2018 Mbrdirectory.Pdf

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2018 Mbrdirectory.Pdf Welcome to the 2018 MBR Industry Directory. The Magazine and Books at Retail Association continues to seek better communication between the supply chain members that service this Industry. This directory is one of the resources we hope facilitates that effort. MBR will maintain a searchable listing available for MBR members at myMBR.org. Our thanks to Associate Director Jose Cancio, our Art Director Robert Romagnoli, and of course our volunteer Directory Listings Manager John Morthanos for their efforts in putting the listing together. We sincerely appreciate the support of the sponsors of this directory without which this would not be possible. Please do not hesitate to reach out to MBR with suggestions on how we may be able to assist in your efforts to grow the magazine and book categories. — Jerry Lynch, President JLynch@myMBR.org — Jose Cancio, Associate Director JCancio@myMBR.org Published June 2018 OUR MISSION MBR serves as a catalyst for supply channel partners to create innovative growth for the sales of books and magazines at retail. www.myMBR.org 2 MBR DIRECTORY 2O18 CONTENTS 2 Introduction 4 MBR Board & Contacts 5 MBR Members 15 National Distributors 23 National Wholesalers Including Specialty 29 Major Wholesale Groups Corporate Offices & Contacts 33 Local & Regional Wholesalers Including Mass-Market, Newspaper & Specialty 45 International Distributors 51 Vendors 52 Associations MBR DIRECTORY 2O18 3 MBR BOARD & CONTACTS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Associate Director Jose Cancio Chairman PO Box 1257 Drew Wintemberg Morrisville, PA 19067 Time Inc. Retail, a division of 212-563-6502 Meredith Corporation jcancio@mymbr.org drew.wintemberg@meredith.com Members of the Board Legal Counsel Patricia Zeigler Robert Castardi Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP. Curtis Circulation Company 1152 15th Street, N.W. rcastardi@curtiscirc.com Washington, D.C. 20005 202-339-8448 Tom Cox PZeigler@Orrick.com Penguin Random House tcox@penguinrandomhouse.com OPERATIONAL CONTACTS Jay Felts PICS, GVS, Web Based System Support COMAG Marketing Group Jon Rubin jfelts@i-cmg.com 646-201-5819 JRubin@mymbr.org John MacKethan National Geographic EMS & STRT Support John.MacKethan@natgeo.com Customer Service DPS/Data Processing Serv Bruce Sherbow 727-532-9481 x18dps@GoDPS.com Penny Publications bsherbow@pennypublications.net MBR Daily Newsstand Forum Editor Karlene Lukovitz EXECUTIVE CONTACTS KL MediaLink LLC klukovitz@klmedialink.com President Jerry Lynch Directory Listings Manager 30 Heatherwood Rd John Morthanos Fairport, NY 14450 Morthanos.com 585-738-0010 jmorth@optonline.net JLynch@mymbr.org Art Director Technical Chair Robert Romagnoli Matt Herman robertrcreative@nyc.rr.com PO Box 1523 New York, NY 10028-0049 212-876-0007 646-895-7545 fax MDHerman@mymbr.org MBR BOARD & CONTACTS 4 MBR DIRECTORY 2O18 MBR MEMBERS Active Interest Media COMAG Marketing Group LLC A leading Special Interest Publisher of Premiere sales and marketing provider enthusiast lifestyle magazines. for magazine distribution channel. Ron Murray Mike Herrington rmurray@npsmediagroup.com mherrington@i-cmg.com 732-946-0112 609 524 1680 American Media (AMI) Condé Nast Publications The leading Celebrity and Health & The world’s most celebrated Fitness media brands in the country. magazines. Todd Garland Joe Bertolino tgarland@amilink.com joe_bertolino@condenast.com 561 989 1041 212 286 3849 Barnes & Noble, Inc. Consumer Reports Barnes & Noble is the world’s largest The world’s largest independent bookseller. consumer-product-testing organization. Krifka Steffey Patricia McSorley ksteffey@bn.com pmcsorley@consumer.org 212 633 4086 914 378 2350 Bauer Media Group USA, LLC Curtis Circulation Company The #1 Single Copy Magazine Publisher. Curtis is the leading worldwide Brian Beaudry distributor of magazines. EVP, Consumer Revenue Michelle P. Ingenito bbeaudry@bauer-usa.com mingenito@curtiscirc.com 201 569 6699 ext 672 201 634 7433 Clark Group, Inc. Dawson Media Direct, Inc. World Class Logistics Specializing in The world’s leading supplier of media, Servicing the Publishing and Printing including newspapers & magazines, Industry. to airlines. David Alleger Heather M. Browand dalleger@clarkgroupinc.com heather.browand@dawsonmd.com 609 528 7660 646 512 5751 Coast to Coast Newsstand Services Disticor Magazine Distribution Partnership Services Canada’s Premier National Distributor National distributor US, Canada, Europe, offering North American Services. Australia. Ron Sellwood Mike Lafranier rons@ctcmagazines.com mikel@disticor.com 416 754 3900 ext. 285 905 619 6565 MBR DIRECTORY 2O18 5 MBR MEMBERS Garden & Gun Media Solutions Celebrating the modern South, and Integrated Marketing and Distribution features the best in Southern food, Solutions. style, travel, music, art, literature and John Franznick sporting culture. john.franznick@mediasolutionsllc.com Gary Michelson 256 772 8131 gmichelson@gardenandgun.com 843 793 9979 Meredith Corporation Meredith is the leading media and Gateway Newstands marketing company serving more than North America’s premier newsstand 100 million American women. retailer. Over 400 North American Chuck Howell locations, in transit, office towers, chuck.howell@meredith.com malls, hospitals. 515 284 3387 Noah Aychental noah@gatewaynewstands.com morthanos.com 905 851 7246 A newsstand circulation and marketing company focusing on niche and Harper Collins special interest magazines, with a World-Leading Book Publisher. strong record of results. Brian Grogan John Morthanos brian.grogan@harpercollins.com jmorth@optonline.net 203 378 2414 Hearst Magazines www.morthanos.com Hearst is the largest American maga- zine publisher of monthly magazines. National Distribution Alliance (NDA) Jim Miller & MagsExpress jmiller@hearst.com NDA is a wholesaler and national dis- 212 649 2931 tributor. MagsExpress is a low cost alternative to FedEx, UPS and USPS Macmillan Publishers for Alternate (AD) and custom solu- A distinctive, global, independently tions including VIP, media and terminal owned pusliching and media company. deliveries. Jennifer Gonzalez Michael Presto Jennifer.Gonzalez@macmillan.com mpresto@thenda.com 646 307 5059 718 706 2310 Magazine Information Network National Geographic (MagNet) National Geographic believes in the The only industry resource for power of science, exploration, and comprehensive and timely wholesaler storytelling to change the world. and retailer sales information. John MacKethan Ray Shaw john.mackethan@natgeo.com rshaw@magnetdata.net 202 641 1912 561 508 3077 MBR MEMBERS 6 MBR DIRECTORY 2O18 News Inflight/Media Carrier/Trunk Penny Publications LLC Press Distribution North America’s #1 Selling Puzzle Providing Travel & Hospitality with print Brands—Penny Press & Dell and digital publications. Magazines. Gabrielle Sarmiento Bruce Sherbow VP-Sales & Marketing bsherbow@pennypublications.net gabi@news-inflight.com 203 663 4815 646 512 5131 Pineapple Media Limited NewsLink Group, LLC International distribution for publishers. A dynamic and innovative airport retail Steve Hobbs concessionaire with locations in Miami, shcirculation@ntlworld.com Boston-Logan, John F. Kennedy and www.pineapple-media.com Tampa International Airports. +44 2392 787970 Ziad El-Assad Vice President of Development Presse Commerce Chain zelassad@newslinkgroup.net Canada’s Magazine Specialists. 305 594 5754 ext. 243 Howie Myers hmyers@pressecommerce.com OTG 514 333 5041 ext. 260 Transforming the Airport Experience. Locations in LGA C & D, JFK T2, PubWorx Newark Terminal C, Philadelphia PubWorX is the leading provider of International Terminal B, Reagan consumer marketing, circulation man- National, Terminal A, Minneapolis, agement, procurement and production Concourse G, Houston-George Bush services for the publishing industry – Terminal B&C North, Terminal C South delivering our clients cost-effective, and Terminal E. best-in-class solutions. Curtis Packer Will Michalopoulos Cpacker@otgexp.com william.michalopoulos@pubworx.com 646 430 4801 212-450-7061 Paradies Lagardère Readerlink Named Best Airport Retailer, “Best The largest full-service distributor of News and Gift Operator” - 21 Consec- hardcover, trade and paperback books utive Years by Airport Revenue News. to non-trade channel booksellers in Mollie Quinn North America, including the biggest Mollie.Quinn@Paradies-NA.com names in retail across multiple retail 404 975 1795 channels. Mike Hesselbach Penguin Random House mhesselbach@readerlink.com Book Publisher. 708 547 4408 Tom Cox tcox@randomhouse.com 212-782-9723 MBR DIRECTORY 2O18 7 MBR MEMBERS Scientific American Trofie & Trofie Networks America’s oldest continuously pub- Trofie delivers buyers to advertisers in lished magazine, founded in 1845. North American airports, train stations, Christian Dorbandt turnpike plazas and independent book- V.P Consumer Marketing stores. Promote with Trofie and get cdorbandt@sciam.com product positioning and compelling 212 451 8538 ads that complete the sale. Christine Z. Crowley Seymour International Ltd. czcrowley@trofie.com International distributor for UK press. 415 518 5411 Dan Sims dan.sims@seymour.co.uk TWI GmbH +44 207 429 4008 Leading manufacturer of High-tech Logistic Systems for Picking and Simon & Schuster Returns processing of media and non- Premier publisher of bestselling fiction media products with more than 35 and critically acclaimed non-fiction. years of market experience. Gary Urda Karlsruhe, Germany Gary.Urda@simonandschuster.com Nils Buck 212 698 7389 buck@twi-germany.com +49 721 950 7750 TEN: Publishing Skype: twi-buck
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