THE MAGAZINE FOR EN / ISSUE 2021 SNOW SPECIALISTS N°10 SNOW WORLD DEMACLENKO IT SRL/GMBH Contact/Editor Via/Straße Gabriel Leitner 1A 10th edition – MAY 2021 I-39049 Vipiteno/Sterzing Tel. +39 0472 061 601 Editorial Office Marketing, DEMACLENKO
[email protected] Print 10.000 copies Graphics and Layout Büro Martin Keim INDEX INDEX 02 PROJECTS GERMANY 18 EDITORIAL 03 PROJECTS SWITZERLAND 19 FAN GUNS 04 / 05 PROJECTS FRANCE 20 / 21 LANCES 06 / 07 PROJECTS USA 22 QUALITY MANAGEMENT 08 / 09 PROJECTS NORWAY 23 TURNKEY PLANT CONSTRUCTION 10 / 11 PROJECTS GEORGIA 24 FULLY AUTOMATIC SNOWMAKING 12 / 13 DEMACLENKO AS TECHNICAL SUPPLIER 25 PROJECTS ITALY 14 / 15 COMPANY FOUNDATION WITH WLP 26 PROJECTS AUSTRIA 16 / 17 DISINFECTION AND FIRE FIGHTING 27 INDEX / EDITORIAL _ 02 / 03 Andreas Lambacher (CEO) EDITORIAL Empty slopes, closed ski resorts, stopped investments. A very difficult year lies behind the entire in- dustry. We hope that such a year will never repeat itself, but we still want to look back on it in the new “Snow World”. In spite of the difficult market situation, we have succeeded in implementing several important prestigious projects. The highlight of the year was undoubtedly the market launch of the new Titan 4.0 fan gun, whose performance immediately won over customers worldwide. Titan 4.0 impresses with its sophisticated technology, efficient energy consumption and the record production output of 120 m³/h. Our latest snow lance EOS DUO in a powerful double-head version is also becoming increasingly popular and is one of the top players on the snowmaking market.