Patented Nov. 21, 1950 2,530,872 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,530,872 ESTERS 0F SULFUR-CONTAINING POLYCARBOXYLIC ACIDS James T. Gregory, Cuyahoga Falls, and Jacob Eden Jansen, Akron, Ohio, assignors to The B. F. Goodrich Company, New York, N. Y., a corporation of New York No Drawing. Application June 18, 1947, Serial No. 755,478 3 Claims. (Cl. 260—30.8) 2 This invention relates to new compositions of primary, secondary, or tertiary mono- or poly matter, and pertains more speci?cally to new hydroxy, substituted or unsubstituted alcohol. esters of sulfur-containing polycarboxylic acids. Among these are: primary alkyl alcohols such as It is disclosed in our copending application, Se methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, propyl alcohol, bu rial No. 755,476, ?led June 17, 1947, that new acids tyl alcohol, amyl alcohol, hexyl alcohol, heptyl al having the general formula cohol, octyl alcohol, nonyl alcohol, decyl alcohol, undecyl alcohol, dodecyl alcohol, tetradecyl alco hol, cetyl alcohol, octadecyl alcohol, and the like; Secondary alkyl alcohols such as isopropyl al wherein A is a polyvalent aliphatic radical hav ll) cohol, secondary butyl alcohol, secondary amyl ing its connecting valences on carbon atoms and alcohol, secondary hexyl alcohol, secondary octyl containing only atoms of carbon, hydrogen and alcohol, secondary nonyl alcohol and the like; sulfur or oxygen (1. e., a chalcogen occurring in Tertiary alkyl alcohols such as tertiary butyl one of the short periods of the periodic table), the alcohol, tertiary amyl alcohol, tertiary butyl car sulfur or oxygen being present in the divalent 15 bino, tertiary amyl carbinol, pinacoylyl alcohol.
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