The Yellow Book Annual Committee Reports & Resolutions of the

MˆWˆ , Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of the State of Oklahoma together with the Reports of the Grand Secretary & Grand Lecturer & the proposed budget for 2017

November 11th - 12th AˆDˆ 2016 - AˆLˆ 6016

108th Annual Communication Guthrie, Oklahoma MˆWˆ Dudley Ridge Smith Grand Master 2016 Table of Contents

Report of the Grand Secretary...... 6 Report of the Grand Treasurer...... 8 Report of the Grand Lecturer...... 10 Report of the Grand Lecturer concerning the Murrow Monitor. . . 12 Report of the Masonic Charity Foundation of Oklahoma...... 13 Report of the Joint Masonic Fraternal Relations Commission. . . 17 The Order of the Sacred White Buffalo...... 19 Report of the Deputy Grand Lecturers...... 21

Reports of Standing Committees of the Grand Lodge Appeals & Grievances Committee...... 23 Charters and Dispensations...... 24 Constitution and Code Committee...... 25 Finance and Appropriations Committee ...... 26 Proposed Budget - 2017...... 27 Fraternal Correspondence Committee...... 31 Grave Marking Committee...... 35 Masonic Education Committee...... 36 Publications Committee...... 37 Publicity & Public Relations Committee...... 38 Youth Activities Committee...... 39

Reports of Ad Hoc Committees of the Grand Lodge Ch.I.P. Committee...... 41 Vizavance [previously Prevent Blindness] Committee...... 43 Resolutions Resolution #1...... 45 Resolution #2...... 46 Resolution #3...... 47 Resolution #4...... 48 Resolution #5...... 49 Resolution #6A...... 50 Resolution #6B...... 52 Resolution #7...... 53 Resolution #8A...... 54 Resolution #8B...... 55 Resolution #8C...... 56 Resolution #9...... 57 Resolution #10A...... 58 Resolution #10B...... 59 Resolution #11...... 61 Resolution #12...... 63 Resolution #13A...... 64 Resolution #13B...... 65 Resolution #14A & B...... 67

6 “The Yellow Book”

Report of the Grand Secretary

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons Of the State of Oklahoma

Brethren: MˆWˆ Bobby L. Laws I continue to be indebted to the Craft of Oklahoma for the privilege of serving you as your Grand Secretary. I always try to keep the best interests of you, the CRAFT of Oklahoma, on the front burner as I serve you in this office.

I want to offer a special thanks to our Grand Master, Most Worshipful Dudley Ridge Smith and his Wife Carol, for the tremendous job they have done this year. The Grand Master has worked very closely with the Grand Lodge Staff in a most cooperative manner to insure a smooth running ship for the good of Oklahoma Masonry.

Working behind the scenes, Carol has raised enough funds to completely re-upholster the chairs in the Master Mason Room as well as having a beautiful Checkered Pavement installed at the Altar! Our heartfelt thanks to the both of you for your Masonic Labors of Love.

The Trustees have been a joy to work with all year. There has been an outstanding lack of ego. No one has cared who received “credit” for what was accomplished, and because of that plans have been made and programs prepared which will benefit Oklahoma for years to come. While “putting out fires” is a necessary activity for the elected line officers, by far the most important task is to evaluate and plan for the future (if that isn’t done, we may have no future). Each of the Trustees has taken the word “I” out of his vocabulary and replaced it with “WE,” to the benefit of the Craft.

To my very special friend and confidant Most Worshipful Brother James T. Tresner, II, Honorary Past Grand Master and MoH, I continue to be amazed at the Masonic knowledge that you have amassed over the years and your ability to share it with your Brethren whenever the need arises. I thank you for your counsel when I seek your ear and for the many tasks that you do for this office and for the Craft. Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 7

We are very fortunate to have an outstanding staff who continue to do more, with less resources available, to support your needs in the daily operation of your lodge. Oklahoma has one of the best membership records system for our twenty-one plus thousand members that can be found in any jurisdiction. It takes a great deal of work to maintain that records system.

We strive to be available when you call to answer your questions, provide member historical data, fill order requests for the many different forms, request Certificates of Good Standing from other States and a thousand other things that are required in the daily operation of YOUR Grand Lodge. Yvette and Linda continue to go “Above and Beyond” to give you the total support required to keep the wheels of Oklahoma Masonry running smoothly and on track.

Have you ever seen a miracle? I have and I see it almost daily in the performance of my beloved Brother Wˆ Terry Story. There is nothing that he can’t repair or rebuild to an almost new condition. He keeps your Grand Lodge Building running smoothly even though it is sixty-one years old. The grounds are always in impeccable condition and is a showplace to house the history of Oklahoma Masons. Thank you Terry for all that you do for Oklahoma Masonry.

I offer my very special thanks to the Past Grand Masters who have assisted me in making changes to the Grand Lodge Forms. Those changes have made the Lodge Secretaries work easier, and require less time in paperwork.

I also thank the unnamed committee that the Grand Master authorized to develop and implement the Perpetual Path Program. Since January 30 of this year, as of this writing, we have raised 191 PERPETUAL MASTER MASONS from all over the state as well as 147 TRADITIONAL PATH MASTER MASONS.

One of our main goals this year has been to fully implement the Lodge Secretaries Interface Program. This system eliminates over seventy-five percent of the paper required to submit lodge reports and other data as well as saving both your Lodge and Grand Lodge much postage and paper cost. As of this writing 102 Lodge Secretaries have signed on to use this system and 83 of them are actively using it and reporting much satisfaction with being able to report data to this office on a real time basis. In most cases NO MORE PAPER MONTHLY/QUARTERLY REPORTS are needed. Thank you Brother Secretaries for taking on a new change even though some of you did not like it until you tried it. 8 “The Yellow Book”

Brethren you are making huge strides in turning our loss in membership around. The LODGE DRIVEN PROGRAMS in effect now will remain as they are for the foreseeable future. This is a promise from your Board of Trustees. We do not need to reinvent the wheel every year or so. If it’s not “broke” there is no need to fix it.

Thank each of you my Brothers for all that you do for MASONRY. We are our BROTHER’S KEEPER and each one of us plays a vital role in the greatest Fraternity in the world. God bless each of you is my prayer.

Respectively Submitted, Bobby L. Laws, PˆGˆMˆ Grand Secretary

Report of the Grand Treasurer

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Oklahoma:

Looking back over the past three years as your Grand Treasurer, I want to thank Mˆ Wˆ Ronald J. Chambers for appointing me to this position and to you my brethren for electing me these past two years. It is an Honor to serve Masonry in the State of Oklahoma. I feel fortunate in having the opportunity to have a small part in building the financial structure of the Grand Lodge. At the same time I realize that much remains to be done to insure the financial security of our fraternity.

Part of the duties of Grand Treasurer is to receive all securities and funds for investment belonging to the Grand Lodge, and make all investments of Grand Lodge with the approval of the Grand Lodge Trustees. These funds are, l-General Funds, 2-Perpetual Membership Fund, 3-Pension Plan Trust Fund, 4-Deferred Compensation Fund, 5-Building Fund, 6-Museum & Library Fund, 7-Chips Fund. Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 9

The General Funds are always a concern, faced with a declining membership and resultant loss in Per Capita revenue, the Trustees for years have stressed the importance of building up endowed funds to provide enough interest to support our financial needs.

The General Funds as of (July 31, 2016): Stock/Equity investments $385,048.13 Bond Investments $1,048,004.50.

It is important to maintain this fund at the highest level possible to provide interest income to augment the declining Per Capita income. Over the past three years, the Grand Lodge expenses continue raising. Everything from repairs to paper, to utilities; you name it and the cost is going up.

For 2014, the approved budget was $484,000.00. 2015- the approved budget was $437,400.00. 2016 - $418,150.00 a decline over these three years of $68,850.00. As of this writing I do not have the proposed budget for 2017, however we the Craft, keep asking our Trustees to do the same if not more year after year with less!

In my travels throughout the year visiting with the Craft, there continues to be concerns about the Perpetual Endowed Membership Fund . The PEM funds financially, are in great condition. I am pleased to report that the PEM as of (July 31, 2016) has a current Market Value $6,549,442.50. This is an increase in value of $289,600.98 over (August 31,2015) value. These funds are invested with NAPA Capitol Market in Government backed Bonds, returning over 6% interest.

Many Lodges are experiencing limited cash flow from dues income. The purchases of PEM within your Lodges can reduce that dependency. The question comes up, is this still a good investment? My answer is YES! You cannot earn this high of interest anywhere else and is an investment in the future of your Lodge.

The Pension Plan Trust fund, as (July 31, 2016) has total investment of $70,285.73.

The Deferred Compensation Fund, as of (July31, 2016) has total assets of $2,620.04. We currently have two retired employees drawing funds from these two accounts.

The Building Fund has a total investment as of (July 31, 2016) of $279,207.11 The two dollar Per Capita increase approved by the Craft 10 “The Yellow Book” will help build these funds to help keep our beautiful Grand Lodge building for future generations.

The Museum & Library Fund has a total investment as of (July 31, 2016) $220,508.65, as well as property and equipment.

If you have questions concerning any of the Budgeted Funds or PEM Funds you can contact me via email [email protected]

Finally, I thank you the Craft for your confidence in trusting the finance of your Grand Lodge to me! THE PAST IS GLORIOUS THE PRESENT IS POWERFUL THE FUTURE WILL BE WHAT WE CHOOSE TO MAKE IT

Fraternally Submitted, David G. David Grand Treasurer

Report of the Grand Lecturer

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Oklahoma


In submitting to you this, my seventh report as your Grand Lecturer, I want to express my sincere thanks to the Grand Lodge Officers, the Deputy Grand Lecturers, the District Deputy Grand Masters, the Certificate Lecturers, the Office Staff, and the Craft at large for your assistance and support throughout this year.

The Deputy Grand Lecturers have done an outstanding job at the District Schools this year. For the period beginning November 1, 2015 and ending October 31,2016 they have held 27 District Schools for a total of 32 days of instruction, with a total attendance of 368. Also there was one Local Lodge School with a total attendance of 10. As of the time of the writing of this report there are 4 District Schools scheduled before the 2016 Grand Lodge Session with several Districts yet to schedule schools for 2016. Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 11

One new program that has been added this year is the Perpetual Pathway Program which has proven very effective for this Grand Jurisdiction. As of the time of this writing there have been almost 200 Master Masons raised through this program alone. Great job to all the lodges and degree teams who have been a part of this great program.

The Board of Grand Lecturers have held 3 meetings this year with one more before Grand School in November. We also celebrated our 25th “Tough School” in Oklahoma Lodge #4 in Atoka this year with a good crowd and great food. This school is always held on the second Saturday in August; it has been held on that day since it was started. Please put this date on your calendars and plan to attend next year.

I want to thank our Grand Master Most Worshipful Dudley Ridge Smith for an outstanding Board of Grand Lecturers. They have worked diligently to make our schools a great success. Thank you all very much for your support, and allowing me to serve you as your Grand Lecturer.

Respectfully submitted: Ronald E. Wray Grand Lecturer 12 “The Yellow Book” Report of the Grand Lecturer Pertaining to the Oklahoma Murrow Masonic Monitor

The Murrow Masonic Monitor is vital to Oklahoma Masonry because it contains the non-esoteric portions of our ritual; plus various public ceremonies; plus instruction in various matters.

Since the Murrow Masonic Monitor contains portions of our degrees. as well as Masonic ceremonies performed before the public, it is vital that such language be authorized by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge. It appears the 1983 edition of the Murrow Masonic Monitor is the last version approved by the Grand Lodge delegates.

The Monitor has also historically contained optional Oklahoma ritual and public ceremonies. Since 1983, optional public ceremonies have been deleted from later printings. Also, since 1983, new public ceremonies have been developed, but not approved by Grand Lodge delegates.

By this Report. deleted ceremonies in the 1983 Murrow Masonic Monitor are being re-inserted, with the following optional public ceremonies added: 1. Constituting, Consecrating, and Dedicating New Lodges 2. Ceremony for a Cornerstone Grand Lodge A.F. &AM. of Oklahoma 3. Opening a Cornerstone Deposit 4. Dedication of the Oklahoma Exhibit at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial 5. Dedication of a Masonic Memorial or Monument 6. Ritual for the Burning of the Mortgage 7. Ceremony for the Rededication of a Cornerstone 8. Joint Freemasontc and Eastern Star Ceremonies for Commemorative 1001b Anniversary Stones, Companion Stones and Comer Stones

Those adopted ceremonies printed in the 1983 edition that have been subsequently deleted. and are now being re-inserted are as follows: 9. Burial Service 10. Burial Service (optional) 11. Consecrating New Lodges 12. Constituting New Lodges 13. Cornerstone Laying 14. Dedicating Masonic Temples Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 13

15. Dedicating New Lodges 16. Installation Grand Lodge 17. Lodge of Sorrow

Respectfully submitted: Ronald E. Wray Grand Lecturer

Report of the Masonic Charity Foundation of Oklahoma

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Oklahoma:

The Masonic Charity Foundation of Oklahoma is an Oklahoma not for profit corporation formed on July 9, 1930 for the purposes of encouraging charity, benevolence, education and philanthropy. It was created in order that the institutional giving of Oklahoma Freemasonry could be better focused and coordinated. The activities of the Foundation do not replace those of the individual Masons; they merely serve to supplement them.

MANAGEMENT The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of twenty- two members.

The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Oklahoma elects fifteen of the Directors, three each year, for a five year term. There are also three Directors representing the , one from each Valley, three Directors representing the , one from each Grand Body, and one Director from the Order of the Eastern Star. Board members receive no monetary compensation of any kind. The Foundation has a full time staff working in the Edmond office, under the direction of John L. Logan, Executive Director. The following officers were elected to serve for 2016: President — Elwood M. "Ike" Isaacs 1st VP — William J. “Jim” Cloud 2nd VP — Neil A. Stitt Treasurer — Gary A. Davis Secretary — Robert G. Davis 14 “The Yellow Book”

Ass't Sec. — John L. Logan

FINANCIAL The Foundation's 12/31/15 financial report reflects total assets of $87,935,174.11. The 2016 budget projects revenues of $3,746,765 and expenses of $4,550,581.

LODGE MATCHING FUNDS This program was established in 1983 and designed to encourage and support local Lodges in the area of charity by matching local Lodge monetary contributions in the areas of scholarships, local disasters, local charitable causes and local community services. In order to qualify, the Lodge must be actively engaged in raising the money to be matched. In 2002, the amount was raised to $10,000 per year, with the requirement that no more than $7,500 could be used for community needs. The remaining $2,500 could only be used for a needy Brother or his family. In 2007, the community matching funds portion was raised to $10,000, with the $2,500 remaining for Promises Matter matching. In 2015, 216 Lodges used the program in the amount of $1,628,788.55.

PROMISES MATTER The Foundation stands ready to assist those Lodges and OES Chapters in caring for their needy members through matching funds or direct grants. Each Lodge or Chapter is in the best position to know which of its members need assistance. Lodges may use their entire $12,500 allotment of matching funds for Promises Matter activities. The Foundation can be contacted immediately on a toll free number, 1-877-5- Masons, if a member is discovered whose needs are beyond the ability of the Lodge or Chapter. In 2015, 20 different Lodges and 6 OES Chapters participated with grants totaling $105,255.61. The average grant was $3,395.

PUBLIC PARTNERSHIPS The Foundation works with other organizations to achieve worthwhile goals and make Masonic charity more visible across the State of Oklahoma.

Partners in Prevention is a partnership with Vizavance [formerly Prevent Blindness Oklahoma]. Lodges statewide sponsor vision and glaucoma screenings, targeting the young and the elderly. The Foundation funded the project in the amount of $180,000 in 2015 and has budgeted $180,000 for 2016. During the 2015-2016 school term 365,156 children were screened for vision problems and 36,368 or 9.95% were referred for professional follow-up. Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 15

Oklahoma Educational Television Authority - Better known as OETA, received a combined total of $54,485.50 from 169 lodges with matching funds from the Foundation. Our contribution allows us to sponsor four of the most popular programs of public television, the OETA Movie Club, Nature, This Old House and Antiques Road Show.

Senior Essay Contest - During the 2015-2016 school term 1,324 essays were submitted through 88 Lodges. Local school winners were recognized with certificates for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in both boys and girls divisions. Statewide winners were selected from these and 10 in both boys and girls divisions were recognized with cash prizes totaling $13,700 in 1st through 10th places.

The Oklahoma State Department of Education - Our support for public education was demonstrated in five statewide programs.

The Oklahoma State Teacher of the Year program honors teachers who make outstanding contributions in the public education of our youth. The State Teacher of the Year is awarded a check for $5,000, the State Teacher of the Year's school district receives $5,000, each of the eleven finalists receives a check for $1,000 and each of the Rising Star award recipients receives $500. Each local Teacher of the Year receives a framed certificate of appreciation.

The Student of Today Award is a program that encourages outstanding performance in students of all grade levels by recognizing exemplary students. Each recipient is presented a certificate, usually by a local Mason, at their schools awards assembly or some Lodges host banquets for the winners. In 2016, the Foundation prepared 2,385 certificates for presentation by 173 participating Lodges.

The Teacher of Today Award program is used by Freemasonry in Oklahoma to say "thanks" to those hundreds of teachers across our state that makes a daily difference in the lives of our children. Each teacher receives a certificate presented by the local Lodge. It is a small token to express our appreciation to these men and women who carry the burden of the future on their shoulders. In 2016 the Foundation prepared 764 certificates for presentation by 167 participating Lodges.

The State Superintendent's Awards for Arts Excellence recognize the fifty top high school seniors in the visual and performing arts in our state. In addition, the top school administrators and school board members are honored during a prestigious formal reception at the Guthrie Scottish Rite Temple. The students are presented medals by the Grand Master and State Superintendent of Education. 16 “The Yellow Book”

Higher Education Endowments at the state's publicly supported universities and colleges has now reached a total of $2,150,000.

Endowments in the amount of $500,000 and $250,000 each have been established at Oklahoma State University and the University of Oklahoma, respectively.

Endowments of $100,000 each were established at 11 regional universities in Oklahoma - Northwestern Oklahoma State University, East Central University, Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, University of Central Oklahoma, Northeastern State University, Oklahoma Panhandle State University, East Central University of Science and Arts (USAO), Cameron University, Langston University, and Rogers State University.

Endowments of $50,000 each have been established at eight colleges- Murray State, Redlands Community, Northern Oklahoma, Tulsa Community Northeastern A&M, Oklahoma City Community. The 2016 endowments were established at Rose State and Eastern Oklahoma State.

The Payne Education Center is a non-profit organization established in 1984 and since 1996 the Foundation has supported their efforts in training Oklahoma teachers. The Payne Education Center will utilize the $42,500.00 grant provided by the Foundation by subsidizing the training expenses of Oklahoma teachers attending workshops at Payne Education Center. Cost of those attending the Introductory Structured Multisensory Language Foundations will be offset by 20%. For those teachers attending the Advanced or second year of training, costs will be offset by 90%. For 2016, the Foundation budgeted $42,500 for this program.

Senior Assistance Program - Through an agreement with the Oklahoma Area Agencies on Aging, a division of the Department of Human Services, $768,571.55 was given in December 2015 to assist needy Oklahomans aged 55 and over with services not covered by existing government programs during calendar year 2016. These eleven agencies can be accessed by calling 1-800-211-2116 or at

Foundation Activities A report of the Foundation activities including its audited financial statements is made annually to the MW Grand Lodge of Oklahoma and is Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 17 printed in its annual proceedings. Additional information can also be found at the Foundation's website

Speaking on behalf of the all our board members and staff, it is a great honor to serve the Fraternity through the Foundation and to participate in this important work.

Respectfully submitted,

Elwood M. "Iken Isaacs, President (284)

Report of the Joint Masonic Fraternal Relations Commission

To the 2016 Officers and Members of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of the State of Oklahoma

In 2004, our Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Session and the 2005 Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Session each adopted a written Compact, agreeing:

to establish and implement a simple form of Masonic recognition;

to provide for successful coexistence;

to ensure a continuing harmonious relationship;

to promote Masonry in general;

to have a mutual regard for the right of each Grand Lodge to retain its absolute and supreme sovereignty;

to memorialize the legitimate right of each to exist and operate within the geographic bounds of the State of Oklahoma; 18 “The Yellow Book”

and, to secure the blessings of the Grand Architect of the Universe.

Additionally, the above Compact established the Joint Masonic Fraternal Relations Commission (JMFRC), composed of three (3) members from each Grand Lodge who are knowledgeable of the history of the Compact. These members are to meet to consider and make recommendations concerning issues, conflicts, disputes or questions arising out of the Compact.

In 2008 the Compact was amended by both Grand Lodges to permit tiled visitation among the constituent Lodges of both Grand Lodges.

As of this writing, the JMFRC has held twenty-one meetings since its creation. It is our pleasure to inform this Grand Lodge Session there have been absolutely no conflicts or disputes arising from this Compact between our two Grand Lodges.

The JMFRC notes that, prior to the 2008 amendment, most work between the two Grand Lodges was done at the Grand Master level and JMFRC level. With visitations now occurring between constituent lodges of both jurisdictions, the interaction between our two Grand Lodges has moved to the lodge level. This makes it especially important that all constituent lodges of our Most Worshipful Grand Lodge observe the Protocol for Visitation, namely a) notification of visitation in advance, b) adhere to dress code of lodge being visited, c) be examined by the lodge you are visiting, and d) examine the brother’s dues card. These elements of fraternal protocol will generate good relations between the lodges who are experiencing visitation.

Our Grand Master and other Grand Lodge leaders continue to be received at the annual Prince Hall Grand Lodge Session with a maximum of fraternal courtesy and respect. Our Grand Lodge appreciates these genuine displays of brotherly love and affection.

The JMFRC continues to believe, that after Recognition and Visitation, our next step in establishing good fraternal relations between Grand Lodges is sponsoring some joint non-tiled events.

The Commission believes that when members from each Grand Lodge attend such an event, they will get to know each other and become friends. Those friendships will well serve both our Grand Lodges. Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 19

To begin such joint meetings, the Prince Hall Grand Lodge has invited selected A.F. & A.M. leaders to attend their Americanism Day in Oklahoma City in September. At this annual church service, the leaders from each branch of Masonry attend in full regalia of their branch, along with their spouses. As of this writing A.F. & A.M. leaders are being invited.

All Masons in both Grand Lodges were deeply saddened with the death in June of Mrs. Esther P. Vaughn, wife of P.H.A. Grand Master, Deary Vaughn. She was the seated Grand Worthy Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star, P.H.A. in Oklahoma. All JMFRC members, plus our Past Grand Master Beisly and Deputy Grand Master Allison, attended her Celebratory Worship Service.

Respectfully submitted,

Ronald S. Coppedge, Chairman Ronald J. Chambers Joe R. Manning, Jr.

The Order of the Sacred White Buffalo

The Order of the Sacred White Buffalo held its annual Pow Wow on Saturday 13 August 2016 in the Grand Lodge building in Guthrie, Oklahoma. Registration began at 10:30 A.M. We had a total of 86 members and candidates register for the annual gathering of the Tribe. At noon, as in the past, a delicious catered meal was enjoyed by all. 84 meals were served at a cost of $1,236.90.

At 1:00 P.M. all candidates and members gathered in the Master Mason Room for the Degree and Business meeting. The Chief of the Tribe, Brother David Dill welcomed all present and led the opening Flag Salute, the tribe Shaman gave the prayer. Wˆ Dr. James T. Tresner II, MOH and Past Chief gave a very interesting introduction about Masonry and the Native American tradition.

At this point the World Renowned Oklahoma Masonic Indian Degree Team entered in full regalia and took their positions. The team then did a 20 “The Yellow Book” very special song flag salute and an Indian opening prayer accompanied by the Tribal drum. The team then proceeded with the conferral of the degree. There were 11 candidates present for the degree which was presented in an outstanding manner.

At this point the annual business meeting was conducted under the direction of our Chief, Worshipful Brother David Dill. The minutes of the previous meeting (8 August 2015) was summarized and approved. The Keeper of the Wampum reported the Endowed White Buffalo Fund to be $96,745.00 as of 30 June, 2016. The Chief then called for the election of officers for the ensuing year and asked for the report of the nomination committee composed of W. Brothers James T. Tresner II, MOH, C. W. "Corky Grigsby" and M.W. Ron Chambers. Brother Chambers reporting for the committee announced the following nominations: Chief of the Tribe...... Mike Dixon Senior Warrior...... Dallas Fortney Junior Warrior...... Stanley Pospisil, M0 H Keeper of the Wampum...... Yvette Story Scribe...... Bobby L. Laws, PˆGˆMˆ Shaman...... Gloria Fortney Keepers of the Talking Smoke...... Guy & Toni Brigman & Ron Chambers, PˆGˆMˆ MOH TribaI Lookout...... Thomas GaIbraith

Trustees: C. W. "Corky" Grigsby, Jr., Past Chief...... 1 Years John G. Hibbs, Sr. MOH, Past Chief...... 2 Years David Dill, Past Chief...... 3 Years

There being no further nominations the above members were elected by acclamation. The Grand Master MˆWˆ Dudley Ridge Smith, at the request of the Tribal Chief then installed the officers. He then introduced his Grand Lodge Officers that were present including the (3) Medal of Honor Brothers that were in attendance. The Grand Master thanked all present for their attendance and making contributions to the Grand Lodge building fund through our White Buffalo endeavors. The out-going Chief Brother David Dill, and the Grand Master with the Deputy Grand Master, Senior Grand Warden and the Junior Grand Warden then presented Member Certificates and pins to the 11 candidates, 5 of whom had purchased Family Perpetuals and individual Perpetuals.

The team then did a special tribute to all the United States Armed Forces Veterans present and a special dance with several of the ladies and Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 21 veterans. Wˆ Brother Butch Mcintosh did his very special Hoop Dance and an explanation of tribal dress which was enjoyed by all. Sister Gloria Fortney, member of the team and Perpetual Member of the Tribe, gave the Lord's Prayer in Indian Sign language accompanied by verbal music. The Tribal Chief then closed the gathering in due form with peace and harmony prevailing.

The degree team stayed in their regalia for a period of time for pictures to be made with the team for those that desired. Many members took advantage of this opportunity. One group picture of the team with all new members was made.

Bobby L. Laws, PˆGˆMˆ Scribe

Report of the Deputy Grand Lecturers

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Oklahoma


For the period beginning November 11, 2015 and ending October 31,2016 the Deputy Grand Lecturers have held 30 District Schools of Instruction for a total of 35 days of instruction with a total attendance of 390. There was one Local Lodge School with an attendance of 10.

As of September 2016 we have had 3 meetings of the Board of Grand Lecturers with one more to held the Tuesday before Grand School starts in November.

The Board of Grand Lecturers did not have any exemplifications this year, but they did help with the program started by Grand Master Smith on giving the 2nd and 3rd explanatory lecturers of the Entered Apprentice and Master Mason degrees. This program was held on the 5th Wednesday of the months that had them in nine different lodge locations throughout the state. Thanks to all the Deputies and Certificate Lecturers who helped with this important event. 22 “The Yellow Book”

Grand Master Smith started the Assistant program back up which is a big help to the Deputy Grand Lecturers. This year Steve Peters, Delbert Wilson, and Larry Duran were appointed assistants. This year we have also had two new Deputy Grand Lecturers added. They are Edward Beccera, and David Dill. They have all done a great job this year in this very important task of teaching our Masonic ritual.

The Board of Grand Lecturers are here to serve the craft in any way we can, so please call at anytime if you need help in degree work, or just to ask a question.

Respectfully submitted:

The Board of Grand Lecturers RˆWˆRonald E. Wray GL Chariman Bill Crisler DGL Donald Wray DGL Bobby Peters DGL MˆWˆ Glenn Almy DGL M.W. Ronnie Coppedge DGL Carl Shelton DGL Ben Steddum DGL Artie Staggs DGL Buddy Vaughn DGL Keith Madden DGL David Dill DGL Edward Beccera DGL

Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 23 Reports of the Standing Committees of the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma

Report of the Committee on Appeals & Grievances

To The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Oklahoma

Most Worshipful Grand Master and Brethren:

The Committee on Appeals and Grievances is pleased to report that as of the writing, no issues have been referred to us for our review.

Should our services be needed after this report has been submitted, a supplemental report will be given at the next Grand Lodge session.

We thank the Grand Master for giving us the opportunity to be of service to the brethren of this Grand Jurisdiction.

Respectfully Submitted:

Johnny D. Onkst, PˆGˆMˆ, Chairman Wˆ Dallas L. Fortney - Member Wˆ Alan P. Pfeiffer, Jr. - Member 24 “The Yellow Book” Report of the Committee on Charters & Dispensations

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons Of the State of Oklahoma

Most Worshipful Master and Brethren,

We, the Committee on Charters and Dispensations, are honored to have been asked to serve the Fraternity in this capacity and thank you for the opportunity.

As of this report for 2016, there have not been any requests for Dispensations of new Lodges or any Charters arrested.

All other Dispensations were reviewed and approved at the quarterly Jurisprudence meetings.

We owe our thanks to the Grand Secretary who supplied the Charters and Dispensations Committee with copies and the records in accordance with Article VI, Section 601 C.

Respectively submitted,

Ronald Jack Chambers PˆGˆMˆ (MoH) Chairman (425) Allan Dale Large PˆGˆMˆ (545) Buddy Michael Wood PˆGˆMˆ (537) Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 25 Report of the Committee on the Constitution and Code

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Oklahoma

Most Worshipful Grand Master and Brethren,

The Constitution and Code Committee is pleased to report that six (6) Resolutions were presented to the Grand Lodge Body for consideration. Of those numbers 1,3,4 and 6 did not receive the required number of votes to become law. The following Resolutions were passed and have been properly entered in the Constitution and Code of this Most Worshipful Grand Lodge.

Change Record for 2015

Changes posted 9 Dec., 2015

Page Section Para. Comment or Change effect Change Source 45 608 B Change requirements for Resolution #7 Monthly Reports to quarterly if there is no membership activity.

72 U 401 Changes times a petition must Resolution #2 lay over before a vote may be taken.

NOTE: This Committee is pleased to report that both the 2015 Constitution and Code update pages and a current complete 2015 Constitution and Code are now posted on the Grand Lodge website for use by the craft.

We thank the Most Worshipful Grand Master for the opportunity to be of service to the craft. We wish to again offer a special thanks to Yvette Story and Wˆ Brother John Church for their third year of providing many hours of coordinating and typing the changes which were printed and mailed to the lodges prior to December 31, 2015.

Respectfully Submitted,

Glenn E. Almy, Chairman PˆMˆ (515) Randall L. Rogers, Member PˆMˆ (96) Bobby L. Laws, Member PˆMˆ (62) 26 “The Yellow Book” Report of the Committee on Finance & Appropriations

Brethren All,

It has been a pleasure to serve as your Finance Committee Chairman for the past year. The Committee has worked diligently to approve this budget and we believe it gives accurate numbers for the year.

This budget is a guide for the year however, there maybe unforeseen circumstances that can affect any category.

I wish to personally thank each member of the committee for their time and attention to this budget. They have served the Grand Lodge Finance Committee well and will undoubtedly enjoy continued success.

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Steve Guerrero - Chairman Charles L. Stuckey, PˆGˆMˆ - Member John L Logan - Member Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 27

Proposed Budget - 2017 28 “The Yellow Book” Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 29 30 “The Yellow Book” Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 31 Report of the Committee on Fraternal Correspondence

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons Of the State of Oklahoma

Most Worshipful Grand Master, Distinguished Grand East, and Brethren all:

Your Committee on Fraternal Correspondence appreciates the opportunity to serve our Grand Lodge and strives to protect the integrity of the Grand Lodge recognition process dedicated to insuring recognition of only those Grand Lodges that meet the standards for recognition; thus preventing our recognizing illegitimate Grand Lodges being formed around the world. This report is based on our review of: Foreign Correspondence received from Grand Lodges requesting recognition, reports of the Commission on Information for Recognition and related correspondence received.

Recommendation for Recognition BULGARIA

There has been great progress in the unification of Freemasonry in Bulgaria. Our Grand Lodge pulled recognition of the United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria (UGLB) in 2011 as the Grand Masters Conference on Information and Recognition Commission surfaced a violation of regular Recognition Standards. (Namely: NO.2. Exclusive Territorial Jurisdiction, except by mutual consent and/or treaty.)

The Information and Recognition Commission now reports that after many years of negotiations, the Grand Lodge AF&AM of Bulgaria became part of the United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria (UGLB) on June 20, 2015 and the Commission congratulated the UGLB on this monumental accomplishment, 15 years in the making.

Therefore the committee recommends that recognition be restored to the United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria (UGLB) and that we reinstate the Grand Representative protocol to that Grand Lodge. 32 “The Yellow Book”


The Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas, F. & A. M. letter of solicitation dated May 5, 2016 was received with ample supporting statements requesting recognition from the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma. Their request has been endorsed by the Oklahoma Joint Masonic Fraternal Relations Commission which validated their legitimacy i.e., they are included in the Prince Hall Affiliate Grand Masters Conference website and that no tangential issues exist with the Oklahoma P. H. A. Grand Lodge. Therefore, the committee recommends that recognition be approved for the Prince Hall Affiliated Grand Lodge of Texas, F. & A. M. and that the Grand Secretary notify their Grand Lodge accordingly.

To address the status of Prince Hall Grand Lodges recognition:


As a ready reference for the benefit of all, a repeat of the information provided in the 2015 Grand Lodge proceedings follows:

The North American Grand Masters Conference 'Commission on Information for Recognition' report for 2015 includes the web site information for all PHA Grand Lodges belonging to its Conference of Prince Hall Grand Masters. It can be accessed on line at '' .

Their web site provides the link to its Prince Hall Conference of Grand Masters membership directory.

As the directory identifies its member PHA Grand Lodges' jurisdiction and contact information for the Grand Master seated among his peers in their Conference of Grand Masters, the directory is considered the authoritative source for verifying a Prince Hall Masons' right of visitation for out of state visiting Prince Hall Masons in Oklahoma.

Request For Recognition Denied PARAGUAY

A second Grand Lodge of Paraguay was established and consecrated March 14, 2015, with the same name as the one we recognize. Its Grand Master is Benigno Villasanti who has petitioned for recognition. This Grand Lodge does not meet the standards for recognition, as reported in the North American Grand Masters Conference 2016 Commission on Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 33

Information and Recognition report. Therefore, the committee recommends that the recognition request for this Grand Lodge be denied and the Grand Secretary so inform their Grand Secretary accordingly.


The Grand Lodge of Estonia, F. & A. M., advised they were established in 1999 and requested we begin mutual recognition discussions. No information was found about them from the Commission on Information and Recognition website, the 2015 Masonic List of Lodges, nor the P. H. A. Grand Lodge Directory.

The committee recommends our response to its Grand Secretary be that the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma only recognizes Grand Lodges that meet the criteria for recognition established by the Conference of North American Grand Masters' Commission on Information and Recognition and give them their address.

Recommendations for Withdrawal of Recognition None

FOR YOUR INFORMATION Grand Lodges of the District of Columbia and California

On March 7, 2016, the Grand Lodges of the District of Columbia and California suspended fraternal relations with the Grand Lodge of Georgia and the Grand Lodge of (because these latter Grand Lodges forbid same-sex marriage among Masons within their jurisdictions); thus imposing their standards of social morals on Georgia and Tennessee Masons for recognition. The effect is Georgia and Tennessee masons are now forbidden by these Grand Lodges to attend any masonic functions within their (District of Columbia and California) jurisdictions.

The Committee on Fraternal Relations uses the Standards of Recognition as established by the Conference of Grand Masters of North America Committee on Information and Recognition for recognition. These standards are limited to: legitimacy of origin; exclusive territorial jurisdiction; and adherence to the Ancient Landmarks of Belief in God, use of a in Lodge and forbidding discussion of politics and religion in Lodge. Unless these Standards of Recognition are breached the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma does not engage in activities seen as judging the internal affairs of another recognized sovereign foreign jurisdiction and continues to recognize the Grand Lodges of 34 “The Yellow Book”

California, District of Columbia, Georgia, and Tennessee and thereby enable Oklahoma Masons to continue to enjoy fraternal interactions with these jurisdictions.

Grand Lodges of Albania and Serbia

By letter of July 14, 2016, the Grand Lodge of Albania (GLA) advised that the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia (RGLS) has withdrawn recognition of their Grand Lodge (after rejecting the Belgrade Initiative of June 6, 2015, which was signed by Grand Master Ranko Vujacic of Serbia and Grand Master Orner Koker of Turkey, along with nine others). In their effort to find a lasting fraternal solution the Grand Lodge of Albania now solicits the support of those Grand Lodges that recognize them. The Grand Lodge of Oklahoma recognized all grand lodges involved: Grand Lodge: GLT since 1967, RGLS since 1996 and 2015 for GLA.

After confirming all Grand Lodges still meet the Standards of Recognition, no just reason exist to withdraw our recognition and conclude that as the issues involve the jurisdictions of Turkey, Albania, and Serbia we see this as a matter that can only be solved by the principals involved. Therefore, the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma remains neutral hoping they find a quick solution for the good of Masonry in the area.

2017 List of Lodges, Masonic Edition Statements

Contingent on this committee report being approved during the Grand Lodges annual communication the following statement will be submitted for inclusion in the 2017 List of Lodges - Masonic placed at the end of the Oklahoma Grand Lodge List of Lodges.


In addition to the Grand Lodges listed in the Table of Contents of this book the Grand Lodge of the State of Oklahoma recognizes the following: Albania, Andorra, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Honduras, Lithuania, Latvia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovakia and Slovenia; and Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oklahoma and Maryland.

The Grand Lodge of the State of Oklahoma does not maintain sovereign relationship with the following Grand Lodges included in this publication: Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 35

Azerbaijan, Grande Oriente Do Brasil, Brazil: Alagoas, Amapa; Bulgaria, Columbia: Los Andes, Oriental Cucuta Santander; Gabon, Haiti, Cote d'Ivoire, Mexico: Baja, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Vaile; San Marino, Togolaise, Ukraine; and Prince Hall Grand Lodges in California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, and New York.

Respectfully Submitted, Robert T. Shipe, PˆGˆMˆ, Chairman Don Henry Stanton, PˆMˆ, Member Bobby L. Laws, PˆGˆMˆ, Member

Report of the Committee on Grave Marking

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Oklahoma Most Worshipful Grand Master and Brethren: The task of the Grave Marking Committee is to be certain that the final places of repose of the Grand Masters of Indian Territory, the Grand Masters of Oklahoma Territory, the Grand Masters of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Oklahoma, and other Masonic notables are identified and maintained in a dignified and respectful condition.

Death is the common lot of mankind, but as Freemasons we are taught to view his approach without fear, but rather as that of a friend who ushers us into the more immediate presence of the Deity. We honor, but do not mourn, those who have gone before us. Their monuments here on earth, be they carved into stone never so hard and durable, will ultimately crumble into the dust—but the effects of their good deeds and works are immortal.

We are happy to report that their memorials here are identified and in good condition, and we wish to thank Mˆ Wˆ Dudley Ridge Smith for giving us this opportunity of service.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Warren McConnell, Chairman 36 “The Yellow Book” Report of the Committee on Masonic Education

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Oklahoma

Most Worshipful Grand Master and Brethren:

I am happy to report that Masonic Education is active in our State. The Grand Lodge offers four correspondence courses which cover the Constitution and Code, general Masonic information, more advanced information, and symbolism. A course is being prepared over the history of the ritual. It will use as its text the Wˆ Robert G. Davis essay which is included on the “Freemasonry on a Stick” flash drive material.

The Grand Lodge issues a certificate for the successful completion of each correspondence course, and several have been issued this year.

At the request of Grand Master Smith a Masonic Mentoring program is available on the Grand Lodge web site. It contains excellent information and a program by which Lodges can establish mentoring programs.

This year a Masonic education DVD on the Entered Apprentice Degree and a second one on the Fellowcraft Degree have been prepared for use with the Perpetual Path Program conferrals. A DVD on the Master Mason Degree is in preparation.

We anticipate additional courses and are exploring ways in which technology can be used to spread Masonic education more widely.

Respectfully submitted, Jim Tresner, MoH, Hon PGM, Chairman Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 37 Report of the Committee on Publications

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Oklahoma

Most Worshipful Grand Master and Brethren:

The primary activity of the committee this year has been in the preparation of materials for the Lodge Leadership workshop, the DDGM workshop, and other such activities.

More and more publication is being done “in-house” as a cost-saving measure, and we are making every effort to be sure that quality does not suffer as a result.

Publications have also included materials from the Perpetual Path Program as well as educational materials and brochures. We thank Grand Master Smith for the opportunity to be of service.

(For the committee) Jim Tresner 38 “The Yellow Book”

Report of the Committee on Publicity & Public Relations

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Oklahoma

The majority of the publicity in 2016 was generated by the actions of the Charity Foundation and the Lodges together. An example is the very good publicity we have received on television by virtue of the matching of public donations to the Food Bank programs.

Another excellent source of publicity and good public relations is the relationship now getting started between Oklahoma Freemasonry and the State FFA Foundation. Through this program the Lodges will make donations through the Foundation, which will be matched and will assist in creating a Masonic scholarship endowment through FFA.

We congratulate the Lodges which have made use of their Matching Funds. Such local public awareness is the most effective kind possible.

Respectfully submitted, Jim Tresner, MoH, Hon. PGM, Chairman Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 39 Report of the Committee on Youth Activity

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Oklahoma

Oklahoma's Masonic Youth are alive and well!

During Grand Master Smith's term, all 3 have experienced growth, performed service for those in the Oklahoma communities where we all work and live, and have represented our Masonic Family in the best possible fashion.

While Job's Daughters, DeMolay and Rainbow each have their own incredibly full calendars, they manage to take the time to support one another, share their successes and good fortune with each other, and do a great job supporting our local lodges, and the other appendant and affiliated bodies that call Oklahoma home.

Among the highlights of the past 12 months one has to look at the leadership talent represented by those who lead their respective Order, and recognize that Miss Hayley Grigsby demonstrated her talents and leadership at the Supreme Bethel Session this summer and came within just a hair's width of representing Oklahoma at the International Miss Job's Daughter competition.

During this same time, Brother Braden Zimmerman, Oklahoma's Junior Past State Master Councilor, was elected to serve DeMolay International as the International Master Councilor, and Miss Mekaila Carey, the Junior Past Grand Worthy Advisor for Oklahoma Rainbow, served as the Acting Supreme Worthy Advisor at the International Supreme Assembly Session for Rainbow. That is the standard for our Oklahoma Masonic Youth!

On top of that, Dad Ron Minshall, Executive Officer for the Oklahoma DeMolay Association, was elected to the office of Grand Senior Councilor for DeMolay International, and is on track to lead DeMolay International as the Grand Master beginning in June 2017.

If that wasn't enough, the current State Master Councilor, Brennan Parken, Hayley Grigsby, Miss Oklahoma Job's Daughter, and Kendra 40 “The Yellow Book”

Beedle, Grand Worthy Advisor, organized a "back to school bash" between the three bodies at Frontier City Amusement Park in Oklahoma City, with over 100 youth turning out for the event, along with our very own Grand Master, MˆWˆ Ridge Smith, in attendance. A great way to end the summer as they each go off and begin another school year providing service for another year. The year is always highlighted by the Frank Marshall Tournament of Champions ritual competition in Arlington, Texas, the Masonic Tri-Youth Christmas Dance at the Guthrie Scottish Rite Center, and attending the annual communications for the Oklahoma Order of the Eastern Star, the Oklahoma Amaranth Grand Court, and the Oklahoma Grand Lodge Session.

Each Order has been busy all year long raising funds for their respective state and local service projects. DeMolay selected "Relay for Life" as its annual project a few years ago and also supports the L.V. Orton Scholarship program in conjunction with the Grand Lodge Trustees selecting the recipient. Oklahoma Job's Daughters do a great job each year raising funds at the state level in support of "H.I.K.E." (Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment). The Oklahoma Rainbow Girls raised funds to support their state service project of making some much needed repairs and updating to the "Oklahoma Room" at the Supreme Rainbow Temple in MCAlester, Oklahoma, and have begun the new year supporting "Make-A-Wish" Foundation. While each has been busy at the state level raising funds, local DeMolay Chapters, Job's Bethels, and Rainbow Assemblies have supported local civic and charitable projects of all shapes and sizes. Leadership and public service for the sake of helping others; not a bad combination!

Toni Tomlinson, Supreme Deputy for Oklahoma Job's Daughters, Worshipful Ron Minshall, Executive Officer for Oklahoma DeMolay, and Worshipful Brian Pierson, Supreme Inspector for Oklahoma Rainbow Girls, are each blessed with an outstanding group of adult advisors and volunteers, but there is always room for more to serve and work with this outstanding group of Oklahoma's finest young men and women.

We are especially thankful for the support of time, talent and finances provided to all 3 Youth Orders by our lodges, their leadership, and the Oklahoma Grand Lodge. It is truly a great place to be a Mason, and a member of the Oklahoma Masonic Youth Orders.

Respectfully submitted,

Brian W. Pierson, Chairman Ron Minshall, Member Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 41 Reports of the Ad Hoc Committees of the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma

Report of the Child Identification Program Committee — ChˆIˆPˆ

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Oklahoma

Most Worshipful Grand Master and Brethren:

I want to take this opportunity to thank Mˆ Wˆ Grand Master Dudley Ridge Smith for appointing me as Chairman of the ChˆIˆPˆ Committee for the year 2016.

The Committee this year is Glynn L. McCoy, Jr., Broken Arrow #243, Chairman, John L. Spurgeon, Vinita #5, and Robert Ellison, El Reno #50.

Lodges hosting a Ch.I.P. event during the period 9/1/2015 to 8/31/2016

Lodge Name & Number Date Event # of Children Marlow #103...... 9/11/15. . . Bry-Doyle School...... 133 Mount Scott #540...... 9/11/15. . . Cops & Kids Day...... 178 Broken Arrow #243...... 9/21&9/22. Inola Elem. School...... 21 Norman #38...... 9/26/15. . . Touch a Truck...... 55 Broken Arrow #243...... 10/1 & 2/15.Aspen Creek ECLC...... 101 Broken Arrow #243...... 10/5 & 6/15.Arrow Springs ECLC...... 51 Broken Arrow #243...... 10/7 & 8/15.Park Lane ECLC...... 84 Broken Arrow #243...... 10/10/15. . Multi Birth Children...... 25 Broken Arrow #243...... 10/12 & 13/15 Creekwood ECLC...... 149 El Reno #50...... 10/26/15. . Maple School...... 51 Vinita #5...... 11/4/15. . . Hali-Halsell School...... 116 Triangle #548...... 11/16/15. . Geronimo Elem. School...... 47 42 “The Yellow Book”

Hobart #198...... 11/17/15. . Lone Wolf School...... 50 El Reno #50...... 12/08/15. . Calumet School...... 93 Vinita #5...... 1/13 & 14/16 Will Rogers School...... 108 Miami #140...... 3/28/16. . . Rockdale Elem. School...... 35 Miami #140...... 3/28/16. . . Washington Elem. School...... 25 Miami #140...... 4/5/16. . . . Roosevelt Elem. School...... 49 Miami #140...... 4/5/16. . . . Wilson Elem. School...... 29 Garfield #501...... 5/11/16. . . Hillsdale School...... 12 Will Rogers #53...... 6/4/16. . . . Indian Hosp. Health...... 36 Broken Arrow #243...... 8/6/16. . . . Broken Arrow Bash...... 76 Moore #539...... 8/9/16. . . . Moore Library...... 38

9/1/2013 9/1/2014 9/1/2015 8/31/2014 8/31/2015 8/31/2016 Total Participating Lodges 6 9 12 Total Events 16 25 29 Total # of Children Processed 1,090 1,653 1,562

Total Revenue invoiced to Lodges $5,450.00 $8,265.00 $7,810.00

I am happy to announce that in cooperation with the Grand Masters, Trustees, and ChˆIˆPˆ Commitee since January, 2014, we have replaced all of the old computer systems. The Grand Lodge ChˆIˆPˆ fund purchased 8 of the systems. Two were donated by Vinita Lodge #5 and the Cresap Family Foundation. One was donated by Class 56 B USAF OCS of which I am a member.

A great big thank you to Robert Ellison for filling in for me at the Moore Library event on August 9, 2016. He did an outstanding job. The wife and I had to miss the event due to a little medical problem that resulted in me spending a few days in the hospital.

We are off to a good start for the new period. The following events are planned. 9/10/16 Lawton Cops and Kids Day; 8/24/16 Norman Touch a Truck; 10/1/16 Waynoka School; 10/4/16 Inola School; 10/10/16 Walters School; 10/11/16 Randlett School, morning – Temple School in the afternoon; and 10/12/16 Geronimo School. The last two weeks of October, we will be at 4 Broken Arrow Early Learning Centers—two days at each Center. Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 43

We continue to need more Lodges to participate in the program. If you need more information contact one of the committee members and we will get the information to you.

Respectfully and fraternally submitted,

Glynn L. McCoy, Jr., Chairman

Report of the Vizavance [previously Prevent Blindness] Committee To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Oklahoma

Most Worshipful Grand Master Smith and Brethren:

I would like to start by thanking all the masons, their wives and friends who have volunteered and donated their time to help with screening our Oklahoma children.

Through your support, the children of Oklahoma are being properly tested to make certain they have healthy eyesight.

The state screeners and masons, collectively, have screened 365,156 children, with only 36,368 having to be referred for further testing. This continued reduction in doctor referrals reflects a more accurate screening due to our continued support and the use of “high tech” cameras which our masonic family has most generously donated.

Of the 221 Masonic Lodges in the state, we had 190 active lodges with 1,567 masons volunteering. If you Lodge is not participating, please give Vizavance a call at 405-848-7123. Let them know that you would like to support them by volunteering during the 2017 44 “The Yellow Book” school year. During 2016, masons attended and assisted at 86% of the screenings. It would be good to be able to improve on that percentage.

For those who have not yet heard, Prevent Blindness Oklahoma has changed its name to Vizavance. The same people are in charge of the organization and the same programs are in place.

Respectfully submitted,

T.G. “Tom” Bayless, Co-chairman John A. Salisbury, Co-chairman Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 45 Resolutions To be Considered During the Annual Communication


WHEREAS, the ability of the Investigating Committees has been greatly simplified due to the ease of communication, travel, and investigative resources, heretofore not available; WHEREAS, the practice allowing an Application for Advancement to lay over for a predestined period of time, despite having concluded all investigatory work, creates an unwelcome environment for advancement of a brother; and, WHEREAS, is in the best interest of the Lodge, and the Brother, to reduce further delay in the completion of his degrees. And also to conform with Section U401 of the Constitution and Code. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Section U415.NEW BALLOTS, paragraph 2, which currently reads: An Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft must pass the examination in open Lodge as to his proficiency before the new ballot is spread. After the brother is declared proficient, the lodge may receive and read an Application for Advancement. An investigating committee will be appointed and the Application will lay over for twenty-eight (28) days. The report of the committee will then be received and the new ballot will be spread. BE AMENDED TO READ: An Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft must pass the examination in open lodge as to his proficiency before the new ballot is spread. After the brother is declared proficient, the lodge may receive and read an Application for Advancement. An investigating committee will be appointed and the Application will lay over for twenty-eight (28) days at least until the next stated meeting. The report of the committee will then be received and the new ballot will be spread. Respectively submitted, Ronald J. Chambers, Pˆ Mˆ Delta Lodge No. 425 Bobby L. Laws, PˆMˆ Altus Lodge No.62 46 “The Yellow Book”


WHEREAS, the ability of the investigating committees has been greatly simplified due to the ease of communication, travel, and investigative resources, heretofore not available; and,

WHEREAS, the practice allowing an Application for Reinstatement to lay over for a predestined period of time, despite having concluded all investigatory work, creates an unwelcome environment for reinstatement of a brother; and,

WHEREAS, is n the best interest of the Lodge, and the Brother, to reduce further delay in the Brother becoming an active member. And also to conform with Resolution#2 adopted in 2015 at Grand Lodge, concerning Section U401 of the Constitution and Code.


When a member has been suspended for non-payment of dues he must make written request for reinstatement. The request shall be read in open lodge at its next stated meeting. The Master shall thereupon appoint an investigating committee as in the case of a petition for the degrees. The investigating committee shall investigate said applicant for reinstatement the same as in the case of a petitioner for the degrees, and shall report to the lodge within (twenty-eight) 28 days. The application must lay over at least 28 (twenty-eight) days before any vote is taken on it. The Master may extend the period of investigation. It shall require a clear ballot of the members present to reinstate. In case of rejection, he may reapply to his lodge for reinstatement at a stated meeting not earlier than one (1) year from the date of rejection. The lodge may, upon majority vote, remit any or all dues owing at the date of suspension.


When a member has been suspended for non-payment of dues he must make written request for reinstatement. The request shall be read in open lodge at its next stated meeting. The Master shall thereupon appoint an hvestigating committee as in the case of a pettion for the degrees. The Investigating committee shall investigate said applicant for reinstatement the same as in the case of a petitioner for the degrees and shall report to the lodge within (twenty-eiqht) 28 days unless the Master extends the Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 47 period of investigation. The application must lay over at least for twenty-eight (28) days at least until the next stated meeting before any vote is taken on it. The Master may extend the period of investigation. It shall require a clear ballot of the members present to reinstate. In case of rejection, he may reapply to his lodge for reinstatement at a stated meeting not earlier than one (1) year from the date of rejection.

The Lodge may, upon majority vote, remit any or all dues owing at the date of suspension.

Respectively submitted. Ronald J. Chambers, PˆMˆ Delta Lodge No. 425 Bobby L. Laws, PˆMˆ Altus Lodge No.62

Resolution No. 3

WHEREAS a candidate for the degrees of Masonry becomes a Brother upon taking the obligation as an Entered Apprentice; and.

WHEREAS, he is considered a Mason when he is an Entered Apprentice; and.

WHEREAS. the Entered Apprentice Charge encourages his frequent appearance at our regular communications; and,

WHEREAS, seven (7) Officer Language positions are used in the opening and closing ritual in the entered Apprentice Degree and five (5) in the Fellow Craft degree, exposing more brethren to more ritual language, therefore perpetuating our ritual to a higher degree; and,

WHEREAS. our current system discourages Entered Apprentices and FellowCrafts from participating in lodge affairs and havhg a true feeling of being a part of the lodge; and,

WHEREAS, the Worshipful Master should have the option of involving every Brother in lodge activities whenever possible;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the last paragraph of Section U308 of the Uniform Code which currently reads:

SECTION U308. ORDER OF BUSINESS: All business except the examination of candidates, voting on their proficiency, conferring degrees 48 “The Yellow Book” and the trial of Entered Apprentices or Fellow Crafts shall be done in a lodge of Master Masons.


SECTION U308 ORDER OF BUSINESS The lodge may be opened and business conducted in a lodge of Entered Apprentices, Fel!owcrafts, or Master Masons, at the discretion of the Worshipful Master. except that the conferring of a degree, the examination of candidates, voting on their proficiency, and the trial of an Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft or Master Mason shall be done in a lodge open on the appropriate degree, only Master Masons may vote on matters coming before the lodge.

Respectfully submitted, Dudley Ridge Smith, PˆMˆ Yukon Lodge No. 90 Richard Larry Allison, PˆMˆ Garfield Lodge No. 501 C.W. "Corky" Grigsby, Jr., PˆMˆ Altus Lodge No. 62 Michael Lewis Dixon, PˆMˆ Edmond Lodge No. 37 David G. David, PˆMˆ India Lodge No. 551 & Brtton Lodge No. 434 Bobby L. Laws, PˆMˆ Altus Lodge No. 62 Ronald E. Wray, PˆMˆ Okeene Lodge No.357 Bobby J. Peters, PˆMˆ Composite Lodge No. 107

Resolution No. 4

WHEREAS, since the "Official Cipher Key Oklahoma Masonic Ritual" (a.k.a. "Red Book") contains the esoteric work and is therefore only available to Master Masons; and,

WHEREAS, the Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts do not have access to the categorical lectures cipher as printed in the Red Book; and,

WHEREAS, the Red Book has improved the proficiency of many members. A booklet of each categorical lecture would be another tool to help EAs and FCs improve their proficiency.

Be It Therefore Resolved Section 401, which currently reads:

ARTICLE IV - WORK OF THE GRAND JURISDICTION SECTION 401. ESOTERIC WORK: The esoteric work of this Grand Jurisdiction shall be that adopted by this Grand Lodge and shall be used Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 49 by all its lodges and their members in giving the work and lectures. It shall be in charge of the Board of Grand Lecturers.

The Grand Lodge shall publish a two or three letter maximum cipher of all esoteric work of this Grand Jurisdiction.

Such cipher shall be used only for teaching. It shall not be consulted in any lodge while at labor. Violation of this section shall be deemed a Masonic offense.

Ciphers shall be available to Master Masons through the office of the Grand Secretary

Be amended to read:

ARTICLE IV- WORK OF THE GRAND JURISDICTION SECTION 401.ESOTERIC WORK:The esoteric work of this Grand Jurisdiction shall be that adopted by this Grand Lodge and shall be used by all its lodges and their members in giving the work and lectures. It shall be in charge of the Board of Grand Lecturers.

The Grand Lodge shall publish a two or three letter maximum cipher of all esoteric work of this Grand Jurisdiction.

The Grand Lodge shall publish separate cipher booklets containing the Categorical Lectures for each of the three Degrees.

Such ciphers shall be used only for teaching. They shall not be consulted in any lodge while at labor. Violation of this section shall be deemed a Masonic offense.

Ciphers shall be available to Master Masons through the office of the Grand Secretary. The Cipher Booklet shall be available to Masons of the respective Degree through the office of the Grand Secretary.

Respectively submitted, Ronald L. Shoaf, PˆMˆ, Broken Arrow Lodge No. 243

Resolution No. 5

WHEREAS, the Grand Lodge Trustees conduct all the business of the Grand Lodge between Annual Communications, including control of all 50 “The Yellow Book” real and personal property, investment and expenditures of all money, etc., and,

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees Report to the Grand Lodge delegates is to inform the Craft of all issues, Trustee decisions, policies and actions that the Board made during the year, and,

WHEREAS, it is a fundamental principal of our Country and our Fraternity that you are innocent until proven guilty,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEDED that Sections 210A.1., which currently reads as follows:

Hold regular rneetings quarterly with special meetings at the discretion of the Grand Master, keep an accurate record of the transactions and make an annual report to the Grand Lodge at its annual communication.

BE AMENDED TO READ: Hold regular meetings quarterly with special meetings at the discretion of the Grand Master, keep an accurate record of the transactions and make an annual report to the Grand Lodge at its annual communication.

While such Annual Report of the Trustees is designed to inform the Craft of the Trustee's stewardship of all Grand Lodge affairs. such as policies. issues, Trustee decisions, etc., the report may omit individual names, not lodge names if there is a potential for Masonic or civil charges against the individual.

Respectfully submitted, William J. Cloud, Pˆ Mˆ Blanchard Lodge No. 395


WHEREAS: Section U 106 Consolidation of Lodges: and Section 901 Resolutions: require 2/3 majority vote to be elected.

WHEREAS, Section 210 Grand Lodge Officers:, Section 304c Motions at Grand Lodge:, Section U 106 Consolidation; Section U 107 Surrender Charter, Section U 202a Lodge Officers:, Section U 301 Bylaws of Constituent Lodges; Section T 404 Vote on Specifications:(Trial) and Section T 405 Vote on Penalty (Trial), all require a Majority vote to elect. Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 51

WHEREAS, Section 408. Objections: provide protection for the lodge if the candidate or the brother's Character is in question.

WHEREAS, Masonic voting should not be decided by one (1) brother's opinion.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Section U 411 of the Constitution and Code which currently reads as follows:

SECTION U 411 BALLOTING: Upon the report of the committee on investigation, whether it be favorable or unfavorable, a ballot shall be had. No member present shall be excused from voting. In no case after the ballot has been ordered shall there be any discussion thereof. As secrecy of the ballot is inviolate and each member is the sole judge of what his vote should be, no brother shall ever disclose how he voted nor how the ballot stood. No brother shall attempt to discover how any other brother voted. It shall require a unanimous ballot to elect to the degrees or for affiliation. The Master may order the ballot taken upon all or any number at one time and if no black ball appears all shall be duly elected. If one (1) or more black balls are cast, a separate ballot shall be taken on each petition and application voted upon at that time. When balloting separately, if only one (1) black ball appears, the second ballot shall be taken as provided in the next section.

Be amended to read:

SECTION U 411. BALLOTING: Upon the report of the committee on investigation, whether it be favorable or unfavorable, a ballot shall be had. No member present shall be excused from voting. In no case after the ballot has been ordered shall there by any discussion thereof. As secrecy of the ballot is inviolate and each member is the sole judge of what his vote should be, no brother shall ever disclose how he voted nor how the ballot stood. No brother shall attempt to discover how any other brother voted. It shall require an unanimous ballot less than three (3) black balls to elect to the degrees or for affiliation. The Master may order the ballot taken upon all or any number at one time and if no two (2) or less black balls appears all shall be duly elected. If one (1) three (3) or more black balls are cast, a separate ballot shall be taken on each petition and application voted upon at that time. When balloting separately, if only one (1) three (3) black balls appears, the second ballot shall be taken as provided in the next section. 52 “The Yellow Book”

Respectfully submitted, Carl Burt Petersen, Jr. PˆMˆ Mannford Lodge No. 515


WHEREAS: Section U 106 Consolidation of Lodges: and Section 901 Resolutions: require 2/3 majority vote to be elected.

WHEREAS: Section 210 Grand Lodge Officers:, Section 304c Motions at Grand Lodge:, Section U 106 Consolidation; Section U 107 Surrender Charter, Section U 202a Lodge Officers:, Section U 301 Bylaws of Constituent Lodges; Section T 404 Vote on Specifications: (Trial) and Section T 405 Vote on Penalty (Trial), all require a Majority vote to elect.

WHEREAS: Section 408. Objections: provide protection for the lodge if the candidate or the brother's character is in question.

WHEREAS: Masonic voting should not be decided by one (1) brother's opinion.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Section U 412 of the Constitution and Code which currently reads as follows:

Section U412. Second Ballot: In all balloting for the degrees, affiliation, reinstatement or advancement, if only one (1) black ball appears, the Master shall immediately and without inquiry or discussion, order a ballot prepared for the purpose of correcting a possible error. Said ballot shall be the last and under no circumstances shall it be reconsidered nor can it be set aside by the lodge, the Master, the Grand Master or the Grand Lodge, but shall be final.

Be amended to read:

Section U 412. Second Ballot: In all balloting for the degrees, affiliation, reinstatement or advancement, If only one (1) three (3) black balls appears, the Master shall immediately and without inquiry or discussion, order a ballot prepared for the purpose of correcting a possible error. Said ballot shall be the last and under no circumstances shall it be reconsidered nor can it be set aside by Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 53 the lodge, the Master, the Grand Master or the Grand Lodge, but shall be final.

Respectfully submitted, Carl Burt Petersen Jr., Pˆ Mˆ Mannford Lodge No. 515

Resolution No. 7

WHEREAS: Formally opening Grand Lodge on Friday at 1:00 pm, only to close and reopen on Saturday, takes time of the Grand Lodge and Grand Secretary which may better be spent on Grand Lodge activities, and,

WHEREAS: the craft is precluded from doing any business of Grand Lodge on Friday by section 301. A, and,

WHEREAS: changing the time of the formal opening of Grand Lodge would allow for the reception of honored guests or other events before the Grand Master's banquet, and,

WHEREAS: a change to the start time to reflect current practice is in order.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Section 301.A, which currently reads as follows:

ANNUAL: An annual communication of this Grand Lodge shall be held each year, beginning the Friday preceding the second Saturday in November at 1:00 pm, and closing with the installation of officers on the following Saturday. All voting on officers, resolutions, budgets, changes in the esoteric work and any other binding issue shall be conducted on Saturday.

Be amended to read:

ANNUAL: An annual communication of this Grand Lodge shall be held each year, beginning the Friday preceding at 8:30 a.m. on the second Saturday in November at 1 :00 pm, and closing that day. after the installation of officers on the following Saturday. The Grand Master may call an open meeting in the afternoon on the Friday preceding Grand Lodge, where he may hold education programs, present recognitions to individuals or lodges, receive guests. speeches, make remarks or other 54 “The Yellow Book” ceremonial activities. All voting on officers, resolutions, budgets, changes in the esoteric work and any other binding issue shall be conducted on Saturday.

Respectfully submitted,

Bradley S. Rickelman, PˆMˆ Frontier Lodge No. 48 Joe R. Manning, Jr., PˆMˆ Cushing Lodge No. 111

Resolution No. 8 A

WHEREAS: many lodges in Oklahoma have a difficult time finding and developing good leaders, and,

WHEREAS: it would be helpful for lodges to be able to share and advance strong leaders, and,

WHEREAS: we allow plural memberships of brothers in more than one lodge, and,

WHEREAS: one of the most common decisions a Grand Master has to make is to remove a brother from being a warden or master of more than one lodge, and,

WHEREAS: the long-standing belief that no mason should serve as Worshipful Master of more than one lodge at the same time is valuable and should continue, and,

WHEREAS: the rules governing eligibility for office are too strongly constrained.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Section U418D, which currently reads as follows:

ELIGIBILITY TO OFFICE: A plural member shall have all the rights and privileges and shall be subject to all duties and responsibilities of other members. He shall have the right to vote and hold office in any lodge of which he is a member, but he cannot hold the office of Junior Warden, Senior Warden, or Master in more than one (1) lodge during the same year.

Be amended to read: Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 55

ELIGIBILITY TO OFFICE: A plural member shall have all the rights and privileges and shall be subject to all duties and responsibilities of other members. He shall have the right to vote and hold office in any lodge of which he is a member, but he cannot hold the office of Junior Warden, Senior Warden, or Master in more than one (1) lodge during the same year.

Respectfully submitted, Bradley S. Rickelman, Pˆ Mˆ, Frontier Lodge #48 Joe R. Manning, Jr., Pˆ Mˆ, Cushing Lodge #111

Resolution No.8 B

WHEREAS: many lodges in Oklahoma have a difficult time finding and developing good leaders, and,

WHEREAS: it would be helpful for lodges to be able to share and advance strong leaders, and,

WHEREAS: we allow plural memberships of brothers in more than one lodge, and,

WHEREAS: one of the most common decisions the Grand Master has to make is to remove a brother from being a warden or master of more than one lodge, and,

WHEREAS: the long-standing belief that no mason should serve as Worshipful Master of more than one lodge at the same time is valuable and should continue, and,

WHEREAS: the rules governing eligibility for office are too strongly constrained.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Section U418E, which currently reads as follows: REPRESENTATION TO GRAND LODGE: A plural member can represent only one (1) lodge as a delegate to Grand Lodge and may carry proxies only from the same lodge which he represents as a delegate.

Be amended to read:

REPRESENTATION TO GRAND LODGE: A plural member can represent only one (1) lodge as a delegate to Grand Lodge and 56 “The Yellow Book” may carry voting credentials proxies only from the same lodge which he represents as a delegate.

Respectfully submitted, Bradley S. Rickelman, Pˆ Mˆ, Frontier Lodge #48 Joe R. Manning, Jr., Pˆ Mˆ, Cushing Lodge # 111

Resolution No. 8 C

WHEREAS: many lodges in Oklahoma have a difficult time finding and developing good leaders, and,

WHEREAS: it would be helpful for lodges to be able to share and advance strong leaders, and,

WHEREAS: we allow plural memberships of brothers in more than one lodge, and,

WHEREAS: one of the most common decisions a Grand Master has to make is to remove a brother from being a warden or master of more than one lodge, and,

WHEREAS: the long-standing belief that no mason should serve as Worshipful Master of more than one lodge at the same time is valuable and should continue, and,

WHEREAS: the rules governing eligibility for office are too strongly constrained.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Section U221, which currently reads as follows:

SUCCESSION: In case of the death, removal from the jurisdiction or any other cause the Master becomes incapable of performing the duties of his office, the Senior Warden succeeds to all powers, duties and responsibilities of the Master. The Senior Warden's place in the West must be filled by pro-tempore appointment from time to time. If from any of the like causes the Master and Senior Warden should both be rendered incapable of performing the duties of Master, the Junior Warden succeeds to all the powers, duties and responsibilities of the Master and the South and West must be filled from time to time by pro-tempore appointment. Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 57

Be amended to read:

SUCCESSION: In case of the death, removal from the jurisdiction or any other cause the Master becomes incapable of performing the duties of his office, notwithstanding the provisions of U418D, the Senior Warden succeeds to all powers, duties and responsibilities of the Master. The Senior Warden's place in the West must be filled by pro-tempore appointment from time to time. If from any of the like causes the Master and Senior Warden should both be rendered incapable of performing the duties of Master, notwithstanding the provisions of U418D the Junior Warden succeeds to all the powers, duties and responsibilities of the Master and the South and West must be filled from time to time by pro- tempore appointment. In the case of both the Senior and Junior Warden being ineligible for advancement. the most recent immediate Past Worshipful Master available will preside.

Respectfully submitted, Bradley S. Rickelman, Pˆ Mˆ, Frontier Lodge #48 Joe R. Manning, Jr., Pˆ Mˆ, Cushing Lodge#111

Resolution No. 9

WHEREAS: no Mason is allowed to exhibit any emblems of the fraternity as a sign to attract attention to his business. The use of the word "Masonic" or other word to imply Masonic connection with any organization, association, partnership, corporation or private enterprise is forbidden until such enterprise shall have obtained authority from the Grand Lodge.

WHEREAS: this declaration hinders one mason from knowing another and prevents the pubic from showing their appreciation to Masons for their community involvement.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Section U 810. EMBLEMS which now currently reads:

No Mason shall exhibit any emblems of the fraternity as a sign to attract attention to his business. The use of the word "Masonic" or other words to imply Masonic connection with any organization, association, partnership, corporation, or private enterprise is forbidden until such enterprise shall have obtained authority, from Grand Lodge. 58 “The Yellow Book”


Any Master Mason, after receiving approval of a local lodge in whose community his business is located may exhibit any emblems of the fraternity as a sign to attract attention to his business. He may use the word "Masonic" or other words to imply his Masonic affiliation with any organization, association, partnership, corporation or private enterprise approved by a local lodge.

Respectfully submitted James D. Horton, Pˆ Mˆ Antlers Lodge #39

Resolution No. 10 A

WHEREAS: an officer of the Lodge should be an example to all.

WHEREAS: lodge officers whether elected or appointed should be held to the highest standard and at all times be a member in good standing, and

WHEREAS: Section U419 states Lodge dues shall be paid annually in advance on or before the first day of January each year, and

WHEREAS: an officer of the lodge must have paid his dues to legally represent his lodge at the annual Grand Lodge session and cast his vote, and

WHEREAS: Section U422 states that it is the duty of every Master Mason to assist in the support of Masonry by paying such dues as may be chargeable against hm and to maintain good standing as a Master Mason, and therefore an officer of a Lodge whether elected or appointed, should be required to be in possession of a valid dues card for the ensuing year before he can be installed in that office.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That Section U 206 of the Uniform Code which currently reads: Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 59

SECTION U206. INSTALLATION: All officers shall be installed on or before St. John's day, December 27th. Should the lodge fail to install its officers on or before that date, a special dispensation must be obtained from the Grand Master for such purpose. If the officers are elected and the Master has been installed by that date he may himself, or have some Past Master acting for him, afterwards install the other officers without such dispensation.


SECTION U206. INSTALLATION: All officers shall be installed on or before St. John's day, December 27th. At the time of installation each officer shall be in possession of a valid dues card for the ensuing year for which he has been elected/appointed. Should the lodge fail to install its officers on or before that date, a special dispensation must be obtained from the Grand Master for such purpose. If the officers are elected and the Master has been installed by that date he may himself, or have some Past Master acting for him, afterwards install the other officers without such dispensation.

Respectfully submitted Mark McFadden, PˆMˆ, Muskogee Lodge 28 Dennis Brown, WˆMˆ, Muskogee Lodge 28 Sam Jarvis, PˆMˆ, Muskogee Lodge 28 Michael T. Harden, PˆMˆ, Haskell Lodge 334

Resolution No. 10 B

WHEREAS: an officer of the Lodge should be an example to all.

WHEREAS: lodge officers whether elected or appointed should be held to the highest standard and at all times be a member in good standing, and

WHEREAS: Section U419 states Lodge dues shall be paid annually in advance on or before the first day of January each year, and

WHEREAS: an officer of the lodge must have paid his dues to legally represent his lodge at the annual Grand Lodge session and cast his vote, and 60 “The Yellow Book”

WHEREAS: Section U422 states that it is the duty of every Master Mason to assist in the support of Masonry by paying such dues as may be chargeable against him and to maintain good standing as a Master Mason, and therefore an officer of a Lodge, whether elected or appointed, should be required to be in possession of a valid dues card for the ensuing year before he can be installed in that office.


That Section U.315 which currently reads:

Section U 315.Proof of Masonic Standing: Constituent lodges shall require all persons living or residing in their jurisdiction and asking recognition by such lodges as Master Masons to prove to the satisfaction of said lodge once in every 12 (twelve) months that they are Master Masons in good standing.


Section U315.Proof of Masonic Standing: Constituent lodges shall require all persons living or residing in their jurisdiction and asking recognition by such lodges as Master Masons to prove to the satisfaction of said lodge once in every 12 (twelve) months that they are Master Masons in good standing. Furthermore no officer whether elected or appointed shall be installed into office unless he is in possession of a valid dues card for the ensuing year for which he is to be installed.

Respectfully submitted

Mark McFadden, PˆMˆ, Muskogee Lodge 28 Dennis Brown, WˆMˆ, Muskogee Lodge 28 Sam Jarvis, PˆMˆ, Muskogee Lodge 28 Michael T. Harden, PˆMˆ, Haskell Lodge 334 Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 61

Resolution No.11

WHEREAS: Masons are men of virtues consisting of Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice; enabling us to be model examples for others: and

WHEREAS: Section VI subsection 2 of the Charges of a Free- Mason reads: 'You may enjoy yourself with innocent mirth, treating one another according to ability, but avoiding all excess or forcing any brother to eat or drink beyond his inclination, or hindering him from going when his occasions call him, or doing or saying anything offensive, or that may forbid an easy and free conversation; for that would blast our harmony, and defeat our useful purpose" outlines our responsibilities to each other; and

WHEREAS: Section U 806 prohibits 3.2 beer anywhere in the lodge building and prohibits 3.2 beer at a Masonic function or festivity; and

WHEREAS: Section U 805 prohibits hard liquor in the lodge room only. There is no prohibition on hard liquor in the rest of the lodge building. And there is no prohibition on hard liquor at a Masonic function or festivity; and

WHEREAS: our Uniform Code should be consistent; and

WHEREAS: Oklahoma law defines wine as neither liquor or 3.2 beer, thus it is unmentioned in the Uniform Code; and

WHEREAS: a Lodge may wish to serve beer at a fundraiser or celebration in the lodge building or serve beer or wine at a Masonic function or festivity; and

WHEREAS: Any time we as Masons gather in a public restaurant, that saves 3.2 beer, for special occasions such as Saints John observances, fundraising events, group dinners, etc. are in violation of Section U 806 of the Constitution and Code due to the fact that they are 'Masonic functions or festivities"; and

WHEREAS: Section U 806 very specifically addresses the prohibition of 3.2 beer only, which cannot include beer of an alcoholic weight or volume of 3.3 or higher as sold in “Spirit, Wine and Beer" stores; 62 “The Yellow Book”


That Section U 806 of the Uniform Code which currently reads: SECTION U 806 USE OF 3.2 BEER RESTRICTED It shall be a Masonic offense to introduce 3.2 beer into any lodge room or other room connected therewith or at any Masonic function or festivity. No publication the subscription list of which is predicated upon Masonry or the name or the title of which includes a Masonic designation shall be permitted to carry advertisements concerning 3.2 beer.

It shall be the duty of the Master of the lodge in which such offense occurred to order charges preferred against the offender and a trial to proceed thereon as in other cases.

BE AMENDED TO READ: SECTION U 806. USE OF 3.2 BEER RESTRICTED AND WINE: It shall be a Masonic offense to introduce 3.2 beer into any lodge room or other room connected therewith or at any Masonic function or festivity. The introduction of beer or wine into a lodge building is limited to common areas only. It shall be a Masonic offense to introduce beer or wine into any lodge room or outside of a lodge building. It shall be a Masonic offense to introduce beer or wine before a tiled lodge meeting or at any youth organization meeting or event. It shall be a Masonic offense to introduce beer or wine to individuals not of legal drinking age in the State of Oklahoma. It shall be a Masonic offense to allow excess or moderate to heavy intoxication from the consumption of beer or wine. lt shall be a Masonic offense to store beer or wine overnight in the lodge building or structures on lodge property. It shall be a Masonic offense to sell or purchase beer or wine in the lodge building or property. A Lodge may apply more restrictions or disallow beer or wine. The disallowance of beer or wine lies with the discretion of the Master of the lodge or by an amendment to the lodge bylaws. No publication the subscription list of which is predicated upon Masonry or the name or the title of which includes a Masonic designation shall be permitted to carry advertisements concerning 3.2 beer or wine.

It shall be the duty of the Master of the lodge in which such offense occurred to order charges preferred against the offender and a trial to proceed thereon as in other cases. If any Master shall refuse to perform his duty under this section or if any lodge shall fail to do its duty upon proper Charges preferred, the Grand Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 63

Master shall suspend the Master or arrest the charter of the lodge (as his judgment may deem best) and report his action to the next annual communication of the Grand Lodge.

Respectfully submitted,

M. Logan Bryant, Wˆ Mˆ, Jenks Lodge 497 Joe R. Manning. Jr., PˆMˆ,Cushing Lodge 111

Resolution No. 12

WHEREAS: a resolution passed by the Oklahoma Craft in 2013 increased the per capita in the amount of $2.00, all of which must be placed in the Grand Lodge Office Facilities Endowment Fund and only 5% of the corpus shall be used for maintenance or capital improvement of the facility; and

WHEREAS: the last per capita increase to the general Fund was in 1998, (eighteen years ago), from $6.00 to $8.00; and

WHEREAS: the Grand Master is limited to use only an average of 95% of the previous three years revenue in his budget; and

WHEREAS: Federal Regulations prohibit our Masonic Charity Foundation from providing any financial assistance to the Grand Lodge General Fund; and

WHEREAS: the Grand lodge Trustees have done, and continue to do, everything in their power (including paying much of their own operating expenses) to provide the required services to the lodges and, have in effect, had to resort to fund raisers to assist in the day- to-day operations; and

WHEREAS: there are as of June 25, 2016, only 20512 Master Masons in Oklahoma. We must increase our per capita to keep pace with today's economy and provide the lodges with the services they require.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that Section 502, Paragraph A. of the Constitution and Laws which currently reads in part A. PER CAPITA for each Master Mason on the roll January 1: ...... $1 0 . Unless superseded by Section U420 D.4. and D. 5. 64 “The Yellow Book”


A. PER CAPITA for each Master Mason on the roll January 1: ...... $10, $25 Unless superseded by Section U 420 D.4. and D. 5.

Respectfully Submitted, Dudley Ridge Smith, PˆMˆ, Yukon Lodge No.90 Richard L. Allison, PˆMˆ,Garfield Lodge No. 501 CW. "Corky" Grigsby, Jr., Pˆ Mˆ, Altus Lodge No. 62 Michael L. Dixon, PˆMˆ, Edmond Lodge No. 37 David G. David, PˆMˆ, India Lodge No. 551 & Britton Lodge No. 434 Bobby L. Laws, PˆMˆ, Altus Lodge No. 62 Ronald E. Wray, PˆMˆ, Okeene Lodge No.357 Bobby J. Peters, Pˆ Mˆ, Composite Lodge No. 107

Resolution No. 13 A

WHEREAS: the requirement to have a 2/3 ''Super Majority" is a parlamentary feature of the United States Constitution which is seldom required. A few of the cases that require a 2/3 "super majority" are to amend the Constitution of the United States, or to override a presidential veto, or to convict the president after impeachment, or to ratify a treaty, and,

WHEREAS: a simple majority or more than 50% is the usual requirement for elections.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the third paragraph of Section 901 of the Constitution and Laws which currently reads:

All resolutions in the possession of the Grand Master 60 (sixty) days before the opening of the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge shall be printed and mailed to each constituent lodge, each Grand Lodge officer and each member of the committee on Jurisprudence for their information and study. Said resolutions shall be read or caused to be read by the Grand Master, and by him referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence. The Committee on Jurisprudence shall report thereon and the resolutions shall be Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 65

balloted on in accordance with the provisions of Section 304 of the Constitution and Laws. If the resolution is adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast, it shall be in full force and effect immediately upon final announcement of the vote.


All resolutions in the possession of the Grand Master 60 (sixty) days before the opening of the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge shall be printed and mailed to each constituent lodge, each Grand Lodge officer and each member of the committee on Jurisprudence for their information and study. Said resolutions shall be read or caused to be read by the Grand Master, and by him referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence. The Committee on Jurisprudence shall report thereon and the resolutions shall be balloted on in accordance with the provisions of Section 304 of the Constitution and Laws. If the resolution is adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast, it shall be in full force and effect immediately upon final announcement of the vote.

NOTE: This resolution, if approved, will not be effective until after the 2016 Grand Lodge Session closes.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dudley Ridge Smith, PˆMˆ, Yukon Lodge No.90 Richard L. Allison, PˆMˆ,Garfield Lodge No. 501 CW. "Corky" Grigsby, Jr., Pˆ Mˆ, Altus Lodge No. 62 Michael L. Dixon, PˆMˆ, Edmond Lodge No. 37 David G. David, PˆMˆ, India Lodge No. 551 & Britton Lodge No. 434 Bobby L. Laws, PˆMˆ, Altus Lodge No. 62 Ronald E. Wray, PˆMˆ, Okeene Lodge No.357 Bobby J. Peters, Pˆ Mˆ, Composite Lodge No. 107

Resolution No.13 B

WHEREAS: the requirement to have a 2/3 "Super Majority" is a parliamentary feature of the United States Constitution which is seldom required. A few of the cases that require a 2/3 "super majority" are to amend the Constitution of the United States, or to 66 “The Yellow Book” override a presidential veto, or to convict the president after impeachment, or to ratify a treaty, and,

WHEREAS: a simple majority or more than 50% is the usual requirement for elections.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the third paragraph of Section U 901 of the Constitution and Laws which currently reads: All resolutions in the possession of the Grand Master 60 (sixty) days before the opening of the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge shall be printed and mailed to each constituent lodge, each Grand Lodge officer and each member of the committee on Jurisprudence for their information and study. Said resolutions shall be read or caused to be read by the Grand Master, and by him referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence. The Committee on Jurisprudence shall report thereon and the resolutions shall be balloted on in accordance with the provisions of Section 304 of the Constitution and Laws. If the resolution is adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast, it shall be in full force and effect immediately upon final announcement of the vote.


All resolutions in the possession of the Grand Master 60 (sixty) days before the opening of the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, shall be printed and mailed to each constituent lodge, each Grand lodge officer and each member of the committee on Jurisprudence for their information and study. Said resolutions shall be read or caused to be read by the Grand Master, and by him referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence. The Committee on Jurisprudence shall report thereon and the resolutions shall be balloted on in accordance with the provisions of Section 304 of the Constitution and Laws. If the resolution is adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast, it shall be in full force and effect immediately upon final announcement of the vote.

NOTE: This resolution, if approved, will not be effective until after the 2016 Grand Lodge session closes.

Respectfully Submitted, Reports & Resolutions for the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Annual Communication 2016 67

Dudley Ridge Smith, PˆMˆ, Yukon Lodge No.90 Richard L. Allison, PˆMˆ,Garfield Lodge No. 501 CW. "Corky" Grigsby, Jr., Pˆ Mˆ, Altus Lodge No. 62 Michael L. Dixon, PˆMˆ, Edmond Lodge No. 37 David G. David, PˆMˆ, India Lodge No. 551 & Britton Lodge No. 434 Bobby L. Laws, PˆMˆ, Altus Lodge No. 62 Ronald E. Wray, PˆMˆ, Okeene Lodge No.357 Bobby J. Peters, Pˆ Mˆ, Composite Lodge No. 107

Resolution No. 14 A & B

WHEREAS: reform has long been needed in the Grand Lodge budgeting process to insure anticipated expenses are in line with anticipated income, and,

WHEREAS: current Grand Lodge law limits budgeting to an average of 95% of the past three (3) years' income, and,

WHEREAS: as a practical matter Grand Lodge income can fluctuate greatly, and,

WHEREAS: a year with low Grand Lodge income can unrealistically affect Grand Lodge budgets for the following three (3) years, and,

WHEREAS: "anticipated" income from fund raisers should not be budgeted because such funds may never materialize.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Section 103B paragraph no. 3 of which reads:

For the purpose of this section, anticipated income shall mean money which the Grand Lodge expects to receive from such sources as: per capita, dues, fees, assessments, dividends, interest and recovered expenses. It shall not include interest from the retirement or deferred income funds, charitable or educational funds. It shall not include devises or bequests. It shall not include money or assets which the Grand Lodge has accumulated at the end of a budget year, except for any portion of that money which was contributed for a specific purpose.

BE AMENDED TO READ: 68 “The Yellow Book”

For the purpose of this section, anticipated income shall mean money which the Grand Lodge expects to receive from such sources as: per capita, dues, fees, assessments, dividends, interest and recovered expenses. It shall not include interest from the retirement or deferred income funds, anticipated fund raisers, charitable or educational funds. It shall not include devises or bequests. It shall not include money or assets which the Grand Lodge has accumulated at the end of a budget year, except for any portion of that money which was contributed for a specific purpose.


That Section 212G, Paragraph no.1 which reads:

G. FINANCE AND APPROPRIATIONS: A committee of three (3) who shall serve for three (3) years, with one (1} to be appointed each year. The member serving his last year shall be chairman. This committee shall examine and report all matters touching the finances of the Grand Lodge. No appropriation shall be made without it being referred to this committee and a report made thereon. In constructing the Grand Lodge budget, the committee shall not recommend a budget with a total appropriation that exceeds ninety-five percent (95%} of the previous three (3) year's average of actual income as defined by Section 103 B.


G. FINANCE AND APPROPRIATIONS: A committee of three (3) who shall serve for three (3) years, with one (1) to be appointed each year. The member serving his last year shall be the chairman. This committee shall examine and report all matters touching the finances of the Grand Lodge. No appropriation shall be made without it being referred to this committee and a report made thereon. In constructing the Grand Lodge budget, the committee shall not recommend a budget with a total appropriation that exceeds ninety-five percent (95%) of the previous three (3) year's average of actual anticipated income as defined by Section 103 B.

Respectively submitted Dudley Ridge Smith, PˆMˆ, Yukon Lodge No.90