LIT 61F Reading Graphic Novels Summer Session 2014 | TuTh, 1:00-4:30PM, SocSci 075 Thomas 1 University of California Santa Cruz Lit 61F: Introduction to a Literary Topic – Graphic Novels & Comics Instructor: Cathy Thomas,
[email protected] Office: Hum 1, Room 115A, Wed. 2-4 PM; and by appt. TA: Matthew Landry,
[email protected] Office: _________ Cafe, Thu. 4:30-5:30 PM; and by appt. Graphic NOVELS & COMICS you will have the opportunity to do both The Syllabus creative and critical writing. Reading Graphic Novels has four goals. First, it Visual storytelling is part of our human origin invests time in understanding how to close read story. From prehistoric cave drawings to the comics page and how certain elements computer generated avatars living a relate to literary tropes, specifically metaphor SecondLife™, representation has been a and metonymy in graphia1. Second, it reasons pluralistic act. Graphic novels and comics are that as comics have texts where we can observe the hybridization of developed alongside ethnic, gender, and racial ideas; the study of human material and them provides new perspectives to our intellectual progress scholarly inquiries. But there are those who still its comics’ content consider the medium low brow. Who then has will reflect this the power to determine what is worth synthesis. Third, it “reading” as the most representative or central examines how work for a period or people? To answer this, we writers depict will explore Chris Ware’s ergodic graphic novel, modernity and Jeremy Love’s dark allegory, Brian Vaughn’s & alienation in the Fiona Staples’s miscegenation space opera and cities, suburbs, small selected works of other creators.