” stable NATO Online Library, “Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security between NATO The rhetorical actors pushing for eastern enlargement, in this case both both in pushingforthe case enlargement, eastern The rhetorical this actors The above provides presented backgroundconditionsthe within which CEECs the 71 signed between NATO and Russia where both made a http://www.nato.int/docu/basictxt/fndact-a.htm 30 CEU eTD Collection the western liberal values and norms even during the period of Europe’s artificial of liberalvaluesand period Europe’s the norms western even the during inclined towards as have traditionally European countries themselves portrayed Eastern upholdingEurope the same valuesandmeeting the criteria for accession. TheCentral and acts demonstrate thatjoin.speech Their apply to imagethey community the the of resembles that themselves CEECs have presented themselves as true sons and daughters build actors their claims. rhetorical the of onwhich grounds arethe These for admission. prerequisite met asthe they that criteria liberal democratic and the to success their and related support these states to commitment theAlliance’s stated declarations all public almost efforts, transformation-related East.” to our democratic states to reach thatwould expansion NATO and welcome would expect values inand culture joint NATOat the statements summitin Brusselsin 1994:“We norms, constitutive their voiced clearly have leaders NATO endeavor, enlargement 11 January 1994) , NorthAtlantic Cooperation Council, Partnership forPeace: Invitation, NATO Headquarters, Brussels, (10- 73 http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/lakedoc.html 72 Europe”. economies inCentral andmarket Eastern democracies norms andvalues especially end after the of Coldthe Warin tosupport the“neworder NATO Online Library, Ministerial Meeting of the North / Antony Lake," Lecture, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C, September 21, 1993, 73 CEECs CEECs used amoral appeal and aframing animage create strategy to for NATO members portrayed themselves as a community culture with sharedrules, with community culture asa themselves portrayed members NATO Furthermore, as the candidate countries proved successful in their reform and reform intheir successful proved countries candidate as the Furthermore, http://www.nato.int/docu/comm/49-95/c940110a.htm 31 72 In terms of its CEU eTD Collection community norms, values and rules, the CEECs have also employed strategic arguments. strategic employed also have CEECs the rules, and values norms, community western with positively identifying Besides claims. their of in support commitments of an 'identity card' claimed by every nation Europe.” throughout elements main the become have freedoms fundamental and rights human for respect full values arguing that “With War over, Coldthe ….democracy, market the economy and democratic countries. Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Melescanu emphasized these western the with share they values the reiterated well, as have, CEECs the belonging, of community”. in natural places international the other two Balticthe and Lithuania of integration The democracy. States Western of model the on development into the their basing community are they and civilization European Western to affinity their preserve of Western nations means50 years of suppression, Lithuanian, the and nations Latvian managed haveEstonian to a return to their your friend.” independentcountry sharesthat yourideals wishescooperate with you be and to to and and you of “I today a democratic I canaddress as arepresentative am stating,happy that (1993) 12-18 77 Lithuania,” NATO Review 44, no.5 (.1996) 21-25, 76 75 55, No. 1,(Winter, 2001), pp. 47-80, p. 68 Rhetorical Action,and the Eastern Enlargement of the European Union,” Alternatives 23(3):397-416. in workthe of Frank Schimmelfennig, 74 division. Dr. Teodor Melescanu, “Security in central Europe: A positive-sum game,” NATO Review 41, No.5 Ceslovas V. Stankevicius, “NATO enlargement and the indivisibility of security in Europe: Aview NATO “HQ. from Brussels, March 21, 1991,” Neumann, IverB. 1998. European Identity,EU Expansion, and Integration/Exclusionthe Nexus. The CEECs have additionally used a strategy of appealing to NATO 74 In this thePresident context, Havel hasNATO framed his in addressto 1991 http://www.nato.int/docu/review/1993/9305-3.htm 75 The Lithuanian Ambassador Stankevicius similarly asserted “Despite that asserted Stankevicius similarly Ambassador TheLithuanian http://old.hrad.cz/president/Havel/speeches/1991/2103_uk.html http://www.nato.int/docu/review/1996/9605-5.htm 32 76 Besides articulating their original place original their articulating Besides “The Community Trap: Liberal Norms, International Organization, Vol. 77 CEU eTD Collection (1993) 12-18 79 Public Policy 6:5 December1999, p 729 Antje Wiener, “Constructing institutional interests: EU and NATO enlargement,” Journal of European 78 stating“……our countries into are dangerously acertainsliding economic and political, by democracies fragile and the young of deterioration the toprevent in manner order respondin of to support theprogress countries.He askedforNATO timely aspiringthe NATO’s explicit support. President Havel wantedindividual todemonstrate theirbutalso tomarshal accomplishments, wanted has in this contextThey accession. for called criteria the on strategies NATOargumentative their to founding by explicitlyadmission values. these to commitment NATO’s to referring on in succeedregimes…” practices nightmare shutting door of the authoritarian the today's is Europe be found to wherever its democratic,liberal and humanist valuesand Similarly, Romanian Foreign Minister Melescanu affirmed“We, however, believe that responsibility…” West the bearsBecause atremendous of that, .... countries, too. our 1990s Havel WestPresident inhis to appealed commitments addressbeforein NATO early the claims. legitimize their to NATO commitments to strategically appealed their candidacy for uncertainty with faced when CEECs the principles, these upholding to committed have leaders western the and NATO and War Cold the of end the at triumphant and haveconfirmed values liberal western capitalism Consideringdemocracy, that Dr. Teodor Melescanu, “Security in central Europe: A positive-sum game,” NATO Review 41, No.5 Havel, Vaclav (1991) "Address to the NATO Council", NATO Review, 39, 2, 31-5. in the K. M. Fierke; “The democratic West … has given encouragement and inspiration to citizens of to inspiration and encouragement … has given West “The democratic The candidate countries have been building their cases to accelerate the process of process accelerate the to their cases building been have countries The candidate http://www.nato.int/docu/review/1993/9305-3.htm 33 79 78 CEU eTD Collection 82 81 80 for the responsibility this arisesagreat From threatof … the againsttotalitarianism itself defend to ititworthwhile considered that such itself extent an to respected free society serve forlong so as a firm safeguard of stability, freedom and prosperity …We saw that a match them against NATO’s currentremind conduct. NATO “The of Northits Atlanticpastthat commitments, Alliance CEECs was able have to promises used andin pasttheir treatments rhetoric. of countries The objective and of this rhetoricalpublic promisesmade by NATO and tiedthem together. actioninstitutionalized membership, of butto thebrought fore formal requirements NATO was to and how? remains.” PresidentBill Clinton in Warsaw 2001,affirming, “Now, only questionssuch as when? democratic states to our East... ." to would reach that NATO expansion and welcome would "We expect that declares compatibility withform NATO.of association He tied of thisthe asPolish tothe an Defensebestearlier route isinjeopardy.” young existence democracies of our Minister statement that Kolodziejcyk his ofcountry appropriate very external thatwithoutlinksthe the is evident vacuum…itsecurity becoming whoAlliance, referredhas selected to whichthe Partnership to meet its for goalPeace of http://www.nato.int/docu/review/1994/9405-2.htm Ibid. Piotr Kolodziejczyk, „Poland – a future NATO Ally,” NATO “HQ. Brussels, March 21, 1991,”, Exposing inconsistencies behavioral NATO’s byshamingis it strategy another 82 With this rhetoric, the candidates not only referred to the 81 Furthermore, the minister referred to aspeechby U.S. referred minister the Furthermore, http://old.hrad.cz/president/Havel/speeches/1991/2103_uk.html 34 NATO Review 42 80 Another example is the statement the is example Another , No., 5 (1994) 7-10, CEU eTD Collection 84 83 Alliance. of the forethe andbringinto strategies this tobuild promise countries candidate rhetorical their for room the creates it since Alliance the of andlegitimacy credibility the question membership…..” assumeresponsibilities of obligations and nations the able to to willing and extend in invitations years to Euro-Atlanticcoming Alliance expects the area.The further tosecurity in Treaty the andin of further contribute members the principles aposition to welcome new to continue will Alliance The Treaty. Atlantic North the 10 of Article new “NATOconclusions remains membersunder of Summit open to 1997Madrid the is in aspectthat asapromise perceived the Another iscontained wording of the region.” that to West the of commitment the about doubts raise will enlargement on norms“Temporizing andvalues. stated A ambassador United Hungarian that tothe States Alliance’s the of legitimacy the undermined have would values liberal to commitments previous their with Alliance the of Non-compliance enlargement. to commitments and held atup asamirror NATOin toshameorder theAlliance into respecting its fore tothe werebrought commitments past community markerswherethe to appealed …” democracies Western encouraged bythe constantly - which countries in the happening is what to indifferent be cannot It West. http://www.nato.int/docu/pr/1997/p97-081e.htm 85 Clemens Clay, NATO “HQ. Brussels, March 21, 1991,”, NATOPress Release, Madrid Declaration on Euro-Atlantic Security and Cooperation, July 1997, NATO and the Quest for Post-Cold War Security 85 If NATO abstains from inviting new members this promise may promise this members new inviting from abstains NATO If http://old.hrad.cz/president/Havel/speeches/1991/2103_uk.html 35 83 This is how the candidate countries This candidate ishow the , (Basingstoke,Macmillian 1997) 84 CEU eTD Collection University Press (1998), p171 87 Lithuania,” NATO Review 44, No. 5(1996): 21-25, 86 influence." "New unitedEurope" by values,common is wherethere noroomfor "spheres of had thatwelfare been World Second the inWesternEuropeafter War.…… achieved and stability areaof the democracy, allof expandEurope was across to Unitedthe States “the goal hethat of Meri Estonia's stated where President to letter of 1994 27 November Ambassador Lithuanian the Clinton's dividinglines inStankevicius referredto Europe. new of andwhofeared emergence borders the stayed NATO outside who countries NATO’s rhetoric which was also a source of arguments for the rhetorical actors. for rhetorical the arguments of a source wasalso which rhetoric NATO’s between two conflictingbalancing Alliance of the efforts the are CEECs for the plausible made policy that this demands, CEECs andifbepursuing it and it presentedaslegitimate cannot plausible. Russia. The followingCEECs chapter analyzesenlargement We caseof the the achieve maysay normative outcome. that influence to a used social subscribesconduct towardscurrent and rhetoric past the between inconsistencies thehighlighted toThey countries. aspiranttheir to “A policy countries of enlargement willderailment prevent to and in order organization of the credibility the question in that fail way,into called and norms and values raised rules, community regardlessinvoked They strategies. these the credibility issueof onesand purpose in K.M.Fierke, Ceslovas V. Stankevicius, “NATO enlargement and the indivisibility of security in Europe:A view from After the first round of enlargement, the above stated was a concern of the Judging by the outcome, the rhetorical actors – CEECs seemed to be successful in 86 Changing games, Changing Strategies: Critical investigation in security 36 http://www.nato.int/docu/review/1996/9605-5.htm 87 However, one aspect one However, , Manchester , CEU eTD Collection Europe: Rules and Rhetoric, p. 243 89 http://www.nato.int/docu/speech/1996/s961022a.htm 88 for the conditions andfuture threats, create against democracy strengthen rivalries, tolocal a return prevent West: itEurope's didwhat for for Europe's East “NATOdo can East. the for expandingin NATO speeches to his thisaspect emphasized supportive has Clinton President countries. western the for victorious proven has that democracy indifference.” of a veil with be replaced let Iron Curtain the not “we will of grounds the policy the justifying on enlargement advocated direction Clinton erasing the old dividing lines proponentsFurthermore, the haveof enlargement the for presented policy asamoment by embracing the new democracies from the East. In that 3.4 Rhetorical Strategies and Entrapment in NATO promises. past the itdepicts Furthermore, NATO’s andmove keep enlargementgradual to creating room to to join the Alliance will threat the “survival” of NATO. Defense Minister Ruhe warned that denying the eastern democracies theirlegitimate right opportunity ensureconsideringGerman enlargementwasperceivedasan that to survival, Interview Federal Ministry of Defense inSchimmelfenning, The EU and NATO and the Integrationof NATO Speeches, Transcript of the Remarks by President W. J. Clinton To People Of Detroit, 1996, NATO proponents underlinedNATO and of proponents liberalorder the importance preserve the NATO rhetorically supported the demands of the CEECs to join the Alliance. 37 89 88 Additionally, CEU eTD Collection http://www.nato.int/docu/review/1994/9401-3.htm http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D02E3D61530F930A15753C1A960958260 93 92 91 90 divide. be artificial another not will there that will ensure Alliance andthe round be another in NATO the Alliance wanted to make sure that everybody will understand that there will bewill excludedfrom consideration.” Treaty the of objectives fulfill the would admission whose country democratic European NATO remains open to new members under Article 10 of the North Atlantic Treaty…no societies was re-emphasized in the democracies. western conclusions protect the from followingto democracy inspired successand by build the was that the from the flourish.”prosperity to Summit “We reaffirm that is mechanism designed to enhance the cooperation and allies between the partners. enhance cooperation to the is mechanism designed nations, the Partnership For Peace will establish new lines that connect nations,” connect lines that new willestablish For Peace Partnership the nations, of thatdividenewfordrawing Peace“Instead Partnership the lines Alliance described from the remaining CEECs demands and Russia from that opposition the from were demands conflicting not the between admittedbalance in the first round of enlargement, to in order Thus, anddemocracy. order liberal the and features underlined military the Les Aspin, “New Europe, New NATO,” NATO International Staff, SeniorOfficial . Personal Interview. 23 Apr. 2008. Speech by Bill Clinton, In his own words, http://www.nato.int/docu/pr/1997/p97-081e.htm After the first round of enlargement, the commitment to the new democratic new the to commitment the enlargement, of round first the After 92 Furthermore, he underlined that the Alliance has purposely downplayed the downplayed purposely has Alliance the that he underlined Furthermore, 90 His speech was a rhetorical answer to the call from from CEECs the call to the answer was arhetorical His speech NATO Review 42 New York Times 91 According to a member of the international staff international the of a member to According 38 , No.1(1944): 12-14 , October23, 1996, 93 which CEU eTD Collection 97 96 http://www.nato.int/docu/speech/1999/s990708a.htm 95 Headquarters, Brussels, 10-11January 1994, 94 Europe as Europe's old democracies have.” of institutions the join to chance same the and freedom and security for chance same the new democracies, from the Baltic to the in speech “All WarsawLibrary PolandClinton at the Presidentof University Europe's of Black Sea and all that lie between, should have Europe.” of inthewhole developments security and political account into taking process, evolutionary an part of East,as toour democraticstates to would reach NATO’s that signals wording door document PfP The enlargement. of way in the stand not will it remainsthat open “We expect and would welcome NATO expansion that cooperative efforts. cooperative and activities inthearranged NATO participation active their with societies democratic NATO acknowledgedin staff international the of Member norms. and values rules, upheld community the on the rhetoricalarguments based their who States Baltic membership of the the to directed was especially action of the Baltic countries that have tied theirthe meetings with the official from CEEC that NATO’ s door stays open. countries wasgainingdynamics NATOrepresentatives continuedand thus at underlining from aspirant the coming argumentation therhetorical needed since was reassurance NATO International Staff, SeniorOfficial . Personal Interview. 23 Apr. 2008 1999, July Bulgaria, Sofia, general, Secretary by the Speech Library, Online http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9402E6DF1531F935A25755C0A9679C8B63 Online Library, Ministerial Communiqué, Ministerial Meeting of the , NATO Regardless of the roles of PfP, NATO proponents have continued emphasizing continued have proponents NATO PfP, of roles the of Regardless The biggestwas the eastern opposition coming from to enlargement Russia and 96 Another entangling momentum for NATO might be seen inthe be seen might NATO for momentum entangling Another http://www.nato.int/docu/comm/49-95/c940110a.htm 97 39 95 94 However, the CEU eTD Collection western western Consideringsociety. thatNATO community its amodel values and represented case of Easternin the and commitments past enlargementto related mainly were promises Past admission. their about with the victory of the usedwhen uncertain countries candidate the promises, which inits past of Alliance the liberal democratic principles of the 3.5 The Success of theRhetorical Action wassigned. with Russia partnership towards for decision the enlargement However, enlargement. was only whenthe possible and visits to the countries aspirants, encouraging rhetoric from NATO meetings were buildingperiodical PfP, as such mechanisms building action and moves incimental the rules and norms, but only if we omit the variable which is the opposition from Russia. All community, to appealing by Alliance the of entrapment rhetorical their on basis ANTO the on to admission CEECs explain may action Rhetorical them. upon act to conclusions documented summit intheverbal and relevant contained promises commitments influence Allays among the and moral pressure hold to theAllies forresponsible the such social the PfP,enlargement towards introduced as Alliance mechanisms the incremental the around revived roomforTherhetoric entanglement. created enlargement, The rhetorical argumentation from NATO members, which were in favor of The success of the rhetorical action may be attributed to the rhetorical entrapment rhetorical the to be attributed may action rhetorical the of success The 40 CEU eTD Collection Review 43 conflictingbalancing questions demands.This these two thepowersof rhetorical the Alliance InotherNATO’s words the partnershipwith was the Russia. of pursuit with process wasaconcurrent lines inEurope, new of dividing creation avoiding Alliance. the was another entangling of additional ofarguments PfP source for the towards It countries. additional for maneuveringstrategy NATO created demands of conflicting commitments 99 98 stability NATO-Russia relationshipthrough andPfP arrangements. will as developing astrategy that enlargement NATO’stowards described maneuvering US representative apermanent Hunter, membership. Robert from for pressure CEECs the of Russia, opposition appease the maneuver to RussianNATO to in PfP expansion Thus, opposition as is the East. created a delaying Russia. Allthe rhetorical above presented haveargumentations in backthe ongoing the of role enlargeis the to in decision the element important other the However, rhetoric. itupholds. values tothe asathreat seen behaviorinconsistent have would damaged theimage NATOof and would have been inmembership,follow toqualifyCEECs for asked order that have followed andwere to Robert e.Hunter, “Enlargement: p. 41 Part of CEECs.” the a Strategy and Russia NATO, forProjecting Entanglement: and Stability Maneuver of into “Dialogues CentralFierke, K.M. Europe,” NATO’s rhetoric, support and justification of enlargement on the basis of basis the on enlargement of justification and support rhetoric, NATO’s Therefore NATO was to some extent entangled in its past promises and past , no. 3 , no. (1995) 3-8, http://www.nato.int/docu/review/1995/9503-1.htm 41 98 on one side but as well to respond to the 99 However, this However, NATO CEU eTD Collection determine why rhetorical action did not work in the case of SEECs. to an enlargement action rhetorical applies the chapter next policy.The enlargement pursue the Alliance to case with a different outcome that admission. The purpose is to area. have not worked unlessthe there Baltic is thestates, agreement of success the despite who that stated he Furthermore, demands. conflicting two the between face with the Russia biggest for opposition the new MS,” soil of the on critical form steps Russia, in thethe three NOs: NATOthe has no plan, no reason, and nointention enlargement to deploy nuclear weapons wouldsignificant decisions have been taken prior the enlargement decision and one of them was 102 101 100 with Russia. relationship the further and discuss to Minister Foreign Russian the with met Council Atlantic North the made, enlargewas to decision the when day the On promise. the keep way in that and enlarge to order in Russia with agreement an brokering into NATO from enlargement andenlargedthreatening CEECs the without Russia.CEECspushed maneuveringentangledthis demandsfor butwas the NATO wasnot between case, action explainto the enlargement based on community upheld rules, norms and values. In NATO International Staff, SeniorOfficial . Personal Interview. 22 Apr. 2008 NATO International Staff, SeniorOfficial . Personal Interview. 22 Apr. 2008 K. M. Fierke; Antje Wiener, “Constructing institutional interests: EU and NATO enlargement”, p 736 102 This conforms that rhetorical action worked only because it was in interst of only Thisitwas ininterst that rhetorical because worked of conforms action the 100 Senior official with the NATO international staff affirmed that “few other 101 which confirms that NATO has committed to find balance find to committed has NATO that confirms which 42 CEU eTD Collection progress progress toward NATOmembership.” continue necessary reforms the to andto encouraged Albania, Croatia Macedonia newmembers, remainsenlargement“NATO’s door commitment to and open to itsin nextSummitthe PragueSummit Istanbul, reaffirmed 2002 atthe NATO at while Yugoslavia, which challenged NATO’s future role. Alliance considering its involvementinextensive the period following the dismantling of for the has significance great region Balkan War Cold enlargements. post immediate question of ‘when’ Alliance.the The pending decision of at this stage is process the formulated aroundthe and not ‘whether’ and ‘who,’ will join as it was the case of the http://www.nato.int/docu/pr/2002/p02-127e.htm 104 http://www.nato.int/docu/pr/2004/p04-096e.htm 103 standto inthe in inway of ensuring placeNATO 2004. identified among were theprerequisites international organizations law,with cooperation reconciliation, civilian control over the armed forces, promotion of democracy and rule of the process as well, mainly divided in terms of at which performance level the aspirants the level performance which at of in terms divided mainly well, as process the developing their capabilities required for admission, ‘drivers’ and ‘brakemen’ followed NATO Press Releases, Prague Summit Declaration, November 2002, November Declaration, Summit Prague Releases, Press NATO NATO Press Releases, Istanbul Summit Communiqués, June 2004 Chapter IV: Rhetorical action and NATO enlargement inSouth enlargement NATO and action Rhetorical IV: Chapter Albania, Macedonia and Croatia were deemed unprepared for membershipAlbania, and for Macedonia were unprepared Croatia in deemed of endeavor enlargement latest the is Europe Eastern in South enlargement NATO Eastern Europe Eastern 103 43 Peaceful resolution of disputes, ethnic 104 As the countries were CEU eTD Collection http://www.nato.int/docu/pr/2008/p08-049e.html 106 NATO’s Enlargement,”next 105 commencejourney NATO theirmembership. toward NATOhad Considering that to to for countries the a favorable position not was which a security consumer, perceived as were SEECs initiatives, nation-building inspired nationalism by followed instability With previousahistory the twowaves. regional of to obstaclescompared when 3.1 Opposition to the South Eastern Enlargement developed strategies. argumentative its set the context by presenting the events within which the proponents to SEE enlargement in the dialogues followingand rhetoric its enlargementpolicy. followingthe In chapterI rhetorical action and rhetorical entrapment and infer if and when NATO entangles itself Macedonia.split Albania, theinvitation over but to the Foreign Ministers of from 2008 Bucharesthas followed commitment previousthe upthe Summit and NATO agreed to open the door uptothepar, andraised preconditions countries havemetthe their performance to membership to CroatiaAsprepare all membership. themforthree to SEECs IItothe in Chapter described and Alliance. the join to invited be will NATO Press Releases, Summit Declaration, April 2008, April Declaration, Summit Bucharest Releases, Press NATO Terry Terriff, Stuart Croft, Elke Krahmann, Mark Webberand JolyonHoworth, “One in, all in? The countries from the SEE region aspiring formembership face a different set of The outcome of the Bucharest Summit allows me to test the limits of the International Affairs 105 78, 4,(2002,) 713-729, p.724 NATOhad opened the same mechanisms, 44 106 the CEU eTD Collection Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, November2007, 109 108 107 areall which military contribution the with along democraticprinciples minority rights, Western Balkan round of enlargement, “performance.” meaning of the thatunderline elements mainly builds composing of nature as society the the and contributions military defense reforms, the on good governance,in 2007 indicated Assembly Parliamentary NATO the of President The rulecountry. a invite of law, drives a performance-basedevaluation that the decision NATOto membership, adopted for candidates evaluate the to Inorder facing. was the Alliance new threats from the itsNATOenlargementpolicy.this enlargementemerged context tailored to Constrains to democracy. Opposing voices indicate lack the inof progress reforms, political maturity and transition invite from SEE. countries to in decision background of the arealso preferences the reforms. of suggested the evaluatedsuccessof implementation on the based enlargement areasandopposed problematic the on emphasis NATO placed Hence, with. weredealing countries the that issues and conditions specific the with in accordance aspirants the for tailored individually were membership for requirements the Therefore, CEECs. from the coming signal the than weaker significantly region was the form received signal the in quality of prevent the theregion, war civil to forces deploy Speech by Mr. José Lello, President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly before the Assembly the of Assembly the before Assembly Parliamentary NATO of the President JoséLello, by Mr. Speech Terry Terriff, Stuart Croft, Elke Krahmann, Mark Webberand JolyonHoworth, “One NATO in,International all in?” p. Staff,723 SeniorOfficial . Personal Interview. 25 Apr. 2008 The end of the post Cold War era gave rise to different security andin different challenges War security Coldrise The to post eragave end of the http://www.nato-pa.int/default.asp?SHORTCUT=1362 45 109 Therefore, opposition to the 108 Different 107 CEU eTD Collection have made an attempt to shame the Alliance into rule compliant behavior. compliant rule into Alliance the shame to attempt an made have commitments toupholdpublic to conducts, rules promises andpast andnorms, SEECs Furthermore, by tothewhich ‘warrant’, isappealing in contained NATO the environment. security new the of context the within role new its and image its built drivers, have foundedtheir for ‘claims’ on admission ‘grounds’the on which NATO has membershipensure their as and inNATO.Thecandidatecountries NATOproponents, and Alliance influence the to their cases countries have been advocating Europe Eastern invitation of this wayasplitMacedonia. the over in name creating the over ownership maintain sole to seeks and of Greece part northern http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7278023.stm 110 Macedonia.” another accept not will people “Greek that affirmed powerfully reaction opinion public Greek Macedonia. name membershipif in NATO, country the continues topursue join to Alliancethe underthe Macedonian to reservations hadarticulated member, Greece NATO Alongtime aspirants. members of from distinguishes two position of other the samethe group hercandidate ensure compliance. to claims its builds proponents enlargement from rhetoric the which on grounds the “Two countries at odds over a name,” BBC News The above presented aspects provide background conditions within which conditions which within backgroundSouth provide aspects The above presented Furthermore, there is an additional constrain that Macedoniafaces which is that there an constrain Furthermore, additional 110 Greece argues that Macedonia is a region inthe is a region Macedonia that Greeceargues 46 , March 2008 CEU eTD Collection challenges related to international terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. of weapons and terrorism international to related challenges new tackle the to inorder doctrine operations out-of-area andendorsing threats security new the Summit by giving toitsnewto atthe 2004Prague primacy mission committed NATO role. future for the relevance its and capabilities on the has anemphasis placed Summit also http://www.nato.int/docu/update/2006/11-november/e1129b.htm 113 http://www.nato.int/docu/pr/2002/p02-127e.htm 112 http://www.state.gov/p/eur/rls/rm/73756.htm 111 the changedhas from only image Alliance the of reflected Theenlargement initiatives. new the to value added Allays bring thenewensure that to in order requirements interests. Alliance theforethe of came to newstrategic concept the out carry transatlantic alliance of democracies facing global challenges.” organization “which has the capability beto the principal military and security arm of the image starteddeveloping inan gradually of andasaresult an Afghanistan and Iraq involved became Consequently, NATO on attacks Unitedthe States. tothe as aresponse Article 5 has invoked Alliance The from 9/11. events the after facedanewchallenge has NATO meet newthreats. the to adjusting of a question into changed existence NATO’s of question the and changed has context The existence. and mission its of relevance 3.2 NATO’s view on South Eastern European Enlargement NATO Update, “NATO sets priorities for new capabilities for next 15 years,” November2006 2002, November Declaration, Summit Prague Releases, Press NATO US Department of State, “NATO/Riga Summit Issues,” October2006, Within this changedNATOframed context, policy its enlargement and the NATO’s thenextmove longer towards enlargementwasno of aquestion 113 Therefore, developing and obtaining effective and efficient capabilities to 47 111 NATOhas officially 112 Riga CEU eTD Collection http://www.nato.int/docu/update/2002/06-june/e0624a.htm 117 Balkan Geopolitics,” 116 necessary for long-term stability… cooperation in the region, good-neighborly relations, remains values, democratic and “solidarity statement declarative The SEECs. from region. forof thesecurity the have countries thecandidate role critical the the importance of the stability stressed primarily who Robertson, Lord General former Secretary NATO of the address and security of the South – EastSouth Europe Eastand furthermore strategySEE. of the significance geo-strategic the recognized is to ensure self-sustainability As Alliance the a result, structures. inthe Euro-Atlantic isintegrated region the NATO air of campaign Agreementand OhridFramework is be only broughtto toan endif the region. In that context is the 115 http://www.state.gov/p/eur/rls/rm/73756.htm 114 disintegration” and integration forces of between the “battle motive stabilizationin behindexpandingto the Alliance SEErelates ofthe region. The from Alliance itsexpected members prioritiesstrengthened that the the among need surfaced the and to capabilities therefore missions new the to support asa was seen Enlargement military approaches. the backto doingexisting something. to NATO Update, Lord Robertson addresses the issue of security in South-East Europe, June 2002 Boyka Stefanova, “NATO’s mixed policy motives in the Southeast – Europeanenlargement: Revisiting Carl Bildt, “Betweenintegration and disintegration”, US Department of State, “NATO/Riga Summit Issues,” October2006, Riga Summit declaration underlined set of rules, values and norms NATO expects Within thisnew security context, SEECs were lined up at NATO’s door. NATO’s Journal of Contemporary European Studies 114 The new security Thenew security hasenvironment theshifted attention 48 NATO Review , vol, 13,No. 1,39-58, (April 2005,) p.45 116 The objective behind NATO’s , December 2004, p.10 115 after the Dayton Accord, 117 CEU eTD Collection shame the Alliance into rule compliant behavior. rule into compliant Alliance the shame to and attempted for admission requirementstheyposedasprerequisites the uphold to to commitment NATO’s which isthe ‘warrant’, the appealingto of strategies applied the community of emphasis on security the region,the capabilities, of and required of principles the liberal states.newits admission has builtimagerole the‘grounds’ onwhich placing NATO and on Same as founded countries and enlarge.The candidate for theirNATO proponents ‘claims’ with the case to decision influenceNATO’s to their cases advocated countries European Eastern of the CEECs, the SEECs have integrationAlbania,the of Croatia andMacedonia. 120 119 http://www.nato.int/docu/pr/2006/p06-150e.htm 118 Three enlarge NATO. of decision to the main components as two capabilities related stability and issuessecurity and security depicts thepolitical Thestated above adopt. the community the candidates mutuallyand working towards solutionsacceptable issues,” tooutstanding aspire to join and rules and norms they are expected to Ministry of Defense publication, “The Adriatic Charter and NATO,” Republic of BoykaMacedonia, Stefanova, 2007, “NATO’s p.2 mixed policy motives in the Southeast – Europeanenlargement..” p. 40 NATO press Releases, Riga Summit Declaration, November2006, 120 The above presented provides the background conditions within which the South the which within conditions background the provides presented above The As part of the NATO’s South Eastern enlargement initiative is the Adriatic isthe initiative enlargement Eastern South of NATO’s the As part (A3) concept NATO introduced in order to strengthen the process and facilitate and process tostrengthen inthe order introduced NATO (A3)concept 49 118 119 describes CEU eTD Collection thing,” becausename itis an not question internalis Alliance it Greek thing, Macedonian he additionally explained “I theAlliance think not resolvecan internal like things the 122 121 within in context Europe unfolded. enlargement South the which the Eastern elaborated above the on build sub-section, next in the follow that Europe, East South from countries usedby candidate strategies analysisof rhetorical the Greece. The the by articulated were clearly that in reservations interfere the to abstained but mechanisms institutionalized bypracticingall other countries the of socialization enlargement has pursuedthe this theprocesses, Alliance time enlargement jeopardize the previous when might theaddressing issue, Russian that have been a dealbreaker threatening to NATO undertook that approach to the issue.Contrary affair inthisbilateral interferences speeches.” mentionedin anyof our never wenever this aboutthis, talked “we have stated NATOofficial by Asenior Alliance. name the the was circumvented andframed aspirants inissuecandidate its the them rhetoric andofficialdocuments, with from its Alliancethe the expectations that join hasdeclared Alliance. Considering the admission undergoes Macedonian-Greek dispute over namethe theof country aspiring to NATO International Staff, SeniorOfficial . Personal Interview. 22Apr. 2008 NATO International Staff, SeniorOfficial . Personal Interview. 22Apr. 2008 122 Along with the NATO institutionalized processes preparing the countries for Along the preparing thecountries NATOinstitutionalized processes with which indicates that the Alliance has resolutely abstained from any from abstained resolutely has Alliance the that indicates which 50 121 Furthermore, CEU eTD Collection agenda sinceis it only the channel through which NATO canmaintain visibility in the high the keep enlargementon to Alliance the urged promise and this has appealed to maintaining the stability and security in region.the Macedonian Foreign Minister Mitreva Alliance in the Balkans, of the extensive involvement Due tothe security. regional for the pillars countries askey NATO has repeatedappeal. have They used pastpromisesbuild to acontextwithin which they their presented numerous timesthe third that wave haveit broughtholds to thethe fore key the forpast promises of NATO as a form of moral avoidrhetoric in to inconsistentconduct. order behavior and their andwhetheritchanged strategies these argumentative to responded enlargement. Furthermore, this will also set the foundation to test if andhow NATO NATO last of in wave the Macedonia and Albania, Croatia countries candidate employed bythe strategies will examine the chapter closely its newrole.framing This developingon environment newchangedwithin the security NATO and was which compliant behavior and avoid any further delay theof process. They based their strategies rule- into “brakemen” the influence to intended SEECs influence, social Through Alliance, which were in line with NATO’s commitments, upheld norms, rules and values. them to justify and add legitimacy to their preferred policies,3.3 South Eastern European Rhetorical Strategies i.e. invitation to join the SEECs have applied same framing strategies as the CEECs. The candidates from candidates The CEECs. asthe strategies framing same have applied SEECs astrategy enabled from that havealsoadopted actors SEECs the The rhetorical 51 CEU eTD Collection http://www.nato.int/docu/review/2003/issue2/english/special.html 126 125 http://www.setimes.com/cocoon/setimes/xhtml/en_GB/features/setimes/articles/2007/10/22/reportage-01 2007, 124 http://www.nato.int/docu/speech/2004/s041209n.htm EAPC Foreign Affairs Ministers, NATO HQ, December 2004 123 internalization. their of level the underlined and Alliance the by upheld principles the with positively country his identified he appealing tothe warrant, which is the NATO commitment topeaceful conflict resolution, in NATOcountry seeks as aleader for support theBalkans. region vision the By that to solution itfaced conflictof the in 2001. compromiseseekbroker peaceful instriving and to region the actors from other the Macedonia distinguished has that aspect the on light has NATO shed to Ambassador mentorshipfrom andaskedfor explicitsupport Alliance.the NATO’s built under thatwere societies democratic by securingthe accomplish invitation for Albania, Macedonia and Croatia by pointing to the success the Alliance will acknowledged as an example of a functioning model in the region. She called for early Macedoniareferred tothemulti-ethnic democraticthat society hasbuiltand NATOhas strategy is contained in Ministerthe Mitreva addressbefore NATOin 2004 whereshe area. Atlantic – Euro secure and sustainable southeast branch of NATO.” of branch southeast sustainable and secure amore in create NATOwould Macedonia and Albania, of Croatia affirmed “Acceptance Nano Nano Ruzin, “Looking forward to a Balkan Big MAC,” NATO Speeches, Address by Dr. Ilinka Mitreva …2004 Times European Southeast challenges, with come promises countries, Charter Adriatic For NATO Speeches, Address by Dr. Ilinka Mitreva, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Macedonia, 123 Within this context, the Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha Sali Minister Prime Albanian the context, this Within 126 The Ambassador has framed the image of the of image hasframed the TheAmbassador 52 NATO Review 124 Another example of this framing this of example Another 125 , December, 2004, p.48, Furthermore, Macedonian Furthermore, , October, , CEU eTD Collection purposes of their equal participation together with the Allies' troops …Macedonia Allies' troops with the together of equal participation theirpurposes butalso“Aimingenhancing and operability the emphasizedforat that troops of our missions NATO to contribution Macedonian underlined Miloshevski Minister Foreign airspace, airports, harbors and other infrastructure available to the Allies.the infrastructure harborsavailable to andother airspace, airports, Croatiaaffirmed “standsprovide that support, includingdirect ready itsmakingto inDefense before ministerRados, hisspeech Euro-Atlantic Jozo Partnership the Council, missions portrayed themselves as themselves portrayed missions inintenseinvolvement NATO-ledhave their and usedthis opportunity considering security environment have shifted the focus toward NATO’s military arm. The SEECs http://www.nato.int/docu/review/2003/issue2/english/special.html cycles,” Prague invitees remaining the and areno aspirants greater perhaps than or two threeMAP the between inpreparedness “thepast statements differences appealedto position they their about uncertain felt SEECs when Consequently institutionalized. has NATO that http://www.nato.int/docu/speech/2001/s011219k.htm , 2001 December session, Ministers Defense in Council Partnership Euro-Atlantic 129 128 http://www.nato.int/docu/speech/2004/s041209n.htm 127 reforms,” domestic Partnership forum for Peaceasa“significantfor impetus mutual forcooperation, asan South Eastern Europe in order to accelerate the process. In that direction they described NATO Speeches, Remarks by H.E. Jozo Rados, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Croatia at the Nano Ruzin, “Looking forward to a Balkan Big MAC,” 2004 …December Mitreva, Ilinka by Dr. Address Speeches, NATO The new strategic concept of the Alliance and the challenges it faces in it new challenges the of Alliance andthe the concept The newstrategic Manipulation with the accession criteria is also used by the rhetorical actors in 128 where their accomplishments wererecognized. wheretheir accomplishments 127 giving legitimacy to the incentives for reform and transformation de facto 53 members of the Alliance. The Croatian NATO Review , December 2004, December , 129 Macedonian CEU eTD Collection forces into stability stability into generator. forces its transform to region the in Alliance the of involvement the by inspired was consumer, Macedonia, security once its and currentconduct. match treatments against them this rhetorical action wasby the disclosing behavioral inconsistencies and shaming Alliance.the The objective of to remind NATO of its past commitments, promises and past performance level. member NATO to equal member non-NATO of level performance a indicates members of alliance.” members of the invited Macedonia,thein become summit Albaniawere NATO April Croatia at and to if region the of stabilization final and further for the "important secession Kosovo’s inof aftermath the stated Crvenkovski Branko President direction Macedonian that responsibilitythe maintaining of peaceand commitment tothe upholding to region.the In take to NATO shamed have countries The NATO. join to Three Adriatic the invite not and committed be onceextensivelyinvolved, will furthermore if injeopardy NATO does http://www.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUSL0630667520080206 132 131 http://www.nato.int/docu/speech/2007/s070126d.html January 2007, Afghanistan, on session Ministers inForeign Council Atlantic North of the Meeting atthe Macedonia1 130 adecision reduceto minimal adopted to the levelthenational caveats,” “Macedonia wants NATO membership to overhelp Kosovo,” , February 2008, Ibid. Opinions NATO, Address by H.E. Antonio Milososki Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Macedonian officials have moved toward Macedonian officialshave moved employing toward influencestrategies social of 132 131 The stability in the region to which region was to NATO inthe Thestability 54 130 which CEU eTD Collection to call into question the credibility of the organization alliance." members of the and prevent NATOother members interested whoare in seeing Macedonia, Croatia andAlbania as derailment'No' governmentsthe of to Unitedthe Germany, States, France, Turkey, Slovenia andall of the MinsitercontextMacedonia. Inthat "AGreek'No' Macedonia affirmed Gruevski to isa for process the obstructing was seriously inand who see Greece A3countries the to wanted who Allies the between split the considering unity, internal of lack the for well, as but, region the of security and stability the to promise past its of context the in only not Alliance the shame to tried Gruevski Minister Prime the Additionally, intensified. was becoming the morestrategies vociferous, of shaming and social influence were http://www.vmacedonianews.com/2008/03/fyrom-pleads-for-justice-and-place-in.html 134 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7278023.stm 133 criteria?" relevant the all fulfilled have we after alliance the name country,the why andourflag of our if wejoined Greecemind Macedonia, would mind inAfghanistan Greece, donot soldiersuniforms when employedwear ontheir our playtroops in NATO-led missions NATO "If affirming other countries, including Macedonian role the to referred Milososki Minister Foreign Macedonian context that inconsistencies of employed of social underlining Alliance.In strategies the influence the “FYROM pleads for 'justice' and a place in NATO,” Macedonian news Macedonian NATO,” in aplace and 'justice' for pleads “FYROM “Two countries at odds over a name,” BBC News The rhetorical actors, as we have seen, invoked past promises, values values promises, aswehaveinvokedand norms actors, past The seen, rhetorical Macedonian officials, to respond to the serious opposition to their candidacy, 134 55 , March2008, 133 , March, 2008, AstheGreek opposition CEU eTD Collection parliament, July 2006, 135 common tothese newthreats the out pointed alsobut together, Alliance the holding enlargement proponents. Schefferalternative.” no is simply There forward. way feasible only the portrayed offers integration Euro-Atlantic region, this for that believe strongly I ever… as valid as remains the enlargement NATO common through integration of logic “This region in the Alliance the of interest security the values as Southeast Europe. In that context,the the Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer presented core in security for the guarantee relevant most is the that featureas anorganization alsobut values, and norms liberal of community a joining as only not policy the framed they NATO, for 3.4 Rhetorical Strategies and Entrapment in NATO candidatesfor membership.the of action rhetorical tothe in NATOemployed response into rhetoricthat looks the section work innext not thesub caseAlbania.Macedonia. The of publicpromises did The outcome. Finally,normative ensure a to of credibility question the raised Alliance, the of conduct current NATO acted upon inconsistencies betweenthepastrhetoric and process. They highlighted enlargement its promises but only in the case of Croatia and NATO Speeches, Speech by NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer at the Albanian at the Scheffer deHoop Jaap General Secretary by NATO Speech Speeches, NATO Common values and common threats dominated the rhetoric of NATO mirrored theConsidering newmissions enlargement and security challenges that 135 http://www.nato.int/docu/speech/2006/s060706a.htm 56 CEU eTD Collection Deputy Secretary Deputy Defense hasportrayedof the Albanian Secretary andperspectives Macedonian security and stability”. contribute to Euro-Atlantic able to invitations to those countries who meet NATO’s performance based standards and are Alliance announcing ledmissions. A from an wording Summit the has created momentum forentangling the NATO- and security regional to contribution their and countries aspirant the of success containedin from 2006Riga conclusions the the Summit, thehave recognized which can alone… stand in history. time nation isworld single isacritical noIt when as “this atime integration http://www.nato.int/docu/pr/2006/p06-150e.htm 139 http://www.defenselink.mil/speeches/speech.aspx?speechid=1116 2007, February Partnership,” of View American An Perspectives: 138 137 parliament, July 2006, 136 prosperity and security for usall.” inexpansion for theBalkansas crucial the Alliance’s security “itand affirmed enhances defendin manner them. wehaveand to the which threatened, values are incommon those way which –isthe has “What changed Hestressed values. NATO Press Releases, Riga Summit declaration, November 2006, Macedonian and Albanian Century: 21st inthe “NATO Speeches, of Defense USDepartment Ibid. Albanian at the Scheffer deHoop Jaap General Secretary by NATO Speech Speeches, NATO Incremental buildingmovesare for thatwere Incremental decision enlargement upthe upon theconductofeachdepends the offate all.” http://www.nato.int/docu/speech/2006/s060706a.htm “ At our next summit in 2008, the Alliance intends to extend further extend to intends Alliance the 2008, in summit next our At 137 Supporters of the third wave have even described even have wave third the of Supporters 57 139 Within that context, the US the context, that Within 138 136 . He framed the CEU eTD Collection maturity, defense reforms, rule of law and Croatia for improvedMacedonia andthe procedures Albania, parliamentary political elections on main emphasis the placed fore and the to criteria accession the kept NATO region. the in paracredible the partner upto tobring extendingon zone of and seeking the security parliament, July 2006, 142 http://www.nato.int/docu/pr/2006/p06-150e.htm 141 http://www.defenselink.mil/speeches/speech.aspx?speechid=1116 2007, February Partnership,” of View American An Perspectives: 140 the acknowledged has Assembly Parliamentary NATO countries. Adriatic three for is such declarations documented the2006declaration for NATOon support membership reassure them that they will accede to NATO, if they keep up their efforts.” impressive have progress they madeinpreparingmembership for NATO – and to the with countries three all commend is to “It countries aspirant the to visits his Yugoslavia. Former the for Tribunal Criminal directshortinto time,contributors to global security…” in a very themselves, have transformed - “consumers” assistance former security “two NATO Speeches, Speech by NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer at the Albanian at the Scheffer deHoop Jaap General Secretary by NATO Speech Speeches, NATO NATO Press Releases, Riga Summit declaration, November 2006, Macedonian and Albanian Century: 21st in the “NATO Speeches, of Defense USDepartment Secretary speeches, duringSecretary General visits of the the werefocused counties three The commitments that could potentially entangle NATO were not only verbal but verbal only not were NATO entangle potentially could that commitments The http://www.nato.int/docu/speech/2006/s060706a.htm 58 141 Secretary General Scheffer explained ’ s cooperation with the International 140 142 CEU eTD Collection its commitment to alleviate the opposition from Greece and declare with constitutional with declare Greeceand from opposition the alleviate to its commitment including NATOmembers, of the Macedonia progress whothe havearguedinsupport of specifically addressing issue the of this Therehas increasingaspirant. been from support is “if”, noto NATO longer aquestion of “when”. but clearly only of deal – and open its doors for new members. And this means that your country’s accession “once a country has done what Parliament Albanian before the we whenspeaking himself General Secretary forthe comes expect from it, NATO will keep its own part of the parliament, July 2006, 145 http://www.america.gov/st/washfile-english/2006/May/20060504103754idybeekcm0.2108728.html partnerships, missions to top NovemberRiga summit agenda,” America.gov 144 http://www.nato-pa.int/default.asp?SHORTCUT=950 and the Macedonia, 30 May 2006, Paris 143 ready for NATO “When stated ofenlargement strategiessupporters NATO of mechanismsaction driving for make NATO the to decision.answer To toSEECs momentum forform enlarge were incrementally building the decision and a to acquired upholding the basic community principles of NATO. challenges the resolve to commitment their and countries three these of progress NATO Speeches, Speech by NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer at the Albanian at the Scheffer deHoop Jaap General Secretary by NATO Speech Speeches, NATO David I. McKeeby, “NATO's Door Must Remain Open, State's Volker Says: Transforming alliance's NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Declarationon support for NATO membership forAlbania, Croatia Since Macedonia presented a distinct case, a significant amount of was rhetoric of amount a significant case, adistinct presented Macedonia Since All these public speeches, visits to the countries and documented declarations anddocumented countries the to visits speeches, All thesepublic … http://www.nato.int/docu/speech/2006/s060706a.htm NATO must be ready for them. for be ready must NATO 59 143 ” 144 Additional entangling rhetoric … NATO aspirants become aspirants NATO , May 2006 145 CEU eTD Collection general and Greece, NATO mainly refrained from any direct involvement in the involvement direct any from refrained mainly NATO Greece, and general Secretary NATO the between consultations, insignificant small the and Besides Greece. in in isNATO’sinvolvement balancing thisround conflictingMacedonia demandsof the rhetorical action produce results not did in SEECsenlargement.the One missing variable 3.5. The Failure of theRhetorical Action observed that NATO members were sending strong signals that Macedonia will in”get in NATO staff international the from official asenior basedstandards, performance 149 http://www.nato.int/docu/review/2008/03/ART3/EN/index.htm 148 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7280723.stm 147 http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2008/03/nato_expansion.html 146 standards.” performance-based our meet “that Bucharest at invite countries to committed for is NATOhavecould Macedonia.that invitation stated the brought Scheffer that move incremental another creates on based is invitation the what of His explanation Alliance. the of mission evolving the for Summit Bucharest the of role the of explanation accession of foracountry." the objection be an "A name that cannot stated have clearly Alliance the of members countries amendments no potential territorial claims on the neighboring states. NATO International Staff, SeniorOfficial . Personal Interview. 22 Apr. 2008 2008 review, NATO place, take answers where place the Bucharest: 2008, March BBCNews, bid,” NATO Macedonia rejects “Greece P. Boyer Spencer Despite the rhetorical argumentation that mirrors the rhetoric used by the CEECs, by used the mirrors the rhetoric that argumentation rhetorical the Despite 148 Considering has that Macedonia been in recognized successful meeting all , “NATO:, Expansion andDivision,” Center forAmerican progress,March 2008, 60 147 In this regard is the Secretary is General Secretary Inthisthe regard 146 Officials from Officials 149 CEU eTD Collection parliament, July 2006, 152 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7278023.stm 151 http://www.nato.int/docu/speech/2008/s080326a.html 150 interest todo so. has itperceived where whenand andrational preferences basedonindividual enlarges standards for membership.My confirms hypothesis working that NATO incontrast with compliance countries candidate’s by driven is enlargement that hypothesis null my agreement with Russia.The from results provideexclude evidence study sufficient this to brokered wasthe CEECs caseof in the variable which missing the failed dueto deal …” “…once a country has done what we expectfrom it, NATO will keep its own part of the meansinvitation." no solution 'no is answer the intransigence, of position in a persists country neighboring the failedin ensuring rule behavior. compliant “"As NATOSecretary General stated long as has action rhetorical the capacities, improved and principles community commitments, past to by used appeals Macedonia, strategies theargumentative Regardless all of getinvolvedinbutNATO is, thisdiscussion.” asan organization, simply cannot complication apotential is obviously issue name “The Ally. an from coming opposition NATO Speeches, Speech by NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer at the Albanian at the Scheffer deHoop Jaap General Secretary by NATO Speech Speeches, NATO “Two countries at odds over a name,” BBC News, March2008, NATO opinions, Pre-summit press briefing by the NATO Spokesman James Appathurai, March 2008, Even the incremental action building rhetoric from NATO proponents who stated who proponents NATO from rhetoric building action incremental the Even 152 have not entangled the Alliance into rule compliant behavior. The rhetoric has The rhetoric behavior. rule compliant into entangled Alliance the have not http://www.nato.int/docu/speech/2006/s060706a.htm 151 61 150 CEU eTD Collection 153 benefits. and Alliance instrumentally acted and which chosean option will maximize its owninterests While the ‘genuine Russia.brokered with Russia, partnership’ its self-interest, pursuing Alliance, while balancing gradually between competingthe from demands CEECs and was to maintain relevance, while in wave firstof NATO interest the The as of trap. a way CEECs death seen the the out in the second to maintain momentum.enlarge pursuedwith thus and alleviating from opposition the The AllianceRussia. has As a result, the to interest had an Alliance The been not possible. have would entrapment Russia, the norms andcommunity markers. unless Iargue that NATO signed anagreementwith founded arguments and that theuse onrules of ColdWar enlargementwavesdueto Alliance. Schimmelfenningargues thatNATOwas entrapped toenlargeinpost two the actors from rhetorical the where thevalues, norms, rules, CEECs community of basis the on justified arguments and SEECs shamed the ‘brakemen’preferences and norm conforming behavior strategic through use norm of and rule based to comply and enlarge the Schimmelfenning p.19 Rhetorical action was supposed to provide the missinglinkbetween egoistic to supposed the Rhetorical action was 153 Conclusion 62 CEU eTD Collection NATO decides based on the “collective will of sovereign states” sovereign of will “collective the on based NATO decides be fixed, had tobeinfluenced internally and coercedtocompliance. Considering that to inorder acase,which facedwith was Alliance the Macedonia, caseof In the interest. national countries than lower priority a becomes its reputation organization, image of the makingbased members decision the with on self-interests, consensual pursuingtheir is that In an organization for thecountry. interest national of aquestion as perceived is which Macedonia of name the with issue an had Greece member. time long a is and thirdthe wave with opponent enlargement tothe policy comes that from withinits lines hadin deal to NATO has interests their joininoperable. confirmed pursue states own to 156 155 154 init of regardless and size seniority organization.” the memberisregarded equally lose itsit not and every sovereignty joins NATO, does was topreserveinterest itsunity. A “Whenin senior official NATO underlined country goals. own their pursue to use states that notwork. Rational school of thought considers international organizations as associations rhetoricalthe does of andMacedonia confirms caseof entrapment enlargement that the entangling language its questioned that image, reputation and credibility. The round third beCroatia entrappedstrong opposition allowed within andAlbania, to the to NATO of absence to Due Croatia. and Albania of case in the only but standards and norms arguments by the aspirants who justified their claims on the basis of the rules, values, NATO International Staff, SeniorOfficial . Personal Interview. 21 Apr. 2008. handbook NATO Schimmelfenning p.19 In the third round of enlargement NATO has responded to the strategic use of 154 63 Thus trying to entrap an organization where organization an entrap to trying Thus 156 Therefore, NATO besides some besides NATO Therefore, 155 the Alliance main Alliance the CEU eTD Collection question is no longer whether but when and who. and when but whether longer no is question Clinton quickjudge hewas too to in when stated in WarsawLibrary the 1993the Therefore, country. member a from opposition strong with faced when obsolete render behavior with compliant usedresultrule strategically norms andvalues thatassumptions as is rhetorical asconstructivistspowerful not would argue.Constructivistentrapment in SEEenlargement. work the caseof made therhetoric have NATO is Macedonia and missingvariablethe inthebackground thatcould conditions or by brokered Greece NATO and absence The agreement of Macedonian enlargement. to obstacle the hascircumvented issue this address to moves incremental small This confirms the limits of the rhetorical entrapment. 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