VOLUME 2. PORTLAND, MAY 15, 1886. Nq. 36.

Published quarterly by Stephen Berry, Grand Master Day read his annual address, Marquis F. King, of Portland, was received No. 37 Plum Street, Portland.I which was an able and interesting paper. He and welcomed as Grand Representative of Twelve cts. per year in advance. Postage reported the death of but one past grand the Grand Lodges of New York and Oregon, prepaid. officer during the year, William Somerby, of and William J. Burnham, of Lewiston, as

Advertisements $4.00 per inch, or $3.00 for Ellsworth, who had been Junior Grand Grand Representative of the of half an inch for one year. Warden, and who joined the fraternity in Ohio. No advertisement received unless the advertiser, 1824. He reported the fraternity to be in a An invitation was received from the cen­ or some member of the flrm, is a Freemason in good standing. prosperous condition. He said that the fra­ tennial committee of the city of Portland, in­ ternity of Maine had contributed $436.70 to viting the Grand Lodge to participate in the [The following poem, first published in Vanity celebration of July 5th. The Grand Secre­ Fair, February 9, 1861, was written by one of the relief of the sufferers at the great fire in Maine’s most gallant soldiers. The bravery Galveston, Texas, of which a part was de­ tary was directed to acknowledge the invita­ with which he fought to fulfill his prophecy has made his name a synonym for courage and clined by the Texas committee on account tion with the thanks of the Grand Lodge, and chivalry, but he will not allow us to give it.] of sufficient relief having been received, and to express its regret that it cannot be present. IIAEC FABULA DOCET. this portion was returned to the contributors. The afternoon session was mostly devoted The reports of the committee of finance to an exemplification of the first degree, which A slender vine on an old oak hung, and Grand Treasurer showed a satisfactory was admirably done by Portland Lodge, No. And clasped its scaly rind ; From trunk to top its pennons flung state of the finances. 1, Judson B. Dunbar, Master. And laughed to scorn the wind. The report of the committee on returns Routine business followed, and at 5:45 the And men who passed the way along, showed 20,039 members, an increase of 167 Grand Lodge called off until nine o’clock Admired, and oft would speak, Of the kindly law that gave the strong during the year. The initiates are 644 Thursday morning. To aid and shield the weak. against 748 last year. The deaths are 269 Thursday, May 6th. Indeed it was as fair a sight As :my in the land, against 225 last year. Dropped from mem­ The Grand Lodge called on at nine o’clock To see the puny parasite bership, 167, against 335 last year. a. m. Charters were granted for new lodges Upborne by tree so grand. The gain in the last item is the most sig­ at Strong, to be called Davis Lodge; Spring­ One day the vine in anger said, “ My tendrils I’ll untie— nificant of general improvement. vale, to be called Springvale Lodge. F. E. Alone, aloft I’ll rear my head, And. leave the oak to die.” Resolutions were adopted recognizing the Sleeper of Sabatis was received and welcomed Grand Lodge of South Australia. as representative of the Grand Lodge of Col­ The winds were out; and strong they grew, And hurtled through the air ; At 12:15 the Grand Lodge called off until orado. They whistled and blew, the old oak through, And laid its branches bare. two P. M. The Grand officers were installed by Past Afternoon Session. The tempest ceased ; its rage was o’er ; Grand Master Drummond, the following ap­ The sunbeams gaily shine ; The Grand Lodge called on at two o’clock. pointments having been made: The sturdy oak stood as before— Low lay the lifeless vine. Many more delegates were present who had Cor. Gr. Sec.—William O. Fox, Portland. arrived by the noon trains, 167 lodges being DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. MASONRY IN MAINE. represented, and Albert Moore, of North An­ Cyrus W. Hendricks, Caribou, 1 son, was added to the roll of Past Grand Mas­ James B. Neagle, Lubec, 2 ters present. Lincoln H. Leighton, Milbridge, 3 Annual Meetings. Elisha K. Bowden, Penobscot, 4 GRAND LODGE. Routine business filled the hour until three Albert F. Jackson, Monson, 5 o’clock, the time assigned for the election of William H. Thompson, Bangor, 6 The Grand Lodge of Maine met at 9 o’clock officers, when Past Grand Master Charles I. Loima C. Poor, Searsmont, 7 Tuesday morning, May 4th, Grand Master Oscar Hills, Northport, 8 Collamore was called to the chair and the Fessenden I. Day, presiding. The hall was Herbert L. Shepherd, Rockport, 9 following officers were elected : Samuel L. Miller, Waldoboro, 10 filled and many well known men from all G. Master—Fessenden I. Day, Lewiston. Hadley O. Hawes, Hallowell, 11 parts of the State were present. Of the Past D. G. Master—Frank E. Sleeper, Sabatis. J. Wesley Gilman, Oakland, 12 Grand Masters, there were present, Hiram S. G. Warden—Albro E. Chase, Portland. Columbus S. Mantor, North Anson, 13 Chase, of Belfast, Josiah II Drummond, of J. G. Warden—Benj. Ames, Thorndike. William S. Cotton, Jr., West Bowdoin, 14 G. Treasurer—Frederick Fox, Portland. George S. Woodman, Auburn, 15 Portland, William P. Preble, of Portland, G. Secretary—Ira Berry, Portland. Frank Stanley, Dixfield, 16 David Cargill, of Livermore Falls,, Edward Finance Committee—Oliver Gerrish, Port­ Martin A. Dillingham, Portland, 17 P- Burnham, now of Roxbury, Mass., Chas. land ; S. Clifford Belcher, Farmington; Jud­ Howard Brackett, Cornish, 18 George A. Gilpatric, Kennebunk, 19 I. Collamore, of Bangor, M. F. King, Pojt- son B. Dunbar, Portland. Trustees for three years—A. M. Wether­ Hiram Stevens, Carroll, 20 land, W. R. G. Estes, Skowhegan. The bee, Warren ; E. Howard Vose, Calais. Grand Chaplains—Revs. John Gibson, Na­ venerable Oliver Gerrish, Past Junior Grand A vote of thanks was unanimously passed ples ; Charles C. Vinal, Kennebunk; James Warden, now over 90 years of age, was pres- E. Cochran, Paris; J. H. Little, Skowhegan; to Edmund B. Mallett, Jr., for the gift of a Henry F. Blanchard, Portland; L. H. Bean, ent and active as chairman of the finance free bed in the Maine General Hospital to the Farmington ; A. J. Padelford, Calais ; Marion committee. masonic fraternity of Maine for the current Crosley, Portland. The Grand Lodge was opened with prayer Grand Marshal—Horace H. Burbank, Saco. year. S. G. Deacon—Ben Moore, North Anson. by Grand Chaplain Rev. John Gibson. Wednesday, May 5th. J. G. Deacon—S. Clifford Belcher, Farm­ The committee on credentials reported 140 The Grand Lodge met at two o’clock in ington. out of 184 lodges represented. the afternoon. Grand Stewards—J. Ferd. King, South 282 MASONIC TOKEN MAY 15, 1886

Pans; Alfred S. Kimball, Norway; Alger­ services, and at 11:20 the Grand Chapter G. St. Bearer—W. J. Landers, Gardiner. non M. Roak, Auburn; W. Scott Shorey closed. G. Sw. Bearer—John E. Avery, Augusta. Bath. Grand Warder—Horace H. Burbank, Saco. G. S. Bearer—Wilford J. Fisher, Eastport G. Capt. Guards—W. O Carney, Portland. G. St. Bearer—Charles W. Stetson, Dam­ Grand Lecturer—Frank E. Sleeper, Sabatis. ariscotta. ORDER OF HIGH PRIESTHOOD. At 11:30 the Grand Commandery closed. Grand Pursuivants—Judson B. Dunbar, The Order of High Priesthood met at 11 Portland; Lorenzo L. Shaw, Yarmouth. G. Lecturer—Geo. E. Raymond, Portland. o’clock, Oliver Gerrish presiding. The fol- Grand Organist—Geo. M. Howe, Portland. lowing officers were elected: . G. Tyler—Warren O. Carney, Portland. President—Oliver Gerrish, Portland. The Council of Deliberation A. A. S. R. At 12:35 the Grand Lodge closed. S. V. P.—Josiah H. Drummond, Portland. was held Thursday evening, May 6th, the J.V.P—Edw.P. Burnham, Roxbury, Mass. Treasurer—Levi A. Gray, Portland. Deputy for the State, Marquis F. King, pre­ GRAND CHAPTER. Recorder—Stephen Berry, Portland. siding. The following officers were elected : Master Cer.—H. H. Burbank, Saco. 1st Lieut. Com.—Wm. J. Burnham, Lewis­ The Grand Chapter met Tuesday evening, Conductor—Fessenden I. Day, Lewiston. ton. May 4th, at seven o’clock, Manly G. Trask, Chaplain—Wm. J. Burnham, Lewiston. 2d Lieut. Com.—A. B. Farnham, Bangor. Steward—Albert M. Penley, Auburn. Grand High Priest, presiding. It was opened Min. of State—J. Ambrose Merrill, Port­ Warder—James M. Nevens, Bucksport.’ land. with prayer by Rev. Marion Crosley, Grand Eighteen High Priests from all parts of the Grand Prior—E. Howard Vose, Calais. Chaplain. State were admitted to the order. G. Chancellor—Chas. H. Jumper, Lewiston. Alfred F. Chapman, of Boston, General Grand Treasurer—Wm. 0. Fox, Portland. G. Secretary—John S. Russell, Portland. Grand High Priest of the General Grand Grand Architect—A. B. Marston, Bangor. Chapter of the United States, was present to GRAND COUNCIL. G. Hospitaler—F. T. Faulkner, Turner. make an official visit, and was received and The Grand Council of Royal and Select Grand M. of C.— Wm. C. Mason, Bangor. G. St. Bearer—Albro E. Chase, Portland. welcomed to the Grand Chapter. Masters met at 2 p m., Wednesday, May 5th, G. Capt. Guard—Sam’l F. Bearce, Portland. The committee on credentials reported 37 Grand Master Horace H. Burbank presiding. Grand Sentinel—Wm. G. Mills, Portland. out of 47 Chapters represented. The officers elected were: Grand High Priest Trask read his annual Grand Master—Charles W. Haney, Belfast. Lodge Elections. address, reporting peace and prosperity D. G. M.—Albert M. Penley, Auburn. Temple, 25, Winthrop. Elliot Wood, m ; G. P. C. of Work—Denison E. Seymour, existing throughout the jurisdiction. Edgar H Penniman, sw ; George C Towne, Calais. jw ; Charles C Stackpole, sec. The report on returns showed 4,265 mem­ Grand Treasurer—L. W. Fobes, Portland. Mosaic, 52, Foxcroft. David E Dinsmore, bers and 152 candidates. The officers elected Grand Recorder—Ira Berry, Portland. G. Chaplain—Wm. J. Burnham, Lewiston. m; Frank D Folsom, sw ; John C Cross, were: G. M. Cer.—W. R. G. Estes, Skowhegan. jw ; James T Roberts, sec. G. High Priest—James M. Nevens, Bucks­ G. Capt. Guards—Joseph M. Hayes, Bath. Eggemoggin, 128, Sedgwick. Jonathan port. G. Conductor—Albert 1. Mather, Rockland, Bridges, m ; Austin H Dority, sw; Eugene D. G. II. P.—Archie L. Talbot, Lewiston. Grand Steward—Wm. C. Mason, Bangor. Candage, jw ; Charles P Bartlett, sec. G. King—George W. Goulding, Oakland. G. Sent.—Willard C. G. Carney, Portland. Felicity, 19, Bucksport. Theo II Smith, G. Scribe—Charles 1. Collamore, Bangor. m; Oscar T Fellows, sw; Charles F Ware, G. Treasurer—Rufus H. Hinkley,Portland. Mount Vernon Council, No. 2, was moved jw ; J Frank Knowlton, sec. G. Secretary—Ira Berry, Portland. back from Bath to Brunswick. The work Committee of Finance—Josiah H. Drum­ was finely exemplified by Portland Council. Eureka, 84, St. George. Whitney Long, m ; Jos A Studley, sw ; Albert D Davis, jw ; mond, Portland ; Oliver Gerrish, Portland; No other business of interest was transacted Nathan Woodbury, Lewiston. S A Wheeler, sec. and the Grand Council was closed. At 10:40 called off until 9 Wednesday Mount Desert, 140, Mount Desert. J C Hill, m ; J J Somes, sw ; John W Reed, jw ; morning. Lyman H Somes, sec. Wednesday, May Sth. GRAND COMMANDERY. Phoenix, 24, Belfast. George R Sweetser, The Grand Chapter met at nine o’clock a.m. m ; Horatio J Locke, sw ; N E Keen, jw ; J Oriental Chapter was permitted to remove The Grand Commandery of Knights Tem- C Cates, sec. from Lovell to Fryeburg. plar met at seven p. m., Wednesday May 5th, Somerset, 34, Skowhegan. Geo B Safford, m ; Lewis Anderson, sw ; Rosmus L Mitch­ Union Chapter was located permanently Grand Commander John O. Shaw presiding. ell, jw ; Charles M Lambert, sec. at Norway. Thirteen out of fifteen Commanderies were Unity, 58, Thorndike, Albert W Ward, represented. General Grand High Priest Chapman in­ m-; Llewellyn Kenney, sw ; Ezra M Hamil­ stalled the grand officers, assisted by Past The address of Grand Commander Shaw ton, jw ; John N Tilton, sec. Grand High Priest Burbank as Grand was long and able, and, with those of his Piscataquis, 44, Milo. Abiel E Leonard, Marshal. officers, showed the order throughout the m; Benjamin F Manter, sw; Robert H Morrison, jw ; George W Howe, sec. The following appointments were made: jurisdiction to be in a prosperous condition. The officers elected were : Marine, 122, Deer Isle. Sylvanus G Has­ District Deputy Grand High Priests—Fifth kell, m ; Wilmot B Thurlow, sw ; Augustus District, Almon C. Waite, Portland ; Sixth Grand Commander—John O. Shaw, Bath. O Gross, jw ; Andrew J Beck, sec. District,Albert M. Penley, Auburn ; Seventh Deputy G. Com.—J. Fred Leavitt, Bangor. District, Henry R. Taylor, Machias. G. Gen.—Benj. F. Andrews, Portland. Mount Kineo, 109, Abbot. David II Bux­ Grand Chaplains—Rev. John Gibson, G. C. General—W. J. Burnham, Lewiston. ton, m ; Frank M Briggs, sw ; S B Drew, Naples; Rev. William H. Pillsbury, Bucks- Grand Prelate—E. Howard Vose, Calais. jw ; Frank M Heald, sec. port; Rev. Marion Crosley, Portland. G. S. Warden—L. W. Fobes, Portland. Eastern, 7, Eastport. Robert C Green, G. C. Host—Judson B. Dunbar, Portland. G. J. Warden—Edwin M. Fuller, Bath. m ; F L Wood, sw ; E M Small, jw ; N B G. Prin. Soj.— Lorenzo L. Shaw, Yarmouth. G. Treasurer—Charles Fobes, Portland. Nutt, sec. G. R. A. C.—Albro E. Chase, Portland. Grand Recorder—Ira Berry. Tremont, 77, Tremont. Cyrus Lurvey, G. M. 3d V.—Wilford J. Fisher, Eastport. The report of the committee on returns m ; Reuben F Lurvey, sw ; Thomas Clark, G. M. 2d V.— Henry S. Webster, Gardiner. jw ; John T R Freeman, sec. G. M. 1st V.—W. Scott Shorey, Bath. showed 1,898 members, an increase of 58 Grand Stewards—Charles P. Tenney, during the year. Ira Berry, 187, Bluehill. John A Miller, m ; I Closson, sw ; E E Chase, jw ; II A Houlton ; Howard D.Smith, Norway ; George A charter was granted for a new Com­ Lansil, Bangor; Benjamin Morrill, Bluehill. Tripp, sec. Grand Lecturer—Frank E.Sleeper, Sabatis. mandery at Vinalhaven, to be called De Buxton, 115, West Buxton. Frank II G. Sentinel—Warren O. Carney, Portland. Valois Commandery. Hargraves, m ; Joseph F Warren, sw ; Geo Votes of thanks were adopted to General The officers were installed by Past Grand E Smith, jw ; George H Libby, sec. Grand High Priest Chapman for visiting and Commander Ballou, of Bath, the following ap­ Crooked River, 152, Bolster’s Mills. Al­ bion M Hancock, m ; Sumner J Skillings, bis kindness in installing officers, and to Past pointments being made by the Grand Com­ sw ; Levi C Maxfield, jw ; Adna D Pike, Grand High Priest Trask for his efficient mander : sec. MASONIC TOKEN, MAY 15, 1886. 283

Knox, 189, South Thomaston. Mark D Treby Johnson, g ; J Q A Hawes, cg ; David Old Masons. Ames, m ; Robert A Harrington, sw ; George M Waitt, REC. L Putnam, jw ; Joseph Stanley, sec. Bradford, 4, Biddeford. Chas T Reynolds, Silas Wheeler, (Token 'No. 8) a pensioner Caribou, 170, Caribou. Sewell D Shaw, (Saco) c ; Royal E Gould, g ; Wm A Foss, of the war of 1812, died at Corry, Penn., m ; Fred L Oak, sw ; J 1) Emery, jw; Cal­ cg ; Horace H Burbank, (Saco) rec. Sept. 19, 1885, aged 92 years, 9 mos. He vin B Roberts, sec. Lewiston, 6, Lewiston. Wm F Wood, c; was born at New Ipswich, N. IL, Dec. 19, Naskeag, 171, Brooklin. Joseph B Babson, Algernon M Roak, g ; Danville B Stevens, m ; Adelbert P Kane, sw; Stephen E Mc- cg ; Horace C Little, rec. 1792. He was initiated in Bethel Lodge, No. Farland, jw; George R Allen, sec. 24, at that place m 1815, and continued a Scottish Rite. Preble, 143, Sanford. Frank Wilson, m ; member until his death. His widow last Frank L Durgin, sw ; Charles F Moulton, Yates Lodge of Perfection, Portland. Al- month donated 8100 to the lodge, Gr. Sec. jw ; Charles 11 Stevens, sec. bro E Chase, m ; George E Raymond, dm ; Cleaves writes us. Arion, 162, Goodwin’s Mills. William M Samuel F Bearce, sw John 11 Russell, jw ; Staples m ; Albert V Wakefield, sw ; J Bur- John S Russell, sec. George Stirton, of Cupar-Angus, Scotland ton Roberts, jw; Freedom R Hili, sec. is dead, at the age of over 101 years. He Meridian, 125, Pittsfield. Joseph P Tuttle, Festivities. was made in 1808, and was the oldest mason m ; Ernest Maxfield, sw ; George Elliot, jw ; Nathaniel B Runnals, sec. Bradford Commandery, No. 4, of Bidde- in England, it is said, but there were two Paris, 94, South Paris. Albion Hersey, m ; ford, celebrated the official visit of G. Capt. older in May, 1885, whose deaths have not Wm A Frothingham, sw; Frank R Libby, Gen. Joseph Y. Hodsdon, March 23d, by a been announced. jw ; J Ferd. King, sec. banquet at the Biddeford House. A large Bro. John L. Beardsley, Master of Wash­ Harwood, 91, Machias. G Harris Foster, number of visitors, prominent Templars, were nt ; Eldridge 11 Bryant, sw ; Henry 11 Smith, ington Lodge, at Monroe, Conn., writes us jw ; James A Ballinger, sec. present, and a bright and sparkling session that Bro. Hezekiah Hubbell, (No. 10) was in- Pleasant River, 163, Brownville. S W was had. itiated Feb. 8, 1816, and is in good health. Merrill, m ; Hugh Jones, sw ; WT G Wil- Hugh de Payens Commandery, of Calais, On the anniversary of his raising they held liaras, jw ; E E Williams, sec. were officially visited Jan. 15th by Dep. Gr. a meeting in his honor, and he insisted on Union, 31, Union. Fred C Millay, m; Com. J. Fred. Leavitt, on which occasion Chas C E Lermond, sw; A P Robbins, jw ; climbing the stairs alone. delegations were present from St. Johns, St. B Burton, sec. Masonic. Mr. Charles Townsend was Olive Branch, 124, Charleston. John L Stephen, Eastport, Skowhegan and Lewiston made a mason in Warren Lodge, No. 2. East Herrick, m ; George D Cook, sw ; George R Commanderies. The officers were installed, Machias, January 13, 1824, is now living in Rich, jw ; Oscar L Smith, sec. the Order of Temple conferred, and a ban- Cherryfield, at die age of 91 years. Warren Lodge was instituted in Machias, Sept. 4, Trinity, 130, Presque Isle. Lewis F Carr, quet surrounded. m; FE Brannon, sw; Richard Libby, jw; 1778, and if it cannot claim the oldest living G M Luce, sec. St. John’s Commandery, of Bangor, was mason it has what no other lodge in Maine officially visited by Grand Commander Shaw, has, viz: a continuous record from the date Morning Star, 41, Litchfield. James W of its organization, or for a period of nearly Starbird, m ; James E Chase, sw ; Chas E with a large number of leading Templars one hundred and eight (108) years.—[Machias Norcross, jw ; I W Gilbert, sec. from Bath, Portland, Calais, Augusta and Union. Pownal, 119, Stockton. Charles S. Ken- other places, January 18th. The Red Cross dell, m ; Henry W. Ridley, sw; Isaac H Oliver Gerrish and Samuel P. Brown, who Griffin, jw ; Arthur S Bird, sec. was worked, and a banquet exemplified in an were made in 1819, are probably the oldest Lygonia, 40, Ellsworth. Elmer E Rowe, admirable manner. February 2d the officers masons in Maine, and Portland Lodge has a m ; Josiah H Higgins, sw ; Fred L Kent, jw ; of the same Commandery were installed by Levi B Wyman, sec. continuous record from its organization, 118 Past Gr. Commander Farnham, a large num­ years. Pacific, 64, Exeter. David E Knight, m ; ber of ladies being present. A banquet and Frank C Barker, sw ; George Jennings, jw; Past Grand Master Estes writes us that Chas E Merriam, sec. then a dance followed. We are pleased to “Uncle Ben” Steward is not the oldest ma­ Ashlar, 105, Lewiston. Hiram Morrill, m ; see that Past Grand Master Charles I. Colla- son in New England or in Somerset County Charles H Jumper, sw ; Albert Ring, jw ; more is the new Commander. as we threw out as a feeler last week. Bro. George W Proctor, sec. Wm. B. Morrill, of Skowhegan, and a worthy Trinity Commandery was officially visited member of Somerset Lodge, was made a ma­ Dresden, 103, Dresden. William E Seek- by Gr. Commander Shaw, Feb. 19th. P. G. son in New Hampshire in 1821, came to ins, m ; W F Lilley, sw ; N F Leeman, jw ; Skowhegan and united with Lodge John H Mayers, sec. Com. Ballou and P. Com. Fuller, of Bath, Somerset accompanied him. Many other visitors were in 1822. and was Master in 1828. Bro. Mor­ rill is about 86 years old is frequently seen Chapter Election. present. Collation at Cony House. coming from his home half a mile to the vil- York, 5, Saco. Abram T Lord, up ; War­ Montgomery & St. Bernard Chapter of lage, even in the coldest weather without ren W Ford, k ; A P Rose, Jr, sc; 11 H Bur- Bath, were officially visited Feb. 4th by overcoat. He takes a lively interest in all bank, SEC. the needed reforms of the day.— Union Advo­ Grand King Archie L. Talbot, on which oc- cate, Alarch, 2^ 1886. Eastern, 10, Eastport. Noel B Nutt, hp; AV P Paine, K ; FL Wood, sc; Louis Holit- casion General Gr. II. P. Alfred F. Chapman zer, sec. was present, together with officers of the Mount Moriah, 6, Bangor. E A Cum- Grand Chapter of Maine, and many other J|^=The following lodges pay $1 or §2 a mings, hp; T W Burr, k; J 11 Kerr, sc; visitors distinguished in R. A. Masonry. A year, receiving 11 and 22 copies respectively, Geo Lansil, sec. banquet followed with interesting speeches. to distribute to the members who are prompt­ Washington, 16, Machias. Wm G Stone, St. Omer Commandery of South Boston est in attendance: hp; G Harris Foster, k; Eliphalet S Means, sc ; Henry R Taylor, sec. was officially visited by Grand Commander St. Andrew’s, Bangor, 22 copies. Burnham Feb. 15th, on which occasion a del- Temple, Saccarappa, 11 “ Council Elections. Parian, Corinna, 11 “ egation from Portland and St. Alban Corn- Molunkus, Sherman Mills, 22 " Alpha, 3, Hallowell. 11 O Hawes, tim ; manderies was present. Banquet — good Jonesport, Jonesport, 16 “ C K Tilden, dm ; E C Stevens, pcw ; Or- speeches—good time. St. George, Warren, 11 “ lando Currier, Rec. Freeport, Freeport, 22 “ Doric Lodge, of Monson, had a festival Hancock, Castine, 11 “ Commandery Elections. Feb. 19th, afternoon and evening, at which Ira Berry, Bluehill, 22 “ St. Bernard, 11, Eastport. Thomas M addresses were given by Hon. S. A. Patten Warren, East Machias, 11 “ Piscataquis Chapter, 12 “ Bibber, c ; J M Swett, g ; Noel B Nut1, cg ; and Past Grand Master Estes. J Warren Cushing, rec. Deering Lodge celebrated its annual in- What lodge shall be next added ? St. John’s, 3, Bangor. Chas I Collamore, c; D W Maxfield, g; T VV Burr, cg; W B stallation Feb. 19th by inviting the ladies Dole, Rec. and entertaining them with a supper and — The International Masonic Review of De- Trinity, 7, Augusta. John E Avery, c; some excellent music. troit is reported dead. 281 A! A SONIC TOKEN, MAY 15, 1886.

Fr Sale at Subschiption Pbice, plus second evening. The new Commandery at Bro. Eduardo Contreras, 13 Relatores, postage. Vinalhaven changed their proposed name of Madrid, Spain, the author of the Universal St. Louis Freemason, Jan., 1873, to June, 1875 Cincinnati Review, Vols. 46, 47 and 48. Ivanhoe to De Valois, which is excellent tes- Masonic Annual, noticed in another column, Memphis Jewel, vol. 6, and Nos. 5 and 6 of vol.8. tirnony to their good judgment. The status has formed a museum of masonic curiosities Mackey’s National Freemason, vol. 3, (lacking No. 9.) of the Scottish Encampments was left to the and begs contributions of all masonic pro­ Grand Encampment without expression of ceedings and books, as well as masonic curi­ GRAND LODGE OF MAINE. judgment by the Grand Commandery. osities. His address is as given above.

Marcian Seavey. Immediately after The Times of Morocco, published at Tan­ Brother Marcian Seavey died in Deering, the annual election of gier, says there was much excitement in Tan- officers, the Secretary gier in January on account of Consul Darius Feb. 26th at the advanced age of 81 years should make a list of II. Ingraham having been sent over from and 10 months. He was initiated in An­ the new Master, War- Cadiz to examine into charges against Consul cient Land mark Lodge July 6,1825, and was the fourth oldest member of that body, Ol­ dens and Secretary and General Felix A. Mathews. Bro. Mathews iver Gerrish, (1819,) Andrew Scott, (1822) forward it next day to is universally esteemed in Tangier, and it is and Charles Fobes, (Jan. 1825) being older, the Grand Secretary, thought the movement against him is entirely and surviving him. He was a member of whether the officers are installed or not. malicious. The old Secretary should do this, and the Mount Vernon Chapter and of Portland new Secretary should see that it has been Commandery. In the latter he was one of Grand Master Withers writes from Hong done. This is important, in order that com- the fourteen Charter members, and one, only, Kong, under date of Dec. 29th, that he was niunications, returns and blanks may go to Charles Fobes, now survives. He was awake and communing with his friends on the new Secretary, and not be sent to the old made in Maine Commandery, Feb. 11, 1828, this side of the world on Christmas night. one, and in order that the Grand Lodge may and was the first Recorder of Portland Com­ He enclosed slips from the Hong Kong Press, have official knowledge of the election of the mandery in 1847. He was one of the early which reported him as received with due new Secretary. editors of the Maine Farmer, and was also a honors as a Past Grand Master of the Grand IRA BERRY, Gr. Sec. professor in a Western Agricultural College. Lodge of Virginia, at the District Grand He was buried from the New Jerusalem Lodge. He expected to attend the next Con- Church, March 2d, Ancient Land-mark Lodge HE Grand meetings were well clave of the Preceptory of Knights Templar conducting the services, which were com­ attended, and were very pleas­ there. He says : “ There are also Chapters pleted at the grave. ant throughout. Nine of the and Councils of the Scottish Rite working Bro. Seavey leaves several children and ten living Past Grand Masters here. A visit to any of these organizations grandchildren, and his second wife, who sur­ were present. (On the death roll there are will furnish a lively illustration of the ‘ uni­ vives him. twenty.) Librarians will be glad to know versality of masonry,’ as representatives of that the second volume of proceedings, 1848 many nationalities are generally present. Past Grand Master Speed sends us the re­ to 1856, inclusive, is to be reprinted at once. The fraternity here regard the lodge as a port of the Committee on Jurisprudence of The gain in membership in the lodge is grat- very honorable organization. Every brother the Grand Lodge of Mississippi, where we ifying, for it is due to the fact that fewer have appears in a full dress suit, and all the pro­ find a new point of law. A mason expelled been dropped from membership owing to the ceedings are of the most dignified character. in removed to Mississippi, and thorough pruning of former years; and the In these respects we may well imitate their after a long time asks restoration. His gain is made in despite of a falling off in in- practice. Their ritual is more simple, and Tennessee lodge is defunct. The Grand itiates. The appreciation of the able and less rich and ornate than ours, however.” Lodge of Tennessee turns him over to Miss­ efficient administration of Grand Master Day He will attend the St. Louis Triennial if leave issippi that the lodge in whose jurisdiction he during the past year was quite evident. of absence can be obtained. now resides may act. The Grand Lodge of The Grand Chapter was fortunate in a visit Mississippi declines to act and says the from General Grand High Priest Chapman, Abner Burbank. Grand Lodge of Tennessee must. The de­ and if he enjoyed it as much as did the Brother Abner Burbank was born in New­ cision is undoubtedly correct. The Grand companions he will ever remember it with field, Me., Dec. 27,1805, and died in Limerick, Lodge of Tennessee can get all necessary pleasure. March 21, 1886. In early life he taught school information from Mississippi, but cannot de­ The Grand Council meeting was made im­ in Massachusetts ; in 1832 he settled in Lim­ cline the responsibility, and she, only, can le­ proving by an excellent exemplification of erick, where he resided until his death, having gally reverse her own action. the work by Portland Council. The retiring been a prominent citizen. He was Selectman Grand Master, Horace II. Burbank, has given fourteen years, ten of which he was chairman, Edward S. Dann. quite an impetus to during County Commissioner from 1847 to 1851, A letter from Rev. Bro. Fisher, of St. his term, and there is every reason to hope Representative in Legislature in 1839-40, and Johnsbury, notified us that Bro. Edward S. that Mt. Vernon Council, once more removed had been Justice of the Peace since 1837. He Dana, of New Haven, Vt., Past Grand Com­ back to Brunswick, will awaken from its left a widow and five children. Bro. Burbank mander, P. M. I. Gr. Master and Past Grand lethargy. was made a Master Mason in August, 1864, in High Priest of Vermont, died of Bright’s dis­ The Grand Commandery managed to get Freedom Lodge, and was its Treasurer for ease February 24th, and was buried with ma- through a commendable amount of business several years. Two of his sons are masons, sbnic honors 27th. He was born in Corn­ in one evening, but it should be arranged for one of them, Horace II. Burbank, being the wall, Vt., April 27, 1834, and was therefore it to meet Monday evening. This would not retiring Grand Master of the Grand Council 52 years of age, in the very prime of useful­ oblige the members to come until Wednesday, of Maine. ness and intellectual vigor. He had been a because the legislation would all be done representative and senator in the Legislature, Wednesday evening; while the reading of Bro. E. B. Mallett, Jr., Master of Freeport and was an able presiding officer. He mar­ reports and appointments of committees Lodge, has endowed for one year a free bed ried Mary IL, a daughter of Calvin Squier, would well occupy the first evening. There at the Maine General Hospital, and has of New Haven, who, with two sons, survives would be little objection made, if it were pro­ placed it at the disposal of the Grand Master. him. In masonry he was widely known and vided that the election of officers and reports The latter has issued a notice to that effect to beloved both in his own State and abroad. of committees should be postponed until the the masons of Maine. For two years he had been seriously ailing, MASONIC TOKEN, - - MAY 15, 1886. 285

but last summer he seemed improving as he the masonry of the entire world, replacing —The Rocky Mountain Fairy is the title of was able to attend the Grand meetings, but the broad idea of fraternal tolerance by the a new monthly magazine of 32 pp. published fanaticism of negation. later he was again worse. About Christmas “ Some brothers who formed a weak mi- at Buena Vista, Colorado, by Mrs. Fannie time he wrote : “ I see that Gurney, of Illinois, nority in the assembly, seeing the sadness W. Kroenke, and edited by Mr. F. W. Kro­ and Schultz, of Maryland, have both been with which I looked upon this spirit, said to enke. $2.50 a year. Sample copies sent me a while ago, that the time is not far dis­ only on receipt of 25c. Devoted to western quite ill. God keep them and you, dear tant when a salutary reaction will take place knight, in the safety of the hollow of his towards true liberality and masonry. I do Literature. hand.” not much expect it, yet I wish, and hope —Luce e Concordia is the name of a monthly some day to see French masons comprehend review published in Naples, Italy, under the In later February his disease took a se- that masonry is injuring itself, and injuring verer phase, and he was stricken with paraly­ society, in trying to destroy in the human auspices of the Lodges Perfetta Unione and sis, which terminated in death. In the little soul the noble sentiments that inspire the Losanna, working under the Supreme Coun­ circle of Templar correspondents, to which he hope of immortality. cil of Turin. These lodges have a masonic had belonged, he will be much mourned, as We notice, by the /reemason, that in Eng­ library, the only one in Italy, and beg contri­ they have lost several associates within a land they have masonic balls. Eccleston butions of papers, books and proceedings, very few years; in the masonry of Vermont Lodge, No. 1624, had a “ Ladies’Night” Feb. which may be directed to the “ Direzione he will leave a great void, for he was one 17th, where the dancing was kept up until della Rivista Luce e Concordia, Naples, upon whom his brethren leaned; and in his morning. Ranelagh Lodge, No. 834, had Italy.” The January number contains a own community he will be severely missed, one Feb. 19th, where the dancing continued photographic copy of an antique mosaic found for be was there a leading man, one of great until 4 a. m. Selwyn Lodge, No. 1901, had a among the ruins of a at purity of private character, and one who took ball March 5th, for which the Grand Master Pompeii, and now preserved in the Naples a deep interest in educational and religious granted a dispensation to wear their masonic Museum. The conspicuous part is a large affairs. He was a member of the Congrega­ (craft) clothing and jewels. (Tickets $2.50.) skull resting upon a six spoked wheel. The tional Church. From 1866 lo 1871 he was Jubilee Lodge, No. 72, had its first annual details are indistinct, but large photos will be assistant clerk of the National House of Rep- ball March 5th. A dispensation from the sent by mail for 15 francs—in colors 25 francs resentatives, having previously been examin­ Royal Gr. Master allowed the use of masonic 1 —artistically painted 60 francs, remitted to er-in-chief in the pension office. In every clothing. We had somewhere got the im- Antonio Ruggiero, 22 via Giuseppe Manci- position in life he was loyal and true, and his pression that the Grand Lodge of England nelli, Naples. brethren, as they gaze upon his empty seat, was opposed to masonic balls, but this looks —The Liberal Freemason, of Boston, ed­ can say this work has passed the Great Over- as if we were mistaken. ited by General Grand High Priest Alfred F. seer’s Square. Chapman, commences its tenth volume under Books, Papers, etc. most favorable auspices. I.evi Emery, Will our foreign exchanges kindly add —The Masonic Era and Analectic, is a of Skowhegan, died on the 19th of January “ Maine ” to our address, making it Masonic monthly magazine issued by Wra. H. Peck­ and was buried by Somerset Lodge. He Token, Portland, Maine, U. S. North America, ham at 4 Liberty Place, New York, in the in­ was born in old Bloomfield, now Skowhegan, as many go seeking to Oregon and other terests of a Cerneau Supreme Council. It in 1791, and was therefore in his 89th year. States before they reach us. is a neat royal octavo magazine of 62 pages. He was made a mason in Somerset Lodge in —Bro. Eduardo Contreras, of Madrid, sends —The Englishman’s Journal is the name of 1826. He was the oldest initiate of Somer­ us a Universal Masonic Calendar for 1885. a new monthly published at Montreal by the set Lodge and the oldest man in what was old As he has the Grand Officers of our Grand Union Publishing Co. F. J. Prior is man­ Bloomfield. There is but one older mason in Lodge correct, we judge that the work has aging editor. Price $1. The interests of the Skowhegan at the present time. been carefully done. St. George’s Society will be especially de­ Bro. Emery was a zealous mason. He was —Edward Gillett, of Southwick, Mass., fended, we judge. one of the faithful who lived and stood stead­ sends his ninth Annual Catalogue of Wild —La Fraternidad, is a new masonic paper fast during the Morgan crusade, giving the in- Flowers, Rare Ferns, etc. in Spanish from La Paz, Lower California, fluence of his character, his voice and pres- —Vick’s Floral Guide for 1886, as beautiful Carlos C. Cornejo, editor. We shall be ence to the sustaining and upbuilding of as ever, is received. Address James Vick, pleased to exchange with it. Ignacio Rom­ . Rochester, N. Y. ero, Publisher. —The Masonic Tidings is the name of a 1 —Commercial Manual of Philadelphia. Al­ drand Orient of France. new monthly published at Milwaukee. M. though a commercial manual, like a diction­ The Chained’ Union for January gives a L. Youngs and Gr. Recorder J. W. Laflin, ary, is not filling as general reading, it is report of Bro. Francolin to the Chapter Isis are the editors. May it live and prosper. pleasant to get this excellent statistical work Montyon upon the action of the Convent of —Prof. John Wherrell, of Paola, Kansas, from the author, William Ross, formerly of October, from which we take the following will in future be associate editor of “Light ” Portland, and warmly remembered in ma­ significant words: of Topeka. Bro. Spalding offers that paper sonic circles. “ Brethren, you know my opinions, you free to any destitute brother in good standing —Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry is know that if I am not a Free-thinker in the ordinary sense of the term, I am a partisan of in any Kansas Lodge. the best masonic book in existence—(of absolute liberty of thought, and consequently —Hon. Thomas A. Doyle, Mayor of Prov- course after the Monitor) for the practical use of liberty of conscience. The Freemasonry dence, favors us with a copy of his 18th an­ of officers of lodges, and those liable to be of the Grand Orient of France, forgets, ac- cording to my ideas, the traditions of Univer- nual address. Such a long service as Mayor officers or desiring to take an intelligent part sal Freemasonry ; she affords opportunity is unparalleled. in the work and business of the lodge. for the attacks of our enemies, and after —Henry S. Osgood, of the Maine Board of It is a masonic library in itself. having wrongly abandoned the formula, (a little dogmatic perhaps) ‘ To the glory of the Prison Inspectors, obliges us with their report In its pages is gathered the wisdom of the Grand Architect of the Universe,’ which is for 1885. ages upon the history, philosophy, ethics, still the official formula of nearly all the masons —We are indebted to Bro. Carroll D. symbolism, ritualism and laws of the Institu­ of the globe, that is to say, of two millions at Wright for his valuable report on Massachu- least, (and we in France are only eighteen or tion. Josiah H. Drummond, twenty thousand,) she gives full liberty to setts Labor Statistics for 1886. It contains IRA BERRY, EdwaRD P. Burnham, the cult of atheism and materialism, a cult portraits of H. K. Oliver, Henry Wilson, Fessenden I. Day, which is as intolerant as the most intolerant Dana Estes, and a lovely woman, name not of religious cults. H. R. Taylor, “ She separats herself more and more from given. Stephen Beery. 286 MASONIC TOKEN, MAY 15, 1886.

Bcati Mortui in Dominc Moricntes. with a Past Master’s jewel by the brethren of Chulahoma, and the Gr. Commander B. A. Casco Lodge of Yarmouth. Vaughan, of Columbus. J. L. Power, of BY STEPHEN BERRY. —Wilmot G. DeSaussure, Grand Master of Jackson, is Grand Secretary of all three South Carolina 1875-6, died Feb. 2d. bodies. The Grand Lodge reduced the mile- The good Knight sleeps where the daisies nod And the clover hangs its head, —On the first of July the Grand Lodge of age and made other retrenchments. Where the wild bird comes and the wild bee hums —Bro. Hugh McCurdy, of Corunna, Mich­ Above his lowly bed. Quebec will suspend intercourse with the He fought the fight—he kept the faith— Grand Lodge of England and its subordinates, igan, (Capt. Gen. of the Grand Encampment His fame shines bright and clear, And his memory lives in loving hearts if the latter does not withdraw its warrants U. S.) lost his house April 13th by fire. His Which will hold it ever dear. valuable masonic library went with it. He The good knight sleeps. from the three English lodges in Quebec. —The Scottish Rite bodies of Illinois held will have the sympathy of his masonic The winter snow shall wrap his couch In a mantle broad and white, their annual Reunion at Chicago, April 7, 8, friends, everywhere, and we hope their help A spotless robe for a spotless soul in restocking his library. Who has kept his armor bright; and 9th. Gr. Sec. Gil. W. Barnard favored And the burning stars which nightly watch us with program and tableau. —A banquet was given at the Sagadahoc And keep ward over all, Shall keep the grave where the good knight waits —Bro. Rob Morris has met with a severe House, Bath, April 26, to Bro. Chas A. To rise at the Master’s call. Coombs, the retiring Superintendent of the The good knight sleeps. affliction in which he will have the sympathy [Templar Corr. Me., 1885. of the craft. His little grandson, of two Knox & Lincoln Railroad, who goes to be gen- years, was burned to death Jan. 4th. eral manager of the Boston Hoosac Tunnel The Scottish Encampments. —General Winfield Scott Hancock was and Western Railroad. A large number of The Freemason of Toronto notes the To­ for many years a member of Charity Lodge, prominent citizens were present, and a Tem­ ken’s proposition to form a Provincial Grand No. 190, of Norristown R. A. Chapter No. 190, plar badge was presented to him by Dunlap Priory for New Brunswick, and asks “ where and of Hutchinson Commandery, No. 32, Commandery. The Token commends him does Great Priory come in if this scheme is stationed at Norristown, Pa. to the fraternity in Massachusetts. adopted?” He forgets that the Great Priory —The general public were alarmed in —We have received a pleasant letter from has become Sovereign, and would charter the early March by a cablegram from England Bro. Cyrus M. Plummer, formerly of Bath, new Provincial Grand Priory, and could hold saying that the Prince of Wales as Grand but now at 414 Clay St., San Francisco, in sway over it. It would be much better to Master of England had withdrawn the cre- which he says four members of Dunlap settle this in a brotherly spirit now than to dentials from his Grand Representative near Commandery met in California Commandery embitter the difficulty. The expression the Grand Lodge of Illinois, on account of April 16 th. “ The Scottish Encampments must go ” is that Grand Lodge severing fraternal relations —The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, at not fraternal. with the three English Lodges in Montreal. its quarterly communication March 10th, Later.—In its May number the Freemason Explanatory dispatches from Chicago re- adopted a regulation that visitors must bring says: lieved any fears of International difficulties. a Grand Lodge certificate, or be personally known and recommended by some brother “ Canadian Knights would not object to the —A circular from Gr. Sec. Fox brings the formation of a Grand Commandery in New present. Brethren visiting Massachusetts Brunswick, provided it was not connected sad news of the death of William T. Wood­ with Scotland. In fact, a Grand Command­ ruff, Grand High Priest of the G. chapter of should therefore take their certificates. ery in each Province of the Dominion would New York in 1880-1, who died March 4th —Bro. Hugh McCurdy, of Michigan, has settle the Templar trouble in a manner satis- had a lodge named after him. At the conse- factory to all parties. To this complexion —We are again obliged to condole with our cration he delivered an oration which (as must it come at last.” old Portland friend Edward M. Patten, of usual) was thought to be the best he ever San Francisco, who lost his second son Ed­ Editorial Chips. delivered. In it he asserted that the town ward, Junior, in March, two within a year. —We had a very pleasant call from Past had the greatest number of handsome women —Bro. Rodney McCollom, who died in Grand Commander (and Ex-Governor) Geo. to the acre of any township in the country. New Boston, N. H., Feb. 22d, was born C. Perkins of California, Jan. 25th. He always had a “ winning way wid him.” March 27, 1793, and made a mason Feb. 12, — Rev. Henry W. Rugg, editor of the Re­ —Palestine Commandery Reception at 1821, in Bible Lodge, Goffstown, N. H. pository, is elected Grand High Priest of the New York Jan. 14th, was a brilliant affair, —Holland Lodge of New York city is said Grand Chapter of Rhode Island, and Wm. R. and many distinguished Templars from other to have received its warrant from William of Greene, of Providence, Gr. Secretary. cities were present. Orange. The charter is dated Sept. 20, 1787. —A masonic club is formed in London, to —Grand Recorder Croninger notifies us of William of Orange died in 1702, fifteen years be located near Pall Mall, which will provide the death of Past Grand Commander Wil- before any lodges were chartered. masonic reading matter and hold Lodges liam A. Warner, and Grand Prelate John K. —Peter Williamson, P. G. M. of Pennsyl- and Chapters of instruction. It will be called Lake of Kentucky. vania, died March 6th. He was made in Doric Club. —A coincidence happened at the election Franklin Lodge, Oct. 19, 1816. —The debt on the in In­ of Mount Moriah Chapter in Bangor, that dianapolis is at last paid, and the incubus re- —A Supreme Council 33° Scottish Rite for seven officers in regular rotation were Past moved from the Grand Lodge. Turkey has been established in Constantino- Masters: T. W. Burr, King; J. H. Kerr, —Bro. Cesar Canevaro has been elected ple by Bro. Cesare A. Blengini, Consul Gen. Scribe; Geo. Lansil, Secretary; Manly G. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Peru, eral of Venezuela, acting under authority of Trask, Treasurer; (he was also Grand High and La Revista Masonica for January gives the Italian Supreme Council at Turin. The Priest); W. C. Mason, C. of H.; D. W. his picture. Bro. J. R. Ego-Aguirrd con- Grand Commander is Dr. Timoteo Riboli, the Maxfield, P. S.; N. E. Bragg, R. A. C. tinues as Grand Secretary. Secretary General Giovanni Cecconi. —The Grand Lodge of Utah has elected —William H. Root, Grand Secretary of S^"We have added Chapter notices to Parley L. Williams, Grand Master, and the Grand Lodge of Vermont, died at Bur- delinquents to our list of blanks. Per hun- Christopher Diehl, Grand Secretary. lington, March 11th; and Lavant M. Read, dred 65c. —Joseph H. Hough has just been elected of Bellows Falls, has been appointed Grand Our Thanks To Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New Secretary in his place, until another election. Jersey for the forty-eighth term, says the A. P. Moriarty, Ass’t Gr. Sec., for proc. Supreme —The Grand Master of Mississippi for Council N. M. J. 1885. Lancaster Examiner. 1886 is B. T. Kimbrough, of Oxford, the Alfred JF. Chapman, Gr. Rec., for proc. Grand Com’dy Mass, and R. I., 1885 ; Grand Chapter and —Bro. Lorenzo L. Shaw was presented Grand High Priest Richard P. Bowen, of Gr. Council Mass., 1885. MASONIC TOKEN MAY 15, 1886 287

Cha’s T. Sisco, Gr. Rec., for- proc. Gr. Com’dy Masonic Tidings, Milwaukee, monthly, $1. DANA W. FELLOWS, M. 1)., Maryland, 1885. Luce e C'oncordza, Naples, Italy. Wm. B. Isaacs. Gr. Rec., for proc. Gr. Lodge and DENTIST, Gr. Com’dy Virginia 1885. La Fratemidad, La Paz, Lower California. No. 23 Feee St., Poetland, Me. John M. Bramwell, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Chap­ ter and Gr. Council Indiana, 1885. B. Wilson Higgs, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Lodge DIED. IRA BERRY, JR., Prince Edward Island, 1885. Chas. E. Meyer, Gr. Rec., for proc. Gr. Com’dy In Yarmouth, Jan. 14th, Samuel Gooding, aged Watches, Qltxchs, Charts, Pennsylvania,1885. 82 years, 5 months. He was made a mason in 1853, AND NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS, Robert Brewster, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Chapter and was the oldest living member of Casco Lodge, Texas, 1885. in which, during ten of the thirteen years follow­ No. 48 Exchange Stkeet. ing his membership, he had served as Junior Wm. R. Bowen, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Chapter Warden. He was buried with masonic honors on and Gr. Com’dy Nebraska, 1885. Special attention paid to repairing. the 17th. George W. Cooley, Gr. Rec., for proc. Gr. Coun­ In Skowhegan, Jan. 19, Levi Emery, aged 89. cil Minnesota, 1885. (See editorial.) S . C . ANDREWS, Bruce M. Rowley, Gr. Rec., for proc. Gr. Com’y In Portland, Jan. 30, Capt. H.H. Foster, master Dakota, 1885. Counsellor at Law, of the lighthouse steamer Myrtle, aged 46. He John D. Caldwell, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Lodge was a member of Portland Lodge and Greenleaf ______188 Middle St., Portland, Me. Ohio, 1885. Chapter. . Robert Macoy, Gr. Rec., for proc. Gr. Com’dy In Deering, Jan. 3t, David Moulton, Deputy Col­ RUMMOND & DRUMMOND, At­ New York, 1885. lector, aged 61. He was a member of Deering D torneys at Law, Union Mutual Life In­ Geo. J. Roskruge, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Lodge Lodge and Portland Commandery His funeral surance Building, Portland, Me. Arizona, 1885. from St. Luke’s Cathedral, Portland, Feb. 2d, was Josiah H. Drummond. largely attended. F. W. Baxter, Highgate, Vt., for annual ad­ dress Grand High Priest of Quebec, 1886. In East Machias, Jan. 23, Capt. Charles Loring Hathaway, aged 52. He was a member of Warren F. A. LEAVITT, George Van Vliet, Gr. Rec., for proc. Gr. Coun­ Lodge, and a faithful mason. A wife and four cil New York, 1885. children survive him. Awnings, Tents, Flags, Fay Hempstead, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Lodge In Baldwin, Jan. 22, Dominions G. Tarbox, aged Arkansas, 1885. 85. He was initiated at Monson in 1826, and took YACHT SAILS, go., W. P. Innes, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Chapter the other degrees at Fryeburg in 1827. In 1828 he Michigan, 1886. was a charter member of Mt. Moriah Lodge at No. 45 Exchange Street, Denmark, and was the last survivor. H e left four Richard Lambert, Gr. Sec , for proc. G. Chapter PORTLAND. and Com’dy Louisiana, 1886. sons and three daughters. Christopher Diehl, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Lodge In Deering, Feb. 26, Marcian Seavey, aged 81 y. Utah, 1886. 10 mos. (See editorial.) A. L. DENNISON, John W. Laflin, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Chapter In New Haven, Vt., Feb. 24th, Edward S. Dana. Wisconsin, 1886. (See editorial.) GENERAL AGENT FOR James C. Batchelor, Gr. Sec., for proc. G. Lodge In Portland, March 5, Capt. Thomas Ingersoll, and Chapter Louisiana, 1886. aged 64. He was a member of Portland Lodge Walter A. Wood’s Mower, and a son of Isaac Ingersoll, the veteran member DeWitt C. Dawkins, Gr. Sec., for proc. G. Lodge of that lodge who died in 1870, and was buried And other Standard Implements, Florida, 1886. from his son’s house. Wm. G. Scott, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Lodge In Limerick, March 21, Abner Burbank, aged 27 PREBLE ST., PORTLAND, ME. Manitoba, 1886. 80 y. 3 mos. (See editorial.) A. A. Keen, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Lodge New In Portland, May 11th, Worthy 0. Barrows, aged Mexico, 1885. 74 y. 5m. He was City Marshal when Gen. Neal Cha’s Bechtel, Gr. Rec., for proc. Gr. Council Dow was Mayor, and was an old member of An­ New Jersey, 1886. cient Land-Mark Lodge. ortlandfteinessftollege The oldest institution of H the kind Cha’s Inglesby, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Lodge So. In Portland, May 13, Benjamin Kingsbury, aged Carolina, 1886. 73 years. He had been Municipal Judge, Surveyor in the State, pvra Thorough In- struction in of the Port, Representative in Legislature, mem­ Cornelius Hedges, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Lodge ber of the Governor’s Council, and Mayor of Port­ Montana, 1885. enfflansMftOook-Wiig om’l Law land. He was in former years editor of the East­ and nil the collateral branches of Daniel Sayre, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Lodge Ala­ ern Argus. He was initiated in Portland Lodge bama, 1885. in 1845, and was a member of Greenleaf Chapter A COMPLETE BUSINESS EDUCATION. David Seath, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Chapter and St. Alban Commandery. For further information, address, Quebec, 1886. L. A. GRAY, A.M., Portland, Maine. Chris. G. Fox, Gr. Sec. for proc. Gr. Chapter N. Removed to New Davis Block, opposite City j j York, 1886. Portland Masonic Relief Association, Building, head of Exchange Street. Sereno D. Nickerson, Gr. Sec., for proc. Gr. Lodge Mass., 1885. President—James F. Hawkes. Treas.—M. A. BLANCHARD. Clerk—Albro E. Chase. Our Masonic Exchanges. Invested Fund $26,600.00. 109 deaths in 12 years. London Freemason, weekly. Amount paid at death §1000. Expense $1.00 a year. Safe—On sound basis—Reliable. R HEA La Cadena de Union, Vera Cruz, Mexico. For particulars apply to the Clerk. Boletin Masonico, Mexico, per year, $6. are of vital impor­ Masonic Review, Cincinnati, Ohio, $2.00. tance, and to retain La. Acadia, Buenos Aires, Monthly. Freemason, Sydney, N. S. W., 6s. 6d. ATTENTION MASONS. them should be your duty and 7'Ae Orient, Budapest!), Hungary, Monthly. desire. But if you already suffer with Liberal Freemason, Boston, Mass., $2. Keystone, Philadelphia, Weekly, $3. dyspepsia, or liver and bilious troubles, or with HERE IS A Hebrew Leader, New York, Weekly, $3. impure blood,take the medicine that has a Canadian Craftsman, Port Hope, Ont., $1.50. Masonic Advocate, Indianapolis, $1.00. Splendid chance to Malte Money. record second to none for relieving and cur- Freemasons’ Repository, Prov., R. I., $1.50. La Chaine d’ Union de Paris, Hubert, editor. We want an Agent in your Lodge to take or­ ing these diseases, and “ L.F.” Atwood’s ders for the The Freemason, Toronto, Canada, 50c. Bitters is that medi- ’cine, as thousands of Loomis’ Musical Journal, N. Haven, Ct., $1. Masonic Chronicle, Columbus, O., §1. “MAS0NIC LIFE JOURNEY," people do gladly testify. Use it and you will be Masonic Truth, Boston, semi-monthly, 75c. convinced of its merits. Beware of imita- La Revista Masonica, Lima, Peru. a superb new picture which can be appreciated tions; buy only that having the large La Gran Logia, Havana, Cuba. by every bright Mason, It sells rapidly, and you Ptctortan Freemason, Melbourne, Victoria. will find the agency one of the pleasantest and red “ L. F.” trade-mark. Masonic Home Journal, Louisville, Ky. most profitable. Write to us for terms, giving Masonic World, Boston, Mass. name and number of Lodge. 0 Nivel, semi-monthly, Lisbon, Portugal. Address the Freemasons’s Journal, semi-monthly, N. Y. PPINE Light, monthly, Topeka, Kansas. PETTIBONE MANUFACTURING CO., El Taller, Sevilla, Spain. Fraternity Publishers, Bulletin Maconique, Paris. plIARLES D. SMITH, Physician and Cadiz Masonica, Cadiz, Spain. CINCINNATI, O. v? Surgeon, office and r< sidence i\o. 126 Free Illinois Freemason, Bloomington, Ill., $1.25. 35-36 St., Portland, Masonic Journal, Portland Me., §1.00. 288 MASONIC TOKEN MAY 15, 1886

WILLIAM SENTER & CO., OWEN, MOORE & CO., SHAW, SON & HAWKES Jobbers and Retailers of Chronometers, Watches, Clocks, Silver Ware, Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishings. Jewelry, Nautical, Optical and Math­ Wholesale Grocers Reliable and fashionable goods at moderate prices. ematical Instruments, Largest stock Kid Gloves in the State. No. 225 COMMERCIAL STREET, PORTLAND. NO. 51 EXCHANGE STREET, 505 & 507 Congress Street. William Senter, Jr. PORTLAND, ME. George R. Shaw. James F. Hawkes. Geo. M. Moore. The London Freemason. SWAN & BARRETT, Masonic Furnishing Store. Bankers and Brokers, Is a large 16 page quarto, published weekly, and is FREDERICK ALFORD, the leading masonic newspaper of the world. Ad­ No. 186 Middle StReet, Successor to Pollard & Alford, dress subscriptions to Geo. KenniNG, Publisher, PORTLAND, ME. 16 Great Queen Street, enclosing postal order for 104 Tremont St., Boston. 15s. 6d. Dealers in INVestment Securities. Every description of goods for Rufus H. Hinkley. Lodges, Chapters, Councils and Commanderies. SEND ALL ORDERS FOR HALL L. DAVIS On hand and furnished to order. Crackers, Loaf Bread, Bis­ BANNERS AND FLAGS cuit, Cakes and Pastry, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, Painted and made to order. Wholesale or Retail, to And Blank Book Manufacturer, WEST & CALDERWOOD, BAKERS, ESTABLISHED 1841. 532 CONGRESS STREET, P0RTLAND, MAINE, No. 47 Exchange Street, And they will receive prompt attention. PORTLAND, ME. H. H. HAY & SON, Wholesale Druggists, J. A. MERRILL &. CO R. K. GATLEY Junction Eree and Middle Sts., Manufacturers and Dealers in 21 Union Street, Portland, PORTLAND. Masonic, It, 8. 0. F., Mili­ PLASTERER, STUCCO MASTIC WORKER, tary & Saciety Sxxixhs, Whitening, Coloring, Cementing, Stc. CHARLES M. RICE & CO., Contractor for Concrete Walks, Drives, Streets, &c. Dealer in all the varieties of PAPER, PAPER BAGS, & TWINE, COMPLETE OUTEITS FOR LODGES No. 14 EXCHANGE St., Portland. Street Uniforms and Regalias THE SUNDAY TIMES Paper of any size or quality made to order. a Specialty. Gives all the news, both at home and from abroad. Charles M. Rice. No. 239 Middle Street. Its large local circulation makes it a most valuable advertising medium. WOODMAN, TRUE & CO., J. A. MERRILL. PORTLAND. ALBION KEITH. Office No. 31 Market Street, (opposite Post Office). Importers and Dealers in GILES O. BAILEY, Prop’r. DRY GOODS AND WOOLENS ROBERT B. SWIFT Woodman Block, cor. Pearl & Middle Sts., Seth B. Hersey. PORTLAND CONGRESS SQUARE, Wm. 0. Webster. Particular attention paid to fitting spectacles, PORTLAND, ME. and eye-glass frames, thus bringing the center of ANDROSCOGGIN the lenses directly over the eyes, as otherwise per­ fect vision cannot be obtained. J. W. Robinson & Son, PROPRIETORS. MasuniD Relief 513 CONGRESS St., PORTLAND. OF LEWISTON, ME. LORING, SHORT & HARMON, Dr. NatiiaN Woodbury, President; Fred FALMOUTH HOTEL, Kelley, Treasurer; M. E. D. Bailey, Sec’y. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, *SQF For blanks, by-laws, &c., address the Sec­ And jobbers of retary, Lewiston, Maine. 212 Middle Street. Paper Hangings and School Books, Established IN 1848. Manufacture!® of J. K. MaRtin, Prop’r. PORTLAND. W. D. LITTLE & CO And Dealers in RANDALL & McALLISTER, New and Second Hand Law Books. ANTHRACITE & BITUMINOUS Removed to 474 Congress Street, Office 31 Exchange St., Stanton Block, PORTLAND. COAL, T. J. Little. PORTLAND. By the CaRgo and at Retail, OCKE & LOCKE, Attorneys and PORTLAND, ME. L Counsellors at Law, 180 Middle St., H. H, NEVENS & CO. near Exchange St., Portland. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Offices:—78 Exchange St. and 60 Commercial St. Jos. A. Locke. EASTMAN BROS. & BANCROFT, COFFEE AND SPICES A. M. TVENTWORTH, CREAM TARTAR, CAYENNE &c., Jobbers and Retailers of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Siver Dry and Fancy Goods, Ware, Opera Glasses, Eagle Mills, Office 184 & 186 Fore St. PORTLAND, ME. LADIES’, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Gold and Sil­ CLOAKS AND SUITS. ver Headed Canes, &c., 509 CONGRESS STREET. ERBERT <.. BRIGGS, Attorney B. M. Eastman, I 492 and 494 Congress Street, H and Solicitor of Patents, No. 93 Ex­ E. D. Eastman, J Portland, Me. Gold, Silver and Nickel plating done in the best change Street. manner and warranted PORTLAND, ME. All Premiums at State Fair, 1879. J viililiei* Goods! GRAND LODGE CERTIFICATES LAMSON, Can be had at the Grand Secretary’s office, accord­ OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ing to vote of Grand Lodge in 1868. Price $1, (or Artist Photographer, in pocket book form $1.25). The quickest and best way is for Brethren wishing them to apply through Opposite Falmouth Hotel, Engineers’ Supplies. the Secretaries of their respective Lodges. PORTLAND, ME., (Up one flight only.) J. & E. R. BARBOUR, 8 Exchange St. IBA BERBY, Grand Sec’y.