- if 3 {: 3 S ; 4 £, A2) g f sub. Patented Sep 8, 1938 2,128,946 care." UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,128,946 TETRAPHOSPHORCAC) ESTERS Morris B. Katzman, Chicago, Ill. No Drawing. Application April 9, 1937, Serial No. 135,931 23 (Claims. (C. 260-46) My invention relates to a new class of chemi More specifically, the most preferable of the cal substances. It relates more in particular to compounds of my invention may be defined as . a class of chemical, substances having the prop tetraphosphoric acid esters of polyhydroxy sub erties of interface modifiers as, for example, when stances wherein at least one hydroxy group of employed in a treating bath containing textile, the polyhydroxy substance has its hydrogen sub leather or ores. Many of the compounds of my stituted by a lipophile group. The lipophile group 5 invention are also effective to decrease the spat- nay include any organic acid group, particular tering of margarine, to increase the oiliness of ly fatty acid groups having preferably at least lubricating oils and greases, such as are derived four carbon atoms such as the fatty acid radi O from mineral oils, to act as emulsifying agents calls of the following acids: caproic acid, capric, O for cosmetic and other emulsions, to reduce vis- caprylic, valeric, butyric, abietic, naphthenic, hy cosity of chocolate and the like, to retard the droxystearic, benzoic, benzoylbenzoic, naphthoic, rancidification of oils, fats, and vitamin prepara- toluic, higher molecular weight saturated and tions which are subject to deterioration by oxi- unsaturated fatty acids including palmitic acid, dation, to act as assistants in the textile and re- Stearic, lauric, melissic, oleic, myristic, ricinoleic, 5 5 lated industries and, in general, to function linoleic acid or mixed fatty acids derived from wherever interface modification is sought or de- animal or vegetable fats and fish oils such as sired.
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