MASONIC TOKEN. WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. VOLUME 2. PORTLAND, MAY 15, 1886. Nq. 36. Marquis F. King, of Portland, was received Published quarterly by Stephen Berry, Grand Master Day read his annual address, No. 37 Plum Street, Portland.I which was an able and interesting paper. He and welcomed as Grand Representative of Twelve cts. per year in advance. Postage reported the death of but one past grand the Grand Lodges of New York and Oregon, prepaid. officer during the year, William Somerby, of and William J. Burnham, of Lewiston, as Advertisements $4.00 per inch, or $3.00 for Ellsworth, who had been Junior Grand Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of half an inch for one year. Warden, and who joined the fraternity in Ohio. No advertisement received unless the advertiser, 1824. He reported the fraternity to be in a An invitation was received from the cen­ or some member of the flrm, is a Freemason in good standing. prosperous condition. He said that the fra­ tennial committee of the city of Portland, in­ ternity of Maine had contributed $436.70 to viting the Grand Lodge to participate in the [The following poem, first published in Vanity celebration of July 5th. The Grand Secre­ Fair, February 9, 1861, was written by one of the relief of the sufferers at the great fire in Maine’s most gallant soldiers. The bravery Galveston, Texas, of which a part was de­ tary was directed to acknowledge the invita­ with which he fought to fulfill his prophecy has made his name a synonym for courage and clined by the Texas committee on account tion with the thanks of the Grand Lodge, and chivalry, but he will not allow us to give it.] of sufficient relief having been received, and to express its regret that it cannot be present. IIAEC FABULA DOCET. this portion was returned to the contributors. The afternoon session was mostly devoted The reports of the committee of finance to an exemplification of the first degree, which A slender vine on an old oak hung, and Grand Treasurer showed a satisfactory was admirably done by Portland Lodge, No. And clasped its scaly rind ; From trunk to top its pennons flung state of the finances. 1, Judson B. Dunbar, Master. And laughed to scorn the wind. The report of the committee on returns Routine business followed, and at 5:45 the And men who passed the way along, showed 20,039 members, an increase of 167 Grand Lodge called off until nine o’clock Admired, and oft would speak, Of the kindly law that gave the strong during the year. The initiates are 644 Thursday morning. To aid and shield the weak. against 748 last year. The deaths are 269 Thursday, May 6th. Indeed it was as fair a sight As :my in the land, against 225 last year. Dropped from mem­ The Grand Lodge called on at nine o’clock To see the puny parasite bership, 167, against 335 last year. A. m. Charters were granted for new lodges Upborne by tree so grand. The gain in the last item is the most sig­ at Strong, to be called Davis Lodge; Spring­ One day the vine in anger said, “ My tendrils I’ll untie— nificant of general improvement. vale, to be called Springvale Lodge. F. E. Alone, aloft I’ll rear my head, And. leave the oak to die.” Resolutions were adopted recognizing the Sleeper of Sabatis was received and welcomed Grand Lodge of South Australia. as representative of the Grand Lodge of Col­ The winds were out; and strong they grew, And hurtled through the air ; At 12:15 the Grand Lodge called off until orado. They whistled and blew, the old oak through, And laid its branches bare. two P. M. The Grand officers were installed by Past Afternoon Session. The tempest ceased ; its rage was o’er ; Grand Master Drummond, the following ap­ The sunbeams gaily shine ; The Grand Lodge called on at two o’clock. pointments having been made: The sturdy oak stood as before— Low lay the lifeless vine. Many more delegates were present who had Cor. Gr. Sec.—William O. Fox, Portland. arrived by the noon trains, 167 lodges being DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. MASONRY IN MAINE. represented, and Albert Moore, of North An­ Cyrus W. Hendricks, Caribou, 1 son, was added to the roll of Past Grand Mas­ James B. Neagle, Lubec, 2 Lincoln H. Leighton, Milbridge, 3 Annual Meetings. ters present. Elisha K. Bowden, Penobscot, 4 GRAND LODGE. Routine business filled the hour until three Albert F. Jackson, Monson, 5 o’clock, the time assigned for the election of William H. Thompson, Bangor, 6 The Grand Lodge of Maine met at 9 o’clock officers, when Past Grand Master Charles I. Loima C. Poor, Searsmont, 7 Tuesday morning, May 4th, Grand Master Oscar Hills, Northport, 8 Collamore was called to the chair and the Fessenden I. Day, presiding. The hall was Herbert L. Shepherd, Rockport, 9 following officers were elected : Samuel L. Miller, Waldoboro, 10 filled and many well known men from all G. Master—Fessenden I. Day, Lewiston. Hadley O. Hawes, Hallowell, 11 parts of the State were present. Of the Past D. G. Master—Frank E. Sleeper, Sabatis. J. Wesley Gilman, Oakland, 12 Grand Masters, there were present, Hiram S. G. Warden—Albro E. Chase, Portland. Columbus S. Mantor, North Anson, 13 Chase, of Belfast, Josiah II Drummond, of J. G. Warden—Benj. Ames, Thorndike. William S. Cotton, Jr., West Bowdoin, 14 G. Treasurer—Frederick Fox, Portland. George S. Woodman, Auburn, 15 Portland, William P. Preble, of Portland, G. Secretary—Ira Berry, Portland. Frank Stanley, Dixfield, 16 David Cargill, of Livermore Falls,, Edward Finance Committee—Oliver Gerrish, Port­ Martin A. Dillingham, Portland, 17 P- Burnham, now of Roxbury, Mass., Chas. land ; S. Clifford Belcher, Farmington; Jud­ Howard Brackett, Cornish, 18 George A. Gilpatric, Kennebunk, 19 I. Collamore, of Bangor, M. F. King, Pojt- son B. Dunbar, Portland. Trustees for three years—A. M. Wether­ Hiram Stevens, Carroll, 20 land, W. R. G. Estes, Skowhegan. The bee, Warren ; E. Howard Vose, Calais. Grand Chaplains—Revs. John Gibson, Na­ venerable Oliver Gerrish, Past Junior Grand A vote of thanks was unanimously passed ples ; Charles C. Vinal, Kennebunk; James Warden, now over 90 years of age, was pres- E. Cochran, Paris; J. H. Little, Skowhegan; to Edmund B. Mallett, Jr., for the gift of a Henry F. Blanchard, Portland; L. H. Bean, ent and active as chairman of the finance free bed in the Maine General Hospital to the Farmington ; A. J. Padelford, Calais ; Marion committee. masonic fraternity of Maine for the current Crosley, Portland. The Grand Lodge was opened with prayer Grand Marshal—Horace H. Burbank, Saco. year. S. G. Deacon—Ben Moore, North Anson. by Grand Chaplain Rev. John Gibson. Wednesday, May 5th. J. G. Deacon—S. Clifford Belcher, Farm­ The committee on credentials reported 140 The Grand Lodge met at two o’clock in ington. out of 184 lodges represented. the afternoon. Grand Stewards—J. Ferd. King, South 282 MASONIC TOKEN MAY 15, 1886 Pans; Alfred S. Kimball, Norway; Alger­ services, and at 11:20 the Grand Chapter G. St. Bearer—W. J. Landers, Gardiner. non M. Roak, Auburn; W. Scott Shorey closed. G. Sw. Bearer—John E. Avery, Augusta. Bath. Grand Warder—Horace H. Burbank, Saco. G. S. Bearer—Wilford J. Fisher, Eastport G. Capt. Guards—W. O Carney, Portland. G. St. Bearer—Charles W. Stetson, Dam­ Grand Lecturer—Frank E. Sleeper, Sabatis. ariscotta. ORDER OF HIGH PRIESTHOOD. At 11:30 the Grand Commandery closed. Grand Pursuivants—Judson B. Dunbar, The Order of High Priesthood met at 11 Portland; Lorenzo L. Shaw, Yarmouth. G. Lecturer—Geo. E. Raymond, Portland. o’clock, Oliver Gerrish presiding. The fol- Grand Organist—Geo. M. Howe, Portland. lowing officers were elected: Scottish rite. G. Tyler—Warren O. Carney, Portland. President—Oliver Gerrish, Portland. The Council of Deliberation A. A. S. R. At 12:35 the Grand Lodge closed. S. V. P.—Josiah H. Drummond, Portland. was held Thursday evening, May 6th, the J.V.P—Edw.P. Burnham, Roxbury, Mass. Treasurer—Levi A. Gray, Portland. Deputy for the State, Marquis F. King, pre­ GRAND CHAPTER. Recorder—Stephen Berry, Portland. siding. The following officers were elected : Master Cer.—H. H. Burbank, Saco. 1st Lieut. Com.—Wm. J. Burnham, Lewis­ The Grand Chapter met Tuesday evening, Conductor—Fessenden I. Day, Lewiston. ton. May 4th, at seven o’clock, Manly G. Trask, Chaplain—Wm. J. Burnham, Lewiston. 2d Lieut. Com.—A. B. Farnham, Bangor. Steward—Albert M. Penley, Auburn. Grand High Priest, presiding. It was opened Min. of State—J. Ambrose Merrill, Port­ Warder—James M. Nevens, Bucksport.’ land. with prayer by Rev. Marion Crosley, Grand Eighteen High Priests from all parts of the Grand Prior—E. Howard Vose, Calais. Chaplain. State were admitted to the order. G. Chancellor—Chas. H. Jumper, Lewiston. Alfred F. Chapman, of Boston, General Grand Treasurer—Wm. 0. Fox, Portland. G. Secretary—John S. Russell, Portland. Grand High Priest of the General Grand Grand Architect—A. B. Marston, Bangor. GRAND COUNCIL. Chapter of the United States, was present to G. Hospitaler—F. T. Faulkner, Turner. make an official visit, and was received and The Grand Council of Royal and Select Grand M. of C.— Wm. C. Mason, Bangor. G. St. Bearer—Albro E. Chase, Portland. welcomed to the Grand Chapter. Masters met at 2 p m., Wednesday, May 5th, G. Capt. Guard—Sam’l F. Bearce, Portland. The committee on credentials reported 37 Grand Master Horace H. Burbank presiding. Grand Sentinel—Wm.
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