Volpp_production read v5 (clean) (Do Not Delete) 6/28/2015 9:21 PM The Indigenous As Alien Leti Volpp* I. Space, Time, Membership ......................................................................................... 293 II. Indians As Aliens and Citizens ................................................................................ 300 III. The Political Theory of Forgetting—The Settler’s Alibi .................................. 316 Immigration law, as it is taught, studied, and researched in the United States, imagines away the fact of preexisting indigenous peoples. Why is this the case? I argue, first, that this elision reflects and reproduces how the field of immigration law narrates space, time, and national membership. But despite their disappearance from the field, Indians have figured in immigration law, and thus I describe the neglected legal history of the treatment of Indians under U.S. immigration and citizenship law.1 The Article then returns to explain why indigenous people have disappeared from immigration law through an investigation of the relationship between “We the People,” the “settler contract,” and the “nation of immigrants.” The story of the field of U.S. immigration law is typically a narrative of the assertion of national sovereign power that begins in the late 1880s with a trilogy of * Robert D. and Leslie Kay Raven Professor of Law, University of California, Berkeley School of Law,
[email protected]. Many thanks to the UCLA Critical Race Studies Symposium on Race and Sovereignty, where I first began