Relishes, Jellies, Pickles
MAR R IAG E CAKE oun ds ou n d s ex Take five p of fe rvent devotion , three p tract e r of faithfuln s s , four qua ts of heartfelt satisfaction , one pound s ix e each of prudenc e and good nature , sc rupl s each of c onfidence e e and mature deliberation , eight ounces ach of g ntleness and mod e esty , tw lve scruples of matrimonial fidel ity , two pounds c onnu e bial felic ity , three quarts ecstatic nj oyment , one pound each of n patience , industry and economy , ine ounces each of discretion e and benevol nce , four ounces of neatnes s , half pound seeds of e virtu , one ounce essence of purity , seven pints sweetnes s of d S o s itio n m i p , Add to this one quart bal of a thousand ill s , five x e pints c ream of e cellence , one gall on milk of human kindn ss , M e ~ one hundred grains common sense . ix thoroughly with che r e e fuln s s , th n pour into the golden bowl of domestic happines s , lubricated with the oil of gladnes s and bake in the oven of bless e dn e s s m , heated with the fire of true love . While war spread with a frosting of gracefulnes s , In the center place the star of hope , e nc ircled with a wreath of smiles interwoven with pinks of pe rfec tion , and fasten the wreath with golden cords of harmony and s il ver threads of discourse .
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