United Nations Peace Operations Table of Contents

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United Nations Peace Operations Table of Contents UNITED NATIONS PEACE OPERATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 ] A year of complex challenges for UN peace operations 59 ] Marking the Blue Line: An ambitious UNIFIL effort for peace 19 ] Global Field Support Strategy goes into effect 62 ] Iraq in 2010: A real test for transition to democracy 21 ] Who are the UN peacekeepers? 65 ] UNAMA: Another tough year for Afghanistan 23 ] Five years of reforms addressing misconduct by UN peacekeeping personnel 67 ] UNMIT: Helping strengthen the foundation for future prosperity and stability in Timor-Leste 25 ] Marking 10 years of addressing the impact of war on women 70 ] UN mission prepares to withdraw from Nepal 27 ] United Nations Police: Growing presence and 71 ] Kosovo remains stable during time of political rule of law role change 30 ] Haiti begins long process of rebuilding 73 ] Committed to a lasting peace in Cyprus 33 ] Sudan: Pulling out the stops for the referendum INTERVIEWS > > > 36 ] Radio Miraya: Sudan referendum hits the airwaves 4 ] Alain Le Roy, the Under-Secretary-General 37 ] UNAMID: Striving to protect Darfur’s most vulnerable for Peacekeeping Operations 40 ] Côte d’Ivoire: A year of significant advances 10 ] Susana Malcorra, the Under-Secretary- followed by a lost opportunity General for Field Support 44 ] MONUC becomes MONUSCO, challenges remain 15 ] B. Lynn Pascoe, the Under-Secretary- 48 ] Improved security paves way for MINURCAT withdrawal General for Political Affairs 49 ] A busy year for preventive diplomacy in West Africa PEACE OPERATIONS FACTS AND FIGURES > > > 50 ] One Liberia – One UN: Forging ahead together 76 ] United Nations peacekeeping operations 51 ] Turning the tide on Somalia? 78 ] United Nations political and peacebuilding missions 53 ] The Middle East remains high on UN peace and security 80 ] Peacekeeping contributors agenda 81 ] Top 10 contributors of uniformed personnel 55 ] UNSCO: Supporting a two-State solution in the Middle East 81 ] Surge in uniformed UN peacekeeping personnel 57 ] UNSCOL: The Challenge of peacemaking in Lebanon from 1991-2010 Photo caption: Voters look for their names on registration lists outside a poll- 81 ] Top 10 providers of assessed financial contributions ing station at Zam Zam Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camp on the first day of Sudan’s national elections, Zam Zam, North Darfur, Sudan. 11 April 2010. (UN Photo/Albert Gonzalez Farran) Cover photo: UN peacekeeper in Haiti. 17 September 2010. (UN Photo/Marco Dormino) A YEAR OF COMPLEX CHALLENGES FOR UN PEACE OPERATIONS 2010 was in many ways a water- caught in the middle of a tense into two, the UN Mission in Sudan shed one for UN peace operations. stand-off in Côte d’Ivoire following (UNMIS) assisted and supported Several long-standing peacekeep- contested presidential elections. the national authorities in plan- ing missions, including in Liberia ning for and carrying out this criti- and Timor-Leste, took decisive While there may be a reduction cal poll. steps towards extending initial in the numbers of peacekeepers stability and security gains into in 2011, peacekeeping will be no Limited consent from the national longer-term peacebuilding, al- less crucial. And the political role authorities and differences within lowing UN peacekeepers to begin of the UN, through its political the international community re- to withdraw or to plan to do so. In field missions and special envoys garding strategy necessitated the other theatres of operations such conducting peacemaking, preven- downsizing and eventual closure as Chad, Darfur and the Democratic tative diplomacy and peacebuild- of the UN peacekeeping mission Republic of the Congo, political and ing, is bound to grow even more. in Chad and the Central African operational factors have made it Republic (MINURCAT). harder for the peacekeepers to live As Sudan prepared for the historic up to expectations. The year ended referendum that would decide if Despite continued insecurity in with thousands of peacekeepers the largest country in Africa splits the east, over 1,500 blue hel- A peacekeeper with the African Union- United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) speaks to a resident of the Zam Zam Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camp near El Fasher, Darfur, Sudan. 10 February 2010. (UN Photo/Albert Gonzalez Farran) YEAR IN REVIEW 2010 1 mets began to pull out of the Democratic Republic of the Congo as the operation transformed into a stabilization mission known as MONUSCO. And following the earthquake of 12 January 2010, the UN Mission in Haiti – itself horrifically affected by the tragedy –began the process of undertak- ing an entire new set of stabiliza- tion tasks. After a decade of surge in demand for UN blue helmets, it appears that peacekeeping may now be headed towards a period of consolidation and even contraction. But the new environment promises to be com- plex, the tasks daunting and the work dangerous. Any reduction in numbers of peacekeepers in no way indicates that the challenges are diminishing. To better service its operations, the UN Secretariat has been develop- ing its global field support strategy, transforming recruitment process- es and strengthening regional hubs to further systemize and econo- mize support to peace operations and political missions and to better cope with logistical challenges. The African Union-United Nations Hybrid Opera- Yet peacekeeping continues to tion in Darfur (UNAMID) conducts road trip ex- confront a range of substantive ercise across North and West Darfur, Sudan. 23 challenges and issues. These in- June 2010. (UN Photo/Albert Gonzalez Farran) clude maintaining the consent of the parties to a peacekeeping operation; trying to keep peace when there is no peace to keep; upholding UN impartiality; and deciding when to use force within the scope of a mission’s means and mandate. The fundamental requirement that peacekeeping must sustain inter- national political support through- out the entire lifespan of the mis- sion, and that it must accompany but not substitute for a vibrant and 2 UNITED NATIONS PEACE OPERATIONS inclusive political process, also rity sectors and building the rule of UN political missions are operat- remain critical to success. law, protecting civilians, combat- ing in obvious hotspots such as ing sexual and gender-based vio- Afghanistan, Iraq and the Middle UN peacekeeping operations con- lence, assisting national elections, East, but also in areas that are tinue to deploy to inhospitable envi- promoting security of UN staff and not in the headlines but where ronments that are remote and dan- helping to nurture the often fragile the potential for conflict remains gerous with scant resources and seeds of peace. In the immediate constant, such as West Africa, considerable logistical challenges. aftermath of conflict, peacekeep- Central Asia and soon Central The numbers of peacekeepers on ers are increasingly peacebuilders. Africa. The UN’s 12 political mis- the ground may be shrinking, but sions range from small mediation both the expectations and the com- In a complementary develop- teams to large and multi-faceted plexity of mandates continue to ment, the UN Secretariat and field operations–all deployed with grow. While some missions retain Security Council have put new the belief that lasting political so- the traditional ceasefire support, emphasis on preventative diplo- lutions are the ultimate necessity observation and monitoring tasks, macy as a low-key, long-term for peace. today’s operations are increas- and cost-effective way to en- ingly called upon to perform a wide courage peace and stability. range of multi-dimensional and exceptionally sensitive tasks–such The UN Department of Political Af- A peacekeeper with the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) helps relocate a young resident from a as supporting peace processes, fairs has been expanding its pres- camp for people displaced in the January 2010 earthquake building sustainable institutions ence in the field, in the form of re- ahead of the arrival of tropical storm Tomas, Port-au-Prince, of governance, reforming secu- gionally-focused political offices. Haiti. 4 November 2010. (UN Photo/Logan Abassi) YEAR IN REVIEW 2010 3 Alain Le Roy (left), the Under-Secretary- General for Peacekeeping Operations, is greeted by Ibrahim Gambari (right), the UN PEACEKEEPING ENTERS Joint Special Representative of the Af- rican Union-United Nations Hybrid Op- eration in Darfur (UNAMID) upon arrival CONSOLIDATION PHASE in El Fasher, Sudan. 9 November 2010. (UN Photo/Albert Gonzalez Farran) IntervIew wIth AlAIn le roy, the Under-SecretAry-GenerAl for PeAcekeePInG oPerAtIonS The number of United Na- Le Roy: Yes, I believe see a further drawdown in tions peacekeepers has peacekeeping has entered a 2012 in Timor-Leste and increased dramatically phase of consolidation after Liberia. Although I don’t over the past decade and nearly a decade of expan- anticipate any new opera- now more than 120,000 sion. The peak was in May tions in the months ahead, military, police and civil- 2010 when we reached we have just increased the ians serve worldwide un- 126,000 peacekeepers. strength of our mission in der the Un flag. do you Côte d’Ivoire and our pres- think that the surge in Un Since then we have seen a ence in Sudan will need to peacekeeping has peaked slight decrease, mainly due be reviewed in light of the and that we have entered to the closure of MINURCAT referendum. However, any a phase of consolidation? at the end of 2010. We may reduction in terms of num- 4 UNITED NATIONS PEACE OPERATIONS bers by no means indicates that do it – we cannot protect everyone peace and security – a landmark the challenges we are facing are from everything. But we know the text which recognized the role diminishing. At the same time, expectations are very high, espe- of women not just as victims of we are focusing more attention cially on our peacekeepers. We do conflict but also as peacemak- on the specific requirements and our utmost to meet these expec- ers.
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