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Be careful in your selection: do not choose one too young I and take only such as have been reared in a good moral atmosphere. Some insist in keeping them in a pickle I while others put them in hot water.

This only makes them sour I har'd , and sometimes bitter.

Even poor varieties may be made sweet and good by garnishing them with patience , well sweetened with smiles and flavored with kisses to taste; then wrap them in a mantle of charity I keep warm with a steady fire of domestic devotion and serve with peaches and cream. When thus prepared they will keep for years.

3 I

Although not pretending to be culinary artists r each of the members "represented has a favorite recipe which they consider a gastronomical achieve- ment.

We cannot be responsible for the results achieved by others in the use of these formulae, but we trust I they will turn out to be a gourmet's delight.

I The following abbreviations are used throughout:

t Teaspoon s Small I T Tablespoon L Large c Cup m Medium lb Pound doz Dozen hr Hour sq Square min Minute oz Ounce I I I I, I 4 E E

p I A-I PUNCH 1 qt cranberry juice cocktail 2 lb sugar 2 qt ginger ale 3/4 qt tea I 1/2 doz oranges ice cubes 2 cans lemon juice (6-8 lemons)

Will serve about 45. ** ** * Mrs. Howard F. Greene RUSSIAN TEA 10 c water 4-5 pieces cinnamon bark 2 c sugar 8 c boiling water 1 T whole cloves juice 1 lemon 1 T tea 6-8 oranges (1 c canned orange juice)

Boil 10 c water, sugar, cinnamon and cloves 7 min. Brew tea in boiling water 5 min. Add lemon and orange juice and combine two mixtures. Let stand 24 hrs. strain and serve hot. * * **** Mrs. Eliot Tozer

TEA PUNCH 4 c orange or grapefruit juice 1 c lemon juice 1 1/4 c sugar 1 c raspberry juice 1 1/2 c hot water 2 c tea infusion 1 qt soda water

Mix fruit juices, raspberry syrup, and tea. Boil sugar and water 5 min. Combine. Chill. Add charged water just before serving. Serves 20-25. ** * ** Mrs. Joseph F. Willard

TOMATO JUICE 10 qt tomatoes 3 L onions 3 green sweet peppers 10 T sugar 3 1/3 c celery 10 t salt dash pepper

Cut celery, onions and peppers small, mix with tomatoes. Simmer 1 hr. Pour through colander, reheat and bottle. * * * * * Mrs. Roland G. Porter

7 CHEESE SPREAD 1/2 lb cream cheese 1 s onion 2 hard boiled eggs salt 1 s bottle stuffed olives. paprika

Chop or finely grind eggs, onion and olives. Mix with cheese, salt and paprika, moisten with either milk or liquor from olives to make consistency which will spread easily. ***** Mrs. Carl S. Ell CHEESE SQUARES 1/2 lb coon cheese 1 egg white (beaten) 1/2 lb butter 1 T cream To serve with salads or as appetizer. Cut I crusts from loaf of unsliced bread, cut bread into slices one inch thick. Cut slices into squares. Spread with mixture and broil. * * * ** Mrs. Ralph R. Butler

EGG'N CHEESE PUFFS 4 eggs 1/2 t salt 1 T chopped onion 1 t baking powder 1/3 c 1/3 c Crisco for frying 1/3 lb sharp cheese

Beat eggs and combine with onion, flour, salt and baking powder. Add cheese cut in 1/4 inch cubes. Heat Crisco in frying pan. Drop by T into hot fat and fry golden brown on both sides. Yield about 12. ** * ** Mrs.. Chester P. Baker

CHEESE IN BLANKETS Wrap slices of bacon around 1 inch cubes of American cheese. Fasten with toothpicks. Broil at high heat until bacon is crisp, turning frequently to prevent cheese from melting. ** *** Mrs. Joseph F. Willard

8 HARPSWELL CLAM CHOWDER 4 slices salt pork (4 in. by I in. I L onion, cut fine I qt potatoes, sliced I qt clams chopped 3/4 c clam water I qt milk

Fry out salt pork, add onion and cook slightly. Add potatoes and enough water to cook them in. Cook until tender, add clams and clam water and cook 10 min. Add milk, salt, pepper and heat. ****** Mrs. William T. Alexander

APPETEASER COCKTAIL To juice of 6 oranges, add juice (or finely chopped) onion and good pinch of salt. Let stand in refrigera- tor an hour or two. Specially good with roast lamb. ****** Mrs. Harold H. Wade

CRANBERRY JUICE COCKTAIL 4 c cranberries 3/4 c sugar 6 c water juice of 1 lemon

Boil cranberries -15 min. when cranberries pop, mash all open while boiling. Strain through jelly bag -- squeeze. Add sugar and boil 2 min. Remove from fire add lemon juice. Serve ice cold. ****** Mrs. Charles M. Anderson

HOT CIDER PUNCH OR WASSAIL juice of 3 oranges 1 T cinnamon juice of 3 lemons . 1 T allspice 1 1/2 c sugar 2 qt water 1 gallon sweet cider

Mix fruit juices and spices with water, heat thoroughly, simmer for 1 hr. Then add sugar, when sugar is dissolved add hot cider. Serve very hot either in coffee urn or punch bowl. ** * * ** Mrs. W. C. Hultgren


Wrap slice of bacon around each olive 0 Fasten with toothpicks. Broil at moderate temperature I until bacon is crisp. Serve hot. * **** .Mrs 0 Joseph F. Willard I SALMON STEW 2 c milk salt and pepper L piece of butter s can salmon I 1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup

Heat milk in double boiler, add butter and season- I ing. Add hot milk to soup and return to double boiler and add broken and cleaned aalmcn, Reheat and serve very hot. I * * *** Mrs. Thomas Wallace LENTIL SOUP 1 ham bone 1 L onion 1 1/2 c lentils 1 carrot 1 c canned tomato soup 1 potato 1 or 2 stalks of celery with leaves

Soak washed lentils overnight. Cover ham bone I with water and bring to boil. Add lentils and cook until almost done, about 2 hrs. Add cut up I cetery , carrot and potato 0 Brown onion in melted fat, stir in 1 T flour and thicken with liquid from soup. Mix thoroughly. Add tomato soup, Good reheated. ***** Mrs. Roland Leach LOBSTER STEW I 3 L potatoes 1 can lobster 2 onions 1 qt milk 1 can peas (large size) I Slice potatoes and onions, cover with liquid from I can of peas. Add liquid from can of lobster. Cook till potatoes are soft, add milk" lobster and peas. * * * ** Mrs. David S. Clark

10 FRESH VEGETABLE SOUP 1/2 c string beans 1/3 c celery minced 3/4 c green peas 2 T minced onion 3/4 c diced carrots 1/ 4 c tomato juice 4 c boiling water 3 bouillon cubes salt and pepper

Cut beans in 1/2 in. lengths; cook in the boiling water 10 min. Add the other vegetables and continue cooking until they are tender, about 15 min. Dissolve cubes in boiling mixture and season to taste. Amounts of vege- tables may be varied if desired. ****** Mrs. Rudolf O. Oberg

SEA VILLAGE CLAM BISQUE (ten servings) First, steam up enough clams in order to have a quart of clam broth and a half pint of chopped clams. Then, warm a quart of light cream over a low flame, adding 1/8 lb butter, a pinch each of garlic salt and celery salt, 1 T finely chopped onion and 1 t of chicken soup base. Stir until ingredients are thoroughly dissolved. Add the clam broth, the richer the better, and also a c of flour, gradually. Keep on stirring until mixture has right consistency. Pour in 1/2 pint clams, chopped small, and heat a bit more, heat bowls and serve. ****** Mrs. John E. Sullivan

CRABMEAT SOUP 1 can crabmeat 1 can pea soup 1 can tomato soup 1 c dry sherry season to taste

Empty contents of soup can into sauce pan and heat over slow fire. When mixture has reached a temperature of about 140 degrees F. add sherry and crabmeat, stirring to prevent sticking to pan. When crabmeat has heated through, serve in bouillon cups. ****** Mrs. Wilmont Griffith

11 RICE AND CELERY SOUP 1 c celery tops 2 t salt 1/2 c celery 1/8 t pepper 1/2 m sized onion 3 1/2 c boiling water 1/4 c rice 3 1/2 c milk 1 T butter Chop celery tops fine - cut celery into small I pieces ~ chop onion. Wash rice well. Cook all together with seasonings in the boiling water 1/2 hr. ~ then add milk and butter and heat thoroughly. For cream soup (or to add to canned chicken, tomato or mushroom soups) press mixture through sieve. Then add milk and butter. The puree without milk may be kept in refrigerator to use as needed. * ** * * Mrs. Roland G. Porter

12 BREADSBREADS ~ -- FRENCH BREAD 1/2 c milk 1 T sugar 1 c water 2 1/2 t salt 11/2 T shortening 1/4 c luke warm water 1 dry or fresh yeast I 1/2 t sugar 4 3/4 c sifted all-purpose flour

Combine milk and 1 c water in small pan and bring to a boil. Add shortening, then cool to lukewarm. Mean- while, sprinkle yeast on lukewarm water, add 1 T sugar, and let stand 5 to 10 min. to soften. Place flour, salt, 1 1/2 t sugar in a large mixing bowl. Make an attractive well or depression in the center. Pour in the combined milk and water. Stir up the yeast, and add. Mix well but DO NOT KNEAD. The dough should be soft as a sweetheart's cheek. Cover bowl with a towel, and let rise in a warm place until double in bulk. Turn dough onto a lightly floured board. STILL DO NOT KNEAD. Divide into 3 parts and form loaves: flatten the dough with palms of hands, fold opposite sides to meet in center, fold lengthwise in half, press out from center until long thin roll (15" long and 1 1/4" high) is formed. Place rolls on greased baking sheet. With knife make 1/4" diagonal slashes on top every 2" . Speak a few words of French and let them rise, uncovered, until a little more than double in bulk. Bake at 400 for 15 min . , then reduce heat to 350 and bake 30 min. Remove from oven and brush lightly and quickly with slightly beaten egg white and water (1 egg white, 2 T water). Bake 5 to 10 min. more until golden. Cool loaves in a draft by an open window, or give them several cold glances - - this makes crust crackle. Makes 3 loaves, all 3 good. * * ** * * A Husband

15 SWEDISH COFFEE BREAD 1/2 to 3/ 4 c milk 1 egg 1 yeast 1/4 c sugar 1 T melted butter 2 c flour (more or less) 1 t salt 6 or 7 cardamon seeds

Scald milk, let cool and dissolve yeast cake in liquid. Add sugar and egg slightly beaten. Add flour sifted with salt, beating until smooth. Add I butter and crushed cardamon seeds, dough should be loose but not too sticky. Let rise to double in bulk. Knead and form into two braids. Let rise, I brush with melted shortening, sprinkle with sugar and bake in 3500 oven about 20 min. May be frosted with water after baking instead of sugar. ***** Mrs. Rudolf O. Oberg BLUEBERRY I 2 c bread flour 1 egg 1 t salt 1/2 c sugar 2 t cream tartar 4 T melted shortening 1 c milk 1 c blueberries 1 t soda

Sift flour, salt, soda and cream of tartar. Beat egg and milk and add to flour mixture. Add sugar, shortening and berries. Bake in greased tins in 4250 oven. ** ** * Mrs. Gilbert G. MacDonald

CHEESE FLAKES 1 yeast cake 1 1/4 c milk scalded 1/4 c lukewarm milk 1 t salt 1 c grated cheese 4 c floor (about)

Dissolve yeast in milk and melt cheese in hot milk, cool to lukewarm. Add yeast, salt and flour. Place in refrigerator to chill thoroughly. Roll to 1/8 in. thick, brush with melted butter and cut with sharp knife into 2 in. wide strips. Arrange six on top of each other. Cut into 2 in. squares and place cut side down in greased muffin pans. Let rise and bake at 4250 for 20 min. * * *** Mrs. George B. Welch

16 BAKED BROWN BREAD 3/4 c molasses 1 t salt 2 c milk or buttermilk 1 c white flour 1 heaping T shortening 1 c graham flour 1 t soda 1/2 c sugar

Mix altogether well and bake in 2 m or 1 L loaf pan in 325 oven till straw inserted cones out clean. ** * ** * Mrs. Edmund M. MacCloskey CHOCOLATE HONEYCOMB (WAFFLES) 6 T butter 1/4 t salt 1 c sugar 2 t baking powder 2 eggs 1 1/2 c flour 1/2 c milk 2 oz melted chocolate 1/ 2 t vanilla

Cream butter and sugar and add eggs well beaten. Sift flour, baking powder and salt, and add alternately with milk. Stir in chocolate and lastly vanilla. Bake in waffle iron. Served hot with vanilla ice cream. ****** Mrs. James T. Barre PEANUT BUTTER MUFFINS 4 T shortening 4 T peanut butter 2/ 3 c sugar 1 c milk 1 egg 2 c flour 4 t baking powder 1/4 t salt

Melt shortening, add sugar and beaten egg. Beat in the peanut butter. Add flour, salt, baking powder, and milk. Bake in hot oven" 4250 for 25 minutes. ** * *** Mrs. JohnR. Leighton

17 I MARSTON BREAD 1 c water 2 t salt 1 c milk 1 yeast cake I 3 T shortening 6 c flour 2 T sugar 1/2 c warm water

Put milk and water in saucepan and war m , mean- time ~ put In. L bow1 shortening ~ sugar and salt. I Pour warmed milk and water into bowl and stir until shortening and sugar are fused with liquid. Break up yeast cake in 1/2 c warm water (be sure I the water is only warm; or the yeast germs die a horrible death). Mix the yeast until smooth and add to bowl of warm stuff. Add 4 c flour and mix thoroughly. Add more sifted flour until mess is a large ~ workable ball, butnot too stiff. Transfer to floured board and knead until exhausted, add - I ing flour as needed to keep the mess from stick- ing. Wash out L bowl and grease lightly. Transfer the mess to bowl and let rise to twice its bulk -- I about 1 to 2 hrs. Toss the mess back on board and knead lightly, oh, so lightly; adding as little flour as possible. Divide the mess and place it in greased tins, allowing room for expansion. Cover tins to keep them warm and let rise to double their size -- about 1 hr. Thrust tins into 4000 oven for 15 to 20 min , , reduce heat to 3500 and continue to bake for 45 min. in all. Slide loaves from tins to cooling rack, brush tops with butter for beauty, let them cool. Then eat. * *** * An Other Husband A recipe for making plain white bread in 748 easy motions; bread that stays fresh.

18 REFRIGERATOR ROLLS 1 c lard 1 c water 3/ 4 c sugar Heat until well dissolved and let cool. 1 c cold water 2 eggs beaten 2 yeast 2 t salt 6 1/2 c flour

Add the cup of cold water with yeast dissolved in it I to the first mixture. Then add eggs well beaten. Add flour and salt (sifting while it is being added). Beat thoroughly and then put in covered pan and place in refrigerator. Must rise 2 hrs before baking in ·hot oven for 20 min. Take out- dough and roll into fingers and cut pieces size of small walnut and place 3 in greased muffin tins. Yield 40 rolls. ****** Mrs. Howard F. Greene

PECAN ROLLS 1 c milk 1 t salt 4 T butter 1 yeast cake 2 T sugar 1 egg 11/2 c flour flour butter brown sugar pecans

Heat milk while hot add butter, sugar and salt. When cool add yeast cake dissolved in a little warm water. Add 1 1/ 2 c flour and let rise double in size. Add egg and flour to make bread dough, let rise again. Knead and rollout about 1/2 in. thick, spread with butter and brown sugar and pecans, roll up and cut in slices about I in. thick. In bottom of muffin tins put 1 t brown sugar, 3 or 4 pecans and place slices of dough on top. Let rise again. Bake in 400 - 425 F about 20 min. ****** Mrs. CarlS.. Ell

BRAN MUFFINS 1/8 c butter I egg 1/4 c sugar I c bread flour 3/4 c milk I c bran flour 3 t baking powder I t salt

Cream sugar and butter .. add egg and beat well. Soak bran and milk a few mtnutes , add to above mixture. Stir in dry ingredients. Bake 25 min. at375F. ** **** Mrs. David S. Clark 19 CRANBERR Y NUT BREAD 2 c flour 1/2 t salt 1/2 t soda 1 c sugar

To juice and rind of 1 medium orange add 2 good T melted shortening or salad oil. Add boiling water

to make 3/4 c , add 1 beaten eggl I c chopped nuts and 1 c raw cranberries. Bake at 3250 for 1 hr. I Let stand over night. ***** Mrs. Eliot F. Tozer BANANA-NUT TEA BREAD I 1 egg 1/4 t salt 1 c sugar 1 t soda 1/2 c melted shortening 2 c flour (sifted) 3 ripe bananas 2/ 3 c chopped nuts

Mash bananas and let stand for about 5 min. Beat

egg I add sugar # add melted shortening. Sift dry

ingredients together # add flour and bananas alter- nately to egg mixtur-e , add nuts. Bake in loaf pan 0 about 35 min. at 340 • ***** Mrs. Saverio Zuffanti CALIFORNIA FRUIT BREAD 1/ 2 c brown sugar 1 egg 3 c bread flour 1/2 c dried apricots 1 t salt 1/2 c dried prunes 3 t baking powder 1/2 c nuts 1 c milk 2 T fresh orange peel

Soak apricots and prunes 1 hr. then cut fine. Mix all ingredients well and bake about 90 min. in moderate oven. ***** Mrs. John C. Morgan ANADAMA BREAD 1/2 c Indian meal 2 T shortening 2 c boiling water 1/2 c molasses 1 yeast cake I t salt 1/2 c lukewarm water about 5 c flour

Stir meal slowly into boiling water. When well mixed add shortening I salt and molasses. Cool. When lukewarm add yeast dissolved in water and flour to make stiff dough. Bake at 4000 for I hr. ***** Mrs. H. B. Alvord 20 iI------


I DATE LOAF 36 dates 1/ 4 t salt I 1t soda 1t vanilla I c boiling water 2 c pastry flour I egg beaten 1 t baking powder I 1/ 4 c sugar 1 c chopped nuts 3 T shortening if no nuts are used.

I Stone and half dates J add soda and water J let stand until cool. Add rest of ingredients. Bake 30-40 min. in 350 F. I ** * * * * Mrs. Otis F. Cushman DATE NUT BREAD I 1 pk dates 4 c flour 1 1/2 t soda 2 t baking powder 2 c boiling water pinch salt I 2 eggs 2 T melted butter 2 c brown sugar 1 t vanilla I I c chopped nuts Mix dates" boiling water and soda and let stand until cool. Mix eggs and brown sugar. Mix all ingredients well and bake for 1 hr. in 350 F. oven. * *** ** Mrs. Thomas E. Braddock I WAFFLES 2 c flour salt 2 c milk 1/2 c sugar 2 eggs I t vanilla 1 1/ 2 t baking powder 1 T melted butter

I Beat eggs" mix in sugar J stir well. Sift together J flour" baking powder" salt. Add alternately to first mixture with milk. Add melted butter and vanilla. Bake on waffle iron. Makes about 10-12. ** * * * * Mrs. J. James Devine

21 1 egg 3 mashed fairly ripe 1 c sugar bananas 1/ 4 c shortening 11/2 c flour 1 t salt 1t soda nuts optional

Mix and bake in greased loaf tin for 45 min. at 3750 or 1 hr. at 3500• * ** * * Mrs. William C. White

22 a d c

-.._------BLUEBERRY GAKE 2 1/2 c sifted ffour 2 c blueberries 1/2 t salt 2 1/2 t baking powder 1 c sugar 1/2 c shortening 1/2 c milk 1 egg (unbeaten)

Sift flour then measure and sift again with baking powder and salt. Cream shortening" add sugar gradually" add egg and mix well. Add flour alter- nately with milk" beating smooth. Makes stiff batter. Bake in pari l2"x8"x2" 45 min. in 350 oven: Sprinkle top with sugar and cinnamon. I ****** Mrs. Ernest L. Spencer PINEAPPLE UPSIDE-DOWN CAKE I Melt butter the size of an egg in baking pan. In butter" lay slices of pineapple" placing a cherry in the center of each slice. Next spread over pineapple 1/2 c light brown sugar and leave over low flame to warm through. Make batter of 3 egg yolks" 1 c sugar" 1 c flour" 1 t baking powder" pinch salt and add 1 t vanilla to 1/4 c pineapple juice. Add well beaten egg whites. Bake in moderate oven (350) for about 40 min. Top with whipped cream. ****** Mrs. Paul W. Glennon

SPICE CAKES 1/2 c shortening 1 c sour milk 1 c sugar 1 t soda pinch salt 2 t cinnamon 1 egg 1 c ground seedless raisins 2 c sifted flour 2 t mixed spices (optional)

Mix well" fill muffin tins 1/2 full and bake in moderate oven. * ** ** * Mrs. Baldwin Steward

25 I' CHEESE CAKE Serves 12-14people. Made in a spring form. Crush 1box zweiback , add pinch of cinnamon, I 1/8 c sugar and 1/4 lb melted butter (hold out 2 T butter for cake). Grease spring form well. Pat crumb mixture on bottom and sfdes , leav- I ing enough to sprinkle on top of cake. Beat 4 egg yolks and 1c sugar until light ~ add 2 T butter ~ 2 lbs cream cheese ~ 2 heaping T flour ~ 1 c milk ~ I. 1t vanilla ~ pinch salt and 4 stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour batter into spring form and sprinkle crumbs and bake 1 hr. in 2750 oven. IT IS IMPOR - I TANT THAT THERE BE NO BANGINGOR JARRING NOISESIN THE KITCHEN WHILE THIS CAKE IS IN THE OVEN. At the end of 1hr. turn out oven light. I Do not open door for another hour ~ then open door and leave cake untouched for another hour. Re- move from oven. Make cake day before using. I After it has cooled place in refrigerator over night. Remove about 2 or 3 hrs. before serving. * * *** Mrs. George M. Lane I 3 eggs 1 1/2 c flour (sifted) I 3/ 4 c cold water 1t baking powder 11/4 c sugar 1 t flavoring pinch salt I Beat egg yolks and water until foam fills bowl. Add sugar gradually and beat 7 min. Add sifted I dry ingredients and flavoring. Fold in beaten egg whites. Bake in 3500 oven 1 hr. * * * ** Mrs. Dana Hardy I SOURCREAM SPONGE CAKE Put 2 eggs in 1/2 pt cup and fill with sour cream ~ I stir together slightly. Turn into bowl and add 1/2 c sugar .. 1t soda. Beat together and add 1 c flour. Flavor to taste (vanilla or lemon). This I is a one pan cake. Bake in moderate oven. * * *** Mrs. Robert J. Knowlton

26 TOMATO SOUP CAKE 1 egg 1/2 t allspice 1 c sugar 1/2 t nutmeg 1/2 c shortening 1/4 t clove 1 c Campbell's tomato 1/8 t salt soup 1 c raisins 1 t soda 1/2 c nut meats . 2 c pastry flour 1 t cinnamon

Cream eggl sugar and shortening together I add soup in which soda has been dissolved. Add flour which has been sifted with spices and salt and then raisins and nuts. Bake in lorg cake tin 1 1/2 hrs. ** * ** Mrs. Milton J. Schlagenhauf

CHEESECAKE 1 T butter 1 c cake flour 1/2 c sugar 1/ 4 t baking powder Salt 1/2 t vanilla 1 egg 3 T milk

Mix wefl , in beater if possible. Spread on 9" buttered pie plate going up high on stdes , making a wall. Use . deep pie plate.

1/2 lb cream cheese 4 T sugar 3 eggs 4 T cake flour salt 2 c milk juice of 1/ 2 lemon

Beat all in beater I if possible I until smooth, making sure to scrape bottom of bowl. Pour onto above mixture. Bake in 325 oven 1 hr. or until firm all the way through. ** * * ** Mrs. Albert Slavin

27 LEMON ICE BOX CAKE 6 beaten egg yolks 1/4 c water 3/4 c sugar 6 egg whites 3/4 c lemon juice 3/4 c sugar 1 1/2 t grated rind 1 L 1 envelope plain gelatin

Make custard of egg yolks and 3/ 4 c sugar, lemon juice and rind. Cook over hot water (not boiling) until mixture coats spoon. Remove from heat. I Add gelatin, softened in cold water. Fold in beaten egg whites to which have been added 3/4 c sugar. Tear into bite size pieces I and place in angel cake pan which has been buttered well. Pour custard over it layer by layer. Chill until firm. Unmold and cover with sweetened whipped cream. Garnish center hole with flowers. * * *** * Mrs. William T. Cloney I ALMOND CAKE 1/ 2 c shortening 1 t baking powder 1/ 2 c sugar 1/4 t salt 4 eggs 1/4 c milk 1 c flour 1/2 t almond flavoring I c powdered or granulated sugar

Cream shortening and sugar, add egg yolks. Mix.

Add sifted flour J baking powder and salt alternately

with milk. Add flavoring. Pour into two deep J

greased eight in. cake pans. Spread with meringue J made by beating egg whites stiff and gradually add- ing sugar. Bake in slow 3250 oven for 40 min. un- til meringue is well set. Cool and spread with custard filling between and top with whipped cream. RICH CUSTARD FILLING I c milk, 1/3 c sugar, 1/4 c flour, 1/4 t salt, 1 egg, 2 T butter, 1 t vanilla.

Scald milk. Mix sugar J flour J and salt together and add slightly beaten egg. Add to scalded milk and cook until thick and smooth in double boiler. Blend in butter and vanilla. Cool. * ** ** Mrs. Stanley o. Robinson

28 HOT MILK CAKE 3 eggs 1/2 t salt 11/2 c sugar 3/ 4 c warm milk 11/2 c cake flour 1t vanilla 11/2 t baking powder 2 T butter

Beat eggs well then add sugar and beat 2 1/2 min. in mixer, quickly add flour I baking powder and salt, then add milk, butter and vanilla. Bake in 375 oven 30 min. and top with this mixture, 2 T melted butter I 2 T cream' or top milk, 1/3 c brown sugar and 1c cocoanut. Put under broiler and watch closely. ****** Mrs. Eliot Tozer APRICOT SPONGE CAKE butter size of egg 1c white sugar 1c brown sugar pinch of salt 1/2 lb stewed apricots 1/2 c hot water 3 eggs 1c flour 1t baking powder

Melt butter and brown sugar in L frying pan then arrange apricots face down in syrup, beat yolks of eggs and add white sugar and salt and beat until fine. Add hot water and flour with baking powder sifted with it. Beat again. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour batter over apricots and bake in moderate oven 45 min. Serve warm with whipped cream. ****** Mrs. Lester W. Dearborn ANGEL 1egg 1c flour 1/2 c sugar 1/2 t salt 1/4 c molasses 1t vanilla 1/3 c melted shortening 1scant t soda 1/2 c boiling water

Beat egg until light, add sugar, molasses, shortening. Sift flour with salt and add. Then vanilla and boiling water in which soda has been added. Batter will be thin. Bake in shallow cake pan in moderate oven 25 min. Serve hot with whipped cream. * * **** Mrs. Preston Harvey

29 I NO EGG 1 c sugar 3 T shortening 1 1/2 c flour 2 sq chocolate I 1 c buttermilk 1 t soda 1 t salt If

Melt shortening and chocolate together I combine all ingredients and beat thoroughly. Bake in 3250 oven until top springs back when touched.

FROSTING 1 T butter lIt vanilla I 2 sq choco-

late I coffee and confectioners sugar. ***** Mrs. Edmund M. MacCloskey CHOCOLATE 1/2 c butter 1 c milk 1 c sugar 2 eggs 1 1/3 c cake flour 2 sq chocolate 3 rounded t baking powder pinch salt 1 t vanilla

Cream butter and sugar I add egg yolks , flour I baking powder I mrlk, salt, vanilla and melted chocolate. Then fold in beaten egg whites. Bake in round tins in 3500 oven about 15- 20 min. FROSTING 1 T butter 1/4 c milk 1 c sifted confectioners 1/2 t vanilla sugar 2-4 sq chocolate 1 egg or 2 egg yolks

Cream butter and sugar together very wefl , add I egg or yolks I mflk , vanilla and melted chocolate I beat with egg beater until thick and light colored. Spread between layers and on top of cake. Sprinkle I top with chopped walnuts if desired. Trick to this frosting is to have ingredients cold. If it does not thicken add one more sq of chocolate. I use 3. I ***** Mrs. Harold W. Melvin I

30 1 1/2 c thick unsweetened applesauce 1/2 c shortening 1 t nutmeg 1 c sugar 1/ 2 t salt 1 c raisins 2 c bread flour 1/ 2 t cloves .2 t baking soda 1 t cinnamon 1/ 2 c nut meats

Put shortening" sugar and raisins into hot applesauce. When cool add spices" flour and soda" then add chopped nuts. Bake at 350. **** * * Mrs. Carl F. Christianson

APPLESAUCE FRUIT CAKE 1/2 c shortening 1/2 t cloves I 1/ 2 c brown sugar 1 t cinnamon 1e~g 1 c seedless raisins 11/2 - 2 c flour 1 c chopped nuts 1 t baking powder 1/2 c chopped dates 1/2 t soda 1 c shredded citron" 1/4 t salt orange and lemon 1c unsweetened applesauce

Cream butter and sugar" add rest of ingredients" mixing fruit with a small amount of flour. If apple- sauce is thin add extra 1/2 c flour. . Bake in greased pan llx7xI 1/ 2 in 350 oven 40-50 min. *** * ** Mrs. John E. Sullivan

HUNDRED DOLLAR CAKE I c sugar 2 c flour 1 c Miracle Whip 2 t soda 4 T cocoa I c water pinch salt

Mix all ingredients well" then bake in 350 oven 45 min. * ** * * * Mrs. Carl Muckenhoupt

31 1----

I I FRUIT CAKE I 1 Ib raisins 1/2 t clove 2 c sugar 1/2 t salt 2 c cold water 1/2 t nutmeg 2 T shortening 1heaping t soda 1t cinnamon 4 c flour 1t allspice nuts if desired citron and fruit as desired (small cans good)

Put raisins" sugar" water" shortening" citron and fruits in sauce pan and boil 5 min. Add soda" flour and nuts. Bake in 3500 oven. I Makes 2 m loaf cakes. * *** * Mrs. Chalmers Weaver PINEAPPLESAUCE CAKE 1/2 c shortening 1/4 t lemon extract 1 c sugar 1/4 t soda I 2 eggs 2/ 3 c crushed pineapple I drop almond extract (juice and all) 1/4 t vanilla 1 3/4 c flour I I 1/2 t baking powder 1/4 t salt Cream shortening and sugar" add egg yolks and I flavoring. Stir soda into pineapple and add. Add flour sifted with baking powder. Add salt to egg whites and beat stiff" fold in. Bake in greased I pan in 3500 oven. ***** Mrs. William Wallace I APPLESAUCE CAKE 1/2 c shortening 1t cinnamon 11/2 c sugar 1/4 t salt I 2 eggs 1/2 t cloves 1 c thick unsweetened 1/2 t soda applesauce 1 c chopped raisins I 2 c flour

Cream together shortening and sugar" add beaten I eggs and applesauce. Sift flour" salt" soda and spices together and add" then add raisins. Bake 45-60 min. in 3500 oven. I *** * * Mrs. Elmer H. Cutts I

32 CHOCOLATE CAKE 1 c sugar 1 t vanilla 2 sq chocolate 1 egg yolk 11/2 c cake flour 1 T shortening 1 t soda 1 c milk 1/2 t salt

Beat egg yolk and sugar, add chocolate melted with butter gradually. Sift flour 3 times, mix soda and milk, add to egg and sugar alternating with flour. Do not beat. Bake in loaf tin 30-40 min. in 350-375 oven. Never fails to be light. Seven minute frosting may be made with egg white. * ** *** Mrs. Fay Luder MIX-IN-ONE-PAN FUDGE CAKE 2 sq chocolate 1 c flour 2 T shortening 2 t baking powder 1 c sugar 1/2 c milk 2 eggs 1 t vanilla 1/8 t salt

Melt in medium sauce pan, over low heat the chocolate and shortening, remove pan from stove and add sugar, eggs, flour, baking powder, milk, vanilla and salt stirring after each addition. Bake in 375-400 oven. Top with white boiled or confectioner's frosting. **** * Mrs. Lowell S. Nicholson 'S CHOCOLATE CAKE 1/ 3 c shortening 1 t vanilla 1 c sugar 1 t baking powder 1 egg 11/3 c all-purpose flour 2 sq chocolate 1/4 t salt 1 c boiling water 1 t soda

Cream shortening, add sugar and cream well. Add egg and beat. Pour boiling water over cut up chocolate J and when melted, pour water off to be added with flour.

Add melted chocolate then dry and liquid ingredients J beginning and ending with dry. Cook in lined pan for 30-40 min. in 350 oven. Batter will be very thin. ****** Mrs. George E. Pibl

33 BOILED FROSTING 1 c sugar 1/3 c boiling water 1egg white

Put sugar and water on to botl , beat egg white until thick; when syrup bofls , add 1 T to egg .white and beat , add another T and beat and another - 3 in all. Then boil rest of syrup till it threads. Pour slowly over egg white beating all the time. ***** Mrs. Baldwin Steward JUDY FROSTING 2 sq chocolate 16 T confectioner's 1 T butter sugar 1 egg 2 T milk or cream 1t vanilla

Melt chocolate with butter and let cool. Mix next .four ingredients ~ add chocolate and butter. Whip with rotary beater until stiff~ spread on cake. Makes enough for layer cake. It is im- portant to keep all ingredients cool - to hasten stiffening process. When icing is ready to spread it is light brown in color. Stays fresh and soft for days. Best to beat by hand~ electric I beater too fast. ***** Mrs. Reginald C . Thomas SOUR CREAM FROSTING I c nut meats I c sour cream I c white sugar 1 c brown sugar

Boil altogether like candy. ***** Mrs. Bernard H. Shelton

34 DELICATE CHOCOLATE CUP CAKES 1/2 c butter 1 t baking powder 1 c sugar 2 eggs 1 c flour 1/4 c milk pinch of salt 3 sq melted chocolate

Cream butter and sugar, sift flour and salt together and add mixing well. Add baking powder, stirring well, beat egg yolks and milk together and add, then melted chocolate. Beat egg whites stiff and fold in.

FROSTING 2 T melted butter 3 T cocoa 2 T coffee Confectioner's sugar to 1 T vanilla spread ***** Mrs. Laurence So Day MAPLE NUT CAKE 1/3 c shortening 1/2 t salt 1 c light brown sugar 2 t baking powder 3/4 c milk 1 t vanilla 1 1/2 c flour 2 egg yolks 1 c finely chopped nuts (pecans or walnuts)

Cream shortening with sugar, add egg yolks, mix well and add milk. Sift flour, salt and baking powder, add to above. Mix in nuts and vanilla. Bake in greased loaf pan 375 oven about 45 min.

FROSTING 1/2 t butter 1 T warm milk 1 1/2 c powdered sugar 1/2 t maple flavoring

Mix first three ingredients to a smooth paste then add flavoring. Sprinkle with nuts while icing is soft. ****** Mrs. Edwin W. Hadley

35 SEVEN GABLE CHOCOLATECAKE 2 eggs 1/2 c sour milk 1/2 c cocoa 1t vanilla 1/2 c shortening 1 t soda I 11/2 c flour 1 c sugar 1/2 c hot water

Put in bowl in order given. Do not stir until last item has been added. Then bake well in 3750 oven. Cut marshmallows into halves and place I 2" apart on hot cake. FROSTING 11/2 c brown sugar 3/4 c milk I 1 c white sugar 2 T butter 2 sq chocolate 1t vanilla I~

Boil to soft ball stage. Cool~ beat ~ and pour over cake and marshmallows. I * * ** Mrs. Winthrop E. Nightingale CHOCOLATECAKE I 1/2 c butter 1 rnd. t baking powder 11/2 c sugar 1/2 c milk 2 e~gs 1t vanilla I 1 3/ 4 c pastry flour 2 sq melted chocolate 1/2 t salt 5 T hot water I Sift flour and baking powder. Cream butter and sugar and add 3 T flour. Beat Inl egg~ add more flour ~ then other egg and part of milk, beating 1\ smooth as ingredients are added. Add rest of flour and mrlk, beat well and add vaml.la, chocolate and hot water. Beat again and bake in greased pan 8x8 in moderate 3500 oven for I hr. ***** Mrs. Robert Bruce FUDGE SQUARES 2 eggs , beaten I t baking powder I c sugar 1/2 c chopped nuts 2 T butter melted with 1/2 c hot water 2 sq chocolate 1 t vanilla 2/3 c sifted all-purpose flour

Mix in order given - batter will be thin. Bake in square tin in moderate oven 25 min or so. Frost with chocolate or mocha butter frosting. * ** ** Mrs. Rudolph M. Morris 36 FUDGE 2 c sugar 2/3 c milk .2 sq chocolate or 1/2 c cocoa 2 T light corn syrup 1/8 t salt 1t vanilla 2 T butter

Put sugar # mIlk, chocolate, salt # and corn syrup in sauce pan; stir over low heat until the chocolate has melted and sugar dissolved. Increase the heat; boil steadily until thermometer registers 236 F. (soft ball stage). Stir the mixture occasionally during the boil- ing to prevent burning. Remove the cooked candy from the stove; drop in butter and set aside to cool without stirring. Cool until pan can be held in hand without discomfort. Add vanilla and beat until it loses its gloss and begins to thicken. Turn into pan making it about 3/ 4 inch thtek, it may be necessary to press into pan with knuckles. Whencold cut into squares. ** *** * Mrs. Rudolf Oberg PECAN PRALINES 2 c sugar) 3/4 c milk) Mix and let boil gently.

Meanwhile caramelize over moderate heat 1 c sugar # stirring carefully to keep from burning. Then stir slowly into first mixture and, continuing to stir at frequent intervals # cook until a soft ball is formed when some is dropped from a spoon into cold water. Remove from heat and add 2 T butter. Cool until Iukewar-m, and then add I c chopped pecans and I t vanilla. Beat until creamy and drop onto buttered platter. ** * * * * Mrs. James T. Barrs

37 CASSEROLE and SUPPER DfSHES CARROT 1/2 lb or 1c grated carrots 6 eggs separated 1 c sugar 1 c walnut meats (ground) 1/2 c matza meal 1t baking powder 1t cinnamon

Beat yolks and sugar, add remaining ingredients, fold in egg whites and bake 45 min. * ** ** * Mrs. A. Howard Myers OLD-FAsmONED SCALLOPED POTATOES 4 L potatoes 1 s onion 1/2 t salt - dash pepper 1 1/2 T flour 1T butter 1 3/4 c milk

Cut potatoes in 1/8 in slices. Place potatoes and onion (thinly sliced) in buttered baking dish, sprink- ling each layer with salt, pepper and flour and dot- ting with butter. Add milk and cover. Bake in moderate oven 2 hrs. or until potatoes are tender, uncovering them during last 30 min. * * **** Mrs. Earle Hardy STUFFED ARTICHOKES Wash as many artichokes as needed (1per person). Cut off stem and tips of leaves. Mix finely chopped onion, parsley with canned tomatoes. Add small quantity of olive oil, season pour mixture into center of artichoke leaves. Place in sauce pan. Pour residue of tomato mixture over artichokes. Add additional olive oil if desired. Fill sauce pan with water to level of artichokes. Cook approximately 1hr. until water is nearly evaporated, test center, if not tender add water and cook until center is soft. * * * * ** Mrs. Elmer H. Cutts

41 ASPARAGUS AND HARD BOILED EGG CASSEROLE asparagus (fresh or canned) 6 hard boiled eggs white sauce I Butter casserole, alternate layers of asparagus, sliced hard boiled eggs and white sauce and salt I to taste. Top with crushed shredded wheat, crumbs or chips. Bake 30 min in moderate oven. **** Mrs. Edmund M. MacCloskey I MACARONI AND CHEESE 1/2 Ib macaroni broken into 2" lengths or elbow I macaroni. Boil in well salted water 20 min. Pour into colander and rinse with hot water. Make thin white sauce with following ingredients - 1t salt, 1/4 t pepper, 1/3 t dry mustard, 3 T butter. Blend well, add 3 c cold milk and heat stirring con- stantly until it comes to a boil. Add most of 6 oz or 1 1/ 2 c grated sharp cheddar cheese. Combine with macaroni. Put in greased casserole, sprinkle I with remaining cheese and buttered crumbs (optional). Bake in hot oven 3750 30 min. Serves 6. **** Mrs. Everett C. Marston TUNA FISH CASSEROLE 1or 2 cans tuna fish or flakes 1 in bag potato chips cream sauce

Butter casserole, alternate layers of tuna fish, potato chips and white sauce. Top with crushed chips. Bake 30 min or until brown and bubbling on top. **** Mrs. Edmund M. MacCloskey

42 RICE AND EGG CHARTREUSE 1 1/2 c rice 6-8 eggs 1 pt milk 3 T flour 1 T butter salt and pepper 3/4lb sharp cheese

Boil or steam rice and dr-ain , hard cook eggs. In top of double boiler ~ melt butter and cheese together ~ stir in flour until smooth, add milk gradually ~ stirring to prevent Iumping , season. Cook until thickened. Into buttered baking dish put alternate layers of white sauce ~ rice and sliced eggs.. reserving some white sauce for the top layer. Bake in oven (350 F) for 15 or 20 min. to brown. Worcestershire sauce or other spicy tang may be added if desired. ****** Mrs. Joseph W. Zeller KIDNEY BEAN CASSEROLE 1 pt kidney beans 2 T butter 2 pared carrots 1 1/2 t salt 2 peeled onions 1/8 t pepper 1 c canned tomatoes 1 T sugar 1 c diced left-over beef or lamb

Combine kidney beans (soaked and cooked in salted water till tender) with carrots finely chopped and thinly sliced onions. Heat with tomatoes for about 10 min. and season with salt , pepper and sugar. Lay in bottom of greased casserole the meat ~ sprinkle with salt and pepper and pour over it combined vegetables. Dot with butter ~ cover and cook at 400 F until vege- tables are tender. ** ** * * Mrs. David S. Clark SAVORY POTATO BALLS 6 medium potatoes 1/4 c cheese 1 t green pepper minced 1 egg 1 1/2 t salt 1/8 t paprika 4 t butter 1/4 t celery salt Cook potatoes till tender. Dr-ain, dice and add salt, butter ~ celery salt, paprika .. green pepper and beaten egg. Beat wel.l , make into balls size of croquettes. Arrange in greased pan .. brush with beaten egg .. sprinkle with cheese and bake at 450 F until brown. * * ** * * Mrs. David S. Clark 43 SCOTCH WOODCOCK 2 c thick white sauce 1 L can mushrooms I 1 block Velveeta Cheese 1 green pepper 5 hard boiled eggs 3 s pimentoes 2 cans Chinese noodles I

Add cheese to cream sauce. Slice eggs and add. Cook mushrooms and peppers a few minutes and I add to sauce. Serve on noodles. ***** Mrs. Reginald G. Lacount I RICE AND EGG NOODLES 1 c long grain rice butter size L egg 1/2 c egg noodles 2 1/2 c chicken broth I salt or chicken bouillon

Melt butter in pan, break egg noodles into pieces I and fry until slightly brown - stirring constantly. Wash and drain rice well" add to egg noodles and toss around for a few minutes" stirring constantly. Add boiling broth and salt. Cook vigorously for a few minutes. Cover and cook for about 20 min on a very low heat. Liquid will be absorbed and rice will be soft and flaky. Let stand for 10 min before serving. Rice may be cooked same way without noodles. ***** Mrs. Elisha B. Chrakian RICE PILAR 1 c rice (long grain) 1 onion 2 chicken bouillon cubes 2 c hot water 2 c meat stock (preferably chicken) may be used instead of bouillon cubes

Cook onion until soft, add rice" washed and drained. Mix well with onion so that each kernel is well coated. Add hot water and bouillon cubes" mix well" season. Cover with tight fitting lid. Do not stir once it is covered and begins to boil. Turn heat low and cook slow so that water w' 11not. evaporate before rice is cooked. Cook until water is absorbed. Let stand or place in warm oven for 15 min before serving. Surface should appear dry. **** Mrs. Roland Leach

44 SPINACH WITH EGG 1 pkg spinach 1 egg 1 onion salt and pepper

Wash and cook spinach in very little salted water I

drain and squeeze out all water. Fry onion in butter I

when golden color J add egg and quickly toss around, add spinach and mix well. Serves 3. ** * ** * Mrs. Elisha B. Chrakian SWEET POTATO CASSEROLE 4 medium potatoes 1/ 2 c brown sugar 4 medium apples butter 1/2 c sugar bread crumbs

Boil potatoes in jackets until tender. Par-e, core and slice apples I place in saucepan with sugar and 1 c water. Boil slowly until potatoes are ready. Peel potatoes and cut in slices. In buttered baking dish put a layer of sliced potatoes I dab with bits of butter and spr inkle with brown sugar. Add layer of cooked apples. Repeat until all ingredients are used. Add liquid from apples I sprinkle top with bread crumbs I add few dabs of butter. Bake 15 min. at 400 F. **** * Mrs. Charles M. Anderson

ITALIAN SAVaRY 2 c cooked spinach 1 c grated cooking cheese 4 hard boile d eggs 2 c medium white sauce

Drain spmach, place one cupful in bottom of buttered casserole lover this arrange evenly I slices of two hard cooked eggs I season, and sprinkle with

1/2 c grated cheese I then pour over 1 c of white sauce. Repeat with remaining half of ingredients, cover with buttered crumbs J bake at 400 F till brown. * * ** ** Mrs. Harold C. Wilcox

45 SANDWICH FILLINGS I SHRIMP 1 c shrimp ~ 2 T chopped parsley ~ 1/4 c seedless raisins .. 1/4 t salt .. 2 T lemon juice , mayonnaise. Remove black line from shrimps and mash with a fork. Chop raisins. Combine all ingredients and moisten with mayonnaise.

CREAM CHEESE AND DATE Moisten cream cheese with a little milk or cream to a spread- ing consistency. Add equal parts of chopped dates and nuts. 1 c of chopped peanuts may be added to a c of cottage cheese. ** * * Mrs. Robert E. Hodgdon CAULIFLOWER IN CHEESE SAUCE 1 pkg frozen or head of cauliflower 1/2 c cheese (Velveeta) 1 T shortening 1 c milk 1/4 t salt 1 T flour

Make white sauce of shortening .. flour .. milk and salt. Add cheese and let melt thoroughly. Pour sauce over cauliflower which has been cooked and placed in baking dish. Cover with cracker crumbs (Ritz) which have been fried in butter until brown. Bake until brown on top. Potatoes are also good this way. * * ** Mrs. Alvin R. Goldsmith MUSHROOM SLICES 2 T margarine 1 Ib mushrooms 2 s onions (chopped) 1/4 c white wine 4 cloves garlic 10 slices toast 4 c canned tomatoes salt and pepper

Saute onion and gar-Iic , add tomatoes and cook until very soft. Season. Add sliced mushrooms. Cook 10 min. Add wine and thicken with 3 T flour before serving. Serve on toast. * ** * Mrs. EdwardS. Parsons SCALLOPED CORN AND T.QMATOES Add one well beaten egg to one can corn. Place alternate layers of this mixture with bread or cracker crumbs in casserole .. season. Cover with buttered crumbs and bake in moderate oven. * * j,c * Mrs. Ernest L. Spencer 46 DELICIOUS SANDWICH FILLING 1 cream cheese 1 s bottle stuffed olives 1 hard boiled egg salt 1 very s onion pepper

Chop all fine and cream in cheese with fork. * * **** Mrs. Henry E. Richards SANDWICH FILLINGS

CURRANT JELLY AND BANANA Combine equal parts of currant jelly and banana. Beat until of spreading consistency.

APPLE BUTTER Combine apple butter # pimento

cheese # and chopped nuts.

EGG AND CELERY 4 hard cooked eggs# 2 dill pickles

chopped # I T vinegar # salt and pepper # 1/ 4 c diced celery # I T minced onion, 3 T mayonnaise. Chop egg whites and combine with ce ler-y, pickles and onion. Add vinegar to mashed egg yolk. Add to first mixture and moisten with mayonnaise to a spreading consistency.

PRUNE Remove stones from dried prunes which have been cooked until tender. Chop prunes and combine with equal quantity of peanut butter. Moisten with lemon juice # honey or mayonnaise.

CHICKEN Grind or chop left over chicken. Moisten with chicken broth or mayonnaise. Add finely chopped pickle and celery to taste.

HAM I c chopped ham , 1 hard-cooked egg (chopped), 2 T chopped green pepper or olfves , 2 T chopped pickle # mayonnaise # salt and pepper. Combine in- gredients and moisten with mayonnaise. ****** Mrs. Robert E. Hodgdon

47 MACARONI MOUSSE 1c cooked elbow macaroni 1c fresh bread crumbs 3 eggs beaten I 1t salt 2 t chopped onion 1c cheese cut fine I 1 1/2 c scalded milk 1/4 c melted butter 1green pepper) h d fO 1pimento ) c oppe me

Cook macaroni in salted water. Pour scalded milk over bread crumbs. Add other ingredients. Put into greased baking dish. Sprinkle paprika over top. Bake 40 min at 3500. Serves 6. ***** Mrs. Roland G. Porter


...... ate 4 BRITTLE SUGAR COOKIES 1/2 c shortening 1 c sugar 2 eggs 1/2 t soda) . or 2 t baking powder 1 tcream t ar t ar ) about 2 1/2 c flour to rollout fairly thin 2 T milk (optional) 1/ 2 t vanilla or lemon extract

Cut in fancy shapes. Cook on greased sheet. ****** Mrs. William C. White SPICE SQUARES 1/2 c butter 2 T cocoa 1 c sugar 1/2 t clove, cinnamon,nutmeg 2 eggs 1/2 c nuts 2 T cold water 1 t vanilla 1 c flour

Cream butter and sugar and add remaining ingredients. Bake at 3500 for 20 minutes. Frost while warm. IGING 1 c sugar ) 1/2 c hot water ) boil to syrup, cool 1/4 t cream tartar) and add 3/4 c confectioner's sugar Cut in squares. ****** Mrs. Harold Horvitz PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES 6 T shortening) variation 1/2 c peanut butter) 3/ 4 c flour and 1/2 c white sugar ) 1/2 c quick Quaker oats 1/2 c brown sugar ) 1 egg pinch salt 1 1/ 4 c sifted flour 1/ 2 t vanilla 3/ 4 t baking powder

Mix and chill for 1 hour or more. Roll into balls about size of small walnut. Place on tin and press with silver fork dipped in milk, two wa s and right thickness. Bake until thoroughly done at 3506 . About 30 cbokies. ***** Mrs. Everett C. Marston 51 CHOCOLATEOATMEALCOOKIES I 1/2 c butter 1/2 t salt 1 c sugar 1 1/2 c oatmeal 1egg 2 t baking powder 1/4 c milk 3/4 t vanilla 2 sqs chocolate 1 c flour

Cream butter, add sugar gradually. Add egg beaten lightly. Add melted chocolate. Addflour, oats, salt and baking powder alternately with the milk. Bake in moderate oven 12to 15min. Drop by teaspoon on sheet. * * ** Mrs. Frank W. Sarnow, Jr. EXTRA SPECIAL CHOCOLATECOOKIES 2 eggs beaten 1 c sweet milk 1c melted butter 3 c flour sifted . 2 c brown sugar 4 sqs melted chocolate 1/2 t baking soda 3/4 c walnuts 2 t baking powder 1t vanilla

Cream eggs and sugar and add the remaining ingredients. Drop in pan and bake in moderate oven. *** * Mrs. A. Howard Myers OATMEALCOOKIES 1/2 c butter, oleo or Crisco 1 1/2 c quick Quaker 1/2 c chicken fat oats 1 c sugar 1/2 c molasses 2 eggs beaten salt

Mix above ingredients and add: 1t vanilla. Chopped walnuts optional. Sift together: 2 c all-purpose flour, 1t soda, 1/2 t cinnamon, a few grains nutmeg" and add to first mixture. 1/2 c seedless raisins or more can be added if desired. Drop by spoonfulls on greased cookie sheet and bake in moderate oven 3500 until brown. May be served crisp or softened in bread tin. * * ** Mrs. William C. White

52 RANGER COOKIES 1/2 c shortening 1/2 t salt 1/2 c white sugar I t vanilla 1/2 c brown sugar 1 egg (1/4 t baking powder 1 c all purpose flour sifted with (1/2 t d 1 c quick cooking rolled oats so a 1 c rice crispies or cornflakes 1/ 2 c coconut or chopped nutmeats

Cream shortening and sugars. Add vanilla and egg. Beat well. Add other ingredients and mix well. Make balls smaller than a walnut and press with fork. Bake in 3500 oven about 15to 20 minutes. * * * ** Mrs. J. Kenneth Stevenson MOLASSES DROP COOKIES 1/2 c shortening 1 T soda 1c sugar 1 T cinnamon 1egg 5 c scant pastry or general 1c molasses flour 1c cold water 1/2 large teaspoon salt

Drop on greased cookie sheet. Amount-many. * **** Mrs. William C. White

FUDGE CUTS 2 sq chocolate 1/2 c flour 1/2 c shortening 1/4 t salt 1c sugar 1t vanilla 2 eggs well beaten 1/2 c nuts

Melt chocolate and shortening together. Blend in sugar and eggs to melted mixture. Add sifted flour and salt. Add vanilla. Pour in pan and sprinkle with chopped nuts. Bake in a moderate oven (375°) 12to 15minutes. * * * * * Mrs . Lawrence H. Malchman DOUGHNUTS 1/2 c mashed potato with 1 T butter put in while warm. 1beaten egg 1t cream tartar 1/2 c sugar 1/2 t soda 1t salt 1t cinnamon 2 c sifted flour 1/4 t nutmeg 1/8 t ginger 0 Rollout, cut and fry in fat 350 • * ** * * Mrs. Percy E. Jones 53 FILLED ICE BOX COOKIES FILLING I 1 Ib dates cut fine 1/2 c water 1 c chopped nuts 1/2 c sugar

Combine ingredients - cook 10 min - cool.

COOKIES I 1 c butter 1 c brown sugar 1 c white sugar 3 eggs 4 c flour 1/2 t salt 1 t soda

Cream butter and sugars, add w.ell beaten eggs. Stir in flour sifted with salt and soda. Pat dough out on waxed paper until it is fairly thin. Spread on filling and roll dough as jelly roll. Wrap in wax paper and leave in refrigerator overnight. Slice and bake in hot oven for about 6 to 10 min depending on thickness of slice. **** Mrs. Daniel J. Roberts, Jr. CHOCOLATE MACAROONS 1 pkg (7 oz) Nestle's semi-sweet chocolate 2 egg whites (beaten) 1/2 c sugar 1/4 t salt 1/2 t vanilla 1 c coconut

Add sugar and salt to beaten egg whites. Melt chocolate and add the vanilla and coconut. Drop on ungreased paper and cook in 3250 oven ap- proximately 20 min. Do not over cook. * ** * Mrs. Herbert W. Gallagher

ICE BOX COOKIES 2/3 c shortening 2 c unbleached flour 2 c raw sugar 3 t baking powder 2 eggs 1/2 t salt 1 c wheat germ (raw) 1 t vanilla

Mix in order given and shape into two long rolls. Wrap in aluminum foil and store in freezer unit till ready for use. Will keep several weeks. Slice thin and bake at about 3500 until well done. (Wheat germ and raw sugar can be obtained at health food stores). **** Mrs. R. Lawrence Capon

54 DATE SQUARES lIb pitted dates 1/2 c water 1/2 c sugar Cut up dates and put all above ingredients in sauce pan to cook until mixed well. Cool. 2 c quick Quaker oats 1 c flour 1c brown sugar 1/2 c butter 1/2 t baking powder or crisco Mix well and spread half of this mixture on greased cookie sheet. Then spread date mixture (cooled) on this. Finally top with rest of dough mixture and pat down. Bake in 3750 oven about 30 minutes. Cut in small squares. * * * * * Mrs. Fletcher Boig BANBURYTARTS Put through the food grinder 1c seeded raisins 2 pkgs pitted dates 1c seedless raisins 6 dried figs 1/2 c currants rind of 1 orange (1 c sugar Mix the above with (1 c orange juice (juice of 1 lemon Heat the mixture carefully and thoroughly in a heavy kettle, blending ingredients and mixing them well. The mixture should be the consistency of mince meat. Add water if it is too thick. Cool and add 1 c broken nut meats. Use as filling for triangular-shaped tarts made of rich pastry. Brush tarts with cream. Sprinkle with sugar and bake in a medium hot oven. *** * * Mrs. Lynn I. Schoonover CHOCOLATEBITS SQUARES 1 pkg chocolate bits 1 can sweetened condensed milk 2 c graham cracker crumbs

Mix and put into greased pan about 8x8 inches. Bake in 3500 oven about 25 minutes. Cut in squares like brownies. ***** Mrs. Fletcher Boig

55 CREAM CHEESE TURNOVERS I 1/2 c butter 1 L (whole) cream cheese I I.c flour Cream together butter and cream cheese , mix in I the flour and when well blended rollout and cut in squares. Fill with jam , fold in triangle-shaped turnover s and bake. * * ** * Mrs. David F. S. Clark GRAHAMCRACKERBROWNIES 2 c graham cracker crumbs 1/ 2 c nut meats 1 can condensed milk pinch salt 1 pkg chocolate bits 1 t vanilla

Stir well and bake in 3250 oven 30 min. * * *** Mrs. Eliot F. Tozer DATE KRUMBLES FILLING 11/2 pkg pitted dates (cut or gound fine) 11/2 c sugar 1 1/2 c warm water 11/2 T flour

Mix above ingredients together and cook over low flame for about 15min or until it reaches the con- sistency of jam. Stir frequently. Set aside and let cool. While filling cools J prepare crust.

CRUST 1 c brown sugar 1t soda 11/2 c flour 3/ 4 c butter or 1 1/2 c oatmeal shortening 1 t vanilla

Mix dry ingredients together I then crumble in the shortening until the mixture becomes mealy. Grease a 10x 10 cake pan (or its equivalent) and spread half of mixture on bottom of pan. Add cooled filling. Place remainder of crumbled mixture on top. Bake in 3250 oven for 25 to 30 min or until firm and crumbs are brown. When cool, cut in squares. These will keep for weeks .if wrapped in wax paper and kept in covered jar. *** * * Mrs. Saverio Zuffanti 56 .LOLLIPOP COOKIES Make any kind of cookie dough a trifle stiffer than usual, and do not roll dough quite as thin. Cut cookies with I baking-powder can bent to oval shape ~ if desired. In a saucer make a paste of flour slightly moistened with water. Wet the points of wooden skewers in the paste I and insert them up through and into center of uncooked cookies ~ like lollipops. Bake cookies, as usual, and when cool , coat them with frosting of any desired colors. They I may be rolled in coconut or chopped nut meats. Roll in waxed paper ~ like lollipops. I ** ** * Mrs. David F. S. Clark DATE KISSES 2 egg whites 1 c walnut meats 1 c XXXX sugar 1/2 pkg pitted dates

Beat egg whites stiff. Beat in sugar gradually. Fold in date s ~ cut in small pieces ~ and nuts. Drop from teaspoon on greased cookie sheets. Bake in 2750 oven for from 20 to 25 minute s , until a light brown. Remove from pan immediately. Makes 3 dozen. *.* *** Mrs. George H. Meser-ve , Jr PEG'S BROWNIES 1 c sugar 1/3 c milk ·1egg 1 t baking powder 3 T melted butter 1/4 t salt 1 c flour 1 t vanilla 2 sq chocolate (melted) 1/4 c nuts Drop egg in sugar ~ mix, and add other ingredients. Bake 15 to 20 minutes in 3500 oven. *** * * Mrs. Waldemere S. McGuire BUTTER TARTS 1 c brown sugar 3/4 c seedless raisins 1 egg beaten 1 t vanilla 1/4 c melted butter 2 T white Karo Line muffin tins with pastry and half fill with the above mixture. Bake in 4000 oven 15 minutes then turn to 3250 for 15 minutes. Makes 12 tarts. ** * ** Mrs. Warren C. Dean

57 SOUR·CREAMCOOKIES 2 eggs pinch ginger 1 c sugar II cream tartar 1/2 t salt 1/2 c sour cream with I 1/2 t nutmeg 1 t soda 1/2 t clove 2 c flour 1t cinnamon 1 c raisins I 1/2 c nuts

Drop by teaspoonfuls. Bake in 3750 oven. I * * *** Mrs. J. Kenneth Stevenson BUTTERALMONDCOOKIES I 1 c or 1/2 lb butter 2 egg yolks (reserve 1 c sugar· the whites) 2 c flour

Cream the butter and sugar together. Then add egg yolks and mix thoroughly. Work in flour and continue until the consistency is very smooth. Then put into shallow buttered tin with a little flour sprinkled on it. Pat out thin with fingers. (This part is meaay, but necessary). Then put whites of eggs over batter. Spread evenly. Then put almonds which have been ground very fine on top of egg whites. Bake in a moderate oven. Cut into squares after it comes out of oven. When cool remove from pan with spatula. Keep in uncovered tin in order to have them crisp. ***** Mrs. Joseph Spear NUT GOODIES 3/ 4 c white sugar 11/2 c flour 1/2 c melted butter 1 t baking powder 2 eggs (reserve 1 white) 1 t vanilla

Mix well and spread in 9 in. pan. Fold into 1 beaten egg white.. 1 c brown sugar and 1 c chopped nuts and spread over mixture in pan. Bake in moderate oven 30 min. Cut in squares in pan. * * *** Mrs. John B. Pugsley

58· CHINESE CHEWS 1 c sugar 1 c nuts (chopped) 3/4 c flour 1 c dates (cut up) I 1t baking powder 2 beaten eggs 1/4 t salt 1/ 2 t vanilla Mix' in order listed. I Do not add any liquid - makes a stiff batter. Spread in greased pan (11x 7 x 11/2) and bake 30 minutes in I 3500 oven. ***** Mrs. Franklin Norvish DANISH TEA RINGS 2 c flour 1/2 c sugar 7 oz shortening 1 egg

Cream the sugar and shortening I add the flour and beaten egg yolk. The mixture will be quite stiff. Take amounts about size of a marble and roll in the

palm of hand into long strips I join ends and form into rings about an inch in diameter. Dip the rings into the beaten egg white and sprinkle with sugar. Place on a greased cookie sheet and bake 10 to 12 minutes at 3500. ** *** Mrs. Robert E. Hodgdon

NEW MEADOWS INN SUGAR COOKIES 1/2 c butter 2 t baking powder 1 c sugar 11 4 t salt 2 eggs 1/2 t cinnamon 1 T milk 1/2 t nutmeg 2 c sifted flour 1/2 t vanilla

Cream butter and add sugar gradually. When light

and fluffy add eggsl well beaten. Sift flour with

baking powder I salt and spices and add while add- ing the milk and vanilla. Chill thoroughly. Roll on

floured boar-d, sprinkle with sugar I shape with cutter and bake in a moderate oven 3750 about 12 minutes. * * * * * Mrs. George B. Welch

59 BUTTER FRUIT COOKIES 1 c butter or Crisco 1 t soda 11/2 c sugar 1/2 t salt 1 c nuts 1 t cinnamon 1 c raisins 3 1/2 c flour 1 c currants 1/2 c hot water 3 eggs 1 t vanilla

Cream butter and sugar. Add beaten eggs, then nuts and raisins, which have been put through food chopper. Put in salt and cinnamon then flour. Add soda in 1/2 c hot water last. Drop by teaspoonfuls on pan and bake in medium oven. Makes 100 cookies and keeps indefinitely. * * *** Mrs. Horatio W. Lamson

BUTTER COOKIES 1/2 lb butter 1 egg 1 c sugar 1 t vanilla 2 c flour 11/4 c chopped walnuts

Cream butter well and add sugar and cream again. Add egg yolk, then flour and vanilla. Mix well and spread very thin in buttered cookie sheet. Brush with egg white and sprinkle with chopped nuts. Bake in moderate oven 3500 until brown - about 20 to 25 min. .Makes 32 cookies, approximately 2 1/2 inches square. Fills' average cookie sheet one and a half times. * * * ** Mrs. Thomas H. Wallace

SHORTBREADS 1 1/ 2 c bread flour 1/2 c butter 3 T confectioner's sugar 1 t vanilla

Mix like pie crust. Mold_in hand, insert one or two pecans. Bake in moderate oven until browned very slightly. Roll in confectioner's sugar while hot. (Almost 4000 oven). Yield about 3 dozen. ~ * * * * Mrs. Chester P. Baker

60 I CHOCOLATE COOKIES 1beaten egg 1c brown sugar I 1/2 c shortening melted with 2 sq chocolate 1 2/3 c flour 1/2 t salt I 1/2 t soda 1/2 c milk (sweet, sour or buttermilk)

I Drop from teaspoon.' Bake in 3500 oven.

ICING I 1/3 c melted butter 2 t milk 1 1/2 t cocoa drop of vanilla I 1 1/2 c confectioner sugar ***** Mrs. Robert J. Knowlton I JAM COOKIES 1 c marmalade 1/ 2 c shortening I 1 egg Cream marmalade and shortening, then add egg. Mix I well. Take 2 c flour, 1 t soda, 1t salt and sift together into other ingredients. Add 1 t vanilla, 1/2 c raisins or 1/2 c nut meats or y 2 c dates. Drop by teaspoon and flatten. Bake 375 for 10 to 12minutes. ** * ** Mrs. Robert J. Knowlton I DATE AND NUT COOKIES 2 1/2 c pitted dates) Cook together for ten 1/4 c sugar ) minutes in double I 1/4 c water ) boiler. 1c shortening creamed 3 eggs 2 c brown sugar 1/2 t soda 4 c flour 1 c chopped nuts salt vanilla

Divide second mixture into two parts. Rollout separately 1/2 inch thick. Spread with date mixture and roll up like Jelly Roll. 'Chill in refrigerator over night. Cut 1/4 inch thick and bake. * * * * * Mrs. Charles O. Baird

61 TOLL HOUSE COOKIES WITH OATMEAL I 1 1/ 2 c sifted flour 2 eggs 1 t soda 1 T hot water 1 t salt 1 c nut meats I 1 c shortening 1 c chocolate bits 3/ 4 c white sugar 2 c oatmeal 3/ 4 c brown sugar 1 t vanilla I Sift flour, soda and salt. Cream shortening until soft; add sugar and beaten eggs and hot water to I creamed mixture, then sifted dry ingredients. Add nuts, bits, oatmeal and vanilla and mix well. Drop by teaspoons on greased cookie sheet. Bake I 3750 about 8 min. About 5 dozen cookies. * ** ** Mrs. Edward M. Cook I SUGAR COOKIES 1/2 c shortening 2 T milk 1 c sugar 1 3/4 c sifted flour I 1 t vanilla 1 t salt 1 egg or 2 egg yolks 2 t baking powder I Cream together shortening, sugar and vanilla.

Beat in egg and milk. Sift flour J salt and baking powder and add to creamed mixture. Mix well. I Chill. Roll dough to 1/8 in. thickness on lightly floured board. Cut with cookie cutter. Place on ungreased cookie sheet and bake in a mod- erate oven about 8 min. * ** * * Mrs. Joseph J . Bevins OATMEAL CHOCOLATE BITS COOKIES 1 c shortening 1 t salt 3/4 c firmly packed brown sugar 3/4 c white sugar 2 c oatmeal (uncooked) 2 eggs 1 t vanilla 1t hot water 1 pkg chocolate bits 1 1/ 2 c sifted pastry flour 1 t soda

Cream sugars and shortening, add eggs unbeaten, one at a time, beat thoroughly; add water, then add dry ingredients and chocolate. Flavor. (Mix- ture will be rather dry). Drop from teaspoon. Bake in 3750 oven for about 8 min. Makes 100 cookies ** * ** Mrs. George H. Meserve

62 WALNUT COOKIES 3/ 4 c shortening 2 c brown sugar 2 eggs beaten 1 c chopped nuts I 1 t vanilla 3 c pastry flour 1/2 t salt 1/2 t soda I 1/3 c Pet Milk

Cream shortening and sugar' I add eggs I nuts and vanilla and mix well. Add flour which has been I sifted with salt and soda, add milk. Drop by teaspoon on greased pan. Bake in hot oven 4000 until light I brown. Makes about 5 dozen. ***** Mrs. Robert J. Knowlton

CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER SQUARES I Melt together 1 package bits of chocolate and 3 rounded T peanut butter. Then add 4 c cornflakes. Spread mixture in greased 8 inch pan and cut in I squares when cool. I ** *** Mrs. Edward M. Cook


63 I I ORANGEDELIGHT 3/4 c orange juice 1 c orange pieces 1/2 lb marshmallows 1 loaf sponge or angel 1/2 pt heavy cream cake . Cook orange juice and marshmallows until melted in double boiler. Cool. Add orange pieces. Whipjar of cream and fold into mixture. Cut thin layer of cake and line cake tin. Place mixture on top of lining and cover again with layer of cake. Let stand in re- frigerator over night. Cut in squares and top with orange pieces or cherries. Serves 7-8. * **** Mrs. Roland G. Porter APPLE CRUMB 4 to 6 sour apples 1 c brown sugar 1/2 c butter 1 c corn or grapenut flakes dash of cinnamon

Butter dish and cover with thinly sliced apples. Work butter ~ cereal and sugar together until mixture is like granulated sugar. Spread over apples. Bake in hot oven then reduce heat and bake until apples are soft and crumbs browned. Serve with cream plain or whipped. *** * * Mrs. A. Howard Myers CHEESE BREADPUDDING Put alternate layers of stale bread and cheese in a pyrex dish. Beat 2 or 3 eggs~ add salt ~ pepper and milk. Pour over the bread and cheese. Pour in more milk if necessary until the bread is nearly covered. Cut bacon into inch-long pieces and put on top. Bake about 1hour in 3750 oven. *** ** Mrs. William N. Bourne EASYCHOCOLATEPUDDING Melt 2 T butter (or substitute) in a pan. Mix and add 1 c sugar ~ 3 T flour ~ 2 t (heaping) cocoa, pinch salt. Add 2 c boiling water ~ I t vanilla and cook until thickened. **** * Mrs. Laurence S. Day

67 I JELL-O DESSERTS 1pkg cherry Jell-O 1can crushed pineapple

Prepare Jell-O allowing less water in order to jell the can of pineapple. I

1pkg cherry Jell-O 1can blue label Co-op grapefruit I Prepare in the same way. I 1pkg cherry Jell-O 1can boysenberries I Prepare in the same way.

1pkg lime Jell-O I 1can grapefruit

Prepare in the same way. Can be used as part of salad ***** Mrs. W. Fay Luder I FROZENPINEAPPLE TORTE 3 egg yolks 3 egg whites dash of salt 2 T sugar I 1/2 c sugar 1c heavy cream whipped 1/2 c drained crushed pineapple 1/2 c pineapple syrup 1 c vanilla wafer crumbs I 2 T lemon juice (1pkg vanilla wafers)

Beat egg yolks, add salt and 1/2 c sugar; add pine- I apple syrup and lemon juice. Cook over hot, but not boiling, water until mixture coats spoon, stir- ring constantly. Add pineapple and cool. Make I meringue of egg whites and 2 T of sugar. Fold in whippedcream and cooled custard mixture. Oil re- frigerator trays and coat bottom and sides with I wafer crumbs. Pour in custard mixture and cover with wafer crumbs. Freeze firm; 3 to 4 hours. Serves 6-8. I * * *** Mrs. Preston Harvey

68 APPLES WIrH CRUNCHY TOPPING 3 med sized apples sliced thin 3/4 c quick cooking oatmeal 3/4 c brown sugar 1/2 c flour 1/2 c butter or margarine Arrange apples in greased 8 inch round pan. Combine oatmeal, sugar and flour. Cut in the shortening until it is like coarse meal. Sprinkle this mixture over apples. Bake in moderate oven 3500 35-40 minutes. Serve with top milk or cream. ***** Mrs. John R. Leighton LEMON MILK SHERBERT 2 c evaporated milk 1/2 c lemon juice 2 c water 1/2 t lemon extract 2 c sugar Mix milk and water; add sugar, lemon juice, and lemon extract. Stir until sugar dissolves. Freeze in ice cream freezer, or in tray of automatic refrigera- tor, stirring twice as mixture freezes. Serves 8. ***** Mrs. Lawrence F. Cleveland

ICE CREAM Blend and freeze 1 can sweetened condensed milk and 11/4 to 1/2 can water; mix with 1/2 to 3/4 can evapor- ated milk whipped after being chilled 1 or 2 days. Let the not too hard frozen condensed milk mixture soften just enough to blend quickly with the stiffly beaten evaporated milk at which time add 1 or more teaspoons vanilla. Freeze with no change if one has a freezing compartment. Do not take out until ready to eat. Better if frozen one day and eaten the next. ** *** Mrs. W. Fay Luder

RASPBERRY TAPIOCA PUDDING 2 c mashed raspberries to which 1/2 c sugar is added and let stand. Cook in double boiler: 4 T Minute Tapioca, 2 c cold water, 1 c sugar and 1t butter. When tapioca is clear add berries then cool and serve with whipped cream. ***** Mrs. Charles M. Anderson 69 I DEEP DISHAPPLE TAPIOCA 1/3 c Minute Tapioca 1 c seedless raisins 1/4 t salt 1/2 c sugar I 1/4 c molasses 1/4 t nutmeg 2 1/2 c hot water 1/4 t cinnamon 3 tart apples # thinly sliced 2 T butter I

Add tapioca, salt and molasses to water # and cook in double boiler 15min or until tapioca is clear # I stirring frequently. Place apples in a greased

baking dish. Add raisins # sprinkle with sugar # nutmeg and cinnamon, and dot with butter. Add I tapioca mixture and bake in a moderate oven 3500 30 min or until apples are tender. Serve hot or cold with Iemon, maple or hard sauce, or garnish I with whipped cream. Serves 6. ** * * Mrs. Albert E. Sander-son, Jr. I BLACKCHERRYGELATINE 1pkg raspberry or cherry gelatine. Dissolve in 1c hot water. Add 1 c juice from can of Black I cherries. Add 2 T lemon juice I 1c cherry pulp (break cherries in half). Chill in refrigerator. Serve with custard sauce. I CUSTARDSAUCE 2 c milk (scald) yolks of 2 eggs, beaten I 1/3 c sugar and 1t flour pinch of salt 1/2 t each of vanilla and lemon I Mix sugar and flour with beaten egg yolks, add to this mixture a little of the scalded milk and I mix well , then pour egg mixture into remaining scalded milk and let boil up once I stirring con- stantly. Add flavoring. Chill. I **** Mrs. George H. Meserve, Jr. I I

70 NOODLE PUDDING 1box broad noodles 1/4 c seeded raisins 1/2 c blanched almonds cut in half 3 apples - pared and sliced in thin slices 2/3 c sugar 2 t cinnamon 1T citron 2 beaten eggs 1T orange rind 2 T butter 1 T lemon rind

Cook noodles in boiling salted water. Strain through cold water and add rest of ingredients. Mix thoroughly. Bake in buttered dish for 50 minutes in 3500 oven. ***** Mrs. Louis Cooperstein STEAMEDCRANBERRYPUDDING 1 c flour 1/2 c hot water 1/2 t salt 1/2 lb cranberries 1t soda 1/2 c flour 1/2 c light molasses

Sift 1c flour with salt and soda; mix molasses and water; add to flour. Add whole cranberries combined with 1/2 c flour; mix well. Pour into greased double boiler and steam over very low heat 3 hours. To cook in pressure cooker - pour into bowl or cans and cover with wax paper. Put 6 cups water in pressure cooker. Allow steam to escape 15minutes then cook under pressure 40 min. Serve with Brown Butter Sauce. BROWNBUTTER SAUCE Melt 1/2 c butter over low heat. Add 1/2 c brown sugar and stir until dissolved. Add 1/2 c cream and 1 t vanilla. Serve hot over warm pudding. * * *** Mrs. Warren L. Ganong PINEAPPLE SURPRISE Drain 2 c grated pineapple and add 2 c chopped mar-sh- mallows. Allow to stand until marshmallows are dissolved. Just before serving I whip 1 c heavy cream; add to mixture. Also add 1/2 c chopped nuts. Serve in well chilled .glasses and decorate with candied cherries. *** ** Mrs. Edward M. Cook

71 I CHOCOLATEPUDDING(Pressure Cooker) 2 T cocoa 2 c milk (heated) 1/3 c sugar - poured over bread 4 slices bread 1 t vanilla 3 eggs beaten I Butter bowl that will fit into cooker. Mix in- gredients. Put 1 c water, plus rack, into cooker. Put in pudding and cook at 15lbs pressure for I 15min. Let cooker cover remain until pressure has released. Serve pudding with hard sauce while it is warm. I * **** Mrs. Frederick W. Holmes APRICOT SOUFFLE I 1/2 lb dried apricots. Wash and cook as you would for making sauce. Take 1 c of pulp, add 1/2 c sugar and cook for 5 min. Watch and stir to prevent I burning. Let this get cold. Beat whites of 5 eggs and fold them into the mixture. Add 1/2 t fresh lemon juice and 1/ 4 t salt. Pour into greased bak- ing dish and bake for 25 min in a gradually in- creased oven 3000. Serve with or without whipped cream in sherbet glasses. I ***** Mrs. Howard F. Greene SOURCHERRYCOBBLER I 2 c canned sour cherries sweetened to taste and 1 T tapioca. Mix and let stand. I 11/2 c flour 1/4 c butter 2 t baking powder 1/3 c milk 1/2 c sugar 1 egg beaten I Mix and sift flour, baking powder and sugar. Cut in butter. Combine milk and egg and add to dry I ingredients. Pour cherries in baking dish. Drop batter in mounds on cherries. Bake in 4500 oven for 15min, then reduce. to moderate oven and I bake for 30 min. * * *** Mrs. Kenneth W. Bergen I

72 CHOCOLATE PLUM PUDDING 1 env. gelatine 2/3 c dates 1/2 c cold water 1/4 c nuts chopped 3/4 sq chocolate 1/2 c sugar 1/2 c seeded raisins 1/4 t salt 1/4 c currants 1/4 t vanilla 2 egg whites

Put milk with chopped fruit in double boiler. When cooked slightly, add chocolate, which has been melted and mixed with part of the sugar and a little milk to make a smooth paste. Pour cold water in bowl and sprinkle gelatirte on top of water. Add to hot choco- late mixture and stir until dissolved. Add sugar and salt and stir thoroughly. Remove from fire, cool and when mixture begins to thicken, add nuts and vanilla. Fold in whites of eggs, beaten very stiff. Turn into mold which has been rinsed in cold water. Chill. When ready to serve, unmold and serve with whipped cream. ***** Mrs. George B. Welch OLD FASHIONED SUET PUDDING 1 c suet chopped fine 2 t cinnamon 2 c soft bread crumbs 1 1/2 t cloves or allspice 2 eggs 1 t salt (level) 1c sugar little cream of tartar 1c currants dash nutmeg 1 c raisins 1 1/ 2 c flour - enough to 1c sour milk make a thin batter. 1level t soda

Place mixture in steamer using fine cloth to prevent mixture from running through holes. Steam about 2 hours or until it can be tested as for cake by in- serting toothpick. Best results if made several days before needed. ***** Mrs. Howard F. Greene

FRUIT· WHIP Whip a jar of heavy cream good and stiff. Drain juice from a large can of fruit cocktail. Fold fruit into cream and serve topped with a cherry. ***** Mrs. Lyman A. Keith

73 I QUICK APPLE DELIGHT 1egg 2/3 c sugar (or 3/ 4 c if desired) I 1c diced unpeeled apples 2/3 c flour 2 t baking powder I 2 t vanilla

Mix all together in the greased casserole it is to I be baked in. Bake in moderate oven. Serve plain or with cream. ***** Mrs. Norman A. Preble I BLUEBERRYBUCKLE Thoroughly cream 1/2 c shortening and 1/2 c sugar; I add 1beaten egg and mix well. Sift 2 c flour, 1/4 t salt and 2 1/2 t baking powder. Add to the creamed mixture alternately with 1/2 c milk. Pour I into greased 8 inch square cake pan and sprinkle 2 c fresh blueberries over batter. Mix 1/2 c sugar, 1/2 c flour, 1/2 t cinnamon and 1/4 c butter until I crumbly and sprinkle over blueberries. Bake in moderate oven 3500 1hr and 15min. Cut in wedges and serve hot as a bread or . I * * *** Mrs. Galen D. Light CREPES SUZETTES I 3 eggs 1/2 t salt 1c milk 6 t sweet butter 1 c flour I

Beat eggs slightly, add milk, then stir into sifted flour and salt. The batter should be very thin in consistency. Put a teaspoon of sweet butter into a very hot frying pan about 6 inches in diameter. Pour in enough batter to cover the bottom of the I pan. The mixture should flow freely. The thinner the crepes the better. Whenbrown turn and brown on opposite side. This makes 6 crepes. ***** Mrs. A. Howard Myers

74 STRAWBERRYPIE I qt berries - Select about a dozen choice berries and place on bottom of dish. Crush remainder with fork. Mix 2 T cornstarch with I c sugar. Add berries and juice of one lemon. Boil until thick and color changes to clear red. Cool slightly then pour over graham cracker shell. Place in refrigerator and add whipped cream. CRUST 15 or 20 graham crackers into crumbs. Add 1T sugar and 3 T of melted butter and mix thoroughly and line pie dish. ***** Mrs. A.. Howard Myers ANGEL FOOD PIE 1c crushed pineapple (undrained) 1c sugar mixed with 3 T cornstarch and pinch of salt 1c water

'Cook till thick, stirring constantly I then 10minutes more. Fold in 2 stiffly beaten egg whites while mix- tur-e is hot. Cool before pouring into baked shell. Top with whipped cream and serve chilled. ***** Mrs. Robert G. Wilfong MAPLE SYRUP PIE I c thick maple honey (large) I lemon I egg lIar ge T flour

Beat eggs. Put in flour and lemon juice. Pour boil- ing syrup over and stir. Bake in double crust in a 4250 oven for about 30 minutes. ***** Mrs. Warren C. Dean HEAVENLYPIE FILLING Yolks of 4 eggs 1/2 c sugar 1/4 c lemon juice

Cook until thick. Beat slightly whites of 4 eggs. Add grated rind of 1 lemon and 1/4 cup sugar and continue beating. Add 1/3 of above to lemon mixture and pour into baked pie shell. Spread remaining whites on top. ***** Mrs. Gilbert G. MacDonald 75 I

LEMON PIE 11/4 c sugar 3 egg yolks I 1/3 c flour 1 c boiling water 1/4 t salt 1t butter Juice and grated rind of 3 egg whites I 1lemon 6 T sugar Mix 1 1/4 c sugar with the flour and salt, add I boiling water iI stirring constantly. Cook over low fire for 15min. Addbutter iI lemon rind and juice and egg yolks and beat thoroughly. I Turn into previously baked pie shell. Cover with meringue made of the 3 egg whites beaten with 6 T sugar and 1t lemon juice. Bake in I moderate oven until brown. Cool. ** * ** Mrs. George B. Welch I GRAPEFR UIT· JUICE PIE 1c sugar 1/4 c lemon juice 5 T cornstarch 3/4 c grapefruit juice I 1/2 t salt 3 egg yolks 1t grated rind of lemon 1/2 T butter 11/4 c boiling water I

Mix sugar J grated r-ind, aalt , cornstarch and water in top of double boiler. Cook directly over I heat till clear. Add fruit juices and yolks of eggs and cook over hot water till thick, stirring con- stantly. Addbutter. Cool and place in pastry shell. Cover with meringue: MERINGUE I 1/2 c confectioner's sugar iI a pinch of salt iI a few drops of lemon extract , folded into 3 stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake for 12min at 3000. ***** Mrs. David F. S. Clark I

76 DEEP DISHAPPLE PIE Butter a casserole about 2 qt size. Toss the apples in butter (about 3 T). Use 11/2 quarts thinly sliced tart apples. Mix 1c sugar with 1t grated yellow orange peel (just outer rind). Put 1/3 of apples in the casserole, then 1/3 of sugar mixture and a sprinkling of seedless raisins (1/2 c in all). Repeat until all is used. Sprinkle the orange juice (about 2 T) over top. Cover with pastry. Bake in oven 4500 for 10minutes. Then turn oven back to 3500 and bake for 35 minutes longer. Serve warm with hard sauce or clear lemon sauce. ***** Mrs. Howard F . Greene PINEAPPLE PIE 2 1/4 c crushed pineapple (No. 2 can) 1/2 c sugar 3 egg yolks 2 1/2 T cornstarch 1 T lemon juice 1/4 t salt 1baked 9" pie shell

Heat pineapple in saucepan. Mix 1/4 c sugar thoroughly with cornstarch and salt, add all at once to hot pineapple and cook stirring until thick and clear. Beat egg yolks with remaining 1/4 c sugar, stir into hot mixture and cook, stirring 1minute. Remove from heat, stir in lemon juice, cool, and pour into baked pie shell. Whencold spread roundly with this meringue: add a dash of salt to 3 egg whites, beat stiff, then beat in gradually 6 T sugar. Bake 30 minutes in 3000 oven. Serve cold. * * ** * Mrs. Earle Hardy SOURCREAMPIE 1c sour cream Yolks of 2 eggs 1c sugar little salt 1c chopped raisins 1 t cinnamon 1t cloves

Make crust as for a custard pie and use the whites for frosting of the pie. Brown only the frosting. * * *** Mrs. Robert J. Knowlton

77 I·

LEMONCHIFFON PIE to 4 egg yolks add 1/3 c sugar I 1/2 t salt and I 2 lemons (1/3 c). Cook in double boiler after mix- ture has been well beaten. Whenpan is coated, remove and cool, then add 1envelope gelatine I dissolved in 1/4 c water. Add cooled mixture to 4 egg whites and 1/3 c confectioner's sugar stiffly beaten. I PIE SHELL 11/4 c flour 3 T Spry 1/2 t salt lump of butter I 2 T sugar 3 T cold water

Alternate the shortening with water. Use cutter I I not hands. ***** Mrs. Nathan Levenson I PEACH ICE-BOX PIE Melt 3 marshmallows and 1/3 c peach juice and let cool. Then add to 1/2 pt whipped cr-eam, I drained peaches (large can) and 1t vanilla.

Line spring form tin with graham crackers. Add I 1/2 peach mixture. Layer cracker crumbs. Rest of mixture. Top with graham cracker crumbs. Ice in refrigerator at least 5 hrs. It is best when I ade in the morning for evening meal. If needed for Iunch, make it night before. Spring form tin simplifies serving but any pyrex may beused. ***** Mrs. Nathan Levenson MACAROONPIE 3 eggs 1/4 t salt 1c sugar 1/2 c nuts 1c graham cracker crumbs 1T almond extract (12crackers)

Beat yolks with 1/2 c sugar I add crumbs and nuts.

Beat whites with other 1/2 c sugar I fold together with other mixture. Bake 1/2 hour at 3500 in greased 9 inch pie plate. Serve with whipped cream. Serves 8. ***** Mrs. Herbert Lang

78 A RICH-DESSERT In double boiler dissolve 1/2 lb cut up marshmallows in 1c hot strong coffee. You can use a little less than half a pound. Cool syrup. Then fold in stiffly beaten jar heavy cream and chill. Made in the morning should be set for evening meal. ***** Mrs. William C. White FRENCH PIE CRUST 5 c flour 1t sugar 1T salt scant 1 lb shortening (preferably lard)

Break 1 egg into a cup" stir a little to break yolk and fill cup with water. Makes 2 pies and 1 shell. (Keeps indefinitely in refrigerator). * *** * Mrs. Emil A. Gramstorff GLORIFIEDRICE Boil 1/2 c uncooked rice in salted water 20 minutes or until soft. Strain and put in double boiler with 1pt cold milk and cook 20 minutes. Take from heat and add" while boiling hot" 1/2 c sugar and 1T plain gela- tine which has been soaked 5 minutes in 1/4 c cold water. Let cool thoroughly in refrigerator. Then mix in a jar of cream" whipped and flavored. Serve with the following sauce: SAUCE 3/4 c white sugar 3/4 c milk 3/4 c brown sugar 1t vanilla 1/2 c (or less) butter

Cook all except butter until a soft ball forms in water. Addbutter and vanilla last. Peanuts added before serving make this a good sauce for other desserts such as cream puffs. **** * Mrs. Edward S. Parsons

79 CREAM PUFFS 1 c flour 1/2 c butter or Spry 1c boiling water 4 eggs I Heat water and shortening together in sauce pan to boiling point. Add flour all at once and beat I thoroughly. The dough will form a stiff ball in the pan. Remove from fire and add eggs one at a time, unbeaten. Beat thoroughly after each egg I is added. For small puffs" drop by half-teaspoon- fuls on greased baking sheet. Bake at 3500. This makes 90 small or 12large cream puffs. I FILLING FOR CREAMPUFFS 1/3 c sugar 1 egg I 3 T flour 1 c milk 1/8 t salt 1 t vanilla Mix sugar, flour and salt. Add milk (scalded) I and cook over boiling water until thick. Cool and add vanilla. Double this for 90 small ones and triple for 12large ones. Stiffly whipped cream I added is a good variation. ***** Mrs. Edward S. Parsons I HOT CHOCOLATESAUCEFOR CREAM PUFFS 11/4 c milk (or cream) 1 c powdered sugar 2 sq unsweetened chocolate I t vanilla I 1/2 T butter 1/8 t salt

Cook milk" chocolate and butter over a slow fire and stir until chocolate melts and the mixture is thick. Add sugar and cook until it thickens again" stirring constantly. Add vanilla and salt. ***** Mrs. Edward S. Parsons PINK ICE-CREAM JELLO I pkg strawberry Jello. Dissolve in I c hot water. Add 1 c cold water. WhenJello begins to stiffen" whip together with 1pt strawberry ice cream. Put into individual dishes. Chill. Decorate with dab of whipped cream and a cherry or a fresh strawberry. **** Mrs. George H. Meserve, Jr.

80 I PLAIN~ CHOCOLATE~ OR RAISIN QUICK AND ,EASY BREAD PUDDING 2 L slices bread buttered 1/4 t salt I 2 c milk 1t vanilla 1/4 c sugar 1 egg I raisins ~ dates or 3 T cocoa and 1 T sugar Heat mflk, while milk is' heating butter br-ead, place I one slice on other and cut into 1/2" cubes. Beat egg~ add sugar ~ salt and vanilla. Pour over this the hot milk. Pour this over bread and bake in buttered I casserole which has been placed in water 1/2" deep I in 3500 oven for 35 min. I ***** Mrs. Everett C. Marston ORANGE SAUCE 3 eggs beaten I c sugar juice and rind of I orange and 1lemon

Cook until thick. Cool, and add 1/2 pint whipped cream. Serve on sponge cake. ***** Mrs . Carl S. Ell MYSTERY PUDDING 3/4 c sugar 1/2 c milk 1 c sifted flour 1 t vanilla 2 t baking powder 1/2 c brown sugar 1/8 t salt 1/2 c white sugar I 1 sq chocolate 4 T cocoa 2 T butter 1 c cold coffee Mix and sift fir st 4 ingredients. Melt chocolate and butter together and add to first mixture. Blend. Combine milk and vanilla. Add and mix well. Pour into greased dish. Combine sugars and cocoa. Sprinkle over batter. Do not stir. Pour coffee over top. Bake 3500 for 40 minutes. Serve warm or cold with whipped cream. Makes a luscious cake with a lot of rich mocha sauce around it. ***** Mrs. Rudolph M. Morris


.. ...-..- ...... 1 FISH FRIED LOBSTER 1 1/ 2 lb lobster 1/4 lb pork hamburg 1 egg 2 T soy bean sauce 1/2 t salt 2 T corn starch (add 1/2 c water, mix well) 2 twine (sherry) 3 T vegetable oil or lard

Cut lobster in pieces. Beat egg slightly, mix with lobster and pork. Place frying pan over medium. heat. Warm vegetable oil or melt lard. Put lobster mixture into pan and scramble gently from bottom and sides of

pan, until lobster turns red. Add wine I soy sauce, salt, and 1/2 c water. Cover, and boil about 10 minutes. Add starch, stirring quickly for 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Put into plate. ***** Mrs. Yu- Ying Chang CREAMED SCALLOPS 1c cream sauce 1 small pkg Velveeta cheese . 2/3 c tomato juice cocktail (add 1/4 t soda) 1 qt small scallops, little water

Bring to boil for about 1 minute, then add the sauce. I Serve on toast. 8 servings. ***** Mrs. Edward S. Parsons

CLAM CAKES Make a griddle cake mix, omitting sugar. Stir in chopped clams. Fry in greased skillet. Serve with grilled ham or bacon. ***** Mrs. Chester P. Baker

85 SHRIMPS A LA SOUTH CAROLINA I 1 c light cream 1 c cooked rice 1 c shredded shrimps 1 can tomato soup 2 t sugar (with bit of soda) I 1 T Worcestershire sauce

Mix in double botler and heat thoroughly. Serve I on crackers or toast. * * *** Mrs. Charles H. Dufton I CELERY AND OYSTER SCALLOP 1 pt oysters bread or cracker crumbs I I pt celery (cut in 1/2" pieces) salt .. pepper .. mace butter or margarine I 1/ 2 c hot milk or cream

Cook celery until tender in a little water in I covered pan. Butter baking dish; cover bottom with crumbs , add layer of celery and oysters. Sprinkle with seasonings; dot with butter and I repeat until dish is full .. topping with butter and crumbs. Add the milk. Oyster crackers dipped in milk look well on top. Bake in 3500 oven for I 45 min. Serves 6-8 people. ** * ** Mrs. William C. White I LOBSTER MOUSSE Soak 1 T gelatin in 1/4 c cold water 5 min. Dis- solve over hot water. Blend with 1 1/2 c lobster I (canned or fresh) 1/2 c celery.. 1/2 c minced apple , 2/ 3 c mayonnafse , 2 T lemon juice , salt and pepper to taste. Last .. fold in 1/2 c whipped I cream. Put in small molds. Serves 8. Other fish or ham may be substituted for lobster. I * * * ** Mrs. Edward S. Parsons I I

86 PUNG CHOW 1 medium can crabmeat 1 jar cream 1 c boiled rice 2 T butter salt and pepper to taste

Put ingredients in double boiler and heat. When hot" add 1can tomato soup" undiluted" and heat again. Serve on toast. ***** Mrs. Robert E. Hodgdon' CALIFORNIA CASSEROLE 1/2 lb noodles or macaroni" cook in salted boiling water until done 1 can peas" juice and all 1 can cream of mushroom soup" undiluted 1 can tuna fish" light meat _

Mix together" place in greased casserole" cover with buttered cracker crumbs. Brown in oven. Serves 8. ***** Mrs. George W. Towle SUNDAY NIGHT QUICKIE Into a greased casserole put alternate layers of cooked noodles and canned tuna fish" until dish is 3/4 full. Add salt" pepper" diced green pepper" and onion" if desired. Cover with a can of mush- room soup which has been diluted with 1/2 can of fre sh milk. Mix soup in a little so that it will get to bottom of casserole. Bake about 1 hour in 3500 oven. ***** Mrs. Fletch~r Boig

87 HARPSWELL SALT FISH DINNER I· I dried salt fish * salt pork 6 medium potatoes medium onion I Strip fish in small piece s , and soak in cold water I hr. Drain ~ cover with fresh water and put on stove. Bring to a boil and simmer a few ininutes. I In meantime ~ boil potatoes. Dice salt pork and fry out until crisp. Cut onion f'me, cover with vinegar and sprinkle with aalt , pepper and sugar. I Serve the pork scraps and onions on fish and potato. *Hake, salted over night and borled, is an excellent substitute for the dried fish. I * * * * * Mrs. William T . Alexander PORK CHOP AND RICE CASSEROLE I Brown chops (as many as desired). Put in a baking dish and cover each chop with cooked rice ~ ring of pepper, and onion. Cover whole I with slightly diluted tomato soup. Bake until chops are tender in 3250 oven , about 1 hr. Baste occasionally. I * * * ** Mrs. John A. Geary LUNCHEON NAPPY I Make white sauce in double boiler: 1 T butter 2 c milk 3 T flour 1 t salt I Add to sauce: few stalks celery ~ cut fine 1 or 2 green peppers ~diced I 1 s can mushrooms, cut 1 L can crab meat 1 s can tuna fish~ flaked I

Mix we.ll, place in individual nappys, or one large baking dish. Sprinkle with cracker crumbs. Bake I about 12 min at 3500. Serve hot. May add hard boiled eggs if desired. * * * * * Mrs. William C. Hultgren I I

88 MOCKCHICKENCASSEROLE 4 T fat 1can tuna fish 4 T flour 1 3 oz pkg potato chips 2 1/ 2 c milk 1/ 2 c sliced mushrooms pepper

Heat fat, add flour and pepper. Mix well until thick. Separate fish into flakes. Crush potato chips. Combine all, saving a few chips to sprinkle on top. Add salt if necessary. Pour into greased casserole and bake in moderate oven 3500 for 30 minutes. ***** Mrs. William T . Alexander TUNA FISH LOAF I large bag potato chips 1 can condensed mushroom soup 1can tuna fish few blades of chives butter Crumble potato chips, mix fish and soup. Put in alternate layers in greased pyrex dish. Cut chives fine and mix with some crumbled chips for the top layer. Dot with butter. Bake in a pan of hot water in 3500 oven for 45 minutes. Makes 4 generous servings. ***** Mrs. Charles F. Barnason TUNA-NOODLECASSEROLE 1can tuna fish 1 can mushroom soup 1pkg wide noodles bread crumbs

Cook noodles until tender. Drain. Arrange alter- nately in baking dish with tuna and mushroom soup. Top with buttered crumbs, salt and pepper. Bake until brown in 3500 oven about 30 minutes. ***** Mrs. John A. Geary

89 BAKED LOBSTER AND SHRIMP I 1/4 c chopped green pepper 1/2 t salt 1/4 c chopped onion 1/8 t pepper 1 c chopped celery 1 t Worcestershire I 1 c cooked lobster meat sauce cut into pieces 1 c mayonnaise 1 (6 oz) can shrimp, 1 c crumbs I cleaned Combine all ingredients but crumbs; place in I individual baking shells. Sprinkle with buttered crumbs, and bake in moderate oven 3500 30 min. Serves 8. I * * *** Mrs. Roger S. Hamilton FISH FILLETS IN TOMATO SAUCE 1 1 lb fish fillets 4 T margarine or butter, melted 2 'T chopped onion I 1 can tomato sauce 1/4 c water 1/4 t pepper 1 1 t salt 1 bay leaf dash of sage 1

Season fillets.. place in shallow greased baking pan. Mix butter, onion, salt, pepper, bay leaf .. 1 sage, tomato sauce , and water. Pour over fish. Bake, basting occasionally, in moderate oven 3500 35-40 min, or until fish is tender. Serves 4. I *** * Mrs. Lawrence H. Malchman SALMON LOAF 1 2 c (1 L can) salmon 2 t lemon juice 1 c thick cream sauce bread crumbs 1 t Worcestershire sauce 1 egg.. beaten I

Flake salmon. Mix sauce with Worcestershire .. egg.. lemon juice - pour over crumbs , and add I, fish. Bake in loaf pan 1/2 hr in moderate 3500 oven. * * ** Mrs. A. Bertrand Warren

90 MYSTERY PIE Slice and fry 1 onion. Arrange on bottom of baking dish. Add 1 layer flaked tuna fish~ 1 layer of sliced hard-boiled eggs , and pour light cream sauce over all. Put a layer of riced potatoes on top. Salt and pepper ~ sprinkle with grated cheese ~ and dot with butter. Bake in medium oven 45 minutes. ***** Mrs. Dana P. Hardy SEAFOOD CASSEROLE 3 c seafood (lobster ~ haddock, scallops) 1 1/2 c fresh mushr-ooms , sauteed 4 c cream sauce 1/2 t marjoram 1/2 t basil 1/2 t curry powder 1 T sherry

Fold raw seafood, seasonings and mushrooms into cream sauce; add sherry and sprinkle bread crumbs on top. Bake in casserole for 30 minutes in 3500 oven. ***** Mrs. Antonio L. Mezzacappa

CRAB NEWBURG In top of double boiler melt 2 T butter (do not over- heat). Remove pan from heat , add equal amount of nour and stir until well blended; add 1/ 2 t salt and 1 c milk slowly ~ blending thoroughly; return to low flame, stir constantly until thickened. Add: 1 can flaked crabmeat 11/2 c drained peas 1/ 2 can tomato soup salt to taste

Heat over boiling water. Serve on salted crackers or toast. ***** Mrs. Gerald Tatton

91 ------_._---_.~~~---~------_ ..... DEVILED SALMON IN SHELLS I Lightly brown 2 t minced onion and 2 T green "pepper in 3 T butter. Add I c canned tomato soup, 1 t prepared mustard, 1/ 2 t salt and I t lemon juice. I Simmer for a few minutes, then add 2 c (lIb) canned salmon, flaked. Pile in baking shells, and top with 1/2 c buttered crumbs ~ moistened with 3 T melted I butter. Before baking, place a thin slice of lemon sprinkled with paprika on top. Bake in a 4000 oven until crumbs are browned, about 15 min. Serves 4. I" ** * ** Mrs. Chester P. Baker

TUNA SURPRISE I 1 can tuna fish s bag potato chips 1 can mushroom soup 3 hard boiled eggs 1 s can milk 1/2 c buttered bread I 1 s can water crumbs

Mix together, and place in buttered casserole. I Sprinkle with buttered bread crumbs. Bake in moderate oven for 20 min. * * * ** Mrs. Jack D. Raymond CRABMEAT SUPREME Melt 1/4 lb butter in top of double boiler. Add I I pt milk and cream (or all light cream). Heat over hot water. Add 1/2 c sherry. Cook until very smooth. Add 2 lbs crabmeat, I small I green pepper, diced very fine, and I finely cut pimiento. Serve in pattie shells or on toast. * * *** Mrs. Carl W. Heller I I I I

92 LOBSTER CUTLETS 2 1/2 T butter 1 T lemon juice 1/3 c flour 1c milk 1/2 t salt 1egg yolk, beaten 2 c cut lobster meat 1/4 t pepper

Melt butter, add flour, milk and egg yolk. Cook until slightly thickened. Season with salt and pepper, add lobster meat and lemon juice, cool. Shape into cutlets, roll in bread or cracker crumbs, beaten egg, crumbs again, and fry in deep fat. Serves 6. * * ** * Mrs. Saverio Zuffanti LOBSTER OR SHRIMP THERMIDOR 3 or 4 s lobsters or 2 lbs fresh shrimp 2 T butter 1/2 lb mushrooms 2 T flour (scant) 1/2 t salt 11/2 c light cream pepper 11/2 t mustard (French's) paprika celery salt, worcestershire sauce and grated Parmrsan cheese.

Cook lobsters or shrimp, remove meat and cut into small pieces. Blend melted butter with flour in top of double boiler. Add cream gradually and stir until thick. Add mustard, salt and pepper. Place fish, mushrooms (which have been browned lightly in butter) and sauce in layer s , in greased casserole, seasoning with celery salt and worcester shire sauce. Dot with butter and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in 3750 oven for 30- 45 minutes. * * * * * Mrs. Frank Palmer Speare


POULTRY WALNUT STUFFED MEAT LOAF 2 Ibs hamburg 1 1/2 t salt 1 egg 1/2 t celery salt I 1/3 c milk 1/2 c catsup or tomato soup 2 T chopped onion 1/8 t pepper I Beat egg, add milk, combine with meat, onion and seasonings, except catsup. Flatten on wax paper into rectangular shape 3/4" thick. I Stuffing: 3 c soft bread crumbs 2 T minced onion 1/ 4 t poultry seasoning 1/2 c milk, water, or stock 1 c chopped nuts 1 t salt, pepper

Shape stuffing into roll on top of meat. Close to lengthwise side. Roll so that meat completely covers stuffing. Place in shallow pan. Mix catsup with 1/4 c water, and pour over meat. Bake at 3750 for 1 hour. Garnish with orange slices or toasted walnuts. ***** Mrs. Reginald G. Lacount MEXICAN RICE 2 T fat 2 t chili powder I c raw rice 1 c tomatoes 1 s onion 2 c water 1/2 green pepper 3/4 lb groun beef 2 t salt clove of garlic few comino seed, if available

Wash rice and dry. Brown in fat; brown meat; add other ingredients. Add enough water to cover mix- ture. Cover and cook until done - about 30 minutes. **** * Mrs. Herbert W. Gallagher BEEF LOAF 2 lbs hamburg 1 c cracker crumbs 2 t salt pepper I t poultry seasoning I t cinnamon 1 c milk I egg

Mix thoroughly all ingredients and bake in greased 0 oven dish or pan I hour at 350 • **** * Mrs. Benjamin A. Little

97 BEEF ANDONIONDUMPLINGS I Fry 1 c chopped onions~ 2 T shortening. Mix 3/4 lb hambur-g, 1/3 c bread crumbs , 1/2 c mflk , season to taste. Shape into 4 cakes and brown I quickly in 1T shortening (partially cook).

BISCUITDOUGH: 2 c flour # 3 t baking powder # 1/2 t aalt , 1/4 c shortening cut in dry ingredients. I Add 2/ 3 c milk all at once and mix lightly. Roll very thin. Cut 4 squares. I Put spoonful of fried onion in center of square and meat cake on top. Fold corners of dough to center and pinch together. Bake on greased cookie sheet I 12-15min in hot oven. Serve hot with canned mushroom soup, undiluted. * ** * * Mrs. William Wallace I KIDNEY PIE 1beef kidney 3 c water I 1/4 c flour 1 green pepper chopped 1/2 c diced salt pork 2 potatoes cut small 1 lb round steak 2 m onions, s pieces I 1 clove gar-He, sliced thin pepper 1t salt I

Soak kidney 5 min in cold water. Roll kidney # salt pork and beef in flour. Brown in grease # add water ~ simmer, add vegetables. Line casserole I with pie crust, fill with ingredients, and cover with pie crust. Bake in hot oven for 1 hr. 4500• ** *** Mrs. Dana P. Hardy SQUAW CORN 1 can cor-n, cream style I 2 or 3 slices bacon, cut in small pieces 1green pepper and 1 onion, cut up I Fry bacon with pepper and onion. Add to corn and heat. Serve with slices of toast or toasted crackers. (Supper or luncheon dish). * * *** Mrs. Edwin W. Hadley

98 I COWBOY HASH 2 L onions sliced 11/2 t salt I 2 green pepper s cut fine 1'2 can tomatoes 3 T shortening lIb hamburg I 1/ 2 c uncooked rice 1/4 t pepper Cook onions I peppers # shortening in large frying pan (with cover) until onions are yellow. Add hamburg I and brown well. Add all other ingredients and stir. Cover pan and cook until steam pours out. Then turn heat off and let cook 45 minutes in the steam. I * * * ** Mrs. William Randell WESTERN GOULASH I 1 1/2 lbs hamburg 1 L onion green pepper (optional) I Brown the above together # making the hamburg as fine as possible.

I In baking dish put: 1 qt mflk , 1 c uncooked rice # 1 can tomatoes, I can corn (,2L crushed olives, dash of chili powder. Add hamburg. Bake in medium oven 45 minutes to 1 hour. Add cheese on top and let melt just before serving. ***** Mrs. Elmer H. Cutts SAN GABRIEL HASH 6 potatoes 1 clove garlic 1 can corned beef 2 medium tomatoes, peeled 3 green peppers 1 c water 3 s onions

Cut up corned beef and vegetables in chopping bowl.

Chop quite fine. Place in a large skillet with water I and cook until vegetables are tender, keeping covered all the time. Season highly with salt, pepper and paprika. Stir occasionally to keep from sticking. When vegetables are tender put the hash in greased loaf pan and place in oven to brown on top. ** * ** Mrs. George B. Welch.

99 I LACERTO 1eye of the round (5- 6 lbs beef) I cut in small pieces the following: 3 cloves of garlic I 30 peppercorns 4 strips of bacon good-sized piece of cheese (Parmesan) I 4 slices salami 8 stuffed olives Withthe above ingredients before you on several I plates , cut as many holes in the eye of the round with a sharp knife as you can make (about 150 holes) . Into each hole put one or more of the I small pieces ~making sure that you have cut deeply into the meat. Then cover the meat with long strips of bacon, lengthwise. Use heavy cord I to tie bacon to the meat securely. Lash the roast in hitches about 1" apart with white butcher's cord. I Place in roasting pan with I c stock or 1/2 can tomatoes. Cook in a 3000 oven until tender (about 3 hrs.) Serve hot with mushroom sauce. It is I delicious sliced cold~ too. ***** Mrs. Joseph Skinner "RED HERRING" I 2 c meat cubes (left over roast beef) I c diced red beets I raw onion

I hard cooked eggl lettuce I potato salad

Marinate meat, sliced onion and beets in hot, spiced vinegar (same as for sweet pickles). Let stay over night, strain. Line a platter with lettuce leaves; put cubes in a mound in the middle of platter I ring with potato salad I and garnish with grated egg. Goodfor buffet supper with a plate of pickled herring and a bowl of salad dress- ing on the side. **** * Mrs. Charles F. Barnason

100 ONE-DISHPORK CHOP ANDVEGETABLEDINNER 8 pork chops, lean I qt tomatoes, canned or fresh I qt string beans, or 2 lbs fresh beans seasoning to taste

Brown pork chops on one side in frying pan. Turn. Add beans and tomatoes. Cover and cook 30-45 I minutes over low heat. Serves 4. Serve with boiled or mashed potatoes. I ***** Mrs. Bernard H. Shelton ARABIANSTEW 6 lean pork chops 2 c canned tomatoes I 6 T uncooked rice 1 green pepper 1 L onion 1/8 t pepper I I c hot water 3 t salt Sear chops on both sides, then put in baking dish. On each chop put 1Trice, a slice of onion and I 2 strips gr-een pepper. Sprinkle over all the salt and pepper. Add hot stewed tomatoes and hot water. Bake in 3500 oven for about 1.1/2 hours. **** * Mrs. Lester W. Dearborn STUFFED PORK CHOPS 6 pork chops 3/ 4 in. thick I can cream style corn 2 c Uneeda crumbs I 1egg salt and pepper to taste

Fry chops slowly 10min. on both sides. Make 2 c thin gravy. Place chops on deep pie plate. Mix corn, egg, crackers, salt and pepper. Form large balls and place on chops. Pour on gravy to barely cover chops. Bake in moderate oven 1 hour. Baste corn balls with gravy occasionally. *** * * Mrs. C. David Johnson

101 I SWEDISHMEATBALLS 1 lb best hamburger 2 slices stale white br-ead, soaked in milk I 1 egg 2 or 3 T butter 4-5 m size fresh tomatoes (or 112 can) I 2 m size onions (more or less to taste) salt and pepper I Soak bread in milk for 1-2 hours (enoughmilk to make bread into soft, wet dough). Beat egg; mix meat, dough, beaten egg~ salt and pepper ~ arid I make into balls. Roll balls in flour. Put butter into frying pan; when sizzling hot put in floured meat balls and brown thoroughly~ turning over until browned allover. Put into a pot that has been slightly greased with butter ~ pour water into frying pan the meat balls were browned In, and stir to dissolve the juices that stick to pan; then pour this into pot with meat balls. There should be enough water to nearly reach the top of meat balls. Add tomatoes , washed and cut into quart- ers; add onions cut into small pieces , and season to taste. Allow to simmer in covered pot for 2 hrs. Stir occasionally to prevent the meat balls from sticking. Serve with boiled or mashed potatoes. I * ** ** Mrs. Edward R. Willett CHINESEPIE 6-8 c mashed potatoes 1can peas lIb hamburg I can creamed corn 2 grated onions I Brown hamburg well with onions, seasoning to taste. Then in layers place in casserole inthe following order: half of the mashed potatoes , peas , hambur-g, creamed corn and topped with rest of the potatoes. Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in oven until lightly browned. Tuna fish and salmon can be substituted for the hamburg. ***** Mrs. Joseph P. Zabilski


1 medium sized cabbage (parboil leaves until tender I about 10-15 minutes; turn into colander to cool). Mix: I 1 1/2 lbs hamburg

1 m onion I cut up I 1 t salt dash of pepper I 1/2 can tomato soup Put 1 T filling in each cabbage leaf I place cabbage cakes close together in casserole or pan. Pour over I the cakes the other 1/2 can of soup plus 1/2 can water I (water from cooking cabbage may be used). Bake in 3500 oven for 1 hour. Serve with baked potatoes. I *** ** Mrs. George H. Meservel Jr. MEAT CABBAGE ROLLS (Made in a pressure cooker) I 1 L head cabbage 1 lb ground beef (left over beef or lamb roast may be used) I 2 t salt 1 c cooked rice 1 c milk 2 T fat I 2 T brown sugar 1/2 c hot water Dip cabbage leaves in hot water. Dry leaves on clean

towel. Combine meat , salt, pepper I cooked rice and milk. Place 1 T of meat mixture into each leaf; roll leaf around meat and fasten with toothpick. Heat Presto cooker; brown rolls lightly in hot fat; sprinkle with brown sugar; add hot water. Place cover-on cooker; allow steam to flow. Place indicator weight on and cook for 10 minutes. Let indicator return to OFF. Cabbage rolls can be baked in oven in a covered dish with a little hot water. Cook at 3500 for about 30 minutes. * * *** Mrs. Jacob Wiren

103 SHISHKABABS For outdoor fireplace - serve s 15 1forequarter of lamb, cut into I" square meaty I cubes (trim away fat) 6 purple onions, cut into chunks,6 -8 to an onion 8 firm tomatoes, cut into chunks, 5-8 to a tomato I 6 green peppers, cut into chunks after removing seeds I Slide roasting spit through each of above, in turn, until spit is full, (4-6 spits can be refilled several times this way). Salt and roast, while turning, I until done, over a good bed of coals. This takes about 15min per lot. **** * Mrs. Lowell S. Nicholson I SHISHKEBAB (With Tomatoes and Green Peppers) I S leg of lamb (3/4 lb per person) 2 or 3 s onions tomato paste salt to taste

Cut lean meat in 1 1/2" squares. Mix above in- I gredients in bowl and let stand for a few hours. Put meat on skewers. Place washed tomatoes and green peppers in baking dish. Place skewers I of meat over top of dish so that juices will drip on vegetables. Keep turning skewers until meat is brown. Serve with rice. ***** Mrs. Elisha B. Chrakian BERMUDACASSEROLE 1can peas onions 1 1/2 lb hamburg seasonings

Pour a can of peas in casserole. Place onion rings on top of peas. Season meat with salt and pepper, and place on top of onions. Top with buttered bread crumbs. Bake 1hour in moderate oven, until meat is cooked. ***** Mrs. George W. Hankinson

104 HUNGARIAN VEAL PAPRIKASH 2 lbs veal shoulder cut in 2" pieces I 4 onions I T shortening (chicken fat) I heaping t paprika I I heaping T flour I L clove gar lie I salt to taste Melt fat, cut onions fine, cook in fat until soft but not brown. Add veal, salt and paprika. Allow to I simmer uncovered until fat is absorbed. Sprinkle pieces of meat with flour, stirring to keep from burning. Cook until meat is golden brown. Now I pour cold water almost to cover meat. Add salt and gar lie, cut very fine. Cover and cook until meat is tender. Serve with cooked r ice. Serves about 6. I ***** Mrs. Reuben L. Lurie MUTE MOCKINGBIRDS I 6 slices veal 6 strips salt pork (3" long and of pencil-thickness) 1 egg I bunch parsley I 2 T bread crumbs 2 T evaporated milk salt lemon

Have butcher cut thin slices from a leg of veal - 6 portions. Rub each piece with a sliced lemon on both sides. Season with salt. Dressing: Beat egg lightly, add crumbs, moistened with milk, and parsley cut fine. Put dressing on each slice, not too close to edges, and finally the pork strips. Roll up and fasten with skewers, dust with flour, brown well in bacon fat. Add a cup of boiling water, lower fire and simmer until done. Season gravy w.ith salt and lemon juice and pour over "birds" . ***** Mrs. Charles F. Barnason

105 I JELLIED LOAF 3 c tomato juice. Simmer 5 min with 1 small grated onion, 1t sugar, salt and pepper. Add I 2 T gelatin which has been softened in 1/4 c cold water. Cool. Mix 1 c chopped ham, 1t prepared mustard, and I mayonnaise to moisten. Mix 1 c cream cheese, 2 T sour cream and 1/2 t salt. I Put 1/3 tomato jelly in bottom of bread pan (lightly greased); let harden. Spread ham smoothly on this, add 1/3 jelly, harden. Spread cheese, add I rest of jelly, and harden. *** ** Mrs. Thomas Cooper I SCALLOPED HAM AND CORN 11/2 c chopped ham 3 c diced potatoes I 1can corn, cream style 1onion, minced 3 T flour I Salt, pepper, and milk Cover bottom of buttered casserole with potatoes, I then ham and corn. Season, and dot with butter, and sprinkle with flour. Repeat until all is used. Pour on milk until it can be seen through layers. Bake 1hr in a hot oven. ***** Mrs. Henry E. Richards HAM AND EGGS CASSEROLE 2 c ground ham or ham substitute 3 c white sauce 1 s onion, minced 1can mushrooms, sauteed in butter 3 or 4 hard cooked eggs, chopped bread crumbs

Add onion and mushrooms to white sauce. Butter casserole; put a layer of bread crumbs on bottom; then a layer of ham, some of sauce, then a layer of egg. Repeat until dish is filled. Cover with bread crumbs and dot with butter. Bake at 3500 until thoroughly heated through. * * * * * Mrs. Wilfred S. Lake 106 AN AMERICANSPAGHETTI 4 T bacon fat salt and pepper 4 m onions 1/2 lb hamburg 2 green peppers 2 cans Franco-American Spaghetti

Saut~ the chopped onions and peppers in the melted bacon fat. When well cooked, but not brown add the hamburg. Cook until slightly brown, with the salt and pepper to taste. Combine with spaghetti" and let simmer for about 5 minutes. ***** Mrs. James T. Barrs SPAGHETTIWITHSAUCE 1pkg spaghetti , cooked in salted water 2 m sized onions (cut up) 1can tomato paste plus 1can water sugar and salt

Fry onions" then add other ingredients. Cook until sauce is no longer watery" 5-10 min. Place half the cooked spaghetti in dish. Add layer of cheese (coon is best)" ground" not grated; then some of the sauce. Add remaining spaghettt , cheese" and top with the sauce. ***** Mrs. Edmund Fenn PEPPER STEAK I lb stewing beef or veal" cubed . I green pepper I m sized onion 4 m pieces celery I can tomato soup

Dice onion, pepper and celery. Saute in large skillet in butter or margarine until soft. Add meat and tomato soup. Cover and simmer one hour. Serve with whipped potatoes. * * * ** Mrs. C. Jay Robinson

107 PORCUPINES 1/2 lb hamburg 1/4 lb sausage 1/4 c rice (washed in hot water) 1/2 t salt 1 T green pepper, minced 1/2 can tomato soup and 1 can water

Make balls of meat and rice. Bake in tomato soup gravy for 2 hrs at 3500• ***** Mrs. John R. Leighton PEPPER STEAK lIb stewing beef or veal, cubed 1 green pepper 1m sized onion 4 m pieces celery 1 can tomato soup

Dice onion, pepper and celery. Saute in butter or margarine until soft, in large skillet. Add meat. Add tomato soup. Cover, and simmer for 1hr. Serve with whipped potatoes. ***** Mrs. C. Jay Robinson LAMB CROQUETTES 1 T onion, finely choppe d I 2 T butter (or margarine) 1/4 c floor 1 c brown stock ( or gravy) 1 c cold cooked lamb, cut in small cubes 2/3 c boiled potato cubes 1 t finely chopped parsley salt and pepper

Fry onion in butter 5 min, then remove onion. To butter add flour and stock. Cook 2 min. Add meat, potato, salt and pepper. Simmer until meat and potato have absorbed sauce. Add parsley, and spread on platter to chill. Shape, crumb, and fry in deep fat. ***** Mrs. David S. Clark

108 CHOW MEIN 1/4 c butter or other shortening 11/2 c (3/4 lb) diced lean meat (left over roast or chicken) 1 c onions , cut fine 1 t salt 1/8 t pepper

1c celery J cut fine 3/4 c hot water or juice from bean sprouts 1 can bean spr-outs , drained Thickening: 1/3 c cold water 2 T cornstarch 2 t Soy Sauce 1 t sugar

Melt butter in hot skillet. Add meat, stir and brown lightly. Add onions and fry for 5 minutes. Add

celery I salt J pepper and hot water. Cover and cook for 5 minutes. Add bean sprouts. Mix thoroughly

and heat to boiling point. Add thickening ingredients J and cook 5 minutes longer. Serve on rice or chow mein noodles. Flavor to taste with Soy Sauce. Optional: decorate with shredded green onion, lettuce and cold boiled eggs , or strips of egg which have been beaten and fried. ***** Mrs. Jacob Wiren CHOP SUEY Fry meat: lIb beef and 2 pork chops , cut in pieces , and 1 L onion, in fat until slightly browned. Cover with water and simmer until tender. Add 1 L bunch

celery cut in small pieces J and cook until all is tender. Dradn, and add 1 can bean sprouts. Cook about 15 minutes. Add water if needed. Add 2 T bead

molasses J and 2 T chop suey sauce. If too thin add a little flour for thickening. Cook only a few minutes after adding sauce and molasses. Serves 4. ***** Mrs. Earle D. Hardy

109 EGGPLANT CASSEROLE This recipe may be prepared with (1)leftover lamb or beef, coarsely ground. (2) fresh ham- bur-g, or (3) without meat. Zucchini squash may be substituted for eggplant.

1/2 Ib fresh hamburg 11/2 c canned tomato 1L eggplant or 3 ripe ~ cut up 1 L onion 4 T melted fat 1/2 pepper or olive oil 2 stalks celery ~ plus leaves 1/2 t (scant) dried bit of garlic ~ cut fine basil (optional) salt to taste

Slice eggplant 1/2 inch thick; salt each piece and allow to stand until moisture is vtsfble , 15-20 min. Wash and dry. Saute onions~ pepper ~ celery ~ garlic in fat just long enough to lose crispness; add meat and stir. Partially cook. Add tomato (reserving 1/2 c), basil and salt. Cook this for 2-3 min until well blended. Arrange eggplant and meat mixture in alternate layers in baking dish. Top layer should be eggplant. Pour remaining 1/2 c tomato over top. Add very thin slices of sharp cheese. Cover and bake in oven at 3500 until eggplant is done. Uncover and brown under broiler ~ or in oven. This dish may be cooked on top of stove. Omit cheese and add 1/8 c water ~ cover ~ and cook rather slowly at first. When ser-ving, grated cheese may be used. **** * Mrs. Roland Leach

110 SMOTHERED LAMB 4 lbs lamb (fore quarter) 4 yellow onions I garlic clove I t each: pepper ~ allspice ~ cloves

Have meat cut as for stew and boil in 2 qts water to which has been added I T salt and the garlic clove. Cook slowly for 2 hour-s, or until done. Take meat out to cool, throwaway garlic. Skim broth of all fat , strain, and set aside. Separate meat from bones, put meat and onions through grinder. Put meat mix in broth (about 3 c)~ and cook 15min. ~stirring constantly. Add sptce s , and salt if necessary. Cook 10-15min. more, or until broth is almost absorbed. (If it is cooked dry the loaf will crumble ~ if too moist it will be soggy). Put in glass meat loaf pan. Let cool thoroughly. Cover tightly with wax paper and put in refrigerator. Keeps well for several days. A tasty ~ economical dish for buffet supper, sandwich-filling, etc. It is one of the national dishes of Iceland. * *** * Mrs. Charles F. Barnason MEAT AND RICE AU GRATIN 2 c diced cooked meat mflk , soup stock, or bouillon cube 2 c boiled rice 2 T fat 1/2 to 3/ 4 c grated cheese 1t salt 1/8 t pepper 1T finely chopped onion

Moisten meat with a little milk or stock. Spread a layer of rice in greased casserole. Place several dots of fat on top~ and sprinkle with cheese. Season with salt and pepper. Add layer of meat ~ bit of fat and grated cheese. Repeat. Bake in 3500 oven for 15to 20 minutes. Serves 6. * * * ** Mrs. John R. Leighton

111 CHICKENCASSEROLE 6 c chicken, cut up 1 c blanched almonds 6 c rice, cooked 2 c mushrooms, sauteed 3 c chicken broth s can pimientos Thick' White Sauce: 3 c milk 5 T butter 3/4 c flour, seasoned

Pour sauce over chicken, and bake 1hr in a 3500 oven. Serves 12-15persons. * * * * * Mrs. Carl S. Ell BROWNFRICASSEE OF CHICKEN (Pressure Cooker Recipe) 1fowl (4-5 1/2 lbs) 2 T fat 2 t salt 3 onions, sliced 1/2 bay leaf (optional) 1 T paprika 1/8 t pepper 3 c hot water

Cut fowl into small servings. Heat fat in pressure pan. Add fowl, and brown well. Add seasonings and water. Cover. With control at 10, cook for 45 min" after pressure is up. Reduce pressure normally. Thicken gravy before serving. * * * * * Mrs. John R. Leighton PORCUPINE MEAT BALLS(Pressure Cooker Recipe) I 11/2 lbs ground beef 1/2 c rice 1m onion, minced 1 t salt 1can tomato soup 1/2 t pepper 1/2 c water*

Wash rice thoroughly. Combine meat, rice, salt, pepper" and onion. Shape into small balls. Heat soup and water in pressure cooker. Drop balls in soup mixture. Place cover on cooker. Allow steam to flow from vent, to release all air from cooker. Place indicator weight on vent pipe and cook 10 min with stem at cook position. Let stem return to down position. *Use 2 c water if pressure cooker is not used. Cook until rice is tender. ** * * * Mrs. William Alcott

112 HAMBURGNOODLE 1pkg wide egg noodles 1 s onion lIb hamburg 1'2 tin tomatoes 1 pkg Velveeta cheese

Cook noodles" drain; slice cheese" and let melt in hot noodles while sauteing onion in pan with small amount of fat. Add hamburg. Cook slightly" and· then add tomatoes. Season with salt" pepper and sugar to taste. Add all together. Put in buttered casserole" sprinkle with buttered cornflakes" and cook at 3750 for 30-40 minutes. Serves 6-8. ***** Mrs. Norman Greene MEAT LOAF 2 lbs chuck or round beef" ground 3 c soft bread crumbs 2 eggs" slightly beaten 1 peeled m onion 1 c milk dash of pepper 2 t salt 1t dried thyme 3/4 t celery salt 1 T catchup'

Combine fir st three ingredients. Cut 2 slices from onion; set aside; mince rest. Add with next six ingredients to crumbs; blend. Shape into loaf in shallow pan. Cut 2 gashes part way through top of loaf and insert onion slices. Spread entire loaf with catchup. Bake in moderate oven (400°) for 45 minutes. ***** Mrs. Reginald C. Thomas MARYLAND CHICKEN Frying chicken cut in pieces.

Sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper. Dip in flour" then egg diluted with 1T water" then bread crumbs. Place in well greased pan with gieces along side each other. Bake 45 minutes in 400 oven" basting after 5 minutes with butter diluted in water. Optional - white sauce. ***** Mrs. James T. Dunphy

113 SPANISH CHOPS 4 thick pork chops 2 c cooked rice 1 1/2 c tomato soup (undiluted) 2 chopped onions 2 ground green peppers salt and pepper

Place chops in 2" deep baking dish" and salt and pepper to taste. Place chopped onion on each chop, and top each with 1/2 c cooked rice. Put ground peppers on rice. Pour soup around chops. Use enough soup so that it won't entirely cook away. Bake in moderate oven 1 hr , or until chops are tender. * * *** Mrs. William B. Lamprey TREASURE ISLAND CHICKEN Cook a 5 Ib fowl" cool" and cut in small pieces. Melt 6 T butter" blend in 1/2 c flour; slowly add 1 c milk" then 2 c strained chicken broth. Cook over low flame 'til thick and smooth. Remove from heat and add 1 c salad dressing" 1 t lemon juice, 1/2 t curry powder. Mix well. Add chicken. In a 2 qt casserole" put layers of asparagus tips and chicken mixture. Bake about I 20 min in 3500 oven. Same mixture can be used with salmon" 1/ 2 t dry mustard instead of curry, and cooked broccoli ... Tuna fish, whole green beans" and sliced tomato on top ... Whole shrimp, with rice on the bottom. * *** * Mrs. John E. Sullivan TURKEY NOODLE CASSEROLE Boil a package of wide egg noodles. In a large casserole alfernate layers of noodles and' cut-up turkey or chicken" using about 2 c meat. Cover with well-seasoned turkey or chicken stock. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese. Bake 30-40 min in moderate oven. * *** Mrs. Lynn Irvine Schoonover

114 CHICKEN AND MUSHROOM MIXTURE 1/2 c butter or chicken fat 2/3 c flour 1t salt 1/4 t paprika 3 c milk 11/2 c chicken, diced 2/3 c cooked mushrooms 3 T chopped pimientos 2 T chopped celery ~ cooked

Melt butter ~ and add flour . Blend well, and add milk. Cook until creamy. Add other Ingredtents , and stir constantly for 2 minutes. Serve in heated patty shells or pastry cases . Substitute: 2 small cans tuna, scalded, instead of chicken. Serves 12. * * *** Mrs. Edward S. Parsons CHICKEN CACCIATORE 1fryer ~ disjointed (2 1/2 - 3 Ibs) Dredge pieces of chicken in 1/4 c flour ~ 1 1/2 t salt ~ p~pper.

Saut~ in heavy frying pan or Dutch oven until golden brown on all sides in 3 t fat or salad oil. Add: 1/2 c minced onion . 3/8 c chopped green pepper 2 peeled garlic cloves , minced 1can (6 oz) tomato sauce 1 3/ 4 c canned tomatoes or fresh tomatoes 1/4 t thyme dash of cayenne 1/4 c Chianti wine 1/4 t pepper . 1/4 t ground allspice

Simmer gently 30-40 minutes , or until meat is tender. Turn chicken out on serving plate and pour sauce over it. Serves 4-6. * * * * * Mrs. Dudley A. Weiss

115 CHICKENPIE . 3 T chicken fat 1/4 c cooked peas 3 T flour 1/4 c cooked carrots 11/2 c chicken stock* 1m sized cooked 1c chicken meat potato" diced plain pastry - using I 1/2 c flour

Melt fat" stir in flour" and when smooth" gradu- ally add the stock" stirring constantly. Boil 2 min" continuing stirring. When smooth" add seasoning to taste: salt" pepper" Worcestershire sauce. Remove from fire for later use. Into two individual casseroles place chicken (cut into large dice), peas" carrots" and potatoes. Top with sauce" and cover each dish with pastry" which has at least 4 slashes to allow air to escape. Bake in 4000 oven for 15-20 min. *Chicken stock is made from simmering chicken in enough water to cover" until tender. Season water before cooking" with salt" celery" onion" and carrot.

This recipe is a specialty of The White Turkey restaurant on Madison Avenue in New York City. *** ** Mrs. Frank M. Cushman CORNBREADDRESSING 1recipe corn bread I m onion" chopped I m green pepper" chopped 4 stalks celery" cut fine 2 T parsley salt and pepper I t sage (poultry seasoning can be used)

Crumble corn bread" and mix all ingredients together. Moisten with broth made by cooking neck and giblets of turkey or chicken. Bake at 3500 about I hr. ** * * * Mrs. Herbert W. Gallagher



JELLIES RED RASPBERRYPRESERVE Make syrup of 2 c sugar and 1 c water by boiling together 5 minutes. Pack clean, raw berries (about a quart to the above amount of syrup) into sterile jars and fill with the syrup. Seal tight and invert in kettle of hot water. Let the whole come to a boil; remove from heat and let stand until cold. * * * ** Mrs. Arthur A. Vernon GREEN TOMATOMINCEMEAT 4 qts green tomatoes put through grinder 6 c chopped apple 1c chopped suet 2 lbs brown sugar 1lb each seeded and seedless raisins 1/2 lb currants 3/4 lb chopped candied citron 1/4 lb each candied orange and lemon peel 3 lemons and 5 oranges, grated rind and juice. 1c molasses 1T salt 1t clove 2 teach - nutmeg, cinnamon and allspice

Pour boiling water over chopped tomatoes and let come to a boil. Drain. Repeat 3 times and drain. Put back on stove with suet and brown sugar. Add remaining ingredients and let simmer until well done, about 2 hours. Jelly, fruit juice, cider or sweet pickle juice may be added. Can in hot jars. Process 10minutes. * * * ** Mrs. Reginald G. Lacount

119 HEAVENLY JAM Mash , not too fine~ 3 lbs ripe peaches. Combine with 3 lbs granulated sugar and let stand over night. Then add grated rind of I orange; juice and pulp of 2 oranges; juice and cherries cut fine from I small bottle maraschino cherries. Cook together I hr. Pour in glasses and seal with paraffin. **** Mrs. Everett A. Churchill SPICED BLUEBERRY JAM Crush or grind about 2 lbs fully ripe blueberries. Add I t each cinnamon, cloves and allspice. Measure 7 c sugar and 4 1/2 c prepared fruit in kettle. Mix well and bring to a full rolling boil over hottest fire. Stir constantly before and while boiling. Boil hard 1 min. Remove from fire and stir in 1 bottle fruit pectin. Skim, pour quickly, cover with paraffin at once. Makes 12 ,6-oz. glasses. *** * Mrs. Chester P. Baker 'GRAPE CONSERVE 3 lbs grapes lIb raisins 1 lb English walnuts 2 oranges

Pulp grapes, cook, strain to take out seeds. Then put with akins , add raisins" oranges and nuts; run through coarse part of meat chopper. Weigh and add lIb (3/4) of sugar per lb of mixture. Boil 20 min. Put in jelly jars. ** ** Mrs. Roger S. Hamilton PLUM CONSERVE 5 doz blue plums 2 oranges (rind cut in . lIb raisins small pieces) 3 oranges (juice) 5 c sugar 1 c walnuts

Cook until thick. Add walnuts and seal. ** * * Mrs. CarlS. Ell

120 GREm TOMATOPICKLE WITHGARLIC 1bu (60 Ibs) green tomatoes 2 oz mixed pickling spices 3 s heads garlie 11/4 c coarse salt s bunch dill water to cover

Discard any blemished tomatoes and wash remainder thoroughly. Place a layer in a croc k and on tap of that a layer of dill" then a layer of mixed spices. Remove loose skins from garlic" place in paper bag and pound until well crushed. Add a very little bit of garlic. Repeat this process until all are used. Dis- solve salt in little warm water" add enough cold water so that 2 qts have been used. Pour over tomatoes in crock. Cover crock with slats of wood pressed down on tomatoes and place heavy stone on top. Cover all with cheesecloth. Let stand for 6 weeks before using. The tomatoes will keep all winter in a cool.. not cold.. place. ***** Mrs. Roger S. Hamilton UNCOOKEDRIPE TOMATORELISH I pk ripe tomatoes - chop with skins on . Sprinkle with 2 c salt and drain over night. In the morning add: 2 c chopped onions 2 c brown sugar 2 c chopped celery I c mustard seed 4 s chopped hot red peppers 2 c vinegar I t cinnamon 1t clove

Can. Add more vinegar if it seems too dry. * **** Mrs. Norman I. Dubois BREADANDBUTTER PICKLES 12cucumbers) /.. 12onions ) cut about 1 8 mch thick Add 1/2 c salt. Cover with ice water I hour. Drain. Mix the following together: 4 c sugar I qt vinegar 3 T celery seed 2 T mustard seed 1T tumeric Add to above and cook 6 minutes after boiling starts. Seal. * * * * * Mrs. James T. Dunphy 121 SA DS A D SALAD D G VEGETABLE SALAD 1/2 head cabbage" chopped 2 m carrots" grated 1s onion" chopped

Mix together" and add 2 T salad dressing" salt and pepper to taste" 1t sugar" and a dash of Worcester- shire sauce. ** * ** Mrs. Earle D. Hardy POTATO SALAD 8-10 s potatoes 3/4 c water 2 L onions 2 T sugar 3 slices bacon 1 t salt 1/4 c vinegar

Boil potatoes with jackets on. Slice while still warm" adding minced onions. Tryout bacon; crumble" and add along with bacon fat" to potatoes. Boil remaining ingredients" and pour over all. Let stand an hour or more to "ripen". If desired" a little celery and parsley may be added with onions. * * * ** Mrs. Stuart B. Sommerville VEGETABLE-TOMATO SALAD I envelope Knox gelatin 1/4 c cold tomato juice 1c hot tomato juice 1/4 c vinegar 1/2 t salt dash of pepper I can "layer-pack" vegetables

Soften gelatin in cold juice" and dissolve in hot juice. Add vinegar" salt and pepper. Pour over vegetables in rinsed mold. Serve with mayonnaise" to which add grated onion and chopped parsley. ** *** Mrs. Robert L. Thompson

125 FROZEN FRUIT SALAD I L can peaches" drain (do not use juice) 3 bananas mashed with peaches juice of 3 lemons" and 3 oranges 1/2 bottle maraschino cherries (some juice) 1 scant c sugar 1 scant c water 3 T crushed pineapple

Mix ingredients and put in ice trays. Top with 1/2 pkg dates" cut in small pieces. This will freeze at normal temperature of refrigerator in about 3 hrs. **** Mrs. G. Raymond Fennell DATE AND PEAR SALAD lemon jello pear halves chopped dates

Put 3 or 4 chopped dates in the bottom of cup mold" and a pear half. Pour jello over fruit and chill. Serve on lettuce" topped with mayonnaise or cream dressing. **** Mrs. C. David Johnson JELLIED SALAD 1 pkg lemon jello 1 c diced cucumber 1 c diced pineapple 1 T sliced pimiento 1 T chopped green pepper

Chill. Serve on lettuce with mayonnaise. * * ** Mrs. C. David Johnson CANDLE SALAD Place pineapple ring on lettuce leaf. Take 1/2 banana" which has been dipped in lemon juice" pointed side up, and insert in hole of pineapple. Dab top of banana with mayonnatee .softened cream cheese" 'or whipped cream. Top with cherry. In- sert a strip of green pepper on side of banana for handle. * *** Mrs. Saverio Zuffanti

126 PEAR SALAD (For spring Iuncheon or Christmas holiday) 1 112 can pears 1 3 oz pkg cream cheese 1pkg lime jello 2 t crystalized ginger (chopped fine)

Dissolve jello in 1c boiling water J add cream cheese which has been softened in a little warm milk; then add 1c pear juice. Whencool pour the mixture over pear s , and add ginger. For Christmas aalad, add maraschino cherries. Whenready to ser-ve, unmold on bed of lettuce. Anyfruit salad dressing may be used. ***** Mrs. Frederick A. Stearns MOLDED CREAM CHEESE AND PINEAPPLE SALAD I 1/2 pkgs lemon jello 1~t warm water 1/21b cream cheese (3 pkgs)

1/2 T dry mustard J scant 2 or more pimtentos , cut fine 1'2 can crushed pineapple and juice I T milk with a speck of salt 1/2 c cr-eam; whipped

Dissolve jello in water; let stand to chill. When beginning to jell add other Ingr-edients, which have been well blended. Pour into individual molds or a shallow dish. Chill. To serve , cut in squares or in fancy shapes. Put in crisp lettuce cups with any desired dressing. Garnish with pimiento and green pepper stars. Serves 16to 18. ***** Mrs. Paul W. Glennon CLUSTER OF GRAPES SALAD

Place 1/2 pear J round side up J on lettuce leaf. Cover with cream cheese and halved grapes. Garnish with parsley to represent leaves. ***** Mrs. Saverio Zuffanti

127 I NOVEL SALAD 1 can tomato soup. Bring to boiling point , and add 1/2 Ib cream chee se . Stir until smooth. Add 2 T gelatin dissolved in 1/2 c cold water. Mix we ll , partly cool , and add: 1 c mayonnaise ~ 1/2 c chopped celery, 1/2 c green pepper ~ 1/4 c minced onion, and 1 can 'Of lobster ~ crab , tuna , sahnon , or shrimp. Serves 8. **** Mrs. Galen D. Light GUACAMOLE SALAD 1 avocado 1tomato 1 s onion plenty of salt

Mash ripe avocado, and add salt, chopped tomato, and chopped onion. Serve on lettuce as salad ~ or in a bowl , and use Fritos for dunking. Make just before serving. * * * * Mrs. Herbert W. Gallagher EASY GELATIN SALAD Prepare 1pkg lemon or orange jello ~ using 1 c boiling water and 1 c pineapple juice. When cool , add 1 c grated raw carrots ~ 1 c chopped celery ~ and 1 c crushed pineapple. Mix and put into in- dividual molds. Chill and serve on lettuce. Amounts of celery and carrots may vary ~ and celery may be omitted altogether ~ if preferred. * *** Mrs. Fletcher S. Boig HOLIDAY SALAD Cook 1 pt cranberries in 1 c water for 20 min. Stir in 1 1/2 c sugar. Cook until dissolved. Add 1 envelope plain gelatin soaked in 1/4 c water for 5 min. Stir until dissolved. When mixture je ll s , add 1 c diced celery ~ 1/2 c chopped nuts. Fill individual molds. When firm~ serve on crisp lettuce Ieaves , and garnish with mayonnaise. * * ** Mrs. Henry E . Richards

128 SALMONSALADMOLD 1envelope Knox gelatin 3/4 c mayonnaise 1/ 4 c cold water 1/2 t salt 1c salmon 1/4 t paprika 1/2 c chopped celery 1 T mild vinegar 1/2 c green pepper few grains cayenne 2 T chopped olives

Pour water in bowl , and sprinkle gelatin on it. Leave 5 minutes. Place bowl over boiling water and stir until gelatin is dissolved. Cool. Add mayonnaise ~ fish (flaked) # celery, and the rest of ingredients. Turn into bowl that has been rinsed in cold water. Chill. ***** Mrs. Edwin M. MacCloskey SHRIMPSALAD 2 c shrimp 1c tomato juice cocktail, heated 3 cream cheeses 2 T gelatin dissolved in 1/2 c cold water 1c celery, cut small 1green pepper, diced 1 s onion, minced 1c mayonnaise

Mix, chffl, and serve. * * *** Mrs. Edward S. Parsons JELLIED SHRIMP SALAD 1c diced celery 1/2 green pepper ~ chopped 2 pimientos, chopped 1T minced onion 2 cans shrimp (one will do) 2 hard boiled eggs, chopped 1/2 c chili sauce 1/2 c mayonnaise 1envelope gelatin mixed in cold water, and dissolved in boiling water.

Mix ingredients. Add gelatin" Pour into mold, and chill. * *** * Mrs. Kenneth W. Bergen

129 I PARTY SALAD 1 pkg lime gelatin 2 c canned pears 2 cream cheeses (3 oz each) 1/2 t salt 1/4 t ginger s bottle of maraschino cherries

Dissolve gelatin in 1 1/2 c boiling water ~ 1/2 c pear juice ~ and salt. Pour into glass bread pan to 1/2" depth. Let harden. When remaining gelatin begins to thicken, beat well with egg beater ~ and fold in the pears (cut small), and the cheese which has been well mashed with fork. Add ginger and cut up cherries. Pour over hardened clear gelatm, and chill. Makes 9 slices. * *** * Mrs. Robert S. White . QUICK-EASY MAYONNAISE 1 can sweetened condensed milk 1/2 c vinegar or lemon juice 1/2 c salad oil or melted butter 1 egg 1t salt 2 t dry mustard several grains pepper

Place all ingredients in mixing bowl and beat with rotary beater until thick. If thicker consistency is des ir-ed, chill. Very good for cole slaw. * ** ** Mrs. Rudolf O. Oberg GARLIC DRESSING FOR SIMPLE GREEN SALAD 3 T mayonnaise 1 t Worcestershire sauce 1 t A-I sauce 1 T catsup 1 t French Is mustard 2 sections gar lie ~ minced fine 1 T wine vinegar oil and herbs to taste - in moderation

This is a rather strong dreasmg, and will not suit every taste. It is excellent when a meal does not have other strong or hot flavors. ** * * Mrs. William S. Hanna 130 FRUIT SALADDRESSING 1/4 c any light colored fruit juice 2 eggs 1/4 c lemon juice 1/4 c sugar 1/4 to 1/2 c whipped cream

Beat eggs slightly in top of small enamel double boiler. Add sugar, lemon juice and fruit juice. Cook over hot water, stirring constantly until thick. Cool quickly. Fold in cream beaten stiff, just before serving. Use a silver or wooden spoon in mixing. ** *** Mrs. Paul W. Glennon FRENCH-RUSSIANDRESSING 1 1/2 c cooking oil 1t pepper 3/4 c vinegar 1t dry mustard 3/ 4 c sugar 1t Worcestershire 1 can tomato soup 1t onion juice 1t salt

Rub bowl with clove of garlic before mixing. Beat well for 15 minutes. Store in refrigerator, and shake well before using. *** * * Mrs. William B. Lamprey MY FAVORITE SALADDRESSING 2 eggs 1pt Mazola 2 t dry mustard 1/2 c vinegar 2 t sugar 1T hot water 2 t salt

Beat eggs slightly, add dry ingredients, and beat. Add Mazola, a little at a time ~ until used up, and keep beating. Add vinegar ~ and Iast , the hot water. **** * Mrs. Ernest L. Spencer