Busko Case FBI Files
JOHN oOGAR HOOVER D1R,CTOR JTrhtral 1lurt1111 ot' Jmrrsttgattnu lhtUrh &tatra il.rpartment of Jwdttt ••alJmgton. il. a!. October 23, 1941 PERSONAL A!ID •r BY SPECIAL !liESSEtKn.:. Major General 'Edwin 1!. Watson Secretary to the President The White !louse . ashinr-ton, n. c. Dear General i,atson: With reference to my letter of October 17, 1941, to you, I am tra.'lsmi tting a supplemental memorondum regarding our additional investigation of the liorwegian Steam.ship Buske and its crew and expeditionary party which were located in the vicinity of Northeast Greenland last r.1onth by a United States Coast Guard cutter. With this memorandul'l I run transmitting various photographs, all oi' which I thought would be of interest to the President and you. Our :Investigation is continuing, and in the event any further info:nnation of importance is developed regarding this situation, you may be assured the same will be pranptly brought to your attention. With assurances of my highest esteem and best regards, Sincerely yours, ~nclosure E,O, 116,", • - Jus tice . l By DBS, 1975 ss 11BiJSKQ1l October 23, 1941 lfilMO!IDJDUU Re: ss 11BUSKQ11 The foll<Nting inforIOation, supplemental to that set ou.t in a memorandum of October 17, 1941, is submitted 'I'd.th reference to the investigation of the above-named Horwegian stea.'11.Ship which was located on September 12, 1941, by a United States Coast Guard cutter near Greenland. As previously stated, the boat, toiether vdth the members of the crew and expeditionary party, T1as escorted to the harbor at Boston,.
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