18 Science and technology

The Department of Science and Technology aims to Some funds allocated to science councils were realise the full potential of science and technology earmarked to address specific South African (S&T) in social and economic development, through problems. The funding of science councils has been the development of human resources (HR), substantially reformed: core funding through research and innovation. parliamentary grants is complemented by The intellectual framework for policy is the allocations through a competitive bidding process National System of Innovation (NSI), in which from the Innovation Fund (IF). The IF applies three a set of functioning institutions, organisations, major criteria when making its selections: individuals and policies interact in pursuit of a competitiveness, quality of life and environmental common set of social and economic goals. sustainability. The department’s budget over the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) has seen an Innovation Fund increase of 26%, most of which will fund new The IF was created to promote technological scientific research infrastructure such as the innovation; increased networking and cross- Centre for High Performance Computing (CHPC). sectoral collaboration; and competitiveness, quality of life, environmental sustainability and the National System of Innovation harnessing of information technology (IT). The NSI focuses on the role of technology in The National Research Foundation (NRF) claims economic growth and supports innovation and a management and administration fee from the technology diffusion. Since 1994, institutions such allocated budget for support services rendered. as the National Advisory Council on Innovation The IF’s strategic objectives include creating (NACI) have been established to advise the Minister a knowledge base in key technology and eco- of Science and Technology on policy and the nomic sectors; facilitating the exploitation and allocation of funding. commercialisation of research and development

479 (R&D) results from the existing knowledge base; Astronomy investing in technological innovations that will has been shortlisted as one of two benefit South Africa; and supporting historically possible sites for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). disadvantaged individuals. The IF enables the A final decision in this regard is expected in 2008. expansion and migration of existing industries to The SKA will be the biggest telescope ever built, new value-added areas, and the establishment of the only one of its kind worldwide, and the only R&D-intensive industries. It fosters the instrument able to solve the most basic questions establishment and growth of technology-based of the origin of the Universe and the birth and small enterprises. evolution of stars and galaxies. It will investigate the origin of magnetism in the Universe and will be Promoting niche areas the most powerful instrument ever to search for Space science extraterrestrial intelligence. South Africa has assembled a team to build the The department’s efforts in space science focus on Karoo Array Telescope (Kat), which will be equal to developing the region as a hub for astronomy and about 1% of the SKA. The Kat team and researchers space S&T. Through the Astronomy Geographical in the UK, the Netherlands, Australia and the USA Advantage Programme, South Africa continues to are developing digital signal processing for the promote high-technology investment in space telescope, as well as software and innovative science to ensure that local researchers and telescope antennas, using composites. students are able to participate at the cutting edge The SKA/Kat office was expected to host a major of international astronomy. A key result was the international workshop in December 2006 on wide- launch of the Southern African Large Telescope field imaging and calibration, which is a key (Salt) in November 2005, in Sutherland in the technology for the SKA, and which pushes the Northern Cape. boundaries on high-speed computing and software. Salt is a multimillion rand project involving The SKA and Kat projects are important for Germany, Poland, the United States of America developing high-level skills and expertise in South (USA), New Zealand and the United Kingdom (UK). Africa. The Department of Science and Technology Salt is the largest single optical telescope in the has provided funding for graduate study associated southern hemisphere. with these projects. By mid-2006, there were

480 20 students participating in this programme, Initiative. Research related to agriculture, human carrying out research for PhD and MSc degrees at and animal health, environment and industry is South African universities, as well as two being prioritised. postdoctoral fellows. The National Biotechnology Strategy (NBS), Related to the country’s bid to host the SKA, which was launched in 2001, sets the agenda for a bursary programme provided the first the development of South Africa’s biotechnology 12 postgraduate recipients with funding in 2004/05. industry. A further 11 recipients were identified for 2006. Other initiatives include the establishment This programme is being extended to South Africa’s of biotechnology regional innovation centres (Brics), partners in the bid – Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, namely: BioPAD, Cape Biotech, LIFElab and the Plant Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique and Namibia. Biotechnology Innovation Centre (PlantBio). Brics were created as instruments for implementing the Biotechnology NBS. Their focus areas cover a wide spectrum of the The 1996 White Paper on Science and Technology subdisciplines in biotechnology. These include set the course for transforming South Africa’s S&T human and animal health, biopharmaceuticals, system into a better co-ordinated and inclusive industrial bioprocessing, mining biotechnology, system aimed at benefiting all South Africans. bioinformatics and plant biotechnology. One of the The biotechnology sector is attracting a fast- challenges facing the South African biotechnology growing portion of R&D funding. Funding for sector is the public’s lack of understanding and genetic engineering grew by 360% between knowledge of biotechnology applications and 2002 and 2004. Investment growth in the related benefits. fields of biochemistry, genetics and molecular Another programme initiated as a result of the biology, microbiology, genetic engineering and NBS is the Public Understanding of Biotechnology biotechnology exceeded 46%. Programme, which provides the South African The Department of Science and Technology is public with information, enabling them to also committed to developing biotechnology in participate meaningfully in debates about Africa. In August 2005, the Council for Scientific biotechnology and to make informed decisions. and Industrial Research (CSIR) initiated a southern The implementation of the NBS has seen the regional hub of the New Partnership for Africa’s development of the National Bio-Informatics Development (Nepad) African Biosciences Network (NBN) in eight universities, investing in technology R&D, infrastructure and teaching. In 2005, 71 students (51% of whom are women and 34% of whom are black) received training in In February 2006, the Department of Science biotechnology-related subjects. and Technology allocated R11 million to the South African Malaria Initiative (Sami). Policy and initiatives Sami was initiated in 2005 by the African Centre South African Research Chairs Initiative for Gene Technologies, a joint venture between (Sarchi) the universities of Pretoria and the Witwatersrand, as well as the Council for The Sarchi is a strategic national structural Scientific and Industrial Research. intervention geared towards creating a coherent and national research and innovation system. The The aim is to encourage collaboration between initiative is aimed at attracting and retaining qualified various local malaria researchers and to establish networks with other key players on the researchers to the Higher Education (HE) sector to African continent. reverse the country’s decline in research output and capacity at publicly funded institutions. It is Sami’s research will focus on drug discovery envisaged that this programme, which has already and pre-clinical development of novel potential anti-malarial compounds, new and improved received R200 million, will produce 210 research diagnostics and molecular epidemiology and chairs by 2010, with the potential to develop targeted parasite-vector interactions. research capacity in support of the National Research and Development Strategy (NRDS).

481 National Research and Development Strategy state-of-the-art resourced venue aimed at Science and technology The NRDS focuses on three broad areas: promoting innovative design, product development • Innovation, primarily through technology and process technologies for crafters and missions: The emphasis is on technological designers. innovation, demonstrating technology, incubating The Cape Craft and Design Institute (CCDI) new technology-based businesses and enhancing spearheaded the creation of the centre, together networks of knowledge workers and organisations with the Western Cape Provincial Government and in specific areas of technology. the AMTS. • Strengthening science, engineering and The Centre for Innovation incorporates a technology (SET), HR and transformation: The fabrication laboratory, sponsored by the emphasis is on establishing centres of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. excellence (CoEs), establishing and funding The centre’s activities are linked to the CCDI’s networks for Nepad and the Southern African small, medium and micro enterprise (SMME) Development Community (SADC), strengthening development and market-access support global science networks, formulating strategies programmes. aimed at sourcing new finance for R&D equipment, strengthening institutional and individual research capacity in science focus areas through the NRF, and increasing public The National Survey on Research and understanding and engagement. Development R&D 2004/05 found that South Africa spent about R12 billion, or 0,87% of gross • Creating an effective government S&T system: A domestic product (GDP) on R&D in 2004/05. clear distinction needs to be drawn between the roles of line-function departments and the The 2004/05 figure represented an integrative role of the Department of Science and improvement on the 2003/04 R&D survey, Technology. This focus area is involved in which recorded R&D expenditure at generating three-year R&D plans for science R10,1 billion, or 0,81% of GDP. councils in line with the MTEF process, The Department of Science and Technology developing standard-reporting frameworks and a commissioned the survey. The intensity of performance-management system for all R&D expenditure (measured as the percentage institutions, and giving the department central of GDP spent on R&D) is a good indication of responsibility for producing an integrative budget the competitiveness of a country’s economy. for all S&T initiatives. Sweden has the highest R&D intensity (3,98% of GDP), followed by Finland (3,48%).The The six CoEs are: United States of America’s R&D expenditure • Biomedical Tuberculosis (TB) Research measured 2,68% and the average for the • Invasion Biology 25 European Union (expanded) member states • Strong Materials was 1,82%. South Africa aims to achieve R&D • Birds as Keys to Biodiversity Conservation at the expenditure equivalent to 1% of GDP by 2008. Percy Fitzpatrick Institute • Catalysis In South Africa, female researchers comprise 38,3% of the total researchers, compared with • Tree Health Biotechnology at the Forestry and 11,6% in Japan, and 29,4% in Norway. In Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI). developing countries, Argentina leads the way with 50,9% female researchers. Advanced Manufacturing Technology Strategy (AMTS) Most South African R&D is performed in the The AMTS was launched in October 2003. major research field of engineering sciences (comprising 23,9% of total R&D), followed by The Centre for Innovation, focusing on craft and the natural sciences (20,8%) and the medical design, opened in July 2006 in Cape Town. The and health sciences (14,8%). centre is the first of its kind in the world and a

482 South African National Energy Research Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR) Human- Institute (Saneri) Capital Research and Innovation-Frontier Cabinet approved the establishment of the Saneri in Programme 2004. In support of the Government’s vision for the PBMR, The Central Energy Fund will house the institute, the Department of Science and Technology has jointly run by the departments of minerals and undertaken to establish a co-ordinated programme energy and of science and technology. It will to advance skills and innovation frontiers along the conduct research on the energy sector. entire technology value chain of the PBMR The Saneri, through R&D, provides for: programme. This ranges from basic and applied • cost-effective and efficient energy generation, research of all applicable science and engineering transformation, transport, end-use and decision- disciplines, to manufacturing and the distinctive support technologies aspects of waste management. • energy-technology innovation The PBMR Human-Capital Research and • sustainable development and use of energy Innovation-Frontier Programme is a consensus of resources key stakeholders, including the departments of • improving the quality of life of all South Africans minerals and energy and of trade and industry; • promoting and conducting training of energy Eskom; the Nuclear Energy Corporation of South researchers Africa; universities, and science councils. • establishing and expanding industries in the field The PBMR programme represents a significant of energy development for South Africa in the field of nuclear • commercialising energy technologies resulting S&T. from its R&D and innovation programmes. By May 2006, R20 million had been transferred to National Advisory Council on Innovation the Saneri, and more than R100 million was The NACI is appointed by the Minister of Science expected to be invested over the next three years to and Technology to advise on the role and develop knowledge and applications in this field. contribution of innovation, including S&T, in promoting and achieving national objectives. These include: • improving and sustaining the quality of life of all South Africans In February 2006, the Department of Science and • developing HR resources for S&T Technology, through its Overseas Bilateral • building the economy Co-operation Subprogramme, hosted a national • strengthening the country’s competitiveness in workshop aimed at informing science and technology (S&T) stakeholders about opportunities the international sphere. and funding mechanisms available for use in NACI membership is broadly representative of all research and development (R&D). sectors and is constituted to ensure a spread of expertise and experience regarding national and The subprogramme is responsible for all South provincial interests, scientific and technological Africa’s country-to-country S&T engagements outside Africa. disciplines, innovation regarding the needs and opportunities in different socio-economic fields, By February 2006, 30 bilateral agreements had and R&D in all sectors. been signed, resulting in over 400 R&D projects in areas such as information technology, environmental management and manufacturing Public understanding of science, engineering management. and technology (Puset) The department’s efforts in this regard include: These bilateral agreements play an important role • The South African Reference Group on Women in in building relations with foreign countries as well S&T, established in March 2003. This ministerial as in sharing best practice. Through these agreements, funds are made available to body advises on ways to increase the visibility promote R&D in key areas, thus contributing and development of women, and on making towards the human-capital development agenda. science more relevant to the needs of society by incorporating women’s needs and expectations.

483 • The Women in Science Awards, first awarded in advances in this area. The National Nanotechnology Science and technology 2003, to honour female scientists and their Strategy positions South Africa as a global player in achievements. this emerging area and seeks to strengthen • The SET Week project, implemented for the first government’s integrated development focus. time in 2000. In May 2006, the National Science The strategy aims to: Week (NSW) saw events taking place in all nine • support long-term nanoscience research that provinces, including: will lead to a fundamental understanding of the • learner-outreach programmes design, synthesis, characterisation, modelling • science competitions and fabrication of nanomaterial • public talks and fun runs • support the creation of new and novel devices • career exhibitions for application in various areas • seminars • develop the required HR and supporting • learner and educator workshops infrastructure • science shows. • stimulate new developments in technology NSW 2006 marks year two of the department’s missions such as advanced material for five-year NSW plan under the theme Tomorrow’s advanced manufacturing, nanobiomaterial S&T is in our Youth’s Hands. The plan emphasises for biotechnology, precious metal-based South Africa’s indigenous knowledge by nanoparticles for resource-based industries, and showcasing provinces’ unique geographic and advanced material for information and knowledge advantages. communications technologies (ICTs).

National Nanotechnology Strategy In April 2006, the Deputy Minister of Science and Technology, Mr Derek Hanekom, officially launched In line with the objectives of the National South Africa’s National Nanotechnology Strategy. Research and Development Strategy (NRDS), during the 2006 African Aerospace Defence The strategy recognises the needs of local Show in September 2006, the Department of industry and focuses on the essential building blocks Science and Technology and Airbus signed a of nanoscience, namely synthesis, characterisation memorandum of understanding (MoU) and fabrication. The strategy is aimed at increasing regarding: • collaboration on research and development the number of nanotechnology characterisation in areas of mutual interest within the centres in South Africa with an investment of aeronautics sector R170 million over the next three years, with an initial • human-capital development programmes, R15 million invested in 2005/06. which will give opportunities for South Known as ‘the technology of the very small’ (i.e. Africa’s best engineering and science students to complete research projects and about 1/80 000 of the diameter of a human hair), receive related on-the-job training at Airbus nanotechnology comprises a wide range of and its associated European aerospace technologies, techniques and multidisciplinary centres of competence research efforts for application in a range of cross- • assistance in increasing the number of qualified engineers and scientists, and in cutting industries and activities. These include contributing to the Joint Initiative on Priority aerospace, manufacturing and automotive industries; Skills Acquisition, as well as the growth and energy conversion, storage and distribution; the development of the aerospace industry in hydrogen economy; chemicals; electronics and South Africa. information processing; as well as biotechnology and The MoU is the culmination of ongoing medicines. engagements and team work by the Department South African industry and researchers have of Science and Technology, the Council for been involved in nanotechnology and the practical Scientific and Industrial Research, the application of nanoscience for several years, for implementing unit for the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Strategy and example, Sasol’s chemical processing by catalysis. collaboration with the Department of Trade and New generations of emerging nanotechnology- Industry and the Aerospace Industry Support based products require that South Africa develops Initiative. its ability to derive more benefits from global

484 Information and Communications Technology The CHPC and the South African Research The Department of Science and Technology is Network are the backbone of an emerging cyber- expected to establish the CHPC to support a diverse infrastructure in South Africa that will support base of researchers and scientists, and to facilitate research initiated in other elements of the country’s the collaboration and multidisciplinary approach S&T infrastructure, such as the SKA, the NBN and needed to solve complex computational problems. the Global Earth Observation System of Systems Its research objectives will provide computing (GEOSS). expertise for all research in South Africa in natural The GEOSS aims to enable globally co-ordinated science, medicine, engineering and social earth observations, across a number of domains, to sciences. Its first major capacity will be located at provide better and more reliable data in areas of the University of Cape Town. benefit to society, including agriculture, weather, The centre will function as a national innovation climate, water, disasters, health, energy, platform and will deliver a significant return on biodiversity and ecosystems. investment by harnessing the application of high- performance computing for positive social effects, Tshumisano particularly on research into major infectious The Tshumisano Technology Station Programme diseases, such as HIV and AIDS, and promoting (TSP) aims to encourage a closer partnership advanced manufacturing technology. between technology stations based at participating universities of technology and SMMEs. The Tshumisano Trust, a joint venture between government, the German Agency for Technical Co- Sumbandilasat, South Africa’s new low earth- operation and the Committee of University of orbiting satellite, was expected to be launched Technology Principals, is generating stronger into space from a submarine in Russia in working relationships between the departments of December 2006. science and technology and of labour. Meaning ‘lead the way’ in Tshivenda, the name By May 2006, there were 10 technology stations Sumbandila was among the more than 3 000 operating from the universities-of-technology entries received in a national competition for environment in specific sectors to enrich their R&D, learners in grades 7 to 12. It was initiated by the teaching and learning activities with better Department of Science and Technology and equipment and more realistic understanding of the implemented through the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement. industry and its needs. The sectors include chemicals, textiles, electronics, metals processing, Sumbandilasat is part of a multimillion mechanical engineering and food technology. rand, three-year integrated national space A key objective of these programmes is Black programme developed by the department and Economic Empowerment (BEE) through new small carried out by the University of Stellenbosch, Sunspace and Information Systems, and the and medium enterprise (SME) development, and Satellite Application Centre. productivity improvement, technical mentoring and innovation services for existing SMEs. The university is responsible for managing the The Tshumisano TSP is advancing technology project and training students. Sunspace and transfer and skills development to enhance Information Systems was tasked with building the satellite, while the Satellite Application equitable economic development. In this regard, Centre was responsible for operations, the HE sector has a vital role in supporting SMMEs telemetry, tracking, control and data capturing. to become engines of growth. The TSP supports the following sectors: The programme will give South Africa affordable • mechanical engineering and chemicals at the access to space technology and useful data, serving as a research tool to support in Metropolitan University in Port monitoring and managing disasters such as Elizabeth floods, oil spills and fires. • material and processing at the Vaal University of Technology

485 Science and technology • clothing and textiles at the Cape Peninsula in Sutherland in the Northern Cape, as well as University of Technology winning the bid to host the European Developing • electronics and chemicals at Tshwane University Countries Clinical Trials Partnership. Added to this of Technology are bold efforts to bolster South Africa’s bid to site • metal casting at the University of Johannesburg the SKA in South Africa. • metal value-adding at the Central University of By 2001/02, international funding of R&D in South Technology in Bloemfontein Africa had grown to 6% from close to zero in 1994. • reinforced plastics at the Durban Institute of By 2003/04, foreign funding stood at 10% of total Technology. R&D funding. International breakthroughs include By June 2006, the Tshumisano TSP had handled South Africa’s leading role in the European Union’s more than 482 projects, trained 134 students in (EU) sixth framework programme, and in various aspects of technology transfer and implementing Africa’s Consolidated S&T Plan of supported 356 SMEs in technology applications, of Action. which many are owned and run by African and South Africa is involved in developing an S&T female entrepreneurs who were previously platform in the subregion, through the SADC excluded from the economic mainstream. Ministers’ Council on S&T, which is developing a The Tshumisano Trust hosted the first All-Africa SADC protocol to guide the implementation of the Diffusion Conference in June 2006. The conference subregional S&T plan. aimed to promote innovative approaches, Developing a high-speed broadband network in technology transfer and co-operation among the region is a flagship project of the Department businesses in Africa. There is a special emphasis on of Science and Technology. The UbuntuNet Project how technology transfer and diffusion can alleviate is set to link through the South African National problems within vulnerable small enterprises. Research Network to Europe via the Geant These include job- and wealth-creation, food and connection to give South Africa and its research water security, energy and environmental community a high-speed network. The first phase conservation, and skills development. of implementing this network began with total funding of R178 million over the MTEF. Poverty reduction The department has successfully leveraged The Department of Science and Technology human-capital support through international S&T believes in a multipronged approach to fighting agreements. This has resulted in jointly funded poverty. projects with 16 countries in areas such as Its poverty-alleviation projects are having agriculture, manufacturing and biotechnology. positive outcomes in businesses and co-operatives South Africa’s role at the forefront of Nepad is, to and focus on, among other projects, bee-keeping, a significant extent, based on its ability to deploy paper-making, incorporating African design in scientific knowledge and technological solutions clothing and textiles based on natural fibres, and on the continent. indigenous cattle production. These projects are In 2002, the International Council for Science concentrated in the poverty nodes as identified by (Icsu) took a decision to establish four regional Icsu government’s Integrated Sustainable Rural offices in the developing world. In September Development Strategy. 2005, the council’s Regional Office for Africa was launched in Pretoria. South Africa hosts the office International science and technology at the premises of the NRF. co-operation The Department of Science and Technology has The strategy to use southern Africa’s local taken a leadership role in the international process (geographical) advantages and efforts to attract to establish the GEOSS. Acting through the large international science-based investments is department, South Africa participated in paying off. Examples include the construction of developing the 10-year implementation plan and the High-Energy Stereoscopic System (Hess) was elected co-chair of the Group on Earth observatory in neighbouring Namibia and the Salt Observations.

486 National Research Foundation • making and managing merit-based grants and With a budget of R1,2 billion for 2006/07, the NRF co-operative agreements with individual is a key public entity responsible for promoting and researchers, research groups, and institutions supporting the development of HR for research, locally, regionally and internationally (through the technology and innovation in all fields of S&T. The Research and Innovation Support Agency (Risa) NRF carries out its missions mainly by: • delivering unique knowledge-management • providing seven unique national research services to the research community. facilities The NRF focuses on contributing to government’s • promoting science awareness through the South strategy to create wealth and improve citizen’s African Agency for Science and Technology quality of life. Doctoral graduates are the platform Advancement (Saasta) upon which social and technical progress, innovation and business performance can flourish. The key driver for all NRF’s activities is the production of large numbers of highly skilled people who can generate new knowledge, develop and It was announced in May 2006 that South Africa use new technologies, and innovate and drive the would bid for the establishment of a third component of the International Centre for competitiveness of the country in international Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) world markets. in the country. The NRF regards HR development as a long-term By then, there were only two ICGEB components investment in growing the pool of resources by in the world, stationed at laboratories in Trieste, drawing in learners that will become scientists and Italy and New Delhi, India. innovators. The University of Cape Town’s Institute for SET education, through pre-tertiary, tertiary and Infectious Diseases and Molecular Medicine lifelong-learning initiatives, provides the basis for would be South Africa’s candidate institution to creating the required human capital for South host the major international laboratory. Africa’s SET endeavours. Saasta’s contribution to The Department of Science and Technology the NRF vision is to grow the pool of quality learners plans to set aside R22 million over the next who will become the scientists and innovators of three years for the establishment of the third the future. ICGEB component in South Africa. Science-advancement programmes within the Established in 1987 by the United Nations (UN) NRF reside under three interdependent strategic Industrial Development Organisation, the ICGEB areas: is an intergovernmental organisation that • Building the supply of tomorrow’s scientists operates in contact with the UN Common System as a centre of excellence for research and innovators through education-related and training in biotechnology and genetic programmes. engineering, focusing on the needs of the • Celebrating South African achievements in developing world. S&T and building the public’s appreciation of The ICGEB places major emphasis on health- the benefits of science through science related research activities as well as on projects communication. aimed at the sustainable application of biotechnology in agriculture. • The NRF uses interactive exploration, engagement and exhibitions to instil an The main focus for health biotechnology is enthusiasm about the wonder and application currently on HIV and AIDS, hepatitis, rotavirus, of SET, while encouraging greater public human papilloma virus, malaria, tuberculosis and, more recently, dengue. engagement in SET issues. Through a series of integrated programmes, Saasta is developing ICGEB's research is aimed at determining the an infrastructure that supports high-impact mechanisms related to the infection and the insurgence of diseases. activities and all science-promotion sites. The NRF manages the following research facilities:

487 South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) scientific achievements, critical location and unique Science and technology and Southern African Large Telescope facilities that make it indispensable in the global The SAAO is the national research facility for network of magnetic observatories. optical/infrared astronomy in South Africa. Its The density of geomagnetic recording stations in primary function is to further fundamental research Africa is significantly less than in other continental in astronomy and astrophysics at national and landmasses. The continuous recording stations international level. operated by the HMO are the only operational In 2005, the SAAO made the transition from the sources of ground-based geomagnetic field data Salt construction phase to the Salt operation phase. south of the equator in Africa. The HMO is one of By devising a vastly superior spherical aberration only four geomagnetic observatories whose data is corrector, and a variety of other innovations, the used by the World Data Centre for Geomagnetism in SAAO has contributed to making Salt more capable Kyoto, Japan, for measuring geomagnetic storm than its prototype, the Hobby-Eberly Telescope in intensity. Texas, USA. From the outset, Salt was conceived as an South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity African facility. With the advent of large-scale (Saiab) facilities such as Salt and the Hess, and other Saiab is an interactive hub focused on serving the initiatives such as the SKA, Inkaba ye Afrika and nation by generating, disseminating and applying ZASat, southern Africa is emerging as a regional knowledge towards understanding and solving space S&T hub. problems concerning conservation and the wise use of African fish and aquatic biodiversity. Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory Saiab cares for and develops the National Fish (HartRAO) Collection, generates knowledge through research HartRAO is responsible for research and training in on aquatic biodiversity in Africa and trains and radio astronomy and space geodesy in South Africa. The 26-m diameter radio telescope is available for research either as a single, independent instrument, or in global networks of In celebration of the lengthy and distinguished radio telescopes, using the technique of very long scientific career of 80-year old palaeontologist baseline interferometry (VLBI). Prof. Phillip Tobias, the African Genesis HartRAO is one of only five permanent Symposium on Human Evolution took place at fundamental space geodesy stations worldwide the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) in Johannesburg in January 2006. More than 60 and participates in geodetic VLBI through the eminent scientists from around the world International VLBI Service, in satellite laser ranging attended. (through the International Laser Ranging Service), and in the Global Positioning System (GPS) (through To coincide with this event, a bust of Prof. Tobias the International GPS Service). The data are was unveiled at the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site near Johannesburg. Prof. Tobias available to the international community. and a team of researchers discovered the fossil The radio astronomy group is part of the National specimens that have made the Cradle of Astrophysics and Space Science Programme for Humankind an internationally important site. postgraduate students. It is involved in developing Prof. Tobias has received 17 honorary degrees, the SKA and its South African prototype, the Kat. countless awards and honours, and has Research collaborations are in place with published more than 1 000 works, including southern African countries and overseas some 40 books. He is the first and only South institutions. African to be honoured with the Fellowship of the Royal Society.

Hermanus Magnetic Observatory (HMO) Prof. Tobias is honorary professor of palaeo- The HMO functions as part of the worldwide anthropology at Wits and honorary professional network of magnetic observatories. Its core research associate and director of the function is to monitor and model variations of the Sterkfontein Research Unit. Earth’s magnetic field. It is primarily the HMO’s

488 educates knowledge workers in aquatic The NZG is changing from being a traditional biodiversity. It addresses national and international zoological garden, to becoming a national facility issues in aquatic biodiversity through the priorities for and an active participant in terrestrial set by national and international funding agencies. biodiversity research. It has the potential to offer Saiab is constructing a new offsite wet-collection South Africa, Africa and the international facility to house the National Fish Collection. community the infrastructure required to conduct Planning of a new collection-management centre to world-class and knowledge-generating research. service the new facility is also under way. The NZG houses one of the largest animal Science challenges for Saiab include a focus on collections in the world. It operates three breeding building the flagship African Coelacanth Ecosystem centres and covers an area of over 6 000 ha. The Project, developing biosystematic capacity, and NZG is well-placed as an education platform, developing an effective and integrated information- receiving close to 600 000 visitors a year. management system. Saiab has an active rural outreach programme focused on identifying high- iThemba Laboratory for Accelerator-Based potential candidates for science careers and giving Sciences (iThemba Labs) them career-forming experience over one year. iThemba Labs is a multidisciplinary research centre and provides facilities for: South African Environmental Observation Network • basic and applied research using particle beams (Saeon) • particle radiotherapy for the treatment of cancer Saeon aims to generate and archive reliable long- and other life-threatening lesions term information relevant to the sustainable • the supply of accelerator-produced radioactive management of natural resources and habitat over isotopes for nuclear medicine and research. a range of ecoregions and land uses. These include iThemba Labs brings together people working in pristine (wild) landscape, partially pristine the medical, biological and physical sciences who (managed) landscape, agriculturally (rural) are interested in using accelerated particle beams, transformed landscape and urban transformed by providing opportunities for research and landscape. postgraduate training in these separate disciplines, Saeon establishes innovative research platforms and also by stimulating mutual interest in and information-management systems for long- interdisciplinary areas. term multidisciplinary, multi-institutional and iThemba Labs has an ‘open door’ policy towards participatory ecosystem studies with strong training postgraduates and in-service trainees. regional and global linkages. These research While postgraduates from universities all over platforms are co-ordinated as nodes, with the first South Africa use the facilities, iThemba Labs one – the Ndlovu Node – established during 2004 proactively participates in building research and in Phalaborwa. postgraduate capacity at historically disadvantaged The second node covers the coastal-inshore institutions. zone and was established in 2006 in Grahamstown. The Saeon Fynbos Node, the Marine-Offshore Research and Innovation Support Agency Node, the Arid Lands Node and the Risa aims to promote and support research and Grasslands/Forests/Wetlands Mosaic Node were research capacity in all fields of knowledge and expected to be launched in 2006/07. Saeon also technology, including indigenous knowledge. This is runs an innovative education-outreach programme done by: that focuses on educators, learners and post- • investing in knowledge production and graduate students. promoting basic and applied research, technology development and innovation National Zoological Gardens (NZG) • developing research capacity and advancing The NZG was declared a national research facility in equity and redress to unlock the full creative April 2004. It has since been engaged in a strategic potential of the research community re-orientation process to align with, and make a • investing in research infrastructure contribution to, the NRF’s core missions and • facilitating strategic partnerships and knowledge strategic priorities. networks.

489 Government aims to transform South Africa into a and support students who study at postgraduate Science and technology knowledge society that competes effectively in a levels in areas where skills are scarce. The SSF global system. Much effort has been directed also provides funds to postgraduate students towards ensuring that Risa-supported research with disabilities. focuses on areas that are relevant to South Africa’s • The Institutional Capacity-Development Programme development challenges in a rapidly changing, focuses on linking and assisting institutions that highly competitive and knowledge-driven are committed to research through institutional environment. interventions and through funding research Risa’s granting functions involve: areas at institutions. • advancing and strengthening strategic • Within the focus-area programmes, researchers knowledge can obtain two-year and five-year grants in an • identifying distinct South African research open competition. opportunities • Staff development at HE institutions is promoted • conserving and managing ecosystems and through the Thuthuka Programme, which provides biodiversity support for researchers in training, women in • promoting economic growth and international research and the Research-Development Initiative competitiveness for Black Academics. • advancing education and the challenges for • The Innovation Postdoctoral Fellowship change Programme supports and encourages doctoral • supporting indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) candidates to embark on further research. • advancing ICT in South Africa • Equipment grants allow HE institutions to acquire • establishing the socio-political impact of equipment. globalisation and the challenge for South Africa • Mobility grants afford students and researchers • eradicating poverty. the opportunity to obtain access to equipment at Within these focus areas, knowledge fields that HE institutions. may be weak are developed together with the • The Sarchi aims to free academics to focus on research community. Research agendas are research, thus increasing the number of world- established through interaction with the research class researchers and their output to make community and collaboration between disciplines South Africa internationally competitive. Up to is promoted. R2,5 million a year can be awarded to a chair to Risa implements the following interventions to cover salaries, postdoctoral and student awards, achieve its goals: and small equipment. The aim is to support • Student support through block grants to 210 chairs by 2010. institutions and two complementary types of postgraduate student support i.e. free-standing scholarships and fellowships awarded directly to postgraduate students for studies locally and abroad; and grantholder-linked bursaries In February 2006, French satellite-systems firm granted to researchers within their NRF support Alcatel Alenia Space signed a skills- package, and which may be awarded to students development agreement with the Council for selected by the NRF grantholder. Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) to • The Department of Labour, in conjunction with develop space-science expertise in the country. the departments of education and of science and The CSIR and Alcatel Alenia Space will co- technology, is responsible for ensuring training in operate in the space domain to strengthen their scarce skills, both in HE and other training respective competencies and knowledge, with institutions. The Department of Labour allocates the ultimate aim of contributing to socio- resources from the National Skills Fund (NSF) to economic progress, both in South Africa and the NRF for bursaries and scholarships. The NRF France. created the Scarce Skills Fund (SSF) to promote

490 • The CoE Programme supports strategic, long- • The South African National Antarctic Programme term research by providing secure and stable aims to create a demographically balanced funding to outstanding researchers and their Antarctic research programme that strives for research groups. high-quality international research, and links to • The Technology for Human Resources for other African countries and interdisciplinary Industry Programme (Thrip) supports projects research. The NRF facilitated proposals for that address the technology and HR needs of funding for 2005 and 2006. Proposals are industry on a cost-sharing basis with industrial evaluated within the funding framework of the partners. The programme focuses on increasing Antarctic Research Strategy (Aressa), which is participation by SMMEs, BEE entities and black organised into five thematic areas. The and female researchers and students. International Polar Year (2007 to 2008) presents • The S&T Agreements Fund administers agreements an exciting challenge for polar research and the that facilitate international research collaboration, NRF’s calls for proposals in 2005 and 2006 specifically with African countries. The Department ensured the seamless alignment of the research of Science and Technology is responsible for themes of the Aressa with the research themes negotiating binational or multilateral agreements of the International Polar Year. with international partners and for drafting framework programmes. The NRF has an Value-adding services independent responsibility for negotiating bilateral The NRF generates, acquires and provides agreements with counterpart agencies. information that is useful for the production of new • These agreements develop relations between knowledge, such as: the research communities of the intergovern- • The Nexus Database System is a database of mental and interagency signatories, and current and completed research projects and establish long-term co-operation between contains information on 137 000 projects in all researchers. science domains from 1900 onwards. It includes • The IF invests in technologies at various stages of abstracts of these projects. development. Some of the funding instruments in • The Research Organisations’ Database contains the IF fund the ‘proof of concept’ phase of information on research organisations in South projects. The IF also provides seed funding for Africa. commercialising IF projects and the establishment • The Professional Associations’ Database of technology-based start-up companies. The IF contains information on 180 associations with offers commercialisation advice to potential contact details and disciplines. entrepreneurs, and promotes and stimulates the • The conference website facilitates access to patenting of technologies and products. other conference databases on the Internet that • The NRF manages some initiatives linked to the announce forthcoming conferences on all biodiversity science thrust of the NRDS. These science disciplines. include the South African Biodiversity Initiative and • The Women-in-Research Database facilitates the South African Biodiversity Information Facility. collaboration between female researchers. The NRF manages the Sea and Coast Programme • The NRF Funded Projects Database reflects the with the Department of Environmental Affairs and grants of the foundation. Tourism as a co-investor. • The South African Data Archive is a large data The NRF also manages the provincial research archive of computerised social-science data. projects of the Branch: Marine and Coastal Management of the Department of Environmental Science councils Affairs and Tourism. These projects have a strong The statutory science councils are a key part of applied research focus, which feeds into the South Africa’s NSI. Through them, government is management of marine and coastal resources, able to directly commission research in the including resource allocations for the fishing interest of the nation, and to support technology industry. development in its precompetitive phase.

491 Agricultural Research Council (ARC) mechanisation, resource conservation, farm Science and technology The ARC is a statutory body established in terms of structures, irrigation, alternative energy, the Agricultural Research Act, 1990 (Act 86 of aquaculture and product-processing. Research is 1990). It comprises research institutes that were directed at a wide range of clients, from previously part of the Department of Agriculture, the subsistence farmers using animal traction, to oldest of which dates back to 1902. commercial farmers and manufacturers requiring As the principal agricultural research institution scientific performance evaluations of advanced in South Africa, the ARC is committed to agricultural equipment. research, technology development and technology transfer within the macro-framework of the ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI) agricultural sector, thereby contributing to the The ARC-PPRI (in Pretoria) has the expertise to quality of life of the people of South Africa. address agricultural and environmental concerns, The ARC’s research goals are aligned with the through research aimed at promoting economic Agricultural Sector Strategy goals. and environmentally acceptable pest-management The ARC’s research activities address major strategies. government priorities, namely integrated rural Fields of expertise include biosystematics, development, natural-resource management, job ecology and epidemiology of invertebrates, fungi, creation, regional integration, urban renewal, HR pathogenic and useful bacteria, and viruses; the development, crime prevention, farmer settlement, control of plant pests, plant diseases and alien support-service improvement, infrastructure invasive plants; and beneficial organisms such as development, food security and trade development biological control agents, nitrogen-fixing bacteria and support. and insect pollinators, including bees. The institute The ARC comprises the following business units: is mandated to address plant-protection issues that cut across commodities, affecting many crops and Public-support services regions. Its research impacts not only on South ARC-Institute for Soil, Climate and Water (ARC- Africa, but also addresses the needs of other ISCW) African countries. The ARC-PPRI is the custodian of Established in 1902 as the Division of Chemistry, the South African Rhizobium Culture Collection and the ARC-ISCW (in Pretoria, Gauteng) is a leading the National Collections of Arachnids, Fungi, Insects centre of expertise in the fields of soil science, and Nematodes. agrometeorology, spatial modelling, soil-water science, geoinformatics (remote sensing, Grain and industrial crops geographic, spatial and other information systems) ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) and analytical services. It is committed to The ARC-GCI (in Potchefstroom, North West) is improving rural livelihoods and agricultural responsible for research into improving and productivity, and to the sustainable use of natural cultivating grain crops such as maize, sorghum and resources, soil, climate and water. The ARC-ISCW is millet, as well as oil and protein seeds such as the custodian of the Soil Information Systems, sunflower, ground nuts, soybeans, dry beans, the Agrometeorological Climate Network and cowpeas, sweet white lupin and bambara. Research Databank, and the Coarse Resolution Satellite activities involve plant breeding, evaluation of Imagery Database. cultivars and grain quality, plant physiology, plant pathology, nematology, entomology and tillage. ARC-Institute for Agricultural Engineering (ARC-IAE) The core purpose of the ARC-IAE (in Pretoria) is to develop and apply agricultural engineering technology that will contribute to higher yield, In September 2006, President Thabo Mbeki presented Selig Percy Amoils, higher income and lower input costs for agriculture and Lionel Opie with the , and related industries in a sustainable way. silver class, for their contribution to the field of The ARC-IAE is active in the agricultural science. engineering field and focuses on agricultural

492 ARC Small Grain Institute (ARC-SGI) cassava, plectranthus, Zulu round potato, pigeon- The ARC-SGI (in Bethlehem, Free State) concentrates peas, cowpeas and bambara. Research into the on improving and cultivating small grain crops such production and development of ornamentals and as wheat, barley, oats, triticale and rye. Research indigenous flora such as fynbos, woody ornamentals activities include breeding new cultivars with better and bulbs has led to a new growth industry. resistance to diseases and pests, the national evaluation of cultivars and grain quality, plant ARC-Infruitec/Nietvoorbij (Institute for Fruit, Vine physiology, tillage, weed science, plant pathology, and Wine) entomology and yield potential. ARC-Infruitec/Nietvoorbij (in Stellenbosch, Western The ARC-SGI is the only institute of its kind that Cape) does research, development and technology offers one-stop small-grain information, not only to transfer pertaining to the following commodities: the commercial farmer, but also to new, emerging deciduous fruit (apples, pears, peaches, plums, and small-scale farmers. apricots and nectarines); grapes (wine, table and raisin); alternative temperate climate crops (cherries, ARC-Institute for Industrial Crops (ARC-IIC) mushrooms, nuts, olives, persimmon, figs, berries The ARC-IIC (in Rustenburg, North West) is involved and others); brandy; dried fruit and processed fruit. in fundamental and applied research in the interest Increasing attention is also being paid to indigenous of the cotton and tobacco industries. Research is crops (honeybush tea, rooibos tea and kei-apple) and also conducted on other fibre crops such as hemp, their general use, processing and health-promoting sisal and flax, as well as on finding indigenous fibre abilities. The breeding and evaluation of new stone crops with economic potential as new alternative and pome fruit, as well as table-grape cultivars, is a crops in rural areas. major research effort. Progeny from the various Likewise, certain crops are being investigated for breeding programmes continue to succeed on the their potential as sources of essential oils or local and export markets. household utilities. Research on cassava is directed Traceability and authenticity have become major at its potential as an alternative food source and concerns in modern trade, particularly for source of starch for industrial use. Research on sophisticated markets in the first world. Developing pigeonpea and the promotion of this crop as an the ability to analytically prove the authenticity of additional source of protein is being conducted South African wine and brandy is the goal of a widely in the rural areas. second major research intervention. Data from isotopic and trace-element analyses will be used to Horticulture compile reference databases for use in ARC-Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops authentication and fraud detection. (ARC-ITSC) The ARC-ITSC (in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga) is Livestock responsible for research into all aspects of the ARC-Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute (ARC-OVI) cultivation of tropical and subtropical fruits. Other The ARC-OVI (north of Pretoria) is responsible for crops into which production research is conducted the prevention and control of animal diseases. It include coffee, herbs and spices, medicinal plants, also provides a public-health service regarding and pecan, macadamia and cashew nuts. Lesser- food safety and security. The institute conducts known exotic crops being evaluated are pitanga, research, and diagnostic and new-generation feijoa, annona types, carambola and jaboticaba. vaccine development of livestock diseases. It has six reference laboratories approved by the Office ARC-Roodeplaat Vegetable and Ornamental Plant International des Epizooties (OIE), namely: rabies, Institute (ARC-VOPI) lumpy skin disease, Rift Valley fever, African horse The ARC-VOPI (near Pretoria) concentrates on a wide sickness, African swine fever and blue tongue. The range of horticultural crops. Research is conducted Exotic Diseases Division is a high containment on commercial vegetables such as onions, potatoes facility for diseases such as foot-and-mouth and sweet potatoes. Traditional and indigenous disease and African swine fever. The institute is vegetables receiving attention include amaranthus, also the Food and Agricultural Organisation

493 collaborating centre in Africa for transboundary the CSIR adopted a new corporate identity in 2006. Science and technology diseases. The essence of shaping a better future through science is captured in a few key concepts: ARC-Livestock Business Division Animal scientific excellence, innovation and quality, skills Production (ARC-LBD: Animal Production) development, leadership in science, working ARC-LBD: Animal Production (in Irene outside through partnerships, ensuring transformation, and Pretoria) comprises seven units, which assist the making a real difference through science. animal production and products industry to stay Knowledge generation and application reside at abreast of global competition. Animal Genetics and the core of the CSIR, and are structured into three Biotechnology employs DNA technology, genetic groupings: characterisation and accelerated reproduction • Emerging research areas (Eras). Such areas technology to conserve, maintain and enhance could be unique to local circumstances or could genetic variation. Together with the Animal Recording be successful internationally and would need to and Improvement Unit, this has assisted the livestock be established for local competitiveness. producer in breeding seed stock material to the Some 12 Eras have been identified, with benefit of genetic resources worldwide. nanotechnology and photonics the first two Cattle breeds such as the Bonsmara and Nguni, selected. Dorper sheep, boerbok goat, Fowls for Africa, South • The R&D core. These are operating units that African ostrich and the indigenous Kolbroek pig draw together skills from research fields and have become highly sought after in breeding scientific disciplines to address national S&T programmes abroad. The Production Systems Unit needs. The CSIR operating units are: deals with cattle, small stock, pigs and poultry. The • Biosciences Range and Forage Unit assists in the effective use • Built Environment of rangeland and forage production. • Defence, Peace, Safety and Security • Materials Science and Manufacturing Council for Scientific and Industrial Research • Natural Resources and the Environment. Constituted by an Act of Parliament in 1945, the • National research centres. These facilities will be CSIR is one of the leading scientific and technology of strategic importance for African science over research, development and implementation at least the next two decades. These currently organisations in Africa. It is situated in Pretoria with include the: offices elsewhere in South Africa. The CSIR • Meraka Institute (African Advanced Institute undertakes and applies directed research and for ICT) innovation in S&T to improve the quality of life of • National Laser Centre South Africa’s people. Building measurable value • National Metrology Laboratory into its work through local and international • Satellite Applications Centre. partnerships remains a key component of its The CSIR Knowledge Services Group manages endeavours to provide world-class technology. routine specialised and differentiated services. The The CSIR started with a major repositioning nature of this group’s operations is commercially process in 2004 to ensure that the organisation driven. delivers on its dual-focus mandate. As an integral part of its future strategy, the CSIR Mintek will address three core areas to provide the Mintek, South Africa’s national mineral research foundation for developing and reconfigurating its organisation, is one of the world’s leading S&T base: technology organisations specialising in mineral • building and transforming human capital processing, extractive metallurgy and related • strengthening the S&T base areas. Working closely with industry and other R&D • performing relevant knowledge-generating institutions, Mintek provides service testwork, research and technology transfer. process development, consulting and innovative With its renewed focus on science and research, products to clients worldwide.

494 Mintek is an autonomous statutory organisation Mintek offers a complete range of process- and reports to the Minister of Minerals and Energy. development services, from preliminary bench- About 35% of the annual budget of R275 million is scale investigations to large-scale piloting and funded by the State Science Vote, with the balance integrated flowsheet development in support of provided by contract R&D, sales of services and bankable feasibility studies. Engineering design, products, technology-licensing agreements and plant construction and commissioning are carried joint-venture operating companies. Mintek has out in conjunction with international partners. some 480 permanent staff members, over half of Comprehensive laboratory and piloting facilities whom are scientists, engineers and other technical for sample preparation, milling, flotation, physical R&D personnel. separation, smelting, leaching, pressure leaching, Mintek’s objectives are to research, develop and and metal recovery and purification are supported transfer to industry novel and improved techniques by internationally accredited analytical laboratory for processing, extracting, refining and utilising and mineralogical services. minerals and mineral products, to: To ensure focus and market orientation, Mintek’s • enhance the competitiveness of South Africa’s R&D activities are grouped into programmes that minerals industry in the global market are based largely on industry structure: • assist local mining and engineering companies • The Gold Industry Programme focuses on to expand internationally developing and introducing improved • promote job creation, economic growth and technologies, such as biotechnology and ion- regional development. exchange processes, to simplify processing and Specific goals are: increase recoveries, particularly from ores that • promoting increased beneficiation of South are difficult to treat. A major joint venture with Africa’s minerals and mineral commodities by industry and other research groups is exploring developing competitive and innovative new industrial uses of gold. processing technology and equipment • The Platinum-Group Metals (PGMs) Industry • strengthening South Africa’s international Programme aims to increase the cost- position as a supplier of mineral technologies, effectiveness of PGM production and stimulate capital goods and services industrial demand for PGMs. • developing regional strategies for the mineral- • The Ferrous Metals Industry Programme processing sector, concentrating on value- develops products and technical services to addition, capacity-building and broad-based increase the cost-effectiveness of ferro-alloy development. production, as well as stainless steels and other Mintek's activities include: alloys with improved properties. • providing essential services (information, • The Non-Ferrous Metals Industry Programme consulting and experimental) includes the processing of aluminium, cobalt, • increasing the competitiveness of the industry by copper, lead, magnesium, nickel and zinc. A developing appropriate technology to cut costs major emphasis is on the introduction of cleaner and improve recoveries technologies. • developing breakthrough process technologies • The Industrial Minerals Industry Programme and novel uses for metals and their products includes the beneficiation and processing of • marketing its commercial products and commodities such as heavy minerals, chromite, technologies to industry iron and manganese ores, andalusite, • establishing strategic partnerships and joint phosphates, fluorite and diamonds. Mintek’s ventures research into waste management and • participating in regional development initiatives environmental problems also falls under this and SADC activities and projects programme. • maintaining and expanding international scientific links Promoting industrial growth • developing the HR potential of the region through Mintek is promoting a number of major new education and training activities. industrial projects based on mineral beneficiation,

495 using existing and newly developed technologies. Education Science and technology These include the recovery of PGMs from The development of appropriate HR is crucial for metallurgical waste material, ferro-nickel the long-term sustainability of the minerals production, and the establishment of a local industry. Mintek’s educational and training magnesium industry using a novel thermal initiatives are provided through a section 21 production route. company that was established to develop and train South Africans from historically disadvantaged Minerals policy and development communities as technicians, technologists and Mintek conducts surveys, evaluations and engineers. The specific programmes include: commodity and market studies to support • artisanal and SSM training initiatives by governmental, international, regional • the jewellery-manufacturing training programme or industry associations. It also identifies and • upgrading Mathematics and Science skills evaluates potential development projects, assesses and provides technology, and conducts feasibility studies. The International Science, Innovation and Mintek supports the activities of the SADC Technology Exhibition (Insite) was held in September 2006, six years after 119 countries, Mining Co-ordination Unit and was closely involved including South Africa, signed up for the in developing the economic growth strategy for millennium development goals (MDGs) at the Nepad and the African Mining Partnership. United Nations (UN). Signatories aim to: The Sustainable Development Unit co-operates • eradicate extreme poverty and reduce the number of people who suffer from hunger with industry, other research institutions and and malnutrition by half by 2015 academia to maintain and enhance the • achieve universal primary education minerals sector’s contribution to society. The unit • promote gender equality and empower provides services and technologies (in particular women by eliminating gender disparities at all levels of education by developing and evaluating remediation • reduce the death rate among children under technologies) and supports policy-makers in the age of five by two-thirds South Africa and Africa by providing strategic • improve maternal health by reducing, by three-quarters, the maternal death rate direction and procedures that promote value • contain and begin to reverse the spread of addition and sustainable development in the HIV and AIDS, malaria and other major mining industry. diseases Mintek’s Small-Scale Mining (SSM) Division • reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking supports the SSM sector by developing appropriate water technologies, providing consulting services and • develop further open-trading and financial training, and promoting sustainable mining, systems that do not discriminate • in co-operation with the private sector, make downstream processing and value-addition available the benefits of new discoveries, through integrated development programmes. especially information and communications technologies. Environment Insite 2006 focused on three themes that Mintek continues to focus on developing directly affect South Africa’s ability to address environmentally responsible technologies for the the MDGs: recovery and recycling of metals from metallurgical • Science and Youth, emphasising educators, residues. A major programme is in place to monitor learners and careers in science and technology cyanide species after discharge in various locations • Science for Economic Growth, focusing on around gold plants, from both an environmental and innovation, discovery and the capacity for a processing point of view. science to stimulate economic growth • Science for Sustainable Development, Mintek’s environmental management system is demonstrating how science can improve certified as meeting the requirements of the South Africans’ quality of life and bring them International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) prosperity. 14001.

496 • science promotion (through Minquiz, Mintek Five cross-cutting research units have been Engineering Awareness Programme and grades established to interactively contribute to, as well as 11 and 12 girls’ programme) draw from, the six research programmes to • undergraduate and postgraduate bursary integrate and enhance the work of the HSRC as a schemes whole: • in-training programmes for recently qualified • Capacity Development engineers and technicians • Gender and Development • specialised advanced technical programmes. • Knowledge Systems • Policy Analysis Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) • Social Aspects of HIV and AIDS Research Alliance The HSRC is South Africa’s statutory research (Sahara), an Africa-wide research network. agency and conducts research that generates The Policy Analysis Unit has a dual mandate. The critical and independent knowledge relative to all first is to serve as a think tank and provide a aspects of human and social development. platform for the public discourse of critical social Alleviating poverty and developing and issues. The second is to pursue time-limited and implementing public policy are central to its multiyear analyses of specific priority areas. The research activities. The HSRC’s research also first two of these focus on education quality and on extends beyond South Africa’s borders through employment and growth. projects and collaborations in other African Over the last few years, the HSRC has countries. undertaken a rich and varied array of research As a social-science research organisation investigations, averaging 250 projects at any given committed to making a difference in the quality of time. To succeed in its mandate of conducting life of ordinary people, the HSRC is often social-science research that makes a difference, commissioned to undertake large-scale research the HSRC guards its reputation as an independent, on behalf of government departments at national, professional and unbiased research council. provincial and local levels. The organisation also serves the research needs of parastatal Research programmes organisations and private-sector entities, as well as Child, Youth, Family and Social Development local and international development agencies to The Child, Youth and Family Development track service delivery, evaluate performance and Programme focuses on the life course, from infancy measure the efficacy of interventions. to old age, and aims to develop a clearer The HSRC’s collaborative approach to research understanding of the ways in which these provides a platform for interaction with research challenges shape and affect individuals and society experts in South Africa and abroad. In addition to as a whole throughout the life cycle. conducting commissioned research, the organisation It also strives to promote human and social proactively disseminates its research findings in development through high-quality applied research peer-reviewed and other publications, and through that addresses the immense challenges posed by seminars, lectures and media briefings. social inequality, poverty, violence, HIV and AIDS, Functioning as a knowledge hub, the HSRC and other causes of ill health. contributes to bridging the gap that often exists between research, policy and action. Democracy and Governance HSRC research comprises six interdisciplinary There is an ongoing need to consolidate South research programmes, namely: Africa’s relatively young democracy, to continually • Child, Youth, Family and Social Development improve governance, and to address emerging • Democracy and Governance issues in fresh and substantive ways. • Education, Science and Skills Development The Democracy and Governance Programme • Social Aspects of HIV, AIDS and Health examines issues that contribute to or constrain the • Society, Culture and Identity growth and development of democracy in South • Urban, Rural and Economic Development. Africa and the rest of Africa.

497 Education, Science and Skills Development Africans hold. Within this context, the programme Science and technology The work of the Education, Science and Skills examines issues of identity, language and culture Development Programme spans three major social pertaining to South Africa and the African continent. domains in the form of the education system, the NSI and the world of work. Urban, Rural and Economic Development The programme’s goal is to produce comprehensive, The Urban, Rural and Economic Development integrated and holistic analyses of the pathways of Programme is multidisciplinary. Its primary learners through schooling, further and HE and into objective is to promote integrated urban and rural the labour market and NSI. development through problem-oriented research, To deliver effective research within these four user-driven policy development and ongoing fields, the programme has spent much time and monitoring and evaluation. energy building a strong network of HE institutions, With poverty reduction as the unifying theme, the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and programme’s objectives and activities are designed private-sector research organisations. Through to address key national, regional and Africa-wide close collaboration with these organisations, the underdevelopment challenges and policy priorities, programme has delivered a number of successful through a collaborative approach to research. research projects, ranging from sectoral studies of skill needs and analyses of key professions, to Cross-cutting units evaluating transformation in education and the Policy Analysis labour market, and monitoring and evaluating The Policy Analysis Unit serves as a think tank and educational improvement from a national to forum for deliberating and analysing public policy classroom level. on the most critical issues affecting the lives of people in Africa. Under the spotlight are such issues Social Aspects of HIV, AIDS and Health as HIV and AIDS, homelessness, unemployment, Many of the public-health issues facing South skills development, poverty, crime, access to Africa cannot be resolved merely through medical quality education and health services. interventions, but need to be addressed at a social Ultimately, the unit will serve as a forum for and population level as well. The Social Aspects of intellectual dialogue among academics and HIV, AIDS and Health Programme undertakes researchers from various parts of the African cutting-edge, innovative research into HIV and continent, and will bring together diverse AIDS, and public health to contribute to public- stakeholders, including policy-makers, programme policy dialogue and formulation, and to improve planners, researchers, NGOs, community groups, health-service delivery. donors and multinational agencies to participate in To achieve these objectives, the programme the process of policy scrutiny in critical areas of focuses on research that is policy-relevant and social development. responds to the challenges facing South Africa, The unit’s first two national priority initiatives are while also assessing, monitoring and evaluating education quality and employment growth and HIV. AIDS and health programmes that aim to development. improve the lives of South Africans. The HSRC intends, among other things, to increase the pool of competent researchers for human and Society, Culture and Identity social sciences in South Africa, and to support the The Society, Culture and Identity Programme development of black, as well as of female researches ways of preserving, strengthening and researchers, to enable the organisation to meet its promoting South Africa’s rich cultural and equity targets. intellectual heritage, while evaluating the progress South Africans have made in living up to their Gender and Development inherent values and knitting together their diverse The Gender and Development Unit recognises the identities. It investigates ways in which the need to retain a gender perspective in HSRC research country’s universal citizenship can be developed and operations by assessing the implications for men through respect for the various identities South and women of any planned activity.

498 Social Aspects of HIV and AIDS Research Alliance National Programme for Research in Molecules Sahara seeks greater understanding of the to Disease epidemic in the hope of contributing to a reduction This programme undertakes research on human in the number of new HIV infections and, ultimately, and microbial genetics, genomics, bio- to a reversal in the spread of HIV and AIDS. informatics, cell and molecular biology, tissue The network runs multisite and multicountry engineering, oesophageal cancer, molecular research projects in Africa for generating new social- hepatology, micro-bacteriology, and liver and bone science evidence for prevention, care and mitigation disease. of the impact of the epidemic. It disseminates information through its dedicated website National Programme for Health Systems and (www.sahara.org.za) and publishes an internationally Policy Research accredited scientific journal, the Social Aspects of The scientists in this programme conduct HIV/AIDS Research Alliance Journal. research on health systems, clinical epidemiology, biostatistics, health policy, the burden of disease Knowledge Systems and telemedicine. The Knowledge Systems Unit conducts primary and secondary research on socio-economic and National Programme for Infection and Immunity governance issues as well as the NSI, to facilitate Research evidence-based decision-making by users of the The research units in this programme are involved research. in research into TB, malaria, immunology of The unit works with external research users infectious diseases, diarrhoeal diseases, and supports the research programmes of the inflammation and amoebiasis, genital ulcer HSRC, while also building complementary diseases, respiration and meningeal pathogens, expertise throughout Africa. The key focus areas and South African traditional medicines. of the unit involve the design, implementation and It also incorporates the MRC National HIV and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data to AIDS Lead Programme, whose divisions co- enhance the knowledge-management strategies ordinate the South African AIDS Vaccine Initiative; of the HSRC, and to promote social-scientific various aspects of biomedical research, including research and capacity-building throughout South mother-to-child transmission and microbicides; Africa and the African continent. and prevention of transmission through behavioural change. (See Chapter 13: Health.) Medical Research Council (MRC) The MRC’s mission is to improve the nation’s National Programme for Non-Communicable health status and quality of life, through relevant Disease Research research aimed at promoting equity and This programme undertakes research into heart development. disease (both laboratory, clinical and public-health The MRC is an autonomous body, but reports to research), nutritional intervention, diabetes, the Department of Health. It receives 60% of its crime, violence and injury, anxiety and stress budget from the Department of Science and disorders, dental issues, medical imaging, chronic Technology. Its head office is situated in Cape diseases of lifestyle and cancer epidemiology. Town, with provincial offices in Pretoria and Durban. National Programme for Environment and The MRC’s research activities are aligned with Development Research the health priorities of the nation, and in In this entity, research is undertaken into health accordance with the national S&T imperatives and promotion, health and development, exercise and the health priorities defined by the Department of sports science, occupational and environmental Health. Activities are grouped into the following health, alcohol and drug abuse, and technology national programmes: transfer.

499 National Programme for Women and Child Health • supply basic knowledge to ensure safe, cost- Science and technology Research effective and environmentally acceptable This programme undertakes research into many urbanisation and housing development aspects of women’s health, including high blood • carry out research into raw material needed to pressure during pregnancy, healthcare strategies in clothe, transport, feed and provide shelter for the maternal and infant health, perinatal mortality, nation. gender and health, mineral metabolism and To accomplish these functions and objectives, the nutritional intervention. CGS maintains a specialised workforce, consisting of Earth scientists supplemented by technical, South African National Health Knowledge Network support and administrative staff at its headquarters The South African National Health Knowledge in Pretoria, as well as at branch offices in the Network was established in 1999 at the MRC with Western Cape, Northern Cape, Limpopo, North West funding from the Government’s IF. and the Eastern Cape. The network operates under the trade name SA The following national institutions are HealthInfo and is available on the Internet at maintained by the CGS: www.sahealth-info.org. It provides a one-stop • The National Geoscience Library in Pretoria is interactive forum or resource for quality-controlled probably the most comprehensive geoscience and evidence-based health-research information. library in Africa. It includes the Map Library, which contains a collection of South African and Council for Geoscience (CGS) African geoscience maps. The main functions of the CGS are: • The National Core Library contains a • documenting the surface of the Earth within the representative stratigraphic-borehole core borders of South Africa; compiling geological, collection, representing most of the lithological geophysical, geochemical and other units located within the borders of South Africa. geoscientific information; and publishing this This collection is housed at Donkerhoek, east of information in the form of maps and documents Pretoria. • conducting geoscientific research into rocks, • The Geoscience Museum, in the Transvaal minerals, ores, fossils, etc. in South Africa, and Museum in Pretoria, contains a unique collection publishing research results in national and of minerals and fossils, catering for the Earth- international journals science education of the public, especially • collecting and conserving all geoscientific schoolchildren. information and data on South Africa in national • An extensive laboratory, specialising in analysing collections and electronic databases rock and soil samples, uses various specialised • supplying geoscientific services and advice to the techniques. national and provincial governments, ensuring Geoscience information and services provided by informed decisions regarding the optimal and the CGS are particularly important for sustainable efficient use of the Earth’s surface. development of the country. In South Africa’s arid The objectives of the CGS are to: regions, the management of groundwater • minimise the geological and geoscientific resources (both the quantity and quality thereof) is investment risk for national and international aimed at providing enough clean water to entrepreneurs in the South African mining sector communities. In addition, the CGS has recently (the quality of available geological information, established the Environmental Geoscience Unit to which is known as the ‘geological risk grading’, provide services in this highly competitive and very contributes to about 61% of the investment risk important field. in any country) Although South Africa is situated on a relatively • supply the country with basic geoscience data to stable part of the Earth’s crust, the CGS maintains a establish a safe, cost-effective physical seismic network for recording such events within infrastructure the national borders and coastal waters off South

500 Africa’s coastline. This information is available to Standards South Africa (StanSA) interested parties and helps mitigate the problems StanSA is the SABS’ core function and is respons- associated with mining-related seismic events. ible for developing, maintaining and disseminating The CGS is a world leader in the domain of the country’s national standards. geophysical surveys, using a detection system Through its main Standards Sales Division in deployed on light aircraft. This significantly reduces Pretoria, as well as its offices in Durban, Cape Town the cost of very high-resolution geophysical data and Port Elizabeth, all national standards as well as for mineral exploration. A larger aircraft (a Cessna those of the International Electrotechnical Commis- Caravan 208B) has been purchased as it can carry sion, the ISO and a host of other foreign standards larger sensors, dramatically increasing the CGS’ are made available to the public. capability to conduct high-resolution geophysical surveys. Regulatory Affairs and Consumer Protection The CGS leads an initiative by the Department of This division of the SABS is responsible for Minerals and Energy to assist upcoming mining administrating certain national regulations, mainly entrepreneurs, particularly those from historically on behalf of the Department of Trade and Industry. disadvantaged groups, to exploit South Africa’s Legal Metrology forms a part of the division and mineral resources in a cost-effective and ensures the protection of consumers against in- environmentally friendly way. correct metrological practices such as the sale of Because the CGS plays a leading role in the underweight or undersized products. A specific SADC, several geoscience publications covering the function directed towards providing conformity- region have been produced, describing heavy assessment services to the SME sector, and other mineral sand, diamond, gold, bauxite and Presidential imperatives and social-responsibility dimension-stone deposits in the region. A seismic activities, are also located in this division. hazard map of the region, a lithostratigraphic table comparing the geological formations in the region, South African Bureau of Standards Holdings and maps of the Kalahari Basin have also been (Pty) Limited produced. The latest publication in this series is a All the conformity-assessment services of the SABS compilation of copper and cobalt deposits in the are located in this company. These include testing SADC region. products, providing system and product- In addition to its national responsibilities, the certification schemes, inspecting consignments and CGS is also active internationally, mainly in Africa. training people in these matters. SABS Holdings is a Geological and metallogenic maps of, among other separate company that competes in the private countries, Angola, the Democratic Republic of sector and charges for the services that it renders. Congo, Mozambique, Gabon and Morocco have This is unlike SABS Regulatory Affairs and StanSA, been produced. By mid-2006, major geological which recover their costs from monies allocated for mapping projects in Ghana, Mozambique, those purposes under the Science Budget Vote of Madagascar and New Guinea, and the supervision the Department of Science and Technology. of mapping projects in Mauritania, Mozambique A corporate function provides overhead services and Madagascar were also under way. such as finance, HR, legal, marketing and communication, risk management and IT. South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) The SABS was established in 1948 to develop, Other scientific and research maintain and disseminate standards in South organisations and structures Africa. Although this core objective has remained Biotechnology Partnership for Africa’s unchanged over the years, the mission of the SABS Development (Biopad) has changed its focus in step with the times. The Biopad was initiated early in 2003 by a community SABS sees its mission as ‘improving the quality of of biotechnologists and professionals as a means to life of all South Africans, through the process of put South Africa among the world leaders in the standardisation’. application of biotechnology.

501 Sasol specimens, referral of tests to reference Science and technology Sasol is an integrated oil and gas company with laboratories and the delivery of results. substantial chemical interests. In South Africa, The NHLS includes about 250 laboratories, these operations are supported by mining coal and employing some 3 500 people. Their activities converting it into synthetic fuels and chemicals comprise diagnostic laboratory services, research, through proprietary Fischer-Tropsch technology. teaching and training, and the production of sera Sasol also has chemical manufacturing and for anti-snake venom and reagents. All laboratories marketing operations in Europe, Asia and the provide diagnostic services to the Department of Americas. Its larger chemical portfolios include Health, provincial hospitals, local governments and polymers, solvents, surfactants and their medical practitioners. intermediates, waxes, phenolics and nitrogenous Research conducted by the NHLS covers a wide products. spectrum of activities in all pathology disciplines. The group explores and produces crude oil in Grants in support of research are made by the MRC, offshore Gabon, refines crude oil into liquid fuels in the Cancer Association of South Africa, the South South Africa, and retails liquid fuels and lubricants African Sugar Association, the Poliomyelitis through a growing network of retail service centres. Research Foundation, pharmaceutical companies, During the first quarter of 2004, Sasol started private donors and numerous overseas institutions, extracting Mozambican natural gas, some of which among others. The NHLS finances a large part of has been used as feedstock for fuels and chemical the research programme from the earnings of its production in South Africa since mid-2004. laboratory services. Sasol is also developing two joint-venture gas- The NHLS teaching programme includes training to-liquid plants in Qatar and Nigeria based on its medical technologists in association with Sasol slurry phase distillate process. universities of technology. University teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level is done Eskom through the pathology departments of universities’ Eskom’s Technology Services International group is medical schools. a multidisciplinary industrial laboratory and consulting organisation. It undertakes testing, investigation Bureau for Economic Research studies, project management, engineering services The Bureau for Economic Research at the and applied research for Eskom and other customers. University of Stellenbosch, Western Cape, is an independent and objective economic research Mittal Steel SA organisation. It renders a service to organisations Mittal Steel SA is the dominant steel producer on ranging from small one-person businesses to the African continent, producing 7,1 million tonnes policy-makers at the highest level of government. of liquid steel per year. Mittal Steel SA’s global standing is further underpinned by it being part of the world’s largest steel producer, Mittal Steel African indigenous knowledge is central to the Company N.V. concept of the African Renaissance. It is the Through this agreement, Mittal Steel SA has knowledge system that informs how African access to world-class R&D, best-practice society functions and interacts with people and societies; it provides the founding motivator for processes, aggressive procurement contracts and people’s actions, and the knowledge base for international market leverage to ensure the learning and Africa’s sustainable development. company remains at the cutting edge of the inter- national steel industry. In 2004, the Cabinet adopted the Indigenous Knowledge System (IKS) policy that endeavours to contribute to consolidating South Africa’s National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) constitutional democracy and to improving the The NHLS is a national network of integrated lives, dignity and equality of the country’s pathology laboratories countrywide that use indigenous and local communities by giving expression to the recognition, promotion, common laboratory-management systems and development and protection of IKS. transport networks to facilitate the transport of

502 National Institute for Tropical Diseases Research initiatives have been integrated into The National Institute for Tropical Diseases in the various industries in line with the overall Tzaneen, Limpopo, is responsible for the ongoing objectives of each agricultural sector. assessment of malaria-control programmes carried out by various authorities in South Africa. Water research Control methods are assessed, and Water research in South Africa is co-ordinated and recommendations made to the appropriate funded by the Water Research Commission (WRC) authorities regarding equipment, insecticide usage in Pretoria. The WRC was established in 1971 and application. A malaria-reference service is also through the Water Research Act, 1971 (Act 34 of provided. Tests for malaria are carried out by the 1971), following a period of water shortage. institute, and statistical analysis of data pertaining The WRC provides leadership for R&D through to the programme is undertaken. the support of knowledge creation, transfer and General research areas application. It engages stakeholders and partners in solving critical water-related problems. Mine-safety research The activities of the Safety in Mines Research It is a networking organisation, linking the nation Advisory Committee are aimed at advancing the and working through partnerships. safety of workers employed in South African mines. Being a water-stressed country, South Africa The committee is a statutory tripartite subcommittee progressively needs to find innovative ways of of the Mine Health and Safety Council. managing water resources to ensure that the basic It has a permanent research-management office needs of its citizens are met, that social and managing the rock engineering, engineering and economic development is not restricted through mine occupational health fields of research. poor quality or a lack of water, and that sustainability of water resources and water- Energy research dependent ecosystems is achieved. The Chief Directorate: Energy of the Department of The WRC continues to play a leading role in Minerals and Energy manages a policy-directed building a sustainable water-related knowledge research programme. This includes transport energy, base in South Africa by: renewable energy and energy for developing areas, • investing in water R&D coal, electricity, energy efficiency, energy economy, • building sustainable and appropriate capacity and integrated energy-policy formulation. • developing skills for the water sector • being adept at forming strategic partnerships to Agricultural research achieve objectives more effectively while making Agricultural research is conducted by the ARC, optimal use of the latest available global several universities and various organisations in the information/knowledge and other technologies. private sector. Provinces are responsible for farm The Water Research Act, 1971 established the management and technological development. Water Research Fund, which derives income These activities are aimed at improving managerial primarily from levies on water consumption. efficiency on farms. The Directorate: Scientific Research and In supporting the creation, dissemination and Development in the Department of Agriculture application of knowledge, the WRC focuses on five co-ordinates all agricultural R&D activities. key strategic areas: The National Agricultural Research Forum (NARF) • water-resource management co-ordinates agricultural R&D within the national • water-linked ecosystems agricultural research system. The NARF also • water use and waste management provides a platform for stakeholder consultations • water use in agriculture on R&D matters. • water-centred knowledge. Biannual meetings are held to debate and agree The WRC also calls for specific mechanisms to on research needs, programmes and budgeting. address key strategic issues of national Efforts are made to ensure that the bulk of research importance. These issues are dealt with in four serves the needs of small-scale producers. cross-cutting domains:

503 • water and society The South African Weather Service (SAWS) is a Science and technology • water and the economy statutory body functioning under the Department of • water and the environment Environmental Affairs and Tourism. • water and health. The SAWS delivers public-good services, mainly The organisations most active in water research for the protection of life and property, as well as are: commercial services to the private sector, as • universities and universities of technology stipulated in the Weather Service Act, 2001 (Act 8 (56,25% of the total number of contracts) of 2001). • professional consultants (16,6%) Government funds public-good services while • science councils (22,9%) commercial services are paid for by the user. • water/waste utilities (2%) Public-good services include weather and climate • NGOs (2%). forecasting, a weather-disaster warning system, The main areas of research are surface hydrology, services to subsistence farmers and fishers, the groundwater, hydrometeorology, agricultural water provision of information and advice to government, use, water pollution, municipal effluents, industrial meeting regional and international treaty and water and effluents, drinking water, membrane agreement obligations, maintaining a national technology, water ecosystems, hydraulics, mine- meteorological library, technical and scientific water management, water policy, developing training in meteorology, and undertaking research communities, and the transfer of technology. to improve services. The Division: Water, Environment and Forestry In 2005/06, the SAWS issued more than 150 Technology (Environmentek) of the CSIR specialises adverse weather warnings. SAWS was expected to in research into water quality, including technology spend over R6 million in 2006/07 to expand its to meet effluent and water-quality standards, and to weather radar network. The SAWS shares weather establish reclaimed water as an additional water radar data with Mozambique and intends to source. Environmentek is a world leader in research establish a regional weather radar network involving into activated sludge processes and the biological neighbouring countries in the SADC in the long term. monitoring of water to detect potentially toxic Because lightning causes major damage and substances. It is also involved in research into the loss of life, in 2005/06 SAWS installed the state-of- effects of afforestation and veld management on the the-art Lightning Detection Network that covers quantity and quality of catchment water-yield. Lesotho and Swaziland and parts of Namibia, Environmental research Zimbabwe, Botswana and Mozambique. The Chief Directorate: Environmental Management Among other activities, the SAWS runs the Global of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Atmospheric Watch Programme, which measures Tourism annually finances several research and and monitors greenhouse gas datasets. The SAWS monitoring programmes. has also rolled out a number of ozone-monitoring The programmes comprise subjects such as stations in the SADC region. waste management and pollution, nature The NRF directs the multidisciplinary Conser- conservation, river management, the coastline and vation and Management of Ecosystems and marine environment, and the atmosphere. Biodiversity Focus Area, primarily in collaboration Some programmes are conducted in with universities and museums, to promote and collaboration with the NRF, while others are support research into living resources and terres- undertaken on behalf of the department by the CSIR trial, freshwater, marine, coastal and atmospheric and universities. ecosystems. Research into human-environment interaction Some 170 projects are approved annually, and sponsored by the department is co-ordinated by global issues such as climate change and biological the HSRC. diversity are also included. The sustainable use of In addition, institutes of the ARC are concerned natural resources is a priority area, resulting in an with environmental research insofar as increase in projects relying on sociology and the environmental problems impact on agriculture or humanities. The NRF also supports a range of are caused by agricultural practices. environmental research network organisations

504 such as the Arid Zone Ecology Forum, the Fynbos utilisation of marine ecosystems and their Forum, the Indigenous Plant-Use Forum and the resources are guiding objectives in the research Savanna Ecology Forum. and advice provided by the chief directorate. The NRF supports marine and coastal research in Fisheries research partnership with the Department of Environmental Research into South Africa’s fish resources, and Affairs and Tourism and South African Network for their conservation and judicious exploitation, is Coastal and Oceanic Research. carried out by research personnel of the Chief Directorate: Marine and Coastal Management, a Private-sector involvement division of the Department of Environmental Affairs South Africa’s gold-mining industry works at deeper and Tourism, and by several universities and NGOs. levels and under more difficult conditions than any Research is designed to provide parameters for other mining industry in the world. The research into estimates of stock sizes and sustainable yields for gold mining conducted by the CSIR’s Mining the different fisheries. Technology group is concerned primarily with ensuring the health and safety of the workforce. It Coastal and marine research includes those working in the areas of rock The Chief Directorate: Marine and Coastal Manage- engineering and the underground environment. ment advises on the utilisation of marine living Mining Technology’s coal-mining research takes resources and the conservation of marine place on a smaller scale than that of gold mining, ecosystems, by conducting and supporting relevant because the coal-mining industry can make use of multidisciplinary scientific research and by various overseas developments. Areas in which monitoring the marine environment. Sustainable research is undertaken include strata control, use and the need to preserve future options in the mining, maximising the extraction of coal, and the underground environment. Research is also carried out by a large number of industrial companies with facilities to meet their specific needs. The Department of Science and Technology The more important ones are the Anglo American declared June 2006 Antarctica Month to make Corporation of South Africa (applied metallurgy, South Africans more aware of the unique and exciting research done by South African processing of precious metals, base metals scientists on this frozen continent and the sub- and coal), Agricura (synthesis and testing of Antarctic islands. The mission of the South veterinary remedies, insecticides, herbicides and African Antarctic Programme (Sanap) is to entomology), Cullinan Holdings (refractories and increase people’s understanding of the natural electrical porcelain), De Beers Industrial Diamond environment and life in the area through appropriate research, science and technology. Division (manufacture and application of synthetic Sanap research is undertaken in Antarctica, on diamonds and other super-hard material), the Prince Edward islands (including Marion Johannesburg Consolidated Investment Company Island and Prince Edward Island), Gough Island (metallurgy, mineralogy, chemistry and chemical and in parts of the Southern Ocean. engineering), National Chemical Products (chemistry, Two government departments are joining hands microbiology and animal nutrition), Metal Box in managing South Africa's Antarctic initiative. Company of South Africa (corrosion mechanism and The Department of Science and Technology, microbiology), Tellumat (development of electronic through the National Research Foundation, is responsible for science research, while the instruments), the Rembrandt Group (development Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and improvement of tobacco and liquor products), takes care of logistical management. South African Pulp and Paper Industries (wood technology, paper manufacture and water The month also marked the 45th anniversary of the first South African National Antarctic treatment), and Standard Telephones and Cables SA Expedition team to over-winter on the ice. (long-distance transmission of information and lightning protection).

505 Science and technology Acknowledgements BuaNews Council for Geoscience Estimates of National Expenditure 2006, published by National Treasury Human Sciences Research Council Medical Research Council Mintek National Department of Agriculture National Health Laboratory Service National Research Foundation South African Bureau of Standards Water Research Commission www.csir.co.za www.dst.gov.za www.gov.za www.iscor.co.za www.sabs.co.za www.southafrica.info

Suggested reading Austin, B. Schonland. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press, 2001. Brooke-Simons, P. Cullinan Diamonds: Dreams and Discoveries. Cape Town: Fernwood Press, 2004. Crouch, M. ed. Sparkling Achievements. Johannesburg: Chris van Rensburg Publications, 2001. Fig, D. Uranium Record: Questioning South Africa’s Nuclear Direction. Johannesburg: Jacana, 2005. Harrison, I and Joyce, P. eds. The Book of Firsts: South African Edition. Cape Town: Jonathan Ball, 2005. Harrison, P. South Africa’s Top Sites: Science. Cape Town: Spearhead, 2004. Macrae, C. Life Etched in Stone: Fossils of Southern Africa. Johannesburg: Geological Society of South Africa, 1999. Prout-Jones, D. Cracking the Sky. Pretoria: University of South Africa, 2002.